HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-01, Page 3macarewremaisookeeedatel Sr LESLIE, TAILOR TO HER MAJESTY'S SUBJECTS, '(Other Nationalities not debarred), has thoroughly renovated his shop and laid in a large stook of English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds, Imported Serges, Worsteds, CheYoitS, &c. AlartelibilitellAty If you need a FALL OR WINTER SUIT OR OVERCOAT, +Call and inspect the goods and get prices. They will be sold at rock bottom prices, All goods made up in the latest styles and on short notice. Remember the stand—Nearly opposite he Macdonald Blook, Wingham. THOS. LESLIE, RINGS! GOLD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does make rings on the premises. I make and finish all work in the best possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is round, - I always return the same gold., manufactured as per order, By leaving your orde- r with ane, you can save from 25c to 82, aocotlIing to style, weigbtatnd quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderate Pthoes. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALSEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham. Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watohmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? TILE WINGTTAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. Proposed County of Huron Belt , Small Fruits, bine• 1 Winter protection is an absolute (b roto the Canadian i�.ngineer for October.) ! necessity for growing small fruits i committee of public-spirited ; successfully in a northern climate. citizens of flroderieh contemplate the formation of a company to build a belt line of electric railway through the county of Huron, with the town of Goderich as the chief centre of traffic. The route suggested by the con. inittee is as follows: Taking Goder- ich as a starting point, a radial line running through Nile, Dungannon, Lueknow, Wingham, Brussels, Sea - footed, minondville 13rttcefielcl Varna fectedl, and the succeeding crop very and thence returning via Bayfield t, Mach reduced. (xoderieh, a fatal • distance of from The best winter protection for eightyfive to ninety miles. The blackberries, raspberries and grapes total population of the villages trio consists m laying them down and Wary to such a lino would be about covering lightly with dirt. All old ` 0,000, and the population of the I canes and weak new growths should county itself about SU,000. The be cut out and burned soon after lino would give connection with the fruiting, leaving only strong, a vigor - C. P. R. at Windham and the G. T. ons plants. If plants have been well R. at Goderich, Lucknow, Wingham, mulched in summer with green Brussels, Seaforth and Brucefield. By these connections considerable business in freight and express goods Would be secured to outside points, with the carriage of the mails along the route of the belt itself. T1e reguler local freight and passenger traffic to such places as Bayfield, Dungannon,Varna and other villages not now on any line of railway, would be an item iu the traffic re- turns ; while the light freight from Goderich to the tributary town, in fruit,, eggs,. butter and produce . in such a fertile district would be large, basing calculations on what has been done in the case .of similar roads in other parts of Canada. The organ factory, the bicycle factory and other industries in Goderich will contribute their quota. The summer excursion traffic in a place like Goderich is nu important item. On this subject one of the :members of the committee says: " County excursions to Goderich during the summer months would im very eatrge and of &ally oceurrene e, and from all points the Saturday passemrger traffic to Godericb, to re- main over to Monday, would be specially heavy. We are providing for aleeommoda.tion 'to a large extent over former years fee Americans and others frequenting our town as a summer resort,as ^e find the deanalnd for ;such :is increasing enormously. Speaking moderately, such a marl as It should be practiced in every lo- cality where the temperature reaches zero or below. With the high eulti. vation now practiced, a large and tender growth is stimulated ; hence the greater necessity to maintain as uniform. a temperature as possible throughout the winter, Even in localities where plants show no in- jury, and among those considered most hardy, the vitality is often af- clover, clean straw or coarse manure, as they should be,. loss dirt is re- quired by using this mulehing. In laying plants .down (the rows running north and south) commence at the north end, remove the dirt from the north side of the hill about four inches deep, gather the bunches in close form with a wide fork, rais- ing it toward the top of the bush and press gently to the north, at the saltie time placing the foot