HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-21, Page 14Fettos Tours Only liMited space available on the following tours: May 10 & 12 = 3 day, Holland Michigan May 17, 21 & 24 '- 3 day OttaWa Tulip Festival • May 20 - 4 day Nashville May 27 & June 24 - 2 day WWVA Jamboree -June 11 - 2 day Frankennnith June 15 & Sept. 6 - 7 day East Coast • June'14 - 3 day Agawa Canyon June 17 = 6 day Montreal/Quebee • June 25, 27, July 24, Aug..15 - 21 day West Coast June 27; July 27, 31'; Aug. '9,- 12 day Atlantic Provinces July 10, Aug. 21 - 15 day Maritime Provinces. -July .16, 25 - 6 day Lake Country., , July 22, Aug. 12, Sept. 2 3 'day Thousand Islands July-18;--Ativ 28 '--5-day Moosonee Aug. 22, Sept. 5 - 5 day Pennsylvania Dutch ' Sept: 10 • 7' day Colonial Virginia; Williamsburg & . Washington • Sept,. 15 - 23 day Europe Our new Spring & Summer brochures are now available. Contact Mt. Forest 323-1545 pr Mitchell 348-8492. All tours are fully ea-Coiled on a, modern washroom equipped teaches with first class accommo- dation. All side trips and admissions included. Pick ups are en route! 1-93-2 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are. based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as _for 'serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices Gaunt as one word per set:' • Words pined by hyphens' count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00,. 7c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy 'changes, 5c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI .DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION , $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS - $1.54 ,per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multipies of half inch.), BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, 0.66, 7c per word. thereafter. MARRIAGES, E'ng.agements, , Death Notices, 20 words $2.00, each-additional word 7c. - IN MEMORIAMS phis 10c per lineof verse COMING EVENTS 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c. Three insertions for the pride of 2.' CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $'2:00, each additional word 3c. 50c,DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT -ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. • No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday -Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone-527-0240 4 1 14-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRII, 21, 1977 April showers bring May4lowers wan ring extra. .cas TIMINT110,INTINTOTTITInommo•II, 4 Help Wanted Experie.nced Person 1 Coming. Events 14 Property For Sale 11 Artiaelii'Fiii-Sile '-`111-Ailicles For Sale FALSE teeth, long underwear? Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash. 11.924 SIDING: Aluminum and vinyl, Free estimates, M acLean Home Improvement, Seaforth, 527-0032 or 527-1591. 11-93-4 14-Property :Foc Sale - CRQICE Lot 184 x 107 near North * Main St. , 527-1063. 14-934 TWOlots located cin Jarvis Street 75 x 132 and 66 x 132. 393-5383. 14-93-2 GENERAL mobile home, 10' x 50' contact Doug Racho, R.R.#2, Dubli n. 11-93-1 15.5 x 38 snap-on duals, narrow and wide spacers, one convertible 3 speed bicycle 20" tires. 345-2806. 11-93-3 For Sale Now . $22,000 •1 Coming Events "FLASH" Annual Ham ,Siipper, Londesboro United Church, May 18th, 1977. W atch for further notice. 1-93-1 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:30 p.m. Admission $1'.00 restricted to sixteen years or, over, 15 regular games of $15.00, $5 least on split, 3 door ,prizes, $50 consolation if Jackpot ;not won. Jackpot $200.00 in 54 calls or lass, 1-93-1 GARAGE SALE at brucefield United Church, Saturday, April 21 at 1 p.m. 1-91-3 General General shop work including welding. We also require a certified welder Apply to HURON CANADIAN Fabricators 527-0310 BEEF BARBEQUE, Northside United Church, Wednesday, May 18, 5 - 7:30 p.m AdultS $4.25 ; Chialren '12 and under $2.75, Take outs available. 1-93-3 'BASEMENT Bargain sale, good used clothing for tots to teens.. Friday, April 22, 7' - 9 p.m. Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton. 1-93-1 1 Coming Events CLINTON Chapter Order of the Eastern Star presents Spring into Song by the T.W.S. Sweet Adeli.nes. Thursday, April 28th at 8 P.M. Central Huron Secondary School. Adults $2.00, children 12 and under $1.00. 