HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-01, Page 4WILUAMS, CHEMIST -AND- DRUG IST. THE WIN GUAM 'T' .M �1 , NOVEMBER 1, 1895. West Ilium Liberals. able life a life consistent with the 2 red winter was gnota+d at 25a6d ; ' f Jesus Christ, 19 o I. spring, Duluth, Manitoba and prayers, your testimonies a power for good, bee life tivhicln was behind. 2,rs. and American you, then, to accept these chairs as a I Canadian s Gds, California barely., slight token of our appreciation of 1. corn, your efforts on behalf of our League chevalier., .,30s 6d ; and brewing, `21s. and all the interests so closely con- i 6d• d R'it17 it, and may it pleas The Liberal convention held in teaching and genius o , e}tis, t;d• and Oregon pad e a result stour m influence, vbeen 127s. ixl. X'.iour_Minnesota patent j amuse of the was quoted at 22s; bakers', 18s 6d y We ask 1 California and Oregon; 17s Gd. 1 tet g -auc C tlil.tt pia, each . , IDungannon, on Friday last, was a I The first business transacted was the election of officers, which resulted as 1 follows: --'?resident, D. McGillicuddy,' CA oderiell ; Vice -President, Joseph Griffin, Ashfield.; 2nd Vice -President, I Robert Holmes, Mayor of Clinton; necte 3rd, Vice -President, James Young, Gad to spare you and'lips. Grove Auburn ; Secretary -Treasurer, Wm. to a loins life of usefulness ss an ACT' C N. TELEGRAPH CO large and, enthusiastic gathering.. Si MARKET REPORTS. d i �inion.m. W ingliarn, Oot. 31, 1895. ', Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. li hese •chairs, may Flour per 1110 Lbs 1 75 to 2 00 continue to prepare yourselves !Fall wheat.....-. . 0 67 to 0 08 he rest prepared for the chosen 1 Ones g �' heaat... 0 E;7 to 0 Ge 1 o �2 to o l�51 ± 0 30 to 0 85 k �i0llse. Coates, Cl.laton. ±stteceSS to Ilio who is our Mastei ssed to W 1u.guam, - - - Ont CijRri i . ,,,,II.SWIC A Vote o€ condolence was pa the family or the deceased President, and as you nest in t the late I r. A. IL Manning of Clio - ,you •butte paid to his for t t hnrarn(ti o 'RID9.Y, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. EDITORIAL NOTES. O: another page will be found an article from. the Toronto World (Con- servative), on the political situation, It will well repay perusal. IT 18 SAID that several of the Dominion Ministers contemplate mak- ing an Ontario tour, the first meeting to be held at Owen Sound shortly. THE annual meeting of the On- tario Fruit -Growers' Association will be held at Woodstock on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, and the following days. ton, and a tri 4 wasof Go memory by the mover, Atr. R. G. crown Reynolds.. eor A vote of confidence in the loader 'the t ship of lion. Wilfrid Laurier was moved by Mr. M. C. Cameron, who Jerus gave a scathing acidness upon the in- good capacity of the present Adruinistra- pray tion, and who paid a high tribute to behal the eloquence, ability and worth of mitte the leader of the .Opposition in the Dominion Parliament. A motion en- dorsing the Ottawa Liberal platform Mi was moved by Mayor Holmes of visiti Clinton, seconded by Air. R. Morris -Mi of Colborne. This resolution also kris strongly denounced the policy of ing f Governments giving places of emolu- are ment to sitting members. It was Hooe unanimously carried. President Me- -T Gillicuddy then asked Vice-president dist Griffin to take the chair, and in a wee brief but stirring address proposed env d, and then you will reeen'e Barley * ---' 0 50 to 0 50 i s which will shine as the stars; Yeas ..................... 0 50 to 0 15 the firmament as you sing around Butter,.... 0 14 to 0 14 1 krone of Christ in the Heavenly ! yooa pora od -. , ... , 1 25 to 1 501 alem. May the God of all1Hayper ton ...... .-.. .••.13 00 to14 00' abundantly bless you is the + Potato , pe erbbushei . . 1) 05 to 0 20 er of our League. Sagged on; Dried Apples, per lb, 0 41 to 0 05 f of the League by the Com-, .....r.",,,______ -________,e. 1 ._r.aw'�srr an:w$-to}.isi:� ELAIOIiI+;. 