The Wingham Times, 1895-11-22, Page 3.soses•ess.,,seeie ,.•;?e AblidnightWalk with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach istet pleaeant. Zither can be avoid by keeping a bottle of Ptrry Davis' Paw Krum* on the medicine shelf. It is %meltable in sudden attacks of Cramps, Cholera NIerbus, Dysentery and Diarrhma. met as valuable for all external pains. Dosig..020teceparman in a bail ghee of water or milk (warm if emelt:1104j. 1, tic THOS, LESLIE, TAILOR TO HER MAJESTY'S SUBJECTS, (Other Nationalities not debarred), has thoroughly renovated his fihop iincl laid fin a largo stook ot English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds, Imported Serges, Worsteds, Chevoits, &c. WtorilYiNAZo It you need a FALL OR WINTER SUIT .44 oR OVERCOAT, all and inspect the goods and get prices. They will co sold at rook bottom prices. ILV-AU goods made up in the latest styles and on short notice. Remember the stand—Nearly opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingham. THOS. LESLIE. RINGS! GOOD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler uorth of Lon- don who can and.does make rings on the premises. I make and finish all work in the best possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every Instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order, By leaving your order with me, you can save from 25c to 52, according to style, weight and quality of ring. YWe also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderate Prioes. ‘,4 Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. TUE WINGLIAM nmEs, NOVEMBER Vi 1896. T. U COLUMN (coNforermo TVS TRIO WINCNIASI 131lANOTI.) Oncir and Howand Natire Land," W ci tho attention. of the mothers and mstor, to the fact, that tho Woman's Christian Temper- . aline Union moots 00 third Monday Om month st three o'clock doarp, for one hour, at Mrs. Heim's reoldence„ Patrielt street. All ladies are mado wel. come. As tho Editor has 'artily given us part of his 'Mace, for our work, .we ask 0 fonds of the cause to lend items of interest en nil moralquestions of the fay to any of our members. The Power of Booze. John L. Sullivan has been deliver- ing himself lately on his opinion of drinking. The moralizings of the brokenclown prize fighter who wore the chan,ipion's belt so long C41110 to this conclusion,: Boozing kills off fighters quicker than anything else 011 earth. Time was when I was the fastest big man in the country. Now, I'm slow as molasses. Booze did it, my boy, and booze will lay out any fighter who sticks to it long enough. Let my case pass and take up that of George Dixon. The coon was awfully fast and clever once, but he is going back fast. Why, he and Griffo fought a draw the other night. Time was when Dixon would have whipped the kangaroo dead easy. It's booze Booze, too, has begun to tell on Corbett. If he keeps it up he will be on the hog with me. HALSEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham. , — Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watchmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? itp WELL! WELL! ANOTHER DRUG STORE IN WINGHAMI • Who runs it? Gordon & Co. Where is it? Opposite the –Queen's Hotel.' Why will it pay the people to patronize it? Because every- thing is new. No old stock. A graduate of the 0. C. P. will be in constant attendance. Prices right. We will be pleased to see our old customers and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. GORDON & CO., Wingham. 4INT:11 ADVERTIM Temperance Items. The little children wail and starve and perish and soak and blacken soul and sense in our streets. That there are hundreds and thousands of the unemployed, not all of whom as some would persuade us—are lazy impostors. That the demon of drink still causes among us daily horrors which would disgrace Dahomey or Ashantee, and rakes into his coffers millions of pounds which aro wet with tears and red with blood. These are facts patent to every eye. Now God will work no miracle to mend these miseries. If we neglect them they will be left uncured, but He holds us responsible for the neglect. It is vain for us to ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?" In spite of all economists, in spite of all superfine theories of chilly and purse saving wisdom, in spite of all. critics of the irreligious, still more of the semi -religious, and the religious press, He will say to the callous and slothful, with such a glance as struck Gehazi with leprosy and Simon Magus with a curse : "What hast thou done? Smooth 'religionist, orthodox churchman, scrupulous 33rd Year 40 • 1 But as Young 1 as Byer% . . . The best and brightest Weekly