HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 3i7t M.
t -A, U. ass as,
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receh•odcand' interest
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:Lice IS,, Aimee
;flif�lialit, Ont, •
.It. W. Scorn,
and Interest
rFttrrners and
endorsed notes
go notes bought
ay remitted to all.
cable charges.
i•iven to Col„
and N otos.
l ll erchanta' Baaa,$l
toy p. In
s1 t1TH,
got 8. rid N. yP,
an. , ast Wawa,.
, 45 aores clear -
3 of oultivation;.
a. Well fenced;
good water, both
ole for either
s reasonable,
[ioDO D,
felons P. • Ont.
awe in the Town
e street, one of
be for a residence.
large wood shed;
tr in wood shed;`
has 55 feet front-
back to a lane.
9 his house and
mu for sale on
lot contains half
'ere is a frame
ing five rooms;
iltry house; good
For particulars,
res or land; 200
e; with first class
it underdrained,
cores, mostly new
lntity of timber
ions cleared and
and will make a
.rm situated two
On the premises
ening order. All
hie terms. For
st Office Box 125,
• -,Qct,.
Nk•' SKIN.
Pi ON.
t•. ;NOT cures.
by ,Nail. 9603 600„
alphas trey.
eth and Breath, )15o.
u g Store.
lrlrw,Arttthria Lir
omitt net
la, St L. Men of
if Other Nntionalities,•a t debarred), chs$^
rthetrvugbly reeovatec>rrkis shop *u4 I40;
1ln4:large stook d•2
English, Sootth,li h `:
rood Canadian ,Tmeds„ f.
t� The Mowing significant clause
t>imported, er 5, Worsto-!$. appeared in true address glom the
Chevolts logs throne, at it h a opening of 'the Quebec
l n a =Quebec last week :—
W. O, `Ti.. U., COLUMN.
(oohpecenceee rin WritOEran0.4n0n11.}.
'For G ;;assn Rome and .\yea ee Land."
1Vo cal the . ataentlon of the snouts s and sisters
to the rwoc, �tht,tr the Woman's Ohtiu;fan romper.
atwo Union sneers the third ifarnieynevery month
at three etiiooksh:arp, for ono hour, in +airs, Helixes
residence, C'etrieb.strsel. All twdles,apornado wel-
As the Rancor •hos ltindly given •usr,,*.art of his
apace, for row •wof.;, wo ask L iewtls. nfrilte cause to.
send items of Sntersst on all vocal ,quer tions of the
day 10 any et ,ouo?.ontbora.
1, "IntomperaLnee continued rto cause
'If ymu•need•a ',i;reat ravages .yin the midst ,.of our
Population. 'It is the duty .of the ORhe
r' .l`1I,r. � �ll,
ti'i,.� R S U L T' ,Go vernmeat to have the laws: overn-
Ole OVERCOAT,g t q t s
amyl inspect tiaogoodsandgetpriees, e
mill t)6 sold at rook s'bottom prions. ,�
frl,ll goods msttle •Up ,cin the latest tI'
and on shgrtineti0e, ?�
<tpbor the stand—Nearly opposite to
eoc?onald 131oe1c, Wiafzlaam, ,�.
.all the sae •df intoxicatingtis uo •
•carried out i36illemore vigoro,lsiv and
Call, efficiently, and it is your ,duty as
T'heyxtgood citizens'torassist in the •aceom-
.11 .lishment of its btask. It does not
styles?take long to learn how to evadeltaws
emnaeted for the ;protection of society
this J'ET . ainst the clangers of this tiiard ,
THOS. it3t11ESLYE. 'therefore yoga �t+ll,this year nr>�,aih be
smelled upon to 'amend these law..
I afea the,.only, Jeweler north of Lon-
don swim:neon and doescaakelsi•sgs on the
1 malse.aarl finish all tank 'is the best
possible dnan•ner, and gostrantee,satisfac-
tion in ,every,,instanoe.
