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The Wingham Times, 1895-11-08, Page 6
THE WINGUA 'i NOVEMBER S, t895 to1ant mite I HRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8,. i8N5. T11 e l.tu STOCK BRMI R. i Report of Good Roads Association, • 1 etc. AI)vANTAG1S or :MMETti3i.RSIIIP I1 r1 I Bulletins of the Agricultural Col - LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION. , loge and Experimental '' Farut, Valuable reports containin , a rs [advertising advantages in these re- al . EDITORIAL 11TOTEIS,_ and addresses written or delivered' parts. tarso Department of .Agri - breeders the most practical and successful I :a1)vEnTISIati ADVANTAGEs. each n p breeders are issued yearly. In these The name and address of eao has just receivedthisackn le- papers the writers give their ex- member and the breed of stock kept e,,...,ent of the report of the perience, with the reasons for their by hini is published in the annual Bureau of Industries from a firm in successes and failures ; the experi- report, thus: Mr. A. Johnson, c .e The report- referred to once of a lifethne is thus sometimes Greenwood, Oet., breeder of short - is . p tl at of the agricultural. statistics of summed up in a carefully compiled horns, If no other advantage but t, Wethink it is 'paper. The discussions which aro thus were received, the members Ontario for 18JI, l printed with the papers are frequent. would bo abundantly repaid for the of the most complete and satin- p"p q factory reports we have ever seen, ly of greater value than the original money expended in theannual min- er fact ' a v nett that oar Paper or address. Experience is a bership ticket. There is no other and regret ver, m great teacher; 20 years' continuous means of advertising so cheap and imamrinfo does not furnish its with so. effective, A copy of each report aunilar information. practice will teach a lean manyp things and will teach them thorough. issued by this association is sent not THE ceremony of unveiling the ly. Is it not evident, thou, that if only to every member in Oa bade but Chateauguay monument, erected by we can know the experience of the also to eaehi member of each Fanners' the Dominion parliament to corn- oldest and most successful farmers Institute in Ontario. Many are also m morate the battle of Chateauguay and stock breeders, we will be sent to leading American farmers e o greatly benefited? To obtain this and to the officers of the Agricultural - and other victories of the tar f information and to give it to the colleges and experimental farms 1812, was held on Saturday, in the farmers of Canada is the purpose of throughout. America, many of which presence of a large and distinguished this association. bind the volumes yearly; nearly all who receive them keep them' for Valuable matter is contained in assembly. The mouument, which is situated on the exact spot where DeSalaberry manoeuvred his troops on the eventful day of the battle, once or twice a tear in different parts was unveiled by ;Hiss Hermine De- of the Province,. that by becoming acquainted one with the other trade may be extended among themselves and they will also be at these times in a position by a body to grapple with questions which affect their in- terests as breeders. As private in- dividuals we have little influence with governments, railways or other lately. It shows a very regrettable corporations ; as an association we increase in the quantity of real can make our rants known and felt. estate mortgaged and in the amount The farmers as a body compare favor - of total roans. The value of the real ably with other classes of men, profes- estate mortgaged is $115,800,000, sional orotl}erwise,butfrom thenature compared with $110,916,000 in 1803, of their calling. they are more retir- an.increase of $'4,900,000. In total ing ; this condition the association loans the amount returned is $121,- tends to overcome. Nothing brings 000,000, compared with $115,346,- a clever farmer to notice and gives him his true place in the common- wealth so readily and naturally as do these associations; and nothing elevates the rank and file of the live stock men so quickly as contact in association work one with the other. The sheep and swine breeders indi- vidually and collectively have re - were received from 94 companies, of ceivecl untold benefits from this cause which 84 were in Ontario, 8 in alone. We cannot come into close Quebec and 2 in Nova Scotia. Pro. and frequent contact with successful vincial• returns show about $20,000,- men without being benefited thereby. 