HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-01, Page 6THE W 1.. C,RA. LTIMES, NOVEMBER 1, 1.$95, e . TE •rti r1C I •�,.I, SITZTATxOI�. tension—for if his appointment had CLINTON. E {7ai'. (•t'ar roto World, Cupsorvativm, Ott. 2.:,x been made there wO{tldl have been ' The planing mills of S. S. Cooper,trtiGter were totally t a The • 1[e too. Tl 'M despatches inform tis r. d destroyed by fire on the 23rd of • n ` Montreal has I•csiyneci Government in the interest to bre�lc destroyed fl • spread with snGh S. Mite t • ve been compelled Lobel. The fire p F i 1 e and con � crying gadder C [ ?there 1 nt re- t t rs b ftnt e._ �[ I ([ g FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1, rs9 .ll ptltw h.i p ()G .� hiswith at ran and tried rapidity' g sept as member for Cardwell 1n. e' ried friend. Tliey -that nothing was saved. �--- -`'" the House of Commons.. The reason; have had so lnatxy things to • Gontciul The buildi.ltg WAS a large frame ono, i •. , _ equivalent to the weight of 1 hullers therefor is said to be the dz tontine - EDITORIAL NOTES. t i ,'Che Government not to ;tl,-,tr:tll--with thing} within and things t and quite a quantity of es o uP of potatoes. The variety is that tion c t \ LELA•n City Council has resolved whit Mr. White collector of the port • times display The The Scientific: American reproduced a, photograph showing the monstrous size of a potato grown. by Air, J. B. Thu; Swan, of Loveland, Col. This huge tuber specimen is 28 inches, long, 1.1 in diameter and is said to weigh til', pounds, 10 ounces, which is without --that they Max have at stuff ready to go out was destroyed. kllowli its the Maggie Murphy. displayed a lack of decision. r t workmen lost their tools. The Firmness is the Brea r, � building an plant � Rota Lfi:e Magic. ' Government, e• , insured for .?,000, The DEAR '�ILb I can truly p ails •ince ( r to •x I t d B' t hisof to engage :t competent ,engineer to of Alontcc ai filrthtvktb, l t thing in a ( d d l int were valued at Thea appointment of Ale. Cumuli, al ` eine I�r Otlp and • 1 1 estimate the cost p 1 alltleal l i y , A allies should b prepare . a a• t 1 say that r 1I'1 Of tllEt over Ulnen , •, a drainlzx"4'. The li(>>r, member -11-: A ee to saA: on his accession : ant origin of the fire is a mystery. Mr. Burdnal: Blood Bitters nets like magic d a fiedt.nt of t in future be rho jimmi s:o roust have dee some ire'• not here to pay the party debts of ! Cooper intends rebuilding a Sub- It drove all the pimples and blotches. drained town will�llee un 1[r, White's decision. We 1 h brier: structure to be ready from my face, clea3nsed my blood and in- creased the most sought after ileigreat , i do Ilxy predecessors, and I clo not dace Jt stantlal as. a ace dil wii i t. it httd a • deal to t Pr t f'or occupation by Christmas. boLGsed my weight by simply using one as• li place fur re ideuee• imagine is had, as'• your leadership if you, who are su 1 _ with it, and we 11x1Posed to bestow it, expect in return! 3, E BrwA .ns, ;irnprior, Ont. ITxs stated that the Dominion our liontiQal correspondent points P For z; 3iztoon Months Unablex to• le. • - a with- • n • .at deter to do with the Con- . offices for yourselves- I am here in Goverziliient h:ls decided to out, a r,ie, ._ the highest interest party is •� It Doan 1n Bed—.�. 'Toronto Junction Citizen's —A draw the offer made to Air. Ilucl(lart servative defeat in Montreal yestcl once est of the al y 1 . sill intelligent cities can scarce ul Experi- r' whole,and not of the individual uno ion meant Disease. of n75,000 fora fast Atlantic service. day. `member. n perfected For nn�tr nearly three years it rias ' rule Conservative party must pull « L. J. Law, `Toronto junction, Ont.: An arrangement has tee p been generally accepted by Can I consider it my duty to give to the between the Government and ellee •vatkves that Mr. White was to got itself together, cheek the officR.seclt- linion lines undue s 1lir ors• and find just where it is. Why public illy experience with Dr. Allan and Doli this position• and bad it not been t A netv's Cure for the Heart. 