The Wingham Times, 1895-11-08, Page 3BR. IBPLAT `TENS. elieved lecting e, Jr., prls in future, family elongs. Blaine, ' son of iontem- enture, ivorced young •vied a Mr. ears of 7n, his ship in a rail - Innate if the ag Miss r is not tapable ter tihe with a is the le hav- ther of . After 'atten's d, and excel- roperty Patten :ountry ill Peal Pattens re the women It part lde for :cessful BANK of HAM TON. WINGHAIt, Capital, e1,2.50,000. Bost, 0650,000 President—Jona STVAKr. Vico•Preeldent—A. G. Ramat, DIRECTORS Jens PRQCTO ., GKe, ROAM, WM Gf1:eoY, M i', A. 7,', WoOo, 4t, B. Les (Toronto). (lashier-a, TURNIBULL, Savings )3anic-Iloure,1eto 3: liatardays,la 1. Dspesits of yl and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of le „mat. Drafts cm Great Britain and the C7nitcd States bought and .old i1. 1VILLSON, AesNT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. • HALTED 8e SOOT Z►A�T1‹:El s_ Josephine Street • - W!nghaml Ont, J'. A. IIALBran, J. W, Scorr, Mount Forest. I List9Re Deposits Received" and Interes t allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges.,,,. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting .A.ccounts and Notes. Agents in Canada -The Merchants' Bank oe Canada Otaco Iloure—Front Da. m. to 6 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. FARM FOR SALE, Being N. E. part of Lot 33 and N. W: part of Lot 34, Concession (,East Wawa - nosh, containing 73 acres; 45 acres clear- portant I ed. Patin in good state of cultivation; Strong good barn and stables. We11 fenced; good bearing orchard; good water, both 'well and spring. Suitable for either stock or crop. Will bo sold reasonable. Apply to ANGUS or JAMES MoDONALD, . • 1St. Helens P. 0., Ont. em be - Strong nodern had a 'as the estate. nater - :rs and, fully which neces- wolnen usiness repre- active .f these en that usiness found ?,s upon in an get a in the to the of the appeal to the father, rards a 'eserve home cu pied Chief hod of cement about Mrs. le had reek - id it is who ;r that eonse- usiness nINIis. etch an v, and in the great thinks It is iarters hly de- r of a +ow if have l Rose - int we , viz., public tsc of -Hello- Blood nets to 1N f,C,d7 patios, A' .:A *$ 000S rholse's uorit sxr FOR SALE. A complete brick cottage in the Town of Wingham, en 1fianie street, ono of the most desirable streets for a residence. Heated by a furnace; a large woodshed, with hard and soft water in wood shed; a good stable. The lot has 55 feet front- age and runs 103 feet back to a lane. Terms easy. Apply to JOf1N NEELANDS, • Wingbam. HOUSE ANO LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber offershis house and lot in Lower Winch= for sale on reasonable terms. The lot contains half an acre, on which there is a frame dwelling house containing five rooms; also good stable t, bee and poultry house; good well, 16 fruit trees, &c. For particulars, apply on the promises. R. C. KITTSON. LAN FOR SALE. For sale, about GOO acres of land; 200 of it nearly all in pasture; with first class buildings; large part of it underdrained, the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new land,, with a larger quantity of timber still on it. About 130 acres cleared and seeded for pasture. Land will make a first-class pasture. Farm situated two miles from \Vingham. On the promises is a good saw mill in running order. " All will be sold on reasonable terms, For particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125,. Wingham, Ont. 25 ots., 60 cis. and $1.00 Bottle. Ono cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by an druggists. It cures inol.piont Consumption and ie the beet Cough and Croup Cute. Sold at ChishnInt's Corner Drug Store. THea OF eRNG� .11 ' $CiA'fICA,•�iii bhii.f,,,.., • EUf1At,GiA • ! AIN,5 IN BACK GF S!r: 1 r .OR ANl AUSCO1:APiFAIN!, f , • 1 1N i US1N0 t 74:153• 411 • y .E• T . NHQi • PLicS1 • i 1.,,,.r. THE WTNGJIAM TIMES, NOYENMET 8, 1895, S. LESLIE, WNUIIe!'., Ir T..T1IU45ICOLUMN. (co1 TAILOR TO HER MAJESTY'S J For Gotland Home and ;Vatire.Lined," SUBJECTS (Other Nationalities not debarred). has thoroughly renovated his shop and laid a large stock of English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds, imparted Serges, Worsteds, Chevoits, (7Cij. If you need a FALL OR WINTER SUIT oi; OVERCOAT, C 11 and inspect the goods and get prices. ''boy will be sold at rock bottom prices. All �" goody made npinthe latest styles and on short notice. Remember the stand --Nearly opposite he Macdonald Block, Wingham. THOS. LESLIE. RINGS GOOD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does make rings on the premises. . make and finish al- l work in the best 1 possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per I order. 