HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-29, Page 2TUE INGITA11 TIMES NOVEMBER limit , 1N 14Z*OEI4.14.. Liues written in loving remembrance of lith, A3i.ss.blelliet 11nAontitcl, died9vl}oJuly . y 18.95, Kallie1 de:t,rest, thou bast left URI Here to mourn .and weep Por thee, But we know that up in Heaven, Front, pato and sorrow than art fres. The Meese was of long duration. Death eanie slow, but sure apace, Rut it found our dearest Nellie, Trusting, in the Saviour's grace, We watetied her feiliug form, "Which filled us all with gloom, But hop•cl th It she, we loved so warm,. j'jl'rn,ld ba nnlird. Rn soon. I ull lit i'po;e. t>, wall is, further a imagine the e". Oa% et' this Joppa nit•:tus of defence. Walls of defence ship setting tris men to pray to their ase hlt!lt to be battered down, beat gods, and going through the ship to fitltl will be a wall of tire.. Eastern. gee if her timbers are still sound. In t.t t"llhe,'1•lI'x made"' wain of firearound 'the course of his examination be goes. their finks for their protection from i to the cabin and comes upon Jonah boleti of prey.. it is to this probably I asleep, Ile shakes him and wakes . that the fight e here refers. In this ! hint and orders him to pray to his . wall there is no breach. Itis a wall f god,. if ho has a god to pray to. round about, The ileuses of the cityJonah, the prophet 'of the Lord is will have no danger from the flame, i roused from his slumber by a heathen It lea beneficial tire to the city, butt Captain l One time a man beard a a consuming fire to her enemies. sermon preached on "The ox lznowetll Satan strives to prevent the buffeting j its own, and the ass its master's crib, uif temples. to the Lord. He prevent -1 but my people doth not know, MY poral needs so pressing that ho can - And since it is His will ed the building of the Jerusalem I people doth not consider." Ile went not think about God or roliglon, On she eh wild oo longer,. stay, temple by making the. people selfish, . home, thought nothing of the sermon the other hand the' more prosperous Let us er'i vi to meet•her, They built their own houses, Gods he went out td feed his cattle,inn *ill cry out,"If you had as On that immortal dg. turn carte last. Sometimes it doss till , when an ox met ,ill,. and licked his much business to look after as T have ' d' ...ill ti. none, Eeliknows what's best , not come at all, Why should we be Then } aid there is haveno time to think dor her a home he di+l�l,,� prepare, I 'c , tarred la Otrr' work for Him I hated, 1 h .n l e ...c an you would withi t rips above,elf. e.oa ,, . 1 illustration of the text. His heart about your soul i or another world. And now Rth ,tits a t who is a wall Of tiro round about us. was And sings with angels there. I touched, and he gave his heart In my efforts to ,eep. abreast of my • Discouragement is a great cause of to the. Lord.. We also learn that competitors I li.•ve no opportunity for prayer or bible study. My day book and ledger demand all my spare moments.,' Some business whfeh lie reasoned were peculiarly 1 The Bright Side, adapted to his audience, for both In the moments of despondency Felix and Drusilla were of abandoned that eolneto every life -- when - sot character. Here the speal. te• e cherished plans seem likely tc fail, forth the Unprincipled character oflwhen disappointment instead of l+'elfx and the abandoned character !success caps our bestendeavors, of Drusilia iu very forcible words,when everything goes wrong and all aura then turned his attention to I the world looks blue to us—how ex - various classess of society, who still ! aspera>;ing the advice, "Look at the need to be reasoned, with on the; bright side ; all will yet be well!" subjecte of righteousness and tern- This advice we Lust tale, however,. penance. a Theworkingman will It is the people who cultivate the plead as his excuse for unrighteous- good habit of looking at the bright Hess toward God that times aro so hard, tend labor so seams, and tem - She has not lest, but only gained, fatilure, and tends to lessen the coot Theprizi for which she sought, it is. possible for sinner to waren And life eternal, life has crowned, . age of the brave, u too late. Wh it was found In endless praise and prayer. Secondly --God promises to be her I that Jonah was t e cause of the There's 1 ing amen IIs, glory in the midst of her. Israel'in storm, he was lift el in the arms of Hien will declare that the principles cradle moves the world," surely it is There s a v, c• Y ,, g tee wilderness was formed four But it will not be ve y long, the sailors and th own into the sea. of the New Testament are almost desirable that that hand should Spon we'll meet thee ifp in heaven square with th tabernacle in the There Nims a splash and the sailors too strict for the 3 business life of the pulse with the energy of a courage - And we'll join tits