HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-06, Page 1IM*1IAM TIS His VOL. XXIV.• -NO. 1247 WING'IIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECE& ER 6, 1895. $1 Aa.. YEAR IN ADVANCE CALL ON THE FOR G-reat barg ins o©©GINcaaoe DRESS GOODS READYADE 1' ANTLES MILLINERY Y gL GROCERIES BOOTS 84 SHOES ettaAteilaitellAv READY -Pr ADE CLOTHING ORDERED CLOTHING ais% tlir'4a`✓@v H,TT c o.D SHOES for all kinds or wenthel, S.HOEs for all kinds of people, SHOES for all kinds of pochote. Felt Lined Buckle Boots, Felt Lined Long Boots, Felt Lined Laced and Gaiters for Ladies. BOYS and GIRLS SCHOOL BOOTS. Rubbers and Overshoes, Trunks and Valises. Fall Stock Complete. Prices Right. CEOR E GOOD, JYinahan,.. The Shoo Man, Marriage Licensee Issued by FRANK PATRRSON. No 23, Vie- Coria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. i:j I7I'A. Servant girl w d: no washing or i Raisins 011.s, for 2 -There will be n --Chief Bullard is busy collecting the gregational church' poll and dog tax thislweek. Black 'worsted suits from $15 up, at Gm, H. Ilivn's, City Tailor. -Huron County ouncil met' at Clinton yesterday (Thursda ) Williams' Little Dandelion Pills euro headache. Try them. —A new crossing las been put down at the Grand Trunk staion. ironing. Apply at�II4r. B. Willson s, C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. . —Rey. W. E. Ker , of Wroxeter, will preach in the Winght •i Methodist church, on Sunday next, at l jjjjjj,,,a. m. . Oysters arriving daily at the old reliable Star rantstuaut, and served in any style, JAS. McKisnvia. —Rev. A. G. Janne , of Durham, will preach in the Press.terian church, on both olni and evening. Sunday next, m ng g Servant wanted, for general housework. Apply to Mrs. John A. McLean, earner of Edward and Alfred streets, Wingham. 1' -Master Walter of Edward street, fe day night, while sial his wrists veru bad 11, son of Mrs. Bell, 1 on the ice on Satur- ting and broke one of Money to loan at-' a reasonable rate of interest on farm property. Apply to 1)r. Towler. —Rev. Mr. McEw n, who had been con- ducting 'germs' Cla nes here for three days last week, preache in the Presbyterian cltarch, on Sunday et, both morning and evening. —Private moneys to loan on mortgages OOR. rouca AND GERRARD STS., TORONTO.. :at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to Canada's. Greatest Commercial School. }tf ;FORE NEELANDS. Lam) faculty; Superior Courses ; Students assisted to positions every week. write for circulars. SIIAW ' ELLIOrT. Principals. , • In those days •e of talk about advanced methods .it Ltstruetion in Commercial Work, lotus shote you what two large and successfully conducted schools n t under one mannL•en,e t can offer you. The only practical method in existence- Write us for parti- culars. Shorthand and penmanship courses equally thorough and up to date. Ourechoolis unsurpassed In equipment and our emit of teachers all men hold• ing tethers certificates. Scud for catalogue. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, GENTS' '.URN/SHINGS 44401 ,MAS. GOODS. STRATFORD, ONT. SHAW & ELLIOTT, • P. IdoINTOSH,. Proprietors Principal. p —The five year of Scott, of the G. T. ] last, and the rem , meraton, for inter Mr. and Mrs, Scott t son of Mr. Robt. died on Saturday us were taken to Pal- nt, on Monday last. ave the sympathy of their friends in_theiL hour of trouble. . The Tiaras and Toronto Weekly Globe will bo sent from. now until the let of � - t Janpary, 18J7, for $l..,p. Subscribe at of a if you want cheap reading. =On Monday nig , about eight o'clock, fire was discovered i aback room in Mr. Thos. Drummond' butohcr shop. The alarm was sounded, nd the brigade turned out. promptly,blit t e fire was extinguished t the scone of tl 'e fire. before they arrived i Only slight damage was sustained -4 a valued time",Mand will Ker .8; Comry, sonic n the Con - Su ay. • Fine Malaga Crapes, J. McKelvie's, —Wood is oomi`ig in quit freely