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The Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 4
THE WIN G IAM TINZES, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. G. E. WILUAMS CHEMIST -AND- DRUGGIST. -ANb- DB GGIS" . ACT. G, N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House. Wingham, - - Ont fltaXingijam giro FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Having disposed of the TIMES newspaper and printing business to Mr. S. G. Brown, of Watford, who will take possession on the 2nd of January, 1896, I must ask all indebted for subscrip- tions,' job work, advertising or otherwise, to call and settle or remit the amount of their accounts. The accounts will be sent out in a few days. R. ELLIOTT. TUB ItNBERRY. MO1IRIS, Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, of Atwood, 'Many hero were acquainted with has scoured a school in Turnborry Geo. Polllels, who worked for Mr, for 1896. We congratulate him on Barrie on the 5th of Morris, Last his success, as it is one of the best summer he went to Dakota and school -sections in East Huron. The while there betaine so i11 that some of his friends brought hien home to lianchestor where his 'nether lives. About two weeks ago ho was found to have typhoid fever, from which he never rallied and expired last Satur- LONDLSB0110. day. -He was a great favorite, bore The Foresters, Sons of England, an exemplary character, and his present teacher, Mr. Walker, is leav- ing the profession. Mr. Wilson is a brother of Mr. James Wilson, princi- pal of the Wroxeter school, Hone Circle and Orangemen, are all uniting and having a dinner on Thanksgiving day. The committees are sparing no paths for to make it a success. -Der. G. A, Best, of Brus- sels, was in the village on Sunday— Mrs. Samuel Woodman, who has been very ill, is a little better.—Mr. J Bell is able to at up. We hope soon death will be mourned by a host of friends. --Tax Collector Mooney is collecting the taxes. G ORRIS. A very pretty wedding was cele- brated on the evening of November 6th, in the Bloor Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto, when Miss Florence to see him able to be out and around Notman was united m tbe bonds of again.—Miss Addie Crisp has return- matrimony to Dr. J. A. Tuck, of ed home after spending two weeks Gorrie. The bride, who is the visiting friends in Brussels.—Miss second daughter of the late J. C. Jennie Ferguson, of Walton, is visit- Notman, ex -Queen's Printer and ing friends in this locality.—The accountant to the Government, en following were elected for this l tered the church on the arm of her quarter in the I. 0. G. T. Lodge : i brother, gowned in white duches C. T., Albert McGregor ; P. C. T., i satin, ornamented with pearls an Lou Ouimette.; Chap., Jas. Morris ; Treasurer, Aggie Riddell; .V. T., Maud Mogridge, Marshal, Frank Longman ; D. M., Lizzie Cardwell; Secretary, Ida Riley ; F. S., Robert Reid; Guard, Lavina Brigham; Sent., Willie Townsend.—Miss Johns- ton, of Wingham, teacher in the public school here, gave an essay in the league on Monday evening , last, which delighted all who heard her. —The Union Thanksgiving service will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Thanksgiving day, at 2.30 p. m.—Mr. Jas. Campbell has bought tbe Hill property here, and Messrs. Lasham and Bell have bought the house and lot belonging to Mrs. Govier. EDITORIAL NOTES. Trn Doi1IINION ELECTIONS are not tar off. The Conservative news- papers are now inserting "factory made" editorials quite freely. THE Speaker has issued his war- rant for elections in North Ontario and Cardwell, but the government have not fixed the dates or appointed returning officers. Tues Centre Wellington Patrons have nominated Mr. James Tucker, of. Peel Township, to fill the vacancy caused by the unseating and dis- qualification of Mr. Geo. Tucker, Patron. THE Canadian Pacific manage- ment know a good thing when they see it. They ordered a large number of the editor of the Toronto Globe which contained editor Willison's Manitoba crop letters, and will u:e them for distribution in Europe as emigration literature, A SITE for the proposed sanitarium for consumptives has been selected in Muskoka,about two miles from Gravenhurst. Int is expected that building operations will shortly be commenced, and the building will be completed as speedily as possible. Mr. SIMARD, M. P. for Charlevoix, WROXETER.. On Wednesday morning, _Miss Mary Ann Montgomery, of this place, niet with an accident which resulted in her death a few hours after. She was in attendance on her