HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-21, Page 10BILL'S BAYVIEW !TOURIST TAVERN Family Dining at its Finest'- . SPECIAL ROAST BEEF DINNER Complete with Dessarf & Beverage $5 25 • Located on Highway 21 - 7 miles north of Grand Bend HOURS: FRI. -'5-9. SAT. 11-i. SUN. 11-1I LICENSED UNDER LL.B.*. COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAF ORTH. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Entertainment FRIDAY SPECIAL Cabbage Rolls FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE Chicken Wings • FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINMENT . • Local Briefs Mfg. Fred Mills of London was a recent visitor at the home of Rev. J. tre and Mrs. Stewart. Dr. K. G. And Mrs, Stewart, were Saturday visitors at the home of the former's father Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. James Jolliss of London visited with Liz Brown on Sunday. • Mrs. J.H.Grant Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.A. Y. McLean. ' • CASH BINGO - Legion• Hall, Seaforth April 22 0:15 p.m. • ' 15 Regular Games for $15.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES • $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! — TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) --Proceeds for Welfare Work- - Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth PootoosmorOPRolumPARAArmarArmor.,#0.— • or.oro...... Plan to attend HURON COUNTY • BOARD OF EDUCATION East Region Central Huron Secondciry School Tuesday, May 3 8 p.m. Admission:— Adults $1 Students 50 8 Participating schools include: Seaforth District High School, Seaforth Public School, Central Huron Secondary School, Blyth Public School, Hullett Central School, Clinton Public School and Huron Centennial School. MUSIC NIGHT " H'uron Centennial ,School presents The Travelling Musicians (A Grim Fairy Tale) Showtime - 8 p.m. Wednesday, APri1,27 - -Thursday; April •"28 av 44; 4 miss on: $1.049 CABARET DANCE Brodh'agen Community Centre Friday, April .29 tsitr: 'The Nitelites. Tickets 5 2.50 per person • Sponsored by St. 'Columban Soccer Club HURON HOTEL _-_.y ENTERTAINMENT Fri. and Sat. niter . Saturday Matinee The COSTLLATIONS:.. . . • Friday and Saturday Mite • -7 1040 1 -. PIGTAILS and SAUERKRAUT ' cmcinem j41111111 SIIICANI. FOND* FIRSTSHOWINGS1 IN AREA • 714, sot s Tk.$ • 6, chtdi5' Tki or hole. ioot afford if, 'Ns kialO to 0 ,44,606' 00•4;:i ' 4 4kh•-ti.tigil Vet is +s1- Illtxjus1- le 7,4 Nek1461. 1ft 4.1 I IWIE1f t YothitiPi 101 ‘r,irrt14 t.„ , . r -7011 Aprr 2T:there wilrbe"'a spriUg Concert ,.at Huilett Central , at 8:15 p.m. The concert will include grades 2, 4, 7 and 8 and `the Power Learning Class. The grade 2's will be presenting a play called "RabbitrellaThe grade 4's will also be presenting a play called "Zachary Mole 'and the Busy Folks,' The grade 7 class will be putting on a, Fashion ShoW, The grade 8's are presenting their version of "The Gong Show," Preeeeding the concert, an Open House will be held. Here;. • the pupils will show their Clue- rooms to their parents. Throughout the year, Robbie Plunkett and Darcy Andrews have ' delivered ' the milk to all the grades of Hullett 'Central. We would like to thank them for the work they have done this year. MAKE YOUR -0WhI WtNE. 1,, FREE WINE -MAKING CLASS rktkrack,, Apr:I .28, V 30 p wa RelistIr iv% actuance toy pktoK's ncj 395 -.2.t 84 Vitte • Home Wine & Beer Making Supplies In the old Beechwood General Store 21/2 miles north of St. Columban on McKillop Sideroad • 1p at Cdneession S. • A(, A111 !ANC IISTRICTID 'C PERSLNS '. c% 18 TEARS 00 AG! ,.or),,II, HWY, 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RO. 4 r PHONE 524.9981 #57;14100 Heavy, Traffic SOtithitii , I DRIq IN '1'11111TRE 1 • Pineridge Chalet R.R.27HenSall i Wed, Apr. 27 - Fashion Show and Luncheon mono worm omen mem • Sat. Apr— 30 . Police Appreciation Night Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Musk la/ Mozart Melody Makers Sat. May 7 - Jam s-mit - Dale OpetiVedding Reception Joe Overholt and the Standbys Sat.,Ylay 14 - Wilbee- Patterson open Wedding Reception Rodger Quick and the Rainbows For Reservations Phone 262-2277 - 4236,46100, • _ 236-4213 APF14' 21' 1977 Spring concert at file left