HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 6rr, • • n '‘,161r1, 7.41r •.••••••P/F• .•••• -77g•TVE-‘411)171.77.77,71.:477.774-rar---.7:?;:rr';',7,--- THE WIN 011AM riIMES, NOVEMBER 151 I.895. I Tho Greatest ratato Q op Con, I Insects 113,j1,14012S 9. Stored Graind Wheat.- -Relation at' Maturity to • Bullettn 61 of the Alabama, Ex- Germinating Vigor. Beeorcl. I The United States is credited with1 perimental Station, prepared by J. Experiments eonduoted by L. J. ttentiugilam ---- . 282,148,000 bushels of potatoes this .4 steedam, biologist, describes A Briggs, _Niel-1*ml Experiment Station, extm&y.,. NovFou.DER 15, 3.805. I year—the largest that have (war • number of bisects, which attack gave the following results ; Twenty •,.-,-.......,------,. ' been known in that country. In stored grain, Those described are seeds were taken from each of four LOWER, WEGIL-1,M. Ithe !York State, OiliO, Wisconsin,. Illinois, pea weevil, the bean weevil, the samples 0 wheat. that had been cut , 1 Iowa and the Dakotas. they cao be four -spotted beau weevil,. the grain in the milky stage, ,dough, stage, The following is the. report or S. 1 had for an old song, or corn weevil, the black or rice yellow ripe stage, and dead ripe S. No, 11, Tarnberry, for the month ! In Ontario we are credited with weevil, the angoamois grain moth, stage, respectfully. The seeds were of October; IV Senior—,Tennie Vey, ,10.•,423.000. bushels, whilst the whole the grain beetle, the red grain beetle, plaCed in a Geneva seed tester and Milton Graham,label LTal3•Qtla. IV , DOMinion is set down for 511,11:50,000 the brown grain beetle, and the subjected to uniform treatmeut, to . ix Jr.—Gsso. Ansley, Geo. Jell Johnston, bushels:, corn -sap 'beetle.. Bisulphide of car- note the effeet of the several stages Benson Cruickshank. III—VerOnt i Gt.eat Britain has grown 192,800,- bon . is reeonunended as the best a maturity upon their germioation, Phippen, Rhoda, Elrord,LizzicPotter. 000 bushels, whilst Gerdiany beats reinedy for these pests, Regarding The wheat gathered, in the milky II—Wesley Ansley, Mamie Mainprize, • the r eeol.cl, with 1,106,000,000 bushels-, the remedy the author writes as stage was much the earliest to get Jas Finley, 2nd part Senior--Ameda Russia is the next heavy producer, fellows; • minatet but its percentage of ger- Ansley Gertie Manser, Maggie with 61.1,000,000 bushels. The "One pound of the bisulphide of mination was the lowest, It was Currie. 2.nd part Jr. --G er tie Cruack- world never produced such a large carbon is ample for one 'hundred also noticed at the time that the shank,. Eienor Mitchell, John Link- potato crop as this year,. And it is bushels of grain, provided it be in a, plants were feeble and pale in color, lator. 'apart Senior—Joseph Finley, needless to say prices all tround comparatively - tight bin or geanary, and were SQ011 overtaken and passed Sinclair Phippen, Hattie 'Waley. Ist were never so low. - . and, the, grain is not in the husk or in growth by ••those from seed that part Junior — Pearl Lockeridge, . The AMerican Agriculttrist, in pod, If the bin or granary is quite was more mature. Of the -plants Clara Beckett, Ivy Maiuprize, speaking of potatoes in the United open and contains many boles, it will from seed in the other three stages, J. W. HOGARTIT, Teacher. ' States, says the erop is not only be necessary to use more bisulphide those from the yellow ripe seed were. i large, but is by far the largest ever of carbine, since it will evaporate a little larger • and more vigorous TURNBERRY. grown. The acreage was suddenly and escape. The grain should, not than those from either the dead ripe The following is the report of SAS. increased out of all proportion to de be stored in the .14d or huskisince it seed or from. seed gathered while'in, No. 6 for the mouth of October I. mands for consumption, in response is almost impossible for thefarnes of the dough. The latter plants par- ' Fourth Class—Total 800.M --47 to ill-advised suggestions from high the bisulphide to penetrate through took somewhat of the •character of 'Cowden. 