firmly on the' base of the hill, and press bard toward the north. If the ground is bard, or bushes old, a. second lean may .use a potato fork instead of the foot, inserting salve deeply, close to south side of hill, and press over slowly, bending the bush in the root until nearly flat on the ground. The bush is • then held down with a wide fork until property covered. The top of suc- ceeding hill should rest near the base of preceding hill, flats making a continuous covering. This process is an important one, but is easily acquired with a little practice. In the spring remove the dirt carefully, with a fork, and slowly raise the bush. With hardy varieties, and in mild winters, suffieient ppstection may be had by laying. down and coveting the tips only. Grapes, being more flexible, are latiisd 'down without re- anoval of dirt near tile vine. Mere ifs no more important work on the SpoTI pal GOODS we contemplate would need to run ifruit farm or aalltien than enter trains both ways out of Goderd& at, more generally 11•eg'icetecl. Let it be least every hour during summer, auic1, done thoroughly, •aidter frosts slave it would require two passean� er' came in, and !before winter sets in. SNO-I- AND SHELLS coadhes and one freight at least upon: Strawberries •grow rapidly in every train to curacy the traffic. • October, and mike many 'weak DOG COLLARS. "Steamers on Lake Huron wonill plants. Remove •sll runners starting feed the road, especially in passenger this month, allowing four or five traffic, and hundreds of visitors. inches s�{u.oe epaoe for eaek plant. This is necessary 'far best fruit—A. M. Thayer, iftli:na•:Ga, Wis. GUNS, DUN POWDERS, rotection, and there is no work Silverware, Builders' Hardware, Paints and Glass, Wire and Iron, Coal Oil, and COAL. LARGE STOOK. LOW PRICES. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Lehigh Valley Coal Co's. Coal. JOHN CLEGG & CO., Stone Block, Wicagham. WELL! WELL! ANOTHER . DRUG STORE RI WINGHAM! Who runs it? Co. Where is it? Queen's Hotel. Why will it prey the people to patronize it? Because every- thing is new. No old stock. A graduate of the O. C. P. 'will be in constant attendance. Prices right. We will be pleased to see our old customers and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. Gordon & Opposite the GbitIMEST Vi g�ilr.ln. woueld take daily advantage of the 'round trip,' which . would pass through the finest ,agriculturaleo in't y in 'Ontario. Goderich being •ihe county town, there would be a steady traffic to and from. it the year round for lousiness purposes, and the ecrn•- nee lions would easily be sueh with all points that the people could come, transact their business and return home the same dear, which can un'w only be done from two or three points. With .regard to fruits, in a good sea- son we can easily ship basket fruits by the car load, and now that t'he.' young orchard area coming into fruit 'is larger than in almost any other county, it is reasonable to cal culate upon largely !increased. trade.' Besides all this, the fact that Gode- rich is a solid town. and one of the few growing rapidly, with an assur- ance of yearly increased population) and aeeoramodation for summer visi- tors, and fast becoming an important manufacturing point, prospects of an increased trade is assured." Considering these many advantages and the fact that good water power can be had at five different points on the line, the proposed Goderich belt line should yield a good return to street railway investors. Worthy Your Madame, The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands who were severely afflicted by this prevaleot disease, but whp now re- joice over a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla, Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neelc,or break out in dreadful running soros on the body or limbs. Attacking the mucous membrane, it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs load t(i oonnuniption. Colne tie it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working or 15 feat is little enough. The upon the fonndation of nil diseases, inn terminal point of the Conductor pure blood, the• system ie clarified and ground and vigor. strength and heath must be in moisture or n vitalized, s; R restored to the body. deep enough to be damp all This is Concentration. One pill a diose, nue box 25 .cents. One pill relic' es constipation. Owe box cures an ordinary ease. One pill taken weekly neutrailizes ifermation of uric acid in the blood and prevents &fight's Kidney disease :and Diabetes. True only of Dr. Chase's 1t7tidney-Liver -Pills. Fire Inneennee nn the Farb., Mr. J. H. hunter, Provincial In- surance Inspector, ai;as been keying before the dire.etors of the Fanners' Mutual Fire 2aneurnnce Companies some important :considerations !con- cerning the WARDS of protection