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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-06, Page 3cuX4Tlv,a.TQR 1896 ANP 17 TUI Ben of elm .TUSAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO. Is and Proeessos,. ture 'and Fruit -Growing, Live Stock and Dairying, Includes all mienr departments of such as the Poultry Yard, Entomo• . .oping, Oreenhottse and Gropers, ."Iles, Farm Questions and Answers, ie., Domestics l;conomy, and sung}nary the Wrek. Its Slaricet Reports aro Ite. and much attention is paid to the Le crape, ns throwing: It^ht upon ono portant Mall mention. --When to Ilny I lib • , I ' Illustrated, .a I. tis crtl 4and 1 d rending »tatter than over before. The rico Is d 60 per year, but tre offer a Oen in our EAT.1GS YOU 1SS116. 1111.1O s, in one remittance $ 4 At. 55 ,t 10. ,t tt tt 15 vow Subscribers for 1800, paying in wn will send the paper weekly, from the'remittauoo, to Jannary lst 1696 ConIEs FREE. Address TUCKER ctt SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. IFED & SCOTT S., Street • - Wi'ighate, Ont 7n, mt Forest. J. W. SCOTT, LtarAwo Received and Interest allowed. advanced. to Farmers and Business Men, short time, cm endorsed notes al security. Sate notes bought rluation. Money remitted to all Lnada at reasonable charges. Attention Given to Col - .g Accounts and P7 otes. Canada—The Merchants' Bank of Canada trs—Prom 0 a. su. to 6 p. u. A. E. SMITH, Atom., :ansa and two bottles of modloine sent Ppm to Give Express and Post Onlco address. T.4. rfCAL CO.. Ltd., Toronto. Ont. •t:"&e11•0, rri i'e•.'Acrae,- l6cintic 1 Prtats, PSerara1n c rain in the We, ate. Promptly Itellevol and Cured by e G6 atl..& 1:" Menthol Piaster wing used your D. ,s1, hrentbed Plaster ovum patnlu Thu bac}: end Iumbago.I Cettotingly reentui and sumo as a sato, and rail( moody tin fact. they net like 'ia•-•A. L82018 T0, I;lizabatatulvn, Ont. k". ico 2.1c. VIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, AIONT1trAt.. 11" !HENAN • !NTN TOOK SICK ri WHAT IF WOULDtit 1.4,,,, pop = 'ria 04 lst spend his Four a, 4� arters for a bottle of 014 rdock Blood Bitters all. sensible people do • be- ` se it cures Dyspepsia, �Co e F n e•. v alien Billow Biliousness, S S s ick dacha, Bad Mood, and all 1 rases of tale Stomach, Liver, Blood icys, Bowels and Blood from moon Pimple to the worst ifuloiis Sore, W. O. T. U. COLUMN. (CONIyt}OZID n'7; 'PUN WINOIIAti »nom ,) ('as Gad and Him?? ttr tetb Land," We call the atfoittloti, of the mothere and stators to tltn fact, that the wnutatt's t Ilrihtian Temper. Riled urtica meats the third blonday every month at three o'olo•ac +harp, for one hoar, at Sirs. Itelm's rosideneo, Pat.iek struet, All ladles are made web cools. As the Editor has kindly given us part of his space, for oar work; we ask friends of the casino to send items of iutotcat on all moral questions of the day to 4tiy et our Inenlbelu. ¶i all LAND OF PItOfIIBXTION.. 11Y 1u6i5. IIARRISoN eine .1'To broken windows o3• hanging doors, No greasy wallsor dirty floors, But pretty homes and gardens gay, anent of sweet flowers miles away In the Land of Prohibition.. 'k. No'"raggit weans," no weary wives, No women in fear for their wretched lives, ^'' But mem maids and* bonny onI y n n boys, s Y, And streets alive with gladsome noise In the Land of Prohibition. N o aching hearts and dragging feet, N 0 unemployed in any street, But bounding step and cherry wing, W ork for the willing, brave and strong In the Land of Prohibition. No frowning jails or prisonsdrear, No criminals in training here. But far and wide our banner waves O'er men who never shall be slaves In the Land of Prohibition. R'I'P'A•N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the s1s�sYssol common every -day ills fhu anit . 