HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-22, Page 6i
tI. i.0
FRIDAY, NOVIZIl3EI! 2.2., 11395,
Thos. Melntwre; Division No.
4.:j Lothian McKay ; Division No. 3,
E. Little; Division No. 4, Ro
Watson;. Division No, s, Ja
Thol2xpso2l; Division I `o, Il, john
M Nil•a$1.11 `'f,GT'D. N
Geotz, and that a by-law be drat
up contic'niiug their appoint.ueuts
Carried. The finance report w
ed as follows.: Win, McKee, buiidil
il- culvert,. 30th side road and remov J
an jam at Clarke's bridge, $7`,90; Jn
s -
ll''ITORIAr XOT1nS,.
A Punssen naval engineer nein
d'IXilruy has invented a pressed o
caake ler use aS fuel on oyer
.lu 1r not t effeekecl b
ten)pl�ratitl e,. 2S smokeless and ado
less. i-rk22t.L t. L;i'i1 partite C ' cease � {i 1 CZI.e e
l osiol :+
t and
nl barns ]2 t 2 ori o 2 1
y 1 to
surface, giving out intense heat an
leaving %ally from two to three p
cent. of rash. ; . tun of this fuel
equal to thirty tons of coal Land costs
between live and ten dollars.
Tun strangest project for rapid
trans-Atlantic travel is that of the
French engineer. Bazin, His ideal
"ship" is not a ship. at all, but a
platform several stories high, carried
on and propelled by tubes or"rollers"
about sixty feet In diameter, enter -
in; the water about twenty feet,
The inventor ckaims that with such
rotating monster rollers. a speed of
thirty: -two knots an hour is possible.
A very small Model has shown satis-
• factory results so much so as to
attraet the attention of the French
• ov
K nlnent, A model seventy feet
long is nowin course of construction.
Society in Wael.inston..
ME6, NOVEMBER 22 iti)5,
1j:, 2I'CtII WfIO TINTFIt'1'.fIN MAW)
k4 t1 ATR;1.ld, ANI) I.TVJ'. IY SWAM)
o social life at Washington. That
• of because n c e eo l a �
e f 21l
ample ni„
' do not have their homes here or th
the scale of livinh, is not so elabora.
is the
as l ease '
tr as 22 a three 2 la mon
enter. is probably true to t!
fact that at the Nation's eapit
social lines do not follow a golds
boundary. Ofiieial life largely i
0, fluences the diameter at the society,
' and as a consequence, men who Ise-
cupy public places, whatever their
Dank accounts may be, are reeogniz-
>t • ed as eligible for socia functions,
Worth does not determine the mat.
1' ter, although for once money is not
d, the paramount gt'testion. Toa con-
siderable extent official position
n takes the place of dollars in opening
d the doors of society.
t, It is, however, true that there may
1� be witnessed in Washington durin;;
e the season a display which can only
� be kept up by the expenditure of
large sums of money, Along the
n principal streets and avenues are
1, found fine residences which are
Derr, bridge at muskrat
Y 1�,), i0 :. Philip Warner, bnildin
Il t 1
cletLo<If .o $4.75
Lot c esslo 2 A
n4 r..
x- Municipal World for 1895, y
Valentine Rettleger, gravel, coney
sign i\, (:ulross share, 16 yard ,
pe 71,1? : Valentine Iiettinger, Culross'
i$ share gravel on boulldare of Carrick.,
„:3.)31 ; Mathias Willie, gravel, 82.1
Valentine ] cttinger, gravel, 91 cent
Joseph Lowry, removing stump
concession 14, $5; Jacob Mille
turnpike and gravel, boundary i
Kinloss, Culross' share, w8'19..12
Joseph Meyer, culvert lois 20and 2
concession A, X8'9 ; Joseph Wellwoo
selecting jurors, 83 ; Wm. Mende
son, gravel, 81.26; John Stlipleto
drain, boundary of Culross an
Turnberry, $7.98; A. G, Stewar
800 collector's receipts, $3, J. We
wood—P. Kuntz --That the inane
report as just read be adopted
Carried, J. Welwood---J. Johnston
--That the Council do now adjour
to meet again in the Town Hal
Teeswater, on Dec. 16th, at 10
o'clock a. in—Carried.
short Journeys on a Long Boa,.ti
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
illustrated boot; containing 'over ono
hundred pages of charmingly written
descriptions of summer resorts in the
country north and west of Chicago. The
reading matter is naw, the illustrations
are new. and the information therein
will he new to almost everyone.
