HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-29, Page 4E 'AMR Mat, Wratrn .ottener, the Government Us WILL eandidate in Cardwell, is opposed to the Uovernmeat on the sabool ques- tion. Mr. MeGillivary, the Govern- - AN() – went candidate in North •Outario, can't say what he o ill do in reference DuGGIsT to remedial legislation until be sees " the tneasure to be introduced by the Government, ,and the Government n nn • is willing, to aCeept 8U1as their ARLO, N. W. TELECRAPri cenditlates! A government reduced Brunsmok House.. to euch straits is in a pitiable condi opp. Wingham, out Tim Government seems to consider CHEMIST * the bye -elections a matter of life and f. beCliOtingaiit !,4). r5 FRIDAY, NOVEMDER 29, 1895. To wawa IT NEAT" CONCERN. Those who have received ac- counts from us will please iemit the amount, or call and, settle. ouee. As we expect to leave Wingham on the 2nd, of January next, all amounts not settled by- that time will be placed, in other hands for col- lection. "A word to the wise," &e. Remittances made by P. 0. Order or registered letters will be at our risk. R. ELLIOTT. name Office, Wingbam, Nov. 27th, 1805. EDITORIAL NOTES. THE election in Cardwell will be held on December 24th. THE Domiuion Parliament has been called to meet on the 2nd of January next. THE appeal of the Canada Revue, in their action against the Archbishop •of Montreal, has been dismissed. IT IS understood that Hon, Mr. Laurier will speak in several places in Ontario in the course of a few weeks. A CONSERVATIVE Convention for West Huron will be held at Smith's Rill, on December 10th next, to nominate a candidate for the House of Commons. A DISPA.T011 from Winnipeg says that it is altogether likely that the Manitoba and Dominion Governments will agree upon a compromise in the School question. HARMONY is a thing unknown among the Government supporters in • Quebec,. Hon. Mr. Angers' organ Judgment in the case of 13arrett vs. scores Sir A, P. Caron most unmet,- Wiunipega in which it was -stated cifully, and says that they have had that the Catholics had no grievances. atonal) of MM LOWER WING -HAM. On Wednesday, 20th instant, Thomas Smith, after a short illness, passed away in his 71st year. The deceased cane here froni the town- ship of Grey, a few years ago, and was highly esteemed for his stirling qualities of head and heart. He leaves a widow,. who has the sym- Tut bye -election for the Local pithy of a large circle of friends— Legislature in West Wellington prom- Mr. Johd Green, who has been ill lees to he a warm one. There are for some time, we are pleated to see, Ns- quite recovered and is around as three candidates in the field.: Messrs, isual. J. Patterson, Maryborough town- ship, Liberal ; Jas. Tolton, Clifford,' Crops in 'Manitoba. Conservative, and JA'44. Tueker, 'Peel • The estimates of the hundred or tOwnship, Num, more agents of the BankersAssocia- tion, stationed throughout Manitoba, regarding this year's trop, which are absolutely reliable, are as follows: Wheat Total acreage, 1,140,27a; total yield, 34,843,892 bushels. 13arley—Acreage, 158,839; total yield 5,903,517 bushels. Oats —Aereagt, 482,65$; total yield, 25,- 55,i J bushele, death with than, aud are making every effort to retain the constit- neneles. North Ontario election will be held on the 1234 of Decem- ber. Cardwell an the 24th and no doubt West Iluron will Wu a week or two after Cardwell. This will give the ,sidc line and back eon- ces.sion workers time to go from one constituency to another and distribute the "Infuenee," Such tactics on the part of the Government should be frowned down and those engaging in them driven from power. THE Toronto Telegram, the lead- ing independent newspaper of the province, says: Whatever Conser- vatives may think of Wilfrid Laurier, it is clear enough that the Liberals never had a leader who was stronger in the country, or as strong in the affections of his followers in Parliament. Signs of dissatisfaction with att.. Laurier's leadership would not show first in the columns of the Conservative papers, if the dis- sntisfaction were sincere or wide- spread. Nor would the Conservative journals be dissatisfied if Mr. Laurier I was really as weak as theysay he is. A weak and blundering Opposition leader is worth a great many votes to a government, and if the Liberals now bad such a leader the Conserva- tive journals would not be advocating for a change. 