The Wingham Times, 1895-11-08, Page 8H. I /j C 1 N D O /""'1 1 grand s t but in the face of all' this' your l 14 . 1 F 1 11 4 t,/ e. appliance: has held me secure all the I time while doing the 'hardest work. :Only, two days ago 1 curried a bundle of green shingles on on a two story building—and Inot a "budge," I never eould or dare at- tempt such a thing before without danger to my life. To crown all, I have worn and continue to wear your appliance with corn'. !fort, Fat all of whioh feel deeply in- debted to your skilful treatment. I am, Sir, very trnly yours, Does' n it cKxssA. 130"fierauley street, Toronto.. THOSE WJTS GROCERY PHICESI 1 er. Wail hold good a month er so longer. Can yell not guess our motive in cutting prices below- others. It is simply to get you acquainted with this Store and the goodnessof our Groceries,. GETTING DIGGER.. This ie a big Dress Goods Business and it will prove bigger as rapidly as more of you become acquainted with our goods and prices, and come to know that we are doing it best. 44 inch Tweed for 19 ets, 46 inch Fancy Tweed for 23e, 48 heavy Serge, in all shades, 48e. VERY SI ECIALivt.v4 We are busy this month selling Ready -Made Clothing, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Lace Cur- tains, Furs and Mantles. We have still a i'ew of those Famous Cheap Mantles left at $2, $4 and $6, just half price, at M. H. MCINDOQ'S. .Al)OITIONAL LOCALS. —The official opening of the Huron county House of Refuge takes place on Die. 6, but inmates will be admitted as follows: Monday, Nov. 11 — Ashfield, Brussels, Blyth, Exeter, Bayfield. Tues- day, Nov. 12—Colborne, Goderich town- ship, Goderich town, Grey, Clinton. Wed- nesday, Nov. 13 -Hay, Howick, Hallett, Molillop. Thursday, Nov. 14—Morris, Stanley, Stephen, Seaforth. Friday, Nov. 15—Tuolrersniitli, d'lrrnberry, iisborne. Saturday, Nov.1G--Wingham, Wroxeter, East thud West Wewanosh, Dnessitex tee -I wish to inform: the ladies of Wingham that I amprepated to do first- class work at my home, .or -to sew by the day. r guarantee satisfaction in all work intrusted to i'rie.IJ''`.l a Peet, Fiances St. Personale. Miss Mina Holies is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. J. A. Halstead, of Mt. Forest, spent Friday last in town. Miss Mary Kyle; of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Thos. EI. Ross'. Mr.. Geo. Good, of Owen Sound, is visit- ing his parents in town. Mr. John Ituettel, of Kincardine, was in town on Tuesday, on business. Dr. Graham, of Brussels, was a transient visitor in town, on Friday last. Miss Rae, of Manchester, is spending a felly days with Miss Lollie Forbes. Miss Ada Burgess, of Lucknow, spent Wednesday at Mrs. MoKeohnie's. Mrs. D. McCormick, of •Goderich, is visiting friends in town, this week. Manly Morden went home on Monday to Hamilton, for a couple of weeks' holidays. e Mrs. Geo. Allen, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. McKenzie, Lower Town: Mrs. R. Coad, of Hensel!, who has been visiting friends in town for some days, returned home on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. McFadden, Baptist minister, of i+'ullarton, was the guest of Rev. Jas. Hamilton, one day during; the week. 'MeV: titellegfeGoderich, who has been spending a few dale, with his family in .town, returned to Gocl`e'ieh on Tuesday: Brussels Herald : Thomas Jackson, of Hepworth, late of McKillop visited Dr,. Moore last week on his way to Wingham, Mitchell Advocate : Customs Officer Davis, of Wingham, was in taiee%this week vieiting at "Maplehurst and "Poplar Hall." M. J. Campbell, clerk of Hullett town- ship, was in town on Tuesday and was the guest of Mr, John Dickson, Town Trea- Surer. Kincardine Review: Mr. Nichol, of Tateknow, and Mr. MoLeod, of Wingham, were in town Monday, Both these gentle. inert are connected with the Bank of $au:tilton. Blyth Standard : Kr. Robert Howard, jr., and Miss Harriet Howard visited Wingham friende this week..Miss McGee, of Wingham, after' spending a week with friends