The Wingham Times, 1895-11-08, Page 44 THE :. E W1NGIIAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 8, 1895. E INILLIAMSinjuring tlhtr sale of lite cheese and tlhe reputation of the factory. 'ST -AND- port cattle were scarce and finial Seven cars sold at 31c at; ate per lb.! 14. 'hen the whey is } returned ,Butchers' cattle---rieady for best, i to the patrons it will cost more to but too many poor cattle offered haul the milk. The returns from best Fold at ale per . lb.; common factories this season show that the were quoted at qe Of 2e. A couple' average cost of hauling milk at the i of cars of good cattle were taken for , factories where the whey is not Montreal at 24e t`• 3e per lb.' returned is, ll 3.5 cents per 100 !Stockers were quiet, at isle @ 2Ie pounds of milk, while the average 1 per lb. Fee cost at the factories where the wi'eF demand early ; is returned is E3 3-10 cents per 1001 buyin . Prices fair Asa rule the factories inlet 3e @ ale. Sheep steady; good; Feed 1.J DR G�7YIS . ACCT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO were in fair, all distilleries arc; rule frons 2;e, 0.• 3c.1 Opp. Brunswick Worse. pounds of milk. Bulls a fn r damand and far export! I MALET REPORTS. ume int. Wingharn, Nov. 7, 1805. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs., ...,.,.. 1 75 to 2 00 Fall Wheat 0 08 to 0 08 Spring -Wheat 0 08 to 0 58 Oats, 24 to 0 25 Barley .,........• . 0 30 to 0 115 Peas............... 0 50 to 0 51 Butter,.... ........... .. 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord.... 1 25 to l' 50 Hay per ton .. .13 00 to14 00 Potatoes, per bushel0 15 to 0 20 Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb0 2i to 0 05 Chickens .. 0 20 to 0 26 Ducks 0 40 to 0 50 Geese 0 •l to 0 0 Turkeys....•..• ... .•• .• 0 0 to 0 7 Wittgha12, - - Out Western Ontario, whose product. is i ewes and weathers brought ;3e per Ib, -- -y� - ._ _, ;ought for because of its superiorLamb,, on lighter offerings, were: -- �� quality, are those which do not re-! steady, at 21e @ 3c per lb, Calves' pturn the sour whey to the patrons in 'dull at f 2 @ $t each. Milch co\i b �t, the mill cans steady, at $20 C' $40 each, and good ones are wanted here. Hogs in good w1;IIT1?;CHURCII. ' demand and steady. Best bacon '11DA, NOYEMDa B " 0890. The church opening, on Sunday . hogs sold at 4e. A bunch of 49,1 and Monday nest, promises to be a averaging 200 lbs. each, sold at 340.1 THE DISPOSAL ©P WREY AT grand success. The church is about Two cars solei for Montreal. Good I CREME PACTOBi S. all completed, and it is a great sows sold at 3c. ---^- credit to the congregation that wor- i stt3rE IMI nm AN1 IXTS heli CON- ships it in and an ornament to the c 5T rt na's i>'t FA aUTMEx, lir village. -Mrs. Cuyler spent some e `,i`.k@'o Irt t.- 4 aT' 414 2y&:; wi'tiTc.rtN time with friends in Wingham dur- stnae'iC"a ` astat s-1.•rxt�x. ing the week. -The farriers are East Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 5.-1 attle-•-The total ,supply on offer, ight loads : the demand was very m : oderate. Hogs -Receipts, 12 cars; n;arket quiet; Yorkers, fair to choice, finishing taking in their turnips, this $3.75 @ $3,80; roughs, common to • 'id. •':•T'�.1"•C we lave land some in- week.good, $@ $3.40 ; pigs, common to tlun i , s ter; en i ��'r infvrrnation • MORRIS. re ardleat Ile taw t r^:ez edsofdispes is rya 2 ., ; �^ sewete at cheese The trustees of S. S. No, G have fneteast se .A., r a tee teas is an im- re-engaged Robt. Smilie for the com- 1 pont �.a� rent tt te in wl ieh every ing year, at a salary of $325, a cheese feta a is iit�te tatted, we slight advance upon this year. -Geo. •could;d draw anent arta t-„» the follow- Knox and sister, of HulIett, were iarg pig m371ce1> u f' at r . �f the sub- ' visiting their aunt, Mrs. Jno. jcct;_•- Mason, this week. -Tuesday was 1. Alisela 9 eleanL�nc in every "goose day" in Wingham, and the p rticut ar L_ sae of the requisites of farmers of this township supplied no e sweet-aterr and butter making, small number. -On Friday morning, 2. Strict e e at>:lines cannot be . of last week, Deaths Messenger maintained if the sour whey is re- entered the home of Geo. Henderson; t t=urned to the patrons in the milk ' 3rd line, and - took from there the cans spirit of his wife, Isabella Lowry. 