4. Ma. JAS. FISTIER, a member of the alanitoba Legislature, has con- tributed a letter to the press on the Manitoba Sehool question, in which he says that the Dominion Govern- ment, in July, 1894, sent a memorial to the Manitoba government, asking that body to grant relief to any well. founded complaint. The Manitoba Government replied to this memorial that there were no grievances. It will be noticed that this memorial was sent to the Manitoba. authorities before the last judgment of the Privy Council was given, allowing the minority to appeal to the Dominion Cabinet for relief, The only deliver- ance of the Imperial Privy . Council at the time the Ottawa Cabinet sent the memorial to Manitoba was the ast Iluron Patron Conven- tion held in Brussels, a short time ago, to nominate a candidate for. the Local Legislature, was but very thinly attended, and nothing was done. There is no vacancy as yet, and it looks as if our Patron friends were a trifle premature. A tcePaztirtax from the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal has waited on the Dominion Goverinneet, asking them to send a delegation of business men to Franck to aseertain upon what terms trade could be encourag- ed and developed. Their request is to be considered by the government. Pitmo/rAt GgotT, writing In the Toronto Week, comments on the Live &bel anomalous position occupied by those Toronto, Ont., November 26. The market was dull tO-day and people in Canada who are prepared qtiet1 a few eattle were left in the to take British protection, through pens at the weetern Cattle yards at her frigatea and gunboats, whenever in trouble,'the close. Offerings to day were 47 they gcg; Ns'et maintain A carloads,. whieh ineluded 966 sheep high tax poliey to prevent the mother- I and lambs, 1,700 hogs, about a dozen land from trading with them. calves and nearly 20 cows. in THE Dominion Govermnent ap- butehers' cattle trade was dal!, and pear to be in very deep water just slow, arid quite A few cattlerernained now, and they cannot get anyone 'unsold. -Conmion butchers' cattle to' assist thein in pulling the oid could hardly be sold at all, These iwater-lcgged ship into a safe haven, were quoted at from Ie 2e per Sir Mackenzie Bowel! has lxv,rt try.ipound„ Very few really good eattle img to induce some members'. of the Offered. Top price paid WAS $3.85 Qtrobeu .goverranent to wine to his per cwt. for one carload of the best aostotetme, brit an far withoutsuecess. cattle on the market. Choice cattle: It saliva iv be a forgarte eonclusion are wanted. The rating figures for 'Ste Goverataset is doomect good cattle were *oil 8,0 na pe' • ...en. ••••••11.,*•••••••••••••••••••••••41. THE WINGRAM. nmEs, NOVEMBER 429, 189.5. pound, the latter for choice. Sheep Tilers were not so many in, and the market was slightly firmer din:iag the forepart I:if the day, I4e 8e being paid, as dealers required some to 1111 spaee, but before evening prices sagged again to 2:le per pound- Lainbs—There was a. slightly firmer tone to this line to -day, the ruling' figures being from $2.76 $3.25 per cwt, Quite a few sold at $2.80 0; t'43,20 per cwt. Bulls—A few fat bulls for export are wanted. One bull was sold for 2:1e per pound to- day, which would have brought 3c two weeks ago. Some more bulls went at 2e per pound. Mich cows and springers—Prices were =hang- ed at from $20 0 $35 per head, ajoaae—Prices were low again to -day, thetopfigure being about $3,70 per cwt. Very few touched $3.75 weigh- ed off the ears, The market was weak at that, and prospects are for still lower prices. Montreal, Que., November 25.— There were about 600 bead of but - oilers' cattle, 50 calves and 2,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir to -day. Trade was fairly brisk, with an active de- mand for the best cattle, some of which sold up to near 4e per with pretty good stock at from 3e 0.1 no. per ib. Common cattle were rather plentiful and sold at from 20 ® 21e per Ib. Good calves were in demand. Mr. Burassa paid $30 for three fine calves; others selling at from $3 0 $7 eaeh. 'There was no demand for old sheep. Lambs sold in lots at from 3e 0 Kie per lb., and .picked lambs brought 8e. Fat hogs are numerous and sell "at about 4c per Ib, East Buffalo, N. Y., November 25. —Cattle—Receipts moderato — 209 cars; market opened with a fairly good demand for good handy and medium weight steers, and good to choice fat butchers; prices generally about steady. Hogs—Receipts, 160 cars market fairly active • Yorkers, $3.75 ® $3.80; roughs, $3 ® $3.25 ; pigs, $3.25 ® $3.75. Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 170 ears; market ruled heavy; lambs, choice to prime, $3.90 @ $4; Canadian lambs, fair to prime, $3.90 $4.15 ; sheep, choice to selected wethers, $3.15 $4.45 ; Nile and common, $1.25 $1.75. U.NT COUNCIL, The Council of the Huron wilt meet 10 the Clinton, on Thursday; Doo e. rn. Dated oration of a County of n k4 ti the Town of next, at TO datock W LANK, CO. Clerk. 1855. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES 1896 The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on MONDAY) DECEMBER Oth, 1695, For the supply of Butchers' Meat, Butter, D y and Creamery, giving price r each, Flour, Oatmeal, Po atoes, Cordwood, 1' for the following instil tion during the year 180G, viz ACthe Winn for the no in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Blimico, Drockville and °riffle; the Central Prison and Mercier lieformatom Toren. to; the Reformatory for Boys, Penetanguisitene the Institutions for titDeaf and Dumb, Rolled/le, and the Mind At DrAntford. Two sufficient sureties w1.1 bo required for the due fulfillment of midi contract. iineeffications and forms of tender can only be bail by making applies. tion to the 13nrsars of the respective institutions. K. B.