The Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 7C�9N18Y THE WiLNU•f .M TIMES, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. TI t7InTIVAT011��.l9u ' The Bath.. Perspiration IENTIIMAF is a;he !MD i#i:6'l' OF TUE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED To • 'arm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, Live Stock and Dairying, While It also includes all minor departments of Iitlrni iutern,r., tneb nn the Poultry Yard, Baotou. logy, Bee Ifeephtg. Greenhouse tuirt Grammy, Veteriu.ry Repko, h.u•ut tluestiena and Answers, 'fireside reading, Domestic l'tcontoult, and asummart of the .News of the Week its Market Reports aro usually complete, and much attention is paid to the prospects of the tnvgls, an throwing Ilvht 11110110110 Of the mos; important of nil questions—'1'hnu to Buy and When to S:IL It is lib wally Illntstrotad, and Contains more tending matter than ever before. Thu subscription Price Is $2 60 per year, but wo offer a Special Reduction to our curia RATES FOR 1890. Two Bessemer/ass, ss, in ono remittance 4 Six • " " +' 10 TEN tt tt tr liar To all New Snhsnrihura for 1900 paying in advance now wo will semi tie paper weekly. from our receipt of tho remittance, to January Ist moo without charge, • t SPECIDEEN COPIES Prinz. Address LUTHER TUCKER d: RON, Publishers Albany, N. Y. • fl, • fl 11 Il. fl 11 11 it tl 11 Rl it•_alin virtues of the Pine ;t,com: .• Z soothinr and expectorant ii prod s ° .1.:., pectoral herbs and barks. 1 1 F s :PECT CURE FOR C `.: CiPi ANL) C:OL.DS Hoa c.t :, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, ' u•• •r �l: It THROAT, BRONCHIAL and Gro . , u Li y LUi'a=) isi°�AS>~'S. Obstinate coughs which l resist other remedies yield promptly to this 1 pleases,: piny syrup. fI PRICE 2EaC. AND•E0C. PER BOTTLE* 9 Eol.o PY a . onunaisrs. 0.0,0 ,tomo v.vwerowamro OOD'S - _ -t tCr 0 .y Pi e method od adopted by nature to throw off superfluous matter, but this cannot be effectually carried out unassisted by bathing. !When nature has forced to the surface what she discards, 411 traees 1of the refuse should be removed. This done the 011 glands .gently soften the skin, and it, becomes ane land transparent, and through it the blood shows a clear, healthy tint. A I fresh, rosy complexion is a desidera- tum of every woman, and, nothing will go so far towards producing this, provided the health is good, as regular 'bathing. Frequently eruptions of the face are the result of uncleanliness,, and when one thinks of the refreshing, delightful preventive, the bath, whose• benefits are often, so little understood and appreciated, possibly because within the reach of every one, it should seem., that a crop of pimples on the face would, be a fit- ting punishment- for neglect of this department of hygiene, . Regarding the proper • time' for a hath, a simple general rule may be given:—Take cold. baths' on rising in the morning, and warm ones just before retiring'. rn taking Turkish or Russian baths the hour need not be considered, except as in all baths, none of which, should be taken under an hour or so before or after meals. If cleanliness is the main object of a bath, soap must not be sparingly used. In bathing establishments patronized by refined people one rarely sees other than the old-fashion- ed pure castile, which is extremely softening a.nd cleansing in• effect. Where it is possible, use fresh, clean rain water for the bath. This is the nearest approadh to distilled water, which is too expensive for general Use. Soft water is next to rain water, and a little borax or ammonia in hard water will soften it. Brisk rubbing should always follow a bath; then the bath will do all that is claimed for it, in the. way of renovating the person, invigorat- ing the system, increasing the .fine- ness and softness of the slain, and. making the person look and feel younger. Praised by Press and People. As a cure for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache,., 1jidney, o 'free hies, and all diseases of the stomach,Go : tion, liver, bowels aindblood, Burdock Blood Valuable treatise n two bottles medicine soot Free Bitters, is praised by press and public. ° h°its and ` bot ' to ]bike. The reason is that it actual! 