here, returned home Tuesday. To the Ruptured. Those of our readers who suffer with Hernia should keep in mind the visit of the Einpture Specialist to Wingham, Queen's Hotel, Thursday November 21st. The following letter is strong testimony and epeake for itself To J. Y. Egan, "Hernia Specialist," " 26G west Qeeeu street, Toronto, Ontario : My Dx:At 'Sxtr--I have beenp u p ter r ed About thirty-three years. My sufferings during that time have been intense, and can only be appreciated by those similarly conditioned. My bnsinese a scarpenter and joiner (as all know' demands cotfeiderable muscular exertion. Frequently Neve I been oompelled to quit work, although at the time wearing trusses made by the :most prominent makers. I could not ets'nd erect and often had to lie down to relies n"r sufferings. All the tru y g , A l saes I have worn have been utter failures. It has been one long round of misery and mental:' , Ice of time and physical torture. Abotit six menthe ago, thank God, I heard of yorn- groat gnomes in the treatment of rte hors Casa . The a pliancee you vetted gave sae, i can well remember", l a rr of supped' never before experienced by Urte sod hart so nontintnod to the present daffy. &rn now .00mparativsly a new. views to this 1 could not steely those no smatter what truer I hed. sol! Turmtito, wwii laout fuy rati- o To aild to the difficulty, with a violent Gough fel BAST W.A.WA11TOSII. Mr. Wm. Rath, of the 7th conces- sion, moved to Proton township, Grey county, this week. Quite a number of his neighbors turned. out to help jirn. . LOWER WLNGI1AM. Mr. Wm, Cruickshank has been down to Cobourg to the funeral of his late brother. --Miss Benson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, for some tiine, has gone to Atwood to Dvisit friends in that neighborhood," TURNBERRY, Mr, ; Win, Campbell, who is at present attending the Walkerton Model School, has been hired for the ensuing year at a salary of $250 per annum. Mr. Campbell comes very highly recommended and we have no doubt that he will make a .successof the work in this section.—Mr. A. E. Thomson, our present teacher, has been appointed principal of the Bay- field school for the year 1896. He has been very successful here, and we wish him abundant success in his new field of labor. GEMMIL'S CORNERS. On Wednesday evening last, after the weekly prayer meeting at the Congregational church, a business meeting was held, at which it was. unanimously agreed that a Christmas tree entertainment, in connection with the Sunday school, should be held on Friday, the 20th of Decem- ber next, and committees were ap- pointed to carry out the necessary arrangements:—The long continued and unusual SCOW at this time of the year has delayed the farmers in getting at their root erops, even the potatoes are not all dug. There appears, however, indications of more settled warmer weather, whie h we trust will be realized. THE WI.N G KA M TIMES, NOVEMBER 8, I8J5. G ORRIE. Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, M. W. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of British North America, and Mr. Robt Brimingham, Grand Secretary, officiated at the dedication of the fine and commodious new Orange Hall here on the 5th inst. There was a large turnout of the brethren —from the neighboring district and the oc- casion passed off in fine style. The Grand Master and Grand Secretary made speeehes of a patriotic and ap- propriate character, and a musical and literary entertainment was given in the evening. Dr. Chisholm, of Wingham, occupied the chair at the evening entertainment. BELGRAVE. Mr. W. A. Haslem, of this place,. received a telegram on Monday from Devil's Lake, North Dakota, that his eldest son, Wm. A. Haslem,` had been accidently shot dead, and that his body would be sent to Belgrave for burial. The remains arrived here on Wednesday, and the inter- ment took place on Thursday, the funeral being under the direction of Maitland Lodge,I. 0. 