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Presbytery of 1\aitland,
The Presbytery of Maitland Met
at Wingham, November 19th, 1895.
Rev, John Rose, Moderator, Rev. F.
AlaeLennan, Clerk pro tem.
Elders' commissions were received
from the Sessions of Teeswater, in
favor of Mr, John Gordon ; Wroxe-
ter, Mr, James. Wylie ; Pine River,
Mr. John Ballantyne ; Dungannon
and Port Albert, itir, John Bennett,
and their names were placed on the
Presbytery roll. A request for leave
of absence till New Year from Mr.
Anderson, of Wroxeter, owing to
ill -health, was granted. Statistical that he be authorized to pay account
and financial returns and minutes of of John Stapleton for cutting drain,
certified by Jos, Welwood—Carried.
Moved by Mr, Gemmi.11, secouded by
Mr. Diment, that no aetion be taken
examined and attested as carefully in opening B line—Carried. Moved
and correctly kept. Mr, MacLennan by Mr. Diluent, seconded by Mr.
presented an unanimious Dail from Musgrove, that Wm. Mitchell and
Huron congregation in favor of Rev. Andrew Reid be each refunded. $1
Roderick MacLeod, of Kenyon, dog tax, both claiming they have no
Glengarry, accompanied with a dogs—Carried. The Clerk read the
guarantee of stipend 41000 per Medical Health Officer's report. Also
annum, in quarterly payments io the report of the local Board of
advance, and free use of Manse or Health. Moved by Mr. Musgrove,
rented house. Alessi's. John S. Mc-
Donald, M. P. P., Francis McDonald
and John Ritchie, commissioners
from the session and congregation,
supported the call. The Moderator's Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank
conduct in the matter was approved seconded by Mr. Musgrove; that the
and the call sustained as a regular Clerk be instructed to notify the
Gospel call. Reasons for translation Drain Inspector to meet the Reeve,
of Mr. MacLeod from Kenyon con- Clerk and James Powell, at the stroyed by fire, has his task complet-
gregation. to that of Huron were iPowell drain, on Wednesday, Nov. ed, and next spring will. see a •fine
d approved.. Rev. D l'3. '27th, at 2 o'clock p. m.—Carried. three-story brick structure erected.
ng the
3 taste,
best of
Ve solicit
. Cash is,
no decep-
ru Tweed
Trish, And
nothing but
or Quality.
acing House,
at $6, job completed and recommend. I HARRISTON.
ed payment. Mr. Geminill reported untended for last loom)
that job of cutting hill let to Thos. It is our sad duty this week to
Anderson has not been done s:titin• record the death of Mrs. J. L. Sturdy,.
factorily and recommended that no of the Queen's hotel. She had not
aetion be taken in the matter, enjoyed the best of health for some
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, second -,time, and though ill for a few days
Gonna], by MrGonna], that 810 be before her death, ber friends had
granted to 5, Gracey in full of account every hopes of her recovery. On
for Shrigley's funeral --R Carried. Wednesday night all repaired to
Moved by Mr, Gemmill, seconded by rest as usual but Mr, Sturdy bear -
Mr. Musgrove,that Mr. Cruickshank, ing a strange noise went to her, bed,
be appointed to examine drain and side, where he found her
road on Culross boundary, opposite beyond the reach of human skill,
24, and if road has been widened death following a few moments after..
filer remains were followed to the
G. T. R. station on Monday morning
by a host of friends. Her remains
were taken to Goderich for inter- BL.YTII.
meat. Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy came to A quiet wedding took place at the
this town from Wingham nearly residence of Mr. .and Mrs, John
eleven years ago, and since then McNally, Hanover, on Monday even -
have carried on a grocery. business ing, when their youngest daughter,
in Brussels for about three years. Miss Charlotte, sister of our towns -
Returning here six years ago they man, Mr. Andrew McNally, was
ptirehased the Queen's Hotel, of this joined in the holy bonds of matri-
town, and since then have carried on mony to Mr. Charles I3, Bradwin, of
the hotel business where they have Walkerton, brother of the editor of
made many friends. Mrs. Sturdy The Standard. Miss McKenzie acted
as bridesmaid. and Mr. Alex. McNally,
brother of the bride, assisted the
groom. The bride wore her travell-
ing dress, a becoming suit of brown
cloth, and looked very pretty. Tho
bridesmaid was attired in cream
erepon. Rev. J. R. Craigie, M. A.,
tied the nuptial knot in the presence
of only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties. After the cere-
mony was performed a handsome de-
jeuner was partaken of,after which the
happy coupleleft by the lOo'clock train
for Owen Sound, leaving there the
following morning by the C. P. R. for
a trip across the continent to British
Columbia, The bride was the re-
cipient of many useful and handsome
presents. We extend to the young
couple our best wishes and hope that
their troubles will be nothing more
than "".little ones."
