HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-29, Page 744, • 0 d 11 it 10. tie ,ng Iu99 ten• rner rate took OZ TO &c, Itrocts, ARM . 1NORAM. sets of )e made ;traded his new ilto the isylvani ONTARIO A111 Oux rARlO. COUNTY Charge. •admit i +try attend team, Meir the shoetesie 'matted. Hide M tb o1' Notes tad RATES. ler oentwit ear. Not* 00. OLD RINGS! I ala the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does make rings ou the premises. wake and finish all work in the beat possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. 'Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from 2.3o to $2, according to eityle, weight and quniity Qf ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, eta., etc,, at 1oderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- , graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed, HALM PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald 13lock, Wingham. Do you know a than in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watohmaker and Jeweler, 'Wingham? LTL MilSria 33rd Year But as Young .as Ever The best and brightest Weekly Paper published in any oe the cities of Canada. SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK. NOW IS THE TIME TO • SUBSCRIBE THE I WIX G11A.M TIMES NOVEMBER, 29, 1895, Genus of Thought.. The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom. Those who know the least of others think the most of themselves. I -le who can suppress a moment':) anger maty prevent a day of sorrow. To have what we want is riches, but to be able to do without is power. Work is the weapon of honor, and he who lacks the weapon will never triumph. Give work rather than alms to the poor. The former drives out in- dolence ; the latter industry. The nobleness of life depends on its consistency, clearness of purpose, quiet and ceaseless energy. The voice of conscience is so deli- cate that it is easy to stifle it; but it is also so clear that itis impossible to mistake it. Be no less exact in keeping the secrets intrusted than you would be faithful in reference to deposits of the greatest value. We must distinguish between felicity and prosperity ; for pros- perity leads often to ambition and alnbition-to' disappointment. FromNowTaJan1I 0 7 Only 1 Special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements• to Canvassers. Address all communications— WESTERN ADVERTISER, London, Ontario. BANK of HA ILTO W I N G H A M. Capital, 1,250,O00. • Rest, 0050,000 President—Jona STUART. VIce-President—A. G. RAesAY. DIRECTORS Joni; PRne'C WGun, A ' M P, A. T. A. B. Lao (Toronto). Woos, Cashier—J. TURNBtTLL. • Savings Bath[—Hours into 8; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of $land upwards received and interest allowed. Spec at Deposits etas-. received at current rates of iii. greet. Drafts o1. wrest Britain and the ignited State.- bought tate.bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT B. L. DIC.IKINSON, Solicitor. Prof'. 3ohu Stuart 3laolt*iets 110E* sage to 'Young Men. The nobility of life is work, " We live in a working world, The idle and lazy than does not count in the plan of campaign. "My Father worl?;eth hitherto and I work." Let that text be enough. Let your daily wisdom of life be in making a good use of the opportunities given you. We live in a real and a solid and truthful world. In sueh a world only truth, in the long run, can hope to prosper. Therefore . avoid lies, , mere show and sham and hollow superficiality of all kinds, which is at best a psi ed lie, Let whatever you are, and whatever you do, grow out of a firm root of truth and a strong soil of reality. Brussels woolen mill far•+1,OQ, Never forget Paul's sentence; "Love is,the fulfilling of the law." Tho road to heaven would be That is the stream; of the social crowded if it were carpeted with machine. velvet. Do one thing well : "be a whole Of all wild beasts preserve me man," as .Chancellor Thurlow said from a tyrant; and of all tame, from "do one thing at a time," Make aflatterer. clean work and leave no tags. Allow I' never think he is quite ready no delays when you are at a thing.. for another world wbo is altogether Do it and be delle with it, weary of this. An Irish Witness. The Timm and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent from now until the ist of An Irishman was a witness in a January, Isa7, for $1.23. Subscribe at ease in which a man was shot from onceif you want cheap reading, dge find on bein I REST FOR VP'S No man's religion ever survives his morals, Mr. George Rowe has bought rhe . behind a he g . To an honest man the best per - True glory consists in doing what questioned .the following dialogue uisites'o#' a lace are the ad to es deserves to be 'written, in writing `foal: place : �, - ,11 gives of doing good. e $ what deserves to be read, and is so Judge—.Did yonN,,see the'shot 1 living as to make the world fired? Lord tiberdee lr,,WA1 reply to a happier and better for our living in Pat—No your honor, but I• iiiar. i toast at a ,,,ref !peg St. Andrew's it. it.' , , , inner on Dec. '2'.... Charity of speech is as divine a Judge—Indeed! but that evidence We