HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 8M. H. MCINDOO. NO LACK OF INTEREST .►' I•Iere, no matter when you come, There are golden days all over the stare with new and attractive goods, and generous methods bank of the selling. Every day must allow improvement and; each sue, ceediug week show an increase. 'lust now we are preparing for a tre- nleudoue holiday trade. Displays are getting into shape, and surprising thiugs are promised for ,the balance of this month. In the fneautime business is good, STYLISH CLOTHING*,,,,,, We what you to understand that we are selling f~lothing that is different from the common sorts. We have arranged these speeially attractive values for this week: Men's overcoats worth 06 50 for 84 00 Men's Suits worth 1200 for $ 00 Men's Suits worth 900 for 000 33nys' snits worth from $3 to e5 for 8 i& Clothing, Hata and Furnishings are doing a rattling business. CHEAP MANTLES. That's what we're after. We're goirg to save enough on your Mantle to pay for a Dress, This month well sell e5 00 Mantles for 02 50, $300 Mantles for; 4 00. 812 00 Mantles for $0 00. BRAND NEW DRESS GOODS. Old styles and inferior patterns are dear at any prices, We have a perfectly now stock In Tory band - some designs and prteesareus low as some sell second rate quality. FURS, The Fur Department is doing a splendid busincsi right alone. Fur Coats and Capes are a special feature. Storni Collars and Nuns at halt price. No better value anywhere. M. H. MCINDOO. Town Council. The adjourned meeting of the Town Council was held. on Monday eveniug last. Members present—Mayor Brockenshite, Reeve Sperling and Councillors McKinlay, Reading, Dawson, Wilson, Dore, Neelands, Hanna, herdsman, McLean and. Gordon. The agreement between the Town and Union Furniture Company was read. John Hanna thought the Company should put 38,000 insurance on the pro- perty instead of 37,000 as was proposed by the agreement, and they should employ men and not boys. Thos. Gregory said he thought 07,000 was enough insurauce as in case of fire they would not have as disastrous a lire as they had with the old building. D. IL Gordon thought it would be batter to have 08,000 insuranceinstead of 07,000 if. that sum could be put on the building and machinery. He would say put 08,000 ' on until the first re -payment of the loan was made and then reduce it to 07,000, John Neelands said if the town was safe with 118,000 insurance on the old factory, they would be more so with 07,000 on the new factory. John Wilson thought 37,000 would be ample insurance to protect the town. It was then moved by John Wilson, seconded by Wrn. Dore, that the agreement re the'.rown and 'Union Furniture Com- pany,. as read, be adopted, and the Mayor and Clerk have power to si: o the same— Carried 1 EAST WAWANOSIL Mr. Joseph Clegg bought a large number of hogs in this locality, this week. --Mr, Wm. Rogers is laid up through injuries sustained in playing football, We hope to see him around again soon.—Mr. Wm, McBurney is having a new dwelling house erected On his farm at Marnoch, Mr. John Fothergill is doing the framework. -- The turnip crop has been safely stowed away, the weather as a. rule being exceedingly favorable for the work.—Mr. Robs. Wightman is im proving his farm by having a large amount of low land thoroughly underdrained.—A, very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. David Scott, on Tuesday even- ing, being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Wni. Scott, of Westfield. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave. A large number of guests were present and the bride ' was made the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. We join in,•with "The TIMES” in wishing thelia a happy and prosperous fttture. Mr. John Gillespie shipped a car- load of hogs last week and a carload of lambs this week, --Mr. Henry Deacon was unfortunate enough to Lose four valuable sheep' recently. -- Mr. M. Walker and son have par - chased a beautiful grey driver recently. This will give Splint her well earned rest.