since the sleighing cart. Cooking Figs 5c . Kerr & Conery. —Would the au or of thepi a of poetry entitled "Fred." Icidly call Rn the editor 0f the TIews ' Headquarters for all Moltelvie's, —Mr. Thos. Bell shipped a car load of furniture to Mont al, on T -slay, per Grand Trunk Bail ay. Christie's Biscuits ' ery. —The railing o the bridge at Messrs.Carr's mill, which t as blown down by the high wind last week has been replaced. A comfortable frame dwelling house on Shuter street for sale. Apply at the Trims office. —Mr. J. H. Step skating rink into a flooded and ready f if the weather keeps s of nuts, at J. ox. Kerr i$ Con• enson is getting the ,ape, and it will be (• skating in a few days, favorable. Williams' Little Dandelion Pills cure headache. Try them. —A traiu load of tattle were shipped from Lucknow on Thrsday, Co Chatham, to be wintered at tha much cheaper than h head in the train leas to hold them. place, where feed is re. There were 400 and it took 17 cars Half a ton of misted e Kelvie's, ice, at J. Mo- -Mr Geo Cr,li kshank .load. of bogs to In ersoll�4 Sweet cider at W. A. The Trims and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent from now until the let of January, 1897, for $l. 25. Subscribe at once if you want cheap reading. —Tho Union Fn iture Company have. been delayed in tbe work of fitting up the new factory for the est two weeks by the anon -receipt of the lk of their machinery. It is expected that will all be to hand this week, and th i it will not be long until the factory w 1 be "humming." Miss,MVl::Pherao is offering, great bar- gains in fall, -mill' ery during the coming three weeks. 200 'eta � hats, to clear, at cost. Now is you chance of London and Paris' styles at 0 Wien prices. aelf —Mr. Geo. LI d, who left for San Francisco, Califor in, on Tnursday morn- ing, was presents with a gold ring and a kindly -worded ad ess by the members of the band, on Tuns y evening last. George tuber of the band for e greatly missed by orally of the town. e. Heathfield's Healing Balsam is a 80013 LOCAL NEWS. • sure. euro for the worst cold. At . the young people g Williams' Drug Store. the late Wm. Rankin, vas largely attended. ken charge of by the society the deceased The procession was a he service at the grave The deceased carried the Maccabees, which parents. Caell for butter and eggs at Griffin's —The funeral of Grocery. - ea Saturday last, —Taxes in all rur 1 municipalities must The funeral was be paid by Docembe 14th. Maccabees, of whi C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. had been a membe Satisfaction guaranteed. very nice one, and -Mr. John 'hurt is working in the quite impressive. foundry of his brat er, Mr. Jas, Murray, $1000 insurance i in Exeter. - - I goes to his bereave Foe SALE.—A number of Brown Leghorn --.For first-class tailoring and cheap Co. fowl. Apply at tho Thies office. gents furnishings, try Webster ,Sc Remember the place, one door south of • —We have had se eral light falls of snow R. A. Graham's grocery store. during the week, •ith cold weather, and --It is a Welty t•lt the sleighing is now pretty good. Wingham and th - For a good, cool molting pipe, call on Union Furniture C. Pattersoa, the leading jeweler, 'Wingham. to get the consent o —Municipal con elle will this year meet taro and Upholster on Monday, Decem of winching up this aVrBUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS 'CASH. 1101iTil The nilly Meet Importers. WE szoia, emtE :*r or 16th, for the purpose could go on with year's business. factory. That jo Get a free sample of Williams' Little shows its animus t Dandelion Pills and be convinced. that is anything ba There is nothing like them. Our advice to it familiar with the f m odeatio in co out the shareholders the statement that by-law will be c) before the Ontario of Wingham have n The ratepayers of wholmingly in favor to. the Company, an said so, and that wi with the Legislature a few furniture