111 y No public debt to make men frown, No breaking banks to crush them clown, No empty coffers in the state, For debts are small and income great In the Land of Prohibition. Dear, far-off country of my birth, The grandest spot upon the earth, Oh, may I live to see the flay When all the woe shall pass away, And glorious, beautiful and free Thou shalt arise viotoriously— Tho Land of Prohibition. —Union Sinal. A BOY'S VIEW ON ALCOHOL. ]BASTER A, ROGER'S ESSAY THAT WON THE OTTAWA W. C. T. U. PRIZE. Alcohol is an Arabic word mean- ing "evil one." It was first dis- THE "WINGJ1AM Tura , DECEMBER U,, 1891. T IE ART OF GIVING"'.{ Ergotism.4.. Delightful Oilr1stlnas A'l:agazine, ----= t Allno3t every spring we "sear rte'; The Christmas Ladies'' "Home DR. P. RK-IWUwJ.' Asgl WVS THAT IT' county oi` crtttlo dying of a strange .Journal by far surpasses,. both in disease in some parts of the country, literary and urtlstie excellence, any and investigation reveals the fact previous. issue of that popular maga- that they are the. victims ofergotism, zine. Conspicuous among the con• throughfeeding on meadow hay tributors are ex -President Harrison, covered with ergot. The disease is who gives the introductory paper of not a common ono, but, in oneorthe. series ho is preparing upon "This IMO. instances, cattle on neighboring Country of Ours"; Mrs. Mary Ander- farms have been .affected by it, tivhielt son de Navarro, who most interest. r , JUSTAS SPSh.* I TS E. Yl'Ih 11t 1 131. L R LING ICS,, "The Passion of Money -Getting" is the topie of Dr, Charles H, Park- hurst's paper in the December Ladies' home Journal. In discus- sing one phase of his theme he says: has caused their owners,, who were . ingly tells of ""My First Appearance A man cannot be trusted to d0 ignorant of the eaule, to think that on the Stage"; and Mary Ill. Wilkins, right in this {the art of giving] or in any other particular till he can do right easily, that is to. say, until it has become his habit to do right. Giving cannot be left to impulse, 'Wo have seen what might be called impulsive spellers, and they make just the same wretched work with orthography that impulse -giving ,• makes with chanty. Nor is the purpose subserved by patting into the child's bands as a gratuity the money that he is expected to bestow as a beneficence. Merely letting money go through Ms hands will not make him charitable any more than letting water slip through a lead pipe .will make the lead fertile. The act that is going to strengthen the. little boy -giver or the little, girl - giver in theelireetion of a matured generous disposition must be au act tion; faulty digestion, nervousness, in whieh'the actor feels that' he is and, eventttally, loss of voluntary parting with something that is his motion. These are sure signs that own, not something which he is ergotism is the cause of the trouble, merely handling• in the same cepa- and the patient should be treated city of agent. It. is a very ;common accordingly. thing, if there is a beggar at the Now, as to the cause of ergotism. door to whom a pittance is to be In nearly every instance it can be given, or a gathering in the church traced to the feeding .of wild or or the Sunday -School where the coin- meadow hay cut off, low bottom` tribution box is to be passed, for the lands. This wild hay is generally ehild to obtain from its father or cur, late, after the upland hay crop is mother the requisite penny, and then secured, and at a time when, as for the child and parent both to im frequently happens, there is consider- agine that the child was somehow able ergot on the heads ; where wild involved in and disciplined by the rye is growing, too, the amount of penny's conferment, The child in ergot in the grain is oftentimes very Sunday -School does not learn to give in . that. way any more than the child in the spelling class learns to spell by the bare mimicry of the covered by the' Arabians in the early letters that the teacher herself puts part of the eleventh. century. into the child's mouth. 