hippy throng. midst. God roan rests His glory by sale him no more. . Had he confessed present century; that a man cannot ous, not fearing, heart! "Forward!" May we each live really Christians Ills spiritual r. silence, and His earlier and pray: he might have be a match for liis fellow men in is the watchword of youth, but when Till this life on ear h is o'er, T l tteious present in the Church, been saved this ex rienee ; but he trade if he adheres too faithfully to youth°is tempted to fall back, then Then wall meet thee dearest Nellie, i1[oees wished to s. o Gods face. God woke upt On tl,tet bright. cal tial shore. said "I will cause; my to o0 late fat escape. So it ;i these principles. Other are up to is the mother's opportunity; she pass before you." God wishes goodnessuto often. Many wak up in view of tricks and he x\ 11 be ruined if he points her children to the bright �' eternity whence th re can be no cannot trick the in ' return. The side, she urges them to perser-vere• in know Ilim by His goodness. He is great fish to carry one to•a lace ofpreacher ea`thortol his hearers not to well doing,she keeps them true to WHITEGHURCH• the glory to -day in the midst of His blp p The following `re the sermons de- people, God fur her manifests. His safety. Too late! - cold. invisible act so, unless. they meant to, go the their aspirations. So with the good livered on the ok' asion of the open- 'glory in His odinanees, These hands clutch. the soul. Struggle as way of the ungodly. Neither did he man of the house, Wearied, dis- the new I'r' sb feriae church, show Ills \visdo\v'ilove and gracious he may he cannot'- escape their icy spare those Christians who do mean, couraged., disgusted often, with the ing ofY T sl t , r r grasp. They drag tvhim to death. dirty things in their business transae- burdens, trickeries and defeats of in this place, an ,inlay, November condescension. hough He might The storm rages ancl the tightenings tions, and by cr t, and cunning, business life, he is half -minded to 10th: work without the a yet is he pleased flash. The storm is eternal. May and overreaching, and misrepresen- give up the struggle. He has been In the forenoa the Rev. J. A. to work thio gh instruments. no one here waken upton late. Last teflon, and deceit la.y into the hands honorable, and honor doesn't seem to Anderson took fo the subject of his Through His ord antes He gives ' , 1p discourse, Zechariah 2: 5: "For 11[berty, comtuu fan boldness of of all we learn that Gods' way of of the . Devil. After the speaker count; he has been honest and hLord will be unto her a victory,hat wickedness return is always -,free and. welcome. dwelt upon temperance, which he honesty `don't pay.' Well for him, saith the access, Jonah paid the fare to Tarshish, yes, extended .to include a right control if in this crisis his ' wife can be his wall of fire round about, and will be and folly to contend against the ► the glory in the midst of her." The Church. of God ! God is in the midst you may be sure r o' the last cent. of the whole roan with a special good angel, holding him back from But g God brow h hint hack to land reference to chastit of heart, speech, despair, healing his wounded spirit rev, gentleman spoke of the inter- of her. Her future is glorious. Hadand behavioiir, an` after touching with the balm of hopeful words, stied ruptions to the building of the we power to look into the future we fres. l Io bad a g i ea.t fish preparedp , temple of ZerrabaIiel owing to the should see that Which would con- for this very put Jose. It is an ex- upon the subject the judgment to restoring his faith in the right, so opposition of they anemias of God's strain us to sing, pensive thing to • fI e away from God. come, for which he exhorted his that he is'enabled to 'try again.' people, and of tt+e favourable decree ,sregn e, ,the e but the return is always free. All hearers to make preparation, he . That there is a bright side to the JesusDoth His successi ejou noys run;su U of King Darius,' God, he said, beet returning ones are welcomed back turned to the "Res tit of such preach- darkest of our affairs, let us never raised up Zechariah and Haggai the His Kingdom stretcl from shore to shore, by God. Asea captain or. his way ing." Felix trembled. He may doubt. The very failures that seern prophets to en outage the people in Till moons shall wax and .vane no more. to China was wrecked, but reached have entertained the idea that he most appalling bring to us, if we the work of b,l ldin Of such en- Peoples and realms o 'e tongue land, having saved nothing. For a *as to be amused with a mystical .will have it so, the stepping stones to g•Dwell nn Hnt love wi h sweetestosong, time he had to be his bread. For divinity, but as the apostle proceeded success ! Only let. us not yield to couragement heyt•stood . in great And infant voices sl 11 proclaim