HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-15, Page 1VOL.IN 6- XXIV.-w.NO, 1244.WINGEAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. WR MIGiI�ERY OPENING Is over and was admitted by the ladies that it ,was ahead of anything ever shown before in Wingham. Ladies; when you want anything, in MtiLLIN be sure and givus a call before buying; DRESS GOOD Q 1. Bleak, worsted suits from $15 up, at I Two dresses for the price of rule. See Giro. H. IfivlN's, City Tailor. V King's window. --Geordie Young, hang a visit daring .- The mild and gave the farmers a get their turnips hoed. { eure headache. Try thein. See King's window, Suit lengths of —Messrs. John Bale tel ai Sons, of the High Close Tweed Drees Good athalf price. Palace Clothing Hou , have addry d a new ;1st instant, will be sign to their prem; es the big2.. , l all paces of bust- lased, it is expected. he hatter, paid Wing.. e week, e weather last week lendid opportunity to .-- Inspector Rlobb,f Clinton, paid the Public School here n ofiieial visit this week. Williams' Little Dandelion Pills —Next Thursday, Thauksgiving day an nese in town will be =.1 —Mr. Geo. Shaw havingin g the exclave- ' a-% tions made for the oak of buildings he Will build next sum r on the lot adjoin- ing the Brunswick 11 el, on the south side' SHOES for all kinds of wentuei, SHOES for all kinds of people, SHOES for all kinds of pocaots. Felt Lined Buelcie Boots, Felt Lined. Long Boots, Fe1t,Lin G Laced It rs or Ladies. BOYS and GIRLS SCHOOL BOOTS. Rubbers and Overshoes, Trunks and Valises. Fall Stock Cotnplete. Prices Right. GEORGE GOOD Sellhig here leave no `room for doubt as to qualities and v al ues. 'YOU'RE s wi if .'you buy your Fall Dress Goods frons us READY MADE �.',r• 6 .,� !}w�jp�i�] LS i7111i W� —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf jam y eexa les. —work is going on +licely at the Union Furniture factory. The windows, have bean put in and the tl• ors laid. Some of the machinery has b receiivedandplaced in position. Heath -field's He ing Balsam is a sure Drug Storworst cold. At R-iuxbani The Shoo Man. Iiarxiaga Licensee bettedKa.Vic- toria. .atra�tighm, Ont. No 'Witnesses required amed,;, z� .96<- �1ve are showing the very latest German styles and prices.'away �l' li . 5 0, ,}special x. 5 " r i �4 u ll, Seet down. , $5 And $6 Mantles. 00R. "YONGE AND GERRARD CTS•. TORONTO; • Canada's Greatest Colamarcial Sanusi. Lari:e taonity ; Superior courses Students assisted to positions every wok Write for circulars. SIIAW F• ELLIOTT. Prinelpals (I -WE / bunt Advanced methodsmethodsof In uton niz et tem a Instructionin Commercial 11nrk, lot nn show -you lt ttwolarge.and successfully oond u te schools Whirr -olio n niana•enerit can offer y iheo praoticai n,othodiiexistence, Write us for parti- culars. - tutors. Yh aitch, to datee 78Our scboolisunus mumps sed irsesequally nequij upmen :W- ing a. in equipment and ear staff of illg tsaehers certificates. Send for catalogue. CENTBA . OSIHEORSSD,0NT. COLI.E:GE STRBLTF SRA W & ELLIOTT, P. NeINT03H, Proprietors Principal. LOCAL NEWS. For a good, cool b ing pipe, call on Pettersor, the leadin jeweler, Wingbara. Jon PIrINTLNe.—'rhe Tran:a has etee lent facilities for turning oat all kinds of job printing, having neertype, fast presses, etc. Om, prices are oderate. Overcoats from 415' to 11;25; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Geo. H. Ievrtes, City Tail --Mr. Geo. Cline, lir then of Mr. 3. A. Cline, of this town, ho has been choir leader in one. of the largest churches in Hamilton for the pas fifteen years, has been engaged as choir seeder of the wing. ham Presbyterian ch ch. He arrived in town on Friday ev ing last and took charge of the singing n Sabbath: —The Ladies' Aid ooiety of the Metho- dist church will give eir annual Thanks- giving dinner in the own Hall, on 'I'hnrs- day next (Tbanksgivi g day;, 21st instant. Dinner will be served in the Council Chu concert will be held i at the close of the diiiner. The Tints and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent from now until the Tat of January, 1897, for 41.25. Subscribe at t once if you want cheap reading, Perris Iyer —Ile. v D. psermon,. onSunday .e eighth . commandment steal"—for his