The Wingham Times, 1895-11-29, Page 6xn'g12ant 113115 C1.iQv3IN ONTARIO, A. Great Field of Corn. and V a in.coos. NOYE1kiB B 20, 1805. ' ' ?. .* . ,I1T%;ltL•a7'Iilt Ri:i'PRT:i REGARDING t1Y11I;nt F:tltl PROlirt Ts. • BEAST WAWANOSII. • Toronto, Out., Nov. 16. --.ti erop Agri - pursuant t.t rio r x t -1a i • ; int tt ted •sd.1 l .t .phut t lietill The council met ori , b , to adjournment, Members cultural Department, show a falling 11present. 1 g off in the }u v crop of 18, 6 to meeting last nice l , of t ' rates o , t 111111 , 3711 present. extent of 1,77(10,000 tons below 1894, led and passed. French, t e 1e8elltirlg a loss greater than the CtI municatirn from D. French , ,1 p , of the entire wheat crop of the , - keeper house of Refuge,. value a short- ' Clinton,eters l e, There has been Cre inmates from this town- Province. also. ' House of Refuge, received age of strawWever, has been Ship for ! The corn erop, ho , and died. v _ extraordinarily large, and in many .1.ccouet of James Marshall, town- ship ot n that he wished cases will help to make up for the shih engineer, stating o 41 loss of coarser fodder. to have a levy made ee ions 40, The grain crops have turned out and 42,' in the 4th concession of thio' better than was ats aIle time outlet - township for work performed byttall being well up to the aver- him an a, ditch crossing . those lots, , Ase, , Fall wheat has turned ottaver, ete„ some tinlo ago ; also one frc nl b Ti' McLachlin, ,Auburn, of ;;3, far spring wheat, about the average; i. G corn away above the average; TiIE W1 'GRAM TIMES, N0VEMm R 9,1895. improving in quality, thanks to the inilllence of creameries and the traveling dairy. Mast of our cor- respondents still express confidence in the eheese industry. The grade Durham continues to be regarded as. the favorite cow. The Ayrshire comes .next (leading in Eastern Ontario), while the Jersey and Holstein . follow closely. TliRI,SIIINcr AND i i TINO,. The bulb of correspondents report threshing as'eolnpleted or well ad- vanced, while a few, more particular- ly in the East Midland district, state that there is still considerable to be done, Reports do not agree as to thep rogress of marketing, Several correspondents report half the oats and wheat to be sold. There ap- pear, however, to be a tendency to hold wheat and other grains for an advance iu price, and a number of correspondents assert that sales have been made only where there was a pressure for cash. Low prices are leading farmers to feed more grain to live stock, and a large quantity of attendance on James Cook In. -Apt il, baric fair in quantity ; peas, fair ;. 1894 ; both received and laid over in ;potatoes, an exceptionally large os p 1 barley and peas will be disposed of the meantime. roots, fair ; clover seed, alm lin that was' For that reason it will Account of William Campbell, failure ; buckwheat, under the aver- i be hard to estimate what proportion in Things to Forget. If you would increase your happi- ness and p1'olanr your life, forget your ueighbour's faults, Forget all the slander you have ever heard. Forget the temptations, ]forget the fault-finding, and give a little thought to the cause whleh provoked it. Forget the peculiarities of your friends, and only remember the T good points whieh galea youfond ot thein, Eorgot all personal quarrels ,. • heard d ole 1t by vett may la orhistories accident ,and which if repeated, would seem a thousand times worse than theyare.Blot out, as far as reeables of life; possible, all. the they will come, but they will y 0111- grow larger when you remember them, and the constant thought of the acts of meanness, or worst still, malice, would only tend to make you more familiar with them, Obliterate everything disagreeable from yester- day, start out with a clean sheet for to -day, and writeupon it for sweet memory's sake only .those things which aro lovely and lovable. 444,11 BAMS 3 I CA ES !Ely atitres WI clerk of Division Court, Blyth, w11.b3 sae. beans, very good,. received, being costs, eta„ incurred PASTURES AND LI`E STOCK. • in the platter of disputed line fence, Live stock had rather a scant pas- s, part lot 28, concession 4. 