HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-21, Page 12SL W 11;111117 f .?:',.1111 tic licana '1111 • I Lit "0 ;iEk9r MOTOCROSS '7 r t tome% G ULL Varna, Ont Dial 262-5809 April .24 May 8 July 10 Aug 7 Sept 4 Oct -2 May 22 June 12 ,June 26 LADIES INDUSTRIAL SOFTBALL LEAGUE Registration for 1977 Season Date: April 26th, 1977 Place: Town Hall ' Time: 7:00 - 8:00 •P.M:- -For ail ladies interested in playing baseball. We Seek Your Help EnvelOpes giving details of the annual Cancer Campaign have gone out to all area residents who are asked to forward their gifts by mall in the envelope provided lir R.J.Spittiii, Campaign Chairman, Seaforth, Ontario or Itiavddi Seaforth Bank 1,,1,11,,.•••101%,” Rugged-. Stylish clothes for a Rugged Jeans Buckskin Cottons Carhartt Washouts G.W.G. Scrubbies G.W.G. Corduroys Levi Corduroys Levi Denims 7.95' 7.9,5 10.95- 13.95 15.95 16.50 16.50 Bucks-1in' Fiayec-f — .Denim' Shorts Washouts 8 to 181 : 5.95 BOYS" SIZES - 8 to 18 ,New Rbgby Stripe (As Sketch) Assorted Colors 5.95 Crewe Neck style Colorful Stripes 3.50 ,POPULAR TANK TOPS COlorful Stripes 3.50 White or Colored TIGER "T" 'SHIRTS 2.49 . BOYS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Gingham Checks 5 95 BOYS STANFIELD "T"SHIRTS Denim Blue, Inn Red 2.50 BOYS STANFIELD Colored Poly-Cotton Under Briefs TIGER BRAND Colored Briefs 1.79 Boys so7L Loot() 1.50 •; SPRING WEIGHT Boys Jackets , G.W,G. Brown or Navy CORDUROY JACKETS 15.95 G,W,G., Pre-Wash DENIM JACKETS 17.95 Club Style NYLON JACKETS 8.95 Nylon SQUALL JACKETS 5.9s Other ' JACKETS tHIESSOISUltp SUITS 6 95 to 12.95 27.95 to 35.00 12 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 21, 1977 St. Columban winners named rlin Underwood and Glenda Riley. They -receive the Ste, Marto- Patterson Trophy. Keep the dates of July 16 and August 13 open for our Dance and Golf Party. See you all next year. Have a good summer! P.S. - Thanks. Bev. The St. Colorant, 'El 'vs. Goderich B game is' slated to start at 1:30 p.m. with,, the A game following immediately after. of the first' draw and the McCall Trophy were-Glen Stewart, Betsy Ste. Marie, Wayne Pryce and Maureen Hutchinson. In the second draw Jane Ribey, Wayne Pryce • and Mary Thompson .'won the Longstaff Trophy. The third draw winners were John Primeau, Mark • LOST ON APRIL 19th . 100 GOALS LATER --;L Young Scott Driscoll, right, beams as he accepts a trophy honouring him for scoring 100 -Oats for the Seaforth Novice hoCkey 4,, team this year. Coach Gordon Pryce presented the trophy at a pot luck supper for the Novice team and their parents last week, (Expositor Photo). Large quiet/pet dog, black with brown and white spots - no identification. Answers to "Snoopy". Last seen in vicinity of the southern part of McKillop. Call 527.1066 or 527.0101 a lAfgaftrannmagge Ties 1st soccer game St. CeluMban hosted ...the as Goderich is bringinglionftrelt Clinton Soccer tlith Sunday in , A and B teams' for exhibition their first exhibition game of the games. • -year. The finattesult was, a.1-1 tie. Dan ColcfuhOun scored for Clinton midway through the first half and Brad Finlayson evened the score 10 minutes later on a shot from 25 yards out. - St. Columban played niainly their "A" team' players in the first half and th;eir "B" team in the second. The ',13" players put up a surprisingly strong showing in the Second half as they held Clinton scoreless; thanks in part to' some fine saves by goalkeeper Tom Murray. It looks as though some of the "A" players will be hardpressed to hold onto their positionS. This Sunday, April 24, there will be 2 games in St. Columban (By Gwen t'atterson) -Another seasen of curling is over, The windup -party is on; , April 30 and if you were a trophy winner, try to be there to receive your prizes. A complete list of winners follows. -‘. In -: the Men's league, John Patterson Sr., John Longstaff, Ted Casford and Ron Riley won the Ikearn-Moore Trophy for the - first 'draw. In the second draw, Phil Hoggarth, John Patterson Sr., Jack Sinclair and Ned Boswell won the Seaforth Curling Club Trophy; and the Molson Trophy for the third draw was won by Steve Brown, 'Bob Ste. Marie, Ted Cosford and Ned Boswell. In the Ladies League, Marg Makins, Nancy Smith and Joyce Hilderly won the Golding Trophy, for the first draw. The second' draw and the Counter Trophy goes to Leone Rowat, Gloria Riley, Audrey Beuerman and -.Jane Vincent. The-third draw was won by Pat Deighton, Marg Makins, Jane %Cent and Irma - Pryee. The Competition League winners were Bill Campbell, Gwen Patterson, John PatterSon and Grace Campbell and they receive the Broadfoot Memorial Trophy. This year in the Mixed League, 'the "sweetheart" draw was--- played first. Winners of it and the Barber Trophy were Neil and Loretta Dolmage with Elmer