Where •gold is found, I slwayr return
the same :gad, manufactured .as per
By leavihra'g,yeur order with ane, you
on save from 25o to $3, aecor4ing to
style, weight,and quality of singe
We also orsbkelto orderAiigravodCoin
'Brooches, Bangle 'Pins/ etc., etc., at
Moderate Prices. ,
Jewelery ,R.Rlpairing and En-
gravi;igv Neatly and Proampt-
.ly p5tecuted..
Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham,
De you know a, naa,ta in Canada that
repad,nis watches any ,better than Halsey
Park,Watohmaker and Jeweler, WinghamR
Who runs it? Gordon &
Where is it? Opposite the
Queen's Hotel.
Why will. it pay the people
to patronize it? Because every-
thing is new. No old stock.
A graduate of the O. C. P.
willabe in constant attendance.
Prices right. -
The •
London Times,* the most e,n-
luential newspaper in England, is
e1apposed to voice tpieblie sentiment
that country. "Itw+Would be impoe-
iele," says the ''Mimes, "to find any -
Wing which stands ;far so much loss
to soul, body, and•estalte as the public
hoose. Even if we ;accept the best
th'a'trean be made far et in .principle,
the feet is.it is still :a Inge nuisance
and fuasery---there is 111E a vice, or
disease, or disorder, .or a calamity of
any bled that has net slats. frequent
rise in the publie • hense." Again
"The public house degrades, ruins,
and beatralizes a Iarge &iaetlion of the
British people." It would. tax the
ingennity of a prohibition fanatic to '
put the ewe in stronger terns thail
these. •
Why she is a Prohibitionist..
I am a prohibitionist because
believe that prohibition will prohib
or that the doctriue as preached eabe enforced. I am a prohibition's
because it is what 'I would like
see if it could be accomplishe
Perhaps, then you will say that la
an idealist. That is wrong, for I a
;more than that. There is method i
my madness. I know that b
advocating the cause of "prohibition i
Health and Iousohold Hints, The Baine of Photographs.
Use soapy meeker when making
.starch, The ,clothes will have :a
glossier apps trauee .and the ,irons
Will be less likely, ito stick, -
"Tbe most stisfaetory dusters ,are
ttpose made from 'tlae cheapest geed°
of 'vbite cheesecloth, They should
be cut about a ,yard.,yard.square ;and
neatly hemmed.
Chemists say it 'takes more than
twice as much sugar to sweeten pee.
• serves, sauces mad the like if put in
when they begin to ;cook, as it does
to add it after time :process is accom-
Silver may be ;kept bright and
free Tram stains by washing daily in
castle soap suds. KeKeepa piece of
chamois at hand and ipc rish the silver
thoroughly with it after it has been
dried, and you will find the use of
silver polish needed .only occasion-
Wafter boiled in galvanized iron
becomes poisonous, and cold water
passed through zine -lined iron pipes
should never be used for cooking o
drinking purposes. Hot water fo
cooking should never be taken fro
hot-water pipes. Take from cold
water pipes and keep a supply for
use in kettles.
Almond Cake.—Two cups of
powdered sugar, one-half cup butter,
one cup mild:, two and one-half cups
dour, one teaspoonful baking powder,
the beaten whites of five eggs, one
pound. finely ehopped almonds.
Cracker Omelet—Break one quart
of oyster crackers into,small pieces,
pour oven them one pint of hot milk
with half teaspoonful silt. Stir in
three eggs well beaten .and put into
a hot buttered skillet. Cook slowly
ten minutes stirring frequently.
A novel and interesting entertain
ment for an evening party is the
game of "photographs," It is some
what similar to the game of authors,
and the cards may be prepared by
the hostess with no expense. The
care with which the pictures are
collected and the tax upon the
general intelligence of the guests are
in evidence, as the guessing contest
progresses, and attest of the success
of the evening, This is the way it
is done: Gather the pictures of note-
worthy people as they appear in
'small euts in the papers and magazi-
nes. Out the portrait around its
outline neatly from the paper on
which it is printed and apply it
neatly with mucilage to a glazed
visiting card, numbering the card.