from fire. He takes a high stand on all insurance hatters,, and is very deeid- •ed in chargi tg :all dire insurance .companies that insure at ordinary rates against 'damage by lightning ;and steam engines, without the usual protection that sevence and ex- perience have plat in their hands, as guilty of violating the true principle of honest flee insurance proteetiou. Ilte contends that both lightning and damage from steam thrashing are avoidable enemies that we utn guard. against if we only rase the ordinary precautions that have invariably proved a safe guard wherever used, He is urging on. all the companies he is visiting the necessity of inserting a clause in their by-laws that will make it peremptory on all owners of buildings insured in their companies to have these buildings protected - with lightning rods, or submit to an increased rate of insurance. That buildings having rods have been struck and damaged he is ready to admit, but not when rightly put on. The great point in lightning rod. protection is having the tower end of the rod deep down in the ground, 10 seasons of the year. It is the shallow I insertion in the ground that causes i damage and gives the lightning rod a bad name where it has been used. How the rod is to be attached to the building is a question of minor ilu- • portanee to the one of having it enter the earth deep enough to reach I permanently moist soil, Another matter whicli has predjudteed the most of fanners against lightning rods is the frauds that have been praticed by lightning rod sharpers, who would seldom make a decided bargain with the proprietor till the job was finished, and then charge three or four times the real value of the work. Ona Bottle auras, MAR Seas,—ibis winter I was troubled with a severe cold, I tried several remedies but without avail. On the advice of a friend I bought a bottle ot Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which completely cured me. ROY B. STAI'Lk s. Holland, Man. Health. and Household Hints. Hot water is one of our best reme- dial agents. Keep meat sweet by placing out of doors over night. Vinegar and sugar will make a good stove polish. Inflamed parts will subside under the continual poulticing of hot water. Silken fabrics should never be folded in white paper. The chloride of lime which is used to bleach the paper causes a chemical change in the silk, and injures the color. Nervous people should eat fat food. Every irritable and exhausted nerve should, if possible, be coated with fat. With the fait should be com- bined grain foods and vegetables for strength, and fruit to keep up a healthful consistency of the blood - The Louisville (Ky.) Medical News I CURE FITS for Enfants and Children ..r.4.7,;:erreaymeigawiamaasolmierseasigatemign E�n � (gyp v�,,� �' 1tA Da You Know that Paregoric, Batsman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, zriany so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children aro composed of opium or morphine 2 no Yon ;Knew that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons? no You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to MI! .. ee without labeling them poisons 2 1M Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo gi•;•e,. ::Ices you or your physician lulow of what it is composed 2 no Ton Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and ?: gredionts is published with every bottle ? roe Ton Er ^w that Cantorla is the prescription .of the famous Dr. Samuel l`itoi,c.. 1;44 It lies been iu use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than other remedies for children combined ? :Do Von Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of. other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and.his assigns to use the word " Oratorio." and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 2 Do You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection Wag because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Knew that 35 averago doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 costa, or one cent a close ? Do Yon Know that •,;hen possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest 1 Well, thane things are worth knowing. They are facts. The ,atnsimile �N -t�i�c�st/,/(/ i i ou every ri>;natvr© of wrapper. ChNlth'en Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ifsarx.1d1:441.1:3Aw11-144V..i ,v ,•t,::sk `rr'i ire, a4*A.;cy offers this remedy for dropsy,biudder and kidney troubles : Take two double handifuls of fresh corn silk and'boil in two gallons of water until one gallon remains. Add sugar j to make a syrup, and drink. a tumb- I ler of this three times daily.. Chopped. Potatoes Fried.— Chop cold, isoiled potatoes and season them f with a liitie. pepper. Fey a slice or two of pork crisp in a spider, then take outand put in the potato and brawn it. Puffs ;for Tea.