1 By leaving your order with me, you can save from 25e 'to $2, according to style, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin If Brooches, Bangle linins, etc., etc., at ; ,Moderato Prices. Jewelery Reptiiiring and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- 1 ly Executed.. HALsEy PARK, +Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham, Do you knout e. moan in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey 1'ark,Watchmaicer,end,Jeweler, ZVinghaCr we call the ati•ention, of the mothers and sisters to the fact, that tho woman's Christian. Temper- ance Uillon picots the third Monday every month at threw pawl; Mary, for one hour, at Aire, rlelni's residence, Patrick etreot, All ladies are made weir 00n, Asi0the Eehtor has kindly given us part el his space, for our tvork,we ask friends of the cause to serol items of interest on all moral questions of the day to any of our ne»nbera. One good result of the enforce- ment of the Sunday closing law in New York City is seen in the lessen- ing number of cases brought to the • city ' hospitals for treatment as the result of Sunday debauches, saloon fights, and domestie quarrels. The hospital officials have noticed this, and frequently commented on it,— Christian Work. d: » yr i A sin1fica nt bitof testimony in regard to the results of no license in Cambridge is given in the following statement of savings -bank deposits; !The last year under saloons there were $140,000 of new deposits. The !next year under prohibition $586,- 000. The last year eander saloons 861 new accounts were opened in the savings banks, while in the first year under , no -license 992 were opened. WELL I WELL /ANOTHER NH STORE. 11 WIUCNAM' Who runs lit? Gordon tz Co. Where is iit? Opposite the :• �- Queen's Hot& Why will it pay the people to patronize it Because every- thing- verythimg is new. No olcl stock. A graduate of the O. C. P.. will be in constant attendance. Prices right. We will be pleased to see; our old customers ;and as many flew braes as will favor us with. a call. GORDON & CO., Wingham. ETEflN AVTfl 33rd Year But as Young as Ever The best and brightest Weekly Paper published in any of the cities of Canada. SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE . , From $1 =- Jag I,1891 Spoeial Rates to Clubs. Good inducements to Canvassers. Address all eotnnhunioatlotis— vms.rnRN' A]VE1tt'tsElEt,, Loudon, Ontario. Drink and Insanity. One of the most eminent of the alienists who attended the Medico - Legal Congress, held in New York in September, was the renowned Dr. Forbes Winslow. In an interview with •'a reporter of one of the New Yolk daily papers, he said : •'My specialty has been insanity. and partieularly cases of murder, Where the perpetrator has been insane. "As an expert witness I have testi- 'fled in an enormous number of eases hind won them :all save one. "Insanity is very largely on the Enerease in Ensgiaud. There are 'HOW 4,000 insane persons in Elie -and, ;and the number is increasing :at the rate of 2,000 a year. To what do I attribute the inerease? Drink, undoanrotedly. Itisttsad fact, but nevertheless true, that thesdrink- ing habit is on the increase in Englatnd, and particularly ;among women." Miss 1xanees E. Willard MADE PRMIDEr T OF THE (UNITED STATES IV. C. T. U. OONMENTION For THE ,SEVENTEENTH 'TIL,IiE. Baltilnoas, Md., Oet.. .22—Miss Frances E. Willard was today elect- ed president of the *Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union (for the seventeenth +consecutive time. Miss Willard thanked the convention for the great honor it had shown her. When Miss 'Villard announced that the proposed polyglot expedition to India has been abandoned, and that she would not leave the country dur- ing the coining year, the Leve thou- sand persoas iii the hail .expressed their gratification with echoers. ilir. L. M- N. Stevens, of ;Maine, was. elected mice-president-,nt.iarge, a new office. Mrs. Catherine Lente Stevenson, of iliassacfhussette, was 'declared) the sanaminous eh•oioeof the •convention for corresponding secre- tary, . Mrs. allara C. Hoffman, of Missouri, was .elected recording secretary, and Mrs. Frances .E. Beau- champ, assistant recording seeaetary. The national superintendents of departments, luoarcl of organizers and. national ,evangelists were re- elected, subject to a few ehatahes by the executive committee. At the afternoon session reports of national organizers were read. Ma.. E. Norine Law, of Michigan, report- ed 'Che greatest harvest of all the. years we have been at work." Miss Ida Clothies, of Colorado, made addresses in five states and reported pleasing results.