1.92-3 BEECHWOOD POTTERY'S regular show and sale Sunday afternoon t!..1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2 1/2 mi.north of St.Columban 345-2184 4-93-1 FOUR year-old .12 x 60 mobile home , 2 bedrooms, gold appliances included, 'good condition. Owner moving, asking only $10,000. Phone 237-3731. 11-92-3 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240 Seaforth. 11-91xtf CLEANED CLIMAX Timothy seed for sale. 50c a pound, Alvin Beuerman, 345-2306. 11-92-3 SOCCER cleats, like new, trade name Adida, boys size. 6, too small and wish to sell. M. 'Eckert 527-0676. 11-93-1 EUCHRE to be held in St. Thomas Church Parish Hallt-April 26 at 8 P.M. . 1-93:1 3 or 4 bedroom home, 11/2 bath 117 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON EXTRAS INCLUDED • Drapes, Venetian Blinds, Washer, Dryer, Freezer, Frig and -Stove • 482-9549 anytime .14-93-1 1-91-tf A small pony born last simmer. Phone Debbie, Hulley, 527-1856. R.R.1, Seaforth.. 11-93x1 DESSERT Euchre in Walton COmmunity Hall, Tuesday, April 26 af7 P.M. 1-93-1 Bicycle Parts & Repair FREE . NEW BRICK HOMES Only $34,000 for these well built 3 bedroom homes located in Vanastra. $1,700 down. Buy now while the mortgage rate is low. Open house each Saturday and Sunday afternoon. EGMONDVILLE This custom built bungalow only one year old features a format dining room,, 4 bedrooms, fully finished basement, large carpeted family room with fireplace and built-in bar. Located on a large treed lot in Egmondville. EGMONDVILLE Brand new 3 bedroom home, electric heat $38,000. CHALK STREET Two floor 3 bedroom h time, newly remodelled, hot water heat. DUBLIN . Year 'old 2. bedroom bungalow. Good 2,000 sq. ft, heated workshop for hobby or business. LOTS 2 adjoining building -lots each 132' x 132' located in Dublin. GEORGE R: SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES present SEAN FAGAN and the . DUBLIN CORPORATION SATURDAY MAY 14,1977 Seaforth Arena Dancing 9 - 1 No miners admitted. 1-87-9 New and used bicycles, sulky wheels and parts, Egmondville ' WILF'S BIKE SHOP 527.080 ES cv 11-90-8 Applications will be received for the position of: SUPERVISOR for the Falls Reserve Conserva-, Lion Area, Benmiller, Ontario. From May 16, 1977 to October 14, 1977 The successful applicant will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Area. Salary 'is negotiable. Full details and application forms may be obtained from the: SECRETARY-TREASURER Maitland Valley Conservation Authority ' , Box 5, Wroxeter, Ont. . NOG 2X0 Phone Goirie 335-3557 COMpetition closes April 29, 1977 4-92-3 • 768-1170 Authorized I 1976 Honda XL 250 Trail and Road excellent' condition, 1,400 miles, 527-0655 after 4 p.m. 11-93x2 JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 WEST LORNE-ONT WINE MAKING SEMINAR THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 8 P.M. Register by phoning BEECHWOOD POTTERY 345-2184 THE KINSMEN Club of Clinton, Maitland CF Canoe Race. All proceeds for Cystic Fibrosis Research. April 24. 1977. Registration 9 - 10:30. Starting place Auburn at the County Park. Starting time 11 a.m. For furliter information call Gary M erner, R.R. #3, Clinton, 482-9212. 1-92-2 NEED FILMS FOR YOUR GROUP? The annual educational meeting of the Huron Perth Lung Associa- tion will be held in the LEGION HAL1, GODERICH- on ;WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1977 Dessert-and coffee will be served' at 7:30 p.m: At 8 p.m. three excellent educational films will be shown. Rev. John Davies will entertain with "Magic" betWeen showings. The films are available as a CHRISTMAS SEAL SERVICE front your local Association. You will not want to miss the preview of the films. The Association's Annual Report will be on hand with detailed account of the activities carried on in the last fiscal year. WE HOPE TO SEE ' YOU WERE! . 1.93-1 BOX189 SEAFORTH ONTARM 519 527.0050 ROGER WHITTAKER SHOW _.,_ - . April 29th Centennial Hall, London By Motor ,Coach 8 p.m. Show $15 per person SHOPPING TRW Tor Toronto's new , EATON CENTRE MAY 4th , $10 EACH Bus leaves Seaforth at 9 a: m. and leaves Toronto at 6 p.m. Bi`ochures available on request 1-91-tf 1-934 MUST SELL 14' Rambler Travel 'Trailer, many extras A-1 condition 1500; also Mason Risch 3 year old piano , as .new $800.00 237-3569. 