0117 &Moron Giro Express and Post Office °actress. T. A, y ILOCi1M CUEMIO I, CO., Ltd., format,. Ont. - does all that Is claimed for it. 1 ONE GIVES RELIEF. R i•P•A•N•S The modern stand - arc], Family' Medi- cine : edi-cine: Cures the commonry-day ills of humanity. Irk Hot aches,' aches a pains th along the line fr,tn the dull and heavy and oppr sed.f eling over the eyes to the persist tit, . racking and torturing misery of Si k Ieadache. The cause is in most case the saine,tthe overflow of poisonous uri'. acid is not extracted from the blood by e Kidneys, and accumu- lating in the ri od, causes high and irre- gular pulse he. daches, mental depres- sion and n use°. Chase's K. & L. Pills tone and estorc the Kidneys, excrete poisonou-matterfr nithe blood, sending tt on its • ay pure a 'd health -giving, cur ing I Ie'. 1 ache, ancl ernoving all the a tending symptoms f stn its wake. Mrs G. Bir Ilarriston, 0. t., while attending the i8. Fall Exhibiti n at Toronto, was .taken cry ill with Sit r Headache and dizzi ' ss She was sol ject to these a tack for years, compel.' ng her io take to her y using Chase ;P11 lately obtained an• % • isery and pros s o>;- such case Chase's Pill and its atter is . ox, of al sing Edmanson and St., 'Toronto. ATHAT ACHING AD. at Copses It tun ➢sow evereonte. often the re ark, t` Oh, my head nd there ar • so many varieties of held is subject to all t she Was Mistaken. She—No, it can never be, I like you as a friend—I respect you—I—I admire you; but that is not love,you know, and I cannot be your wife. But do not do anything rash ; try to bear up under it, for I am sure there are others more worthy of you than I am. IIe—Very pleasant weather we. are having. Y -e -s, very. I am glad of it, too, and hope it will continue. You see, my friend jack's little sister is coming to the city to -morrow to stay some time, , and he wants me to show her the ' sights. She is a dear little child i with golden hair, and heavenly blue 1 eyes, and the sweetest little face im- aginable. I never saw such a perfect !little angel as she was the last time I saw her. ' How --how long is it;slnce-since you saw her ? • . About ten years; I think: She was just eight years'old then:. • Eight and ten are ---Horrors, If you dare to go near that girl, Y'11 I'll kill myself, tp there 1 Wit is the,.. -god of moments, but genius is the: god of ages. The world wilt pity you for what you lose ; never for what you lack. Work is the weapon of Honor and. ho who lacks the weapon will .never tri9.mph. ' '"To have what we want is riches, •-'but to be able to do without it is t- power, Tne Canadian Pacific willsendtwo car loads of poultry in cordd,, storage ` to England as :an experiment. $ Karl's Clover ,Root will purify your • blond. clear your `complexion, regulate 1 gout` Bowels and alalia your head clear t tl4 a bell. 2ao., 50c., a d 61. Bold at 1 C;hisholm's Corner Drug tore. 1 h whos convicted ,I co � Ii,udol :1 >�t al t Guelph, the other day, colrifnit. tin;,r two burglaries in N\, Forest 'tanil One in Shelburne, h sentenced to five oar in th tentiary in Kinston, Gems 'or Thought. Confidence in another man's virtue Is no slight evidence of ones own. Would you know the secret of! happiness? It is :making. others happy. Learn to say no! and it will bel morons() to you than to be able to read Latin. Happiness is perfume that one: cannot shed over another without a i few drops faling one one's self, Three things are diffieult—to keep! a secret, to bear an injury patiently, 1 and to spend leisure well. A good word is an obligation ; but not to speak 111, requires only per silence, which costs us,nothing. Minutesare like dust, which is never so fine that it cannot be used or that it loses any of its value. To store our 'memories with a sense ,of injuries is to fill that chest with rusty iron which was made for refin- ed gold. What wonders love can dol How the meanest, most trivial duty, touched bylove's fine hand, becomes a servant all reverent and `beautiful. Habits, soft .and pliant at first, are like some coral stones, which are easily cut when first quarried, but soon become hard' as adamant. Love, when true, faithful and well fixed, is eminently