the General Assembly were distri-
buted. Session reeords of Pine
River Belgrave and St.Helens were
first, second and third time, passed,
signed and sealed. Reid---•MeKague
---That Seeretary he instructed to
get 850 post cards printed and
mailed to members. intimating the
amount of their assessment and the
date on which the annual 'meeting
shall be held, namely, Saturday,
18th January, 1896, at two o'eloek
p, m,, in Town Hall, Teeswater.—
Carried. McKague --� McKague---
That this board do now adjourn to
meet again on last Saturday of
Nevember, in Town Bali, Teeswater,
at 2 p, m., or at call of the President.
G. A. Pnzxoi.u, See'*-Treas.
seconded by Mr. Diment, that the leaves behind a husband, one son
reports of the Medical health Officer and one daughter (Mrs. Lemon, of
and the local Board of, Health be Dakota), who, as soon as she heard
adopted and their accounts paid— of Der mother's death, she, with her
husband, hastened home and ar-
rived on Sabbath.—Mr. Johnson, who
had the contract of removing the
Odd Fellows building recently de -
read an
McRae, of Cranbroek, was appointed. Moved by Mr. Gemmell, seconded by
by the Huron congregation and this Mr. Musgrove; that the Clerk be in -
Presbytery to prosecute the call be- structed to write to John Weir,
fore the Presbytery of Glengarry. Glenannan P• 0., to az once call on
The Clerk was instructed to forward the Township Treasurer aura refund being the nomination of Mr. J. Patter -
the call and relative documents to $2 paid by this Council for broken son, of Maryborough, to contest West
the Presbytery of Glengarry. Pro- wagon axle—Carried. Moved by Wellington in the bye election.—A
visional arrangement was made for Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. mammoth sale of real estate will
the induction of Mr. MacLeod : The 'Dimwit, that the Reeve be instructed take place at the 'Collison House, on
Moderator to preside, Mr. Whaley to to assist Treasurer in making annual Dee. 5. The property is the estate of
preach, Mr. A. MacKay to address statement—Carried. The *Following
the minister and Mr. MacLennan to :accounts were passed and orders on
address the congregation. A conn- 'Treasurer issued;. W. B. Towler, M.
mittee, consisting of Rev. D. B. Me. D., $4, fees for M. H. 0.; Wm. Mc-
Rae and Mr. A. M.. McKay, Brussels, Pherson, $2, nhember 13. of 'H.; Win.
was appointed to visit' the congrega- 'Gemmill, do., $2 ; Jas. Elliot, do., $4;
tion of Walton to see if it is possible John Burgess. secretary B.•of H., $8;
for' them to increase the Minister's
salary and find out the financial
strength of the congregation. Mr. drains, 59.50: S. Gracey, Shrigley
Ross called the attention of the Pres $510 •Sohn Stapleton,iggli
bytery to the fact that next March funeral,,
b d • , a . 98 ; • R.
Sutherland, of Riplears 4committee Weir Powell dram $2 John passes but some one is moving.—
consisting of Messrs. Murray, Malcolm P , . . • ,.
and MacLennan, was appointed to err, survey •drain, $1.10 ; • John
considee; Mr. Sutherland's jubilee McKinnon, drain, $94; John Weir,
and report at next meeting of Pres- 'survey drain, $1.10 ; Robt. Miller;
bytery. Communications from the drains, $21.50 ; James Powell, survey
Home and Foreign Mission
.drain, $1.10 ; John Burgess, .$15.50 ;
mittees of the General Assembly Wm. Mitchell, refunded dog tax, $1 ;
were read, intimating that the A. Reid, refunded dog tax, 51; Robt.
former requires 51400 and the latter Douglass. expense, drains, $2,50 ;
$1100 from this Presbytery for this Peter McLaren, part salary, 550 ;
Aitkin, charity account,54.
year. The estimates from these
committees were entrusted . to the Moved by Mr. Geinmill;4secoucled by
financial committee of Presbytery. Mr. Musgrove, that this meeting do Minutes of previous meeting were
Mr. Hall asked permission to have now adjourn to meet in McDonald's read, and on motion of McKague
some_ members of the Session .of hall, Bluevale, on December 16th, and lzellison, were
adopted. applications Church, East Wawanosh, as 1895, ,at 10 o'clock a. m.=Carr-med. r
assessors at Belgrave until new John I3un.dnss, Clerk. for insurance be now laid before the
lust be sold by
Tested Free.
be Opticia rt.
a number from here went
down to Drayton on Tuesday, the
19th inst., to attend the Reform con-
vention, the result of the convention
'Wm. Wright, culvert, $3.50 ; Mathias
Wiley, gravel, $2.16 ; Jas. Weir,
drain and culvert, 86 ; C. A. Jones,
will be the jubilee .of the Rev. Mr- on Cuil oss Dun ae,y ,•
Ste Teton Powell ' drain ; 2 75 R. Mr. J. K. Moore has bougist out Mr.
