HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-06, Page 7RINGS! COLD 1 Ana the. only ion who can and Premises. 1 make and finish lossible manner, ;ion iu every instance. Where gold is ;he same gold, 'sties, By leaving your Jan save from Style, weight Rud We also make Brooches, Bangle Moderate Prices. jewelery Repairing graving Neatly ly Executed. ALE Opposite Macdonald Do you know repairs watches Park,Watolimaker RINGS! f f 1 1 ( I i 1 I 1 at 1 l i 1 Jeweler north of Lon- does make rings on the all work in the best and guarantee satisfies found, I always return munafactared as per order with nie, yon 25o to 52, according to quality of ring. to order Engraved Coin• Pins, etc., etc•, and Era- and Prompt- fi} `� iib K JEWELER, Block, Wingham, a man in Canada that any better than Halsey and Jeweler, Winghitni? '1 ird Year ' rhe best publish. SIXTEEN NOW =.../..accomnscruu But a Young a brightest , any Oan•+tR. PA S IS HE as or . . . eelly Paper . the pities EVERY WEEK. TIME TO i SUBSOI BE i'• 417 S Good kddless all WESTERN BANK N[tli�i fy} Yit45lt9� Capital, k1,'I50,000, President—J JOHN Proem, Savings 1. Deposits allowed. Special rates of ii Drafts oi, bought and E. L. DICKINSON, . Front Nov tial ducoments communications— W_INGH aux 8runar. vice-President—A. DIXtEO Geo, Ween, Cashier iaanit—noure,leto of 51 and Deposits -est. Great sold 9 !o JaL �� Rates to Clubs. to Canva ers. ADVERTISER, London, HAMILTON mum, A. B. LEE -3. TURNBULL. upwards alt=o Britain S. Solicitor. Ontario. M. Best, 0050,000 G. ItAMSAY. a OES Wu Guises, M P, A. T. (Toronto). 8; Saturdays, 10 received and interest received at current and the United State. 'WILLSON, AeENT ......-- FOR A complcste brick of Wingham, on the most desirable Heated by a'furnace; With hard and 8 good stable. age and runs Terms easy. Apply • JOB.N SALE. of cottage in the Town. Minnie street, ouo streets for a residence. a largo wood shed, soft water in wood shod; 'l'he lot has 55 feet front- 3631 feet back to a lane. to NPELANDS, Wingham, LAD For sale, about• of it nearly all buildings; large the balanee, about land, with a large still on it. About Seeded' for pesture. first-cslass pasture. miles from in e W is a good saw will be sold on particulars. apply Wingham, Ont. SALE. FOR a All 000 acres of land; 200 in pasture; with tirst.dass part of it uncierdraxined, 400 sere", mostly new quantity of timber 350 acres cleared and Land will make Farm situated two g promises ha Ill, On the -Pon is r mill in running order, reasonable terms. For to Post Office Box 125, 'u s '�a'� �;� �r ;,'. •� t1 ''"`ttr,y' fk. `1 HI;LOH 2 ' 2.''(J hW''''' tit .11. o e. ung ' Q 1 w $i.oa Bottle. • one w n pont a do dodo. ' TAKE �iTN E tit, 1.. •7. .N b a• aa 4.0''1}�.. h z� ',ty{+:' ,���•, •i 5 •x'1.7.1 fit i40.. !•A •k s. . fr' ti � � • r• +by all druggists, and is the Cure. Drug Stoke, It is sold on a guarantee ft our'es Incipient commotion Befit dough and croup Sold et Chisholm's Corner PISS'( 'S' CURE. •.t,gb yr.»•t'`astesOO U. Lee �nE field by tiro Win COHOSU'MR Beit 1cf THE WIN Ptint ent Pointers, A war horse is not to be eonlpared o a peace donkey, A. sluggard is a fellow who takes he hardest way to have an easy Sonic people . impart information eery much as a hedgehog sheds his mills. One of the devil's best means of ceeping a woman from earnest living s tittle-tattle. A boomer is a man who bas lots Wore enthusiasm than he has any thing to ,keep it on, The water that makes the foam ander the mill dam is not the water hat turns the wheel of the mill. The mosquito might• have been aighly prized as a singing bird, if it Wad only stuck to that business alone, A mouse has a right to judge a a at, but the minute. it opens its mouth [t invites the. cat's judgment on it. A. brass band can put more life into an old nag in a minute than a ten acre oat field in a Week of Sun- days, There isn't anything that sweetens sleep like waking up and seeing the hands of the clock within ten minutes of the. getting up time, If you had to believe all that other people say in their•own favor, you would soon be obliged to do some lying on your own account or eIse fall in behind in the procession. You needn't take a man's word for it that he has dropped from the clouds because there is no dust on his shoes. May be his wife blacked them before he was up in the morn - ng. An Important Office. To properly till its office and fnnotions, it is irnportant that the blood be pure. Wheu it is in such a condition, the body is almost certain to be, healthy: A coni- tsome xlaiut at this time is a,att rrh in of its various forms. A slight cold devel- ops the decease in the head. Droppings of corruption passing into the lungs bring on consumption. The only way to cure thio disease is to purify the blood. The most obstinate' cases of ca- tarrh yield to the medicinal powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla as if by magic, simply because it reaches tbo seat of the disease, and by purifying and vitalizing the blood, removes the cause. Not only does Hood's Sarsaparilla do this but it gives renewed vigor to the whole system, making it possible