the ' sanctifying element of human life; . without it, the soul cannot reach its fullest height or holiness. It is a great mistake to imagine that success without effort will never make a maxi or woman happy, What we cease to strive for ceases to be success, and gradually becomes more and more worthless. . To those who are employed and busy, time files with great rapidity. Life is tedious to the idle, Nothing is more monotonous thaanthe ticking of the clock to him who has nothing to do but to listen to it. ed. In this case relief was immee tli usual day s of tion avoided. Tbousat ,can be referred to when have cured Sick Headach ;dant symptoms. 2,s c ;dealers, or by adds Bates & Ca. 4$ Lo , �y �� t -- plso's flex/betty for Catarrh It the Host. illtwifst to list+. tand f`#tcansat, Airtar. sale sei ' by ut ug ,:. , ,,r 1,001 by mil, 600.„M T. iittixelttue. W, nen, 1'p. ithali-: been pen. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A Stip Diego Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the tirst medicine 1 have ever found that would do me• any good." Price 50o. Sold at. 'Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. Harley Davidson, the Toronto bicycle rider, reduced the half mile record to 59 seconds at Peterboro. Michael Patterson was sentenced to six years in penitentiary at Cayuga Assizes for attempting to murder his wife. Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love. it. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. •• Mrs. W. C. McLeod, of Woodstock, has presented $2,500 to Chalmers Presbyterian. Church, of that place, and $1,000 to the Woodstock General Hospital.' A verdict of suicide was returned by the coroner's jury at Cobourg in the case of Mr. John Phillips, who shot Mr. Cruickshanks, barrister, and then took his own life. At Montreal A. R. McDonald is suing Edward Boswell, Charles Riordan and the estate of the late John McDonald, for $200,000, a share of $1,000,000 in debentures issued by the Temiscouata railway. °Postmasters have just been noti- fied that a direct parcel post service between Canada and the British colony of Hong Kong has gone into effedtt.,via Vancouver, The res are yery reasonable, only 6 'cents per pound. .. At the request;kii:lis partner, an inquest will ierliield on the body of Norman Matedonald the your? St. g Thomas"' lawyer, who defended. Hendershot and Welter. He drank heavily, and while in a bad state was allowed to get.iiold of chloral. Neg- ligence is alleged against some one in leaving him alone. A couple of ingenious swindlers are repotted to be doing London, says the Free Press. They do not travel together, bat divide each day's proceeds. Going to a house they produee a pair of spectacles having no ease, and say they found the glasses in some other city and will sell thele for $1,50. The frames appear to be . gold and some fine Work is showon then!. Victims come easy, sales generally being made at / cents. - The spectacles Iturn ottt to be syorthless after a short time, and are purchased by the swindlers for 82,50 a dozen, BEST FOR _SN 104,4, Spoiled the Figure. Whyte—Don't you think Browne is a good d'eseriptive writer? Black ---Yes, generally, but he makes mistakes sornetilnes. Whyte—For instance? Black—Well, he was writing of a naval battle once and he said that BOO brave sailors on the defeated vessel bit the dust. ' %So this is.the, end of our engage- m.ent, is it ? "' "Oh, no, not neees- Eerily. T shall be here again next summer."+ The Canadian Soo Canal is doing a big business, having 18 feet of water, while the United States canal has only 13ft. Gin. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.—:ill' 'cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart, disease :relievecl in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. , Sold at ,Chisholm'e Drug store, Winghaen. Parson—I hope you little boys re- spect your father and obey your mother ? Boy—Rather l She eau lick father, she can.—London Sketch. Your father raises eggplant in his garden, doesn't he, Sallie ? Oh, yes—every year. Well, doesn't chickweed trouble the beds <'a good deal?