text pointed out the pr individual,but, in s language deprecated accumulation of mons man's existence. He evils which are practis days, and urged that standard for all, customs of tradewori a different course. Revs. John Mort A. F. McGregor, of sent at a Ineeting i church, on Monday Last season's Man es, $5 to $8, we for 42.50; $8 to 412. we sell -for $4; 112 and 16, we sell for RG. It. 11, McLmoO. tandard, a couple of in a complete new to the more popular ie Standard is a good /eh the publisher con - $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IM.ing sells odd lines of. high class Dress: Good at half price, —!'he ,Model Sohctp1 examinations will coninaeuce on Monde :December 9th. The written eaacnitiation will last two days. 0. E. illuurs drugs. Satisfactonga sells from town attended the Presbyterian rch, on "Monday night —Quite a number the tea -meeting church, at Whiteelie last. curelheaadache.ttiTery Dandelion Pills cure dation A r mx officers i s d special meetings in barracks in town, on —Ait um bor of from Landon will he the Salvation Arm: Saturday and Sundily next. The Times and Toronto Weekly Giobe le of 'the t will. be sant from naw until .b t 1847, for $1.. 5, With a view of boo of the.Tams, we to any address in 0 States from now t for one dollar, or we and the weekly Globe of time for $125. ,7i Globe is a 12 page reading matter, and be Trues is now one of the bust weeklies in the country, the two for $125 Don mise it, send in orders at once. !i Worthy E;* • • neat of a Worthy shh..d School. Shortie We have just roc: ved from Messrs. D. McLachlan & Co., • the Canada Business College, Chatham, heir new catalogue for the Shorthand De artment. Simply to ' n c a Subscribe Qfi'er. ing .the circulation vill send the Tnnzs oda or the United the end of 11390, ill send the Twee far the same length t think of it. The paper, NI of solid a say that it is fine Quid not be doing, it n, of ock, were and ' 'onc it y justice; it is a pert •et gem, and the band. °mistook, were pre. once it you want cheap reading. ..-..�, petition is i circulation asking the aomest issue of the'. ind. we have ever re. the Congregational Genual to submit bY of eeived from any Sh ,rtband School. It eon- tains a number o letters front leading law to the vats „ i the ratepayers at the coming, municipal business houses, en men of high standing elections, xeducithe number of council- thoroughout Canari and the United States, lags in each wardd town the from three who have had pupil of the school employ to two. ed in their offices, • id all speak in most --G, T. R. trains for Toronto and east $altering terms of 'r efficiency of their leave �P 0- n at 0.23 a, m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. d. B.; 5.35 a. til, and 3.25 graduates. It conte , s undoubted evidence p, en., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- of the superior nate of the work done in notions by all trains. the Shorthand Depa went of the school. —The C. P. R. ha a issued a neat card, It also contains half- •ne engravings of all on the front of whit is a good cut of a their medalists in 11 s department since turkey. Tinder the wing of the turkey the and including 1891, a ong whom wenotice reader is directed t look at the bank of the Miss ;Jennie Eider, of own and X. 0.. C. and as to how toe the turkey on Thanks -1 Henderson, of Whited urch. —The Listowel weeks ago, appeare dress, and changed eight -page form. T newspaper, and we tinned rity nue prosperity. Get a free sample of Williams' Li t 1e Dandelion Pills arid be convinced. There is nothing like them. . ---Service in the ngregational church on Sabbath next, 171 inst., at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. The pastor will the Bev. Henry W. Mote, D. D.,-wi preach, taking for h morning subject : from •5 tilt 8 p. ,'Christ's love to ma i4 and for his evening her, and a sacred subject:.