for good health to reign supreme. o Peppered with Adjectives. I noticed' -my dear, said Uncle Allen Sphrks, to one of his nieces, that when yea have a toothache it's the worst you ever had. The yoang man who was here last night was the ugliest fellow you ever saw. Ac- cording to your statement a little while ago it took you forever and a day to learn how to make a sponge cake. The house, you say, is full of flies. You have just declared that the room is as hot . as an oven; you have the dreadfulest headache you ever had in your life, and the boy across the road is making the fear- fulest racket a boy ever made. Don't If You Would Don't and f Don't contra you're sure y Don't be affairs of ev friend. Don't un you don't pox Don't believe th everybody else in the world is hap iel` than you. Don't conclude that you have nlievfe.er had any opportunities in your Don't believe allathoevil you hear. Don't repeat gossip even if it does interest a crowd. Don't go 'untidy on the plea that everybody knows you. Don't be rude to your inferiors in social position. Don't over or under dress. Don't express a positive opinion. unless you perfectly understand what you are talking about. Don't jeer it anybody's religious belief. Scrofulous Symptoms. Are tumours, abscesses, sore eyes, erup- tions and obstinate skin diseases, Burdock Blood Bitters, cures all blood diseases, from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. In all cases of this nature where the skill is broken and sores or ulcers exist, the outward appli- cation of B. B. B., diluted with water if necessary, and applied on soft linen cloths, is recommended• to insure a perfect cure. A Boy's Chances. There are many who will ' agree that boys who have towork for a living should be encouraged, rather than commiserated.. Their chance of achieving real success ':Are at least equal to if not greater than those of boys who start life with riches. It J. Burdette says truthfully that the working lad, being grit, full of cit , reaches;out and takes aril the chances without waiting to have' one given him. But for the poor man the world would have cast anchor six thousand years ago, and be covered with moss and lichens to -day, like a United States man of war. George Peabody was a boy in a small grocery; Benjamin Franklin, the printer, the son of a tallow chandler; John Adams, the son of a poor farmer ; Gifford, the first editor of the "Quarterly Review," a common sailor ; John Milton, the son of a scrivener ; Andrew Jackson, the son of a poor Irishman ; Andrew' John- son, a tailor ; Garfield, a boy of all work, too poor to even have a trade ; Grant a tanner ; and Lincoln, a keel - boatman and a common farmhand. If there's a patch on your knee, and your elbowsare' glossy, there is some hope for you, but never say that the poor boy has no chances. He monopolizes all the chances there are. Yellow Oil used internally cures or relieves croup, asthma, sore throat. bronchitis and similar complaints. Used you sec, my child, this sort of thing externally on man or beast it cures won't do? Some time in your life rheumatism, sprains, bruises, galls, chilblains, frost bites. lumbat;a, lame back, ants, wounds, insect bites. you will really have an experience requiring the superlative degree to describe it, and you won't be able to convey any idea of it. You will have used up all your adjectives. That is all. You can go to thumping the piano again.L_0hicago Tribune. Short Journeys on a Long Road. James Adams, of the Kingston, Ont., prison, has been commissioned by Sir C. 13. Tupper to inspect Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania, in connection with.the now reformatory at Alexandria, Ont. Is the characteristic title of a profusely Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanoogan " illustrated book containing over one Tenn, says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Livor or Kidney trouble it excolii. Price 75 cts. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer resorts in the country north and west of Chicago. The reading matter is now, the, illustrations aro new. and the information therein will be new to almost everyone. A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Road" will besent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to•pay postage) to Ciro. H. Hi'ArroRD, General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago,111, THE MANCIIESTnn MYSTERY has last. The ed at ,t been grey inhuman Murderer has been traced Le his lair, and will doubtless, before long Suffer for his crime upon the scaffold. Mysterious as the case seemed at one thne, it always 'appears to us to be it still greater mystery the Hien, women, and children, in Manchester and elsewhere, should continue to suffer frO.t shattered nerves, impure blood, a disordered liver, low spirits, indigestion and the like, when by a judicious use of Holloway's famous Pills they might easily and rapidly be restored to health, strength and vigour. The strong arra of justice sometimes fails to reaclh the evildoer, but Holloway's taiued by falling upon a street cross - Pills never fail Ira achieving their tug, the judge has given a derision b` et in favor of Mrs. Hunter. A penniless tramp named Maurice Barker, who slept in a Hamilton police station on Sunday night, Monday morning received a draft for fifteen hundred pounds sterling froin England, being his share of his father's estate, Benet in six hours.