3. Tire soar er rotten flavor in old The deceased lead been ailing for a wliey is produced by millions of i few weeks, but nothing- serious was bacteria, which grow and work upon expected till a few minutes before the solids or food constituents of the 1 her death. Heart failure was the whey. 1•• cause. She was but 28 years, 10 4. These living micro-organisms t months, and 8 days of age, and was will adhere to the aides or get into i married to her now bereft partner the seams of the milk. cans when the t twelve years ago. She was a good sour whey is put in, and unless the i Christian woman and will be much esus are thoroughly scalded with 'Christian in the community in which boiling water to kill the germ life, l she lived. There are four small these little creatures Kill remain, and i children, the youngest but six weeks will grow and permeate through the i old, left to mourn for a - loving new mill:, 'giving their peculiar • mother. The funeral ou Monday , flavor to it. 1 was largely attended, the interment 5. If every patron would. have the t being in Brussels cemetery. Mr. sour whey dumped out and the can Henderson and family have the . thoroughly scalded as soon as the i sincere sympathy of the entire neigh.' milk drawer returns from the borhood. factory, the evil resulting from the 14=liOFETEI.. i practice would not be so great,. Butt The Seottialr • eolicert,_ on Wedges-- \vhere ten patronsla a the • eleventh one m1„ht neglect 1t, and Camp Hawick, Sons of Scotland, was fair, ;;3 tt• $3.50. Sheep and lambs -Receipts,, 25 cars; market steady ; ambs, choice to prime, $8.95 tc' $4.25 ; sheep, choice to select export rvethers, $3.25 @ $3.50 ; culls and common, $1 @ $1.75. Cattle closed dull and weak. Hogs closed steady, at about all sold. Sheep and lambs -Eighteen loads Canada lambs on ale at $3.90 @ $4.15; choice to xtra, $4.25 at $4.35. Montreal, November 4. -Tho receipts to -day at the eastern ¶ abat- oir market were G€10 .bead of cattle, 700 sheep and lambs and 100 calves. There was very little enquiry for the cattle and last week's prices ruled. The range was from 1.1e L 3?;c per b., live weight, according to quality. Small meats were rather quiet. Following is the general range of quotations : Cattle butchers' choice, per lb., 31c f4• 3•,r,c, live weight; medium to fair, 2 c ® 3c, culls, lie @ 21c: do., sheep, common to good, $2.75 @ $3.25; lambs, $1.50 @ $3. Calves, good to •choice, $7 « $12; common to fair, $2 ® $6. T ''' UN KS, VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains �,II Month. GEORGE GOOD ateristags....--auastatat, -ass MRS. LESLIE Has returned to town and is prepared to do DRESS AND MANTLE CUTTING AND FITTING in the latest styles. HATS AND BONNETS Remodelled and Trimmed. Patterns of all kinds cut on the shortest notice. Residence. -Josephine street, over Fargttharson's grocery store, wingliwn. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his farm, being lots 33 and 34, concession 11, East Wawa - nosh, for sale. The farm contains 200 acres, 175 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance being hardwood bush. There are on the premises a first class baro and a straw shed, with stone foundation under both; also. a silo, and sheep and hog pens; a good frame house; good bearing orchard, 1good water, both well and ep,ing. The form is situated hilt a mile from the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, and sir miles from Winghani. School on the corner of the lot. The ' purchaser will have the privilege of buy- ing the farm en block, or eitbor 100 acres separately. GEO. ROBERTSON. Marnoch P. 0. Proprietor. would. u • so, is day evening, under the auspices of, , his neglect would effect the qaality • a grand success in every particular of the whole product. 6. Taking everything into eonsid-; eration it will be more profitable for the patron to have the whey sold to the highest bidder, or fed near the factory. 7. There is on an average about , 47 per cent. of milk sugar in milk, E and the bulk of this sold goes off in the whey in the process of cheese - making, and gives whey its chief feeding value. 8. The souring of mill: or whey* rs due to some forms of bacteria acting upon the milk sugar, and changing it into iaetie acid. This souring procesa dries not injure the quality of the whey as a food, bat materially lessens the quantity of food in it. To such extent is this true that in very sour whey there is not much feeding value in it. ,l. The highest value pat upon perfectly sweet whey is 8 cents per 100 pounds. This value is about wiped out when the whey becomes very sour, and therefore more benefit will bo derived by feeding the whey in as sweet a eondition as possible. 