1 B • s. Robert Gilmour, of Wilmot, is! ng friends around the village. VALISES LEA ER BAGS •s. J. D. Snell and daughter, of , _ ce Albert, who have been visit-; c s,i , 4 'riencls in Ohio and Michigan,! Special Bargains atl, Toni 1. now the guests of Airs. .John GEORGE RC E GOO D 3., who is a sister of Mrs. Snell. I �; ... he revival services in theMetho-, church are being continued this' . U is`KS SIR MACKENZIE BOWELL and Hon. C. H. Tupper are in Washington this week, in consultation with the British Minister, in reference to Bering Sea matters. AT THE Liberal Convention held at Dungannon, on Friday last, as was generally expected would be the .case, Mr. M. C. Cameron accepted the nomination tendered him in 1893 and he is now in the field for the representation of that Riding in the Hoose of Commons. From appearances, it is quite likely that an election will be held in that con- stituency within a month or so, and our friends should complete their organization and be prepared for it. IN THE West Wellington. Provin- eial election appeal case judgment was given in the Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hall, dismissing the appeal, Justice Osler dissenting. This appeal arose from the decision of Justices N,w k. -Mr. Wm. Hartley has been; �� �.® SALE. ged as teacher in School Section 1 The undersigned offers his farm, being a and Hannah Barton are visit- . lots 33 and 34, concession 11, East Wawa - friends in Wilmot. 1 nosh, for sale. The farm contains 200 Inures, 175 of which are cleared and in a Live Stook Haricots. I good state of cultivation, the balance being hardwood hash. There are on the ast Buffalo, N. Y., October 28. -;premises a first class barn and a straw le closed very dull, with late shed, with stone foundation under both; s of good heavy steers at $4.30 also. a silo, and sheep and hog pens; a good frame house; good bearing orchard, dgood water, both well and spring. The Tarin is situated half a mile from the r ' Presbyterian and Methodist churches, .' and six miles from Wingham. School 1 " on the corner of the lot. The purchaser will have the privilege of buy ing the farm en block, or either 100 acres s separately. -1 GEO. ROBERTSON, f Marnoch P. 0. Proprietor. Mr. M. C. Cameron as°the candidate 1 No. for West Huron at the ensuing elee- Add tion. The mention of Mr. Cameron's ing name in connection with the candi- dature for the constituency seemed to electrify the audience, and the ; E large representation rose to its feet Catt as one man with loud cheers as soon sale as the announcement was made. j �fi $4.70 J western sternbranded eof rattle Mr. Cameron, at the call of the con -1$8.30 G' fully b oo vention, took the platform z.nd re- steers are unsold, the top prices fo ceived an ovation. In a speech of l good to prime being $4.70 @ $4.95 about an hour and a halt"s duration I Hogs closed dull and weak, wit he went into a thorough exposition i light Yorkers at X3.85 04 $3.95 of the failure of the Government's 1 choice heavy, $2.25 L $2.75 ; Yorker policy, dealing with their acts of 1 brought $4.10. Sheep and 0 lambs omission and commission in an -un- Of sparing manner. The .corruption at I Can Ottawa was mercilessly exposed and sold the evils of the superannuation $4. system and the uselessness of the we Senate were conclusively shown. of t Strong ground was also taken on the sto Manitoba school question, and. a at 1, Howick, for 1896. -Misses the 125 cars on sale we •e o oda lambs and the best 'of these 1 T H E BEST early at $4.10 « $4.25 most' } G 15 ; the market closed dull and i ak, and not more than two-thirds 1 -AT TilE- he offerings were taken. Native S M A L L EST O O ST ek of export quality not salable• close above x3.50 a' $8.65. thorough exposure of the bungling Rase and llacMa.hon at an election action of the Government in refer- a 1' trial after the Provincial election of ence to it was presented to the large than the previous market's s transac June, 1894, at which George Tucker, audience. Patron of Industry, and member for Mr. Cameron closed by accepting Butchers were out iu good numbers; West Wellington, was unseated and the nomination as an endorsation of an disqualified for treating. Ile appeal- the nomination