A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long
Road" will be sent • free to Anyone who
will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to
G>,o. H. E3 GAFF'ORD, General Passenger
Agent Chicago, Milwaukee..ii Ste P&zut
Railway, Chicago, Ill,
Thooe 4.wf1r1 'l.'oto, rants,
What is it, Mlanaie lr
It'd a boy, Imam, with a telegraft,
n. A toles rans'. Oh,,ask tails if James
Ile is killed!
The mere display of wealth is n
a prevailing e utracteristie of t
A couple of houses in thisim-
'mediate vieinitvl have been the resort
.fer the past couple of weeks of some
sneakish individuals, who come to
help themselves to their neigh-
bor's cream.The suspected are
parties who have been guilty
ot similar offences in the past, and
are hereby asked to frequent their
own premises, or if others, let them
do so decently.
Catarrh in the Head
Is due to impure blood and cannot be
cured with local applications, l•Tood'a
Sarsaparilla has cured hundreds of ca-
ta.rrh• because it purities the blood and
in this way removesthe cause of the
disease. It also builds up the system
and prevents attacks of pneumonia,
diphtheria and typhoid fever.
Hoon's Prue become the favorite
cathartic with. evsry One whotries them.
The Council met in the Town Hall,
Teeswater, Nov. 4, 1895, as per
motion of adjournment of last meet-
ing. The Reeve being absent,it was
moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by P.
Kuntz, that Mr. Mel' ay,. Deputy -
Reeve, be chairman in his place—
Carried. The minutes of last meet-
ing• were then read. Moved by J.
Johnston, seconded by Wm. Reid,
that the minutes as just . read be
adoptedCarried. .
As authorized by Council, I put up
notices for the repairing of Muskrat
Creek bridge. I found that one end
of the bent had not been laid on
a solid foundation and had sunk and
drawn part of the covering and raiI-
ing with it. As the season was late
I could get no one to raise the bent
and put a solid foundation under it,
as they would have to go in the
water. I therefore let the job of
levelling the bridge by putting a
wedge-shaped piece of timber on the
top of the bent I was told by the
parry who repaired the bridge that
lie found three of the stringers with
dry rot where they lie on the bent
and the stringers are on the small
side. r therefore reeonllnend that a
new abutment be put on the west
side and that both abutments be All -
ed in, thereby shortening the bridge 8
and that the bridge be raised.a toot
or more to prevent the sand from the
hill being washed on to the bridge, °
and that the same, be' done as soon as
E t�itlt 316X AT't a
XI..deKay--J, d'ohnstott That as
a is a large accumulation of wood Ii
Orange bridge, that Wei. tx
Reid have the same retrievedby „t,
public contract -Carried. P. Kuntz b
J. Johnston -•That as there is.
drift wood at the bridge opposite Lot
S, coneesslon 7 that H. isicii'ay w
employ ;Atte tang to remove the same in
.—Carried. Pbe Reeve then arrived ear
and took the chalr, J. Weiwood—S. e i
Johnston ---That as there Is rc culvert tie
At Ambleside out of reptir that b, A
Ktl c have the Same repaired— cy
Wm. ---•
d ,'
d'. o'
J htltiton
Ate foikriing parties be the ra
ng and deputyreturniJg•
If for 1Beesr Oho. Batton, j of
ling oM'ee2; Division No, 1, I1 to
IIs says he doesn't know, Inuit.
- Ask hila what ate does know about
at it.
fie He says all he known about it is.
iS !that it's markecloolleet and he wants
!his 11 2
i alaeSr.
at f Qt. dear aI . h
Q , dear , What shall
to I do}? Mamie, here's the parse.
Pay him,pay hitn whatever he
e� f
a s O
ho •
, my poor ,T;a,tnes . I just
knew- Sometlhing would happen him
before he went away this morning,
_ 1 iIl they brieg. bias home in an
ambulance, Mamie?