1\.T0 , tore during the latter half of the action. 'season. In many sections the grass The. reeve called .the attention of had to be supplemented with corn the council to the fact that too much and other feed. The consequence is school tax had been levied this year ' that cattle are generally thin, and,, against the lots in the 1st concessionto shortage of of the township, belonging to U. S. Derr of fodder, dry cows havebeen disposed S Na. 5, Hallett,East and West of at very low prices. In Middlesex Waw7atnosh, on account of the forma- and a few other localities some young tion of the new U. S. S. No. 16, East cattle have been bought for fattening and West Wasvanosh, whereby all b a few farmers, who make a the lots on the 2nd concession, for - specialty Berl • belonging to Union No. o, specialty of the business. Feeding} of cattle began earlier than usual were now attached to UNo. o. 16. this fall. Sheep receive favorable Resolved, that the treasurer be mention from most of those who re- authorized not to pay over to the fer to them. Special note is made trustees of Union No. 5, Hallett, ete., , of the fact that a large number of the amount raised in this township, lambs are being fed on rape for the uutil such time as this error has been Buffalo market. Swine have been rectified by the township of Hallett. thriving, and many have been sold • The treasurer reported cash on on foot, although complaints come in hand 23rd of .September last,i241.1b; of poor prices for these, as well as receipts since that date, $1017.80; for other live stock. Most of the paid out, $585.86; leaving a balance hogs are sold at weights ranging on hand at date of $703.12. '• from 150 to 250 pounds. A fair Mr. Sutherland was authorized to supply of pork is still in the hands of offer for sale the balance of timber of farmers. Fodder is scarce:, and some any account from the old bridge' on : farmers will find it hard to carry river at Marnoch, on Monday, the their stock through. the winter. No 18th lust.. mention has been made of disease Debentures were ordered to be ; among live stock, Corn has played signed for payment of the following , an important part in the economy of accounts, viz:—James McGee, con- 'the'farin this season. It has sup - cession 1, 35 yards of gravel and $1.! plelnented pasture, and has been cut of the grain erops will be lel farmers' hands for sale later in the season. FRUIT AND FRUIT TREES. Frost and drought have been try- ing to orchard, garden and vineyard. In the -inland portion of Western Ontario apples have been a failure, and other fruits have been only slightly better, owing to the severe frosts of May. Near the shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario, however,. and in the counties along the St. Lawrence, apples and many other fruits have been abundant. Insects have done hardly as much injury as usual, and hopes are expressed - that these enemies of the orchard may suffer more than the trees - from the experience of the year. . While here and there grape vines were killed out by the May frosts, in most cases a new growth of wood was made, and prospects are not bad for the more immediate future. FARM LABOR. There have been more than enough farm' laborers, except in odd localities: The general impression of opinion is that the rate of wages cannot rise, but must fall in sympathy with the low prices prevailing for all kinds of farm produce. There is a marked tendency to`hire for shorter terms, as apart from periods when there is a rush, farmers are endear voring to do without hired assistance. —1S PUBL SIZED TE EVENING CAFES. EVERY FRIDAY M0RNING A --wr TWI— T' E$ ar-TIME$ OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGIIAliX, ONTARIO. A largo stock of the following winter evoiing games just to band at 'or OyOr Fifty Yett e AN OLD AND low's Sc.othin, Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot methers for their ohllal'on while perfectteeing, with success. It soothes the child, and is