which hacl been 2i; ed. the case, but has not in the mean- tendered to him in Clinton in 1893, Th tine occupied the seat. and stated. amidst the cheers of the , bu Mn. R. S. WHITE, who resigned gathering, that no reason at present' sheep and lambs offered for sale at existed why he should not be prepar-1 the East End Abattoir to day. Nearly 1 his seat as M. P. for Cardwell, last ed to once more lead the Liberals of half of the cattle here to -day were; week, has written a letter to the elec- West Huron to victory. I held over from last Thursday's' tors of that constituency, explaining A thorough system of organization market, and the holding over will 1 his reasons for so doing. He had was immediately entered upon, and I have to be repeated again to -day, pledged himself to vote against the the meeting closed with the usual ; as there are far too many common , Government if they introduced re- cheers for the candidate and the ; and inferior cattle being pressed on ! medial legislation in reference to the Liberal leader. ; the market at present, although i Manitoba schools, and as the Gov- ------- prices are ruinously low. A few ercment lead promised to introduce L011,; i'R Wll\GII11I. 1choice beeves were sold at from 31.e Gov - such legislation at the forthcoming ' to 3o per lb; pretty good animals session, he wished the constituency to Px sE~vTATIay.-On the evening ' sold as from 2ge to 8/e per lb ; be represented by some one whose of Monday, the 28th ult., about fifty ; common dry cows and thrifty young hands ivattld be more free to deal young people in connection with the'. stock brought from 2e to Vic and with that question. He also wished Epworth League of the Methodist the leaner old cows from Lie to 2e to give the Government an oppor- church, gathered au the residence, of tunity to redeem their promise of Mr Robt. Groves; of Lower Wine. -p appointing him collector of customs d his at Montreal. esteemed partner with two elegant ; o chairs. Mr. Albert Thomson read. West Bruce Liberals. the subjoined address, to which Mr. p Kincardine, Oct, 28. -There was Groves replied in a neat and ap- ti a fair attendance of the stalwart propriate speech. After partaking � e' Reformers of West Bruce at their of refreshments from the baskets I annual meeting held here Friday, provided by the ladies, the company ;per head. Lambs sell at from 2c The following officers were elected dispersed, having spent a very en-; to a little over 3e per lb. Fat hogs President, Mr. J. C. Murdoch; vice- joyable evening : are rather plentiful, and sell at about presidents, Messrs. James Steele, To Brion - mu Axn 'Mils. Iiontir'r . 41e per lb. Amberley ; John Peirson, Burgoyne;) GROVES. Jas. McLeod, Holyrood ; secretary, i At the very beginning of a life to lt:rlttsh Grain Traao, Mr. Wm, Henderson, Berm; trea you, already a happy reality,. but to _ saver, Mr. Wm, Millar, Millarton. most of tts, one which looms up in Luno London, Octobeits r 28 -Ty review Dircetors-Messrs. t)onald McDonald, the slim future, surrounded byExpress, Lueknow ; S. Henderson, Huron, mystery, uncertainty' and anxiety, township;; Thos, Murray, I fiiloss' we, as a League, desire to express township; 1L L. McKinnon, Tiver.1 our appreciation of your efforts ton ; Robert MMFadyen, I3rttee town i among us as a eo-worker in Christ. ship; Neil Cassidy, Saugccn town -1 Your zeal for the Master has been ship; Dr. Veitch, Port Elgin; A.'unwavering; your love has been n Campbell, town of I(fncardine. The'1 strong, and at all times you have candidate for :the riding, Mr. Peter' been round at your post, ready to .e1:onzie, addressed the electors, impressing his hearers very favor- ably. Speeches were also imine by 'Montreal, Oct. 28. -Business was ittle better at the Point to -day ' ns, but this is note saying much. d the offerings were large, about -AND - c to 8?;c being offered for cattle.GENTS' ere were about 700 head of �1 �N- tebers' cattle, 60 calves and 1,1001 -rn- ERGNANT TAILORING ham, and presented him and :i i C FURNI INGS} GEO. .MR'S By inspecting our Stock, you will be convinced it pays to bay the