—..listressmg Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in .six hours by the "Great South American Tiid- nay Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight ht to t Y $IC1an8 on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing, pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention tion of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If yen wa t quick relief sd euro this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. In the ease of appeal before Judge Doyle, of Goderieh, against the action of the jury in the c€tise of Mrs. Hunter vs. Lueknow, when a ver- diet of $200 and costs was given in favor of the plaintiff for injury sus. An Inst range An important decision last week by Chief Justice at Osgoode Hall in the suit hrou by John Wanless & 00., jewelers, o Toronto, against the Lancashire and the British Ameroa Insurance Com- panies. The suit was for $3,200 insurance, and the dispute was really between the two insurance Companies. At, the time of the large fires last winter the Insurance companies stamped a clause on their policies which made the policy holder a co-insurer with the company for seventy-five per cent of the polio that is, the policy holder agreed to insure seventy-five per cent of the value of his stock in some other com- pany, and in the event of not doing so because a co-insurer with the company for the difference between the 75 per cont and the amount he had so insured in other companies. The decision of Chief Justice Armour decides that all such clauses as were stamped on the policies were invalid and of no effect as not con- forming with the Ontaria Statute which requires that any variation in the conditions of an insurance policy must be printed under the head of "Variations and Additions" in the policy. Catarrh relievedin 1060minutes.— One ' a -- to rout s. 4 Ono shor„uH e of the breath through the Blower, supplied witheachbottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thisPowder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf- ness. 60 cents. At Chisholm's Drug Store. Carrying Over Ram Lambs. Breeders of purebreds usually aim to sell their ram lambs in the fall. This they can do, as a rule, provid- ing the lambs have sufficient develop- ment. But, even under the best of management, some of the lambs will lack full development; that is to say, they are not likely to be so far developed as to readily catch the eye of a buyer. Even so, such animals should not,be sacrificed. It may be that somwere twins; others may not have been nursed in the best form by the dams, and yet others may have been dropped late. Many of these may yet develop into fine rams, and they should be given. the chance. They should be carried over andsold as shearlings whenever they have the promise of fair possi- bilities' of development. Of course, when they are not of this character, they should be castrated without any hesitation. It would be in the in- terests of sheep husbandry if there were not so many lambs used as sires. They should be allowed to get nearer maturity before introduc- ing them into flocks for service. There can be no question of the fact that rains in the meridian of vigor should prove better sires than those which are immature. As soon as breeders understand this question properly, there will be fewer ram lambs bought for breeding uses. Stock rams will come to be purchased more and more in the shearling form. — "Jason," in Farming for December. Shiloh's Curs is sold on aguarantee. it mires Insipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent n dose 25ets , 50ets., and 81. Sold at Chis- holm's his- holm,s Corner Drug Store. • The special committee of the Toronto City Council will continue the litigatt rfor cheaper gas. The offer of company, just made, is a reduction of ten cents por thousand instead of tha requested fifteen cents to ordinary consumers, and five cents reduction instead of ten cents to those who use between :.x00,000 and 500,000 feet per annum. The prices now are $1.05 and 95 cents respectively for heating and illuminat- ing- gas. Heart Disease Believed ni 30 Niiatttds,-� Ail 'cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- now's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, 'W l ngham. WEEM FARM Ailb Sixteen Pages, 90 Columns, of Attractive Family Read- ing Every Week. 80tH ��iy, sl piip[10) D lo9(ier lUII The WEEKLY FREE PRESS and 1fARh( ANI) HOME, Corllbined in one issue, uniform in size and appear- ance, is offered to subscribers frrnl now until the 31st December, 1895, for ONE DOLLAR! The FREE PRESS is the Leading LiberalOonservative Journal ofWest- ern Ontario. It contains each lvcek cu complete summary of the news and. comment of the Mixes. The Commercial pages of t11c' WEEKLY Fusin Paiss are up to date, n.nd ample fox' the country 