H. Wright and is taking possession
this •week.
the late J. F. Wilson and consists of
farm lands, town cots and buildings. • --s---
As the executors ,of the estate are
desirous of winding upthe business
(Intended for leer ie,+un.) I
of the estate,_ some choice property me. :Samuel Code left a week ago r
isofi'ered. Terms most reasonable.— for the States._Miss Jennie Fergu-
Soine beautiful residenees have been son, of Walton; is the guest of Miss
erected in town during time past sea- Addie Crisp, this week.—Mr. R. J.
son, which add greatly tothe appear- Belt started school again this week
anee of the town. Next season Till in Clinton, his father being able to
see a large number more, also two be around again. --Dr. Karansman
fine business blocks.—Moving is the is attending to Dr. Agnew's practice
order- of the day. Hardly a day here.—Owing to the illness of Rev.
Mr. Millston, on Sunday, R. Holmes,
of Clinton, filled the Methodist pulpit.
—Mrs. 'Samuel Woodman still con-
.tinucs very low, the doctor having
but slight hopes of her recovery.—
.Miss Nettie Webb ' was visiting
friends in Auburn, last week.—Mr.
Wm. Longman has returned home
from Manitoba.
fiche directors of the Culross
Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company met
in the town hall, Teeswater, on the
26th milt., as per motion of adjourn-
ment. Members all present. R. E.
Little, president, in the chair.
elders are ordained. The request
was granted. The names of charges
entitled to send commissioners to the
next General Assembly to meet in
Toronto in June were announced by
the Clerk, as follows: To send
Ministers — Dungannon and Port
Albert, Belgrave and East Wawa-
nosh, Wroxeter, Huron, Charmer's
(Kincardine Township) and Bervie,
and to send Elders-131uevale and
Eadies, Lucknow. Knox Church
(Kincardine), Pine River, White-
church ander Langside. The next
regular meeting of Presbytery will
be held at Wingham, on Tuesday,
January 21st, 1896.
Jour MAONABn, Clerk.
Lucknow, Nov. 23rd, 1895.
Hiss A. Roderus and Master , W.
for examination.—Carried.
McKague—McKagne—That having
examined 14 applications, the Presi-
Roderus of Winrhanh, spent Thanks- dent and Secretary are hereby in -
giving holidays in town—Mr. James
Ireland was in town over Sunday.—
unday.John Moore, of Wingham, was in
town this week.—We are pleased to
Agnates of Council meeting held
November 18th, 1895. The mem-
bers of Council all present. The
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting were • read, approved
and signed. Oonlmunications were
read from Wm. Ferguson, re drain
and culvert ; from S. Grimy, re
funeral of pauper ; from Township
Engineer, re feed for drains; from
Jas. I.+'riser, re „ravel got in Culross,
and from Mr. Wellwood, re drain on
Culross boundary. The Deputy -
Reeve reported that the had seen
ratepayers on 13 line, and they have
no objection to B lino being opened,
provided no expense is incurred in
opening it, and also provided the
1 tigineer be brought on and the
eorreet line found, as all stakes have
been burnt up or lost. Mr. 3i:tisgrove
strutted. to prepare and issue policies
for same—Carried. . McKague—
Reid—That. an assessment for de-
fraying .expenses and for increasing
learn that Mr. :filbertGoebel, our reserve fund be made at usual date
watchmaker, has decided to .remain on all premium .notes held by this
in our midst, he having intended to Company in force on 24th day of
move to Ailsa Craig.—At a meeting
of the ratepayers of our town, held
in the town hall, on Monday right,
it was decided to put in electric light.
The power will. be supplied by
Gibson Bros., and wires Will be run
to Gorrie, supplying that plane also.
The contract was made with Mr. W.