—Chicago Record. Yellow Oil used internally and extern- ally cures asthma, croup, coughs, sore throat, bronchitis and similar complaints. Externally itcures rheumatism lum- bago, y+ bago, sprains, bruises, cuts, chilblains, frost bites, and sprains and aches of every kind. Mrs. A—So your daughter is study- ing for the stage 1lirsyB—Yes, and she is progress- ing very rapidly. Mrs. A : 'flow far has she got ?' Mas. B—She has already had her photo taken as.:' Lady Macbeth.— Texas Siftings. A small boy, after a few weeks at school, was asked where he sat in his class. "I always sit first;" he smartly an- med. "How do you manage that when you are so often go late?" "Well, when I'm late, I sit first at the other end." Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use,. it relieves instantly, and permanently Mures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf- ness. 60 cents. At Chisholm's Drug Store. Rheumatism Cured in a bray,—Sonth American Rheumatic Caro of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Warranteed at Chishom'sdrug store. THE LONDON 1NEEKY FREE pREgg: �n— AND HOME Sixteen Pages, 90 Oolumns, of Attractive Family Read- . ing Every Week. 90TH 1iliL U D 107Ger FOR$1 The "WEEKLY Pious PRESS and 'alias'!: AND HONE,. combined to one ,.'#sne, uniform in size taud appear- :tuee, is thrtkrcel tel subsc'r'ibers from now until the 31sfd December, 1S'JO, for ONE DOLLAR! The Fla21E Pnie s is the Leading iteral-Cuuservn•tive Journal of West- ••rn Ontario. It contains 'each week L complete sulltuia y of the news Incl comment of the- times. Tlu: ('ounuric ial !ages et the !WEEKLY 1� itEI I'itEse are up to date, 1'merchant. 1 i It h� 'ot i t'• 1 cl <Ln ) t< 1 4 C (. 1 1 1\ Farmer ample dairyman. - The li t3{M AND Houk contains each 1 tyeek able. articles on Agricultural subjects and Live Stock. The farmer and cattle and horse breeder will find in its.pages abundant topics elf special interest. A Serial Tale of absorbing interest • will be all intelestin feature: of the ,'�VEEI;LY FREE PRESS. Both Papers Combined for $1' from Now Until December Sist, 1396. Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communications to the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. LONDON. - ONTARIO. A little girl who had beard her family talking about hysterics was present when a story was told at which her mother laughed ilnmoder- i ately. The child seemed much im- pressed, and looking anxiously at her • mother, she said gravely : "Mamma, ain't you afraid if you laugh so much you will get his- I torical." Harold Twickenham—Mr. Clinger was here last night. Fiddleback—Was he? Say, P11 give you a quarter if you'll telL lie whether-'-er he kissed your sister or not, Harold—I can't do it. )'iddieback---Why not? Harold --She gave me a half dollar to keep it quiet. --New York Town Topics. The following is an interesting point in conneetion with the poll tax. Defendant submitted that he was as- sessed jointly with his mother for property in Bruce county, although admitting that his permanent resi- dence was in Chatham. The judge, after a careful investigation of the facts, gave judgment, ftandin,t', the defendant liable, without costs. He ruled that the tax. must be paid at the place of bona fide residence that a citizen must be liable to taxa. tion at the place where he really, actually and permanently lives, and that liability cannot be averted by payment elsewhere. 1) RCN`��rr�� ����� 44} ,,.t�1W,,�r_sy �Y••-a--.n-=t•,�.y,.e^, ,s sr: � k otr��+'�}g RCNlt m' tY?r'p7',,,,,g 0 iY7tei lis^" E''••®'VEi-ai Ealti y 1r'CI QtDk£1i"V R 1 F. �AEI LATER EXCESS tl b e O roe r v�lth�P e but don't try to patch op a lingering cough or cold by tryingcrpernmcntrt remedies. Take PYNY-PECTORAL and relief is certain to follow. Cares the most obstinate coughs; colds, sire throats, in fact every form of throat, lung or bronchial inflammation In, diced by cold. Largo Bottle. 26 Cents. e,AV AT S, RA MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAIS A OBTAIN A PATENT? For a. prompt answer and un honest opinion write to MUNN S: C0., who have bad nearlysftyyears' experience in the patent business. Communion.. Mons strictly confidential. A handbook of In- formation concerning 1'11 tents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mecban.. !cal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive special notice in the ScientificAtnerica.n, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantlyiilustrated,has byfarthe ' largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. Si a year. Sample copies sent free. Building edition monthly, .