If you have twenty-five cards you
must also have twenty-five cards
with the numbers ranged down one
side in nunhercial order, begining
with No. i, leaving a space to be
filled in with the name of the
picture corresponding with each
number to be written, Each guest
r is presented with a numbered card
r - and pencil, and is expended to guess
Graham. Pudding.—One cupful of
graham flour, half a cupful of flour,
half a eapfal.ef molasses, one cupful
, of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of
soda, a little salt, one cupful each of
• seeded ,}raisins and currants ; steam
• one hpi:u• and three-quarters ; serve
tI with Bream or any pudding sauce.
to Gingers Pear.—Ginger pears are a
d, delicious sweetmeat. Use a hard
m pear, peel, core and cut the fruit into
m very thin slices. For eight pounds
n of fruit after it has been sliced use
v the same quantity of sugar, the juice
t of four lemons, one pint of water,
will stimulate men who, while the
eannot agree with me and my creed
nevertheless wish to do all they can
e Place all, together in a preserving
y and half a pound of ginger root,
and in that way .concessions ar
made. By advocating one we ge
something; as a compromise which
could hardly be obtained - otherwise
The other parties wish to keep us i
line, and so concessions are in order
That about explains the whole matter
—Frances Willard.
sliced thin. Cut the lemon rinds into
, as long and thin strips as possible.
t kettle and boil slowly for an hour.
Beef Loaf.—Put three pounds of
• the round of beef into a kettle, cover
n ' with .cold water and simmer until
• , tender ; let the meat cool in the
• liquor; then remove the bones and
!chop the meat fine. Put the liquor
on to boil and reduce until you have
about two cupfuls, now add two
tablespoonfuls - of vinegar to the
,liquor, mix cloves, mace, cinnamon
and allspice, making about a tea-
spoonful in all, add salt, pepper and
' .the juice and grated rind of half a
• lemon ; mix with the meat thorough-
ly and press it in a mould, pour the
hot liquor over it and stand it away
until cold, then turn it out carefully,
and serve -in slices with lettuce or
cress. salad. -
1 -- w
Death Seemed Preferable to the
Agonizing Pain.
Mrs. Roadhouse, Of Wiiliseroft P
0., Ont., writes : "I: have used Dr
Agnew's cure for the heart since last
fall, having taken in all•nine bottles
and I now feel entirely -like a new
woman. T am 54 years. old, and
have been troubled with heart disease
for more than twenty years; .some-
times for five hours at a time suffer -
imp such agony that death seemed
referable to the pain. The cold
sweat would stand out in great beads
upon my face. The Heart Cure gave
me relief from almost the first dose
and has proved a great blessing,
"You are at liberity to publish this
Ietter if you think by so doing any
good may be accomplished." Sold
at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store,
We will be pleased to see p
our old customers and as many
new ones as will favor us with
a call.
GORDON .tic-iCO.,
33rd Year
But as Young
as Ever . . .
'the best and brightest Weekly Paper
published in any of the cities
of Canada.
What we Need.
What the man of to -day needs
most is not athletics in a gymnasium,
but plenty of fresh air in his lungs.
Instead of a quantity of violent
exercise that leaves him weak for
several hours afterwards, he needs to
learn to breathe right, stand right,
and sit right, The young man or
young woman who starts on a career
of training, and keeps it up year
after year, just at thetime when the
body has a great deal of its own
natural work tei do and wants to do
1, may make up his or her mind
that beyond a showy and superficial
dcvelopemont of muscle and strength
all this training, in after life is going
to count against them.—Annals of
udg $1 1= Jan. I,1891
Special Mates to Clubs.
Good Induoenients to Canvassers. oas
,Address all communicationsV aria
rY .[y 1.:k �i.bLl.�• AL E :rXSE11, 1
London, Ontario.' zta
'stout Don't Rave t0 Sneer Off
n the S1• Louis Journal cr Agrtcultnre in an
Itorial about NolhaBao the fameus tobacco habit
roure. " We know drawly easel eared by Ifo•To•
Bite, one. a prominent St. L osis architect, snicked
chewed for twenty yam's; two uor;as cured bins
'Butt ren the smell of tobacco ntwkee him sick."
.ennteedg4e)'r,k fooHeld
trliglerady 8 O., l11s
until. Sold by C. E. William, Mita) tat.