I s'poe so, mum. Maybe you'd
better 1'ead the teiegraft,
I can't, I can't. Ola, it serves !ne
right for net kissing him three bines
when he left. And we've been
married such a short time too!
Why don't you open the telegraft,
Well, 1 suppose I must, but oh, I
can't tell you law I dread it,
Reads telegram :. Will bring
friend hoarse to dinner, James.
The heartless brute.
Gems of Thought.
We carry our .worst enemies with-
in us.
Of plain common sense, life cur-
rent coin is made.
A good inclination is but the first
rude draft of virtue.
Joy is an exchange; joy: flies
monopolists; it Balis for two.
If you cannot realize your ideal,
you can at least idealize you real.
The greatest truths are the sim-
plest, and so are the greatest men.
Any one may do a casual act of
good -nature, but a continuation of
them show it a part of the tempera-
The shortest and surest way to
live with honor le the world is to be
in reality what we would appear to
Every man is an original and
solitary character. None can either
understand or feel the book of his
own life like himself.
The world is shadowed or bright-
ened by our owa heart rather than
by anything in itself. Our joy
makes the cloudiest day glad, and
our grief finds night in the sunniest
When a elan conquers bid adver-
saries and his difficulties, it is not as
if he had never encountered thele,
The power he gained in conquering
them endures through all his future
life. They are not only incidents
in his past history, they are elements
in all his present character. Itis
victory is colored with the hard
truggle that won it.
The Iaek of emotion, of enthusiain.
f desire can be justly pleaded
an excuse for lack of action, for
the latter in all its details of duty is
t least within our power. If we
finer matte ourselves feel, we eon.
et as the feeling would dictate; and
attherehas diseharge our responsibility.
t in so doing we shall have done
e other also, perhaps; unconseieuslyt
lit in the only effective ways,
Naturally' we become sour, crabbed
whets we are not appreciated and
ben things go 111 with us. Tey be
isunderstood by friends, to suffer so
thly losses, to be rebuked or tris.
a led, is a, trying erperienee, yet it
ed not,. and should not, embitter us
ltd make us testy, petulant and
Ideal. Better to turn the face to»
ward the 8111161 a and let In the: f,
ya of ' hope, love, kindness and Vv
s evil
t1'' 1ca B
use a sweetness
soul that -makes itself` Pett in the .
rd, feeli.og and act.
furnished with elegance and which
require a large corps of servants to
keep in order. Some of these estab-
lishments have been built by the
oceupants, and are used by them as
their winter hoaxes. Others are
merely leased, and the tenants are
people of means who have concluded
to spend a winter at the Nation's
capital. It is evident that this latter
class of residents will receive a large
number of accessions this year, a
the number of houses already leased i
One of the notable houses in the
city stands fronting Dupont Circle,
A Creat Ofi'er,
With a view of booming the, circulation
of,' the Timis, we will send the Trims
to Any address in Canada or the United
States from new to the end of 1800,
for one dollar, or we will Bend the Tnzes
and the weekly Globe for the same length
of time for 01.55. .1 test think of it. The
Globe is .a 15 page paper, full of solid
reading matter, told the Tains is now one
of the best weeklies in the country, the
two for 61.55. Don't miss it, send in your
orders at once.
• Wise Business Maxims.
The following maxims are given
by a periodical issued by a isaanu-
s fa,sturing firm in Toronto:
Thou shalt sell goods but six days
Of the week, and old the seventh thou
shalt take .a rest.
Thou shalt not covet thy canl-
petitor's business, for he may be
nearer bankruptcy than thyself.
Thou shalt not put more sail into
thy business than thou has wind to
and was erected some years ago by
the late James G. Blaine. He oc-
cupied it for a winter or two and then
leased it to the Chicago millionaire,
Z. L. Leiter, who lived there until
his own palaee on the other side of
the circle was completed. - Mrs..
Blaine made her home there last
winter, and for the present season
it bas been leased by Mrs. West-
inghouse, the wife of the inventor of
the air -brakes.