sister, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, who is ill, and she. got up in the night to go down stairs to wait on her sister. When she reached the head of the stairs she turned the wrong way and fell out of a door opening outside, falling a distance of twelve or fifteen feet, Quebec, died suddenly the other day. By his death, a sixth seat in the Dominion House of Commons becomes vacant. Cardwell, West Huron, Montreal Centre Jacques Cartier, North Ontario and Charlevoix --all six were formerly represented by Conservatives. diamonds, the gift of the groom. Th maids of honor were Miss Marie Notman and Miss Tuck, the sisters o the bride and groom respectively whilst Dr. Luke, of Buffalo, and Dr Williams aced as best men. Messrs McKay, Taylor, Heron and Leadle3 assisted as ushers. The ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. G Wallace, was followed ,by a recep tion at the house of the bride' mother, Spadina avenue, after whit the happy couple left on an extende tour of the Eastern States. The pr sents were very numerous and testi fied to the great esteem in which th bride is held by her many friends. Live Stook Mar2[ats. Montreal, Que., November 11. - The receipts at the Eastern Abattoi market to -day ,were 450 head cattle, 400 sheep and lambs an about 50 calves. There was a fair' good enquiry for cattle, and pric( ruled steady at last week's figure Small veals were in moderate d mand. Following is the range quotations : — Cattle — Butcher choice, per pound, 3;}e © 31c ; lir weight, medium to fair, 2-,�fe « 3 culls, $2 C-03 $2.50. Sheep--Commc to good, $2.50 « $3.25 ; lambs, $2.f @.$3.50. Calves—Good .to choir striking the ground with her head.? ® $12 ; common to fair, $2 Death resulted from concussion of East Buffalo, Nov.fair, 11.—Cattle— the brain, The deceased was a very small supply of sale cattle this wee fleshy person, and was in her 44th The market shows a marked fallir year. his Dick Biller is home again off from last week.—Hogs—Receipt from his trip to Manitoba. His 167 cars; market about stead father, T. F. Miller, who has been in Yorkers, fair to choice, ?3.75 $ Cloderich for some time, returned 80 roughs, common to good, $3 to town on Wednesday.—Miss Ander- $3.40; pigs, common to fair, $3 son, of Wroxeter, is iu• Wingham $3.65. --Sheep and lambs—Receipt this week.—Mr. J. R. Rae and 'Mr. 124 cars: market fairly aetiv John Lackie have so far recovered lambs, choice to prime, $3.60 n. $ as to be around the town again.— Mr gain. Canada lambs, fair to prime, $3.90 DirR. Black is making some eaten $4 20 • sheep to selected exp( WEST WAWANOSH. R. K. Miller, of St. Helens, Clerk of this township, who has been ill for some time, died at his home on Mon- day last, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives. The remains were interred_ at Goderich. BELGRAVE. On Wednesday, between thirty and forty' of the early settlers of this eeetion, on the invitation of Mr. and I Mr. J. Bennet,t comic, of Toronto. Mrs. Abraham Proctor, assembled at t Mr. Bennett has been on a tour their residence here to celebrate: through the large American cities their golden wedding. Amongst' during the;past two years, this being those present were Mr. and Mrs. his first appearance in Canada. As Robert Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. a stage performer he has few equals. Charles Proctor, Wm, and David Solos, Duets, Quartetts, etc,, will be Geddes, Jos. Stubbs and Thos. Wilk- ' givers by first-class local 'talent. inion. A sumptuous dinner was served, to which all did ample justice, and the afternoon and even. -i - was spent in social intercourse MARKET REPORTS. wtNoiinaf. Wingham, Nov. 14, 1895. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 Lbs 1 75 to '2 00 Pelt Wheat 0 68 to 0 70 1 Spring Wheat 0 08 to 0 70 Oats, 0 24 to 0 25 Barley., .......... ..... . 0 30 to 0 35 Peas....„,. ........ ...... 0 50 to 0 51 Butter,..,. ,. ,...,. 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord.... ....... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ,.. 13 00 to14 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 15 to 0 20 Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb 0 4,} to 0 05 Chickens , , 0 20 to 0 25 Ducks., ............ 0 40 to 0 50 Geese 0 4 to 0 5 Turkeys, ..•.. .. 