000 additional of mortgage debt in We learn of their methods and we Ontario, and in Ontario the larger proportion of the total number of chattel mortgages was given by farmers. CONTACT WITH OTHER BREEDERS, Another important object is to bring the breeders of stock together Salaberry, a granddaughter of Col. I)eSalaberry. THE annual report of the Depart- ment of Finance on the business of the loan companies of Canada for the year ending December 31. 1891, -was issued from the Printing Bureau 000 in 1898, an increase in the year of $6,000,000. The figures show that never in the history of Canada has the land been so heavily mort- gaged. When Mr. McKenzie left of- t fico the amount of total loans was Sa34,703,000, so that the increase has been over 350 per cent. Returns Yon Can Believe The testimonials published in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are written partake of their enthusiasm even l GEo H. ie r onD, General Passenger Wen, in the first place, I los though not realizing it at the time. Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul desire to get shaved, after I took the Contact with clever and successful Railway, Chicago, Ili, one you refer to. In the second men arouses our ambition and makes us better and more suceessful Work and Liberty. • place, I consider shaving immoral. Libertyis sweet. M uiy farm In the third place,.1 shouldn't want citizens. the job of shaving one of your AS A MEANS OF STRENGTH. hands in New England get up at cheeks. Good dayng Syracuse Post. . four a. m., work all day in the corn , As You GO �ePatOTJOTE LIP11. Don't look for the !laws as you go through life ; And even if von sliould find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind, And look for the virtue behind 'them ; Por the cloudiest night has a glint of light Somewhere in the shadows sliding; It is better by far to hunt for a star Than for spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs every way To the bosons of God's great ocean. Don't set your force 'gainst the river's coarse And think to alter its motion. Dontwr ante a curse on the univereo— Behnomber it lived before you Don't butt at the storm with your form— But bend and let it go over you. The world will never adjust itself To suit your whims to the letter. Some things must go wrong your whole life long, And the sooner you know it the better; It is folly to fight with the infinite, And go under at last in the wrestle; The wise man shapes into God's good plan As the water shapes into a vessel. —111a Wheeler "Wilcox. puny A Story of Mark Twain.. One summer, not long ago, while the celebrated humorist was at his Elmira home, a smooth -faced man future reference. Thus the names rang the bell and told the girl who of our members are carefully kept came to the door that he wanted to before the buying public and thus see Mark Twain, or Samuel L. they become Well known as breeders Clemens, as he is properly called. of the various sorts. No other Give me your card and I will take medium offers equal avertising it to him, said the girl. advantages. The associations also The stranger did so and waited in offer the best facilities for making : the hallway. the merits of the different breeds or Twain studied the card for a few herds known to.the public. moments. He couldn't remember All that has been said in favor of the name. As it was a French live stock associations is applicable ono, be thought possibly that it Was to Farmers' Institutes. There is ; some notable he had met abroad and now established in the Provine of :who wished to renew acquaintances. Ontario 06 Farmers' Institutes. It :So he went down stairs and shook behooves the farmers in each county ;hands with the stranger. to make these as useful and practical Now, Mr. Clemens, began the as possible. A . Farmers' Institute is ; visitor, in fluent