—Mr. John Ruddy and daughter, Ellen, left last week for Dakota. They intend making their Name with his daughter in that State. Miss Ruddy will be greatly missed by her many- friends, as she was a general favorite with all.— Miss Ida Beard left .for home last Thursday, having spent two weeks visiting friends in the neighborhood. —Mrs. Paton left on Tuesday last on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. G. Y. Donaldson, in Listowel.—Mrs. RusseIR is visiting at Mrs. A. Rintoul's this week.—Mr. Reid, of the 12th. has erected a woven wire • fence in front of his farm which he claims to. be made of steel wire. I think it would be well if Mr. Walker, who lives on the opposite side of' the road, make arrangements with Mr. Reid in case a dog should force some ferocious beast up against this fence and it should rebound off the wire fence and go through Mr. Walker's board fence that Mr. Reid should replace the lumber.—Mr. John 1. Anderson, principal of Sutton school, was visiting at his father-in-law's, „Me. Walker, last week.—The young folks of the 12th seems to be taken up with some of the young yolks on the lOth; they take a weekly visit after night.—The most of the farmers on the 12th line have their turnips up and it is oh! my back. --Mr. and Mrs. Auld are visiting friends on the 4th this week.—Mr. Elisha Walker has disposed of one of his fine brood mares. na I TIE WTO 0 LA.M TIMES, NOVEMBER R 15, 1895. sewer was the only way we would get over ; FAHmERS AND the difficulty. R. 0. Sperling thcai ht it was too lata to � tt {gyAp start a sewer, and thought an outlet imolai 1 I !. Q A be obtaiued for 050 whit* would do fur tha" �j present. ►CRACKED RANDS A vote was then taken on the matter, s which resulted asfollows Xeas— Dore,Daw, . son, Wilson, McKinley, Reading, MoLean,1 „-„,AND_,,,,, l3rockenshire anal Gordon 8. Nays— Neelands, 1~Ierdstnan, l:Ianna and swan 4. As it requires a two.third vote ok t Council to carry such a motion, the motion ha} was declared lost. —WELL, Reeve Spading brought upthe matter ot r gettingthe poor ready for the Poor Rouse, which was left in the hands of the Lucia ave Committee. The Council then ad ARE LIPS. jammed. 110 ' in we con a sewer without a waterworks system to =nit. He said it was wrong to force a thing on the people when they did not want it. Ile thought the town was in a healthy condition. A. Dawson said it was not the intention to putsolids in the sewer and it would not need any waterworks system to run it. If ,we put down the sewer it would be there for all time to conte. We are putting down drains and in one or two years they fill up and are of iso uso. We will trot have the. town in a healthy condition until we have a sewer. ave. John i eelands said that the largest property owaera were not in favor of putt- ing down the sewer and we should not force it on the ratepayers, He thought a petition should be presented before noting in euoh matters. • Min Wilson saidthorewere urger towns than Wingham had sewers and tis system of waterworks, He was in favor of putting dim! the sewer. • Dr. Chisholm was present and spoke on the sewer question. Ile said he believed the Board. of Health bad recommended putting down the sewer, He said there wee no outlet to the old drain sold that there bed been cases of typhoid fever where the trouble was. It was not a matter of drainage for tell b it was a matter of ra e a are but � r drsillage for health. He did not care hovi the 'natter was remedied, but there would Irateto be something done. it woula be pat in the hands of the Provincial Board of Health, and it would cost the town money they were not thinking of. D. M. Gordon said there were strong,. alis wiry lata sewer should be pot down. It wudta be more in the interests of the town to pet down the sewer than to fiat up. old drabs. As for flushing the same it of fid be an easy 'flatter to do it without a system of waterworks. He thought the BRUSSELS. Messrs. Gillies & Smith intend closing their bank here on the 28rd inst.--.The woolen mill was not sold, the highest bid not reaching the up- set price. --The revival serviees con- ducted by the Misses Hall, are well attended, and a great deal of in- terest is being awakened.