$2.bDa year, Single Copies, i,'. cents. livery, number contains beau- tiful plates, in Colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest MUdesigns N & CO and Yours. Sb Address ep Caveats and Tradc.Mark-s obtainer!. and all patent • buaincss conducted for NOLLE ITilli FEES, My. .Rice is in the itn,ocdi iv.: vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents arc unsurpassed Send model. sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement an to advantages claimed. Ell -.1170 charge is made for cit opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application wit,: nob be called for quaff the patent as allowed. "Inva.roa� Goran," con- taining f ll information sent free. All Unusual. cations considered as Strictly Oonidentlel. !c'R tl i# l"LIIk' H. HOUGH t, 025 f t'. onti, '.: z'.E'�,.1M.ICI T GELD. L r Kg MAKE NERVOUS iIE itnessE'lll l ofigaoranceandfollyin 9iCi t 1 1l a)13 od by lust trod esposore Ba.ast tt e blossom of manhood, -while others rare melancholy existence. Others reach matrim victims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office. the workshop, too p pit,pg itthetrades and the professions. tS RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. e war. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. AIRS. CHAS. FERNY, CHAS. Pniuw.' • IONS, .. SBEFOEE TR▪ EATMENT AtrTEa TREATMENT Divorced but united again a tTr"NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT:WA Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says "I have snfforedd, untold agonies for my "gay life." I was indiscreet when& roans and inorant. As "Ono of the Boys" 1 contracted Syphilis andother Private diseases. /bad ulcers in the mouth and throat, bone pains,, hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came oif, emissions, became thin and.•. despondent. Seven doctors treated me with 1Uereury,it m Potash, etc. They he/ped o but could not cure me, Finally afriendinducetl metotry Drs.Konnedy &Horgan.`"" SYPHILIS EMISSIONS TINSTRICTURE �CURED 11 heir New Method Treatment cured mo in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfal,blA Yon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard C�� of their failing to euro in acinglop? Carol' l'CURSS GUARANTEED 011 lVI4NtV REFUNDED Capt. Chas. Ferry says ;—"I owe nay life to Drs. ii. & K. sot 14 I learned a bad habit. At 21 Iliad all the symptoms •, of Seminal weakness and Bpermatornccea, Emissions r were draining and weakening, iny vitality. I married at 24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a Wad experience. In eighteen months wo were divorced. I ...then consulted ,ars. K. & Ii., who restored me to manhood ' 'by their New Method Treetmerlf. Ifeltanew life thrilltbrough Only nerves. wo were united again and are happp ;. This was six years ago. Drs. 1C, & R. are scientific specialists and 1 heartily recommend them."g ' We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Setninal(k.„,e *Weakness, Glee, Stricture, Sj j)'iilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse.? • Kidney and Bladder Disease,s. �lr 90 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. N4 RISK ��, + Aro :voila victim? IEave yon lest horse? Are Son ehntemplctin„ mar I 1" a siege? lies your Blood been diseased? Tuve yon any weakness? Out NON 1Treatment will Mire you. What it has done for othtrs it will do for you vmCONSULTAT1ON FREE. No matter who has treated von,write fnr'an honest opinion Y'rrt•� "'of Charge. Charges reasonable. ROOKS FREE -`Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), olt Diseases of AIon. Inclose postage, Scents. Sealed. O N TTS . 1Ff1 user) WITHOUT WRITTEN L+f)N$RN'T VATS. Ngo rhedicirie sent C. 4. D. No harries on braes car ' irvmt- 0pee. Rverythtnlz confidential. Question not arid cost Of 'resat_ ment. PRES. , .. N .I�� HELBY sT KENNEDY' KERLHI DETRO,' DRS. xmatimvpjeigasitaLD IMPOTENCY i 0. 0. VARICOCELE i EMISSIONS in CURED 'i