HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-01, Page 7THE WLNG'HAM TIMES, NOVEMBER l 1835. dzAila A. CURFI) MAST" i .An .Admirable Thanksgiving 1 WASHINGTON .ItETTa R, KIDNEY DISEASE VANQUISHED Br SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE -- THE REMEDY WHICH RELIEVES IN SIX HOURS. Adam Soper, iiurk's Fall's, Ont.:. •"I suffered much. pain for months from kidney and bladder disease. I received skilled medieal treatment and tried all kinds of medicines to no purpose; in fact, I did not obtain Magazine, "Tile holiday Daneo tit Worros quoyaekc" is the title of Mrs. Burton Harrison's latest and best shortC"•LASSIC AND XAL (C menn"rND oF! sGoryr,— a two-part novelette—which THE NATIOAI: CEMETERY AND ITS! SURROUNDINGS. "Arline ton„" opens most delightfully in the November Ladies' home Journal It deals with Now York fashionables --first at the horse Show and sub- sequently in Virginia, the personages and environments appealing to the author's happiest efforts. The story any . relief until South American is concluded in the December Jour- Zidney Cure was used. It seemed nal and is artistically illustrated by to fit my ease exactly, giving ole stn-- W. L. Taylor. Dr. Parkhurst's mediate relief, I Have now used six paper on "The Father's Domestic - bottles and can say positively that I headship" ]acidly, and with tine ani a clued man, I believe one discrimination, defines a father's bottle of the remedy will convince duties and responsibilities in the anyone of its great worth." Sold at home. An interesting description of 'Chisholm's Corner Drug. Store. "Girl Life in Modern Jerusalem" is -- --- given by United States Consul E. S. Fort William, Ont. Wallace, and illustrated by Eric • Mr: William . Day, of Fort William,Pape, Thomas Wentworth Ili gin - g,.., soya : Two years aro my wife was son selects for "A Young Girl's very ill with Dyepepshi. No remedy that she could find gave any relier. library„ one hundred books by Finally she tried Burdock Blood Bitters, American authors, best adapted to :and after taking six bottles was entirely the instruction of girls of fifteen. .cured. That is now more than two years ago and she has had no return of the malady. I also have bad ocasion to use B. 13, B. and I oanuot speak too highly in its favor. J' always recommend] -it to spy friends and in every case with :good results. Yours Very Truly, WAr. DAY. BLOOD '13 •.'t •t j' FJ l L-cfif n L Is . N �'' .,.w cusnams ,gip„a+�,.,s�„n rte •:: , linF�::. ri” 74C, 1 `° v mock:4 at its. n o . J • Cdi1 i11: J.1t L J 1 ern the ,y v4 4JR pimnie to t to :Orot cit .rr... „•r, r.T . r ,in. ! . a•... ^her, • Co sem t A Valuable treatise and t,vo bottles of medicine sent tree to any Sufferer. Give Expross and Post 011lcc address, T. A. SLOCUM OHMIlea1. CO.. Ltd., Toronto. Ont. ONE GIVES RELIEF'. R•I•P•.A.•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Like the Touch of Magic Desperatd Itcliings of the Skin Allayed by Chase's Ointment—The Recognized Skin Specific. It is only a low months since Dr. Chase's Ointment was brought. prominently before the Public; principally by its cures of stubborn and ]long standing eases of itchi„ it Plies that had defied all other treatments. 1 o•day it is recog- nized from ocean to ocean as no infallible cure for Itching Piles. Eezematin Eruptions and all Itching of the Sk•n. Its cures Have rendered its sales gat ger than those of all other prepara- tions for such ailments combined, People use Dr. Chase's Ointment with confidence, because in every community someone has been bone- Sitted like Mr. Simpson, Berlin, Ont..Who, tender date of loch. 8,'95 Writes that for a number of Mrs he Was troubled with Itching riles ; they tlnecl'intense suffering. and although doyens • advertised remedies were used, none of therm dattygood although some of them had long and thorough trials. Moro are his own words quoted i Chaase'a from letter. "Last tLandr got s ctrug store, Berlin. I applied according to directions and wort found it Wag what I wanted. Only tniied part of nae box when I Wan Welt as ever have telt in my life. Once its a while since I Ila slight eprnpimm�af its return but one appllra. 