111Dr. each a subsidyeewill ee granted c question and the not appoint Mr. White (as the justifi- been sorely troubledrth with..have c�olnuli si each 7-kn t h a put agitation Manitoba school 1 1 McCarthy, able exception to the rule we've eart eacha�:itatictn of Mr. D';11tox lay down), and open Card - and into commission two 1"r -knot boots. anal the filet that Cardwell contained tried t9flf1 rest )Huron forthwith TIIF. Kincardine Review says that many Conservatives who were they have to tale a licking let deal has been. made tt•herehy the Orangemen, and who looked with If they them telae It—that deed not m a a aearl nut ut of all the Canadian salt wells disfavor on the Governor nc'sa policyx ruination. It may be a beneficial P , y in regard to that issue, h pP oint- `viii be purchased b a syndicate, inept would in ali probability hate discipline. It will be a check Patrons of Inrlaetry who sinned certainly on the office -seekers in the contracts with the Ontario People's been made lung ago. No one ex- House. And that be something. Salt A[<inufaeturing Co., of liineal_ pected a fifth session, and every one But in the that will let the Con - dine, are protected in this deal. The of Mr. White's friends thought his servativent leaders and members pull Review further states that 'the new appointment would come before the themselves toeether. They'll be h afifth But rate is $1 a barrel, and that it went beglnlunt; of the yearbreaking step if they don't look out. iuto effect on the 24th of October. session was held, and a sixth is At this distance and in the light of called. for, and until it - is over the the events of yesterday it appetirs to 1, �t>J11nDr of the Manitoba Gov- Government evidently do not care to ns that it would i c1 r been better b interviewed re risk a vacancy in Cardwell. Dir. 1' f the Government to have Oi . tia --I8 reinISIIEP EVERY FRIDAY MORNING TIMES OFFICE, JO$ PHiNt: STREET WIi'TCi L M, ONTARIO. Subscription price, et per year,in advance ADVEItTIs1NO RTES: space; 1yr. 1 b0..0 t sit.o t Imoc Uno Ooluinn 550 00 $40 00 ( $:10 00 800• Half " 40 00 90 00 12 00 0.00 <(uartor " 20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 nc(n<;lt G00 :i 00 'L. 00 100, 1 ,i,nt and other Oasua advertisements, Se. per line for first insertion, and: 30. per line foruaeh subsequent. insertion. Measured by nonpareil Scala. Local notices 10o. per lire for Brat insertion, and' 50, per lino for ouch subsequent IHCOrticn, Advortisemonte of Loat, Pound, Strayed, Situations. and Business Mauves Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines ever be as a Blasi, VICIOUS, and never, ( nonpareil, $1 for first .month, and 50o. for each subsequent month, as S, class indolent.—Everett. , 1101600 and Farms for Salo, not,oxcceding S lines 8I 'or dist month, hoc, per etlbsoquent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Spacial rates for larger advertisements, or for tenger periods. when Baby was nick, we gave her e'aatorui• ` A,lvettlseulu0ts and local notice8 without specific ashen She wad a Child, she cried for Castorla, 1 directions, N•0I1 he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trai,ettury advertisements must be disease and unable to lie clown in Whoiisliobecanle,lrlss, she clung to Castorin, pular in advance bed for eighteen months owing to Whe,ralto had Children, shea vethe,mCltstoriu. ' Changes for contract advertisements must be in awake by Wednesday n00n, us order to appear smothering that wank R, ELLIOTT PROTRIrfOR AND rUBLIaBsa spells and palpitation. Each night I would have to be propped up by pillows in order to keep from smothering. After treat- ing with several medical men with- out benefit, I procured a bottle of the Heart Cure. After taking the first dose 1 retired and slept soundly until morning. I used one bottle and. have not taken any of the remedy for seven weeks, but the heart trouble has not reappeared. I consider it the greatest remedy in ernxnent has been in er 1 . a 'er a existence for heart disease." Sold at po 1cy ed le zot Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. garding Mr. Onimet's statement in White has determined to create one. a )ointecl :lir. White to the Collector Dominion Gov- Weare told that at least another Pi p Ai'ICK. • ship of Montreal and open Cardwell, 1 HO "It pains rue to smack volt, r `I{ blACDONAILD, Johnny," said his mother with deep Li feeling, and I shall have to hand you over to your father. His hands are barrier." • VVLNGHM SVV MILLS Tbo undersigned in returning thanks for past favc'rs,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of