English, you are simply an organized farmers' club wondering who I am. Well, you governed by rules and regulations • have never met me before.. I simply which have been tried and found carne here to deny a certain passage serviceable. in your book, Innocents Abroad. F. W. HODSON, Now, when you went to Paris, the Supt. of Farmers' Institutes. i stranger went on smoothly, you said i that the most terrible thing that ever Short Journeys on a Long Road t happed to you was the shave you got Is the characteristic title of a profusely 1 there On your arrival. illustrated book containing over one ! Twain began to look astonished. hundred pages of charmingly written; Now,continued the stranger,sauve- descriptions of summer resorts in the ly. I am a Frenchman, and more - country north and west of Chicago. The over,a barber, Myintention in reading matter is new, the illustrations are new. and the information therein coming to you is to give you one of will be new to almost everyone. ' my shaves, and if you don't praise it, A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long then you don't know what a good £toad" will be sent free to anyone who shave is. Now, what do you say? . will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to N„ Huron Lay Workers, The annual convention of the Huron Lay Workers, held at Wind- sor last week, was ill every respeet a decided success and will result in extended influence, The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows ;—President, the right Rev, the Bishop of Huron; vice - ho Ver r liev. the DetI presidents, t j n and Chas. Jenkins, Petrolia ; chair- man of Committee of Management, A. H. Dymond, Brantford ; secretary - treasurer, . I hen a London; treasurer, J. I3 It ci'Y n y , L i , executive committee, (one from each rural deanery)—Brant, G. A. Cargill, Brantford ; Elgin, W. Scarlett, St, Thomas ; Essex, Jasper Golden, Kingsville; Grey, John Robinson, Owen Sound; Huron, Henry Dennis, Brussels ; Kent, Thos. Burnside, subsegnc,it month, es Bothwell ; Lambton, ` J. B. Dale, ;1 Iter ofltatidn ociti for SOn Salo, pernoetibsequont month. Wyoming ; Middlesex, V. Cronyn, I Larger udvertisentents in ploportfon, 'Chase to rms wtU ba strictly adhered to London ; Norfolk, J. D. Christie, t Io �,•eliperiods6 for turgor advortisemonts, or for Simco° ; Oxford, James Dent, � Acit•e errienuuts and local notices Without epeofEa Woodstock; Perth, S. R. Ileastn, ; dlreotious, will ho inserted till forbid and ohargget apeaci Ingly. Teransrtury advertisements must be Stratford • Waterloo, Jas, Woods, paid in advance �R qt'Ithnga�x B�''s . IS PUDLlSHED EVERY FBTDAY MORNING —AT TIIE— TiME$ OFFICE, JOsi PHiNE STREET" WING1iA114, ONTARIO. Subscription price, $1 nor year, in ridvan0C ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 tl um. i d nto, 1 1 mot One Column 800 00 840 ed ; r)20 00 8 001 Halt " 40 00 20 00 12 00 6 001 (fustier " 2000 12 00 7 00 S CO, V e Inch00 3 00 2100 n r00 5 I LI Legal and of ter canna advertisements, So. per line for first insertion, and 8e, per line for caulk subsequent. insertion. ;Measured by nonpareil Fcule. Local notices 10c. per flue for first hiaertion, and 50. per line for, eaoh subsequent lnscrtitn, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations„ and Businoos Chanties wanted, not exceeding 8 liner/ nonpareU, 51 for first month, and 50e. tor each Galt. ' 1 Changes for contract advortioemonts must be in Craft. that week Pleasant as Syprup, ! < Ali classes of people have then and hay fields and then milk cows For Over FIft:7 Year* by honest people who have actually associations — doctors, and found ' in their own experience that ' 'till nine at night. They are happy AN QLD AND WELL-TIt1ED RExruv.