It is probable that Mrs. Westing-
house pays for this house, which is
furnished, a monthly rental of about
$2,000, which is possibly not as much
as she paid last winter when she oc-
cupied an extensive suite of rooms at
one of the hotels here. Mrs. West-
inghouse had the reputation Iast
year of being the most lavish enter-
tainer in the City.
Sale seemed to be especially fond
of flowers, and at each of her weekly
receptions flowers were used exten-
sively in the decorations. Most ex-
pensive roses were employed with a
lavishness that excited surprise and
wonder•, and while everything else !
Thou shalt not blame thy clerk f
thine own mistakes, nor tax him
thine own ,neglect.
Thou shalt not sell goods for le
than cost, unless the market has gone
back on thee.
Thou shalt not trust a man to
whom thou would'st not lend ten
Thou shalt not use thy business
capital to speculate with, nor borrow
from thy friends for that purpose.
Relief In sra-° hours.—,)istrossing Sid•
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians, on ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relioves retention of water
and pain
n inpassing it
Tf you wa t uiceliefalmost
d teure othise1 s
1 your remedy. Sold at Chisbolm s drug
store.• ,
Mr, John Livingstone, of Listowel,
Ont., brother of Dr. David Living-
stone, the famous' African missionary
and explorer, has gone to Seattle,
where he will spend the winter with
his son.
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.—
One short puff of the breath through,
the Blower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Po »der, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages, Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves inatan.tly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Read -
0 e, Sore `1'hroat,'1'onsilitis and Dear-
ness. 60 scents. At Chisholm's Drug
Store.. •
Good intentions never die—which
may be one reason why they are so
seldom carried out.
The Tiaras and Toronto Weekly :Globe
will be sent from now until. the let of
January, 1607, for ;}1.95, Subsoribe at
'once if you want cheap reading.
Stratford bas a lady M. D. in the
person of Miss Daisy Macklin, who
has just completed acreditable course
as a:student. .
WI TE 1',VE I' . GAM��E%t,
A. Tarns steep of the following winter evening!
games lust to hand at
LCclrr.'. 3rkNP i t
, LRot As s
BALL. I'AriCifaknl, IikPCaat,
CARost, Ire. Biqa,
To BANKER, TlJnrs JIr41ea,
rite 1•Ac+esr.u'r, Tull [Tessa Ti,;
Ui' r�ansr 'r1,R itANNN,
l.OoosMAUUY, CANADIAN Errs<ra,.
PK,Utr,r,a rir,w, <ILO MAID, N'Ult55TQ1IT,
Paso e000i,r i,, 1,0,14 r11sUs, 10471i,,
ItAtimuon kr/,7lm, I1AvKu.initON, Biota.
Lo1TQ, Ci7C1r0+,, NA•rinxs,
SAP, 1*. i3trbnr, 13onn1ne,
Oin c,n a .`1UA1tJK, OIt01,1.N•01,e.. QOAzW5, 81.00
81.00 Games for 50 cents,
50 eent games for 3,i rind 25o,
25u. games for 15 and 10e,
10o. game for 5e,
Christmas Quads Arriving,
Tho undersigned in returning thanks
for past favors,beg leave to say that they
have a very large stock of
on hand, which will be sold at very close
prices to meet the requirements of the
hard tittles.
First Goss Shingles, $1.10 per
Wood Mots. per Cord, delivered.
ome and
or see as before buying, s we will not be
for undersold.
ss McLl;.liV d SON.
inghanl, June 7th, 1803.
seeping, -yet not even an
elaborate refreshment table caused
people to forget the wonderful floral
Mrs. Westinghouse is a woman of
kindly nature and likes to have her
friends about her, and she wants
thctn to enjoy themselves, and so she ,
is indefatigable in keeping up the
rounds of sonial duties, It is pro-
bable that , she will entertain this
winter on the same scale as she .did
last winter and it is not likely that
these' entertainments will be exceeded
in point of lavishness and display.