'tion of the Ointment and all is right again." Such expressions as this from those "the too Chase's account for its popularity, 1''1110E GO C1'81'5. Meer, 1t,.w.n,ty for Catarrh Is tbo' Btmf La.i,•�• iu i se. nil:(�rteatmat. A by of u(Sg,,,te or went by iriail, T. tist:elliee, r'Farree, .int, Ornamental and decorative uses of crepe paper are detailed by Emma H. Heath, and pictured; and another particularly useful paper treats of the "Potato as a Daily Diet,” from three points of view, showing that the tubea,.is unhealthy and lacking nutrition. ,Edward W. Bok editori- ally discusses the brutal and de- moralizing side "of up-to-date foot- ball gismos, and counsels women to refrain from witnessing the exhibi- tions of roughness and:"toughness. He also directs serious attention to our national evil — extravagance. Two biographical articles present 'near and intimate views of (general Sheridan's widow and General Sam Houston's daughter, their families nnlies and home life. Needleworkers will find delight in Helen Mar Adams' "Colonial. Embroidery Designs" illustrated by the author. Also, in the November Journal is the con- clusion of Mrs. Bellamy's absorbing story', "The Luck of the Pendenn- ings" ; Mr. Bangs' final report of "The Paradise Club's" meetings ; 14Ir. Burdette's "The Relief of the Slamracl:,"; and a delightful musical number, "The Constellation Alarch," written for the magazine by Thomas Clark. Of especial timeliness are a chat on organizing and conducting a literary club, by Louise Stockton ; Ruth Ashmore's "Mistress of the Small House"; Mrs. Lyman Abbott's "Social Life of a Church"; Mrs. Mallon's "Fashionable Visiting Cos- tumes" and Miss Hooper's "Accessor- ies for Dainty Gowns." TheNovem- ber journal is especially engaging in its illustrations and bright in every line, exactly adapted to the Thanks- giving season's diversion of all mem- bers of the household. By The Curtis Publishing Company, Phila- delphia ; one dol lar per year ; ten cents per copy. Arlington holds. within her emerald i ,bosom seventeen thousand heroic warriors. Like an e'gytain Queen in mournful majesty, gazing on the eternal waters of the Nile, Arlington rears her romantic head to the sky! and bathes her feet in the murmur-1 waters of the Potomac, ' The gnarled oak, the Cedar incl' thin mantles their ashes. But, if no sighing pine echo • back the caw of kind hand is there to strew flowers the Crow and the song of the wild or loved eye to shed. the tear o bird, and through the morning sure- sorrow, there is One that reigns light and evening twilight the various BEST FOR Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate iyour Rowels and make your hemi clear as a hell. 25o,, 50o., and $1, Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. voices of Nature chant a x•equietll fl ods theong re eternal unitnown stars that with sun over the mouldering remains of the loyal dead, shine, and nightly waters the budd- This spot is dedicated to heroism. ing wild flowers with dews from Its green sward is the nlasoleum of Heaven! patriotic hearts, its dome the bending 1'loatant as Syprup, heavens, and its altr candles the Mr. Douglas Ford, Toronto, 'Ont., watching stars of God! states that .:Milburn'e C'od Liver 011 As the years glide away and com- Emulsion with Wild Cherry Bark is free ing centuries usher into life millions from objections! taste being almost as of human beings, Arlington shall be pleasant rfs syrup, while far coughs and] a Mecca for the unalterable princi- (,falls it gives coinplote satisfaction, act - pies of truth, and aroapd its undulat- ing vales and green hillocks the spirit of love and loyalty shall kneel' at the vespers of Nationality, and he may. --Landon. swing perfumed censors at the Holy —The TruEs and Toronto Weekly (Hobe shrine of prayer and patriotism. will be sent to now subscribers from now Monuments in marble, granite, 1 till the 1st of January, 1895, for 25 cents. and bronze lift their modest or pre- Captain Sweeney, U. S. A„ San Diego, tentious heads, appealing to the Cal., says: "Shiloh'. Catarrh Remedy is memory of those who wander near the first medicine 1 have ever found the lonely bed where valor sleeps ing promptly even in obstinate cases. Every great writer is a, writer of history let him treat on what subject that would do me any good." Price 50c. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug but when these emblems of love and; Store. remembrance shall have passed away Rev. James Livingston, of Kin - and crumbled into impalpable dust, : eardine, has been invitee! to take theItruth t nth for Which 1 h eh i they died shall I charge of the James Street Motile - shine out like the rising sun, and be! dist, Church, Exeter. as lasting as eternity. The - former home of rotualiCC, Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and wealth and 'slavery has become nt 1 Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 1250. last the sepulcher of the dead, and.' Children love it. Sold at Chisholm's the laughing musical voices. of tire, Corner Drug Store. proud past are but a memory in the i Like a man to double business columned mansion of General Lee. bound]. I stand in pause when I Sheridan of -the army, and Porter Ishall first begin, and both neglect.