g' need. The Church had been in a Their early blessings n His name." two years be Refit no word home. he became alarmed at the interest- despondency, and from every trial low and desilised state in. Baby- All the Church's nemies shall be His wife heard of the wreck and had ingly practical character of his words. we shall gather strength ; and from lon. God gslve Zechariah visions put under her fc t shortly: Then given him up for hist. He determin- That is the kind preaching that is every denial, patience, experience! of the ultimate sue- shall we shout ") allelujab, for the ed to return. When he saw his oevn needed to -day, a reaching- that con- These three are .invincible helpers to prophetic bo s 'g,t it vines the intellect, stirs the sensibil- life's best guerdons, and they come cess that would crown the labours Lord God omnipotent reigneth."me again, he said he thought of the people. The man riding in the afternoon the Rev. J. gal- was like heaven ir,slf. It was mid- ities, affects the will, and causes the gladly to the aid, of those stout - among the myrtle trees was none color, basing his discourse on the night. At his knock the servant conscious sinner to tremble. Here hearted folk who persist in walking others than the Lord Jesus Hilnsel1, first chapter of tee prophecy of opened the door. He bounded past the preacher paid'a high tribute'to on`the sanny side.of then daily path. who, earlier in,,the history of Israel Jonah, . said God often • gives His ber and went straight to his wife's the awakening Amer still produe- —111, D. Starling, had appeared to Joshua as Captain people hard and disagreeable work bed chamber. His heart went , nut •ed by the faithfuli preaching of the of the Lord's hosts. The four horns t of the second vision represented the enemies of the Church bold and li daring, and . he four carpenters had received power to cut off the a horns. so that the church should • o have peace, tThe vision of the f measuring of the temple showed that a the Lord had• prepared the way for t the work to go en. 'there were two t dangers to which God's people were t • exposed—fear a d scorn. Jerusalem a was without w lls. When in ,this state God pro sed to be their wall. 'b "Violence she d no more be heard. J in their land, w 'sting nor desteue- j tioii within them borders, but they t Should call thein walls Salvation and t their gates Praise." We were notin these days free from the dangers of fear and scorn, hut he hoped they.a would all see in4the words of the text a declaration that God would free r his people from »fear. The promise of the text was wo•fold. First—God ngages to be a wall round about ;or. The city was without walls. `Now its inhabitants may be onsets us of safety. The. i Church to -day is also in need of help from above. The Lord will be t her wall. A wttall is a means of separation. Canaan was separated from all other -lands by mountain 1 ranges and seas.. Isreal dwelt alone.. Just so God is a wall of separation to His people to -day. They are note of the world. Christ has chosen them out of the world. While they must have intercourse with the world in the perfornane of their Ordinary' duties, yet theit'i intercourse should be such as the ,physician has with the infected. A wall is also a meats of conjunction. As the different parts of the brain are conjoined by the skull, and ° the vitals by the breast, so the 'Church is conjoined by the Lord. .Jcrus tem was a compact, solid, massive, unity characterized by close neighborhood and strong defence. The glory of a Church is in her being a c nipact unity. The shame of a chuff h is in her being incoherent an disunited. HOW' much cause the a is to rejoice in the fact that there re so' many in the Church of God day nutted in aim 1 Q' 1 THE CUTATIVAT ARP 1896 UNThY G�IdT1C�PN THE =ST Or TUN AGRICULTURAL a iEERLUEt --- -v ni.voxen ro ' Farm Crops, and processes, side that ultimately are successful, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, For to mope ever misfortune is to be r St .I Dairying, T 1 ... C' .... wr , Lw;� �i ati�r,', conquered; to grumble at our fate while it also: motiles nit ,oi,»or departments of Rural futerost, kuch. es the t'onitry Yard,. i ntomo, js to invite a rceptition of fate's tory, Ilse 1 eepplel . Oreonhnusu end Orapary, Veterin •iy iteptles, l•'nrnT lttesttons and Ansneps, frown ; to live in the shadow of Flregdde readh,r, Aonwattc 1h onomv, and a summary adversity is to droop and dwindle of rho Notes of the Week. Its Msrket Reports are usually complete, and muoh nttrntlon is paid to the and die. Oar only hope lies in the prospects of the creea throttle lisht upon ora struggle toward the sunshine. Of rho most of01 nit yncattons-.When to Iiuy and Whwr to Sell. le liberally Illustrated, And To every mistress of a household anntnlrls mere reading matter than ever before, The et oeilptton Prise io 8$ h0 per year, but fro offer is a bright outlook upon tiffs especi- sp:oinl neanetln, in our ally aluable. Not only does it y CLU73 lltA71`.Lg volt Yi306. cheer herself, but it is also.the source Two Synseaxr•rroz;s, in one remittance $ 4 of inspiration to all within her in- Sax " ., it 3.0 fluence. If "the .hand that rooks the TxN cr t, ti 15 inoTnisn. To all New subscribers for 1896, paying in advance now wn will send the paper weokly, front our receipt of the remittance, to daurlary 1st 1895 without charge. t SPECIatnn Corns Fun. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publisherd, Albany, N. T. HALSTE SCOT Josephine Street • • Wi'tgham, tint J. A. HALSTY.O, J. W. Scow, Blount Forest. I LAstowe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and . Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes. or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col. letting Accounts and notes. Agents In Canada—`rho Merchants' Batik of Canada Office Hours—From 9 a. m. to 5 P. r„ A. E. S1.11I'1'11, Agent. MIL O011sunipti011. Valuable treatise and two bottles oo medicine sent Free to any Sufferer, Give Express and Post OIRco address. T. A. SLOCUM CO., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. o do. Why did not God' send a towards his child: He bent, to kits word. But thong' Felix trembled, A Mistaken Idea. whole college of'; to even e- him. A warm to fell on his wife's though convinced the truth of the prophets g � � Some people appear to think that ze Nineveh ? Why send one lone cheek and woke h3;r. Fiis heart was apostle's words et he sought to the only disease which can be reliev- ed• by cod - liver oil is' consumption. aatnst the manly thousands. The answered, tris that you John ?" and hind, and artfully sought to quiet The truth of the matter is that this ids against him seemed too great their joy was gre.t. Such is the his convictions by a lying premiss of remedy cures an advanced case of ! or success. Ha not God given us joy of those who return to God: May future reformation. "When I have that disease _ • while there are a hard task to pexrform in giving us God enable you to return that you a convenient season I will call for number of affections which are he world to christianize? Look at may find deliverane. thee." Felix made the great, the promptly cured by cod liver oil, he. extent of this work. But do not In the evening Mr. Anderson's fatal mistake whie ruins for enter- taken in either the early or advanced bink as you dtii so that th'e odds subject was Paul's iscourse before nity more souls t n all other mis- stages. Among/ ,these diseases are, against us is too teat. He that is Felix. To the city of Caesarea Paul takes put together u , supposing that the wasting diseases of children, with us is greater than all. who can had been brought 1n ,custody of a the present is not convenient time generally debility asspeiated with e against us. it the story of guard of soldiers to be examined on for closing with fferedsmercy, and impoverished blood weakness of the Jonah we also learn that it is utterly a charge of sedition. Felix,' having that the convenie t time lies some- nervous systems obstinate neuralgia mpossible for anyone to succeed who listened to n vigorous a, tali nrnant where in the fu re. The Holyand sciatica, acute and chronic colds. urns to ran any' from God. Jonah of the nr[snner, and hariltn in titre Scriptures, hum n reason, Scott's Emuls[oti of cod liver oil: with tied to flee away from God. He heard, Paul on his defence, conchiled human experiene demonstrate the the hypophosphites of lime and sodais boarded a ship at Joppa bound for to adjourn the case till additional reverse of both these positions to be the best form m which to administer Tarshfsh, paid the fare and thought evidence could be secured.. After true. "Now 'is the accepted time, cod liver oil ; besides it has the 11 was well. But God sent a storm certain days Felin' conceived the idea now is the day of Salvation. The valuable hypophosphites as nerve after Jonah. God had the storm in of being entertained by this famous speaker closed his discourse by An tonics. readiness for the prevention of prisoner, and gav orders ,to have earnest entreaty to all not to delay Jonah's flight. So God works to- him brought inthis palace. His the important matter . of their soul's salvation. An Important Offtae. day. A certain young man felt like .vita Drusiila w also nxious to To properly fill its a,1T}ee and functions, Paul, "Woe is inc if I preach not the hear something of that, ,miracle- —�--- it is important that the . blood be ptire. Gospel." He enters acollege: Takes worker, Jesus, of a.zareth, of whom. A JouRxnnzs io Honx was When it is in such a'condition, the body part of his course. Before eomplet Paul was a dean ed follower, and recently perpetrated by one of the is almost certain to be healthy. A coin - the his theulog[cgl studies a lucrative now they thouaht�, of being entertain- great London dailies and for a plaint at this time is catarrh in some of its various forms. A slight cold level- position is offered. • • him. He yields to ed by a recital o : his wonders by while all England; was in a state of ops the decease in tTte head. Droppings he temptation and accepts. All is their prisoner. ant in the gilded nervous excitement. Of course of corruption passf"ng into the lungs bright for a tinie. At length the parses of Felix ' 'roved to be the there was a rOaction. Nervous bring on consumption. The only way Lord takes awe* the wife whom he same fearless, fai ,fol, uncompromfs- excitement Inver ably gives place to to cure thio d[soas tis to purify the blood. The most of stinate cases of co - nervous exhau iota How many tarrh yield tb the Medicinal. powers of over the coffin that he had been addressed the cro vd on Mars Hill.. ,thousands of us suffer from this in Flood's Sarsaparilla as if by magic, fleeing froth God.. He gav• e up his Though ha sten ! in the presence of these hurrying,, Currying times! and simply because it reaches the seat of the position, returned to his studies, and those in \vhnsa h ds big life lay,yet why we need? Are not Hello- disease, 'rod by purifying and vitalizing preached the e(Gospel with much the blood,, reproves the cause. Not only spirit tnntrntecl' nd reveilecl' iiia ays Pills an fallible remedy for does Hood's Sarsaparilla do this but it power, and with great success. To liberty which no t rant could destroy, all such troubl ? Do they not cure gives renewed visor to the whole system, one can succeed who runs away from and no prison w is Circumscribe, he all bilious an nervous disorders, making it possible for good health to Go`d. We further learn that sinners faltered not, but reasoned • of nigh- rectify' liver e - nplatnts, and banish reign supreme: 4 Can sleep in Abe stOin1 of Gods tentianass,temper . ce, sett judgment sleeplessness ind sick headache? wrath. Considering the light he to tutee. The pr ether first directed Why, of course they do. And then The South Duron Agricultural had Jonah was the greatest sinner hili aitdier,rc� to th circumstances and if ;you, suffer, from rheumatism, Soolety will held a fat stock show, ou that ship. a In the midst of the , subjects of Paul's discourse. Though sciat[e goat, Or any similar corn- under the auspices of the society, in storm he sloe in his cabin, he the `Pant tnnst have spoken of the prom. plaint, you bade only to use Hello- .lensall, on December 17th, Liberal P of re Lord, on whose ;%user (Marines of the Christian way's Ointment to find yourself' prises wilt be offered for the best attaint the s orm has been tient,' rel[ginh, he Was anxious to reach the restored to health. fatted cattle of a 1 grades and ages, sleeps. So hen God's wrath is ct,ngcienees of Felix and his wife, to also for sheep pigs and dressed fulling upon there to -day sinners convince their of their sing, and to Bruce county' council will meet at poultry. t sleep, The s a into which Jonah- shape their lives in Accordance with Walkerton on I, Tuesday, December was thrown c id at any part be what was just and right, and so he (?th. . i praised by Press and People. sounded, but here is the :line that hastened to ntako a, personal, praietiW . 'Y'ellow'Oil Used internally and extern. As Ta cure for Dyspbpsia, Constipation Can sound th depths of thi .•bottom• Ctrl. atiyptieatiotr of his discourse. ITe ally cures nisth•' ae, crouri, coughs, sere Tillousaess, _Slott: -Headache', Kidney lasspit? We a learn TfltLtwise this "reasoned" h "snit throat, brow:hitl : and similes complaints. Troubles, and all diseases of the stomach, with them. C risti 5' Externallyit res rheumatism, him- ! bust, bowels and blood, Flurdook Blood lesson; that od sotaietimes uses bas nothing to fear from the irierci� bap sprains bruises cuts chilblains,' Bitters, is praised by press and public strange'lrtea for the awa.kenitt 1 t r�. tie s b its ' 1 is that 11 actually > less v < my of IagiC, �' a daC frost bites, acid sprain anti aches of alike. The reason y of His slum ring edea We can of righteottsness and temperance on every kind. does all that is claimed for it. THIS 13k PICTURE OF Tilt FAtt0US 1':•ni: FOR SCIATIC PAINS. TR, 1T FOR BACKACHE BHEUMATISN LUMBAGO NEURALGIA rr 114; IT FOR MUCCl/ Ail PAnJ AND ACNES EACH IN AIR TIGHT TIN Bok. •l �iIIF.NTMOL PL�sTe R� CURERS DYSPEPSIA, BM Me 0114 GONSTWATESNIF ratmorir THEDZI LE IBBLICOUSHSS1 13.D.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes nil impurities from the systezti from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. DUZIDOCIf. PXLL9 act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and L'owels R•i`P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the wpm., common every --day 'ills of humanity, timer