-3lrs. Wena• P low a &°thing Syrup has been used for over afty Hood's Sarsaparilla pnrifies the blood, chemists, manufacturers, millers, andsing and whistle while they work. years by m}ihons of mother for their chasten while h he child creates an appetite, strengthens the drovers,, etc. These classes have teething, with perfectvs u,1l success. It soothes , system and absolutely and permanently longrecognized the value of mode They are freemen, because thej- can soviet's the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind colic, :,'' c w the desire An and is ttic best remedy for Utarrhata. Is pleasant to 11 d d b cease workin 1f Sold U eery putt a tto cures a diseases caused y impure or - the taste. So by Druggists in eie 1 tion work ; hence their strength to - deficient blood. enslaved ee;viet with no labor at all worio. Twenty -fire cents n nettle. Its value is rl Th taint is often he trd is miserable. No sieve in the old incalculable. Be sure and ask far Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. South ever did half the work done E eon's PILLS for the livor and bowels, act promptly, easily and effeetively. ay. e comp that farmers are not well represented in Parliament; that we do not receive NLeLeod's World's Record. the attention our extensive interests deserve ; that legislature are slow to Mail and Empire: The fastest re- recognized our wants; all of which is corded mile ever ridden on a bicycle, true. This is in a great measure paced or unpaced, was reeled off by our own fault. Other classes have Angus McLeod, the class B. cham- pion of Canada, at Sarnia, on Satur- day. The oourse was the road run- ning south from Sarnia, along the banks of the St. Clair river, on which a mile was accurately measur- ed: off tinder the supervision of Frank developed their interests and en- forced their demands by strong and well established associations, which to them have been towers of strength in enabling them to overeome obstacles otherwise insurmountable. Farmers have neglected this and are Mitchell, I). W. A. official time keeper I therefore behind in the race, but we for Sarnia, district, who also timed have men in our ranks capable of the performance with the aid of two filling any position in the gift of the expert assistants. Mr. Mitchell has people. Knot+ledge is power; unit- telegraphed the Bail and Empire ed effort is strength. These are the that McLeod rode the distance in 1 indirect benefits obtained from minute 33 2-5 seconds, The start was a flying one, and wind and weather were both favorable. The best previous recorded unpaced straightaway mile was ridden, by E. F. Leonert, of Buffalo, last year, in 1,52 3-5. nearly 20 seconds slower. McLeod's time is the more remark- able when it is considered that it beats Johnston's straightaway paced record by exactly two seconds. teonert claims a paeed record over the Bnlfitlo course in 1,85, which also is beaten by illeLeod. The straight- away records are not officially reeog• sized, ft is pleasing to know that the fastest mile ever covered by human daaergy has leen accomplished by a Osnadian bicyclist. Otte Bottle Curet, Mee f4jn —TbiB winter i was irtyuteed with a severe cold, I tried ItieVerg rbarletl les but without avail. On advir..e et a friend I bought a bottle t tsgyard'et Pectoral Bal8atn, which ill'etela cured me. Rex I3, STAPLES, 1lollted, Mala. the otlicc by Wednesday noon, In order to. appear It. ELLIOTT PaosRIF,TOR AND PUDLI0naa Mr. Douglas Pord, Toronto, Ont., t tis th t Milburn's Cod Liver 011 -_ _ Emulsion with Wild Cherry Bark is free from objeotional taste being almost es and colds it givent as s com,pleeosatisfactonfor © set- ing promptly even in obstinate Bases., sa a by a Yankee farmer or a miner inAmusing Slips of the Tongue. the Pennsylvania spines, but freedom A young clergyman, in giving out lighten -3 -the burden of the farmer. - the hymn, "Conquering Kings," At Memphis. when I was on Gen. merely stumbled over the first Chetlain's staff, a bright looking, syllable, hut, being unable to save well dressed negro came running himself, startled his congregation into our picket line. He was fat and with the announcement: "The handsome. hymn to -night will be•'Kinquering I suspect you are running away Conus'—Kinquering Congs." Much from slavery, uncle George, I re- the same was the pitfall into which a marked, eyeing him sharply. reverend gentleman walked, when, Yes salt, I dun lei Oen'el Forest's in place of saying, "Behold the fig place yest'day. tree, how it withoreth away 1" by a What did you come away for ? 