---• .n4of the navy, sleep their last sleep in 1 Shakesphere1 A special car left the Lnion station, Toronto, on Friday night, filled withmen bound fol• Johannesburg, SouthAfrica. The party included men from Toronto, Sudbury and the country, and also some from Minnea- polis. It numbered about 30 turn. Catarrh relieved in 10 to C0 minutes.—One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplier] wth each bottle of Dr• Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thisPowdel' oyer the sorfn'e of the nasi] passages. Painessand delightul to use. it relieves instatly, and permanently cures flatarrh, Tiny Fever. Cold• Hend- aohe, Sore Throat. 'i'onsilitis and 1)eaf- nese. CO conts. ;1t Chisholm's .Drug Store. ntf'�ti1.fJI PYNY - PECTORAL brings quick relief, Cures all ir., iiammation of the bronchil tube, throat or chestNo un. certaity. Relieves, soothes, heals protnptly. A Large Bottle for25 Cents. OAV1 d LA'LOENCE C.: ITU. PROPETon. MONTREAL. know it good wheel] then�,l!�^ `jjj�(14n}�on s),i FAT(iRDEMAil�':3 seen our S(ttcill : iovnunin Crold, Silver anri. (:ld Filled Cses? .;ew stylei and Pntterns. lj. rtesdobignbm1d cedars oontrntAd'pmuw u a 1 iii zizz ez co.. New Tons:. ud 1 Snonntv.6..Y. Fr „ COPYRIGHT r�. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a illiPr0e iitlj r,hoha,ohad n -a.1 EL*.tyyetus' experience is the patent bustneas. �ommtmica- >i tionsetrictlycontldentiai. &BaxidbooltoPin- itQ formation concclning 1'atc.ax,:::nd how to ob- r,i^ rain tbe,n cont free. ]too a catnlot;ao of meehan- I•tfeel and soieatit'o books sent free, Patento taken through , un;t a CO. receive 1 special noticeintheirientiucbltt+orienn,and r Mills are t'ronght widely before t. a public with - put out cyst to the inventor. This solsndid aper, ff issued weel ly, elegantly illustrated, has b Parthe I largest olrculation oft any acienti8e worst in the r i world. t;;ss' "YYear. Sam�lc' c' pies cent 'roe. J-• • Bulldrn Edition =_non.,hly, S..6O a year. Single ;copies, M5 cents. i t cry oumbcr contains Leau- ;- titin plates, in colors, and Ppllotograpbo of new `� i oneia. with plans, enabling bttrlders to sooty the contracts.. dress prom t • 1VI P aastyo,• and an honest oiiinfon, write to JI i front of Arlington 'Mansion • and thei is p r, tall tglinting staff throws its shadows 1 Heart Disease ttelieved 11). 30 stars and ctrl es floating from the over the heroes that rest below. Long regimental lines of white marble headstones fade away into forest vistas, and Sheridan seems again to ride clown the valley, through Winchester, to turn retreat into victory. Templed unlike the Roman J� Ml.nutes —All cases of organic or sym 11 It ' i - 4 r i pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag-. netv's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, Winghant. Burglars entered the postoffice at Zurich and cracked the safe, but got nothing. Entrance was effected] by opening the postoffice door with a !crowbar. Pantheon, the divinities of Arlington I A Remarkable Cure,—J. W. Jennison, are dedicated to patriotism, and its! Gilford—Spent between $200 and $.300 in worshipers are a Christian people: consulting Doctors ; tried Dixon's and From its columned parch the eye' alt other treatments but got no benefit. Une box of Chase's Catarrh u beholds to the East and North across, C re did mo ,nose good than all other remedies ie the Potomac the mansions, temples,' fait I consider myself cured, and with a steeples, domes of Washington and 25 cent box at that. Georgetown, framed in by the rolling; Doctors recommend Norway Pine hills of Maryland. To the South Syrup because it is the best cure for and West, the eye may linger on the coughs and colds. Price 25c. and 50c. at historic Long T 5in'e and Alexandria, i druggists. A WELL-RPRi ST CATHOLsC where the martyr Ellsworth lost bis' Knowledge dwells in heads replete i life for freedom. with thoughts of other men ; wisdom, or HAMILTON, REV. aoxx a. Irmr. In the dim distance a chain of in minds attentive to their own.- ciIEV, PASTOR OF ST. J'osEPH'S forts and earthworks rear their Cowper. CHURCH, HAMILTON, HEARS TESTI- erumblin,;• heads. Thirty Years of lthsamatrsnl Cured in a day.