°'True ciiristian manhood:' Ali r the hall immediately are welcome. Oysters arriving daily at the old reliable s ." VJ e excel ;" never as there the assortment shown before in in town, ` See our FCl• CAPES . Tasmania, Sable, Grey Persian, Lamb, Opossum, Greenland Seal, Astrachan and 'Baltic Seal, Our , Astrachan Coats se are thebest valueFull assort- ment, ssr't- ment.. of Gauntlets, Muffs, Stornn.Collars. and Caps i -- Cash for butter and eggs at Griffin's Groeety. —Today is the 1a, 1 day for deur hunting this year. —We congratulatj liibbOn on his su 'na tf mi . ar ba Primary Y Master Walter Ma- mas ,:,in, passing his mita' C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. . -We-regret to 1 en that our former townsman,Mr. A. L Hamilton, of Palmers- ton, is suffering fro a severe attack 01 typhoid fever. we still lead, Never befor were we •asbusy as we are now. The people know where they `Th r. .� the best value for their t �e r On iTl � Mrs. David Mc on Friday last for will join Mr. Mc C u for some time. Money to loan at interest on farm prop 'Towler.. ached a splendid undid P ening, taking the "Thou shalt not He very clearly erty rights of the rong and vigorous 'ii of malting the g the main idea of a Iso pointed out the d in business now a nesty should be the t�vithatanding the and did countenance Star restaurant, a tad served in any sty e. Jas. Mcitnevez. Bev. E. A. Pears n, B. A., of Newton- brook, ewton- preached v e 1 mk 0 , b P Hingham Methodis last, in the absence lie isa brat r on Pearson Bowles. of town, and spent a few days duri of tr. and Mrs. Bowl e The full supply fu Saaiusages,Head Cheese, has afullan Y &d., as well as meats of all kinds. Give him a call. AN IMPORTANT sIr. ThOSe of our readers who exempt ed,eepeoially extreme cases, that heretofore found every means fruitless, and parent having children so rel afflicted have now a opportunity, rarely offered, of consulting, ree, the most noted specialist in this lin • in the Dominion. Dr. J. Y. Egan, of To •nto, who will be at the Queen's Hotel, Ingham, Thursday, November 21st. Th evidence furnished this office of his s ,11 from physicians, patients and parants i exdeption lly h sihigb. Some nettles on his reeler, n Y rts is of thisneighbor- tion by us proves nded. We would th this gentleman. urdy and family left anitoba, where they y, who las been there —The Guy Bros before a erowded ho on Thursday of last stilly sustained the 'tion as being the s travelling. --There tvill be. zetlaitd Range, on BOO 84, SHOES .all know we carry the 011 db best stock In town n fi est a largest . �. - Ylil, e 5 are prices g ;O,ric p AgrBuTT11 AND EGGS 'TAKEN tS CASH': acceptably in the church, . on Sunder f the pastor. Mia: in•law of Mr. 'I. E. to and Mrs. Pearson g the week as guests s. c giving`day. On th back of the card is an 1 advertisement givi the cheap rates of. ' liin to those wishing fared. by the contpa, for g spend that day wit their friends,. Dz,l:ss0AKPzO—I 'eh to inform the ladies of Wingbam that 1 m prepared to do first- class work at my home, or to sew by the Miss Ida Pelton is 'visiting friends in day. -I guarantee satisfaction in all work Brussels, this week. intrusted to me. Bum, PAO14, Francf5 St. ese r, B. Willson was a Hamilton on Wed- nesday, on business. Mr. John Snell has r verso Mr. D. Hogg, of Bra or Tuesday. Mr. Gilbert rorgie h visit to Manitoba. Ve L8. els, was in town returned from his --Three spectacle on Tuesday selling t1 did not liketheirmet and gave, them an he the town off their f went toward f.,ncknc couple of Lncknow ing for the same w 'SSing from a —For first-class flexing and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster- & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —'1'he 20111 of next ebuary, it is not generally known, Will the only 20th of February till 1904, si a the year 1900, which ntost people are coking forward to as a leap year, will r lly be an ordinary year. For the solar o actual year consists of 365 days,5 hones, 48 minutes,60 seconds, or 11 minutes 10 sec nds loss than the 305 1.4 days with whi intercalating a 20th four years, credits it; of a century the calend, hours 35 minutes•riud ;ugly at the end of the get tolerably right a, and patients, are resid hood, and an investig asonable rate of his claims to be well f y. Apply 10 1)r. advise a consultation adv; Minstrels appeared se, is the Town Hall, week. The company well.earned repute. ar minaret company Rifle lvfateh at the `hanksgiving Day,1`tov. 21st, when a ntimb r of prizes will be cone• p sled for... Match t ni The dd sharp.. �' pains