HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-21, Page 11THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 21, 1977 —11 (ContribUted) Thursday, April 14 at the Town Hall, Tom Lovett of Goderieh, Divisional Superintendent; Doug Sinclair of Mitchell, Core Super- intendent and John• Schneider of Mitchell, Core ' Staff Officer, presented 'certificates to Seaforth St. John's Ambulance members. Those present to receive certi-., ficates were: Marie Palen, Gwen O'Rourke, Betty Glanville, "Mary Coyne, and Ken Holmes. ,Thcise pot present were Ellen Gould, Joyce McClure, Gary Bannon and Heather Brodhagen. The group will be helping at Hully ; Gully • bike races and • Clinton raceway with upcoin ing events. A social ' evening is planned With Goderich Branch to Egmondville 4-H girls lay out patterns The second meeting of the egmondville I - 4H club washeld at the home of Mrs. Jim Rose on Apri 4. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. They answered the roll call. Mrs. Sandra McLachlan helped us lay out patterns. The meeting concluded with lunch. LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER, THAN NEW! For a free estimate anda look at our newest samples of mated* — CALL COOK UPHOLSTERY "Put Your Upholstering Needs in Our Hands" Ph. 523.4272 R.' Cook, Prop. Blyth, Ont. WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Plan to attend CENTENNIAL CRUSADE Apr. 24,25 & 26 Blyth Memorial Hall •••••••••,.. • • • Adverttsm 1 ' CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD'' lets you know what's what. SALES NEW & USED --- CHOOSE FROM 15 MODELS SPECIAL: DT 1 OOD ENDURO $691 DT2 50D $1211 RD200D STREET $1061 All 77 Models Cash Sales go$40X.Serle :1W"IkEiirtiV ;:w %WOW. • I worried about child abuse Nine St. John's Ambulance members receive certificates 4 abuse cases. and the problems' of reporting. The CINA team was created in February 1976 and ahat time there were six reportedcases of child abuse on the CAS files. A year and one month later the CAS file has swelled to more than three times the number of cases, not because of a surge of child abuse —Fui —because of a more efficient system of reporting cases. z. CAS administrator John Penn pointed out that the reporting system- created by CINA, the' awareness of the types and causes of child abuse and neglect and the proven success of CAS workers in most abuse cases had prompted professionals -to point out high risk cases. He said the tripling of the case load was not an indication of a rise in abuse of children but was indicative of the need for a more concentrated effort to meet the needs of neglected youngsters. indicated a desire to be more involved with child abuse. Public health nurses would be taking an equal role with cAS in the near- future according to Jeffery w ho said the nurses had even organized their own committee to become acquainted with Seaforth brigade members. Betty Glanville will be attending book inspettion May at St. John's Hduse, Stratfor42. On May 6 at 8 `p.m. at the Stratford Secondary School in Stratford there will be an 'inspection night of all 'area Brigade and St. John Branches. The Seaforth - group will be attending this with their family and friends with a social evening after special events and demonstrations. Watch the 'Huron Expositor for further Auxi mar information 'if you wish to attend, and—support, your St. John Brigade. The members hope to soon be getting new uniforms for some 9f the coming events that will also be listed 'in the Expositor. The next meeting is April 28th at the Town Hall, Seaforth: Please remember if you wish to be a member call the brigade Sgt. Ken Holmes or Gary Bannon, Betty Glanville or Clive Buist at the Recreation Office. , The brigade needs .Seaforth's •, support'. child to camp (From the 00040 Signal Star) The Hilton County Children's Aid Society is concerned about unreported cases of child abuse ltin Huron and set up a -special ' committee last year to improve detection and reporting of abuse. The etimmittee met recently to update t its activities and report progress in -various areas of concern to the CAS. The steering committee, aptly named 'Children In Need—of • Attention (CINA) is made up of a combination of professionals who may become involved in child abuse cases and children's aid workers.. The professions included in CINA are law, education, medicine., , police, public health, psychiatry, social services and hospital. The long range goals ,established for the, committee are listed as the early identification of high-risk situa- tions where child abuse may occur, mandatory reporting of Norma Jeffery, a CAS worker combining her talents with the public health nurses, reported her progress with public health and said that health nurses had set.up .program. themselves. She brea k of orfidentiality. added that the nurses would also,. Dr. Walker said he felt hospital be working in schools with a emergency units should have different approach as a result of prepared forms doctors, can. use CINA activity pointing out that in when child abuse is suspected adding that the forms should go, to a central ,location where they are filed. He said once the abuse is reported the CAS would, be the final, destination for the reports. Such a file would also prevent people from merely going to anotherhospital to • protect themselves from detection. Walker produced a sample form he said he had received from Victoria Hospital in 'London. He said he did not know the author of'the form but assumed it came originally from Toronto Sick Chadren'sil 'ospital. ,The doctor said the form would be used only when the doctor , suspecting child abuse, felt the situation should be investigated.. He said it would not become something a doctor filled out as standard procedUre when a child is taken by its parents to a hospital emergency' unit. John Penn said the CAS had a file of past cases and investiga- tions that went back five years. He said 'the files contained the original reporting and subsequent information discovered during investigations and that the