011erehant. farmer and dairyman. The FARM 1,ND HOME contains eael: week able articles on Agricultural subjects and Live Stock, The farmer and. cattle and horse breeder will find in its pages abundant topics of special interest. A Serial Talc, of absorbing interest 1 will be an interesting feature of the WEEKLY FREE PRESS. Both Papers Combined for $1 from Now Until December 31st, 1396. Agents wanted everywhere. Addresc all communications to the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. CO�P�YTRIGHTSs CAN F OEBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer And an honest opinion, writs to ex UN N experience CEA„ who haus bad nearly fifty years' experleneo In the patent business. eommuuioa- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan. teal and scientific boors sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus aro brought widely beforethe public with. out cdoweeyhel;ntityoir- nTaeesdphsdibdyfa th largest eirention E anyscientific vrtra in the ;wrld. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free- , Buildin ree.'Buildin Edition'monthly, Y2.50a year. Single copies, 2:cents. Every number contains beau- tiful tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plane, enabling builders to show the latent designs and secure contracts. .Address , MUNN R CO., NEW YORE. 361 BaoAvw.AT� LONDON. ONTAItIO. ell 4.r'.Mt .e. J Caveats and Trade-nTarlts obtained. and alt patent business conducted for DlODEB,t?i; FEES, My race is in the immcdiato vicinity of tee Patent Officer and my fachities for securing patents are unsurpasse Send model. sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement as to advantage$ claimed. t w No rharm; is strafe for ala opinion as do ro atentadiairll, and my fee for prosecuting the application will not be called fn' until (Tie petentis allowed. "Inva•.Toas' Goma,' con- taining fill information sent free. All Comment. cations ConsiCcree .5,8 Strictly ClonflCelxtlal. FRP ., KLIN HI.HOUGH ,,.:aa,..a.. L't. iffY61Fiikl VEAK 1 E0;1 rJ'E 4 J ter, t5 6 STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. ti �Sv.�"CfiRi S GUARANTEED OR NO tFA Y! F R1? Nervone and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; notun- r �) •� e bition—lifeless; memoryypoor: easily fatigued• excitable and irritable; el -es sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night ie;. os; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains: bair loose; ulcera; sore throattario, cele; deposit in urine anti drains et stool; di,.trustful; want of confidence; lack of wart, and strength— W,E CAN CURE YOU RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. A'. & K. . JOt7N ' . 'cANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWE�R°. sa '.' IIEF•Onl' . JEAT,1E.I•T. AFTER TREATMENT. BEFORE TaEAT t15NT. AFTCIt T1tEeTIIishT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, John A. Manila. sayst-"I was one of the count'emo via - tried . time of early ignorance commenced at 1u years of age. I tried seven medical firms and spent 51000 without avail. EMISSIONS Agip I gave up in despair. The drains on my cyst,m were weakening my intellect as well as my soxnal and physical t•�'� �;,i life. My brother advised me Pis a last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kerman. 1 commenced theirNew Method and ane man withn w CURED. e¢g�� yy'-�� Treatment an weeks was�► , e lrvlD4i. life and ambition. This was four years ago., ,zn noww 1 nm married and happy. 1 recommend those reliable specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR IVO PAY,--CONF'IDENTA'L. ' "The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of niy leu. l,nter 011 a "gay life" and exposure to blood di- sease:, i-' riser completed the wreck. I had all the eymltoma of Nervous >obility—sunken eyes, emissions, dram in urine, re, nervnnne:is, weak back, etc. Syphilis caused my heir to , full out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on tongue, iW blatrhea on body, etc. I thank God i tried Drs. Kennedy & Kerwin. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CIIAS. POWEI113. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Gored. es'F'We trent and Lure Varicneele, imassiots, Nervous Debility, S eminal /cadaers Gleet, Stricture, Syhitzs Unnatural Discharges, Self abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 07 YEARS IN DETHOIT. 200 000 CURED. NO RISK. Are You a victim? navy, you lost hope? . Aro you eoutem satin nary S, READER! tinge? Ilan your Blood b. on diseased? Have you any wrakriess?r Our Newt letiiod Treatment will care you. What it• 1rn done for others it Will do for you, c.ON2ULTATION FREE. No matter who h m. b on write for an honest opinion Pro of Charge Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE—"Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), n Dew. ec of Men, Ineleso. ostnee, 2 Manta. SSealed,+ t_. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI' n VATh'. ;vo tm. diolne a. at C. O. U No name on boxes or envoi.. oe,' n. Everything confldentictl. Question Het and cost Of T.roti--.' rep. t. FRILL. t�k. g1 , 119 x y�p �4 l.‘ Ilt4r�r � 9� 5+7! y !i'1i w