—Thos. Stewart, an old resident, died last week, in his 78th year. ` Ito' rt, Ross—In W=ngham, on the)th instant the wife of .Mr, Alex Ross; a daughtar.. Sxlu T7tntes—In Cuirose, oti October 25th, the wife of Mr. James Struthers; a daughter, MAttltalsrt, Hu'l'a'.--CAstlsottrt_ At the residence of the bride's parents, in Morrie, on Nov. 13th, by Rev. T. M. Higley, of Blyth, John Rutter, e of Mis orr' daughter of Win. Casefnore.lo riaty, if I rivets-'-NOTMAN--Cyst the Mb Novefn• ber, at 7 D. ro, by the Bev W G Wallace at Moor street west Presbyterian oh oral', Toronto. John A Tuck. M D, of Garrtit, to Florence Maggie Notman, daughter of the late ,john Notinan, Q I', of ',1'o- ronto. Sem—Seem—At the residence of the bride's termite,. ort November 12th, by the Rev W T Hall, of Belgrave, '4r Vitra Sent', of 'Westfield, to iMiist,Jeftnie,eldest daughter of Mr David Scott, of Eat W'awanosli. v CAMPBELL'S It is the best thing you can use, 2CTS, PER BOTTLE What has cured others will cure you. TRY HIS COUCH CURE. COLIN A. CAJPBE tL, Chemist and Druggist, 2 Doors South of 1'. 0., Wingham. KAAun—II1CMANN—At the South Kin-, V A McLss enon nan, Mr er Charlesb y the Rev Kauko, to Mies Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Win McMann, of Kinloss... Molina—MoKAGur;—At the residence of the bride's father, on October 3Otb,by Rev J Malcolm, Mr Robt McKee, to Miss Margaret, daughter of ,Mr Hugh Mc- Kague, both of Culross. DEEM HowE—In Brussels, on November 5th, Mrs Geo Howe, aged 45 years. STEwART—In Brussels, on November 4th, Thos Stewart, aged 77 years. RopDIon—In Brussels, on November 5th. William Roddick, aged 46 years, K1♦IR—In Oulross, on November • 3rd, Sophia Kerr aged 24 years and 11 months. ; LINDSAY—In Culross, on Novemberist, John Lindsay, aged 89 years, 10 months 1 nd 5 days. Fensnu.—In Howiek,00 November 2nd, William eraser, aged 93 years and 8 ; months. MVI1LLEn--At St. Helens, on Nov. I1, Richard K. Miller, aged 37 years,'? VAIONTGOMERY—In Turnberry.-.. Nov. ' 13, Mary Ann Montgomery, of ' roxeter, aged 43 years and 10 month C Court Maitlan • , No. 2, , Canadian r Oe F.—Order .re ra,,neetatheseeond and last Friday overdo.* o every month, fn Gre- gory'st4lock Visitin ethren wolcoi John Ncelands, C. IL. 5I, Elliott, It. S. NGTICE is hereby Oren, that the poration of the Town of Winghenr•will .tp . y to the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province oOntario, at the next session thereot.for. an Act to „Wise and confirm by-law No. 250, 191)5, ot the To n of Wiu_ham, ex- tending the timofor repay re of the unpaid portion of the loan made to Glle r , Green and Company, and providing for the iss of new debentures to run seven ye.ues from the 31 ' December, 1598, fbr the purpose of redeeming tho now outstanding debts]. tures of the said town, representing the unpaid por• tion of the said loan. J. 73 FERGUSON, Town Clerk. Wingham, Ont., Nov, 4th, 1695. NOTE LOST The pu bile are hereby ca tied against negotiating a note fir 9 ., .ated June, 1895, and drawn for If.. nionths,bearing interest at the ra o six per cent., as the same has b.... ost. The note is drawn in favor o ' eorge L.' Walker and against Michael "talker, and is payable at the Bank of Hamilton. Payment of said note has been stopped. GEO. L. WALKER, Wingham P. 0. East Wawanosh I HOUSE AND WT FOR E. A good frame d Welling hoc street, containing seven ro and pantry, good ce tar, is offered for sale chea which contains o --si good frame stabl soft water under on Shute' s, kitchen d wood shed, On the lot, of an acre, are a.. shed. Hard and er. For particulars, apply to tie owner, R. ELLIoT;r, Times Office, or to SAIdUt1r YOUHILL, Real Kent Block, Winghain. Estate Agent, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Sarah Tufts, my wife, baying left my home and ceased to sive with me, 1 will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by her acid she has no authority to pledge my credit whatsoever, h . J. TUFTS, BelDated this 29th day of October A.avOnt.y A. n,95. IT PAYS TO And the most gratifying success still attends tho pupils of the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CEATHAM, ONT. The following pupils and graduates have been placed