163, Aggie Cowden 144, official sources, coupled with a natur- the husk of an ear of corn, and much those from the seed collected while Lizzie 13ryce 137, Andy Mitche11126, al desire to replace wheat in the less through .the pod of a bean or in the milk. From.the experiment it Ida llomuth 106, Foster Eyfe 75, north-west with some paying crop. pea. would appear that in wheat nothing M. Ferguson 66. Senior Seeond— The result is what might have been "In _ view of the fact that many is gained, either •-in yield or in ,ger- - Total 357—Harry Goy 284, N. Bryce expected, a crop furnishing a heavy grain irisects attack the grain. while minating vigor of the seed, by allow 280, M. AleKinnoo 265, A, Little 197, • surpins above food requirements, and it is in the field, and are thus carried ing the gram to become dead ripe Luey McKague 187, Junior Second this surplus, especially ill the north- directly into the granary, it is &Wisbefore harvesting. —Total 436—W. Kelly 387, Geo. west, having no aduqate outlet at able to make one application of the . For Oyer Flair V Little 358, g. Mtchell 353, Sarah present, has crushed prices to a level bisulphide of carbon immediately or sten 276, Joe Cowden 268, f1. tions. In fact, in many districts, in and. stored. The grain should then 1:41'48 81:YmitlillitirornPoat= Or tit% fahrilcct7oeif 4113c; sf:,tr iraiinizresIsts !Lid colic. MeKagae 146, R. Stapleton 139. have abandoned the results of their and, if there appear signs of inse ' andeins atiti‘bleusrAuel3 Crowe 328 W. Foxton 325, P. John . ears - below cost of production in some sec- very soon after the grain is gathered oss AND WELL•TRIED RISNED-,Mrs. ITMS- steoTrinsg,hu•it,h perfneir suer.. It soothes the child, Holmes 261, W. Linklater 247, B. the north-west especially, growers be examined at least once a month °tS, the taste Sold Dfuggists ito etery Part,18(7 Dy Part 1st—Tommy Kelley, Tommy year's work, and Will not dig their it should receive another application. worlu, Twenty- (Ivo cents a uottle. Its %eine is „ incalculable. Be sup: and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Goy, Margaret McKinnon, 011ie ei.op, prices not paying the cost of' "The bisulphide is best, or at leasb Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Stapleton, digging and hauling. But for the as well, applied by sprinkling it over . A. E. THOMsas, Teacher. enormous increase in that section, the top of the grain. It will soon The Draught Horse Outlook. ___ the total crop of the country would evaporate, and, as the fames are Rheumatism Runs RiotThe Scottish Farmer, in speaking not be excessive, but the surplus heavy, they will penetrate through When there is latio acid in the blood. here of the prospect for the horse trade in pressing for market is felt by the grain. The germinating proner- Liniroenta ann lotions will be of no per -Scotland, says : "One of the most ;meet's benefit. A cure Cal3 be accom- powers all crier the country. This ties of grain are not injuried in the hopeful features in the outlook is the plisbed only bY neutralizing this acid ,jounal was the first to point out the and for this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla heavy increase in acreage this year. is the best medicine because Hood's Its July estimate of acres was sub•• Sarsaparilla is the oniy true blood puri- fier prominently in the public eye. sequently confirmed by all other — public and private reports. Trained HOOD'S PILLS act easily. yet promptly local observers havenow furnished and effectively, on the liver and bowels. estimetes of yield per acre in every 28c. . country where extensively grown, More Fined for Tampering . and the first definite statement of the with Milk. size of the years crop is presented. least by any oiclinary application. fact that the imports of American