HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-21, Page 16Hensall Mr. and Mrs.Bert Wray of Mississauga were recent "I'risitors with Mr. and Mrs. GeOrgeTarker and -family. Rev. W.D.Jarvis conducted worship in Cannel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The 'sermon was entitled "The risen Lord Still Lives". Miss Brenda Pepper at the organ led the choir in singing "The Old Rugged .Cross". Bruce Moir is 'a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London where he underwent surgery' last' week. AUCTION SALE " Of Hosaehold furniture, appliances, etc., to be held for MRS. ROSE PRINGLE at 42 Goderich street, East, Seaforth, Ontario. • SATURDAY, APRIL 23r d at 1:00 P.M. Westinghouse square model fridge; Chrome table and 4 chairs; telephone and chair; magazine rack; chesterfield and chair;° swivel rocker; occasional chair; black and white T.V.; coffee and end tables; lamps; Concerto AM FM steno and record player and two speaket's, 'records_ and stand; 8 piece walnut' din ingroom suite; dresser and mirror; 2 single iron beds and mattresses; day bed; swivel chrome Chair; electric sewing machine in cabinet; wood chair; Westinghouse automatic washer; lawn chairs; table and lawn garden ;furniture; Black •— Decker double edge hedge trimmers; some dishes; cooking utensils; cutlery; floor polisher; rug shampooer; barabeque; long aluminum extension ladder; step ladder; rotary lawn mower; plus many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RICAHRD LOBB AUCTIONEERS R. G. GETHKE CLINTON ' ' BORNHOLM . Owner or, Auctioneers not responsible for accidents , day 'Of sale 20-93-1 4010 ' AUCTION SALE MONDAY, APRIL 25 at 12:30 p.m. SHARP Sale to be held on premises lot 23, Usborne Township, 2 miles ndrth of Themes-Road Church via Highway 83, 4 miles east of Exeter or 6-Miles east of Hensall-Township line, featuring tractors, sp combine, baler, silo hammermill (Whitmore like new), and farm machinery. SPECIAL ITEM: Whitmore silo , hanunermill for cracked corn, cob corn or other forage crops (excellent cond.) TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson 165 diesel, Massey Harris model 44 gas; combine MH model 90 sp fully equipped for beans ready to work; Massey Ferguson baler #3 like new; corn planterInt. 465 - 4 roik dry and wet fertilizer tanks; MR #2015 run fertilizer grain drill; Denmark 11 1/2 ft. cultivator; Massey Ferguson 3 pth 101/2 ft. discs; Allied manure loader for MF 165 tractor (new cond.); IHC 7 ft. cut trail mower; Cockshutt 3 furrow 16 inch trip beams (Good cond.); Geo. White „.. crop sprayer 250 gal. pto trail; McKee fine cut harvester with-pick up and chopper. Hammermill and belt, Antique M.H. seed drill; 6 section drag harrows &. pole; Bissel packer and small disc; elevator Detrich 30 ft. grain elevator with unloading conveyer; land packer 10 ft.; scraper blade; MH -siderake 4 bar; JB stiff tooth cultivator; drag harrows; JD manure spreader. • TRUCKS: 1951 Dodge 2 ton - 20 ton hoist running cond.; 1956 Dodge 1/2 ton ton, both sell as is; hopper box 50 bus. for small truck (wooden); fuel tanks 250 gal.; bean puller; large heavy duty storage tank 1000 bus. capacity 3/4 inch plate fibre glass lined; M1-1 walking plow; 40 rod new woven wire fence; assortment boxes of nuts, bolts, etc.; a 'quantity of scrap' iron; feed chop box (wooden); antique round flat iron vise for setting steel tires on wooden wheels; some chains; farm , tools and many other items found on a farm. TERMS OF SALE CASH— PERSONALIZED CHEQUES AND IDENTIFICATION FARM SOLD - CHARLES GLANVILLE Owner R.R.1, Hensall Tel: 262-5418 PERCY WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Kippen Ont. 262-5515 20-93-1 AUCTION, SALE 23 Rue. Directory SOCializing in all types of auction sales; - Farm, Business, Estates - Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales, Assistance. Phone 482-3120. . or 527.1336 23-93-tf CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 154 Holstein cattle and feed to be held for GERRY HEYINK at Lot 5, Concession 13, Hullett Township, 5 miles east and 2 miles south of Blyth, Ontario FRIDAY, APRIL 29th at 11:00 a.m. CATTLE: 85 first calf heifers due from sale time to July. Bred to hereford bull; 68 open heifers, ready to breed; 1 Holstein cow, hand milked. Note: Cattle, are in good condition, showing lots of size and quality. Herd has been brucellosis tested. FEED: 20 feet of corn silage in 20 ft. silo; 20 feet of , haylage.in 16 ft. silo handy to get out. 8 Toulouse Geese; 4 Ducks. TERMS CASK DAY OF SALE, FARMS ARE SOLD • LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS RICHARD LOGG AUCTIONEERS R. G. EHICE Clinton- B,ornbolm PROPRIETOR — GERRY HEYINK 519-523-9208 Pulsifer Music Top names in organs, pianos. PA sstems, synthesizers, music. Trade up to the best. Free lessons. evening appointment, phone Seaforth 527-0053. Closed Wed.