the host remedy for Utorthcea. Is pleasant the the taste. Sold by Druggists in ucery part world.' TWefty'SVT cents a uottle, Its valuo is incalculable. Ile sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other slue. WELL -TRIED A. ROSS' BOOKSTO.E Leonia, 5Tmermicarass, Font lima., rummest, $sv1a}i, Catton, Go nANe, 7ldxon1A, BUY To !ANIMAL, TENNIS JUNIOR, Sia LANCDLU'r, Tina Versa Tis, Ur vitoM The lima, LOUQ\I.IC11Y, (IANAD1AN EY1 ', PN.tl:Ytt' mime, OLD MMD, FOREMOST, PETER CODDIAIS, LOST HEW, FISH VOID, 1tAIL11OAD Pur%Ll:,• BAOIMAa3UON, 1i,•L lA, LOTTO, CUCKOO, NATIONR, SNAr. Da, BURRY, I MMpss, Cn$a8EI 13Q.t1DA, C0O1:INOL13 BOARDS, $1,5 BERNDT•-'Mrs, Wins- setter's rho ems, ll a o sotfehs rho guars, onlay' hasp, orales wind ' His Friend John. He was baving his fortune told. 'I see.' said the medium, 'I see the name of' John. 'Yes,' said the sitter. 'The name seems to have given you a great deal of trouble.' 'It has.' 'This John is anintimatefriend.' 'That's so.' 'And often leads you to .do things you are sorry for,' 'True.' 'His influence over you is bad.' 'Right again.' , 'But you will soon have:a quarrel. . 'I'm glad of that. Now spell out his whole. name. The 'medum' wrote some cabalistic wordsand handed to him. 'Do not read until you are at I Everything alae equally low. Come and home' she said solemnly. 'It is I see usbefore buying, as we will not be $ON. $1.00 Games for 50 cents, 5Q cent games for 35 and 250, 25c. games for 35 and 10c, 10c. games for 5. for damages, $2.75 : Robert Tnnney, , and stored to be fed dry during the Imported farm help is not up to the Cleaning out ditches, lots 3J_ and 4!),, winter. Tile silo does not appear til standard. It would seem from what co g - i inI • concessions 6 and 7, near Donny- have mad° any special advance correspondents say as if easier times brook, $14 ; Walter McGowat, l popularity during the year. and more sight-seeing in the towns ravelling at lot 38, concessions I POULTRY. - and cities, and shorter hours as school • and 3, $18; treasurer, West Wawa -1 The season has not peen altogether teachers, clerks, etc., bad great in - nosh share of expenditure on 1 satisfactory for the poultry raiser, on fluence in attracting girls from the western boundary, 1895, X1o.78'' account of the low prices paid for farm, and hence the continued scar- Charles Wightman' digging ditch at ; both eggs and dressed poultry. The city, of domestic servants in rural o ,gg I lot 34, concession 6 and 7, X1•.5, abundance of grasshoppers has been portions of the Province. Joseph Colley, Morris, 27 yards of an advantage to those raising turkeys. I gravel one g l I armee s are very m i Sit Subscriptionpxane, $1 per year, in, adVlanOe • G t ADVERTISING RATES: s, A volt D Space I 1 yr. 1 0 um 13 me. 1 1 m9 Qnv Column • $40 00 840 00 1 820 00 8 00 Ralf ' 40 00 20 00 12 00 , 0 00 tarter '' 20 00 12 00 7 00 00 1 00OA 00I 2 3I1 G 00 quarter Snob h tin I I Legal and other oaeua advertisements,, Se, per lino for first insertion, and lo, per line (Drench subsequent Insertion. Measured by nonpareil scale, Loonl notices 10c. per line for 11088 insertion, and Go. per line for each subsequent. Mortice, Advertisetnents of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, 31 for first month, and 500. for each subsequent month, 0 , Houses and'Farms for Sale, Dot ,exceeding 8 linos, Christmas Goods Arriving. I$1 for first month, 50c, per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in p'oportien. These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or for , longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific 1 directions, will be inserted till forbid and obargged e, i accordingly. Transitory adTettliMmetita must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be, in MID ottIee by 1Vodneaday 130011, in order to appear that week It. ELLIOTT raoriuemo8 AICD PUBLIBnHa A• ROSS, 11. MAODUNALD INGHM SAVe tk:ingham. r}, CENTRE STREET, Wiseman,' • ONTARIO. •('}r)- B. TOWLER, M.D.C.Ir1., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— OCice Up•atairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing - ham, Ont. OFFICE Nouns, -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to6 p. m., Residence, Diagonal Street. MILI.S The undersigned in returning thanks for past. favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH-, BARRELS, WO®O, &c., on hand, whioh will bo sold at very close prices to meet the requiroments of the hard times. — First Class Shingles, $ 1.70 per Square. Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered. • r ! astern ravel road, $1.89; much divided as i ort Journeys on a Long Road Wm. Bird,. digging and filling np : to whether there is profit or actual poultry. Many tor- Is the characteristic title of a profusely drain on road allowance, lot 35, con-Ito in keeping p illustrated book containing over one cessions 4 and 5, X2.25 4 Robert i recognize that the hundred pages of charmingly written cess n. respondents g in the Hoover, ditching and lumber 5 lotpoultryhas not been given a 'fair descriptiOne ot summer resorts 31, concessions 4 and 5, $15,50 , , ial, ad that the average hen is a country north and west of Chicago. The reading matter is now, the illustrations Thomas. on concession lumber fordrain, ; ;victim of neglect. lot 35, concession 4 and 5, „3•-.5 i1 are new, and the information therein John Anderson, extra services as 1 BEES AND HONEY. will be new to almost everyone. A Copy of on a Long assessor, postages and stationery, and : The discouraging account publish- BOad„ well be "Short Journeysou to anyone ae oug ho tin jurors, • etc., 1895, $7 ; ed. in the August bulletin regarding will enclose ten cent84 (to pay postage) to selecting J Mason, cleaning out hill at lot the poor prospects of a honey yield GEonivIt CH flgoouYlilwaukeelS St. s Paul 36, C 1<I andg5 $1 • James has been verified. There will be al Ago 3G, concession 4 , Railway, Chicago, Ill, McGee, concession 10, for services' small surplus from buckwheat, aast - a member of Board of still less from clover. 'Unless p t d -red ' undersold. your friend's whole name. When he reached. home he lit the 1 MaLE.9.N gas and read iu picket -fence charac- wingham,.Julie 7th,1893, the name Obis 'friend'—`Demi- - te. s f Johnl'—Detroit Free Press. In Spring and Fall. GENTS, --I have taken Burdock Blood Bitters every spring and fall as a blood purifier for several years and find it does great good, building up my . system and making me feel like a new man. My wife also has taken it for nervous debility and weakness, receiving great benefit when doctor's Medicine seemed to do no good. IL❑FvNorth Augusta, Ont. • • "Well, Willie," asked granma, ren e Health in 1895, 75c: Wm. Deacon, feed back heavily many an thcolothe ie$ putting stone around pier at bridge''. will die of starvation. With the ex - Oil river, concessions 8 and 9, $10 ; ception of having low stores, Finlay Anderson, charity paid over bees appear to be in good condition. to James. Cook, a pauper, $10 ; I OATS. Hugh McBurney, Riling up approach This is the big crop of the year. It to bridge on Diver, concessions 8 and ! has exceeded our August estimate. 9, ell.' Increased acreage and the high Arrangementsrangements were made to have i average yield of 35.7 bushelsper James Cook taken to the House of acre have given a total of 84,697,566 t Clinton on Saturday nein, s for 1895. There are a few'. Refuge a bushel re` ovrin a •'a the fo 11 g inst. rd. but the 16th Ins .11 Poor ret G d but about you. You Thee I y Monday', "have you had all the dinner you want ?" "Nome," answered the truthful littlr boy, "but 1 have had all T eau eat." Stopped the Paper An acquaintance met Horace Greeley one day and said : "Mr. dyour paper." MONEY TO Ll)M' JP. KENNEDY, M. D. M. C. P.S 0. , {Successor to )r. J. A. Meldrum.) Gold Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London General hospital. Special atten- tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Corrnerly occupied by Dr. Mcldrum,Corner of Centro and Patriot streets, W ISMAAar • - ONT 1 . VANSTONE, 1L BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, took and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver 'Steele NtxonAM On Farm Mortgage at low riltIs of in- terest on terms ofd venyears orteover. Principal payable dr annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluovale 1'. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London. Ont.. D , T JOB PRINTING, J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER,. &o., Wingham, . Ont, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLIOITOR TO DANE 01' HAMILTON. LOAN. Of 1co—Meyer Block, Whigham. , . MONEY TO M . G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne Hotel. Gonoatca, - ONTARIO. NCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, posters, Bfl IHeads, Cirouiaes, &n., &o., executed hi the host style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short I notice. Apply or address R.ELLIOTT, Tl nts Office, Greeley, I've. steppe. gingham. Have you?" said Horace. "Well, that's too bad," and the old - white hat went its way. The next morning Greeley met his subscriber again, and said :1 thought you had stopped the Tribune?" "So I did." "Then there must be some mistake," said Horace, "for I have just come from the office, and the presses were running, the clerks were as busy as ever, ' the compositors were hard at work, and the business was going on the same as yesterday and the day before." "Oh—" ejaculated the subscriber, "I didn't inean that I had stopped the paper, I stopped only my copy of it because I didn't like your editorials." "Pshawl" retorted Greeley`,"it wasn't. worth taking up my time to tell me such a trifle as that. My dear sir, if you expect to control ' the utterances of the Tribune by the purchase of one copy a day, or if you think to get any newspaper worth reading that will never express convictions at right angles with your own, you are doomed to disappointment," Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and Croup (lure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five -doses, only 25o. Children love it. Sold at Chisbolm's Corner Drug Store. If you can see no reason why you should be thankful, hasten to look u will and. so man ouncil then adjourned till', samples of reports ; who ai'e worse off, than you that you 1t . oa, u lfith' December next. short in straw.;' "Best for some ,will soon begin to be glad your lot P. 1 ouT r> IEt.D, Clerk. time." "A capital crop and good in life is as pleasant as it IS* . ._ " "Best ro ' in a decade, „quality. Best c p g friend `' , io0d.4 18 Wonderfnt. "The heaviest yield all round ever 1.If 1 give your young 1r e Will lel of the I'ro- e " said the banker; 1 plat S ll l l than even aft othar preparations and t have failed. the big record of 1891, and x4,525,• No less than wonderful are the :urea grown. The total yie accomplished by Hlxld a arsapari a. 1 vines is 9,688,201 bushels anger after hysi:tans' prescriptions BOOKBINDING. DENTISTRY. -3. S. J11 011E, L. D. S.,WINOUAII. Is ntanufabturrng first-class sets of teeth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed porleetly safe. - OFFICE : Ll the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. 11A RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 0., L. D. S., 1 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylvani Dental College. a• 'w'Ni R y'r1: - fEfitmsti) We aro pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with u8 for Binding;, will have our OFFICE+--MACDONALD prompt attention. Y,,cesf r Binding in eines style will be given on app ionsi _ ae \ bushels larger than that of 1891. • ,he region,. however, is simple. When 050 bu g blood to en rlc e , Hood su ilitt. is the one true Mood The drought affected pastures to v da heavy i I experienced. y and creameries a pe 1;Ioflts"e Pure 'arm prompt end efllAient off in supplies. 14lostfaetories I have to give.a. bend, I suppose you wilt o on ?" "Bond?" exclaimed the o her mean. "Why, he can be Onsr . 111 ' Int trusted with uncounted, "Yes ; but all the money we have is counted." the d ` h d and purified disease TIIE DAIRY. and good health returns and p 0 . rBap 11 Hood p factories eSe that chs t ten h an ex .i e>r. such .4.444 falling pp to or gripe. ` c. g r e 'al u ,usual, is, '!i than notfila r pearlier di 1 ,r ail ._.....