• Mrs. Ella A, Dayton -Blair, or New York, gave 168 illustrated lectures, organized twenty-eight loyal temper- ance legions, three W. C. T. Unions and three senior grades during the year, She was applauded. The resolutions acted upon re- affirm a belief in total abstinence, and refer with satisfaction to tho added testilnonial in the reeent Inter- national Congress b as to the Hurtful effects of the moderate use of alcohol and its fearful power as the produc- ing cause of insanity and physical degeneracy: recommend daily de- votional services under White Ribbon auspices; deplore the atti- tude of the national government, and trust that this nation will at no far distant time refuse to enrich- her treasury at the expense of the phy- sical, mental and moral well-being of the people; oppose the legalized saloon ; recommend the union of all reform forces for the campaign of 1896 ; reaffirm allegiance to the Pro- hibition party and ask that the party ire called the home proteetion party; insist on Sabbath observance; rejoice in the advance made in the use of unfermented wine at the sacramental table ; affirm that neither the Women's Christian Tem- peranco Union nor any of its ' members is pecuniarily af;eeted by the physiological books used in the schools for scientific temperance in- struction ; n-struction; condemn bird shooting tournaments; give warning against the use of narcotics ; condemn lynch - lugs and pledge support to the ! workers among the colored people; declare for an educational franehise a requisite for both sexes, and depre- cate the formation of boy's brigades in schools. Igave You Learned— That.coal will spend better, bur"n IBM evenly, and there will be fewer ! clinkers, W it is sprinkled with salt ? I When washing glassware not to put it in hot water bottom first, as it i will be liable to crack from sudden expansion ? Even delicate glass can . be safely washed in very hot water if slipped in edgewise. How to secure a smooth and 1 durable darn in woolen stockings ? Make the first layer of stout, coarse thread, and the cross layers of woolen yarn. a To sweeten old lard or butter jars and meat crocks by filling them with very hot lime water, and leaving then until it is cold? To prevent paint -brushes from shedding bristles? When new, turn 1 handle down, open and spread the bristles, pour in a tablespoonful or less of good varnish, and keep the brush in the salve position until it dries, Heed the Warning. The common and ever-present warn- ing of kidney trouble, back -ache and weakness in back, are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's fills. The original and only 25 cent Kidney -Liver Pills. When all other remedies fail, they euro. Canada's Future. A NOTED BRITISH NOVELIST ON THE DESTINY OF THE DOIMINION. • Mr. Hall Caine, the distinguished English novelist, in his recent speech at Hamilton, said: You have better reasons for thinking Canada the fairest land the sun shines upon, but the beauty and grandeur of your natural scenes are not sore to the novelist than the freshness of the youneest:among the nations. There is a faseination about your youth. All the 'future is before you. God only knows what the 'next hundred years sway bring to you—what vast cities may spring up an your prairies, what )mart you may :play in the life of this vast continent. It cannot be but tisat it is a privilege to have been born in Canada. 1 trust !,,our young men fare alive to the advantage they havesover their English cousins au being born here and now. The rscens on which they are going to play their parts its tremendous. l'f 1 they have greatness in them sunny i it aaeust appear. Canada wants goad !mete of all kinds, but above alt ! wants great amen.. r have seen no pl ie in the wori'ld that has left so strong an hupnession on my tasfrnd • thea their high ;talents and st'rang character would carry everything l betbre them, 'That is not to say !that there is Lwow ;any lack of either, bald: only that your country is young ant of immense 'resource, and that her possibilities sire hardly tees hed as -yet. If I hail any life to begin Omer again, and could choose •the scene of it, I Bio mot know whether, considering the &dilanees of