—So its. MONY TO THE UNDISPUTED WORTH rains, snows, and suns have wrinkled American Rheumatic Ours of Rheumatism OE DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL their bald brows, yet Dame Nature and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. with her universal k' dness has Its action on the system is remarkable and POWDER. In the person of the Rev. John T. .:I3inchey of St. Joseph'.. Church (R. C.), Hamilton, is found. one who does the highest credit, to the self- saerifieing work in which he is en- rebellion, and where once the reveille County, dropped dead of neuralgia gaged. His kindly heart constantly and long roll of battle resounded, of the heart on Saturday evening prompts to deeds of love and good- the horn of the husbandman calls his whilst sitting at tea. His remains ness, and in the city* of Hamilton all 'toilers of peace from fields of waving were taken to Varna, Huron county, who know him are ready to bear grain and golden fruit to the rustic and interred in the Bayfield Ceme- testimony to his high character and board of joy and love. ; tery on Wednesday, October 23rd. active generosity. As result ail The brave hearts that slumber --`-"`-- neglect, thinking more of others i forever at Arlington, as well as those Distressing rain Cared. than Ile did of himself, he has been a who rest at Cllickamau a, It'reder- Dr.R Stns,—I can reeommep.d I3ag- sufferer from cold in the head and its , 1 r old s yellow lhl for train of any hind. !their isl u g, and Gettysburg dedicated It cured me of distrestilut,* pain that the almost certain associate, catarrh. i their Jive's to liberty, and immortal- doctor could net ditch, and my doctor is Recently a he ogle use of Dr, ' ized their devotion by death. Who a good one, too. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and haswill care for their loved mounds floc. DAVIT) L,tnou, found in it so great relief that he I when wo are one? `tVlto strew will s t Waterford, Ont. mysterious. It removes at once the cause covered the rude scars of war with of the disease immediately disappears. The the daisy, the morning glory and first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Virginia creeper. Warrantced at Chishom'sdrug store. The plowshare of industry has Rev. J. A. McConnell, Presbyterian levelled down the red ridges of minister at Watson's Corners, Lenark deems it a pleasure to tell others ofi roses and plant bright flowers in the' the good it has done hint. ! Aiaytftne of lrratttro ? Other rttrfotie EReter Advocate : The goosobono Ono short puff of the breath' :bands ,, 1 is nea•rIy, all white this year, and M i r , r ds of brave men and fitiNwomen through the blower supplied witltwill take up the roll of duty and the result will be that snow will lie c rtclt bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal ! even when all but liberty has iVe'rish= on the ground from early in Decent - powder,. diffuses this powder or+er' ed from the earth the robin and the ber until Into in April. A long, cold t 1c surface of the nasal passages. ; blue bird the ',tv and the Inocl:hte• reinter, filled with blustering storms, Painless and delightful to use, it re' bird, wilt rvarbfe :at sunrise a, is ahead. Thcrc are other signs that Heves in ten minutes and permanent.' ovei the teen sod that wraps thrlt eonfirtri tills. Corn husks are un - over greet] Fever, ly cures Catar'r'h, flay ltever, Colds, 'sacred clay, Nature herself will usually thick and chipmunks are headache, Sore T1lroat,Tonsilitis and deck the ;raves of our comrades, already fat enough to lull, Deafness. 00 cents. Sample bottle and the winds of heaven will chant and ]flower sent on ecce' t f tett 3 1* oT Olt6Y $'iffy SteartY cent stamps S i Detchon X14 the loved spot where I 1 b Ata oto Jtsu %V8tt.TRtan ]hiss's'-•.Mtp. Wise- rp o O a requiem -of their memory, -and lass S. G. J o sero tcroc's s um a►' 7 + • knt'e Scothins Syrup has been used for over ttfty (�IIL1rCh St,, Toronto. Sold at Olds- Thoubdulds of loved Soldier rest in' years by millions of mothers fortheirelrilnen' while holm's Ci`0l`nor DrugStore, tnrthingc, n'ith pertectsuceeks. It seethes the ohtid, 'unknown graves, far away from f ile aottens the gums, alltnce ell poly, cures hind colic,. 10V - 1 011e9 at home. They sleep ill a anti is the beat rtntettytor biarrheba. Is pleasant to tie taste. Seldby Drugests in evert, part et the The virtue HOS itt the struggle, not land of strangers. where the tears Of te°t1 ' Tweutyfive cents a bottle. Its ~able is ill the prize.