-. -. closed this year e Lenity will operate with greater and creameries also had a t g lots' iii some illeta.n cfis than vig(lr, time Of it. Prices werer has been a t 'MA to the *Stott and the y ; rpt (>df 1 -III v t , 111 11 7 , filth t7nel to &th Vinr +il'"ilrwUw 4 !f1i3t didF'll 41 ap i ti i haw ( y lig y; 1' iaLf 0?iLl tdet_ W UIR' Y1 ' v it II . i (Aida Hardly !Speak. S'Ins ,teat- .winter my lather had calk. He filu0ls a tivatr i Would har olid pZe:tcrritl ire try llia cy+ was persuaded Catarrh relieved le 10 to 60' minutes. --- One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and . permanently cnree Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Dont- los Drug .. USSR. (3(l' cents. At Chisho Store. Mr. Chrrles M. Hays, the new. General Manager of the Grand. Trand, in an interview at Montreal of the said, he would not take hold y road till the new year. He spoke of 'BOO'S A " l ftµ, t ( r, A F I/ t3 sy yyt•, `gy1.•i}i -4.0 4f;f'l x •2' "-3i t1Nr nt ry i;..r•.v ' 'nQ . f ' VJo r V V J'1 ne 4.37 rug) Rich in the Lung -healing virtues oftha Pine and expectorant torant combined ned w rt h the soothing' hir. P Nbarks. herbs and orb ih properties of Allier pectora A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL lla'tch LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate resist other remedies yield romptly to this pleasant piny syrup. Pmice 2Z0. ANO NOG. PER BOTTLE* so1.b' SI A tinub61A7ba BLOCK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE. AGENT WINOBAN, ONTARIO ' FRANK. SCELI'S, wHEEE IOU GET 12 SHAVES AND 1 H.tIR OUT Fon $1. For Twenty-five Years • DUNN'S JAKING POWDER TH! COK'S HES1` F`RtElND L-Altl'tr fC$T SALE IN CrANADA. the re'eent railway agreement as a' l t and twar' oolnp'Gte1 aure'd f crit good thing, p Were coming. fits' . and expressed the belief to A. lei, , : , • . w n, Ont. that better times We - e 114 Ali ad.v3a Kr.1 Opposite Herman`s Motel, WINGHAM, ' - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. .. DEANS, Ja., Wiseman, LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON. R THE COUNTY OSa16s attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WISGiaAnf, ONT., t5OriNsiel AtlOirtONEEB Fort THE 00UNT1E8 HV11ON AND olteoE. All orders loft at the Tinos o1ROe promptly attend 0d to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, • Liestnito AUOrf0Nnoa FFORH COUNTIES iru*6N Ater ,Ail sales attended to prdnptly arid on the shortest Notice. Charges Moderate and SatistaotIOn Guaranteed. Alt necessary arrangements tan be made at thl Toes& ciliac 01st %Marian Mono to Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted DisCO :LY AT 1 E'A.SONALILE Tt,ATII1S. money da n0cd on n ortghti per 0eil i►ii prlrlee of paying pt fhb end of to yea!• Mir and a000uhte coll50trROW'. Mo O. llearbr Meek WlOtbaal, Oat, I am the only J don who can and premises.. make and tint possible manner, tion in every met "Where gold is fo file safno gold, r order, By leaving' you c,- Qanstyle, Sayeweightrt01n ..J and mk0 Br000besWealso, Baanglet0 Xederate Prices. Jevvelery Ref graving NeI ly Executed HAL Opposite Maodor Do you know repairs watches Park, Watehmake It 33rd The best and I, published i of SIXTEEN PAC NOW IS 7 SUBSCRII3 c Only FritTG Special R Good Inducem Address all comes WESTERN BANE' of Capital, $1,250,0 President—Joni+ °. Vi n JOHN PROOToa, GEo, WOOD, , Cashim Savings Bank— 1. Deposits of $1,and allowed. Special Lopes: rates of ie. sweet. Drafts o„ creat bought and acid I E. L. DIClINE A complete br of Wtngham, or, • the most desirat Heated by a fur wa ithgood harstd able. and 8 age and rune Terms easy. A J LAN For pale, whet of it nearly all i builnle the bdialangs; ec,argab. land, with ti 1. still on it, All( seeded for pss' 1W pasts iles from Wit 1.0 a good sites n will bclassis sold on pparticulars. apt Wingham, Oat. t1,'FCplNA,'K An Agreeable Sold by Drug' and $1,00 per pi RO Sold at Cltishol Piao's past. N.1 A' Bold t sue. x.