Paper \ published in any ot the cities SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK. NOW IS TILE T1MF TO SUBSCIIIBt of Canada. G1y$1 isom r lat. I, 1197 Speoial Mates to Clubs. mood Inducements to Canvassers. Address all communioatione— WESTERN A.1)Vii1littstott, London, Ontario. • It was a good rule in business not to. penditure? Mr, Ross then went on be encumbered with obligations be.to expose the -waste of the civil yond their financial ability to carry.! service pension system to whiela be A farmer or business man would declared himself' totally. opposed; avoid this ; he would not mortgage they 'had none in Ontario ; ' the his property or stock so as to burden system of superannuating teach cm or cramp himself, if he could help it, had boon abolished in 1885. They Second, they .would not increase paid $263,000 in pensions in their expenditure beyond the pro, 1891, and All% ROSS gave a .scries of portion of increase in their business. instances where the amount d rawn. Third, they would take care that out was out of all proportion to that their investments wore productive, paid in. Would. the lank of Moat - not in dead stock. Fourth, they real, on the O -rand Trunk do business would extend their market, or range that way with their, employes? The of selling as far as they could. 4-p- mode ot letting contracts was then ply these rules to Canada. Had taken up, and. the speaker gave she increased her obligations unduly? particulars of a parcel of land in St. Twenty-five years ago they had a John, valued by the owner at $03, - debt of 75 millions. Since that time 400, assessed for- $66,000 and for their ppulation had increased 30 to ..which the government paid $200,000, 40 per eent, Had their debt doubl- In Ontario they had not $13,000 ex - ed? IIad it trebled ? It had more tras on the Parliament buildings, than trebled, it was now 252 millions, costing nearly 14,• millions. The 112 millions of which had been ad- Tay canal was estimated • to cost dcd since 1878, Was that a safe in- $182,000 ; $470,000 was expended crease? Would they put a similar on it. One of the Si, Lawrence burden on themselves individually ? canals was estimated to cost $300, - This was a serious question ; he left 000 ; it cost over $900,000, and the it with them to answer. Then what Minister who built it declared it was had they to show for it ? The farmer good for nothing ; in this canal there, might point to a hand somehouse, was lost to the country more than but if his farm was heavily encum- the yearly salaries of all the High bored therefor,. School teachers in the Province. WAS THAT GOOD BUSINESS? Had the Government of the Do - Was this country encumbered be- minion been carried on on wise, vend what it should bear ? There sound, business prineiples, such as they expected from the Government had been Six millions of increase to of Ontario and. of Great Britain? the debt the last year ; whenwould it stop? Canada's debt was $49 They could not find a Government per so carried on under British rule, he head of population; where the States had $16 a head. Great Britain had believed. There bad been no $81 increase of current expenditure in a head, nearly double ours, but Mr. McKenzie's time, and when they Great Britain received every year considered the 16 millions added £110,000,000 sterling income from since, it was enough to cause them foreign investments. Canada paid ten millions interest every year;she serious misgivings. Mr. Ross then sent an amount equal to $30,00 a turned to the National Policy, and Propounded a series of - questions. as a clay, or $1,000 an hour, across the whether it had fulfilled the promises water in interest on Dominion debt alone—three $10,000 farins swallow- made for it. He would speak of ed up every day, three cities like what it had not done. First, it Guelph swallowed up every year. HAD NOT GIVEN SUFFICIENT It was a very serious matter how REVENUE. - they could. progress with such a The deficit since 1878 had averaged drain. With. debt and interest ac- one million a year. Second. it had cumulating like that, what was the not given eniployinent to our people • sate business rule? To cat down There were 263,781 more Canadians expenses wherever possible. That in the States in 1890 than in 1880. is what they would demand of their They had not been kept at home, as councils; there would be a general was promised. If they lost their clearing out. How had this honest people, they lost all. If a citizen business rule been acted upto? was worth $1,000, to his country, Their • expenditure at Conferation their loss in this wty in ten years had been 13 millions; to -day it was was 267 millions. He was not able 39 millions. Their population had to say that the N. P. was the cause not increased one half while their expenditure had increased threefold. It had increased beyond the revenue; they had added. to their debt to Levite, befringed and behylacteried meet current expenses. The Pharisee, Thy brother's blood crieth tariff was supposed to meet the to me from the ground!"