'The Indians called it Fire Water We learn to spell by making the and its effeet upon them is terrible in spelling -act our act. We learn to the extreme. give by making the giving -act our Two reasons why we should not use alcohol in any way are because three-quarters of all the crimes are committed while under the influence of liquor. Sixty thousand people are killed every year by drink in bestowed in benefaction it sustains a al sevcough. could apt sleep sou d the disease was an infectious one. i who gives the first of ""Neighborhood The Iowa Experiment Station Types". papers. Rudyard i'`iphng's devoted some attention to the study latest and best romance, ""William of ergotism in 1892. It would seen?. the Conqueror" (richly illustrated by to be more prevalent in that State , W. L. Taylor,), is begun in the than in Canada, and also more dead- i Christmas Journal as is Julia Ma- ly in its course, Oa one farm, out of grader's new novelette,"The Violet," fifty head of cattle,. nineteen died, ' which Charles Dana Gibson has and thirteen more were affeeted, "illustrated, while Mrs. Burton Harri• 1 tivhile the whole herd. was. in a sort y son's fascinating story, "The Holiday • condition, The crippled condition of Dance at Worrosquoyaeke" (pictures the affected individuals showed itself by W. T. Smedley,) is delightfully in the Toss of hoofs, toes, and, in i concluded. James Whitcomb Riley's several instances; of one or more feet 1 tenderly reminiscent poem, "At the entirely. In some of .tlae eases the 1 Gate" (superbly' illustrated by A. B. symptoms were more of a eonstitu- Prost,) and Kate Greenaway's win- tional type, unaccompanied. by any some dainty little people, are two 1 loss of the extremities. page features of the December Where loss of hoofs, feet, and toes Journal, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney in does not occur, symptoms such as the a "Friendly Letter to Girl Friends" following will be noticed: Emaeia- sharply criticises society for what it is,'and shows its true mission or purpose, and a fitting page -mate to it is Lilian 13e11's caustie analysis of "The Man Under Thirty -Five," a brilliantly -witty paper. Edward W. Bok editorially discusses' • the South' and Southern people, directs atten- tion to "An Evil of the 'Holidays," chats upon "A Young Christmas" and "Young Men and Evening Work." Dr. Parkhurst talks strong- ly in condemnation of "The Passion of Money -Getting"; Iiezekiah Butter- worth tells "How Longfellow Wrote His Best -Known Poems," and Robert J. Burdette humorously and pointed- ly treats of "Wasting Other People's pronounced. This hay gets stored, Time." Aside from the usual de - away in a back shed, or is covered• partments and talks about fashions over by straw at threshing time, and in feminine attire, there is a daintily - so is, on some farms, not used till illustrated article "Attractive near the end of' the winter or the Dinner Cards," which outlines the beginning of spring, when the good art of dinner -giving"; also instruc laay is pretty well fed out. This ac- tions in Christmas decorations for eounts for so many attacks of ergotism churches, talks of Christmas gifts, coming on in early spring.—"Stock- recipes for candies and puddings, suggestions for needle -work, parties and games. "An Ideal Kitchen" and "A $3,500 Suburban Home," both illustrated, are especially useful articles ; the latter gives all the plans and details of construction, and is by a practical architect. The musical feature of the number, a hymn, "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee," is one of Bruno Oscar Klein's hest compositions. The artists replre seated in the Christmas Journal ere among the, most notable illustrators, and include A. B. Frost, Kate Green- away, W. L.. Taylor, 0. D. Gibson, Alice Barber Stephens, W. T. Smed- ley, E. Grivaz, E. •M. Hallowell, Abby E. Underwood, Miss E. S. Green, W. S. Rice. By The Cards Publishing; Cotupany, Philadelphia. One dollar per year : ten cents per copy. act. It is hoped that this truism will ishan," in Farming for December. touch a vibrating ehord in the intelligences and hearts .of parents.. Lungs Closed Up. Tho full of moneyed risen, i Geises,—In the epi ly part of the but really, great as is the amount win ter 1 'aught a bad• cold, followed by ere con n0 very feeble ratio to the amount that oly lunge seemedu walk only rt few yards without stopping to get breath. 