10. The full value of sweet whey can only be had by feeding if near the factory as soon as it is run off from. the vats. To do this it is not necessary to have the feeding pens very close to the factory. By using an "ejector" the whey can be carried to suebdistance that no foul odors from it need reach the factory. 11. The returns received from a number of cheese factories this season show that the average price for which the whey is sold at the faritory is 54.13 per ton of cheese. At this figure,everything con- sidered, patrons of factories will receive as much, if not more, value than In having the sour whey return- ed, and do not run the risk of kw - Ing their ehcese injured by a, sour whey flavor. 13. This sour whey flavor may isot be detected when the cheese are Sew., but will afterwards develop, Dr. Macdonald made a model chair- man, and his address on taking the chair was splendid. Jas. Fax, the versatile comic, fully sustained his' high reputation ; the dancing sof Master Bert. Alexander was good, and the Scottish readings of Mr. Blackwoodwere grsite entertaining. The local talent, which comprised perior merit in an conditions of Misses 'Gibson, Miller and Smith,'. wasting. It has had the en - and Messrs. Thos. and John Gibson, ! dorsement of the medical pro- fully sustained their reputation as : fession for 20 years. musicians. Miss Brawn presided at • Dat'l beperauedet:toWs a`aubatitute1 the piano, and did her part well. i Scott a Blume, Belleville. 50e. and V. The piano used ou the occasion was ' a "liendelssohu," and was supplied j For Suits that suit, by Mr. John Skilling, agent, of Tees- ca. JIT5 give comfort to the water. It was a particularly sweet-; 1 wearer and satisfy toned instrument, i isyourfriends,youhad Court Wroxeter, Canadian Order of• OV►. CtThTaS, better try us. Our i garment makers Foresters, will give a grand enter -(T OJSrES. know how to du their tainrent in the pavilion, on Monday!, work ; don't think evening, tine 19th •instant, and bevelthose are any better �I.• , ' sod yet we charge no more than others secured .ass ruse Louise White, of rat inferior work. 13undreds of new 1 New York, on elocutionist of great fall sod winter samples to choose from, ability, and Mr. Barry, of Toronto, at prices about half what you have to U. comic sinner of high standing pay for old goods. Workdonefor parties Scotregi is Cod-liver Oil emulsified, or made easy of digestion and as- similation. To this is added the Hypaphosphitcs of Lime anti Sera, which aid in, the digestion of the Oil and increase materially the. potency of both. It is a re-. markable iacsh-producer. Ema- ciated, d, an :nic and consunapti e persons gain flesh upon it vee rapidly. The combination is a moat happy one. Physicians recognize its se - as well as other talent for the. oe-' furnishing their own cloth. rasion. Miss White is highly spoken If you think that a Tareed Suit cannot of by the press wherever she has ap- be properly made for $4 Spot Cash, call peared. The Toronto Mail -Empire and see our work. Our terms are cash. says of her: Equal to any before seen in Toronto. Toronto Globe- Was remarkably clever, and excited a persistent recall- Her re -appear- ance at any time will be bailed with delight. The Welland Tribune -- Miss Annie Louise White carried her audience by storm. "The Chariot Race," The Death Scene in the Mining Catnp." and "Waiting for Iter Lover,,' were her crowning efforts, and brought forth tumul- tous applause. Miss White's facial work is grand ; she is an actress as well as an elocutionist, and will satisfy the most eritieal audience. Lin* Stowe 3dtrreate. Toronto, Ont., Nov. i.-Ileeeipts. were lighter at the Toronto cattle market to -day, being i3 cars, includ- ing 841 sheep and lambs and 1,700 hogs. Prices were r c,, better. Ex- , WEBSTER & COI, Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingham, Ont. ATTRACTIVE 7--.