to make it a B continence at'10 a, nu. tittce are sparing no mess. i es . tiara v r W rn g ohs It T.G. Field, but dor o special rates to farmers buying g rpleittities of ,neat for tbreshings, bees, oto. Call and see him. .... Di irytnen will nd much to interest s 75, Moved by+ A. thein 10 the Novena er number of 1parmtng. b +Shwa. Abraham, t - and y li ease ' ion Of C t dit Co G t r acC its he , a dt e n y e an h S td T do a p The Secretary was lust Office Specialty Con.pa regard to the required n having been received.' %lrifilH, seconded by A. Ohattntan and Secretor write orders for the tea hers and odlcers ole tubo desire to S000 salaries for the month o Ootobet*-05 ,led• truaOf these eallegee. �in:aim was de e deetittii theft arijonrned. School Regular meeting • o was held iu the Counoi evening. Present -•-191 haus, Galbraith, B Minutes of last meet Principal presented tuonth of October, yrhi oard. the School Boat'd Room en Tuesday ars. Morten, Abra- tion and Griffin. ng adopted, The report for the h, on motion, was fieri wag receive edlars were in town eir wares. The chief sods of doingbusiness, ur to shake the dnst of and et. They dusted, a c. On Wednesday, a ren were in town look- taps, as some jewelry tore in that town. turned' liohee fresh his trip to Manitoba. Miss Anderson, of W ter, 3s spending friend frie a few days ivftli Palmerston Reporter: Mr. .Tamesl`leuty, of Wingham, was the g • at of the editor a Saturday last. iaksan, of town, Mr. and Mrs. John veek attending the aeon. 0 Hamilton, spent during the week. in-law, Mr. Remy as mi Ladies, clean }our kid gloves with were in. Goderich last Jailor D 1 Mrs. J Josephine Glove Cleaner. For sale only funeral of M o by G. E. Icing, headquarters for the Perrin Mr. Geo. E. Dane, Freres Il td Gloves, in all the most desirable! a couple of •days iii tow shades for street or evening wear. 'the guest of his broths ' The Farm -r's Papers. Day. Since its first issn• the Toronto Weakly Mayor Brookenshire Giobe has been not d for its deep and 1 Friday last, ettendii enduring interest it the welfare of the • ing under the anepicea Canadian farmer. hat pertains to the.I t at town. old was advancement of t portion of the cam• munity has been k -,t steadily in the fore- day.and Saturday, a Sir. John Macdonald, ilturists of the country so e titue. o recognize its manly r h- Elliott, of orcefnl utterances on Brantford fol a few great struggles of the s truly the farmer's ing a meeting of the cl ane d Tan Or in its career, mud as a of the C 111r. Oliver Gilohri r titan . aver, Every days during tits we' page is brimful good reading. The Y towns 'where wo special department, for the practical towns wrY e mann£ farmer and the hent, circle are always cls- niacilichases for the Union lightfully entertains g end instructive. lel L uresis he U 4 enterprise as a neve etherer it has no sue. am, wk visiting In` rival. The lime and Gleba till Platy, ot"Win JannilFlo. Y 3anuary 1st, 1807, i. $1.25. 'town during the pets 'Roderus, of Wingh Huron Citi • in Chicago. brnneruS, � f k b C 1 r the calendar, by front, and the agr sf February every have not been slow nd so in the course independence and r goes wrong by 18 their behalf in the seconds. Accord- past. To -day it is: order to d as at an tit' tin, the calendar, .fur in friend Y n Ce , Y newspaper it is bet b three times in four cen4aries. drops a 29th of February, and make ordinary year. It the wrong almost a day wrong only about a da a leap year an instead of going ery century, goes every 5,000 years, The Tures and Toro to Weekly Globe will be sent frons now until the 1st of once January, want cheap for readingnbaaribe at The Leading Eu iness School. 