0. F., Wing - ham, There was a large attendance and the beautiful ceremony of the Order was very impressive. Mr. Haslem and family have the sincere sympathy of the whole neighborhood in their sore bereavement.—The Orangemen of this ,place celebrated Guy Fawkes' clay by a grand supper on Wednesday evening. BLUE -VALE. - Mrs. Jane Patterson was quietly married to stir.. Weir of Clinton, by Rev, Mr. Moss, at the parsonage, on Wednesday, October 30th. Mrs. Weir and her sons will live in Clin- ton in the future. ----On Monday night, two geese were stolen from Mr, Seymour Thornton and two from. Mr. Tl ofnris Couttes. There bas been a goofs deal of petty steal ing done In Bluevale this summer and fall. -'1 -Mrs. Andrew Mimes was visiting in. Wingham this week.-. Mrs. Jaynes McLauehliu and Mrs. G. J. Reading, of Wingham, were' visiting in Bluevale on Tuesday, -•- Mr. James Robertson was In Clinton, last week. tie was best mats at the marriage of 1iti°. Matthew llittehin- eon Filiott grid Miss MMA Mason, both of Midst Witwgnoab.—Mr. William liber had an eleetric boll put in Ms store on Wednesday. FARMERS AND EVERYBODY HAVE CRACKED UANDS SORE LIPS. —WELL, VAN-- CAMPBELL'S SE—CAMPBELL'S Glyaoriv Cuatk. It is the best thing you can use. 2 OTS. PER BOTTLE • What has cured others will cure yoa. • TRY HIS COUCH CURE. COLIN A. CA1VIPBELL, Chemist, and Druggist, 2 Doors South of P. 0., Wingham. IB ORN. Boemes 1n Wingham. on Nov. 2nel, the wife of Mr, Edward Bowles, (tanner); a ter.V Kura.—Tn Howick, on Oct. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Earnest. King; a son. IRwiw.—In Gorrie, ou Saturday, Oct. 26th. the wife of Mr, Wm. Irwin ; a son. MARRIED. TREMATN—G.RAITAAL — On Oct. 30th, at the residence of the bride's father, :Howick, by the Rev. J. 8, Fisher, Corrie, Mr, Alonzo Tremain, of Listowel, to Miss Mary Graham. WEIR—PATTERsow.—At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Jos. Pugh, Bluevale, on Oct. 30th. by Rev. W. H. Moss, Mr. Wm. Weir, of Goderioh tow gbip. to Mrs. Jane Patterson,of Bluevale: V CHAPMAN—HoAr.E.—At the residence of Mr. John ' Hoare, en Oot. 29th, by Rev. W. Baugh, Mr. Emmanuel Chap- man, of British Columbia, to Mrs. A. onre, of East Wawanosh, BRANNAN—TWAMLEY — On the 30th lilted theresidenee of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. H. Hall, Mr. James Brannan, to_ Miss Lucinda Twamley, daughter of Mr. George Twamley, both of Ashfield. ,g DIED. " ` BAx,rEs.—In Morris, on Monday, Oct. 28th, James Baines, raged 66 _years, 6 l months and 23 days.+. HASLEM—At Devil's Lake, North Dakota, on November 2nd, W. A. Has- lem, son of W. A. Haslem, of Belgra .e, aged 31 years, 9 months and 10 s.;} NOTICE Notice is hereby giv.n that Sarah Tufts, my wife, having ft my home and ceased to live with . e, t will not be re- sponsible for any d ..contracted by her and she has no au';, .rity to. pledge my credit whatsoever. R. J. TUFTS, • Belgrave, Ont. Dated this 29th day of October A. D.,'95. Co IT PAYS TO And the most grattf, ing sur ass still attends the • pails o he CANADA D ESS COLLEGE CHA ' : AM, ONT. The following; pupils and graduates have been placed since last similar notice appeared : Miss Carrie Jackson, as Stenographer with Edwin Rall, Barrister, Chatham. David walker, as billing clerk with Williams;Davis, Brooks & Co., of Detroit, the lnreest wholesale drug house in Michigan. Fred. Thompson, as stenographer with Deo. E. Douglas; Barrister, Chatham. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Nothieg less than a thorough course in a superior school should satisfy the intending business or sborthand student, Shorthand or busiuoss catalogue sent free by ad-. dressing D: MaLACHLAN & CO, Chatham, Ont. GAMES !. CA' ES! WiNTER . EVENING CArd1ES. A larcc stock of the following winter evening games just to hand at A. ROSS!BOO.BOOKSTORE Leiziss, Sni i'L1sClIhss, I`oosr BAG,, PAacliEFer, Rirritsl, CenoM, GMin,BA, Zest ui.t, . 