rot' the competition of well-managed fact •-•Messrs. B. times Reeve a an Y are attending the Council, this week Last 'meson's Mantles, $5 to $3, we sell for $2.50; $B to $12, we sell for 14 ; $12 and 15, we sell for G. M. H. Molt.noo. Sperling and Win. De ntY, respe tive lv, eating, of the County -The town of. 11 way of debentures i loan to the farnituij The by-law, if pa will have to be lege Legislature. a Overcoats from $12 to $25; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Gno. H. Lyre's, City Tailor. —This is self•de al week with the Salvation Army thrai ght Canada, and the officers and members putting forth extra !s possible, and maks Ertl self.denial week 1 t. Forest is raising by le suns of 165,000, to factory in that place. sod by the ratepayers, !zed by the Ontario g that the Town of shareholders of the pany did not require the Canadian 1?urni- Journal before they e erection of the new 'nal, in its last issue, the Company in a. way fair and gentlemanly' would be to make itself ate before it launches le and tiro totv n eo i of r1 jf the Company. As to he confirmation of the n it co d when comes pose egislature, the people fears oe that score. Wingham aro over - of extending the loan by their votes have Success 'to you, Geoff dihipped a oar u Wed r esday. can's. —Mr H R P Bro n shipp d a car lot.d of cheese, the mak o° t Belnlore Vic- tory, to Montreal. T sday, per G T R. 8 large bars soap 2 . Kerr & Conery, -.-The Canadian . tint Railway Com- pany will run a eap excursions from Manitoba and the 'orthwe as usual, this winter. Pure Pepper 15c Ib err a Conery, —t1 new water to k is being erected at the G T R station. ' It will b - much larger than the one •ow in us i and will be on the opposite . ide or th track.1' Our Xmas. candies are i1y arriving. W. A. Johns. ' —The Treasurer o the Public School Board has received 50 fo the Public School Leaving Emit inat'. ns, being $5 for each pupil that passe th t examination. Finest lino of Fre Bon Bons ever seen in town fcr Xm at .1. McKelvle's. -Ur R 0 Sparliu ' received a oar load of hay and a oar 1 ad of straw, from Sombre:, on Tuesd y. It was eagerly bought up by peep e of the town and viciuity., the hay so ing for " and the straw $8.50 per ton. Lemon and Oram gel 20c lb. Kerr Bc Conery. — G. T. R. trains for Toroiiito and east leave Wingham at 6.23 a. nt. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 6.85 a. m. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. — Mr. 1). McKinlay, the'Street Committee, parations for the spriu!, all the watercourses culverts and box draini out and put in good table has been made hill near Mr. Geo. and now the water wi -Rev Mr Jansen, giving alecture on " Holland," in the Pr Monday evening ne 8 o'clock. Those w lege of hearing the tore will know thi to be missed. A c the proceeds of pensee, will go to All are cordial ly in On Sunday mo old residents of WI of Mr. John Cargit great majority, in deceased had resid upwards of twenty to that had lived in and Turoborry. Ho wards of a year, so kideny disorder.l 3 a family of nine ch devise—four sous 0 most or whom aro from home. Miss Je Duluth. arrived horn of the other absen family reached hot funeral. Among t tbe chairman of funeral from a dista Cargill, M. P., of C deceased; Mr and Clinton; Mr Arch and a couple or net The friends of the sympathy of our t sad bereavement. Town The regular monthl Council was held on Members present- Reeve Sperling, Dap Councillors McKinl Wilson, Golley, ])oro, Hanna, McLean and last regular and specs and approved. Tho J. Kling re drain, wh last meeting, was br B. C. Sperling, sewn that the Street Confit tlained of om1 drain c table made aceording t Lost. Moved by A, D C. J, Reading, that th be extended from Viet and that the Public W coed with the work as a --Lost. Moved John by John Hanna, in am ndment, that the comnianicatfon from . Vanstone, re J. 1lliug's drain, be laid o er till after the Cleat ion of