~23-Q2-tt 21 Tenders, Wanted TENDERS Tenders will be received for a used L.N. 750 with a 361 engine, 5 speed transmissions. Can be seen at CYANAMID FARM SUPPLY CENTRE „ Closing Date APRIL 26, 1977 Highest tender not necessarily accepted. 21-92-2 Town of Sectforth Paint Tenders Tenders ?ranted for supplying paint to be used at the Comniunqy Centre. Paint • specifications may be obtained at the Clerk's Office. Sealed tenders will be received by 'the undersigned until 5 p.m. Tuesday April • 26,1977 24 Cards of Thanks The family of the late Elmer Dale Sincerely appreciate all the help , and kindness which was shown to them during the lengthy illness and death of a dear husband, -father and grandfather. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and first: floor • staff of Clinton Hospital, along with the V.O.N. and Home Care. We would also like to thank Balls' Funeral Home, Rev. Lewis- and the evening unit of the U.C.W. of Ontario Street Church. —.Clara Dale and Family 24-93.1, The family of the late Flora Varley Dalrymple wish 'to express their thanks for flowers, donations to the heart and cancer funds, and kindness in the recent loss of their Mother. 24-93x1 I wish to thank Father t aragh and Father Caruanna, the Box Funeral Home, Dr. Underwood;_ Genesco of Canada, Mr. ,Robert A. Watters, my relatives, friends and neighbors-for-their-kindness to me during- my bereavement .,of. my husband, also the pallbearers, Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. It was appreciated and never' will be forgotten. Thank you. — Julia Acheson 24-93.1 I would like to express my thanks to Mends,. relatives and neigh- bors for cards, flowers, treats and visits; also the many phone calls while t was in University Hospital, The kindness of the doctors and nurses was ,much appreciated. Norman Riehi 24-93x1 HORANI We would like to say a a special thank you to everyone Who made our 25th Wedding Anniver- sary an 6ocassion rye will long remember.- — .Tim '"`and Laurette . Horan 24,93-1 Pay Cash And E on your EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED AD, 50 cents discount for cash payment received. on or before Friday Noon of week of insertion - Deadline for classified ads is 12 noon Tv'esdays EXPOSITOR ADS- WORK FOR YOU Phone 527=0240 Township of -Hibbert TENDER FOR 3/4 TON. Pick up Truck Tenders will be received by the undersigned until twelve noon, Mohday May 2nd 1977 for the supply of a Vs tan' pickup truck. I Tender fotps and specifica- tions may 'be obttiined from '1 the undersigned, The bid is subject to a tradein of a 1973 Chevrolet 1/2 Toil 'pickup truck. The lewest or any bid not necessarily accepted,., 1 CHARLES FRIEND A.M.C,T. • Clerk Township Hibbert - 21.92-2 . TENDERS Township of Tuckers-mith • Tenders will be received by the undersigned ,till 3i00 p.m. on ‘1. Friday, April 29, for the following, 1. or the sale and removal from the site of a steel frame bridge on sideroad 15-16, Conc. "' 3 HRS 'by May 31 0 1977. 2. For the sale and removal of a 1961 Adarni model 550 motor grader from the Township maintenance Sholi by- May 21, 1977. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. " Tenders to- be opened 'and considered on May 3 at 8:15 p.m, ALIAS NICHOLSON ROAD StiPgRINTENDEN't Egritondttiffe, Ontario • 21193:4 -7.A =7r "7", .7 ,r•-' =7777." re' 1. 16,—THE HURON- EXPOSITOR, APRIL 21, 1977 20 Auction Sales 22 Legal Notices 24 Cards 'of Thanks g7 Births 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sates 20 Auction Sales • A million thanks to people from Walton, Blyth, Seaforth, Hensall' and Toronto for visiting me ,'on - Saturday;, April 16 and so many thanks for your acts of Aindness. Also many thanks •to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shanahan for their beautiful gifts, 'Dank you all, T.P. Crawford. 24-93-1 BLAKE: At the Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday, April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. James Blake, R.R. 2, Blyth, a daughter, Heather Lynn, First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haggitt, Blyth. Also a grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blake, Brussels. . 