11-93-2 Pioneer Seed Corn HIGH YIELDING HYBRIDS girls V&A Distributors With the feel of Spring in the air consider 'one of the following: * * * * * Four-bedroom home on Goderich Street West. Downstairs; large living room, . "dining room, kitchen, 2-Piece bath, ' laundry roam, etc. Upstairs; four bedroom and large bath. Pleasant property behind. Owners wishing an early sale, as they are involved in a new business. * * * * * Four-bedroom home also on Goderich Street West. Fireplace in living room, newly-built kitchen . and dining room, sunroom across the rear of house looks out into a well-landscaped area. Half bath down with a full bath upstairs. New .oil furnace in a full basement. This is an executive-type home in a choice. location. Worth looking at. ** * * * * New home on Brantford ,Street. Inside complete and • ready to move into: Outside now being, bricked. Carpet everywhere, Modernistic. kitchen cupboards, natural fireplace in bright living room.. Two large bedrooms upstairs and .one down. Ultra modern brithroore,Largo garage, cement patio and corner lot makes it attractive. ** **** New home on", Market Street ready for occupancy at an' early date. .Three bedrooms, electri- cally heated with 'an attached garage. About two blocks,' from main business. section. Exactly what many people would appreciate having. • *•.*.*,*.* * Bingo 7 Situations Wanted A job cutting lawns in Harpurhey or 'Westend of Seaforth. Phone' 527-0276. 7-93x2 AVAILABLE to do grass cutting. Phone Rob Smith, Egmondville, 527-1262. 7:93-2 FOR spring roto-tilling and grass cutting, Contact Paul McQuaid,., 62 North Main Street, Seaforth. Collie shepherd cross, black and 7.93-2 tan, white feet, 'named Snoopy: AVAILABLE 527-1931 between 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. home week _.2-93.1 MTD riding lawn mower 5 H.P: 25" cutting width. In good shape.. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-1578. 11-93 x tf 3990 3W Cross 80 day 3977 3 W. Cross 82 day 3981 3W Cross 85 day 3968 3 W Cross 85 day 3975 single cross 85 day 3965 3 W Cross 87 day .3955 3 W Crciss 94 day 3784 single crosS. 100 day Sorghum, Sudan grass and graSs seed available. WM. S. STOREY ' ' .527-1448 1 cast iron Franklin Fireplace, Willard Bennewies, 345-2296. 11-93x1 Every Monday Night ' at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 Regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200.00 must go Door prizes drld,many other speciarg; Admission restricted to 16 years, or over. 2 'Lost, Strayed VANASTRA 2 and 3 bedroom homes $17,500 - $21,900. • HENSALL .2 or 3 bedroom bungalow, nicely landscaped yard $33,900. LOTS • ' ' Located at the South end of Town. 9'6" Kongskilde cultivator; A-1 Condition 262-5362. 11-93-1 ONE 14' Peterborough boat 31/2 outboard motor, one utility trailer,. 345-2490 after 5 o'clock. 11-93-2 5 used steel posts, 345 -2616." 11-93x1 1-91-tf I-90-5 to babysit in my days, 527-1846. 7.91-4 Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson 527-0238 John Duddy 482-3652 Moranne Duddy 482-3652 DON HOIST REAL ESTATE UMITED 'Realtors AVAILABLIE to babysit in my home in Staffa area while parents work. 345-2676. 7.92-2 LOST yellow-green budgie approx. 3 weeks' ago in• the Egmondville area. Phone 345-2163. 2-93-1 SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice - Leading ' Canadian 'manufacturer and distributer has aluminum pools left over from.1976, season; 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and 'terms. Call collect days • or evenings 1-519-433-2611. 11-91.-tf PROWLER, Golden Falcon, qtation, Boler; 'n•• Bellevue,'• and,'I Lronel , trailers., " Truck caps, campers and Sth wheels. Johnson outboards, boats. Catnp-Out Trailer Rentals and S les, Hwy.. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. 11-89-12 • GOT something to sell? 9000 people" read the EXPOSITOR -classified ads_every _ week -Mace your .low priced 'Expositor clasSified at 527-0240. 11-91xtf ' WORK SHOES 6" puncture proof soles, sizes 7, 71/2 ,11 1/2 , 12 Regular and Safety ' , arch. supporti, laces, shoe' .horns;' clickers, metatarsal Tads. Some repairs. Apply 8 A. Main Street, Thompson Apartments 527-1073 • at cost or less. AlSo vacant apartment. 