It is a fallacy to argue one's self
intothe belief that suffering. when it
comes upon es must be patiently
endured. Usually suffering can be
removed, if one knows of the means
and way. Mizell suffering is borne
by those troubled with kidney disease.
The distress at times is keen. But
in South American Kidney Cure,
Medicine that is a kidney specific
and nothing more though nothing
less a sure, safe, and speedy remedy
is to be found. Relief is sure in less
than sit hours. Sold at Chisholni's
Corner Drug Store,Wingham.
Tllttrderer Shortis has been taken
to Montreal jail for safe keeping.
The Presbytery. of Huron met in
'Union Church, Gocderieh township, t
on Tuesday afternoon, and inducted
Rev. James Hamilton, B. A., into the
pastoral charge of' Leeburn and
Union Ottarehett.
Cattarh 'eau be suooessfuily treated
only by purifying the bltfeuly end the ones
true blood purifier is ,Uood'e.Ssr•8tmparlttlht
who the pictures are as they are pass-
ed about; and to write the names on
his card. The one who guesses the
greatest number correctly receives
the prize and the one who guesses
the least number the booby prize.--
New York Recorder.
15 'roars of Itching,
Win. Golding, commercial traveller.
130 Esther st., Toronto, says: For 15
years 1 suffered untold misery from Itah-
lag Piles, sometimos Balled pin worms•
Many and many weeks have I had to
lay off the road from this trouble. 1
tried eight other pile ointments and so
called remedies with no permanent relief
to my intense itching and stinging,
which irra.,ed by scratching would bleed
and ulcerate. One half a box of Chase's
Ointment cured ale completely.
Help the Water Away.
All that can be done in the
autumn to hasten and Iighten spring! ' G
seeding should be attended to. To
follow the wisest and most successful
men's methods is a safe practice, and
every really good farmer water -fur-
rows his plowed land in the autumn.
for Enfants and Children.
THIRTY ro.-s' o',P,,,,,rretr..;, of C'act&-,-a,y z7l411, t?as gar-tronag•e of
/11,, sas of a ersooa, r"r`xe 5 ns la tinealx ni' it without messing..
It is n:xrprestiot„a'h9+r tit°'test reuaeely i'or, infants rind children
the world has ever kner-mrt, st is havn,1nso. Chilttivon like it. It
gives them health. Stti; win. au -me •t'heia lives. In it 'H2othrers have
something wlrioh fs ;1.301ataly nnff marl practically perfect as a
child's medicine.
Csstoria destrz•X • • r.:Yorrag.
Castnria aIlay E'ev^e•: ishr os,L,.
Castnria ^rroventa vetait_i,ctg Sp_or Curd.
Castoria sures Dial -Ansa and Viand. Collo.
Castnria relieves Teething Trembles;
Csstoria cures Const3pat on anal Z:`Iat•,t ext
Csstoria nent•ralizns the s+f'ects of earlrorr'o nc gas or poisonous 'air.'
Castor's does not contain morphine, opinaa,o, other narcotic property.
Castor's assimilates time food, regulates the stomach and bowels
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castor's is put up in onersire bottles only. rt ds not sold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
that it is "just as. gond" and "will answer every purpose,"
See that you, get C-A-S-T-O-R..I-A.
The fan -simile
signature of
Is on every
Children-) Cu for Pitcher's O tstoriia.
The proper time. to do this is when
the plowing in the field is being
finished, but when this has been.
neglected, it should be done at once,
for fear of early freezing up, which
often comes about ' the - middle of
November. In doir.g the work
every gully should have a furrow
run through it, and wherever land
farrows are crossed the junction
should be thoroughly shovelled out,
so that water will readily -run off
into an open ditch or main drain.
As soon as the fall rains have
started the underdrains flowing,
every outlet should be inspected and
made perfectly free and clear of
obstruction ; unless this be done the
whole drain may be obliterated so
far as its effectiveness is concerned.
There is generally a little flow of.
silt in the water of tile drains, which
if once blockaded soon fills back and
hack for rods, until a big job of lift-
ing and cleaning is necessary to set
the drain in working order. When-
ever a drain ceases fo work near a
tree, the cause is usually from roots
growing between the joints. 'The'
preventive, where practicable, is to
cut down the tree, but if not, socket
pipes inay be used and joints cement-
It pays well to look after drains
carefully, as a plugged drain is no
better than no drain, and it costs too
much money and labor in construc-
tion to neglect.