Green, of Wingham, who will start
at once with work. Mr. Green also
intends; in the near future, to start
the manufacture of table slides and
bureau backs, and will require about
3000 cords of black ash for same.—
Word has been received by wire, of
the death of Miss. Maggie Sanderson,
daughter of the ]ate William Sander-
son, of this town, who was "working
November, 1895, and that Secretary
prepare a by-law for that •purpose.—
Carried. By-law No. 24 was then
brought in authorizing Secretary
Treasurer• to levy and collect an
assessment of 4 per cent. on all live
premium notes in force on Nov. 24th,
1895. Said bylaw was then read a
e Hanes
A preparation which
enriches and purifies the
blood and assists nature
fn. repairing wasted tissue
must have. a wide range
as a nurse near New York. The Of llacitlItICSS.
remains will reaeh here to -night in . S;iCh r? preparation is
charge of Mr' With Wells, late of Scot's D111Li1s1o11 Of Cod -
this town.—Mr. R, Ritchie; traveller livor Oil with T ypophos-
for lby-, titan &Co., of Toronto, 1i1:�5 of Li3.,ie and Soda.
was 111 town this week . --Mr. W. J. ph
Hayward, Inspector Of Weights and •. The uses of Scott's Enittl-
Measures, was in town and paid all Sion are riot "confined to
the places of business a short visit.-- wastilgdiseases,lie coli
Mr. Robort-Driller was in Listowel on sumptio11, scrofula ox
Tuesday. Mi John Hayden;aydt�n,' l'e 1 Th brace
presenting 11'iessrs. Mitt Sloan Co a �1ri1
'of Toronto, was In town on Tuesday. nearly all
those minor age
- 4i'essrs, Rutherford" and ] ortune' ments associated: with
reported that he had let culvert and got in a ear of pressed straw, this , lass vf,Ze h,..
drain on nth Cott liner to Jas. WV'eir, I week. Scott dr. sow* Ora and Vit.
Mr. George Lintner moved into
one of Mr. Menzies' houses, last week.
—Miss Minnie Williamson is renew-
ing old acquaintances on the 12th,
this week.—Mr.'.Jonathan Patterson
is Iaid, h with rhe•uuiatism at
present. -
For Cash. We believe that we have the best value in
these lines that can be found in the County of Huron.
It may properly be asked why then do we offer such valu-
able goods at cost now ? The reason can be told in five
words, viz : OUR STOCK IS. TOO LARGE, and
must be sold out during the next month. This is a chance
that rarely occurs to get carefully selected and well bought
goods at actual cost.
The Anchor House,
Is still in the field and stronger than ever (not in blowing, like some)
but in special values in Fall and Winter Goods. He has the name of
being the cheapest and he isbound to keep it up. Working
on the Cash System tells the story g every time. The customers
know the secret of cheap goods, DRESS and when they want a dress
or a coat or a cape they go to the Cash Store, where
they can save from 25 to 30 per cent. Dresses, Suits, Coats, Capes, and
all kinds of children's wear he
MAKING' is making up in the very
latest styles, having secured a competent cutter and fitter.
Nothing but the very best and latest styles that the art can produce will be
turned out. Those favoring us with their ork are sure
to come again. All Mantleand heavygoods bought
here cut free of charge.
Nervous Prostration
It is now a well established fact in
medical science that nervousness is due
to impure blood. Therefore the true
way to cure nervousness is by purify
ing and enriching the blood. Tho
great blood purifier is Hood's Sorsa.
parilla. Read this letter:
"For the last two years I bavo been a
great sufferer with nervous prostration
and palpitation of the heart. I was weak
In my aimbs and had smothered sensa-
tions. At last my physician advised me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla which I did,
and I am happy to say that I am now
etrong and well. I am still using Hood'r
Sarsaparilla ani would not ba without it.
I recommend it to all who are suffering
With nervous prostration and palpitation
of the heart." MRs. DAvrox, 56 Alice St.,
Toronto, Ontario. Get Hood's, because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
'true Blood Purifier
Praninentll+ In the public eye todey.. it
Is not Whit Ire a but What Ilooa r oar-
raparilla doer thin tells the story,
t.t ionfo'h.17 with
[' s. mid,. t�i�reHaat%Sars.parriJI. Sad
WINGl3:1 l .
o. to be eado
Now that summer is over, I have lately returned from
the Market, where I have purchased a heavy stock of
goods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade.
iI am prepared to offer you bargains that have never be-
fore been offered in the town of Wingham.
Ladies' Mantles, $4.50, $5.5o, $6.75 and $8, all colors.
Dress Goods a full line.
See our all wool Flannel at to cents per yard.
Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats made to
order and fit guaranteed.
A full"line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Carpets,.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Ready -Made Clothing.
CURTAINS ---Chenille, Swiss and Lace, in every
A discount of ro per cent off all goods for cash.