Some May prefer to saturate cotton and Canadian horses are falling off. With the bisulphide and place it This shows that our friends across the grain, or to fill shallow dishes the water are becoming able to use and place them aboutthe granary. No harm can result, however, from sprinkling the bisulphide directly on the grain, since it evaporates almost immediately, and, if pure, leaves no trace of it on the grain. One can During October, upon information We place the crop at 282,148,000 test the bisulphide of carbon to laid by Inspector Millar, of the bushels, a very conservative extimate I determine wheter it is pure or not by Western Dairymen's Association, the of the average rate of yield being 88 dipping a blaek feather in it and following parties were lined for bushels. This is three bushels below allowing it to dry; if the bisulphide tamperingwith milk supplied' to the rate in 1883, showing that the is pure, no residue will be seen. cheese factories:—Allen Tucker, a crushing crop this year results from patron of the Boothville factory, an enormous acreage, rather than a pleaded guilty before James Murdoch, phenomenal rate of yield. The va- J, P. Yeovil, Ont.,,to taking off the riation in yield in different States is cream and was fined $5 and costs, more marked shan usual. New Wm. Fifield, a patron of the Burn- England returns only a fair average side factory, before Wm. Uglow, J. while New York shows a good yield P., Putnam, pleaded guilty to the in spite of local damage to the early charge of diluting milk with crop ,from drouth. In the Ohio water. Fined $5 and costs. Before valley the season for early potatoes Squire Lawrence Lueknow, Wn. was marked by severe drouth, which "The only precaution in the use of bisulphide of carbon is not to have the least trace of fire about ; the fumes are very explosive, and will ignite from a lighted cigar or lan- tern. "Eisulphide of carbon evaporates so rapidly that it will disappear in a few moments, if some of the grain be removed to the open air. •"It is not necessary to mention any Frasee, a patron of the Holyrood lasted late enough to damage the Iother remedy for insects in stored factory, pleaded guilty to the charge first growth of late plantings.. This grain, as the above is much superior of skimming the milk. Fined $2, condition cut short the early crop, to all others." and $.2 costs. and robbed the late fields of the . vigor of vine necessary to a full Sras,—Last winter my father had • 1 • Gould Hardly Speak. In Spring and Pall. I yield. The result is a comparatively such u cough he could hardly speak. He GENTs,—I have taken Burdock Blood :small yield. The increased acreage was persuaded to try Hagyard's Pectoral Bitters Ovary spring and fall as a blood in New England and propitious Balsam at last, and was completely cured purifier for several years and find it does, weather until late summer, WaS by half of one bottle. great good, building up my system and Miss A. M. CRITTENDEN. Baldwin, Ont. snaking me feel like a new man. My wife also has taken it for nervous debility and weakness, receiving great benefit when doctor's medicine seemed to do no good. RUFUS ANERY. llorth Augusta, Ont. CULROSS. Is there an oil well on the 4th on., of Culress? At the present time there is stts rews reason to suppose that there is. Since we wrote the item a week or two ago respecting the indications on Mr. A. Scott's farm, we have been informed that a Con* of experts have been prospect- ing in that locality and that they have decided that on theft= of Mr, j. Moore the indications of oil are very strong. We understand that a company is being formed for the purpose of sinking a test well. We •fib,,ke that a strong company niay be formed and that the Well will be a ugusher."