Montreal that the member is similarly inindecl. eminent did not expect any further lti e r not miow of a Government even at the ristl of defeat, and P The Ho�victc Council met on Oct. .answer from Manitoba on the school d xl more trying time have ,told hirci lir. Chlrail's a � s W o, SHINGLES LATH that ever had th Quebec lath in the Albion Hotel, Fordwich, matter. The Minister stated that it that. the Administration at Ottawa 1� WOO 1i was Manitoba's intention to reply at than the dmf of Sir John Dlae- ointment as Judge in the ,,u ' • of Pursuant to adjournment. Members 1 rt length to theDominion Government's since 1 F Cool t until atter the completion f g E•- Si • ' ., i approaching. 1 11 present, but Mr. Graham The9 d It would be dealt with ons , f the C f f t to .t 1 a session. 11 ' `' on hand, which will be surd at very close d. In fact there have been. pp reeve in the chair. Minutes of last, rejoinder. a meeting read and approved The prices to meet the requ:ren,ents of the clause by clause, and there was no four Administrations o e on- ANARCHIST ATROCITIES' are o• pp hard times. intention of ignoring the last com- servative plirty since winning the inn 1110!0 numerous every day, and report of the engineer as to the $1 " general election in 1391—Sir John the indignation r f every honest portion of the work to be done bt y1SulrjSS �33131iL'S, .p .'� per munication• from Ottawa. Macdonalcl's, Sir John.. Abbott s, Sir person is roused. 1 hese t't icked and i the municipality in the Day drain A COUNTY CHILDREN'S Aid ,john Thonlpson's and the present foolish men fancy they eau remove being rc:id, it was moved byii e• - Society was formed in Goderich, last one of Sir Mackenzie Rowell. No troubles and abuses of our social week, and it is expected that P 3, lirs1 1I es will be formed in other fortune as the foss of three leaders a mad idea ! One might as well ex - and Premiers in three years or less. pect to cure our bodily ills in the parts, of the county. The following And on top of this was a burning same way. But if we are troubled extracts from the laws 'will be 01 race and creed question—tire school by any bodily complaint, what do neCial interest. in thiel Connection : i legislation of Manitoba, to wit— we do? Why -we choose mild and f � 'Mr: 4. Any person sending e1.'.ildrPn tiyllich mode ea41i suceTsslnrl ill til; *•le methods to put ourse begging may be Sent to goal fur i leader ship a natter of difficulty. t right. Wt• turf tiC i_1nilQW? ' , File 1 tis t/ Oleg -fling nut culvert and ditcl', `• path 1 � ,, on road ctrt.iderud. Moved. },a fill -Ito -. :. • tfi.lde i11J.tGlla or fined $100. • rl'he of the Conservative party dila. Ointment, pial its find 1e11ef. Any saloon -keeper who gives or has been indeed a thorny one for There is no anarchical ferocity :about Messrs. Sotheran and Doig that Mr•.- sells liquorto a boy under eighteen these and other reasons One of the their methods, and what is the eonse-J. Jaeques be paid $2 for eleaning t e `s liable on conviction t serious Stumbling oaks q r will not be Messrs. Sotheran and Doig that the art r ever experienced such bad system by deeds of violence'. What samef � Mots r Baru, ueli�e�e be acceTs.ed—Carried.--'The � report of Mr. Edgar as to water Gnu ' the road opposite his farm being eon- Everything else equally low. Come and f as we sidered, it was decided that the t'see u before buying, :. idera. t undersold. matter stand for farther `e. -a - tion, therm being a numberof similar l MoLEAN & SON. eases. The claim of Mr. J. Jacques Win311ram, June i th,1893. years o age, is 11 blocks 1- in ueneeo dimply this, they never ditch across concession 12 and cul- . most � to r enalty* of 520. the way of the party was the desire fail, they never' , Kiss their mark. serf on said concession, although Mr.. Any person found guilty by a I of many Conservative members to Sickness anti X tisery fly out of the do justice of the peace of giving or !retire into a government office. We window, unci bright, cheery health selling tobacco to 0 boy under know of nothing so damaging to the comes in at the door. eighteen years, must be fined $10 morale of a party or to its standing i C�TLItOSS• and the sum may be increased to in the country, as a widespread de- i The home of Mr. and firs. Chas. $50. a sire among its elected representatives SiThk of e