— Tenders are no required for tho supply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston. Hamilton and ltiMileo, nor to the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. The losvest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. CHRISTI K, T. F. oSAMBESLATN, JAMBS NOXON, Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities. Nrlfatment Iluildidgs, Toronto, Nov. lffith. 180. YOU'LL REGRET IT_ If you don't call and examine, and while you are there, get prices of that immense new stock of 2K 4C :ME let AL, Which bee Jett arrived from Germauy. It is the most beau titut assortment ever shown in town. GROCERIES446,4", Complete in every line, Wo ars ready ror you, when you are ready to do your Xmas bakitig. MAitlallai REPORTS. wxxemot. Wingham, Nov. 28, 1806, I Correetea by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Plour per 100 lbs.. ........ 1 75 to 2 oa Pali Meat—. ......., a 068 to 0 70 Spring Wheat., , .... • , 065 toQ 70 Oats, , 0 24 to 0 20 .14,10F.,, 0 00 tO 0 06! 41,14.4 0 50 to 0 fili 130tter.. • t. ..... .• .. 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen .... 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord. , • , .... 1 25 to 1 00 Bay per ton . „ . ....14 00 to15 00 Potatoes, per busizel.. 0 16 to 0 20 Tallow, per .. „ . 0 05 to ,0 05 Dried Apples. per lb,.....„ 0 al to 0 06 Chickens ......0 20 to 0 201 Ducks 0 40 to 0 50 Geese „ 0 6 to 0 51 0 7 to 0 81*•04....41 I er,P1741.-S4%***0==.1(aaNIM214UW1,3204%,1, , TRUNKS VALISES, LEATHER SACS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD CaLVSZITIZIIROXI6RMAXVICK=2.11=371113=a THE BEST TRE'— SMALLEST COST MERCHANT TAILORING —AND — GENTS' FURNISHINGS GEO. GARR'S By inspecting our Stock, you will be convinced it pays to buy the best when it can be had at such a very moderate" cost.. Our prices cannot be beat anywhere for good, reliable workmanship and ma- terial. A. Perfect Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Always the latest at the lowest price in Gents' Furnishings, GEO. CARR, • Opposite, Oh ishohn's Drug Store, Wingham. SHE SAID "VE She would accept him if he bought tfte 1 N —AT— PATTERSON'S If you want a ring that will wear you a life time, buy it of PATTERSON'. Get up as quickly as you ean and get one of our magnificent engage- ment rings. Any young lady would be proud to wear one of them. We will whisper the price to you—we have them as low as $1.25, "Rs all so Sudden"sometimes that the young man doesn't know- where to get the ring. If you are in this plight you may come witbout mis- givings to us, We guarantee all of our pods and our guarantee is good. What she wants is one of our Diamond Itiegs, 14 karats fine. With them the style never changes. Any young lady knows her ring will not be out -shone if it comae from PAVVEItS014. REPAIR1NG4444, OUR TEASstipvt*, For Fine Wateh Repairing. I defy Are becoming more tamone every day. competition. Especially eSalada," NORMAN L FARQUHARSONI tibilla Timm, Wingbain. ‘,. Motto :a -Go Geode at Honed Priem Oppoti Bank of liamilton. . ISL rmintrusow, Wingham. /aaligNac,4:;..e&A- eiaiettliaitalialaellealtafal)/1011 SAVE MONEY, BE PLEASED, HAVE COMFORT. THE PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE, JOHN RUES 64 SOWS, Oro_ To Clothe Gentlemen is our Business, Making the best tits that can be turned out anywhere needs taste, ability and energy, which we constantly put in . practice. Hence our garments are always stylish, easy to the wearer nd elegant to look at, • We keep the best of goods and use nothing but the best of Trimmings. We excel in workmansbip and sell cheap. We solicit every gentleman's patronage that wants to be well dressed. Cish is our motto, the only true business principle. We always study the interest of our customers and use no decep- tion. We call Shoddy, Shoddy, Canadian Tweed, Canadian Tweed and not Scotch, Canadian Frieze, Canadian Frieze and not Irish. And. everything is as we represent it. Illay-Moi We have as fine and as cheap a stock as there is in the Dominion. Come and see our stack and bo convinced that we keep nothing but first-class goods and for less money ;than you can buy elsewhere. lo Gents' Furnishings We hold the fort. None can beat us in Style, Price or Quality. i Great Bargains in everything at the Palace Clothing House, Wingham. JOHN BIJETTEL Zic. SONS, Macdonald Block, Wingham. 104,411,411/4.4~1,410%,WYSIgrite4WIletrikWailtAr 411 •r2.6-0, m_ieWs-V...-1 —a-704 arr-015-gA- ratt4 LIE 1,;1.0,..4-0j_ral 6 ore g =.-Lgtalgr I : t rk'11 J 11 Mr—ATGHES, rsi Thei ;IV dir Now is vow( TIME fi Xmas. nd irthday le ain, aie GLOGI<S, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, FROM NOW TO JANUARY IST. altaaataaealailvitafaaaaaaalfalailet, TO SECURE gej Pig resents '11 COST As 1 ain remodeling my store all goods must be sold by tnat tirne. I:I N. B.—Repairing a Specality. Eye Sight Tested Fr 111.4.1141114aballtaillallealaala MUNSHAW Wingham. The Optician, L. a ai of A.i th Bi ex an pr Ht 1:o Gl gu an ad re Dc an frc su co an of re b,