--Teeswater Xews. On the first day of November, Mr, Zolin Lindsay, of this township, one a the oldest men in the county, athed his last. tiad he lied two the longer he Would have been gri years of age. ite was born in .1relatad and came to Canada in 1850. likesettled in Cuirass when the place was an unbroken fbrest. HIS family Comotsted of ten children, of whom SIM &re now living. ne S rip mires coughs, oge. followed by such a general attack of blight or rot, that the crop was ultimately. cut down materially. In Aroosteek, Me., the world-famous potato country, loss in this direction has been serious, but yield is still large an area 20 per cent. larger than last year, and starch factories are working up large quantities at 14c to 20c per bushel. A Question of Brains. Modesty about One's mental acquirements is a good thing, but it must have been carried too far in the case of a witty Irishman whom a correspondent once met. The Irish- man was at work at a stone quarry,. pulling up loads, of broken rock out In the Southern States the crop of of a shaft, with a windlass. white potatoes has been good, fur- Tho windlass was exposed to the nishing a full supply for domestic.' sun. and the labor was very hard, wants, and limited quantities in ex- but the Man had on his head a Straw cess for shipment. torn.ha tfm rowhich the crown had been "1 Took One-Plalf Bottle of South Leek here said the visitor to the American Rheumatic Cure and THAI/Ian, aren't you afraid the sun Obtained Perfect Relief "—This will injure your brain? Remedy Gives Relief in a Few Pat paused in his work, andloOked Hours, and Usually curds in one steadily and wonderfully at his to Three Days. questioner. • J. H. Garrett, a prominent politi- Brains/ said he. Me brains,Js 10 elan of Liverool, N. s., makes, fel Art.' do ye think that af 1 haa any the benefit of the public, the follow- brains ,1'd be rurnin' this windliss? ...........— ing statement: "I was greatly troubled A Gentian! A Warning! with rheumatic pains for a, number g, on blowing the noise in the ;horn- et years. On several occasions I ing, lumps an ' flakes .are discharged could not walk, nor even put my colored with blood, espethally on one side, lb"rereOfttbri very"1NPv tis lektrderhest6ot feet to the floor. I tried everything and alllocal physicians, but 'BY saeated,The Walls are sore and full of suffering " continued. At last I was small ulcers, aria if not soon cured will prevailed upon to try South Amcri. be hard to cure and eradidate, oak stioh can Rheitmatic Cure. I obtained • in time Uee alflaesi Catarrh pftfeet relief before 1 bad taken half °tire' a bottle of the remedy, and to -day regard it the only radical cure for rlutuntiatiat." Sold at Oltighottes Owner Drug Store, Wittglram. At Hamilton, B. Mikran, rug dealer, from Coustautimole was fined 41 for leosfIlrf t1=011 Ota GAMES LOA ES WINTER EVENING GAMES. rr A largo stock of the following winter evening Fames Just to hand at A. ROSS' HUME LOMA, STNIIMECIIASE, FOOT BALL, PAkonintsi, Untwist, ' °Afloat, so #3•em, 3nnonm, MT TO BANIINR, 'RENNIN JUNIOR., SIR LANORLOT. Tun trepan Ti; th ma man LoOoDAMIT. CANADIAN °VESTA. PERItYWINNI.R, OLD INIAID, NDICESIOWT. parka Commus, Lost Mtn, lusii 1 ono, ItAthitomi Pusr,cm, Baciteatimox, Lorre, Cuckoo, N.ertoss, Lin, Bum, simians, Cloonan aomeon, OltORINOLE I30AUDD, all the horses they are breeding, and as they have not inported many horses for some -tithe, it is obvious that they must be in the way of working up their surplus stocks, so that ere long there will be a shortage and breeding horses will again be in demand. When that day arrives, those who have paid attention• to registration will reap • their reward, and now is the.time when arrears of registration should be written up and all the straggling lines collect- ed." The above is just as applicable to our breeders as to the Scotchman. It cannot be hoped that the market for weedy Stock will ever pay for raising them, but wherever possible, a good draught mare or gelding should be produced. With regard to our "working up" surplus stock we may state that a surplus stock of good draught animals does not