—Milaes, love eannot moisten tit reen.sllrouu htething te. r, sate and ark for Um. r7Inslorro's 1 �' Seething Syrup, and take no *Stir triad, think of pi.u•ch,ising until ,"i you cull and obtain unr prices. fr/ EYESIGHT TESTED i?'ree of 1.' Charge it I fr l' ! 'rosiness nor uct cats and cl.erlr. rkh iillE1 1'1 nes. oil My and suitaplo lenses given-- 'r t cflietistr,thcimme,li•tvkinityofthepatentOf5ee, • , anal n,yf:,cg,ities torsecuriar, paten,,1oaunaurpassed at right priest?. Send model, sketch et photograph of invention, with. � �'T ,le' cription and statement as tol::antage,+ claimed ,V1 �dT i ZKE-Acer rlrnrnJa aJJ rJnn•le j;:J'tJrulliJtioJJ, ns to Y ! -• ., 1 prrrOJJ.trtr ii(ty, and env fee for presecutln„ the lira ie alp n arm 9tcri f+.; oaZZcrl,w•. a"JtiL the f'lld' (�j.:a':ri,. paiend-sallox'ed. "Ior..•to.,s'Guinn;'con, taming fu informatic:e sent free. 1l1 comusunl. nl, Ont. cations Ionsideredl as Str.it1,; Cenfdential. -� �'--1 7 ,� ur"n lkiMiraLE Ft)), '�� NOUGH ceri y;,•n. `n titrARtI: `YF 'r'�w,*�T¢3-,g111,. cf. ° O LS S3 'roti' i,l Wingha t (i��y1�t Till 6y lEI S,. LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD . MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASE() MEN A of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body iudne- A goc sir11 E 11 LO IJ 1 eel by lust and exposure aro constantly wreckinJ rho lives and fat: rc' A =happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at an early age ""'at the blossom of manhoo, while others are forced to drag out a weary, frttitlessi and melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims are found in all stations of life;—Tho f+tt'lu, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,] tho trades and the profes4iotte,. Qw is RESTORED 70 MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. © Wu. A. WALKER. Wu. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS, FI1IWY, CIiA4, FERRY, ey if SLEFdliM TALATIFIENT AFTE$ TREATRENT • t "NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN Divorced bat milted again 'CONSENT. -ea 14, Wm. A. Walker of ieth Streetysays:--"I have sttgeredl untold agonies for my ,gay life. I was indiscreet"when young and ignorant. As ' One of the Boys" t contracted syphilis and othor Private diseases. I had ulcera in the mouth and throat, bong pains, hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came ori, emissions, became thin and. . despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercnry,*" Potash, eto. They helped me but could not euro me. Finally afriendinducetimetotryDrs.Kennedy&iierg an. 11 , Their New Method Treatment cured mo in a four "weeks. Their treatment is wonderful ,Yon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cure' in a singleli.° `case." E -CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED 9 Capt. ('has. Perry Bays:—"I owe my lifo to Drs. it. & At 1•t 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 llrad all tho symptoms M POTEN C;Y e+f Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhoea, Einissione 1,i� ,ty waro draining and weakening my vitality. 1 married at vARCCO E E 2.4 under a&vice of my family doctor, but it was a�•►( ;brtiendexperience. Iiseightotnmonths we worn divorced. I EMISSIONS I■. ...then consulted Drs. K. & K. who restored me to manhood .O"by their New Jtrethod l'realnu,d, Ifoltarm life thrill through CURED Katy nerves. We were united again and aro happy. This Wits t� sig years ago. Drs. E.& K. are scientific specialists and i heartily recommend them." fsfar we treat and rust Varieoeelc. Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, eakness, % l.•et, Stv'irture, Sy liil.•'s, Unnatural Discharges Self Abuse � Discharges, f • Kidney anel Blattelet Diseases. 11 YEA: S IN D1 TROIT. ,200,000 CUt3i `D. NO 'RISK 1REAOER 1llreyounvietint;?illoirttit,sthorie?Areyou contemplating mlars • riugtnt ]lasSour Bloodix.ead19c9sou?IiuvOyOnr hath hasdnnheW ltiethotl'rrdvttm nt willillOttrvro , W o fnr Oihrrr it will tlo for marls ict.CONSULTATlON FREE, No matte- Who bas treater] you, write for art bonestopinion ]fret d'a "of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.--"ThO Golden. Monitor" (illustrated). ou Diseases of Mon. lneloeo postage, 2 cont.. Sealed. c= "'NO NAMES USED WITna WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRi.. V'ATE. No medicine sent C. . D. Nortaioon boXE+s or Niece],. open. _ggv rything oonrlderttlal. (Ideation list and coat of Treat- . ment,PEEE. N � R 1 KENNEDY KLRGUU9 DETROIT, MICHo. I48 SHELBY S Ll: SYPHILIS EMISSMNS STRICTURE CURED :: r