13c instituattott of 1i rning itt Western Ontario has done 'tor for the success of Canadian young men ;11d women than h Contra113usieess Coll- •e•of Stratford, Ont. Its reputation, thereto , is seeond.to none. It has kept abreast of ie times, and liar been steadily itnpro trig the different. estuses of study from ear to year. Whilee its competitors have b' •ti ititrodaoiitg e , d P received. A.comnspoct ,o. statingtliat. American notions ai + fads in ;'Actual t +r is 'lies tart th on ,mt to i eo f ns ice Boiler I Practice to the p � tli l 'ass from Burin they had inspected the ;oiler on the 28th college use anti [til- October and found it in l d" tl newt combine Committee re ,m 1 practice, tirt so produce the meet of the followin D 1 'Tl latest improvemene' tintin Sa e Y t Si:mmotis, p ' g, l 1s a this sciionl, is work on goof, $4.50; A ° d the tittradnctiori of Junior Business principal and pro- te to oa d hot sn UtV ris 'is1 illi v is t e ue y q liespe'nt a `fete days has continued proved Cana inn rite theory ivit i very best resu ts. i x,Young, supplies, 1 in the Cornniercia 00 atbtaie poeb e t aches, by the senior rt be 1' r the r oto , at l ' rietor,ltlr. W.11. Sha id. p -etre , id �'i is a r. who Toted to write the in Torotito,but y, of Toronto, in ( Stratford se:hool, and i the new work and a y. not; last week in introdnci g for the impar of et - n the plant Moved by 0, �, f couiPtetiug and per`£ec 15 p albraith, that the interchange of Rusin s Practice between be instructed tel the itti t. Weoar 7+ ontt nt tl at yoottg lees• a thorough business Ir than to patronize as at Paris, on temperance meet- f. the I. 0. G. T. of • j Stratford en Fri - ending his brother, ho has been ill for the Tams, n as at ys this week, attend- xeOntive Committee, I'a les tete. a of G, r t was away a 'few visiting the different dworking and other tured, making pur- Furniture O5mpauy:rx ley t7'aiker, of 'Wing, o thi8 wveek .Miss Ilam, was visiting iirl r,'af week L Miss Hattie` ID,.,," n, was Inowz�' lost fibs Hu)lOtiitOS rear 4,ng in Chicago ate. It Loads hem 1 arming a club for r• Tal purposes, to be ,rhe .Weekly Glob. f h t nown as "Tho Hn>f : • y matt with Hier• Bolds its place as th. e►ship restriotod tp +illy natives Of Huron County, Oanada.' order 10 make the pOlttan weekly new p P 'ed in freshness and vig lub a grand suooe s nd a credit to Huron 'cunt , the dfPLC�r of news it .leads all is conlertiporaiiCe in G y ,Thuds residing it1 �'ll iCagd and tylia !ire enterprising methods ' dealing with great natives of Ilurou tar • y Canadian topics and yentt; df specie l he $eoretry the itis a interest, It takes a bt ,ad, liberal, candid wha reside in Ghicttg view of all nuestions o t general importance, the Presideat ar sell • and as a reeult its ind encs is wholesome dress t0 tits Secretor , +rl Cl b and fitr•reaahing. Tb Weekly Globe Iters information. regardiit, a first'elass cotitrnerci+ page, art up•to•date purposes eetalslisllin agricultural de Varlets t, a variety' of good • tvlYoce a oopyaf o,dry stories,,a l vo telegr •Me seeeiee and ha Baron county wilt he i A f t largo staff ofspacial . •nttibutore, Trate rad. pieasu twill b >u in and Globe tilt Jntrtiar 1st,1897 for 1.s o. and pleasure of Ix tranites visiting UL l'l; S. th alllI n p ogle residing ill nosdo, r for Dote ., a i , 1 Butter ?aetorles,' 'Dairy't1 tkete," al Ste a few of the pr alt. "'The State of the d "A Study in Udders,"' goal subjects treated A. prorninent�tawYer toys: - z,I batik eight children, every one in good Health, Tjgt one of whole but has taken Scott's ttnuleion, hi which my wife has boundless Confidante." good ordet, The thepap e d untended accounts: .. ' . .75; Thos Moore, t, 11 desire all who have f t t to kindly send to s of such. Those will kindly call on their tante and ad - ill df! who Will sen dttes, ttu. to t a retading room, paper ptiblished in kept on fi e. T - de for the eouil of Ali. of 'Toronto ease y best o t e me ro- a ers, It excels rinallits'vagi departments. Bspeei lly as a purveyor i e Chicago. A directory the be found at a til". S0'b n 61^owe eft here on " •� and a{l- the narn ori itetadrluarters, wlt�aro .. iii li' � ill l ,u ,c 'dresses f ,lt t"lzicsge can be'fo nd The club will be e,ilSti'C1• },o .zti tele lli.lti linliolttstallt�, w col' � l�rx ecmposed of the . etw ng Enron men in that I115 brother t p . Chicago. Theofri er: are: President.?8eli y 3 7� Ft fat illi, lsted et. ; hat Vise,; 17falli "'woods. et3,l -i llo Umber Z. M. Sloan, \V. I, Sounders, "roti. nay at law; �itd o matt 11 vine, I. Walket, publi ;ir;it$ cretar , W. We >Ytl ti : Tlltg tt mi tee, W. s an, 1. o kit► itnd 'Dr. ' . slnc z m. , t ,Sloan, , tor trial. +. Wilton,'t'irils oils[ 1T t1 white work1it 113 learn that c died a It bretl*ht tioalo r