the new tonne Carried. Moved by A. Dawson, seconded by D. McItiniay,;; that it is necessary in 11 : public interest that a drain or sewer put down on Josephine street from £rod to 'Victoria streets, for drainage an sewerage Cur- pc$eb, AS recommended y the Board of Health and Public Wo . s Committee-•- Lost. A, uemtnunioatio was read from Mr. A. Galbraith, stating tat there was an obstruction on Edward st in the shape of a gangway, at f Durham, intends xperience of life in byterian church, on t. December 9th, at o have hadtbeprivi- tirst part of this lea- s an cpportunpy not lection will be taken, ich, deducting ex - be Lepers Mission. ited. and if same was not re take legal proceedings t Moved by Win. Holmes, Gordon, that gr. A, Ga cation he referred to tit —Carried The Town report was read, givi money received during he month, A coni - ning last, one of the ghaln, in the person passed over to the is 61st year. The d is Wingham for ears, and previous uck now, Teeswater, had been ill for up- ering from seine leaves a widow and • dren to mourn his tive daughters— was making pre - freshet by having cleaned out. All have been cleaned shape. A water town one side of the cKenzie's residence, 1 not cross the road and cut it up, as in ye rs past. Mr. Mc- Kinley makes a splen - d overseer of the ing of more than wnspeople for his condition of the town. streets, and is closerj the thanks of the t efforts to improve th; streets and walks of th Dnsssar terse—r wish -to inform the ladies of Wingham that I am prepared to do first- class work at my Home, or to sew by the day. I guarantee satisfaction in nil work intrusted to me. ihrm L PAGE, Fru,nces St. g by-law of the n b 1 arcs t --accordins to y Liam 1 taxes notpaid of�iu by TownV b , lave added thereto a vo per Dent. The doubt, is to secure gular payment of Esc; that all tax- a footing, as near -poet, and also to I have more weight , than the opposition of secure an earlier r tiro of the Boll. tufaotuteps who fear Under the old system t to person who was a well-equipped and most derelict iu the pa merit of his taxes 'y. had an advantage of se oral months inter - he person who was cut. This was e t and negligent, end at !t should be, The of the local corps arty to Any address its Canada or the United dye nor cont. means fi scents on the dollar sfforts to raise all that abates from now ,tiff tithe end of 1800, without any reference1100 time, and any the 14th instant shall percentage charge of n heby-law,. 'act oft ob 1 a more prompt and r taxes in regard to time payors wilt be on an ev as possible, in this r A Great oiler.' With a vietv'of booming the oirculatino el the Trtrxs, we will send the "rats est on hie money over prompt in Itis payr pretnintn to tho deroli just the opposite of wl this 110 most eld by the Army. for ou6'•dollar, or we will send the Ttwee (ma the weekly Globe for the Same length 01 faiths for 81.25. Just think of it. The A 7'rotnineat Lawyer asst$= Globe is a 12 page paper, full of solid "I have eight children, every.ono in ,geed. reading matter, and the Truss its now one 'health, not one of whom but 'has tak5n of the best weeklies in the country, the Soott'A Emulsion, !n which xny wife his slab for $1.25, Debit bliss is, sena in your confidence. - nr t, 1i dere at once person who !a unfortu thispercetttage €added suppose a lti$ time for The Collector has no ' time, and the time for Roll is the same as if been addta. ate enough to have s his taxes must not pliant ie extended. wet to extend the e return of the percentage had eyed he would have it removed. eeondad by D. M. raith's commnni- Street Committee reasurer's monthly g the amount of mttnioatiolt was read Pe,isley,sta tin g that he s on Monday. The Ma Coleman was in town a committee *pm the John Neelands, second that the Mayor, Reeve ex•Mayor Gordon be a with Mr. Coleman -0 rein H. Coleman, ouldbein Wingham or stated that Mr. d wanted to meet ,oaltcil, Moved by d by John