may i. d, and read, and read thing as charity of action. Judge no won't satisfy me. again, and still finSL something new, one harshly, misinterpret no man's Pat left the box,but before leaving _something to please :aL�d something motives, believe things as they. seem the court he turned his back to the to instruct to be until they are proved other- Judge and indulged in a hearty roar wise, temper judgment with mercy. When soured by disappointment,' we must endeavor to pursue some fixed and pleasing course of study, ,fudge—No, but I heard it. Sedition is bred in the lap of Pat—Well,your honor indade .0 • i .are emissaries i its chosen m lusury,•and i your evidence won't satisfy ale.' , the beggared spencithift and the im- ,The judge took the joke in good 1 poverished libertine. part, and Pat left the court amid the John Morris, one of the pioneer of laughter. He was immediately settlers of Huron, is dead, aged 86 brought back for contempt of court. ,g Judge --What did you laugh for?' years. Fie settled in the township of Pat—Did you see it? Colborne in 1.834. thatbe no blank leaf in the re may .our book of life. -Painful and dis- agreeable ideas vanish from the mind that. can rix its attention upon any subject. giggles of the crowd. Man neverfastened one end of a In countless different ways people • I chain around the neck of his brother Sense shines with a double lustre !that God did not fasten the other when set in humility. I end. round the neck of his oppressor. misunderstand each other, attribute to others motives which never actuated them, and then respond by their own conduct to the mistaken image they have set up. The real faults of the character and tale real defects of conduct which are present Heart Disease kieiieved in 30 Avarice is generally the last pas - Minutes. Ali oases of organic of sym- sion of those lives of which the first pathetic heart disease relieved in 30. .minutes and quickly eared by Dr. Ag- part;has been squandered ' in pleasure How's Cure. Sold at Chieholm'E •Drug I and the second devoted to ambition, amen° us are as 'nothing comparedstore, Winl;ham.. 1 Miss Ellen Findlay was committed with those imaginary ones, which Everyone of us, whatever our , for trial at Owen Sound on a charge are attributed to people wholly speculative opinions, knows better I of manslaughter in connection with through r✓asundearstandin„ s. than he practices, and recognizes a I the death of the boy, George Green. • • You Dont Have to Swear Off better law than he obeys. 1- says the St. Louis Jonrnal of Agriculture in an editorial about No•To-Bae the famous tobacco habit cure. " We know of many cases cured by No -To - Bac, one, apronlinont St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured hint so that even the smell of tobacco snakes htin sick." No—To—Bae sold and guaranteed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St.' Paul St., Montreal. Sold by C. E. Williams, Wingham. He Didn't 'Haft' To. 'He was one of these unruly young - stars,' says the Syracuse Post, who made the life of the public of Norway Pine Syrup cures cougl)•s I A Movoment is on foot to establish Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. land for this purpose arrangements Norway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis. a count} law library in Goderich, Mr. John G.' Brown a farmer of ; a1C being made to purchase the Dover Township, while under` the library of the late Judge. Tom. influence of liquor was frozen to Captain Sweeney, U S. A" San Diego, death in a bush near his home. Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine 1 have ever found Taking the world over there is an that would do me any good." Price average of one death and one and, a 50c. Sold at Chisholnl's Corner Drug Rheumatism Cured in a diLy.---ninth American Rheumatic Cure of Bheutna'isni era -Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to day.. Its action on the system is remarkable and{• mysterious. It removes at once the cense [ of the disease immediately disappears, The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.. Warranteed at Chishom'rdrug store. quarter births per second. Only Store. • sc o one-half of all who are born into the A prominent citizen who enjoys a FOR SALE. teacher a hard one. He was in the rade. T] a came in one world . liye to the age of 17 years. good story and tells one well, recites primary g A complete brick cottage In the Town morning with dirty hands and face: of Wingham, on Minnie street, one of The teacher looked at him severely, the most, desirable streets for a residence. s 1, Heated by a furnace; a large wood le . Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate 1 d 'Johnny your Bowels and make your head clear 'Yes'm.., and 51. Sold at with hard and soft water in wood shod as a bell. 25c., 50oChisholm's Corner Drug Store. a good stable. The lot has 55 feet front- 'FIave you washed. your face and age and runs 165 feet back to a lane, , 11a Zds this morning? Terms easy. Apply to JOHN NEELANDS, � Win,ham: LAD FOR SALE. Por pale, about 000 acres of land; 200 of it nearly all in pasture; with first class buildings; large part of it underdrained, the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new land, with ti large quantity of timber Estill on it, About 150 acres cleared and seeded for pfsturo. Land will make a first-class pasture. .O'arm situated two miles from Wingham. On the premises is a good saw mill in running order. All will be sold on 'reasonable terms. For, particulars. apply to Post Office Box 125, 'Wingham, Ont. wor l•=Y,i V, SaJ ,i,". :s S*?,ac � , Ct": •.4j iN.0ztNEBb GSO,G 1",14F : oNt • .' iia SK N • U�T t5, Bi*Aricavih5 K Ganii,p• L e ki:cgN.,... I u,rares,,cAs6,LT.Wr .NOT Cti An Agreeable Laxative and NEN•V75 TONIC. Sold .00 pa gpackkage.� Samples free Elle., Gbo.i The Favorite TOOTH POWDER KO 111(0 fertile Teeth and Breath, 250. Sotd at Clcieholm's Corner Dug Store. Pleats Remedy ((sr Catarrh is the 13(tst, Test .. flee, anti Cheapest. sold by.'di u,;s'. to uc emit by vial:, E. T. UUnronfra'. Warton, Pa. l How will you find good? It is not `No'm.' a thing of choice ; it is a river that Why not?' flows from the foot of the invisible 'None of the folks is home, and I throne, and flows by. the ,path of obedience.' Time is always represented carry- ing a scythe, and we suppose he will continue to carry this primitive agri- cultural implement until time shall be the power. • A big fire, in . the Dry. Goods and Woollen. Exchange building,Chicago, resulted in the killing of four fire- men who fell through a floor, and a don't haft to.' when Baby was -sick, we gave her Castorfa. When she rear, a Child, she cried for Castorfa. . When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gavethem Castoria. Christianity commands us to pass young women who jumped from one by injuries; policy, to let thein pass of the windows. 'Several serious in - by us. juries and hair -breadth escapes are • All science rests on a basis of.faith, reported, for it assumes the permanence and Complaint. has been. Made to the uniformity of natural laws. � Provincial Board of health that the If I might control the literature of ; old horses shipped to Toronto and the household, I would guarantee the; Halnilton ostensibly for conversion Well-being of the Church. and State, 'into glue and bone dust are in 1 reality !nude into sausage and corned We should not quarrel rashly with :beef. The Board have authorized adversities not yet understood, nor l an investigation. tri often bound up 'overlook THE LONDON KM FREF DOMi filo • FARM AND HOME Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of Attractive Fanily Read- ing Every Week, • the follewing of a droll acquaintance, who had been noticed as absent from his accustomed haunts for a• few days. Meeting him on his return, in the vicinity of the post ,office the citizen said: "Well, John'; got back, I see. How long were you away ?" After thinking a while, John re- plied: "Wee!, Mpek, I canna' just say; but I went away like it was the day before yesterday and I came back like it was the day after to- morrow." ' Relief in :int hours.—,gistressing Kid- ney and Budder diseases relieved in six lours, by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This groat, remedy is a great surprisand delight to physicians on ac- coun of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing, gain in the bladder, kidneys, back and eVIty part of the urinary passages iii male a d female. It relieves retention of water did pain in passing it almost immediately. f you wa t quick relief ed euro this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. II Says John Wannamaker, the biggest drygoods. man in, Philadel- phia : "There are men . who look. askance at advertising as a rash, risky piece of unnecessary expense. They have no faith in it. They do not understand it. They do not caro to. They have never tried it;, nor do they propose to. They do not ROTI PtP[R Lo«gserTit( �i • C0I'YRiGMTS. You ANr Go 10 SLEEP N CHURCH 1F YOUVE GOT A BAD COUCH. A quick P1ea.sAnr Cure for An - ) obsline:l'e ' C• ough,Cold' I Ho oneness 3Yoncb ifi S 0 :coR"t Bid Bottle 25a SATS TRAREMARks The WEEKLY Fu1•:is PRESS 'rand 1 &I(M AND lfoiri, mini)!nod in One 14,2 3e, linif(ulll in size anti tlppt'tLl•- auce, tis offered to subsrfil,'ts .from now iuiti 8h ,. !st December, 15:yu. for ONE DOL -44A1-1 The FREE PRESS i(3 '4i l Li. (bug Liberal-Consex•vati s•e Jenr114, (Yr. 7.. ' • ) l M111taillb eat* •'\t(E',� 11.1 Ontario, t 1L complete centt'uil,tiy of the "tt', d COMM( of the times :111 . The (loutuu-rcial pre;;,•. of flit WEEKLY VEEN PRii.1s are t.p to ante and atingle for the country u,erch;Lut. farmer and d:iiryni(ul. The FARM AND HOME vonta1ns Sac• week able article's on Isgr' ultin•: subjects and live Stock. The farm( and cattle and horse breeder will fin in its pages abundant topics of :peri: interest. A Serial Tale of absorbing inter('5 will be an interesting feature or t,h WEERLY FitEL•• POESs. Both Papers Conzbisied for $1 frog Now Until December 81st, me. Agents wanted everywhere. Addres all communications to the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO LONDON. ONTARIO. CAN I OBTAIN A PATEI(T 1 n'or s unaptprompt answer and an ho"'neat opinion, wrke to answer c& CO,, who have bad nearly)ifty years' experience in the patent business. CCoommunica- tions strictly confidential. A Iiandbeek of In- formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them Sent hoe. Also a catalogue of meoban- ical and eoientiflo books sent free. Patent. taken through Munn Jt Ca. receive special notice inths t oienHO. American, and thug are brought widely before the public with- out ooet to tbo inventor. Thla splendid paper, isauedweekty> olettuntiyillnetrate&basbyfarthe largest oiroutution of any ooienti5c work in the • world. 