HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-11-01, Page 1ING
VOL. 1X.XIV.-.-N-O. 1.242.
)0►'Atir. q 0
Is over and was admitted by
the ladies that it was ahead of
anything ever shown before in
Wingham. • Ladies, when you
want anything in MILLINERY,
be sure and give us a call before
Selling here leave.; no room for
doubt as to qualitiesuand values.
YOU'RE SAFE if you buy your
Fall Dress Goods from us.
we are showing the very latest
German styles and prices away
down. See our special $4.5o,
$5 and $6 Mantles.
"We excel ;" never was there
the assortment shown before in
town. See our FUR CAPES in
Tasmania, Sable, Grey Persian
Lamb, Opossum, Greenland
Seal, Astrachan and Baltic
Seal. Our • Astrachan Coats
are thebest value. Full assort
ment of ' Gauntlets, Muffs,
Storm Collars and Caps.
SHOES for all kinds of weather,
SHOES for all kinds of people,
SHOES for all kinds of poct.acs.
Felt Lined Buckle Boots,
Felt Lined Long Boots,
Felt Lined Laced and
Gaiters for Ladies.
Rubbers and Overshoes,
Trunks and Valises.
e s
Stock Cotnple Prices
wineharn, The Shoe Alan.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
reg uired.
corn -fp -
Canada's Realest Commercial SQ►)ool.
Large faculty ; Superior courses; Students assisted
to positions every week.
SUUAW �itELLIe for circulars. T.I'rinoipals
Chisbohn's coed' 1• powders for horses
and cattle are nus , lied..
—Mr. Geo. Crui era
load of )loge to Ing s.
King sells odd
Good at half pri
—Mr. R. 0, -pa
for the baled stra'
into town. It is br
For a good, coo
Patterson, the lead'
.shipped a car
on Wednesday.
s of high class Dress
g is finding ready sale
whinh he ie bringing
oim Chatham.
eking pipe, call on
g jeweler, Wingham.
—A. new taubarlidewalk has been put
down on the east site of Josephine street,
from the Grand Tit k era g to Charles
Guy Bros. Minstrels " •e better than ever
this year. See the n the Town Hall, on
Thursday evening'' ovember 7th.
—The eighteenth nnuel convention of
the Ontatlir, Noma 's Christian Temper-
ance Un is bein held in Hamilton this
Oysteiserriving daily at the old reliable
Star restaurant, and served in any style.
JAS. MCKeevie..
— "The oldest ing bitant" does not re-
member ayear w n we had two such
heavy snow falls s early in the season as
we have had this y ar.
Aylmer brand of Peas, Corn, Tomatoes,
Beans and Pumpkins, 8 cans for 25 cents,
at, Griffis's.
'1/41;. ---Mr, Wm. S. 111
resident of town f
We want the names of 30,000 yoitng
people. The latest edition of our College
Journal is ready for distribution and we
want you to see it. Send in your name
and the names of your friends; we will
do the rest. It will interest you and cost
you nothing. You must see it.
P. MoINTOSH, Principal.
we still lead. Never before
were we asblisyas we are now.
The people know where they
get the best value for their
moll ey.
Pure Clover Honey at Griffin's.
---Dear shooting coin neer to -day.
Suit lengths of
ass Good at half price.
son, of East Wawa -
for >, in another
See King's win,
High Class Tweed
—Mr. Geo. Robe
nosh, offers his far
We ntalce a specie of toilet soaps and
we wish your trade that line,- at Chis-
hol;n's Drug Store.
,,, Mr. L. Hembly ill mov- his family
to Palmerston, next, eek, aving secured
at his t tide t e
Guy Bros. Mingle ' <treet parade on
Thursday, 7th Novo, •dr, at 12 o'clook.
Be auto and see it.
—Winter gainer, a arge stockinet receiv-
ed at Mr. Alex. Ross at greatly reduced
prices. His changef advertisement was
received too late for his issee.
The old reliable bu cher, Mr. J. G. Field,
has a full supply of Sausages,Head Cheese,
&o„ as well as meats of all kinds, Give
him a call.
—Mr. Walter Bel eh, liveryman, has
disposed of his farm, on the 4th canoes•
sion of the township of Grey, about five
miles front Brussels, to Mr. Wm. Hogg,
who resides near the farm. Wo ander-
stand 11ir. Belden scall ad a fair price for it.
who has been a
a 7few years, will
remove with his fam'1y to his farm, near
Manchester, next week.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
— The Canadian P eific Railway exhibi-
tion ear, with sple did samples of the
crops of Manitoba; d the Northwest of
1895, wa8 at the Ck and Trunk' Railway
Station. on- Tue$IIiL t; •and was visited by a
large number of pe le. •
—Mr. D. el. Gnr on's change of adver-
tisement was recei d too late for this
week. He will no mance on Saturday,
Nov. 2nd, to sell ov •coats and nlsters at
cost for Bash. 1 -le h s an immense stock of
clear thein out.
Manitoba Flour at Kerr & Conery'e.