Wilson, Deputy -Reeve and ommitteo to conger cried. Mr. Walter Belden, livery man, ad tressed the Council, stating that his asses btbsi h, as last year ha this year he was ass by Wm. Holmes, seco that Mr. Beldeu be r winch would make hi sameas last ear— y Neelands, seconded amendment, that the re assessment, be re Committee, to roper Carried. Mrs. McC to refund hor• taxes, teas willing to pay. seconded by D, M. Call's taxes be rofni willing to pay the sal :1. petition to have t from. three to two it by-law to that effe electors at the nex was read. The 0 meat bad been too s assessed wC 000 and sled 81000, Moved - ded by John Wilson, funded 88.40 $8.40 taxes, assessment 8000, the ost. Moved by Jobn y D. 111.. Gordon,. in claim of Mr. Belden rred to the Pinang,, at next meeting — 1 wished the Council except $3, which sbe loved by A. Dawson, ordon, that Mrs. Mo - led less $3, as she is o asin 1894—Carried, ; o Councillors reduced each ward, and that a t be submitted to the Municipal elections, rk was instructed to prepare a by-law by next meeting of Coun- cil. The Finance ornmittee reported as follows: Mrs. Tam yn, rent of house for Mrs. Melvin, $12; : ohn Watt, labor and material for wate - - tank, $12.67; - Geo. Hughes, repairing •aterworks man holo, 63c. ; 11. Kerr, r pairing stage, $8.02 ; Wingham Electri.. Light Co., lights for November, $36.51 Geo, Russell, . taking - indigents to House of Refuge, fares, stove pipes for fire hall, nd putting up ahoye , digging and repairi g W. W. main, $10 O5 ; A. Brisbois, repairi g fire alarm, 162.50 ; A. Brisbois, putting - p fire alarms, $5.50 ; Jos. Bullard, sale y, 1;85.51; S. Mitchell, work on streets, 3.13 ; John. Davidson, gravelling, a2.75; • t re. Lang, scrubbing ball, $1.20 ; Geo. SI aw, meat for indigents, $1.80; L. McLetn lumber, streets and - cemetery, $9.80 ; r hos. Moore, repairing own up and away cemetery fence, $7 Geo. Russell, 4 nights Hied who resides in as night constable, ' 1; John Galt, engineer, Monday, but none • making report on so •er, $82; Thos, Moore, members of the digging at water ma n and repairing same, o in tune for the 81.25 ; John Gillesr •, gravel and work on se present at the streets, 1113.50. It t as recommended that e It noticed Henry the accounts of Jol a Watt.,A. Brisbois, rgil3t, a brother ,ef 'Geo. Shaw and Ge. Russell's account of - stable .be referred to the other accounts be . Holmes,seconded by Brisbcis acgount of was certified to -- . o—. Dawson, seconded . - the $4 account of rs 'Nos Levan, of of Teeswator, ews from Cargill. deceased have the wnspeople in their ouncil. meeting of the Town onday evening last. ayor Brockenshire, ty-Reeve Holmes and , Reading, Dawson, Neelands, Herdsman, Gordon. Minutes of 1 meetings were read mmuuication from h was laid over from light up. Moved by d by Jo 1' in Neelands, ittee examine the a d have the . water the street profile--- tvson, seconded by 18 inch tile drain 'a to John street k$ Committee pro- public expenditure eelands, seconded 4 uights.as night c the Council and that paid. Moved by Wn D. McKinlay, that 15.50 be paid, whi Carried. Moved by by C. J. Beading, tl Geo. Russell be not hired by this Council nrdon D. M. Gordon, sewn aid, as be was not - Carried. Meved by . d by J. Wilson, that the balance of accoun s which were referred - d back to Finance at next e • meeting of ved by D. M. Gordon, n, that the report of to Connell be referr Committee, to repor Council—Carried. M seconded by A. Daws tho Finance Comm tee as amended be adopted—Carried. 1 e report from coin mittee on granolltbio :idewelks, which had been laid over from revious meeting, was to eel: was lnatrneted brought up and the C prepare a by-law to now eleotors to vote on the question at ne t Municipal election. the matter of broulitu e lin,�g v S ar Reeve e .p r gpit, W. J. Chapmttii bu3 �, gravel pi , but nothing was done. t ; .laww No, 260, to im- pose an additional ob: 'go of 5 per cent. on.