exist, as very few have been bred of late years and the good ones have nearly all been shipped away to markets. $1.00 Games for 50 cents, 50 cent games for 35 and 25c, 25e. games for 15 and 10o, '100. gamoS for 5e. 1 s,,,,ircsocrtdioliz,ys.sii Ts,s...;,,,se,sturtiv taidlivefrourbermeanntda Cmhunfor be It'laniktolilineaoth l*Iiy"1:ednesday noon, in order to apPeav, Changes for contract advertisements must bo In that week R. EPILtorrtga, AND POMMIES romasann EVERY FRIDAY MORNING --AT THE— TIMES OFFICE, 40$EPHINE: STREET WINGNAM, ONTARIO. Ono Column 500 00 540 00 1 i,;20 00 8 00 quartQr " Subsuriptien price, si per year, in advance. non ,, 40 00 ,Y0 00 12 00 8 00 ,..... ,.. Space I 1 yr, 1 0 mo. l 8 um. l / ma; ADVERTISING RATES; ----. --- , --- __. One Omit 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 0 00 • — — — 0 00 3 00 1 s 00 1 00 Legal and—qther ottsua advertisements, $0, per line for first insertion, and so, per lino for each subsequent insertion. Measured by nonpareil rodie. Local notices 10e. per iihe for first insertion, and 5c. per line for each subsequent insertic r.. Advertisements of Lost, Vound, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chanoes Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines 1 nonpareil, 51 fur subSequent month, first month, and 600. f or each , Houses and Farms for Salo, not .0xceeding 8 11000 a for Bret month, 500. per subsequent month. Larger :advertisements in proportion. , These titins will be strictly adhered to 1 Special rates for larger advertisements, or for i I 0 ilgdelreiggeoldnso.0 to and local notices without specific. Christmas Goods Arriving, •A. itoS$ Wmgham. WINCHAM SIM MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock ot How tp Make Delicious Biscuit. At three o'clock in the afternoon (in winter) dissolve one-half a com- pressed yeast cake in a half cup of lake -warm water. Put into a bowl one quart Of flour, make a hole in the centre and pour in the yeast and one pint of warm milk. Stir thoroughly with a spoon, cover well and stand in a warm place until light. In the evening add two well - beaten eggs, one-half cup of sugar, one heaping teaspoonful salt, one generous half cup of butter, or butter and sweet lard mixed. Knead thoroughly', adding flout enough to make a velvety dough ; cover 'and stand in a warm place over night. In the morning knead down, urn oat on a bread -board and roll out with a rolling -pin to one-half inch in thickness; tat out with a cooky' cutter and spread melted butter over the tops; fold over and place in shallow tins; cover and pat in a warm place until light. Bake in a quick oven from Metal to twenty minutes. If properly made these rolls are delicious.—Ladies' klome journal. Relief in six hours.—. dmen* Itid, Hey and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- eey Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on HO. oount of its exceeding promptness in relies- aili4115„atvinttrtinotthe lbeluadtidteart,kiprlageys. srhaicikmeanide 1 arict female. It relieves retention of water and pain in poling 11 almost sirernetliately. if you we 4 quick relief to dere .this is , roue remedy. Sold at Ohitholmcs drug Strom LUMBER SHINGLES LATH BARRELS WOOD, &c 7 &c., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the haul times. First Class Shingles,$1 70 per Square. Wood l5ots. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. MoLEAN SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1893. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest ou terms of tive years or over. Principal payable at end of term or annuall,i, If desired, JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London. Ont. JOB PRINTING TNCLUDING nooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bit Heads, Circulars, Sze., Stc., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Timis Office, Wingham. BOOKBINDING We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the Timks Office, CURES JOYSPEPSailp Elan BLOII07 CONSTIPATZarly KIDNEY TROUBLE:37 it EMI:MG/1E0 13.0./1, unlocksli athe secreCri ont andretnove . impurities from the sybtent from a common pimple 16 the Wert scrofittons tOrt. EXIIIDOcK PILLB eat rently yet .ihorringhly ou the Stunt...eh, Livor Lowels. ror Twent3r4ive Years NN'S KIN WDE HE COOKS BEST FRIEND LAMiltia SALE IN CANAO'Au DR blAODONALD, CENTRE STREET, WINGLIAZI. ONTARIO. UT13. TOWLER. 