HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-29, Page 1to a T. ch it is Irought g, and iothing to fit ) $35. $24. o $26. r Pair. D_ 9213M1191:01:11KWIMrafflagli For Suits that suit, •ive comfort to the earer and satisfy our frienckeyou had letter try ins. -Our arment niaker now how to do 'their girls ; don't think here are any better more than others Hundreds of new les to choose fions, What you have tb 'citir done for parties cloth. Tweed Suit Monet '64 Spot Cash, call er terms are cab. R&OO se sdonald n, Ont. rE MEAT le to the taate and smell, be attraetive to the eye. that is desired Iti those anti MIPTTO MAD OADESE theringiine,In MM. customers have 4 °halloo' NI found fust right and ty part of the tOvirt r. G.VI,E140. WING -1-1A ••••01•••••• VOL. XXIV.---NO, 1246, WINGTIA.1V1, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1895, $1 AYEAR IN ADVANCE CALL ON THE FOR Great bars ains GOce(eINCOGEJCii DRESS GOODS READY- ADE MMES MILLINERY A • ' f 4evel.reyehele/els )1181E4C:103E .e' ••••••••." SHOES for all kinds of weathele SHOES for all kinds of people, SHOES for all.kinds o pockdts, Felt Lined Buckle BootS, Felt Lined Long Boots, Felt Lined Laced and Gaiters for Ladies. BOYS and GIRLS SCHOOL BOOTS. GROCERIES lieeesMeteleAs Rubbers and Overshoes, Trunks and Valises. King Belle odd linee of high class Dress Good at half price. e.'''./ -Mr, John E. Sw rts has sold a span of I penises to Xr. W. J. engford, of Clinton';'' For a good, cool smoking piece cell on Patterma, the leadin jeweler, Winton:ea. -Rev, D. Perris a Bev. Jas, Malcolm, of Teeswater, exobang d pulpits on Sunday lost. WilliamsLittle k Dandelion Pills mire headache. Try them. g of the House of n the 5th ofDeem- id concert will be Fall -Stock complete. Prices Right. Winghatu, GEORGIE GOOD, The Shoe i‘lan, Marriage Licenses Issued hyFISANIC PATERSON. No 23, Vic- eg-Rev. Wm. Lo torte Street,Winghana, Ont. Nowitnesses required. rector of St. Paul's on Tuesday calliii parishioners. Fie congregatiou here e Oysters arriving aily at the old reliable Star restaurant, and served in auy style. JAB. MOILELVIn. -The formal openi Refuge will take place ber next, and a splen given in the evening. Overcoats from e12 to e2 ; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Gro. H. LIM'S, City Tailor, -miss Maud MeCo , eldest daughter et Bay. Bobt. MoCosl4 rector of Christ church, Chatham, an formerly of Wing - loon, will give public molt._ this winter. Servarit wanted, for • en ousework. Apply to Mrs. John A. Lean,icorner of Edward end Alfred st e s, Win ho.m. .-Huron Comityourmil will meet at 1) Clinton on the 6th o December. next. At 10.30 p. ne, the mem ors of that bodwill be tendered a banqu by the citizens of Clinton. Get a free sample of Williams' Little Dandelion Pills and be convinced. There is nothing like them. , of Glencoe, the new church, was in town on a number of bis ill take charge of his ly in January next.y BOOTS & SHOES eaveelieseettele CEN2t4 aeiag 00R. yowls ANC, GERRARD VS., TORONTO, Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Large faculty ; Superior courses ; Students assisted rite tor ircU1ar5. to positions every / In these days of tall: about advanced methods of Instruction in Commercial Work, lot us show yOU what two large and successfully conducted schools under ohe management can offer you. The only practical method in existence. Write us for parb- culars. Shorthand and penmanship courses equally thorough and up to date. Our sehoolis unsurpasded in equipment and our staff of teachers all men hold- ing teachers certificates. Fend for catalogue. Two firearms for the price of one. See I Williams' Little Dandelien Pills King's window, cure headache. Try them. --Regular meeting of Court Maitlard. Llof the Western Oa- Cauaiian Order of roretters, will be held this (Friday) avenin evenini A full attendance of members is rogue ed. 