27-77x1' PC `s name woman TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES 'TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURON To WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under her hand and the Seal of the Corporation; bearing date the 10th day of March, 1977, sale of lands in arrears Of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Town Hall at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 5th day of July, 1977, unless the taxes and 'costs are 'sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale of arrears of taxes was published in' the Ontario Gazette en the 2nd day of April, 1977, and that' copies of the said list may be had at my office. Dated at the • Treasurer's Ofae this 10th day of March, 1977', James Crocker, Treasurer 22-91-13 BLAKE: I would like to thank all who sent cards, flowers, gifts and visited us while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and nursing staff of Wingham Hospital. — Mrs. James Blake. 24-77x1 (Continued from 'Page 1) Clayton Laithwaite, Goderich; and Elgin McKinley, Zing& - President, Mrs. Bennett; vice- presidents, Harry Hayter,DAsh- weod; Murray Cardiff, kthel; Jim Ainsley, Goderich; Robert Emerson, Ripley; William Musser; Exeter; Gerry Holmes, Clinton; Robert Dinsmore, Sea- paid to leaders of business and industry.- In some detail he described the sacrifice of personal freedoms, family life, and any time for relaxation which is the lot of elected persons, particularly those who are prepared to assume higher office in cabinet. The speaker also denied the frequent as a class umersthaarte civil servants lazy, nonproductive and greedy. He said that he has been associated with government employees at all levels for 20 years and invariably found them hard-woiking and dedicatedHe added that civil , servants ' Cannot defend them- selves from slander, since feW are empowered to act as spokesmen to the general public., The size and scope of the civil` service body, said Mr. Carbert, is determined by the number and size of the programs demanded of gove- aliment by we, the Voters. • In Conclusion the speaker said, "We get the kind of government we deserve," • During and following the dinner Vince Niountford. of Brampton led in some lively sing-songs and provided a fast- _paced patter of jokes and humor. The Town and Country Four from the Seaforth area pleased the audience with several selections in close quartette harmony. , Fred. Heamati of McGillivray, a past president of the former Huron-Middlesex riding, acted as chairman for the gathering and introduced the dignitaries at the head table and scattered throughout the audience. Before the meeting concluded Mr. Hearnan read the 'new • constitution for the riding associa- tion. ' Mrs. Bennett expressed her Abeli; honor or-piUMF d asked for the full co-operation •of all members to make the new riding of Huron-Bruce a vital and effective organization. Bob McKinley,. MP, tendered his appreciation to the many • perSons who had been involved in the planning and preparation for the meeting and said he expected We thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for "Best Wishes" gifts and visiting with us at "Open House" on Sunday, April 17 on the occasion of our 40th Anniversary. We thank the ladies who poured tea and, those who helped in the kitchen. Most of all we thank our families for plan- ning this memorable event. It wig a most enjoyable day. May God bless you all. — May and Wesley 'Roe. 24-93x1 forth.' ,Directors: Joe Reichenback, Mildmay; Mrs. Donna Woods, Clinton; Ed. Powell, yVingham; Roy Cousins, Brussels; Elmer-4 Hayter, Varna. - Young PC director, Miss Janet Haines, Wirigham; election finance Chairman, Lorne• stiver, shwood; sec.-Treat.,' Mrs. Betty Graham, Brucefield. The executive also includes the chairpersons for each of the municipalities within the riding. • Carbert Is Speaker Bob Carbert, director of the recently-fornied Ontario 'Agri- cultural Museum, and a former resident of, Wingham, was the guest speaker for-the evening and was introduced by William Stewart, former minister of agriculture for the provinde. Mr. Stewart said he was "delighted" at the opportunity to introduce Mr. Carbert; a man with whom he had • worked closely for many • years.