informatiOn was available „ to professionals. The files cannot be perused by the public but doctors, lawyers, health nurses, police or any other professional working-with a child abuse case can look at .a particular file for information. He said he hoped the filing centre would be sent to the Retarded Children at or agency would represent a operational by' the ,end of April. Goderich for one child, to _go to — - - camp this summer. - • • An Easter plant was sent to Comrade.Grace Miller; Keinlless uronvi6w were saddened by the passing of Comrade Flo Dalrymple. • April 20th is the next t mixed euchre Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, 'everybody welcome. The comrades were reminded to bring • bingo. and door prizes for the bowling tournament May 25th. Chaplain, Rev. McWhinme. Zone r 'Commander Comrade . Jonathon Fisher was welcomed to the Home at Monday .,_...... Peg Coombs was at the meeting of afternoons program. Old Tyme music was provided by Marie for her official visit and gave the Flynn, Norman Speir, Cecil Skinner and Jerry Collins. Lori financial report for the Zone, and Bell, Debbie and Dawn _Flynn entertained with step dance . a talk on the do's and don'ts of numbers and there were piano solos by Jane Bell and vocal the Legion. solos by Morgan Dalton... Comrade President Barbara The "Family Night" program consisted of Easter slides • most cases education profes- sionals feel more at east with health nurses in the' school than with CAS workers. Jim Banks said he had brought up the topic of child, abuse at ameeting of all county hospital administrators and it was discovered that while all hospitals were aware of potential abuse cases • no common denominator was available for reporting the cases. e said the administrators had difficulty determining What child abuse actually was and . couldn't agree with phraseology. He suggested that CAS outline methods of ,spotting child abuse and set up a: system of reporting , it. He said the hospitals now have 23 'Legion Auxiliary member's no one to report cases to and no attended the April meeting. A method of reporting them. new membeFWas voted in to the DrDave Walker said he had Auxiliary, Fay Elizabeth Oliver, done some investigating on his and one transfer came through • own and while he had not from Goderich. imparted any information to his It was learned that Comrade fellow doctors he had made some Ida 'Earle was in Stratford interesting discoveries. he said he Hospital and members wished had concentrated his efforts on her a speedy recovery. the legal bounds . doctors must It was decided to buy two more work within as well as ..their serving carts and to decorate the responsibility to the patient.' kitchen. New drapes are to be Dr. Walker said doctors must bought also a new counter top. have probable cause to report any This should be finished before the suspected child abuse and they Auxiliary's ,25th Birthday May are morally l5ound to. He said 14th. , doctors are not legally :bound to A small cheque was sent to Alf • report abuse but 'did point_out Dale in appreciation for the that the only' agencies a doctor beautiful job he did with the can report to are CAS and the birthday invitations, and $80 was crown attorney. Any other person Y AMAHA SALES & SERVICE resident come Cecil Skinner sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Henderson at the Easter Sunday Chapel service conducted by the-- • RECEIVE$25 —Glerrn McNichol (left) and Helen .Garrick each receive $25 cheques from, Stewart —Coupland-representing their prizes in the fiiit of the preliminary draws in conpection with -the. .Seaforth Lions 7th Car Club draw: The third $25 award in the draw was shared by Wm. Soule, Hillsdale and. Norman Richardson, Strand, Ontario, according to Mr. Coupland who heads the committee in charge of the car club. Other-wicarrrg_of Lo subsequent ScottAlosed—the—meeting—and andEaster hymns drawihave been James E. BroWn, Egmandville, Herb related tb the-pictures with a so o by Cecil lunch was served. 'Next meeting Skinner. Slide pictures of places of interest in Florida as well Traviss, Walton and Wayne Scott, Seaforth. -- is May 4th at 8o'clock. as pictures of residents birthday parties, were shown. 'SUPERIOR EMORIALS • ._. , ISTAIILISHID 0_11111_50 YEARS _ • LEROY EDWARDS, Left JOHN ELDER, Right Elder Enterprises is pleased to announce thp appointment of Leroy Edwards 'to Service Manager. Lee• has eight years experience as a Class "A" mechanic and just returned ifram:an extensive 'two week - Yamaha Service School. Com 'on in and talk to Lee about YOUR ser- vice problems. He is ready to serve you. . E FOR ROOFIN Beat the Summer'Heat and Price IncreasOlt Ball-Macaulay • FOR SPRING INSTALLATION YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW . Clinton • Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER . 153 High Street Clinton 4112-9441 210 # Sealdown Type ALL COLOURS IN STOCK PARTS • • 9 SQUARE CASH PRICE FREE DELIVERY Any one of our snowmobile customers will be happy to tell you . about 'OM' well-stocked Parts Department. We stock the parts you need. St SERVICE: Let us solve your 'problems. Our shop has the most modern equipment. Galvanized Eavestarter 15' Lin. root. /*GREGOR dap Quality BEEF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED - ROOF COATING s11.50 5 GAL.• SPECIAL: Price Good , Till April 23 Yamaha's own Yam'alube injector oil. Recommended for use in all two • cycle engines.-Warranty approved. $4.95 per gallon in your cpntainer. Limit: 2 gallons per customer Whole. Beef .90, Half Beef .91 Day For Your Convenience rn, INV• •U: Are; ..... e :Ai, 4. 46.44112' LAje itgli 50111,11151 rap ;41,..Yegalr,154, Ac: . • HENSA1.1. HWY. 84 Price subject to change INCLUDES: CUTTiNG WRAPPING and QUICK FREEZING 1 • One Mile West and '4.AI:5'h-0011e South of Henson 6111PRISES i Hensall ' CLINTON 482-3405 HENSALL 262-2418 SEAFORTH 527-0910 PHONE 262-6'142 HOME: 262.5596 foams — 4 ,e'4,214110: Free DeliCithy Within 10 Mile .- GRANT IlleGRF.GOR Ph. 2624839 Amtxm0E. 0k0,00 • , . . . . . '. . . • . .