.- •We aro glad to r port that the typhoid
'patients in town odd country are fast
approaching recover
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
—An advertisem4it is tithing that re-
an's goods and business
man and the goods
these goods, and "mu
— Notwitbstandinl the unfavorable
weather, the brick
furniture factory
plated. The roof
and in a few days the
roofed. Tho wood we
is being pushed along
not be long -before tl
You all know we carry the
largest and best stock in town
and prices are right.
The only Direct importers.
the reception of the
Get a free iample of Williams' Little
Dandelion Pills and be convinced.
There is nothing like them.
vork of the Union
is about com-
e on the dry kiln,
achine shop will be
•k in both buildings
rapidly, and it will
ey will be ready for
presents abusiness
at a place where tl
are not,
Cash for butter
—Don't forget th
require auction sal
first-class bill and a
widely circulated pa
A. Seller—A, fine H
for 5o, worth 10c, S
Drug Store.
—The Mission Bi
the Baptist oltmroh
the church, on Sat
A good programme
the occasion.
Black worsted suits from $15 up, at
Gee. H. IrviN's, City Tailor.
—Mr. Chas, G.
Messrs. John Lovell
Montreal, was in tot
week, getting infoti
Business and Professed
they will issue in .TunE
the most complete 1
ever published, and is
the low price of $5.
Ladies, clean your kid gloves with
Josephine Glove Cleaner. For sale only
by G. E. King, headquarters for the Perrin
1' reres Kid Gloves,. in all the most desirable
shades for street or evening wear.
Lodge, I. 0. G. T.,
eating in their now
k, on Tuesday even-
od attendance and
enjoy themselves.
o and bandy. All
o attend the next
vening next.
•-Anoher of Hop
held their regular i
halt, in the Meyer bl
ing. There was a g
every ono appeared t
The ball is aomfortal
members are invited
meeting, on Tuesday
and eggs at Griffin's
Tensa office, if you
bills. You will get a
notice of e sale in a
i ope toilet soap
A, at ChishoIm's
nd in coneeotiou with
will hold a social in
rday afternoon next.
s being prepared for
--The second sn
on'.tlionday night a
during Tuesday andl
ton inches.fell in all
great deal of it we
now in a blest deplorable Condition.
y.:41,11 this season began
ti'. continued id intervals
uesday night. About
and on Wednesdr.y a
off, androads the are
Williams',.,Littlo Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try thele.
—On another pa will be found a very
good cut of the Cotte of ifiimeHouse of
Refuge and a desorip on of thb building
and grounds. We re indebted to the
C1tnt,0't Taw Era for he use of the cut and
the tte's'r2�ks'ptive articl
The Guy Hees. Minstrels n the Town
Hall, Wingbatn, on TIit " ay evening, 7th
November. Entire n - ow this season
—better than ever.
—Tho Canadian
tery Journal, of Toro
sante the trades its
Canada, no doubt on
has failed to notice t
Union i uniture G
rr•nituee and Uphols-
to, which well repre-
name indicates, in
ccount of oversight,
.rebuilding of the
rnpany's factory in
tbis town.
Heathfield's Healing Balsam is a
sure cure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
—Mr. Geo. Shaw hal
fence on the building 1i
week from the Oddfello
ing and refitting the sta
of tho lot. He will do s
ing for his brick block,
weather will permit.
pulled aown the
t he purchased last
s, and is enlarg-
le on the back part
me of the excavat-
this fall, if the
Fresh Oysters at Kerr 8: Conery's.
—Post Office Insj
on several toeni of
week, relative to th
caked to be put on t1ti
ector Hopkirk called
the W., G. & B„ is st
dditioual mail service
at lino.
Cooked meat at Kerr & Conery's.
—Messrs. Butte & 7: essant are now
running at full ca . city. On account of
the engine not won ing well, they were
shut down a few d e last w=• making
Two dresses for 1 . price of one. See
King's window.
—Remember the L. T. B. A. concert,
on November 5th. lan of hall at Mr. H.
Park's jewelry stor Cheap railway rates
from Goderieh, Ki cardine and interme-
diate points.
Family Flour at "err & Conery's.
—The ',gown B a desire to thank all
who in any way assisted to make the
concert given by them a success, and the
public for their p teenage. On account of
the mold weather, ,they will not play out
any more this sea on.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
anis, representing at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
: Son, pnbiishers, tf ; Joint NEULAN0S.
a few days this Mie textus Kent, o • e of the oldest and
:tion for Lovell's most `liigbly esteeme.; residents of the
ilDireotory,which town, died'on Thursda of last week, aged
next. It will bo 74 years a ':10 mon s. .T,tt
minion directory
lel to subscribers at w s born ie . 'Words]) ti, England, and
wa, brougiil tp priada y his parents in
info fey •llr,i p its ; ttled at . Myron,
ndtiii 'p 18 4, he, ,•ivith his
4 loved o Lo don to: `�nsh
i 'and
rents io"i
,Pa , , �t ...tY P
followed agr ''ttltltt'tt 'pu . uits for about ten
years and rem ved to tl Y 'Gore. On the
24th Septembe 1840,1 - married Martha
C. ClarlOehir S tie4- 0, lot 9, concession
C.,'(lore oi� 'T;ond• •, ' an. in May, 1852
engaged: in •,44o.,"Clio pursuits at St.