—Arch- current expenditure at least, but the deacon Farrar. deficits had amounted to 17 millions memeseemeO HON. GEO. W. ROSS SPEAKS TO THE YOUNG LIBERALS OF GUELPH. since 1878. Was that good business? Such expenditure was bad business ; such an increase was very serious. Mr. Ross nextinquired how the in- creases had taken place. The whole cost for "hired help" to carry on the The young Liberal Club of Guelph government at Ottawa under Mr. recently held a political demonstra_ Mackenzie was, he said, $800,0000. tion in that city. Among the speakers The population had since grown 25 was Hon.•Geo. W. Ross, who spoke' per cent., while the cost of this as folIcAvs He rejoiced exceedingly in these Young Liberal organizations; he re- joicedin the good that would be done by the testimony they would bear to Liberal principles. He ac- eepted the invitation to address them with pleasure; first, because of the implied compliment that he was a young Liberal ; and secondly, he 321 ; the State Department 19, now wanted to come liqthin the precinets 40 ; the Indian Department 8, now of .a county which, namely, without wavering, had consistently sent Liberal standard-bearers to Ottawa and Toronto. Some people thought that government was a mysterious thing, and that only the learned, wise and shrewd conld understand it. He wanted to show them •that this was not tbe ease. He did not know that be Would talk mach polities ; he intended to talk business. He took it to be good polities, first, Solicitor -General, both with large when the business of the country "hired help" had increased 60 per cent. The fisheries expenditure had increased from $93,000 under Mr. Mackenzie to $482,000 last year; the expenditures on Indians from $421,- 000 to $956,000, and so OD all through the list. In 1878 the Privy Council had 13 clerks, now it has 40; the Postoffice Department 97, now 54 ; the Interior 28, now 93. The Indians were paid by treaty $5 a head, and Hon. D. Mills showed in the Commons that it cost $7.73 to deliver each $5 to each Indian. (Laughter.) Had their vast expendi- ture of 39 millions been dialmirsed econoritically these hard times, when business men and all had to retrench? The legal business of ' the country had two heads, the Minister of Ins- tiee, and the new $8,000 office of was staff's of assistant, and yet 027,000 nux ox BUSINEISS had One in fees to outside lawyers prineiples; and, aecond, when the in nine Years, twice as much as all laws were framed on equitable prin. the High School teachers in the ciplea. If both of these were present ' they had, cood governrnent. Take the first of these requirements—was the government of Canada carried on on business principle0 He asked theni the question of a business man to business men, to meta who under- stood the management of their own 111.1-1M CDIN11114.11C11\TT affairig. While many of them were rAxn 'ALL Tnt PUBLIC SCHOOL up 8 por pent higher than on goods they had a large number of Con- in the country in Liberalsetill he was well awareTEACHERS 4ne, year, was i froirt the States; . on d.utiable goA Ods le the only n 10 Nitinufactured only et 78, New Ogiotd. Wei dal, Said, Latrdoat , TEA te..4-6 remedy rer001mUdZeliitellelikAlfdleSelltre: eadAtilitmAelirtethe lintlAittiltl="1 I alone 8 ner cent, Ito did Tla lstAsTs' rriginia Cittal: servative guests—he would talk to . that geed business, when tho raven-. • . ens sold by all Medicine Vendor; throughout the werld. these u business men. What rules us were fiilling end tiesr had M i blame the tariff for this, hat it was tsa-Plivehmere hold look to the Label on tho Boxes and tote. If the aabeee ig net Would they apply in judging? First, burrow nx‘hey to meet current elt.1 (cogngugn og T'AGE total.) Das oktora Street, tondo, they are apitrioes. s • / .4 k &" • for Infants and Children, (g)THERS9 no You Know that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey'ti Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic; poisons? DO YOU Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons ? Do You Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician knovr of what it is composed ? Do Yon Enow that Castorla Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? Do Yon 