1 sent for llilburn's Ood Liver Oil Emulsion and before I had tisviebb(1 the third bottle the cough was none—I could breathe freely and felt like at new main. `l: advise all sufferers from ivingbse colds or asthma, to give your pensate those who have been ruined children, their parents imagined that . Emu !slot) a trial. by your" business and then. it will be while schooling would •be necessary ' Jo R, 8. l [gym Lf Hunts Co., N. S. time to demand compensation." in order to qualify their offspring to • Some people think there is no alcohol in cider. It cannot keep 24 hours before it develops alcohol as it is Made from the juice of the apple which is very sweet. It ferments quickly. interests of and for the bettering of Wino is made from thejuice of the others ; safeguarding the lesser, grape. Beer is mostly made from trusting to chance for the greater. grain and hops and yeast is put in to make it ferment and thus form THE OLD, MIDDLE AGED AND alcohol. CHIL WREN Gin is made by heating beer until the alcohol goes off in vapor like the ARE ONE AND ALL CURED OF' KIDNEY s�'eatn from hot water and then this TROUI3LE 13T SOUTH AMERICAN is cooled and makes the liquid called KIDNEY CURE. gin. Brandy is made from wine and Kidney troubles are not confined cider the same way as gin. to those of any age. The grey-haired Whiskey is made from potatoes suffer, and keenly sometimes. The and corn and outer kinds of grain. man in the vigour of life has his And,rum from sugar cane. There happiness marred by distressing . is` no alcohol. in the fruits and grain. disease of these parts. Much of the We might eat' a quart of grapes trouble of children is due to disorcler- without getting tipsy, while if a cd kidneys. South American leindey child drank the menet of alcohol Cure treats effectively those of any that can be made from the .same age. And with.all alike relief is Inthe most dig= secured inclsly, q ua tit + grapes 'ri of iti c� l would kill it n n y p q gtressle„ cases relief comes in not less a very short time. It is known that if the white of an than six hours. It is a wonderful e - iflc and Un- cooked air in al � .bol : it becomes medicine foe this one sp c egg Put t``3Sold t hisholm's cooked in less than a minute and as ;Portant. pttrprlsa, a C brain is similar in substance do the 1' Corner Drug Store, Wingham. white of egg it is cooked in the sante way'. In Sir John 1!rankliu'sexpedi-, ,7. D. Ronald, manufacturer of fire tion to the north pole when anybody i engines, 'is considering the idea of died they put the body in alcohol to , moving his works from Brussels to preserve it and bring it home for i Toronto, and is asking the city what burial, i be could get in the way of exemptions Abstinence would save ten hundred ori the Don flats::., Millions of dollars in the IT. S. alone 1 this country alone, meaning 154 a day or one in every 10 minutes. A certain queen, who, when liquor was abolished in her kingdom, was asked by the liquor manufacturers for com- pensation replied: "Go and eom- niers and women bestow on them- selves ; and it is not because these people are intentionally sordid and have no blood in their hearts, but because years ago, when they were read and write, no sehooling in „e,ent Postal Intelligence. partieular would be necessary in .l The e face of <t rintei ostcard is order to educate them into the "far 1 p p more difficult capability of parting I net to be used for advertising pur- witli their own possessions in the poses. A sirnple business card, plain or ornamental, such as may be of service in designating the business of the •sender, is permitted. These cards are not transtniseible as such to points outside of the Dominion, and must have written or printed on the face thereof' the words "Post - Card. Two more denominations . of letter cards of the value of 1 and 2 cents respectively are now supplied to the pubic. These cards serve in the