best when it can be had at such a very moderate cost. Our prices cannot be bent anywhere for good, reliable workmanship and ma- terial. A Perfect Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Always the latest at the lowest price in .Gents' Furnishings. GEO. CARR, 1 Opposite Cbisholui'sDrug Store, to clip t Wingham. er lb A few hard looking bulls , ----- -- -- ' ere told at from 1 c to 1?ie per Ib.1 STO P A MINUTE raves were in good demand at from i 1� B is to 82c per lb. Shippers are] and read what is taking place at the :lying about 3c per lb, for good urge sheep, the others selling at' China House. I; can be got for them. A I Marked reductions in a number Flood of Manitoba. merino sheep of lines of beautiful were sold here to -day at about $2 CHINA AND GLASSWARE to .......... room for NEW GOODS expected to arrive in the near future. In fact, some lines already passed into Stock. Bend"1 us Sl. x itei t J� BHN RUETTEL . SONS, --THE NEW- PALACE E«- P L E CLOTHING HOUSE In the Macdonald Block, have the finest stock of FRENCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, 5 FRENCH, SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH, a and CANADIANTWEEDS and OVERCOATBHWS All the very best goods ever imported into Wiilghani, Z re are determined to do a first-class Tailoring Trade only. All we ask is to give us a trial, and if a first-class fit and a garment made up in artistic style will please you, we guarantee that we will give you entire satisfaction. Most Tailors can make a suit, but to build a garment suitable to the build of the wearer, is an art that few make a study, and fewer still a practice, but John Ruettel & Sons will prove to you thatrWingham shall be notedil as for its First -Class Tailoring Establishment, as we Toronto or any other city in the Dominion. Our motto is : Cheap for Cash, the Best Goods at the lowest pos- sible price. READY-MADE CLOTHING In our Ready -Made Clothing Department we excel anyone in the Trade. We get our Garments made to our own order, and as every garment is inspected as it comes in, you may rely on getting the best value for your money. Have you seen our $6 HEAVY ULSTER OVERCOATS, the best value to -day in the Dominion? Our READY-MADE SUITS for w 5. They were never sold for such a price before. We do not sell shoddy, but first-class goods, and you will always save money by buying your Clothing from Jotn RuE•rTEL & Sous. GENTS' T' �d U R ISH I NGS We select with the greatest care and keep nothing but the nobbiest and best goods. Gentlemen can always rely on getting the best goods from us and just what will suit them. Come and see our HATS, FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS, FUR OVERCOATS, WATERPROOF COATS in MELISSA and TWEED. No goods will leave our establishment unless you are perfectly satisfied. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. JOHN �Macd n Macdonald Block, SONS, filISINESS INGHAM. OLR LARGE STOCK OF 1:),,Y GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ETC., Will be SOLD AT COST. This will be a grand opportunity to get good, seasonable goods at wholesale prices. SALE TO START ON FRIDAY, OCT. IITIL JOT -11\T G -.AI BRAITI-I, CASH oft TRADE ONLY: v Wingham« of the Britisgrain trade, says:-- FRESH G-ROCERIES English wheat has been Gd, dearer daily, the quality and and foreign wheat a shilling higher. arriving.which cannot fail do give Colder* weather has stimulated in- prices uiry. The quantity on passage re- satisfaction. Try some d Pitted our dried Apricots, er Plums. We are sole agents for Flo the Master's bidding, and to I abauttd in every good work. Your work formerly as convener of the Preeldent Murdoch, Mr. W. M. Dock, Siek and Relief Committeeo wu as -M, P. I'., A. Malcolm, and David thilrongh, and many have y enderson. Resolutions expressing thank for help in time of trouble, Mate in Hon. Wilfrid Laurier,while latterly as Convener of the Sir OIh'Cr 1MMowat, and the eandidato, Lookout Conintittee 'our roll book pied, and also one con- will show the attceess of your work. lavatory of the Dominion (;lover n lint above all this, which