's -The it meetin tario Veterinary Me be held in Guelpb, on December next. AA be read by promine profession. The old reliable botcher, Mr. T. G, Field, has a full supply of Seusages,Head Cheese, tee., as well as meets of all kinds, Give him a cell. C. E. Williarn0 sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. -Thanksgiving y was generally ob- holiday, all places of , The snow reads it ', as there was not served as a public haleness being clos rather disagreeab enough for eleighinl See King's window. Suit lengths of High Class Tweed Dress Good at half price. -The Greed Tri k railway has inegur- atee the "block" a tem over all its lines. This system prov dos that no train shall follow another un 1 the lirst bas passed the next station a end. Black worsted suits from $15 up, at Gno. H. Lim's, City Tailor. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. SHAW & ELLIOTT, 1'. edeINT0311., Proprietors Prine fuel. 1•11,416••••••,47•10...•11•••••••rne•,01.•••••••••••••••••••••• REAY-MADE CLOTHING ORDERED CLOTHING :'TiJR6.0 S -Municipal . mat town, It is whisper )1e. Geo, McKenzie the Wies:malty. whether the present didate for another te LOCAL NEWS. Cash.for butte e and eggs at Griffin's Grocery, . --Regular mteeting f Town Council on Monday evening inixt. rs are yery quiet in around town that ill be e candidate for have not learned Mayor will bo a can- na or not. Last season's Man les, e5 to 68, we sell for e2.50;' SS to 612. we sell for 114; 612 and 15, we sell for e6. M. IL MoLmoo. C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. '. -Dr. Macdonald Wednesday, taking proceedings in coonec publio school -in that5t ENT--- 1 i e ngla or, Dia in ana -The young sp sent to Walkert stealing some je tried by jury, anc tried till the Dene otaele dealers who were from Luoknow for elry, have elected to be consequently will not be ber sessions. Money to loan at a reasonable rate of interest on farm property. Apply to Dr. Towler. -Service in the C ngrego.tional church on Sabbath next De hours, 11 a. rn. and tbe. Rev. Henry preach, taking for "The Christian's evening subject: " are welcome. let, at the usual p. rn. The pastor, . Mote, D. D., ' will is morning subject: ortion," and for his rist and Jonas." All cal Association will he 10th and lith of tuber of papers will t members of the -The TUtES eaten Mr. and Mrs. Chas, entry upon the matri their married life w happiness. Mr, Br Joe. Bradwin, of known to a great m '-Private moneys to loan, on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to JOHN NDELANDS. V -The infant so Wood, late rector -The Executive f tbe County Sabbath, School Assuciatio held a meeting at Clinton lately to m ke arrangements for tho annual meetin It was decided to procure the servic . of Mr. A. Day, and Rev. McRae, of Ac on, in connection with the convention. a large business ble -For first-cless tailoring and cheap was getting some gents' furnishings, try Webster dr- Co. They admired our Remember the place, one door south of agreeably surpris R.A. Graham's grocery store. manufacturing est J/ -The last meati g of Anchor of Hope While here Mr. Lodge, L 0. G. T.,I on Tuesday evening, Button & Fessa.nt was well attended. ITwo candidates were for a public hall 1 balloted for and the following installed as these gentlemen the officers for the Lpresent term : Chief friendly call. Templar, Bro. Pi Sister Dodd ; Sec., SM., Bro. Dodd; Mar., Bro. E. ' BI isieTavish ; Past Poellete0.2 • s at Brussels 011 rt in the peeing on with be new 11. GENTS' FURNISHINGS worivik ICIVIAS. GOODS. Minn To Chorch ' of Walter To. -The ± night, disarranged graph wires, so badl woe- cut off wi Fencee,..te., were a,nd considerable d yoratITTEI: AND EGGS TAEN As CASIL of the Rev. L. G. St. Paul's church, died at the home o!Ittr. Wood's. enother, near Londesboro, one, Friday' la, aged about ono year, a 1 i* buried in the Londesboro cemete y on .Seturday. The been frail nnd a few od's mother took it, on ss of Mrs. Wood. congratulations to H. Bradwin, on their onial sea, and hope I be ono of unalloyed dwin is a son of Mr. is town, and is well- y of our readers. -A few inches splendid sleighing. -Rev. Iifr, M Secretary of the INT inz:otgaiosnerwieisthotflie x: week.lkliss Mcilieraon is offering great bar- gains in fall millinery daring the earning three weeks. 