rst,nseaer Cariednotice appeared: with tdwln Self, Demeter, Chatham, ros or tYBokIde Ce, of peoit tnou genWhit with oles l drur hones n Michigan. hired. Thompson, et Stenographer with flee. 13. noughts, narrleter. Chatham, • r 1; PAYS TO ,tl,TTEl10 THE BEST. 1rOth10x leen than ,t thorough tenrsn la a etiperiar (school ehoutd sash?S' titer intending bus nest er shorthand student. Shorthand or btrstnner, catalogue sent free by ad. dat,stng D. McLAOIILAN & CO„ Chatham, Ont. C 0 5,1 1 MEISINUMMENCVSSUUMM YOU CAN B "SUITED" GE THE" TAILOR. OTTiE ST7'=TSS Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perkect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select,.from our suppitt aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high, class tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is everything, Material, even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you, Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains ; FRIEZE 6ELTON AND OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM BEAVER OVERCOATS ? to $35, IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 -Co $26, BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. CA.1\T Taz, $ TLTNID:01 SOii . OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. GEO.. H. IRVIN, . " THE" TAILOR, WINGHAM,' ONT. SIENEVRAZ NO'T'ICE. • Having retired from business, all those indebted to me will call and settle their accounts or notes before the 1st day of December next, otherwise they will be placed in other hands for collection. MRS. R. HERDSMAN. Wingham, Oct, 24th, 1895. 1N CHOPP1N II'avi'.g secured er from the Light Company, I ha put. the Electric Light power and ant prepared to patronage of th guaranteed kOBE1iT Wine aur. Jn1v 10th, IS95, fc 18 oe0p e, ci ate Mectrio oppiug stones et Lower Wingham, at all thnes. The and Satisfaction INPIGZ% TO _ $MOKERS • morribormalsommilminimerirommossiofte 'To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tt ckett t Son 0o., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of tri SMOKING TOBACCO. Tis supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 out plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 oerltpiece of thefamoue °t.T JI&G B" brand of pare 'Vir'ginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B"' is on every niece. L. Y. EGAN, OF TO - ®NTO, HJIRNI SPECIA. ST. Greatebt Success in the Treatment o all forms of Hernia of all known Agencies in t_ ,.;:tin Titaea. itRE Wrr ou'i AN OPN AN ENT • hY NNW 8'YSTN3t OF • 1'ou are first held securely and it .ornfort during the harde able circtunstauces, even horse back ri, inr, then a cure follow Appliances is the result of over 27 year continuous profess'. been in business in Toronto over twenty ars, This Matti coughing engaging or lilting, and never $i front its po where ,yeti put it. ON. EATMENT. work, or severest straie,atndcr all reasonM. My last and greatest invention in Rocha al practical experience, Remember, I.here rent respondsto every motion of the body, ion on the body, either tip or dews, but stays I ease not how Severe or eillieuit the ease can sip you. The above named lrnot,'s the true caste of ruptttro and has recently discovered the s'. etas 3 . known only to himself–.by which a morn ORO be affected in this terrible affliction without sort to the k e. Don't put it Jif 2111 toe ;etc, Children Cul -ed in 4 ci 8 weeks, dults in 7 to 14 weeks, Aeeordlner to the severity of th C212, Afro of person or Ionia of Moto ruptured ntakres no dlf erenee. E RY CASE A SSU s gSS: this ie pmsitive, as I hay. •mutating testimony froth physicians, ft•, parents, and from those liy so,calleil surgical thaeh ate to be "hopoleas cases. declared TIIIS ; THE EVIDENCE 1?IIAT TELLS +' TRUTH. -vcrizi1.1 ` "" SXT DRAY 'ON Royal hotel, "Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 12th an 1.3th, MT. PO T—Coyno House, Thursday and P"riday, Nov. 14th an. 5th. 15U'RIIA-Middaugh iloueo, Saturday to Monday, Nov. kith to 18 TEES *.0 1,--Commoroial Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. Wit t' JL 4Jtf.-Queen's Hotel,,' Thursday, Nov. 21st. HI I DINE—Roan-tote, Friday and Saturday, Nor. 22nd and 280. f