155 ayear. Sam a co pleacontfree. n 3 .50ayear. sat le slew, Edition, inn ipb b ea copies, 25 cents. 'Every nn •mbar contains beau- s+ - .. .botogrnpba of now w the e, mercies. in them. * I Romantic Miss --Have there not realize that more business depends i upon advertising than upon almost 1 moments In yo`tlr eti etlence, `i," We have more power than Will; been life seemed full of unsatisfied any other element of business. They and itis often by way of excuse to (wants 7 are satisfied to keep thoroughly in ourselves ,that we Taney things ale, Mi,. Itardhead—Y-c-s, that's so. the dark while their enterprising impossible. , Ilomatitie Miss—At such times ' I tompetitct; is directing his flash -light A little wit and a great deal of i11, always fly to music for rolief. Whitt in all directions, ferreting out custo- naturo but th will furnish a Inari fol" satire; do you do, Air. Tlarclilead? niers and making himself known. It egreatest instance and value Ml' Ilardhead•-4-I advel'tise •'--lie takes a loud, bold voice to 'command g of wit is to comlrtand well. hobotli Iallday.Ilsrlild. attention from a disinterestedworld.1 ir4 1'0f i .... LATER EXCESSES !NI MANHOOD • S MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN If© S B 11 T of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and bo(ly indno- y 1 E R E tT li 1 od by lust and exposure aro constantly wreckin r the live. and fntnrr ®happiness of thousands of promisor young men. Some fade and wither at an early age,an!•-'. " "'at the blossom of manhood,while others are forced to drag out a weary, frnitlesn and melancholy existence. Oters reach matrimony bat find no solace or comfort there. The, viotima are found in all stations of lifer—The farm, the office, the workshop, the .pnipit,15 the trades and the professions. 9 RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. &' K. WALKER. M1-Is.nHAEl.1"EItIIY. CHAS. 1iItliY.m 4.4 BEFORE TRa&tena T AFTI.II TREATMENT -''NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.` j�Q Wm. A. Walker of 10th Street says:—"I have enfferedw� untold agonies for my "gay life. 1 wasindisoreet when&: young and i'norant. As "One of the Boys" 1 contracted month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples on Syphilis an(! other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the ry', face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin ,ands despondent. Seven doctors treated mo with Merdriry,1111 Potash, etc. They helped me but could not care meld; £'inane a friend induced metotry Dre.xenncdy & Korgan. s101heir NSW Method Treatment anted me in a few heeks of their f eeng to care in ode rf Yon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never S case" -CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IMPOTENCY K' VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CARED ,5 ,4 t •ia Divorced but united again SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE 0I CURED 0 Cappt. Chan. Ferry says•; "I owe my life to Dre. S. & A. t%At 141 learned R bud habit. At 21 I had all the eyntptome of Seminal Neatness and Spermatorrhoea, Emissions tgwero draineng and weakening -any vitality. 1 married at 2i under advice of my family doctor, but it was a cad experience. In eightetn months we were divorced. I ��qqm to ma IiCgrestored o ...then consulted Ars. 're & ten who l to od ""bytheirNew 'Method 9'rectineiif. Ifelta new life thrill through Daly nerves. We were united again and are happy. This was eix years ago. Drs. K. & K. aro scientific specialists and I heartily recommend them." 1-•A il We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Sentinat 1 Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Sy bilis, Unnatural Disclzar, f -es, Self ib:mea s Kidney anci.Blarieles Diseases. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT. 200:400 CURED. NO flISK K Ara you a victim? Rave you lost hope? Are yon contemplating roar ..Bleed been diseased? Rave yon any weakness? Oni p� Hae your 611 n �E i' rot ¢��� bagel I� RYi Will dofor o Wisdom) for a her it w l .1t 9 nb t a you. Nha t cureair oat will '4 . Tre sial ii It el New Method „mCONSULTATION FREE. No matter who )las treated on write for an honest opinion ,`reeiro "'of Charge. (Thurgeareasonable. BOOKS FREE' -"The you, Monitor" (illnstrated),on Diseases of !sion, Inclose postage. 2 cents. Sealed. (r 'NO 'NAMES USED WITHOUT W1UTTEN coN'sEwr. t>RI-•� VATS. No medlaln:e rent C. O. D. No names ort bnxee ov' privel- opes. zverytning ctontitlertttut. Qtt+9ltLlort lint and COSI fat' Tlreat- e rmerit.FREt . LL.. — No. I4$ SHELBY ST le. inRSI DY K,.UGA�V D OI M C w