11-.91x4 14-9311 8 Farm Stock For Sale 9. Chunks, all castrated; bull calves. Ted 'Van Dyke, 527-1435v r 8-..93-11 '10 Used Cars For Sale ..ADDINO machine rolls, type- writer ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth.. 11-86xtf OLD bottles for sale 527-0065. 11-93-2 deepfreeze. 15 Jarvis Street, 11.93X1 of even spaced,. 8 fence; _16 _ a few boilerfiues, Joe Hastings, 345-2279., 11-93-1 LARGE • W.J.McDowell, Phone 527-0231. ONE' 40 rod roll wires, _ woveh aluminum gate; fence braces, YOUNG LADY driver wants company '.to Western Provinces (one way) Leave end of April. Last stop Alberta. Further, details contact: Box 3266 The' Huron Expositor, Seaf 'rth. 4=91x3' LOST hand' crafted-----silver-and abalone (blue pearly) triple link bracelet, in the vicinity of Main Street. Reward. 527 -0198; 2-93x2 , '4' Help Wanted 1969 Oldsmobile 455 automatic, in good condition: $500. or best offer.. Phone 527-1894 after 6 p:rn. 10-93-2 1975 Chey'y NOva 350 - 4 gear in good APproximattly . -- 24,090 miles, $3500-or best" offer., Phone 527-1894 after 6, p.m. , 10-93=2 REAL; ESTATE LTD: 482.9371 Clinton 100 acres near Brussels, 30 acres workable, steel barn fully equipped for 50 sows and 600 fattening hogs. Nearly new one floor frame home, 6 rooms, .3 bedroonis, modern kitchen, oil GOOD quality baled hay, 345.2899, Earl Benhewies. 11-93x2 heated. . • Fully furnished mobile home. near Walton. ' CRIB and chest of drawers, bab y $ MONEY $ We are looking for 5 . full time people to work for a large Canadian firm. We pay $8.00 for full time and bonuses. Must be neat in appearance and love a car. For appointment only „call 524-9024. , 4,92-2 IMMEDIATE earning full and partime positions available 'for • neat ambitious people with-a.car. Working with a' local branch of a large national appliance company. Salary or commission positions . available. ' No experience necessary. Will train successful candidates. For appointment .,only please. call 524-9024. 4-92-2 HONDA CB 125 used"ohe season. 1300 miles, excellent condition. Will testify Bob Biyans, 887-6490. " 10.93-2 Nearly-new one-floor brick home with large . finished recreation room, half bath; and laundry rooms in basement. Soundly built to D.V.A. specifications'. Located on Anne Street' en the way to walker, baby buggy and stroller,.Scott Poultry Farms. Very. large. 527-1328. ' 11_93_1 lot, garage, TV tower, well- • . .-clairdgeaped groynds, and many SIX pieces of steel 'siding, good other extras. Can' be heated 'for__ condition, each 14' - long, less than $40. per month 345-2184. '' ., .,..-,,,.., including hot water in the coldest 1 i 'f-1 1 months. A ' perfect spot, for 5 Pc. Heavy duty Dinette Set - retirement. ' ****** An economical 1913 Pinto' runabout', 25,500 miles, a first car * * * * * One acre near 13rucefield, 1 1/2 storey 'brick home, 5 rooms, 2 bedrotims, oil heated, all newly remodelled. * * * * * * 100 acre grass farm in Colborne . Twp. 15 acres wooded. Extra large building lot in Clinton. a• for the mileage minded and a handy 2nd car for the wife. QUANTITY '482-3322. 10-93-1 straw, clean of baled and loose , no rain, 482-9260. 11-91-3 1970 -Chev. $490 _ or best offer. 482-9084. 10-93-2 1935 two door '35 Plymouth fast back, partly restored. Phone 347-2617. 10-93-1 • p„. table, double le gs, heavy chairs; Aluminum Lake front lot south of Bayfield on HONEY for sale 2 & 4 lb. pails. Apply Wilmer Kelly, 101 James St., Seaforth, 527-1023. 11-88-8 REQUIRED': , Empty bottle collector for the Town of Seaforth by ,Brewers Retail. For *titer • 'information contact Jack Lawrence, Stratford, 271-3730. 4-93-1 STRIP tickets for admission or • " 11;93"1'': Well-iodated lois in the Town of * * * * * * 2 acres near Brussels, 1 1/2 storey home, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, new oil furnace. Barn and 2 small sheds on property. * * * * * 148 acres crop land near Blyth, 135 acres workable, Barn and silo no house. single and Huron Expositor, 11-91xtf refreshments, duplicate. The Seaf orth'. AWNINGS: 'All sizes. Full rauge of colours, Free' .-e'alitiates. '68 Charger, 383 high. performance, 4 speed, posi-track, good condition. John Wammes, 482-9117. 