sueeess or the opportunities of usefulness. I should not begin lit in Canada. lEeer- halps you want good lucalbeimnen more than good novelists, but int its a va'5.advantagge tc'be the first novel- ist 'ef a new n:aliien. You base :al- rearf y many able and most pi-onnleing writers, both is prose and verse, abut your Canadian F3alding, your Cailia- diaui `Tolstoi, your Canadian Bjorn- son, liras a mighty .opportunity await- ing Wm. I envviniln his eharrces. With 'your two rases, sprung from your ilwo nations, with the competi- tion and rivalry ,of the great and striving American people on the south, and the sternest face of nature, on the north, the uoalelist of Canada begins with a' scene of sublime breadth and elevati,sn. May your great writer come seen! Among the proper foundations of your pride may thence be that of having fostered and built up a great Canadian litera- ture. And if I dare p.lesutne to say a word to the people of Canada, it will be this—look forward to the good end of some day possessing a litera- ture that wilt be yours only, and yet hold its own with the literature of the world ; prepare for it, legislate for it, do nothing to ,impede it; make it sure that when your Walter Scott comes, when your Robert Burns comes, he will be as proud of Canada as Canada must be proud of hint, Distressing Pain Cured, Deeit Sins, -I can reoolntnend Hag- yard's Yellow' Oil for pitta of any kind, It cured ole Of distressing pain that the doctor could not eur n etrd don a good one, too. ' m doctor is Mair. t Avtb LAlios, Waterford, Ont, That a porous plaster can be removed painlessly by an application of alcohol? Alcohol also aids greatly in removing traces of it ' from the skin. To stop leaks in stone jars, iron kettles, to fasten lamp tops to standards, and to fill seams in milk pans, by using a cement of litharge and glycerine, the consistency of putty ? It resists the action of almost any degree of heat, hardens in a few hours and is harmless. , Kerosene can be ' safely used for kindling fires if -broken brick is saturated with it ? Fin a mason's self sealing can with bits the size of an egg or smaller, then cover with kerosene. The piece will burn with a slow, steady flame, and when the fire has started may be removed, cooled, dropped in the can and used repeatedly. To make good buttonholes iu eieazy cloth, rub tate cloth before they are cut whit the softened edge of a piece of glue? How to protest the heels of stock ings? Cut a pie e of chamois skin or . soft leather to fit, bind tire edges with tape, held in place over the stocking with lelastic ribbon. i To extract ink front colored goods ? Dip the spots in spirits of turpentine, kt lie several ;hours., then rub well between the hands. To cheek profuse bleeding from cuts by an cepplication of powdered rosin? { That wheat at flour is altogether the :best thing to extinguish a bleze !caused by die igniting of coal oil ? It is always at hand, can be used freely, learning neither spot nor stain. I To sweeten musty tainted earthen- ! ware, or fuuit cans by leaving them a few days filled with dry earth ? , If meld his extended ,cover the out- side, in addition bury diem in earth i for a week_ That if cans contaicaie g hot fruit Iare opened atter they lame stood five minutes, then filled to the brine with 'boiling .hat ifruit, there will never be an empty :mace at the top and the fruit avil1 not mold? ITo remove heat spots from. Ivarnished :furniture ? Rab them Iwith a sof't,eloth dipped in spirits of cantpllor, then with sweet oil. To sow small seeds thinly and evenly? Mix them with an equal 'amount of fine sand, put in a bottle ; make a hole through the cork with a gimlet and insert a goose squill. The faster the bottle is moved the thinner the seed will he sown. Rough seeds should be tubbed with the, sand and ashes may be used, to mix with very light small seed's, like lettuce, Acts .Like Magic. DEAR Sri2.9,-1 den truly say that 'Burdock 13lood Betters acts like magic. It drove all the pimples and blotches from my face, cleansed my blooel and in- creased my weight by simply using one bottle. ' 3.T. E. EDWAuns, Arnprior, Ont. "Let your aims be high," said uncle Eben, "but doan' forgit dat dah am mob practical returns ruin a good job of whitewashin' dah is Cum a bad job of lanseape paintin'." When Baby was sick, We gave her Castor's. When the was tt Child, she Mad for Castoris. Menthe became Med, she clung to Castoria, 'Michela had Children.eh groove theta Cadto$a at ® si' t Y Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nolo otlser Narcotic substance. It is a harmlesis substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, Its ,uarant©o is thirty years' use by „Mi11ions of Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, stares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething, troubles, cures constipation and. flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa toric is. ties Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Cestoid: is an cnccllcnt medicine for chil- dren. Mothcro Bayo re.Dcr.tedly told me of its good efeot upon their eh hire." A. G. C. 09coon, Lowell, M:ar. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of erbich.I am acquainted. I liopo the day fa not far datantwhen motherswi;lconsider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in. stead of the variouagt:ack nostrums which aro destroy -ins their loved ones, by forciagopiuni, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby senting mem to premature graves," Do. J. F, Mixanneon, Conway, A Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to chilsrentha6 I recommend it as superior Lonny prescription known to Inc." 11. A. &rtcnnen,12. D., 111 so. Oxford St., _Brooklyn, 27. Y. "Our physicians is tho children's depart• meat have spoken highly of their e::peri• once is their outside practice v. iti: C^toria. and although wo only have among err medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wo aro free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won eta to look with favor upon it." UNITED IIOSPrrAL AND DISPENSSEY, Boston, Mass. . u.= C. SMITH, .Pres., Tho Centaur Coripazy, :'"I 1.i` trsray Street, Nem 'York City. ' SALESMEN WANTED 1 cR Pushing, trustworthy Hien to repreent us in thsale E FiT ® ; of our Choice Nureerg Stock. bpecsialtil s contreolled ■ i by us. Highest Salary or Comnussinn paid weekly. Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to any ; Steady emplo)'ment the yowl' YOlintl. Outfit Ices i 3urlrr.r. Ciro Express and rest Office address. H. G. ' exclusive territory; experience not necessary; BOOT, M.C.. 186 west Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont, pay assured workers; special inducements to be- glnners. Write at once for pertic'lars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., ;g1 DO YOU know a good watch when you see it ? Of course you l do. - I• HAVE YOU it seen our Special Movements rel in Gold, Silver and Gold C Filled Cases? New Styles and Fiatterns. rr Er0WTI , You think of purchasing yon call and obtain prices. ROCHESTER N Y. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing• ham. agrordersby mail promptly attend co GEORGE THOMSON, Box 126, Wingham. Out until [i.jilarmus! k at , our Di t. r rd 1� IGYESI0HT TESTED Free of'(f', Charge and suitable lenses given I. at right prices. ri F MUNSI-TAW, The Optician. s Wingham, Ont. Cr `moi rly7a-- 91,- , ELLIOTT BROS.. of the Wingbasr Brickyard, have lots of BRICK -anal DRAIN TILE on hand. It is raid that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but wo cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made' in the province. We can sell by tho oar load or 10,000 or - 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale,. - J. & E. ELLIOTT, Wingbam, May 1.6, 1895. GREAT rasa; Had to "Grin and Bear It" when he had a pain, You can grin and ban- ish heat once by using PICREY DAVIS' �n�Cllle oo tSofri and used everywhere. .Awhole medicine chest by itself hills every fora. of external or internal pain. Loxia -A iewheonful in hair glass ef water or milk !warm f convenient). 4 A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S S P6LLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the teat of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the beat medicines tot 111111 , Rattily neee.--� �t--��• '-��••-- ��1 .1: IM. �.J..-._1J,..iS Purity the blood, correct all dtsorderd of the LIVEIR, STOMACH, MONEYS ANb 110 ELS and inveduablo in all coetplaintd incidental to females of All ages, to tho only reliable . y remedy for bad ego, doted, ulcer*, arid old *wads. VOA 'sltbN0111S'1:1s SORE 'rn OATS, COUGHS, C1OLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLA.AULAR SWELLINGS AND SKIN DISEASES IT HAS 270 EQUAL. M+rnutactuted Only at 78, Naw 0)tforal. LA and sbld by ail Mcdloine Vendors throughout the world. �` 681, (ixtOrti a/aitef„ 7Aapdott, Purohasers f;116ula look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If teat a dref l it not 58 oxford Street, T..rendon, they are opinions.