Not even the Braces spend more
money than Mrs. Westinghouse,
although they perhaps entertain more
generally than any one else in the
city. It is' not unusual for a dinner'
party of two hundred .guests to be
entertained at the. Brices, and while
it would be impossible within the
space of an ordinary home to'find
room for one table where such a.
number of guests eould be -seated, a
large number of small. tables are
distributed through the patios and J f
drawing rooms, and an army oil
Waiters serve an elaborate dinner in
courses. An. - entertainment of this
sort is given not only once in a Sea*
Wilt but is repeated. several times. '
the meanwhile other forms of
octal entertainment* Are carried'out
n the same elaborate style.
Ccald afdly Speak.
Sms,�-Last winter .fey father hall .
acts u octtsfrh Ica could l3ard1 ' speak. ]rte
as persujjled= to try IIalfyardlaPnntoral
Gleam At hist.,. and wad comp'Ietoly cured'
St_ half of one bottWE.
ii7>a A. M. chatIppipttl Ont.'
The average number of inmates
n Elgin County House of, Industry
during the year Was 57 ; average
ost of keep, $1,:29 per week. '
It • if said that short, ditinpy
people are more humorous than long,
ank fours, on the ground that
brevity is the soul of wit.
Win:6134y was e1ck, trd gav:t hee Natalie.
When elite vote ablind, else cried foto el:w orle,
rh clung
s t1t3tQ
*kentesti had elillhlrer,stie tootle/in Cettoiltl.
On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in
terest on terms of five years . or over.
Principal payable at eud of term or
annually, if desired,
Agent for Huron nd Pirie Loluevale P. an and
Savings Co,, Londou, Ont.
CLUDING hooka, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil
style Heads,
f the Circulars.
inoderato prices, and on executed in short
nutieo, Apply or address
TIMIRs Office, Whigham.
We aro pleased to announce that any nooks or
Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our
prompt attention. Prices for Binding h any style
will be given on application to the Tunis Office.
410 C
'r`.. most prompt. pi:.daalrt and pet
feet euro for Cc,.ghs, <edits, .1 terse
ttenele>titlgt I'tt,tr.ieueee, Sore 'threat
Gratin, WI[wpin,f Cleve, chancy,
tiara in the Cheat tensa tree 'iheneei.
Brontidiai and Laing UI#C.ue.t,
la healing antl-cnngutttplIwo tirteieii
cif the Norway Basso etre combin0tl in
t3 medic11i with W.l( tele:tee and
•her pectoral. Iterbi tied' Ica lit to
snake a true speci0c for all 'forma of
diseala grit heating front acid.,.
, �Pyrue arse, end goo,
'` inert �l"A Tec 111.'" ee teeeeTeete
For Twe.
�tyfive Years
�' t
tai.: b t'
-15 I'uumsI)ici,
1li'I;iiy 1'.11'. DAY MORNING
•^-tr san—
TIM1»S OFFICE, i/enlE .c'a're; S rn
W iIt?Cru tlM, ONT;A3.trQ,
Sub scriptionV400,0. pvr yor, inactvantse.
AI)Vi i risitra It41hh.
Space i lits ono. 1 2110. l twin
,la Cnll '' r
t ,�.,o OU.... •IU O(1u•
met t' •!0 00 1r,o 1 *10 08 0'00
quarter '' s0 00 00 1« 00 0 00
1. 00
„ u
one oa
n ,
+Ij Y
i U0
t1 00
Jamal tr,t,l ot or casual advertisements, lo,or l
tol.lsertion, aura Se. per lino foretell subsea ant.
insertion. Dlear,urerl by nonpareil issue,
Loud notices 10e, pkr tiro for met insertion, and
ea. tier line for oanitaubselpient inset•tier.,
Advertisements of Lost,1'"ound, Straye(1, ettuetione,
Aad Jlusiness Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 liner,
nonpareil, St for first month, and 000, for each
subsegnet,2 month,
Moused and ]Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 once
91 for dist month, 50c. per subsequent month.
Larger advertisements fu p'oi,ortlen.
'these terms will be atlictly adhered to
Special i'atOFi for larger advertisements, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements and. local notices without specific
dirootions, will he inserted ti11 forbid and charged
accordingiy. Transitory advertisements moat- be
raid iu advance
Changes for contract advortien,ente must be is
the Ottieu l,y WOdnoaday .))00n,' In order to appear
that week
x, ELLIOTr '
Y1,QY,tt Ma al) I401L181MR
51r:ranAu, .
l AT 11, TOWLnn,
Member goliege Physicians anti Surgeons, Ontario
—Coroner for County of Durert—
Offlce2Jp•etalrs, next to liar Morton's coon, wing
ham, Ont.
oratoniloose,-0 to 12 a. m,, 1 to 5 p. 1W,.