Contra! tonight • 10.;,,THg. .H.vpqrsr F,. g)(0,941TP.R. Last week two health nurses came to our school: They examined some students for hearing and vision probleins. These tests are very helpful to the -students, as they prevent these problems from getting worse. A rummage' sale-was held at Hullett on April 15. The pupils • brought 4n old toys, games, ornaments, etc. to be .sold in the gymnaSium. Candy was also brought in. Thei,ele was held by the Students' Council. WHAT'S-GOING QN2Pinocchio, played by Keith McClure, lefty has some strange adventures, among them being swallowed by a whale. Here, he finds himself with a Tunny fish, played by Karen Laverty, and'a Turtle, played by Bruce Morton. You can find out all the details by attending one of the performances at Seaforth Public School Wednesday, Thursday, or. Friday night this week. Four children baptized Four children were baptized at- First Presbyterian- Chnia-1 in Seaforth on Sunday by Rev. E. G. Nelson. Baptized were: Brett Russell Clarkson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ,R. Clarkson; Cavin. OPEN WeddingReCeption for Don DOLMAGE ' Patricia MaeDOISULD Bridal Couple Fri. April 22 Mitchell Community Centre Music by Wayne IIiehl grid the Country Versatiles Dancing 9 -1 Everyone welcome Lunch provided ••. Vanastra Recreation Centre Music by Silvertones Ladies please bring lunch Dance for Mr: and Mrs. , Ken McKay (Recent fire victims) Fri., April 22 9pm maitmgenvi,. Benefit OltTICE OPENS 7:08 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 22 11 Saturday, Ma 1:4,1.97 Dublin Corporation SEAFORTH Altt NA ° ..- ,:) 1 Advance Tickets:- $5.00 per person S,•1/11•S• , At Door:- 'Er" per person F orm , Dancing 913.M. --1 a.m. Theme Admittance restricted to persons ''.Friday, April-. 22 Heavens" Music by THE MAJESTICS T.L18-itears of age and over 6R-6:Aft • PROGRAMS SUBJECT , TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.,.. from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Lunch included Admission '9 per couple LAST NRslsl Immo. ONI SHOWING ONLY I P.M. • ( , SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES Present Sean Fagan- ,, i SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY o, Presents -The ' 61)11) Molly McGuit: es (Irish Recording Stars) S. Tickets available from members of Centenai re Executive or at: The Huron Expositor Bob & Betty's Variety Bill O'Shea Men',p Wear Recreatibri Office and the FRIDAY, SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY James Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Coleman; Ronald Chad Lamont, son of Mr. and Mrs:C. Bruce Lamont and Andrea Jill Wood, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wood. ti 0 sio • ix d. - ea Fa tJ 0 m• FRIDAY — SATURDAY SUNDAY ' April 22 '23.- 24 A thriller if,t1s1q4,1 DU N HOOF on LAURENCE OLIVIER ROTSCHEIDER WILLIAM DEVANE MARTHE KELLER "MARATHON MAN" Beech Street Next To Cornmunity Pork CLINTON • — ONTARIO' -- Telephone 482-7030 ' ,,, ; .,„ ,''' - SQUATS. RUBES PA400 UCTINI P. A Ormolu I' HINTS . ' krill iiiajOLOS 1 -!Tilt LONGEST YARD" ,EbillEALDERT ' -- iWiikMtAilkitONOAD .,,..,..vEISNAKUSET C, ''t," Arri-libtilaf1J(IENEMEGEB , , liddt32,o aSTS; RESET , • ; .01'01•416firegiii4. liiiv HEM DENA ', - , - AI OdAitlEIS titlito t „ STEVE . n' 1STIN McGin II TEMAN •rr a I IVINICI Ift 1 % . Alr fit A N. .' PAPILLON 'Imemusil., . • APR. 2iit'Slitl.„... NittIT ON.I Y The first • ' 's°71.,1 r ty « .3 BIG 'RESTRICTPT: ,/" Y./ : FRITZ ' IiiiI4engili animated - '" 4-`4A:ht, F ATZ i : The CAT cartoon reefer/ 4, -CAT ; FEATURES THE GREATEST ADVENTURE OF ESCAPE IS BACK! pius THAT CAT IS BACK! 'OM Nakt wescyfR112 rpm • • Charles Bronson rs Ray St. hes and Jacqueline Bisset Starts FRIDAY! • PLEASE NOTE SHOW.TIMES WH stortorilicwio,tkuis. M4017-9 p.m. Leon Ante. arerriner Ind GINiS1101,4140114111A NA. APRIL ES SAT. SHOWTJME 1:00 P.M. • the MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS lib D ONE WICK Airmit.se - WERE ARE MONSTERS !VW PA N I 'N SEAFORVI ARENA Saturday, August 20 Dancing 9-1 am $7.00 per persOn Limited No. of tickets available - • I No reserved tables Tickets available at' , the Huron Expbsitor and ,from Society 1Directors $ • • 1 „ • • t'• "s' • , •