0 0 to.0 7 . d C fDRESS e- 1 T RUN S, VALISES, LEATHER JAGS Special Bargains pili Month. GEORGE GOOD aMIENIERIVIris r s h 1 - B - r ,f 1 7 s '' �fMa S , i 210 o' A5. .g s, 7 ; 0 s, ,, , I MRS. LESLIE Iles returned to town and is prepared to do AND MANTLE CUTTING AND FITTING in the latest styles. HATS AND BONNETS Remodelled and Trimmed. Patterns of all 'rinds cut on the shortest notice. Residence—Josephine street, over Farquharson's rroc.ry store, Wiighnin. FARM FOR SALE. --- The ndersigned offers his farm, 'eing lots 33 a: d 34, concession 11, East ' awa- nosh, for le. The farm cont ' . s 200 acres, 175 0' 'hid) 'aro cleared nd in a good state o cultivation, tl : balance being hardwoo >ush. The,: are on the premises a first • ass har, and a straw shed, with stone fo ndat' n under both; also, a silo, and shoe • nd hog pens; a good frame house; go%3 bearing orchard, good water. both w: 1 d spring. The farm is situated la1f a .Ile from the Presbyterian d Metho -t'churches, and six mile: from Wingh .. School on the ••rner of the lo. The purchase • will have the privilege f buy- ing the 'arm en block, or either 10# •tcrea separ. ely. GEO. ROBERTSON, loch P. O. Proprieto HE BEST,---._, AT VIE - SMALLEST COST —IN— MERCHANT TAILORING --tvn.- •C GENTS' FURNISHINGE —AT— GE®. G1��ee.. sive repairs to the dam this week. wethers, $2.25 <i' 53.50: fair to good Ile has the gates all out and the mixed sheep,„2 25 C; $2.50—Cattle water is very low in consequence.— closed dull for good grades; fair Mr. Jas. Thomson, of Brussels, is in town again.—Miss P.oderus, of Wing - ham, was in town on Friday last.— Miss Libbie Playford and Miss Thompson were in Wingham on Thursday Iast.—Mr. James Fox is in town shaking hands with the boys. —Court Wroxeter, Canadian Order For Suits that suit,. Foresters, will hold their annual con- SUITgive comfort to the a wearer and satisfy cert in the Pavilion, on Monday yourfriends ,youhad evening next, November 18th, when OVERCOATS, better try us. Our the following well-known artists will garment m a k e r s take part; Miss Annie Louise White,TROU'E S. know how to du their Elocutionist of brew York. Miss work; dont thinly thele aro any better White's first appearance before a and yet we charge no more than others Canadian audience was at the open- do for inferior work. Hundreds of new ing of Massey Music Hall, Toronto, fall and winter samples to choose from, where she scored a decided success, at prices about half what you have to pay for old goods. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly made for 81 Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terms are cash, clearance. Hogs closed steady, about all sold. Sheep and lambs, all sold, 124 cars on sale -20 cars of Canadas; sold at $4.10 a (.4.20 ;- market closed about steady. Admission 20 cents ; Reserved seats 25 cents. Plan of hall may be seen at Dr. Brawn & Co's drug store. This will be Miss White's last and in recounting the trials and appearance in Canada. and those who hardships of the early pioneers. Mr. fail to hear her will miss a treat. and Mr's, Proctor were made the re- We give the fbllowing press notices eipients of xns.ny valuable presents, in referenee to Miss White: St. Cath- amongst the others being a pair of crines Evening Star :--The "Chariot elegant easy ebairs for Mr. and Mrs. Race” from Ben line has been heard P cl r,who received the congratula here several times, but Miss White 'orris of all present, and the heartiest good wishes for their future happi, nese. Bach events as this gathering was to commemorate are not vary ecn'nrnon,, anct the Tn4 a along with their numerous fifends wish Mr, and e, eeedh igiy happy in her imitations Mrs. Proctor Iengg& of days to enjoy of the ”} rb e'l'iuk" and her negro! tho fruits of r I lSfyr6. and Irish distant n>ambet + fl±tes the standard for the proper rendering of this Selection that is 'lard to come up to. Guelph Daily 1 Herald 1 ---Miss White N a versatile and ulevcr elocutionist. She wasi WEBSTER & CO., Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingham, Ont. ATTEACTIV. • Shoatd hot only be agreeable to the' taste and moil, but it should bo rut se as to be attractive to the eye. 'My meats wilt bo found all that ie desired in those respects. BEE.IP PORI_ and MUTTOS By inspecting our Stock, you will be convinced it pays to buy the nest when it can be had at such a very, moderate cost. Our prices cannot be beat anywhere As for good, reliable workmanship and ma- terial. A Perfect Fit and satisfaction gu aran teed. Always the latest at the lowest price in Gents' Furnishings. SAVE MONEY, BE PLEASED, HAVE COMFORT. 444 G•O..