- MEAT Should net only be agreeable to tho taste Anti Retell, but ft should bent so et to be Attractive t6 the eye. tesptot uy meats s . m to will bo found Ala thdesired in thebe BEEF' J OUJt and MOUTON always on hand. SLUS&GES, IEA ,OtMgSE. and everything in the butchering line, in seen. Asx supply n6 hotels, alt custemer5 bars a ehrnce 1 H E BEST .M- -AT Tx5- SMALLEST DOST MERCHANT TAILORING - GENTS' FURN SHINGS GEO. GARR'S By inspecting our Stock, you will be convinced it pays to, buy the best when it can bo had at such a very moderate cost. Our prices cannot be boat anywhere for good, reliable workmanship and ma- terial. A Perfect Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Always the latest at the lowest price in Gents' Furnishings. GEO. CARR, Opposite Chisbolm's Drug Store, Wingbam. and read what is taking place at the China House. Marked reductions in a number of lines of beautiful CHINA AND GLASSWARE to make room for NEW GOODS expected to arrive in the near future. In fact, some lines already passed into Stock. FRESH GROCERIES arriving daily, the quality and prices of which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Try some of our dried Apricots, Peaches and Pitted Silver Plums. We are sole agents for SAILAD.A. TEA, and have it in Black and Black ,and Green mixed. Try one package and we'll rest assured of the result. Also, full lines of Japan and Hyson Teas, which cannot fail to please. All orders left to our eare will re- ceive our most careful .and prompt 6t netting the best eats. attention. p (i }� [� Q stall willtee ,ding 1 to any psrnti, tow otln 6fid NOHMAN A5 I ARaUHARSoNt Ge J'IDX.D. China :Gomm, Winabam. yr ingham, aur. "sth. xs3 n Motto :---Good Goods at Honest Prices. remend' .W.°3 i - . ere c:s,o JOHN RU TTL & SONS; PALACE CLUING HOUSE5 In the Macdonald Block, have the finest sock of FRENCH and ENGLISH WO Nuns FRENCH, SCOTCH, MUM M IRISH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS and OVE! COATINGS All the very best goods ever imported into Wingham. We are determined to do a first-class Tailorilig Trade only. All we ask is to give us 'a trial, and if a first-class fit and a garment made up in artistic style will please you, we guarantee that we will give you entire satisfaction. Most Tailors can snake a suit, but to build a garment suitable to the build of the wearer, is an art that few make a study, and fewer still a practice, but John Ruettel & Sons will prove to you that Wingham shall be noted for its First -Class Tailoring Establishment, as well as • i; Toronto or any other city in the Dominion. Our motto is : Cheap for Cash, the Best Goods at the lowest pos- sible price. - READY-MADE CLOTHING In our Ready -Made Clothing Department we excel anyone in the• Trade. We get our Garments made to our own order, and as every garment is inspected as it comes in, you may rely on getting the best value for your money. - Have you seen pur $6 IIEAVY ULSTER OVF;RCOATS, the best value to -day in the Dominion ? Our READY-MADE- SUITS for $5. They were never sold for such a price before. We do not sell shoddy, but first-class goods, and you will always save money by buying your Clothing from Jotter RUETTnL & GENTS' FURNISHINGS • We select with the greatest care and keep nothing but the nobbiest and best goods. Gentlemen can always rely on getting the best goods from us and just what will suit them. • Come and see our HATS, FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS, FUR OVERCOATS, WATERPROOF COATS in MELISSA and TWEED. No goods will leave our establishment unless you are perfectly satisfied. Conte and see us. No trouble to show goods. JOHN BITI.ETTEL & SONS, • Macdonald Block, Wingham. GIVING UP psuass IN MIGAM. OUR LARGE STOCK OF' DRY GOO IS, CLOTHING, HATS, OAPS, -STC., Will be SOLD AT COST. This will be a grand opportunity to get good, seasonable goods at wholesale prices. SALE TO START ON FRIDAY, OCT. 11111. TO111 f G.A RAIZ'II, CASH on TRADE ONLY. Wingham. AS CLEAR AS A BELL. If a pupil of the ittaWeatelate- ea: `~*y14 arrAir am Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Does not grasp a subject readily we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We drill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all eubjects taught. WO teach Bookkeeping and Busi- ness paper by a new method, Enquire about it. Your money back it not satisfied. Catalogue free. Mr, E.A.Coon has accepted a position in the oflioe of E. D. Smith, Winona, Ont. J. W. WESTEIWELT, Principal. . leopsLorrigiFt. , ---TII.C- LERDING JEWELER Has just ordered a full stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY We buy for CAS H and can stall as cheap as the cheapest. A FULL STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. For FINE WAvrrlt REPAIRING, I defy competition. .. PA17,11 SC" " Oprosrrr BANK OP 1IA>ytxr/ro t. 'l1vV`I1 r,I1IAlt • • 11 of Tc wi 18 all e14 i"i th p1 ro bl fir ca bu fia 0f )ie til 8a.. T1 of, de iPt1 its ing pr th tel th wl to the PI th be g,'i co pe bt re ch eq 1st at ht fu eq w co pl st ea sit or.' at of el fa' ' ea as ce. of ec NV ti Iu Py C,1 1i ei Z -al • P - pt e. p, va la B 01 A A se ec d h ci of se tl ai C si es tl et efl bi si 'vt vu a1 0