of township, seas the The keeper of a licensed pool or ' for office. These men were not scene of a pleasing event ones the billiard room who allows boys under • elected to take government offices, evening a e i'. Oct. 16th, a_ . arh, lc in Pa sfx-teen years to frequent his premises, 'but to serve the poop when their only Jennie, may be fined $10 by any justice of ment. The most discouraging thin„ was united in marriage daughter,to ,Mr. e Jos, the peace, half the fine to go to the :to -day to the conscientious and wcliague. of Culross. A large num- informant. : patriotic Conservatives at Ottawa is her of invited guests present at livery child between the ages of this clesie'e for office. It is a menace the ceremony, , guests were present at eight and fourteen years must attend ' to the people and 0 temptation to the by the Rev. A. K. Birks. The bride ed school, unless excused for some good 1 Government. If members „ was accompanies to the by O et it in h altar meson. i their heads that they are at Ottatt + • Miss Iiate'111cKague,while the groom No boy under twelve years anti i to hunt an office for themselves, u • was supported by Mr. Wm. Shriek. no girl under fourteen years can be � (roverument will soon feel itec•if The wedding presents were nhmer- employed in any factory. • tempted to secure support for gnus. :on and beautiful. The young !+ny municipal council may pass a,tiona,ble projects by offices given'people have the best wishes of a ' by-law preventing the posting of ; foe meml,cre' votes. large circle of friends incl acquaint - indecent piaearc.s or pictures on the i As we said above, these successive 1 anecs. walls, fences, streets or in public I and startling in leadership i , laces. g changes T1;E' J...'I'FR. 10; S. Beaden, SS, for culvert, let p which death compelled, the presence Any municipal council may pass : of a bxu ning question like the seine -lie elie , The officers, and members of 16, coneesskon 2 . Strome and Adair, e, by-law prohibiting boys and girls i of Manitoba, were surely enough to C f Scotland, x"35 for repairing. 1i.tlilnlan's, I!'orcl- re I ONEY O LOAN CENTILE STREET. WINe1tADi. ONTARIO, UT V Y . D. TOILER, 51,D,0.M., Member College Physicians and Sur cons Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. haps, Ont. Orgies IIOUaB,-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m., at Residence, Diagonal Street. On Farm Mortgage at low lutes of in- terest on terms of five years or over. Principal payable at and of torts or Jacques vas not instructed to annually, if desired. said work ---Carried. Droved by JOHN 13UPl(�BSa, and Doig,that fir. B1uev,1le 1'. 0., Ont. Messrs. Gregga Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and John L. Wiggins be collector for the Savings Co., London. Ont. Eastern division and Mr; Richard P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. (Successor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum.) Gti.id Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London Genera! hospital. Special atten• tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Corner of Centre and Patrick streets. tt INOIIAI1 - Ross for the Western divison at the salary fixed by By-law, proper JOB PRINTING', security to be given by said parties -Carried. By- Law No. 6 for the appointing of collectors for the .. Lind id the h 1 was Ica present year, , time and passed. Accounts passed :1 J. Akins, : 1, for repairing bride, lot 15, concession 10; James McDer- mid, x:1.25.. for repairing culvert, lot 20, concession 5; A. Taylor, $9.50, for repairing culvert 13. line; Wm. Pike, $10, for gravel and drainage; Geo, Donnie, $20.50, for grading and gravelling -boundary Ilowick and Wallace; R. Dixon, $4, for culvert, lot '24, concession 1'7 ; J. Craig, $3, for culvert, sideline 25, concession Camp Avondale, Sons o a e , ,r , Sotheran's ,, r 1 h fi :Lt annual banquet wick and. Sbridges, R. loitering, in the streets after nine i keep the party busy without the will ho d t en r P. In. I worry of a dozen to a score of is the town hall on the evening of Any person found guilty by two I members seeking senatorships or Friday,Nov, lst. Careful prepare,. justices of the peace of committing offices. They were no real friendstions are being made and a good any indecent act, may, be fined X50 of their party. They were open to time is