200 new hats1 to elear, at dost. Now is: your chance of London and Parke styles at Canadian pricele J'obn Carg 1, who has been ill for some time, was a great deal worse oe lid it is not expected longer.V ng ()Ida yO,liirint co oun, fwermeiino: he members of the Endeavor Societies, lizetion of the local snow would leek* ',.wen, the Provincial mai Institute in 0011- bbath Schools, is hold. al Classes in town this Thursday morning, that he can last rnu --Mr. A, ‘r, Coop town on Thenktigi with a number of an witrlibboeTeisrtsfraonred Tnervrtu°ntil Weeklythe1Gstloboef atateirnegntup athilori:etbi January, 1897, for 01.25. Subsoribe at mice if yon want cheap reading. 0. Stuart, of own, side of Mrs. Thos. amosh, on Saturday Imes of Vie latter, . Stilarter We learn on Sunday morning. ly have the sympathy s in their sad bereave- -Mr. and Mrs. were called to the b Woods, of West Wav lost, by the serious who is a sister of M that Mre. Woods di Mr, Woods and fain of their many frien rnent. child had. always months ago Mr. account of the illn Heathfield's Healing Beam= is' a sure eure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. -Mr. W. E. Bin ing and Mr. J. H. Mc- Donald, of Listo 1, were in town on Tuesday last. Mr, McDonald in building k in that town, and be pointers in Wing town hall and were at the number of blishments in our town. cDonalci gave Messrs. i. large order for chairs hO id building. Both gave the TIMES a , • J. 0. Field, butcher, Wingbarn, gives special rates to farmers buying large quartities of meat for threshings, bees, eto. Call and see him. -Wm. Rankin, jon a Mr. Richard. leaukin, of town, die ing, after an illness lung tronble. Tho rugged man until h severe attack of la, g into lung disease.e disposition, and sp bis home, when not quently was unkno townspeople' He ' His aged parents re street, near ory. pply to onal street, Wingbarn. nd storm, on Monday e telephone and tele - that communication h all outside places. own down in town, age done. dy ; Viee.Templar, ro. Blackwell; Fin! ease Sister Morrison,; okwell ; Chap., Bro. hief Templar, Bro. Ladies, dean your kid gloves with Josephine Glove Cleaner. For sale only by G. E. Xing, headqnseters for the Perrin Freres Xid Gloves, in all the most desirable shades for street or evening wear. -The dinner and ntertainment, under the auspices of the 1 dies of the Methodist Church, held in the own hall, on Thanks- ry successful affair. sethee'eg were filledglorn untilea, er eight, elesembl of as refresh- ndance. wn Fon Seen. -A nu ber of Langshan and giving day, was a Brown Leghorn fowl. Apply at the Tines ' office. chamber, len -The Ontario A issiled its Provinoia series of the Farme The following are 11 county of Huron: Exeter, Jail. 8: Brussels, San. 27.2 BETE & BOWIE, The only Direct Importers. fAXIL16 enzA.r. rioultural College has bulletin for the winter sInstitutes to be held. dates fixed for the Brumfield, Jan. 7; Aaiun, Jan.. 23-24; Tho 'Ennis and llvonto 'Weekly Globe will be aent from now until the lot of January, 1897, for '0..25. Subscribe at once if you want cheap reading. -Mr. Wm. Watt, , carving machine in ing mill, on Tuesday, loose jacket he was machine. His arm tact with the kn scooped off from the elbow. it is not tho be permanently aisal seine time before again. v A, Prominent shortly after fiv with a, people, and well th,e Merits of the leester The 0 ftliument wee The Orchest number of mite:dons d was being served, an several pieces to the Dam coetribilted sestet ed a Splendid reception her first appearance ienclienee, Miss Hatti M. RobinSon each tam heartily received. Mis duet elicited hearty ap morville, Of Seaforth, before a Wingham and mice, and gave two beautifully rendered los. Mr. M.ama eliss Park, in a vocal iet, sustained their high rept:tuition as mu ieians, and Mr. H. Park and Miss Hattie Reid sang a build- awyer saya: ful vocal duet. Mi es ileyriolda and "/ haVe eight children, every one in good Peasant rendered apiaijo duet in an filmed health, not one of whom but hat tekett faultless 'Manner h singing of "God Scott's Dinulcion, in whieli my wife has Save the Queen," brou