Residence, Diagonal Street,
KENNEDY, AI. D„ sr, C. P.S 0.
rY (Sueceseor to Dr. 4. A. Fleldrum.)
Gerd Medalist of tVu.•,torn University; Late house
surgeon in London General Liospitul. Special atter•
tion paid to diseases of women and children.
Office—Porton;- occupied be Dr.Acidrum,00rner.
of Centra and r'atriol streets,
tv rxoaAal
�� • ONT
BAnkJ.STEla, SOLIeIT02l, Eta.,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
Interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, took
and farts property bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver Block y ,,,,,
winghau,, Ont,
ORice--llle)'er Black, wingham.,
Office—Corner •I1anlltonand St. Andrew streets,
opposite Colborne Hotel.
GO1RRr0rl, -
DENTISTRY. --J. s,.1EftoME, L. D. S., viseSAM.
is nlaa500(2us ttcnbetadin the A00miton. Teythaextractedabsolutely without
pain, by hie now
process, guaranteed per!,,,tly safe•
O%FIgL: In the heaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick House.
ARTI3tiR J. IRWIN, D. D. d., L. D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the henneylvani
Dental College.
oFMcs---MAobONALo nLOCK.
Winei A>I,
ion ;)1,
Opposite Korman's Komi,
Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry.
DEANS, Ja„ WlnaleAtt,
03' 3IVRON.
i(Saltatettended is any part et fhb Co. OttstEett
aroataisa AtfOublitdsft rrOlt 11*1 iNttata len
/InneN.4Yn rntrtele.
Ali orders lett at the Tom elated promptly. 00 604
el to. Tame removable.
Lunnensr. Aretto>iikat test Minnie* SviteirDiem
Mt 41.1 tttentied'to promptly aid Oft the tittlrrkew
Charger Moderate sea satlettetlob Gu&rrtnteed,
Alt deeeseary arreogetu tato oast be taste ate
'fitter' ettloe
WiltrriAM 01(2
Mono, to Loan on :l otrlie,
Notes Discounted
AT ret
AS011AIZI4 R;li.m138
Money edI'eetaed on tllortea s 12 8} pot yenywit
privtteku of paying' 41 the end e; wn3' gree. Weete
Mid Meotel els eeliebttedItiOT yy
beaver Stook `M Zeit, t, Oat.
Interesting Aceoi
Near Savannah—
.*ttendo,t Swett
after i' >r tl.aa t`
w r1:
The death of st
„Shia recently has
:gave va io
an9C it in ti
t � e3n
mar,vlo t t
.snd he wrote as a
»'and oire tnetauti
days' proceedings,
ly, so intense was
gets to prevent an
papers of the nort
The sate -was ht
rigor Savannah, fir
property of Mr. P
phia, Elis fami
Inheriting a forts
from his grlwdf
of South Carolina
Be very gertero
With his brother
in the Mexican w
$Auer was an :nv
Card player, and
Joe hall`s rooms,
then the most fa
card saloon in 21
spite his profess
liked. Tie die
Methodist minist
It was iu tar. Ht
madethe losses
slaves, It is sa
bele four deuces
fashion that led
Butler laughed a
he wed called, a
Butler inherit
sten now the sit
EiOhtli and Ch
this he was fore
creditors began
and his agent., (
sneer, of this ci
range the sale
cheerless day h
Carne trooping
negroes, divide,
families. At ti
cion was a with
almost danlrle
and with tlsetr
son an1l a the
%ter! marched
like, 212 0110e e
for a fire. Ab
the rine fields
Congo and in r
uncouth Afric
far more int
were from St,
The white c-
one, partly ne
mond shirt p
bullies from
Overseers, alai
of these were
loudly expree
(laved, salt, a
that alight rel
There was
the old plant
Rs they wer
hat they hni