fullest sense the purpose of letters, 2 cent cards being for city circulation, while • ' for circu- lation where there is no letter -car- riers' delivery. No person should mail inoney or other valuables in ordinary letters. These should be in all eases handed ita for registration. A number' of persons have leen no c ase less than $10—for illegally inelosing correspondence in newspaper packets ackets or in other articles of mail matter prepaid at less than letter rate. A criminal prosecution is also pending against a Man. who falsely alleged.that he had enelosod money in a post letter. Persons having correspondence With the United IIingdom and other European Countries should be care- fur to prepay their letters by the half ounce, not by the ounce, the Unit of weight for all countries beyond Canada, with the exception et the United States ' fid NeWrennd land,being' heir an'btinee, every year."The Common Peeple,t, If whiskey was abolished w0( As Abraham Lincoln called them. do wonld not need so many policemen not care to argue about their aitmenta, ci and the most of 0111' courts, jails and What they want is a wedlc rte that at Will a , prisons would be closed, cure them. 'The simple, honest state - It is stated that 11589 liquor shops meat, "1 know that Hood's es Gd' aSarsaparilla Oared tae, is g. are owned b i2 members of the favor of this medicine, and this is what iiotise of L'ordt. "]slow eau tentper• many thousands voluntarily say, ante legislation to, t rpeeted from l 060 s PILLI are the best atter Mtn r suell'nlen as tthes /y}A{{ .ills, coastdi notion,. care bendael be A, RC/�oto. %6., FOr Oyefr Fifty Visits ,. AN Oral ANb Olett•TRuse rtlnotos'.-•btrs. Wina- 1ow's Soothing Syrup has boon used for overt fifty years by millions of mothore for their children while /me f nmy sides was Very Severe: I ani teething, with perfectsuedestf. It eoothos the child, sats to say thet one bottle of Burdock .. lens the gttutts, eilayel all pniti cures wind collo, t+ d Lee beet rmlledy for DIsrrilma. Isspleaeantto load Bittertl atlgeptIbtely Oared nut and rt e' trete. Seld by Drug ]ltd in ec•^ y pati of the I am yyOty ibl perfect healtb,. si old. ' w•enty�peve cents a Pottle. Its value ie t �i , erf e t sea t 011001able. iiesttre and alk for..Meii, Wtnetow's Ste. hose de Laval Que. Posthtllg Syrup, and take ne other kind. t for infants and Children. T8 RTY,.s' oitar,rva#lent of ras' eA with 'tato pntrortsg'e of, >fnilliono o? criers etxsit ns to sP on?x of it without guessing. P ,P It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has over known. It is harmless, Children like it. It ives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolnte'1y sofa and practically perfect as a. child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Cauterise rtllaye 'eve,rithness. Castoria prevents vomittnaSever Curd. easterly cures Diarrheas. and 'Wind Collo. Castoria re/levee Teething Tro:l.'bles. Centorin. cures Constipation. and :€latlsloxioy. Castoria n_ontrellees the offootn of carbon"% meta gas or poisonous sir. Castoria sloes net contain. morphine, opium., or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, rogi1aser the stomach aryl 'bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is pat sip in ane. eixe 'bottles only. It is net sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything elite on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose." • See that you get C -A -S -T O'1i.-I-A.. The fan -simile signature of le on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 1 4•. ,"'URE FITS! Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sant Free to any Sufferer. ono Express and Post Office address. n. 0. ROOT, M.C., 186 Nest Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont; AISSIMICHIESSIMESSEIS Palpitation of the heart Defined. Palpitation of 11,e heart is perhaps the most common symptom of heart. disease, and is defined as pulsations that are perceived by the patient. It tenses On in paroxysms, with inter- vals of more of less freedom from attack.,, The heart may begin to heat violently ; it may pound against the walls of the chest; the vessels may throb in the neck ; the eyes become suffused, and the head ache; or on the other hand, the heart may be very rapid and very feeble, so that the pulse may consist only of a series of rapid and almost inpalpable waves. t' 1 g 'rout al )nation f 1 t Those sofa t r;" p l ill tog heart Wield not Or f hu•t flattering of the i s delay treatment a single honN. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart will trouble u l within always retievQ this tr o the first half hour, and for this reason is .regarded by physicians generally as the greatest known remedy for the heart. Sold at Chis- holm's Corner .Drug Store, Wingham. A loan who g'oes'to see a girl twice a week, and takes her to an oceassional entertainment, is legally engaged to her, aceordin'g to a recent WWI decision. linable to Work. Gkrtvs,+-•••.0 was troubled with Liver G rrr pi intf o much that I war unable to wolkbey+we of the pails and sickness it caused. The pain under my shoulders WELL 4 WELL ANOTHER ®M STORE IN W NOHAM! Who runs it? Gordon & Co. .ES MEN WANT Pusbin trustworthy mento represent I in the sale of our Cl •ice Nursery Stook. Specia es controlled by us. H • est Salary or t.onuuta n paid weekly. - Steady cops - rent the year r. od Uutft ree exclusive torri • , experien not necessary; soft pay assured work ; s - aI inducements to. be - airmen'. Write at on •r particulars to Where is it? Opposite the Queen's Hotel. Why will it pay the people to patronize it? Because every- thing is new. No old stock. A graduate of the O. C. P. will be in constant attendance. Prices right. °We will be pleased to see our old customers and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. GORDON & CO., Wingham. 1 rarmord nii at ELLIOTT BROS., - of the Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot be u:ldereold, and our brick and tele are as good the province. as any made in h p o We can sell by the car load or 10,Q00 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a nrs•nt quantity of all kinds of luniber for Kale. ,T. & E. ELLIOTT. Winabarn, May 16, 1895, Purity the 1 ALLE OCHESTER N V. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Loa Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham. VPOrders by mail promptly attend eo G1ssf0E THOMSON, Box 155, Wingham. Ont EVERYD��FOAMILY S Is a very remarkable remedy, both for 1'R.- ',CIORNAL and EXTICT.tNAL nos, arta won dertaliaits qulok$011021 to *DBGQe distres8, PAIN -KILLER is a anre Once Stir Sal.° gi'lnont, COng ha. Glossa, (Diarrhoea. 6Dreettter3', Cresol*,. Cholera, and all bowel Ccw1.10luts. PAIN -KILLER i''yytt,iu !ippon rrm+ wily ffinntln for 8ettr F}icknees, sirs: needuceto, Again III tI,e Buck or Riffles, y1is ,nttataslla and Neer ti}liu" grey TNttt a1Y'. t r9 A f 10 t11e y L�L"'y PAIL all � tiny IY I*ilEN T ]1APE. It brings arxvnY AND rrya051 nELtsv In alt cases of Ilti+viees, Cuts, sprains, Severe spurns, ote. PAI -KILLER its uhd lAnril odofad fre arnutetMolter, huller, and in fat x1I. donee want!„ aItrolltvtte aiway8 at band, and 5Arn Tu Vax tetteeitatiy or externally with owl:dott er roller. »aware of Imitatint a, TAR steno but The nebula. !'VAaay DAVIS." Sold ovoryshoro; eta, bigbottlb, A Blessing to Every Hous. ehoide HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the teat of fifty yearn experience, and are pronounced the best lstod%cinee for Family use. rH PILLS blood, correct alt disorders of the LIVER, STOMAOH, 1IITNE'tB AND. DOWEL invaluablea complaints incidental to emales of all ages. inn f p 1`'�1 Is The only roliabtO remedy fee bad age, sores ulcers, and e1d wmmn4e. THROATS COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, OLADIJLAIt seek DISEASEg IT HAS 1.10 rtQUAL, Manufactured only at Tlst, Aiew Oxford. ]site li and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout tint world. EfirttUrelikliere.boast" look to the •algal en the pinta and 1'dts. X83 Orford Street, Umbel, they are seerr'iolite. and A