lis only an in regard to remedial leglsia• or in the he trot you have lived of ande irrreprach- rains moderate. There was a eargo trade in California wheat at 27s 3d far spring Yl'he corn trade has SA.GAIfDA T :A0 taken an upward turn, and the same and havo it in Flack and Black and Is to be said of barley, linseed,and Green mixed. Try one package beans. To -day English wheat was ttnd we'll rest assured of the result.' unchanged and foreign was Gd Also, full lines of Japan and Ilyson dearer. Anieriean flour advanced a Teas, which cannot fail to please. sAll orders left to our care will re- : shilling, and I'.nglisra and continental wive our most carofttl and prompt Gd, American corn was Gd dearer d Russian 3d up. Oats were un- 'attention. nearer and iglu ting barley uneli.tnW- ' NORMAN A•.FAIOUNAI1SON, Y; 3C � , The nutrltet closed in sellers" china House, Wittttilatii, , , iT BANK OF I A1lfII,7Cn;7. WING ed. Mo, .:�-Giood GOON at honest prices, OI 1 cl's favor in all the principal stacks. No, and Gd Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Does not grasp a subject readily we repeat and repeat until ho gets it. We drill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subieots taught. We teach Bookkeeping and Busi- ness paper by a. new method. Enquire about it. Your tnooey back if not satisfied. Catalogue free, iYlr, E.A.Coon has accepted a position in the office of E. D. Smith, Winona, Ont. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. ca 1 °iCP Pkir -THE- LEADING JEWELER Has just ordered a full stock of WATCHES: CLOCKS and JEWELRY We buy for CASH and can sell as cheap as the cheapest. A FULL STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. For VINE WA'TCII RtlAllt1Ntt, I defy competition. WEST V. (CoNTI A branch railwa mous Junction to 1 miles below Verni lows Mara lake, S and Swan lake to is a handsome lits 1,000 people, It beautiful valley The town is alis; mountains of dii altitudes. We peaks from the hon writer and a fries, climb, After cons stood upon the s magnificent view a valleys and of the] below. Apparentl Okanagan, Swan although miles ai stimulated our et and when we ret we were able to di nary justice to the landlady provided, We Lord stream Rauchevisited," or miles above Vern( largest fruit farm consisting of severs There were forty a the farm, nearly re picking and pressir would require 4501 The fruit trees we peaches, apricots, d, large' areas of the such as currant and strawberries. , Coldstream posse; climate and its se resemble that of I, Scotland. Most of ti cially irrigated an healthy and vigoro± On Monday, 26t1 this charming tos continue our trip to Sicamous Junction west bound train. along the margin other beautiful lak hours, during whie foced almost eves compass in followin ing direction of the ed into the broad, i South Thompson . rl abounds in cattle r cultivated farms. grazing here and th and on the uplands,, are not such frowns± those we have passes principal town of British Columbia, might and we had n( of seeing it. After we follow Kamloops or two. Then the in upon us again a climb along their sh sometimes thou,an the river and at oth lug the river's rigs space between the tains. In several pl pushed aside by crib of its original bed j Sage way for the ran we pass on in -our p We now cross the on a magnificent immense height ami through a tunnel in ness and in a few i into the famous cant river. It may be s: canons were truly Frazer canon was ; terrible. The gorgi was so deep and r, rays of the sun sou it and the apparent of the Frazer rolled, and dashed through deafening roar. Fri rock upon which they ning along could b� the boiling, leap, waters below, as tli around the shoulder Cliffs above. A b, ward view from th1 ear, as the train me; the canon and its ti into tight, present, terrible and ragged hours we pass tiara, and finally we pass nd omerge into the 414, for the canon i, glide into thesrall, at the head of loraz tion. We rogrettei Frazer canon ended time there came a se the exhibition of es n• ythe iuged and ' of tltenatu +al scene we had boon recenti As we pass along