—One cupful of corn starch, two-thirds of a cupful of pulverised sugar, one•;aalf cupful of . butter, our well -beaten eggs, two talrslespeonfuls of balding powder. Bake in gem irons or gutty tins, in a %nick SALESMEN • WANTED Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sae ot our ChNursery uery Stook. Specialties controlled Yalonble treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to any : by us, llit:hest Salary or Collltriissina paid weekly. 3uQerer. fire Rxaress aha res Oleo address. H. a. ;Steadvcutployment the year round. outfit 'ree;a ROOT, M.C., 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. exclusive territory; experience not necessary ; bis• pay assured workers; special inducements to be- • ginnon& write at once for particulars to Sc:o.1 Sup a . #1ies0 of We have just opened up a large stook SCHOOL BOOKS, COPY BOORS, SCRIBBLERS, Baked. Cheese.—One and one-half CRAYONS, P +,NCILS, G1:oRor TuoalsoN, cupfuls of grated cheese, one-half SLATES, &c., &c., Box 125, lvinghani, out enpful:1•6f very fine bread crumbs, one of neit'i"ul of milk, one cog, beaten To be in readiness for the opening of the p This, ,r s s! Lssk at 1 ALLEN NURSERY CO., ROCHESTER N Y. ZETLAND SAW .W MILL GEORGE TItOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of 'Wing - ham. erOrdersby mail promptly attend eo ss apately ; dash. of pepper. pinch of schools after the holidays. slit. Rake half an hour in a hot oven nislta buttered dish. "3';cei Don't Have **Swear Off sw,a She ;St. Louis Journal of Agriculture In ace eriigmrinl daont No -To -¢ac tthetfamous tobacco habit mire.. " We know of many mase' cured by No -To. lisp, one, a prot»htent St, Ionia architect, smoked the back cover and is sold exclusively by and.ohowet (Or twenty yeane two boxes cured bile 6. Call and 808 it. se'Shet enma the smell of td'�eaceo makes him nick, ,n N.etIo,Sae•eoid and anarmeced no cure no pay. • Poe:c•freo. Sterling Remedg• C o., 374 St. Paul St., LE . atur,treaL Our New 300 Page Scribbler is ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRIDE. and a Dandy. DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced It has the map of Huron County on prices, but we cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. We can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. 3, & E. ELLIOTT. Wingham, May 16, 1895. . ROSS, `Nse tfrriendship of i,se world are oft Popular Bookstore. cosaiederacies in vie%er leagues of •Wingham, Aug. 13th,1895. pleasu,ne.—Addison. —The 11heras and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the let,of January, l94163,far 25 cents. "too reckon John !gill graduate this term?" Ile will i f he kin get somelbody:to write his araledictory," —Atlanta Constitution. "Are yen fond of etas ical music?" "Why" reglied Mrs. Pardue New, "of course I am.. That always costs the most." --Washington Stan At a meeting of the tProvincial Sabbath School Association at To- ronto it was voted to abolish the office of normal secretary in order that the expenses of the association should not exceed its income. It was also deeidcd to divide the exist - the ILLS AND Ing liability of the association among OINTMENT the local associations. '.These remedies have stood the test of il'fty years experience, and are prcnouuccd the hest liledieines for Relief in six hours.....Jistressrnq. Eid- Vitality. use. hey and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American ma. ! nay Cure. ma This great reedy is great thaw the broad, correct all Sieordere of the LIVES, STOMAClf, K1DN'Kys AND tea" and surprise and delight to physicians on ac- lnvaluebte in all complaints incidental to fetrialee of all ogee. nOunt of its exceeding promptness in renew- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back end t,i.i ' every part el the urinary passages in male tr the only reliable remedy foe bad ego, terse. steers, and old weitnde. Zw01t 7ettCI:tCY#titd Sonit and female. It relieves retention of 'water l fri tions, cottons, coLns, GOUT, akEUMATISM, MADULA%% SWKLL1NuS; AND ALI: SKI% and pain in passing it almost immediately. , DTSBASES IT mg No Eo5AL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late dict, Oxford street, Londoe. 11 y ori gra t quick relief ail Duro this ib end sold by ell Medicine Brendon throughout the world. Your romueny, Bold at Chisbolm's drug ,if r nrehasers should look to the Label ori the Ilexes and PatIP thlii art noir stote, ' 588 Oxford Street, London, they are bpiiriens. f�.v..5 r.v,,lt, •}:L.::& Z ,+,,.; ,,.,.e .c,10.7eMehw.*. As many good things are likely to. But you are safe in running the risk if you keep a bottle of Perry Davis' "AIN KILLER at hand. It's a never -failing antidote for pains of all sorts. Sold by all Druggists. Dose•—ane tearpconful in n half glass -2 water or milk (warm it convenient.) A Blessing to Every Household.