1 simple transposition of two or three asked. letters, asked his audience to "Behold He treated me well enough—no the wig tree, how it fithereth away!" '_plaint 'bout dat. Bttt perhaps one of the most •comical Never whipped you? , instances of slips of this kind is the \NftIGHAM SA\ fel No sale never in my life ! • case of the preacher who, describing farmers' assoeiations ; and they are The old slate driver starved you, ' conscience, and desiring to get his didn't he? listeners to recognize the promptings Starved me? exclaimed the dark of its inward voice in the half -formed man in amazement. Do I look like wishes of the mind, appealing to a starved nigger ? Y'ah, yah, yah 1 ! them whether there was one there and as he laughed his 200 pounds of who at one time or another "had fat jiggled in merriment, !not felt within him the effeet of a What 1 you had kind treatment, half-warmerl fish." After this, the good clothes,plenty to eat, easy work, instance of a person who, devoutly and you have run away from a situar reading the lessons in solemn tones, tion where you have all these announced, "Ile spake the word, and. privileges for an uncertainty ?.Now cattlohoppers carte and grassipillars just think how foolish you have innumerable," seems almost eotnmon- been ! place. So, too, does the mistake of itlebby No foolish, Massa Sorer, the priest, who assured his congrega- ". i for a rich' regretfully, but ti � t is 1t wa s eas er thetiark°urs that said. Y respeetini dem privileges, all I has to man to pass through the eye of a say is if any of yawns want dem needle, than for a camel to enter the privileges and if any of youone want kingdom or God."—Bostott Herald, to avail you'selves of dat situation, - why, Massa forest will let you hub l Dont To'ba000 eekiltr sneoko Stour Llfo . it. I lir the truthfui, startling title of a book about rio•To• very great, DIRK(_'T UENEGIT:i, Tho direct benefits are: Each member receives a free copy of all publications issued by the associa- tion in the year in which he is a member. Ile also receives annually copies of the fallowing publications issued by the Department of Agri- culture Report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm. Report of the Agricultural and l:x- pe.t imental Union.. Report of the Dairymen's ASSocia- tion of Eastern Ontario, Report of the Dairymen's Associa- tion of Western Ontario. • Report of the Ontario Creameries Association. Report of the Fanners' Institutes. Dominion Reports of the Doli;< ton Shee p, Swine And Cattle Breeders' 1.t•�'nci.z- i«s The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg Dave to say that they have a very largo stock of LUMBER, SINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &o., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to tneet the xequ'.rentents of the hard tithes. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood T5cts. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. MoLBAN cit SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1800. - IVIONEY T O LOAN On Farris Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of fivo years or over. Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London. Out. �.• Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobaece habit tare t elinttnetC5 the i otinived her os that brace.' u n c . , 5 p Cure is sold on a guarantee. sin strength, 4 �' r makes mon ,. liilOh nicotine n tnteon n a e, weak g, S � cEi c , g r uw tions. It cures Incipient Censumptlon, It is vigor an martheod. Yon run no physical or Mimi. Report Of the poultry associations, doe.I sSt,'I e cts, �CtB,, and el, Sold ati CMTs cure or money refunded, Book free. Ad, Sterling ]temetily i.e., 374 Ht. Paul St„ Montreal. sold by, the best Cough Cure Only ono 'nt ✓ , efal rick, AS No Teener• Is void under guarantee to east and. West. holunb Corner Drag Store. C.1.'Williams. WInxhant, JOG PHINTIIIIG, INCLUDING nooks, Pamphlets, Posters, BiI Heads, Oircuiars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice, Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TIams Office, Wingham. — ' itTfitit J. IliwIN, D. D. B., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylvani Dental College, DR NAODUNALD, CENTRE ST1tEET. Wpjou�at, ONTARt0. 