5LD.0.111„ v . Member College Physielans and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Iluron— Office Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. hum, Ont. ()TAXON 1101)R8,-9 to 12 it, in., 1 to 6 p. m., at Residence, Diagonal Street. T P. KENNEDY, M, D., M. C. e,s O. (Sucoesior to Dr. .1. Ideldrum.) Gord Medalist of Western University: Late House. Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special :Men- tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Sieldrum,Corner of Centre and Patna streets, It INI/HAM • - ONT R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission chanted. Mortgages, took and farm properkt bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Bitick WituniAm J. A. MORTON,' BARRISTER. itc„ Winghaw, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK 01 HAMILTON. MONET TO LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Witighein. M G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne Hotel. GODERICIX, • ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JERW1E, L. D. S.,WinottAti.. Is manufacturing first-class sets of teeth as cheap as they eon be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe. tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House, 1 ARTHUR J. IRwIN, D. D. G., L. D. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani Dental College. °MOE—MACDONALD SLooK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT • — GO'110.=nernr.m.... FRANK SCELPS, • WHERE YOU GET 12 SHAVES Aittp 1 HAIR CUT Von $1. ONTARIO Opposite Norman's Hotk WINGHAM, oNTARIo. Agency tor Parisian Steam Laundry, n DEANS, Ja,WieenAm, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TII CQUETT OF HURON. .• Salt attended in any part of' the Cl. Okargee Moderato. • JOIN CURRIE, W., INGIffam, osr., it" • LIOSffsED AUCTIONEER EOR THE COUNTIES - BuItrill AND BRUCE. Alt orders left at the Tistagffice promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. <!-- ' JAMES nElintaseN, LIONNIIED AUCTIONEER, TOR OMINTIEE EURO( All Banat All ',alai attended to promptly and On the abotliele Notice. Charger{ Moderato arid Satisfaction Guarantee, All rieeeetary arrangements Can be made M th Tama' Otlide WINCiltAtt ONT Money to 'Loan on Noteno Notes Discounted AT- IMA.SONABLE itAnce lifortioaat 'tn. per alatali intylisire of paying at the end of any year,. • 110E4 And 1.000titits RAZ St4Inil600, HOMO Moe& WilifillsOat '11 rn AGRIGUL1 Parm Crops HOrticultu was° a also Inc Rural iniereo, tic logy, Bee 5001111 Veterin .ry Replies Fireside reading, 11 of the .News of Sins usually complete,1 prospects at tlat or. of the mos; import and When to S411. COrltaltis more toad subscription Price Special Reduction CLUB JL Two Suoseanym Six • " TEN t ar To all Now advance »ow WO a OM receipt of the without charge, MSrucitica LUTHER TIJI A .1, C:'!),',,ICZIPii Heat ....cr•:- ;.', A St Crot:-. cold ,- ll T If LlresilASEA; 1resist other rem 31pleasaul1 piny sy el PRICE 260. sots Cost valuable treatise an any Sufferer. Give LOCUM CHEM1011, CI limainenlazaraer • ONE GIVES RELIEF.. Thc ard cine coxn ills -110 IHAT Int instals( Ho% often 1 aches,' nd th aches s1 pai along th and oppr seo the persist n misery of Si'I in most case poisonous uri the blood by lating in the gnlar pulse I skin and ri u tone and •es poisonou ma it on its infle ay achc tending sytnp G. Birc Harr the 18 FR11 •ta.ken ery dizziOI2ss Sh tacki for year her ed. In :Pill relief an the usua don avoids -;can be refer :have cured S. ;dant syrnpto ;dealers, or 1 Bates & Co., • .