'raw,. that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castarie. is n017 SOki than of all other remedies for children combined ? Do You Knew that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word CafitOritl" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? • Do You littovx that ono of the reasons for granting this government proteetionwas because Castoria had been proven to be absolntoiy harmless? Ito Yon lir.tarivo. that .7;5 averag-o doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35 cents, Or one cent a dose ? Do Ton Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your chiEren may , be kopt well, and that you may have unbroken rest Vgarlf, 'ammo 1.11-cn aro worth knowing. They are facts. The fae-similo signature of i13 ors ever,. keeat.°44,4e, Vranatina Cdir(OrTy '.1.7tafe Prite5T,Erf's CastoF2c, :7E7; -= 1 CURE FIT SALESMEN WANTED S • Pushing, trusm tworthy en to represent DS In the sale . ot our Ohoice Nursery Stock. specialties controlled • by us. II ighest Salary or tIonunission paid weekly. Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Eree to sad Stench* employment the put. round,. tluot no Row. Give Express and rest Office address. li„ G. exclusive Territory ; experience not necessary ; bit: OT, 11.C., 1813 west Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. pay assured woi kers ; special iinincements to be- ginners. , Write at once for particulars to Su RO of this expatriation, but assuredly it had not prevented. it. And these people they lost were by no means I the worst among them. Third, it had not pnevented failures in business; there had been $17,744,633 lost last year in this way. Fourth, it had not given the farmer better priees, even though Mr. Thos. Farrow in I the House bad expressed his cm -ivied tion that under the N. P. the hens! would lay more and larger .eggs, (Laughter.) Mr. Blain, President of the Toronto Board of Trade, in his, annual address, said that last year, with the exception of lumber and leather, had been THE MOST UNSATISFACTORY )f!IND DISASTROUS year for business since Confedera- tion; and that after seventeen years of the National Policy. Ought they not seriously to consider whether a charge would not be • advisable? It was not Sir Richard Cartwright who said this, but the representa- tive business man of his year in To- ronto. He did not know whether he was Grit or Tory. The N. P. had not kept up the price of farm land. The great reason for the reduction in price was; of course, the fall in the price of farm produce from what, ruled in Mr. Mackenzie's time. The N. j. was Unable to increase or decrease the priee of farm products perceptibly, but the N. P. chickens Were corning home to roost. With depreciated values had come heavier taxes. The N. P. bad not inereased the foreign trade. It had dropped from $59 to $49 n head, while the shipping was 363,000 tons lower. It had not increased the trade with Britain. He considered it the merest rubbish for a man or a )arty country were paid. How much had to vaunt his or its patriotism ; it lost Mr. Mowat spent outside of the ap• by the telling. Yet, under Conserve- peals to the Privy Council? None. Mire rola contnierce with Great Ontario spent $6,000 to $7,000 in 'Britain had fallen off 38 millions, advertising each year. The Do- while with the States it had increas Minion Government had spent in ed 44 millions. Thc tariff on free eight years two millions of dollars, and dutiable goods hi the same an amount equal to that •classes 60ining front Britain averaged DQ YOU 0.„ jf Viringiiam, Ont. know a good watch when you see it Of course you • do. HAVE YOU seen our Special Movements in Gold, Silver and Gold Filled Cases? New Styles and Patterns. DON'T YOU think of purchasing until you call and obtain our prices. EYESIGHT TESTED Free of Change and suitable lenses given. at right primes. MUNSHAWI The Optician. ItT [ • rtRU..• 99._ER.IEWOLES...M.E1r-MIELIF • ALLEN NURSERY CO ROCHESTER N ZETLAND SW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham. r Ali—Orders by mall promptly attend cc GEORGE THOMSON, fax 125. Wingham. Ont Poznan! Look at This, ELLIOTT BROS.. of the 'Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. We can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. & E. ELLIOTT. Wingham, May 16, 1895, A Blessing to Every* Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These reMedici here Mood the test 0 ftfty years experienoe, Mai are Protleticed the lett Ustacines or family use. TEE pirins Parity the blood, correct all disorders et the mvErt, STOMACIT, KIDNEYS c AND ?tidal:LS rand lovalnable in all comolaints incidental to !obliges of all tea, ett se,r '