'ti)rr. B. TowLER, MeYmber College Physician and Surgeons, Ontario --Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up.stairsoext to uronOfficeUp•stairs,,i4extto Mr Morton's office, Wing. harn, Ont. things HOURS.—Oto 12 a."nt., 1 to 0 p. m., at Residence, Diagonal Street. T P. KENNEDY, M. D., 31. C. P.S. 0, eJ , (Succeeeor to Dr, J. A. Moldrum.) Gold Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London Generial Hospital. Special ratan. tion paid to diseases of wmnen and children. Oaice—Formerly occupied by Dr. Moldrum,eorner of Centro and Patric; streets. • W INOHAM - ONT R VANSTONE, - Jllr BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, -Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rata Intermit. No commission charged. Mortgages, took and farm proport) bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WtxoUAM J. A. 3IORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Winghani, - Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOit TO DANN 01' UAMILTON•. MONEY TO` LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. M • G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Hotel. ' GODRRIOH, - ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -3. S. JItttOME, L. D. S.,wmonea, Is manufacturing first-class sets of tenth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new proems, guaranteed perfe.tly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. - y- ' + tra BOOKBINDING. we are pleased to announce that any hooks or Magazines left with as for Binding, will have unr prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the Tues Office. r) vter",a..dv:.,✓t'c3.'.:► ....' t`�/ib/�•'Q,1/� ,...., ...............„.....,... 1. :".,....,....: ,..........„ ..: //i �t,,:ti. o , ''..- 2 t„..., 1w `t 1 l,• iiiwi-tt Y 1 i, 1 f{ ',-- .5y1', rw r1:�s i ,� ,.• S. e K >;x Tho moat prompt pleas :tit an,l per- fect euro for Cott;Ih4, Voids, Asthma, )2rOOchitis, I•loarseaess, S'Iro Throat, Group, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, Pain in tho Chest and ell Throat, Bronchial and i,uu! Diseases. l The Healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and otbez pectoral Herbs and Seisms to tuake a true speckle for ail fornix of disease originating front colds. Price age. and goo. eltedeetesikeliely For Twenty fve 'Years DUNN'S'. ►K.INC DER HECOOKS BEST FRIEND LAHGE*T SALE IN CANADA, OFFICE••-MACDONALD ELOOK. JOHN RITOIIIE, • GENESIAL INS1JitANOE AGENT WINOnAO, ONTARIO FRANK. SCILI, - TONSORIAL. ARTIST, Opposite Korman's Hotel, • - WINGHAM, - - - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry, DEANS. Ja., wixam li, LICENSED AUCTIONEE 1 nUL 1?0i THE COUNTY Sake attended in any part of the CO. Chargee Moderato. JOHN CUEILXE, WINOBAMM, ONT., LIOENSBD AUCTIONLER FOR Tui; COUNTIES HURON AND TABUCB. Alt orders left at the Thins oft}co promptly attend ed to. Toritfs reasonable. JAMES HENIDERSON, LtaRNskb AttcrlONRtR reit CouNTIRS' Hinton Allie Tht*itS. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorteee Notice, Chargee Moderate and Sates#aotion Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements ran be made At t6 'roma' Y1amlas ° oar Money to Loan on Notes, Notes Discon uted Axt i,81AsONA13LE It.TEB3 Money advanacd on mortgages At 5,11 per bent/tit privilege of haying at the old of any year,. Iftte andaecounte ootfeated.. SO*T. ItICOT10004 Heater Moak Wln(haot, Oat. . wily D I was res 'the Montret -organ, that mous, but tl brave and e :so brave an they go on, When they Franchise A -opinion, or 1 • decessor ; still more dr • Act they AC they consult but when th tion to deal • question, 1 a tends to arot sions that ar .every land .say; Why come to our I have said ,your policy, if it calumet] I will suppoi .able, if it do :my judgine will go befol people in; between you manner of government tstitution.— t �t c�b ':[:,i`'''ais;:-see! �b "ern Just Ii Quart Burdc' as all se cause it stipatici, beach acs :iseases co:umo Scrofulou rv --r. -. 3; Con Valuable treatise a any Sufferer. Give SLOCUM CHEMICAL Th and cin con ills 4/' Mysir•year-1 with eczema for erttptiot being every remedy t arable medicines to medical sped : but result. Fins box of 1)r. Chatre talon showed th We have used of change is very t appeared, And1 t eared. • (Sign Sold byall d Address, SOMAN PESO. rit,, ^+ t tniim- C