Short Journeys on a Long Road
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
illustrated book containing over one
hundred pages of charmingly written
descriptions of summer resorts in. the
country north and west of Chicago. The
reading ,natter is new, the illustrations
are new, and the informatiol'n therein
will be new to almost everyone:
A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long
Road" will be sent free to anyone who
will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to
Geo. H. HEArironiy, General Passenger
Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul;
Railway, Chicago, 111,
Mr. Henry ' Simard, M. I'. for
Charlevoix; Quebec, is dead. •
The issue of $50,000 Hamilton
school debenttires has been purehased
by the Bank of Hamilton at 102 8=8,
When &thy was sick, wa gave Ler Cantata.
When oho wash, Mild, She cried for Cantona.
When t h be arae tilsir, nice slang to Canaria.
"Oen She had Children, she gave then) eadterfa,
E Firs ® PusIlI %, trustworthy menta rein event us in the sale
of our Chalon Nursery Stock, :peeialr�as coltrolied
by us: lli host Salary or l Ln
Valuable treatise and battle of medicine .eat Free to any nmll.sinn paid weekly.
Steady employment the year round clunk ,tee;
guffaw.aivo Express and Pest Office address. E, e. exclusive territory; experience not necessary., tYiS*-
ROOT, M.C,. 185 Temennsmucassa,tt .Wola , Toronto, Out. pay assured woi kers ; special inducements to be. '
};ewers. Mite at once for pnrticnlars tc
��JI�IL-t•..�f�.l^�;L-z4 LI_i-"'^ZL'l-�'fiL �r L,�li•.
&DO Y00
^, know a good watch when I�
1 you sec it ? Of course you 1l
NI do. Lr
' seen our Special Movements Ft
in Gold; Silver and Gold tr
Filled Cases? New Styles el
and Patterns.
think of put chasing until lit
you call and obtain our
prices. +'
Charge and TEST0ED Fres
suitable lenses given
F Fj�
at right prices.
The Optician.
u Wingham, Ont.
i341--tG 7J.M.rt- �r�PI—."rS—i Mai
-.. -.y `Ir tit --,.-_n.,
GEORGE 'T OMSON, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any cart of Wing-
Orders by ,nail promptly attend eo
Box 125. Wingham. Ont
��Farzni! Lae®i at Thi
ELLIOTT f3ROS,. of the Wingbam•
Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and
DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that
, other parties are selling at reduced
prices, but wo cannot be undersold,
and our brick and tile are as good
as any made in tho province. We
can sell by the car load or 10,000 or
12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur-
chased anywhere. We have also a great
quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale.
Wingham, May 16. 1895.
} and Burns are soothed at once with
Perry Davis'
It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam-
mation, and .prevents blistering. It is
the quickest and most effectual remedy for
pain that is known. Deep it by yct.
A Blessing toEvery, Houseb.eld
These remedies have stood the test of testy yearn experience, and art pronounced the beet Medicinal 80r
��»•---��-.^ Family nae..•-- �•-�•�- �yy
Purity the blood, correct all dinerdhrs el the LIVEN, STOMADII, llinN1YS AND towns iia
Invaluable in nil o0o plaint* incidental to females of all agoe,
..L -L7,.n OI ..LV, L1. a r.W,
lar the only reliable remedy for batt tits, soma >iloera,and otrl woutnda. rot, imAlftaltTlts. Sr.►llS.
T rt0ATS, r0UGHs, rotbS. 00t8t. ]tfi>sl1tIATISM, OLAbULA11. SW1.LLTh0S AND AI.1.
DISEASES 81' D AS 1' 0 EQUAL. )tanit1 otntod only at 73, New +0xlOtd, Late ss*,*Mei Snot, Lt ,
and sold by all tedloiito Vendors throughout the world.
r'Pti•rafirteere should, look to the Labol on the BONA a tl feta, If the *Urea is not
iia$ Oxford Street, Lola n, they are apurioue.