ht it most enjoyable boundiessitonfidenee." entertainment to a CIOJO. while working et a :r. John Watt's plan - got the sleeve of it eating caught in the vas brought in con - yes and the flesh riot nearly to the ght that his arm will ed, but it will be will be able for work loc Denssliexisio-I wish to inform the ladies of Wingluen that I am prepared to do first- class work at my home, or to sew by the day. I guarantee satisfaction in all work Wrested to me. ETHEL PAGE, Prances St. union. -Hon. G. W. llos tion, passed through day, A number meet him and spent intercourse, He was sela to assist at the new school in that pI Minister of Educe- inghate, on Wednes- re at the station te few minutes in social on his way to Brno - °rend opening of the ce. DIMS Mexxxe- wish to inform the ladies of Winghain and vicinity that I am prepared to do work at my home, Ur, Jas. A,danseor to sew by the day. I guarantee perfect satisfaction in all work intrusted to me. Jessie Rot -sense Francis st. -A. mass meetin of the members of the different Christie Endeavor Sooieties o Baptist church, on nsider the advisabil- local union. Mr, J. to the chair. Rev. address, pointing e was of a retiring out the benefits to be d rived from having it most of his time at ,e 100111 union. Several others gave their i views, and it was decid to defer action t work, and anise- ; ; until the different soot es had been con- vn to many of our • suited in the matter, wh arer meeting was in his 39th year, will beheld. W1E:Lem-Wanted id friends have the w the where- ilson, eldest son Wilson, former •rnanagh; when - York. Address, isnakee, County Canadian papers on Thursday DOM° months,' rpnlin town was forr9m- Tuesday evening, held t to o eceaseti was a strong, a lity of reorganizing th was prostrated with W. Hogarth was eaele ippe, which developed Jas. Hamilton gave an sympathy '0 our townspeople in their labuts of Robert James affliction. of Nathaniel affiesIsa,bells, of Lisnakea, County F uWnetieligteseY. ?eiroef ,13lirs,.Liddle The:meson, I • last heard of was in Ne wiTllhebTe issisenstanfdromTornonotvo January, 1897, for 0).25. Subscribe at ; Fermanaghe Ireland. once it you want chea reading. !please copy. 'I -Messrs. Beatti their celebrated trc in the catalogue Square Garden (Ne horees, and on Thu was sold. In refer New 'York Times s second day did not when the Canadian captured tile orOSVC formation and da local fanciers and so hand in the bidding Montreal, raised th had to pay $2,700 t the border again, bn much heavier draft This mare has a re credited -with a trial wel.,placieetereieethe reaertheelialtimor, 941-eeseeetleMeseeia 16 s rved in a s held in th oir4hc.tv a al Club played a ing the time dinner also contributed programme. Mrs. solos, and receiv- n the (suasion of fore a Wingham Reid and Mr. A. solos, and were o Spe.rlings' piano louse. Dirs. Som. made her debut Bros., ef town, put ting mare, "Wancla„', the great Madison York) sale of trotting day of last week she 'ng to the sale, the 's: "The star of the pear till the evening. bred mare, 'Wanda' with ber speedy con - ling style. Several o from abroad took a but S. C. Xing, of out in turn. He take 'Wanda,' across was ready to stand a o bus bank account. card of 2.17, and is of 2.11effeireg ands-of-fl'ette Mina- 44i,egereee4:-Stiostinan, seirreeCliffellttoeat-the -Thee Salvationists throughout Canada I posed sewer on josep -The question of t and Newfoundland ill hold their self- denial week from December 7th, inclus most strenuous effort the part of the Army the Doniitilou, and 1. towns and villages w ates. We conclude their official gazette, he War Cry, as well .of utd to meet the sant •iste•ewaenrodgree, paosr ou \pvohn as from some special • amphlets and appeals e. a .