‹.1 'vr THE PALACE CLOTHING HOOSE, JOHN R1LTETTEL & SONS. ' To Clothe Gentlemen, is our Business. Making the best fits that can be turned out anywhere needs taste, ability and energy, which we constantly put in practice. Hence our garments are always stylish, easy to the wearer and elegant to look at. - We keep the best of goods and use nothing but the best of Trimmings. We excel in workmanship and sell cheap. We' solicit every gentleman's patronage that wants to be well dressed. Cash is tO • our motto, the only true business.principle• We always study the interest of our customers and use no decep- tion. We call Shoddy, Shoddy, Canadian Tweed, Canadian Tweed and not Scotch, Canadian Frieze, Canadian Frieze and not Irish. And everything is as we represent it. !a Ready—Made nithingOo010 We have as fine and as cheap a stock as there is in the Dominion. Come and see our stock and be convinced that we keep nothing but first-class goods and for less money than you can buy elsewhere. {n dents' Furnishings We hold the fort. None can beat us in Style, Price or • Quality. Great Bargains in everything at the Palace Clothing House, Wingham. JOHN IUJETTEL die SONS, Macdonald ]Bock, Wingham. OUR OIC OOST SALE 18 BOOMING. THE REASON --PRICES CUT DOWN TO WHOLESALE. Note a few of the following prices: 72 ineh Union Sheeting for 50e a yard, regular 65c a yard, 72 inch White Twill Sheeting, 20: a yard, regular 250 a yard, 72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheetning, 160 a yard, regular 20c a yard. 32 inch Flannelette, 8c a yard, regular 100 a yard, Floor Oil Cloth, 20c per Square Yard. BEST BLACK SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, 9 knots fur 25c or 60c a pound. We are selling about 10 pounds a day of the above, so it must be right. Come at once and got some of the bargains at J JAN U -LAST LA'S, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Wingham. always on hand. SAUSAGES, HEAD CHEESE and everything in the butchering line, in season, of Acahgpye ib*bes)oo9, aetistotnera have a'Chance our prices will affrays be foetid Pet rlgllt end treat wfil be delivered to any part of the town • sI. Maoism, Aug, VA, i59?. GEO. CARR, Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, STOP A MINUTE and read what is taking place at the China House. Marked reductions in a number of lines of beautiful CHiNA AND GLASSWARE lusywo to make room for NEW GOODS expected to arrive in the near future. In fact, some lines already passed into Stock. FRESH GROCERIES arriving daily, the quality and prices of which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Try some of our dried ApricOts, 'eathes and Pitted Silver Plums. We are sole agents for SALADA TEA, and have it in Black and Black and Green mixed. Try one paekage and we'll rest assured of the result. Also, hill lines of Japan and Ilyson Teas, which cannot fall to please. All orders left to our Care will re- ceive our most careful and prompt attention. NORMAN A. FARQUHARSON, chitin Ilouse, Win hatrl, Motto; -•-Good Go4is at Honest Prices, CLEAR AS A BELL. If a pupil of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Does not grasp a subject readily we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We drill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. We teach Bookkeeping and Busi- ness paper by a new method. Enquire about it. Your money back if not satisfied. Catalogue free. Mr. E.A.Coon has accepted a position in the office of E. D. Smith, Winona, Ont. J. W. W +'STERVELT, Principal. PIIL'T'TIE Y350N, —THE— LEADING JEWELER Has'just ordered a full stock of WATCHES, and JEWELRY e buy for CASH and can sell as cheap as the cheapest, A FULL STOCK . TO CHOOSE FROM. REPAIRING. For Filo: VnxcIY REPAIRING, L c y competition. ti tion. P.C_X"IMmatSV ST OPPoSrrlc BANIt or IlaarIiaxOL } T It iso greatest British by a Fr policy 01 ity is as: tion or ) progress in Britis call for ley Poli( proteetk of the lit hood, as tent de the vailc here th present, tural cot future di extent c farming the que ,British ( it is cert as there the want the fern prices, v of prod' which it portatio Under l renders and co pensive. every 0: tion to 1 British prosperi ment 0 natural era's, f•;.i ardent that pre to devel or a,dol f their p which t reaclein, they a export t the Krol the Core whistle t ant dad for the they ari extra Ci tectlion. • 1894, $' calked nearly $5,255 butter ; on eggs on coal catsaps a few e of Brit neoessa uteofb Policy.' reasona bia is n crea:,in; articles pr(s ter mens 01 therefor a fiscal price •ol cheap ity, a:n protect inlportra and Inc handie< ' are spa; than in higher. British Because and ind is chat portath control therefo control advant that the should creased of thea produe laborer the en countr: can be living 1 less wa power redaeti of labo employ more 1 means develoi More More e more n