10-93-3 -MacLean Home IMprovement 11 Articles For Sale Seaforth 527-0032 or 527-1591. 11-93-4 Farm- ONE unit white enamel cupboard with sink. Call 482-7481. 11-,93.1 INDUSTRIAL Milk quota 345-2019. 11-93-1 Seaforth. We sell lots and lots of lots. ** * * * * Two metal-clad buildings on Railway Street situated on two lots of choice commercial value. * * * ** * outdbor_chaise •leunge, 345-2759. Lake Huron: MANURE pile to give away for Listings wanted for farms, small the taking,. Jim McNairti, 527-0428._ _ . parcels with or without buildings, swampland7-7bushland, river 12 Wanted To Buy • bottom land, old buildings, houses, etc. etc. etc. CASH for good used piano. • WILLIAM M. HART S19-357-1343. 12-93-1 Equipment MECHANIC 1971. •• Hardtop ' tent 5274441 NEW Pine 527. 1063. * * * ** * 5 acres in McKillop Twp.. drilled well, hydro, no buildings. trailer 11-93X2 benches, 11-93-tf table with FRESH beef' by the half or whole dressing • approx. 450 lbs. 527-0457. 11-93-2 ALUMINUM windows and doors plain or 'coloured - all designs MacLean Home Improvement Seaforth, 527-0032 or, 527-1591. 11-93-4 exercizing bicycle, Full time, must - have 'farm equipment license or Class A with farm equipment background.- Must be willing and able to work. Advancement for the right person. 'Farm equipment apprentice with 2 - 3 years experience .may apply. KEN .4.,SLEIViON SALES & SERVICE 185 Herbert St., Mitchell,Ont; 348-8953 4.93-2 12-93-1 USED .527-1927. LADY'S condition. •, . bicycle in good Phone 527-1968. 12793.1 15 property For Rent " r 5 Acres fotrent Con. 2, McKillop. 05.00 an acre, Clinton 482-9371 15-93x1 * * * * * * 2 storey brick school house near Brucefield, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, oil heated , 11/2 baths, carpeted. One acre'rnieely treed. * * * * ** Choice large building lots in Brucfeild. FOOD FOR THOUGHT He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridges over which he himself must 4. pass 14-93.1 SUMMER coat in good condition for $5. Ironing Board. Percy Adams, Box 744, 527-0193. 11-93-1 LEADING swimming , pool wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all • aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new. swimming pools include: filter, walk-around deck,• fence and warranty. Size -15 x 27, $1355.00 cash or terms Call Pere collect days or evenings 1.519- 433-1083. 11.914 TROPICAL FISH ' BUDGIES CANARIES . ONE modern country • home available May 1st, */2 mi. east of Kinburn, Bill Millson, 527-1167. 15-93-1 WANT to bily a fridge, a Ford or a phonograph? Try an.,, EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad. 527-0240.. 12-.9.1xtf 13 Wanted BABY grand Heintzman Upright Piano. Good condition. Old fashioned English 'style pram. Child's small tricycle. Phone: 527-1696. 11-93x1 PORCH SALE' April 27, 28 , 29; 30, 12 Noon - S P.M. only . Sale of dishes, glasses, linens,, books, vases, few 'small antiques, many other odds and ends'. Home of Mrs. John McCowan, 1. mile west Of Egmondville. 11.93-2 FRIG AND STOVE in goOd working, order $85. Phone MORE-THAN Additional 'Classified $2000 Lauckner & Robbins Realty Inc • Wanted' 100 - 200 acres of good farm land with or without -buildings, within five• miles of Seaforth. Call A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street ONE-bedroom apahment for rent in Dublin, 345-2314: 15-93-tf, 3 Bedroom brick farm house with modern conveniences in Hen-sall area. No pets. 262-5988. 15.93-1' DOWNSTAIRS 2 bedroom apartment available May ' 1, :527-0477. 15-930 FARM house for rein, recently redecorated, all conveniences, 10 minute drive from Seaforth with garden, references required. 2198. 1543-2 Exeter • Phone 235-1951 14-914 on next ,page will be paid to our regular ,,part 'time school bus drivers this school" year. ' • 'Why don't you supplement your income?. Regular & part-time male or,.,. female drivers are required, 'We -will assist' in- obtaining license. UNITED TRAILS INC. Phone 527,1222 441-if COPIES C'epieiorydur important papers or documents while you wait., ,07-0350. 11.93x1 Letter size, 25c each. WESTINGHOUSE 4 burner THE HURON EXPOSITOR counter top ranges Harvest Gold 71 f 482,7439. 11.93-1 ROSS COUTTS 565.2671 ADAViii&V.ERS 5654813 ' 13.914 Seaforth 527-0870 52174-.109,37i -• •