expected. --nZr, A. (x, 13rown, n, oathsI the waterworks engineer, has resign- andtogoal f Itsh T1CLUflING Books, Pamphlets, fosters, BIl .i. Beads, Circulars, Iia., 3cc., executed in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TIV11B Olaee, Wingham. gg��, �a �gp�} g yrs �RTIft'R J. IRWIN, D. D. B., L. A. S., BOOKBINDING. I Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Peanaylvani Orr R VANSTO1 E, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Rte., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tools and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINonAli J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Winghtun, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANE OF HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Wine—Meyer Block, \Vhlnham. M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Ste. Otiiee—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne hotel. GODIlRIerr, •• • ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEEROAIE, L. D. S.,WiNet&a. •.rac•�•al, Is nianufacturnig flrst•class sets of 1 ••h' . teeth as cheap as they can be made its ' in the Dominion. Teeth extracted 11A! r absolutely without pain, by his new I process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE Inthe e e Barer err opposite Ito th Block, pp s Brunswick House, Jamieson, v'.:5.50, for lumber for lot 17, concessions 2 and :3, enlvert and bridge. iSloved by Messrs. Sotheran and Doig that the council do now adjourn to meet in- the township hall, sent or six • r the Charge of trying to serve them- ' Any pesolve person who leads a, girl from eand will rcnlove Gerrie, on the third Wednesday in the paths o1 virtue, is liable, on con s, 1 1 ;liarke, tivhere he has obtained a good November. Llrrilr Deena, Tp. Cleric. to Sault Ste 'vietion, to two years imprisonment. .Any person who criminally as - sults a girl under fourteen years of age, is liable to imprisonment for life and to be whipped. Any person who sells or gives a pistol or air glen or sells ammunition therefor, to it boy under sixteen years of age, is liable on conviction to a penalty of $20. And having made this general c e- i position as electrical engineer, , ri'he Reverence, we Colne to Ale. Whites council has appointed , Air. ']h case. We exempt him from the list Gardiner as his successor.—During.of ctn(in ear M. p.' s. As will 00 the past two weeks our local pianism, seen in our Ottawa dispatch, Alr. MISS Nello 1 eliardy, has taken part in - concertsvn New Ilambul•g, Palmerston, Waterford, Glencoe and Dresden. -The remains of the late J. R. Brown, of Tilsonburg, were brought here for interment, on Monday of last week. The deceas- ed was a. son of the late I. 11. Brown, of this plan;. --The anniversary serm ons inconnection with the and. i tecu ted a bottle. Within r a Methodist church WOW preached on twenty-four hours 1 was oli absdel S Sunday last, by Rev. J. A. AidAtEO1 • free from rheumatism, and have not Ian, of Waterloo. Ati old-fashioned been troubled with it since. Sold at tea -meeting was held in the ehurelr, i Ohisholnl'a Corner Drug Store. his ease was exceptional and wcuid on Monday evening. Short Joumnevg on a Long .toad To the characteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written rdercriptiarls of m:miner rasorts• iii the °curate north and west of Chicago. The tt+sadieg matter is new, the illustrations Etre navy. and the information therein will be 120v to aim OSeveryone. ne. A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Reid." will be sent flee to nnyotie who will elrol4ree ten orate (to pay postage) to 1 1.fte reort General I'aeeanger icsg'o, biftwliukree & St. PAW Chi Cil, Il'1, e White resigns because it is anoma- lous and improper for him to sit any longer in Parliament, having prae- tieally agreed to accept the offer of the colleetorship of Montreal, made him two years ago. Ile thinks an M. P. with an office in his pocket has no business in the House. In this he i right. To every general rule in polities there ought to be as there is an exteeption. Mr. White had earned a, reward, as politics go, and -the vacancy having aceurred the; offer was made hint But while spa aro phased to announce that env Rooks or Magazines lets with lis for f'1,,1 ;4. will have unr prompt 0,;iven onnapplicationnto Dimling Timm Ottice, 90 I Was Cured of Rheumatism in Twenty-four Flours. I, George .14anglish, shipbuilder, Have lived in Chatham, N. S., over forty years, Last spring I took severe pains in my knee, which, combined with swelling, Laid me up for six weeks, during which time I endured great suffering. 