• hi oehaereer eb hfi eingt t ls di evidentlyte dbytee soldiers ol dttiedres ; the inhabitants of the and ffi and as to whether suc " Ifiktheley itnoha year's total to far sed last year's. It is sewehragietiis Demise for surpri collected during pas Canada have been and there aro mail that this year's el utility of the pro ineeastreehte, pifroevoidn: - Novemher 30th to structed, would be de d clal Board of Eleelth, Ann plans, &o.,e, consequently the are being made on must be submitted bef re adopted by the Council. By an amen ment to the Public meinveriadllytiltehrsoeupga,teautte Health Act of 1887, • assert at the last ere the Arnly oper- session of the Leglisla re, it is "the duty 'from the contents of of the Provincial Boar of Health to en - aid sewer or system ler such is olden- ry requirements of said municipality, sewer or system of rove prejudicial to itants of the said betbhy.e, municipality oirmitevecies onethee Messrs. Beattie Br received for Wanda, were selling at nine former one. that the amounts munim. .pahty or of any self-denial weeks in !liable to be effected th I ntinually Increasing ; reasons for believing ' Shooting tany A series of shootin s will exceed at the Zetland Range, week (Thanksgiving -G. T, R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.28 a. m. and 11.20 a. very good attendance, m., via W. Ge Le. B.; 6.35 a. m. and 3.95 ; was pretty 1•Sen in all p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- !following are the score neoticms by all treins. 1 ALL C011411S sl.ing-eJvoehrao Sills,nDy.errrm of Tuesday evening las ." We congratulate on the ,gtoa price when fast onee lower figures. - year. worth en was belove he came in. contact. was seperin .ndent o in connection vithp only retired free ''%h state of his wa possible,* him t filled Ofe eositiori Thos Bolt for man lir4uished his posit p r an illness extend - e, passed away on 01 irrirmicrrofTturprg I in his forty-fifth G. A. Newton or Teepee years he ;W. rend • by all weitle4horn . Willson.. .. . - V. o VVrniormsn theSabbeth School I j• Leaver44 a • • • • sons and ontidaughter of a lovii* Inisband father, TheH;reniains Winghon cemetery, on the funeral being and the Masotiio brotherh A Groat Offer. was a Member. Fol With it view of booming the circulation were the einployees o we win sena 0,1 Tomo while the Masons pre of the Trues, tbe town bend. The r Paul's church, and position after tbe euch that it was im- forte his duties. He bookkeeper for Mr. ears, and only re - when he was linable A. Morden P. Leaver.. C. N. Griffin.. .... Van W. Vanstone.. .. . . menu etches. matches were held n Thursday of last ay.) There Was a, nd the competition the matehes. The made Robt. Carrick... • W. Pearl.. o mourn the low:313'i. I'Veft,auvg;m. a*n. e leavea a wife, and an indulgent C. Willson.... soerea. yds. yds. 200 300 Total. ... 18 15 33 .. 19 14 33 ... 1/ 14 81 .. 16 13 29 ... 13 14 27 ... 13 14 fl ... 17 10 27 . 10 12 '22 ... 14 7 21 ... 15 6 21 11 8 19 ... 8 2 10 200 400 Total. ... 17 20 87 .. 18 18 36 ... 18 17 85 18 16 84 ... 14 19 38 ... 12 20 82 ere interred in the W. ft. Hele. ... .. . ... 1 4 • Johnston. ...... 12 17 29 hursday afternoore, 0, ee, Gain,. “., „ 1G Is 29 r the direction of P. Leavet... ... . ... . ,... 14 14 28 od, Of which he G. A. Newton..." , ... 18 14 27 wing the hearse F. Vannorman.. ... .... 15 18 28 Mr. Theis. 33e11, A,. Morden .... ..... .,.. 13 11 24 eded it, beaded by S. ttiallWain • • IL • %fill 9 3 12 Main MIMO COD. IMAM DO =TON VeYed thtt. Paul a elm eh, where service to any address in Canacht or the United 4.446,429 • fl 44t1... ..1 .27 States 1 from now to the end of 1896, 1 was undated by Rural Dean Hoagies, of• • 4 for one dollar. or We will send the Tints Seaforth, th , after which tonere-1 preceded P. Leaver...." tt... ... -28 ma did weekly GlosameAe derstsed ho wee • J. Leaver.."be for the length I tnictoilemeemmeetutea of time for 045. just think of it. The carried those present .v. ..." .. ,1041•4•422 res ing tnatter, and the rocks is now Mr. Ged Silla, of Seat) 114 Mr. and Mrs. .44.4.4 21 the i lit, Iltf.w Smith. Li stowe ; Mrs. liairipton, I G. A. lieWtorilli • • • * • al 0••••••• ••••2 two othieort'sesit4'W.ceDkloienill ititliistshiet, c:etinialtirnY'lyour tune) osyempathyiso. eatre, leg. friends have P. Vatinornitm.. .... ... ... 21 I MO nom community NV. H. MI6.. V• ***III • 0 11**• Ila 44,441k441.8 orders at 01100. in their tad bereavenien S. MeInWilit2.4444 4r41. II . 6.44 144