Dennis and Gwen Scott. In the second draw, Don Deighton, Marjory Papple, Bill Roberton and Eric McIntosh won the Scott. Habkirk' Memorial Trophy. Winners of the third draw and the, Golding Trophy were -Bob Ste. Marie, Leone Rowat, Glen Stewart and Marg --WhitMore. The Junior Club is having its pot luck supper and party on May 7. Prizes and trophies will be .nresented at-that' time. VVInnets- Seaforth native wins hockey trophies in. Alberta Novice team honoured ' A Seaforth native got a lot of started the play on three other praise this winter when played Bison tallies as well as checking as a 'defenseman on• ' -the the V erinillion big gunners into Wainwright, Alberta Junior' B the ice,," another story about the Team, the Bisons. Seaforth hockey star says. Gary Phillips, son of Frank Phillips of Seaforth won the. Buffalo Plaque for rookie of the year and the White Cross Drug 'trophy as best defenseman. Gary, who started playing hockey as a kid in Seaforth, is 20 and went to Wainwright as a member of the armed forces. He stayed there after his release and is now, employed by Revelstoke Building Materials. "Coach Perkins would have to be pleased with the play of Gary Phillips, who played Junior 'Hockey in Ontario last season. , Defensemen of his calibre just doet, ' walk into your training every day," says a clipping from The 1'977 Motocross Season . Wainwright's newspaper.opens Sunday, April 24 at Hully • "Garry Phillips turned 'in Gully. The event, the Yokohama another near perfect game on the Spring Bash- is the first of nine Bison blueline. Not only did he C.M.A. Sanctioned races have a goal and an assist, he scheduled for the Varna krr-,45-csiG,Agit<ma il(i'.-Atilincl .,,_ You are invited to" attend Huron-Middlesex __4iberal. AsSaciation ;;;..;., , Anual' inner eetini I.H.L. DANCE- Sat.May 7th Seaforth Community Centre Music by: Country Cobras Dancing from 9 -1 a.m. - Tickets available at the door $5.00 per couple recently scored his .100th goal of the season, by Mr. Pryce, Each boy on ,the team, also received individual trophies. thanked the team members. The most valuable - player trophy was presented to-. Scott Driscoll, an. eight year old who. „ •• • Gary's father says the Wain- wright Junior B team travels 300 and 400 miles by bus to play hockey on the weekends, against teams scattered all over south and central Alberta. Gary • , is employed by Revelstoke Building •Materials in Wainwright and he really likes the West, according to his dad. He wrote home that he planned . to attend a reunion of a number of Seaforthites, organized ' by Carolanne Doig,' at Banff this Spring. Members of SeafortIt's Novice hockey team' were honoured by their parents at a pot luck supper last Wednesday night at the arena. Following the dinner coaches and managers Ron and Karen Driscoll and Gordon and Irma Pryce were presented with gifts of appreciation. Goalie Steve Stapleton presented a silver engraved tray to the Driscolls and goalie Raymond Anstett presented a lazy susan aluminum tray to the Pryees. Both couples GARY PHILLIPS liver Spurs reorganize The Seaforth Silver Spurs 4-H Horse Club held its first meeting- April 11 at Sharon Colclough's. Leader Cleo Colquhoun outlined Motocross season starts' Sunday Recreation facility. Practice begins at 10 AM. and the first mote blasts off at noon, rain or shine. what meriabers would be covering and suggested places that could be visited." Emphasis this year will be on improving showman- ship and riding abilities. Executive election results are: president - Bob Thompson; Vice president' - Wendy Tyndall; secretary - Patti Muegge;: press reporter - Sharon Colelough„--- Legion Hall, Exeter Wednesday, April .27.,.:,19,77 DR. STUART SMITH , -Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, will address the meeting. Tickets each Re-eption $5.00 Dinner 7:00 p.m. - Cancer is a tough-and expensive puzzle to solve -- but some of the pieces are coming together. Nbw, nearly. 100% of skin cancer is curable. Almost all cases of cancer of the cervix can be cured-when diagnosed early. We've proven' • cancer is not contagious Ortereditary. Still, there are missing pippeS. Pieces that only research can fit into_place% And -it's going to take more money. Please-give generously when your twice!' Society calls. .We -know cancer will be beaten. . What's it worth to you? 'CANADIAN CANCER. SOCIETY Seaforth District High School Students Are being invited to Cooperate and Sponsor a CANCER WALKATHON with proceeds going to the Seaforth area Cancer Campaign. The •public is vrged to to-operate and assist in meeting the Seaforth, McKillop and Tuckersmith quota .of - $ 4000 CXip vhd keep for fut Ore , reirence Races beg' O at 12 noon • 1, • " CAN BE BEATEN YOU 191E, MAKING THE DIFFERENCE ... CANCER " raw