1 saw South American ltheumatie Cure advertised in The Chatham World ler ordinary circumstaYiccs the political a nurtl�lf wet. an g of our burden elk e r lit , . WAS So Strained. that it was not klrrall'13 Sarsaparilla the great tome and , 5 as blah ew Iloilo is like the sun, which, have gone through unc 1 ; • Lor,tt nut 'ol�cnlds this seaeOfl. 7i ;esu journey toward it, tests the shadow taktruttlon z y d strop by tatcintt t b a i l IIQ a 'miles. deemed good tactics to extend the blood purifier. o WOOD'S .e teC rvT y Pine Sap. Rich in the lung -healing virtues oftlte Pine combined with tho soothingand expectorant properties of other pectoraherbs and barks. )q P !1RFEOT CURE FOR COUGHS AND CODS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis Sora Throat Croup andel! THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughswhich resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. PIUOS and. AND COC. PGR 13O7T1.as eet.e 140 A ohneemata. 1114100040110 Dental College. For Twenty-fiveYears DUNN S BAKIy P C pow THE COOKS BEST FRIND LAWSUIT SALB IN CANADA. DFFIOR---MACDONALO BLOCK. JOHN It1TCIiIE; , JOHN GENERAL INSIJRANOE AGENT WINOIIA,I, ONTAa10 FRANK SCELI, TONSORIAL ARTIST, Opposite Iiorman's Hotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. �• DEANS, JR., tVINGRAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER eon THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURItIE, WINOEAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR EMS CoiiNT1E0 111150N AND BRUCE. All orders lett at the Tuns otiieo promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. _ _ JAMBS IttliDBRSON, Lton:tteD Aucrtorciesit Yon Consrtics MAW stir Thum*. All sales attended to promptly acid on the Siiorteii, Nottee. . Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can bo made at th T11NRs' aloe WlNofAtt ON! • Money' to Loan on Notes, aLimidlilodukuLay Notes Discounted AT 1rttASONA13LIA Unita Money advanced on Mortgages it t3I pet outwit privilege of paying at the end of any year. IOW and accounts collected. • ZOD+r.7lrstiTi 'r Heaver Bleck 1V1llalte t, Ont. 411 An A CUII El x IDDISEASE is N SOUTH AMERICAN THE REMEDY WH. KS'. HOURS. Adam Soper, Burl ''II suffered much it from kidney and hil received skilled rn :and tried all kinds IIo pterpose ; in fact, ;any relief until Kidney Cure was u to fit lily ease exact] mediate relief. 11l bottles and can say am a cured man, bottle of the rented' :anyone of its great ; IChisholm's Corner L'I Fort Willi Mr. William . Day, s Ont., says : Two year very ill with Dy spoi, that she could find p'lnai1v she tried 13urc�l :and after taking six oe cured. That is, now years ago and she has the malady, I also to use 13. 13, B.and 1 highly in its favor. I> it to my friends and ii :good results. Yours urn G00'4,1 'ELIDE:17;f 717103 I B.!.,':.:.nloc a 013 t'i et all la:O.i:- ei i cal •,yI ol pimllc to t,ta 'e (Vet berL ll !her, • ., s Valuable treatise and two bottle any Sufferer. Give Express and SLOCUM CHEMICAI. 00., I.ti.. Torn aliallPleneMeeterarrettattettenNIAIr R•I•P... 1 t The 121001 and Fam eine: Cl common ills of hui 700.0E den Like the Tolle Desperatli Itollings of ti • Chase's Ointment -1i Skin Spei It is only a few moutl +Ointment was brought prim public, principally by its cis .fang standing eases of Ito defiled nil other Lrcatnlent+'i nized from ocean to ocean for Itching P11es, Eczeinatl Itching of the Sk'li, its cl its sales larger than those,' Lions for such ailments ce Dr, Chasc'1 Ointtnent With, In every community soini .fitted like Mr. Simpson. Be e/ s date of Feb.I+'ob. H, 0 write. years he ryas troubled via In1ctl .intense suffering. advertised. remedies wet' d any goad although soli and thorough triols. fiord quoted from his Jotter, i of Ont.:e'.$ ointment from >. store, Berlin. I applied ae and soon found it was -ty tined part of one box Whet in my life. Onct0 in R 1111 slight ,yopt nronof its rote: 'tion of tho Ointment altd! Such expressions as this Clr iasa'oa0e0mlt for its pop PRICE GO r Pf r t ..r+r so I t fur est heti,"• t„ t AO. Id by orugg.- . vt. lir. T'. t1las:eIUa+o,