- He recalled Mr. Carbert's experience in' agricultural affairs from his boyhood on a Perth County farm, to his time as farm editor for CKNX in Wingham. Later he served with the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture, the Ontario Federation, the CBC and in 1968 became Mr. Stewart's executive assistant in the. Ontario Ministry of AgricUlture and Food, which post he held until his appointment as director of the 'agricultural museum4- Mr. ICtitriftVithirftWifteked to be a thoughtful analysis of the role of our elected representa- tives and the often nnreasonable 25 In Memoriam HOUSTON' — In loving memory of Miss Frances A. Houston, who passed away April 23, 1976. Gone from us •but leaving memories, • Death can never• take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. — Sadly missed by brother and wife, niece's and nephews. 25-93x1 26 Personal 0 Of on Antiques and Furniture at 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Owner or Auctioneers not respensibielor accidents of sale. ear 1,i 1.4 i200 • Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, Clinton announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Debra Anna, to Allan William,• son of Mr,, and Mrs. William Wilbee of Seaforth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 14, at 2 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. 26-93-1 •Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Timmerman are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Elaine • Margaret to Stanley Laverne Harburn, son of Mrs. Madeline Harburn and the lafe Francia -Harburn, Hensall, The marriage to • take place Saturday, June 4, 1977 Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter, at 4 26-93x1 APRIL 30th at 1:00 P.M. • Consisting of Farniture, Antiques, Hand Tools, Garden Tools, Appliances. Full Listing next week. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Phone 482-3120, 527-1336- 0 p.m. 1 Tenders Wanted demands made anon them by, the voters of the province and the nation. He said theiie must be a proper balance b`tween the responsibility of the elected , persons to their voters' demands TENDERS FOR MUNICIPAL DRAINS 20-93-1 Complete Bookkeeping Services & • Related Fields Income Tax Assistmice — Preparation - .INDIVIDUALS — SMA3;LBUSINESSE5 Township of Hullett Young Drainage works -FARMING 2.1 Tenders Wanted 1..9.7_-3 Ford Truck 21 Tenders Wanted and the amount of time and -that--legislation to re;nanne—trie energy those memberts devote to riding will be passed within a few the functioning of good weeks. government. "We elect our members to govern," said the • speaker,' Not just to lobby for us." "We pay• - our -elected nlembers 'disgraceful wages awl athe-same'time--makeoutrageous 23.91-tf demands upon them,". said • Mr. Carbert. He compared the stipends of members of the Phone 527-0240 Classified Ads pay dividends. Legislature and the Commons - with the much higher salaries - Excavation, Tile, Catch Basins, WILFRED L. ELLIOTT 12 N. Main St. Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY TENDERS FOR Property P.O.Box 729 Telephone .319327-0301 USE EXPOSITOR WANT ADS Etc. 4,350 lineal feet of- open drain (4,400 cu. yrd.) including Town- ship Road Culvert . 2,978 lineal feet of Closed Drain, 4 Catch Basins, 1 Y Connection including County Road Crossing (Boring) Separate Tenders will he accepted for Open and Closed WOrk. Lowest or any -tender not necessarily accepted. All material and • equipment, except C.M'.P., to be supplied by the Contractor. • A certified cheque for 10 percent of the Tender Price to accompany Tender. '- Tenders close at 5:00 p.m. Consisting of, R-ange B lot 4 Range C lot 4 TOWNSHIP OE STANLEY Sealed tenders will be received by undersigned until 5 p.m. . AA-604aii, May. 2 Friday , May 13 for the purchase of above mentioned properties, consisting of approximately 5.5 acres. Tenders to he clearly marked as to contents, - Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MEL GRAHAM CLERK TREASURER Township of Stanley R.R.1, Brucefield, Ont. 21-93-1 Further particulitts and Tender Forms available at the Clerk's Office. CLARE VINCENT— Clerk Box 293, Londesboro 21-93-2 Tenders will be received by the under- iigned for the . • OperatioU of the Booth at the Brodhagen Cominunity Centie for the summer season. Tenders - to be in by the 30th of April. For further information, contact: KEN SMITH Bornholm 3454977 21.93-2' The lowest ,or any tender not necessarily accepted. JIM 'CROCICER Clerk - Treasurer , Box 615 Seaforth, Ont; 21-93-i 23 Bus. Directory - • 23 Bus. Directory Jack Gerrits Coriisi. Ltd. For all your building heeds Farm and Commercial Buildings - Home Renovations ' Phone 482.7290 R.R.1, Clinton , 23,93-3 ammiellourainirimilarrif ionsWomml. '1 ''.101,sumentossommr.••••••••,ommor,!..rmoommai.,,' Complete Custom Framing Needlepoint, crewel, photo, oil paintings, etc. Regular or non-glare glass. • Ready to hang,, 48 hr. Service. HAROLD TYNDALL Clinton 4824409 ' 21-93.1