1301,D1301,t1 To HANKIta, t'i x,s Jniitoa, Ars LAkcttuor,Tint Drt' srr Tun, Dr eiteA Vila Womb, L0aeMACIIY, 'CANADD,N EVartp" a, Pleur r`A'tsIILR, OLb MAW, t olo:stem •Pail se Copal ais, town Ulna, FIsir Doan, IIAIL1tOAb l'eStraf, BALBOAMMY, IifL,u, L411o, Cecxoa, Matteis, SK,it1' 1)it, BOSSY, 13enilf8e, l:ifrcon% IIOARDN, GItORtsOLIt IlOAnbb, nee; $1.00 Games for 50 cants, 50 oent games for 35 and 25cr 280, games for rand 10e, 10c. gamer for 5c. Christmas Cools Arriving. A. ROSS, Wingham. ti YOU O.5:N " S BY "THE" TAILOR. Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, ,admirably," aid to a T. There's more in our suits than a peri ect fit „ there's first-class , inatiia1, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest 48G`p ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is ourhigh. rl`;tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. ELTON AND BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, j1ROM $12 to $244. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. SLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM .$2.50 to $6 Per Pair. J C.a..1\T TOT 33=. ITI\TfM SO3 t]D_ O'PI'OSITE• BANK OF HAMILTON. O. H. II, • " THE TAILOR, WINGHAM, ONT. gintIONELMIS NOTICE. Having retired from business, all those indebted to me will call and settle their accounts or notes before the let, day of December next, otherwise they will be placed in other bands for collection. MRS, R. HERDSMAN. Wingham, Oct. 24th, 1895, CRAIN CHOPPING. Raving secured power from the Wingham Electric Light Company, i has oput in chopping stones at the Electric Light power', house, Lower Wingham, and am prepared to de chopping at all times. The patronaga of thepnblic is sWiicited and ,satisfaction guaranteed. ROBERT MAINPIiIZE, Wineha,u, July 16th, 1898. TO. SMOKERS To meet the wishes of their customers 'The Geo, E. Tuoltett-& San Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Oat., have placed upon the market A Camhlnatinit Ping of & 13" SMOKING TOBACCO. This ouppiieo a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 sent piece or n 5 oept piece of the famous c" T itG B" brand of prim Virginia Tobacco, The tin tag "T & 13" is on every niece. J. ¥. EGAN, OF TORONTO, HERNIA SPECIALIST. Greatest Success in the Treatrns it• Of ail forms of Hereia of all known Agencies an, Modern Times. -.,,-A. CURE WITHOUT AN O1.'E11.ATION. AN :ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM 0 T ,-TMENT. Yeo are first held securely and In comfort during the liarde8 cork, or sp'vereatstraln, tinder all rsaeon• able circmr stances, even horse back riding, then a cure follow . My last and greatest invention in lterniti Appliances is the result of over 21 years contir nous prole "nal• practical oaperience. Ilememborr1 have bOen In busintes in Veter,to aver twenty ,year.. Thee ins uml nt. responds 9 Avery motion of the body, In coughing, sneezing or lilting, and never slip frorir it:. ,osition, en the body,'either up or down, but stays where yen put it. AILVES. `"'r' 1 caro tint hoW severe nr r Moult the case, 1 can help yeti The above nafned knows the true eause of ittpture and hes recently discovered the socrc't—es yet i.nown only to himself -•-by which a cure can be effected in,thts terrible nfiiictien without resort to the knife, Don'tput tt at/ till too late, ' Children Cured in q. to 8 weeks. Adults in 7 to 14 weeks, Aceorditir to the severity el the ease. Ape of person or loneth of Emig ruptured makes no difference. SVE Y CAS8, A It suCCI~SS. Thtb Is pus by so=called aJ en 11100 eOnvineinr testimony ft inn physlciana, from parents, and from triose declared 1 newhintsts to bo " mpoless oases," ‘,11118 IS '11I1E 'EVIDENCE THAT TELLS ri'I11D TRUTH. rz VISIT DRAYTON--Royal Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 12th- ' ant& MT. '. 0RES"1'—Ooyne IlentetThursday andIiwrtiday, Nov. l4th,atad 15th. DURHAM—iniddauggh Tlonfls Saturday to Monday, Nov. 16th to 18th.- TEESWATEFt--.Oommeroial lSotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 19th N4 a 4.1.1I—.Queen's Rotel, Thnradny., Nov. Kat. 11`INCAitiltl t}L — yal 1lotf)1, t'ridar and Saturday. Nu%, filet and 401