John's (!l.reta),eIn t e'yt lining times of
1.837 he teol,�'the field.., '1 i our militia and
eontinuoteily peeved (ttf,; having passed
through' the Military col) until 1866
ptain of No.
De ceased
ether, 1866, arid
tntil his death,.
children {Mrd: W. Williams, N.11. W
fent) surviving; J. Livingstone, J. W. Iolmes, Geo. Jack-
and Mrs. B. sort, J. Wilson, J. R. nncly, G. W. Hlen-
deceased him, derson, C. E. Melut •e, R. 0, Parsons,
he true type of Jas. Hannon, M. J. T eleaven, and these
unassuming laymen :—II. L. I i. , J. E. Carson, Geo.
his left hand Levorsage, Dr. Towle J. A. Carrick, Geo.
id. He was a Acheson, W :Stevens
ides and a firm, Welliegton; .'S..It. Hu
England. ilo M. Kenny, John E.
'cularly a ')Vale Lindsay. Special eo.
ing honesty in Russell, N. B, Willou
he "Colonel," , G. W. Henderson, R
spootcd by All . Shepherd, I. B. Ayles
of meeting hitn gin, Geo. Jackson, J.
d that he bas, Hannon, A. Cunningh
uesUon. The' Livingston, J. Wilson
toon,weslargely J• Treleaven, 8. Bond
scorning desirous Arrangements were
Puha a
nd s u
y p p
r one reaped to
teem by all who illness. goods ars>ltaple alt$ •
uafntanee. Tlte' J. C. Field, butcher, tVingham, gives
,'G. T. R. trains for Toronto and ease
leaV.V Wingham at 0.23 a. m. and 1120-a.
m ; v '4ic. G. & B.; 0.35 a. in. and 3.25
p.ni tit tL0iinton and Guelph. Good:coti.
nectieetesiley"all trains.
In ixlir„local last week in reference t&
the establishment o a flax mill itt Wing -
ham, we emitted �o mention • ; the very
liberal offer of Mr.. (deo, McKenzie of a
free site for same 'Wt untleefitend Mr.
McKenzie is still p9eparoa, to ` give a free
site for a iiax mill,i one is erected thereon
equal to the mills it Brussels or Blyth,
This is a good offe
townspeople will bet;
A Graduate of 'Toro
to 'University saysl
"My children have been treated with
Scott s Emulsion from their earliest, years!
Our physician first recommended it and
now whenever a child takes cold my wife
immediately resorts to this remedy, which
always effects a care."'
matter. Flax is on
—Mr. W..T. Chapi
a.heaci for gloves to
busy for several 1T
quality of the goals
Cheninan oomman
Chapman is now in
of leaitber, having a
an has enough orders
keep his employees
>uths. The superior
turned out by Mr.
s ready sale. Mr.
ting a superior quality
�ewprocess of tanning.
Per •liAO.
';•1/.5'11.. John Neelaud was at Brussels, on
Forester business, o .Wednesday. of
Mr. D. Pringle, of: 't, Marys, was callinS
on friende in trwn, wring the week.
e 3Ur, awl Mrs. Cha , Gillespie were v' i
ing friends in Beryl • during the week. t.
Mr. I. R. Swarts, of Bayfield, was in
town a couple or ea• : dnriug the weak.
Mr. David Batnae, of Westfield, was in
town on Friday last calling on friende.
Messrs. W. G; fet .ng and Wm. Doig, of
Gerrie, were in , vn on Saturday after-
noon last, on basin :s.
Aar. B. Willson, bo is on abusiness trip
to Manitoba and th Northwest, ig expect-
ed home this week.
Mrs, Jos. Readin , of Toronto, who has
been the guest of . es. Philip McKibben
for some time, rote ned to leer home on
Mr. Moneypen , of Torouto, who had:
been spending a sh, t time visiting Mr.
•and Mrs. E. Herds an, returned to Toren.
to last week.
Messrs. Thos. H. ries and S. G. Brown,
own on Saturday last,
a call. Tho former
be publishers of the
ea te.
f Toronto, travelling
Globe, spent Sunday
'lliott is an all friend
Neelands, of town,
eeb them.
of Watford, were in
Wand gave the TAr
gentleman, is one of
Watford Guide -Adv
I 112r, Wm. Elliott,
agent for the Toren
lest in town. Mr.
of Mr. and Mrs. Joh
' and was pleased to r
• Last•season's Mantles, $5 to $8, we sell I Wedel'
for $n.5O; $8 to $1•L, we sell for $4; ir12 Another of those
and 1'5; we sell for $6. M. H. iITcINnoo• t makes two hearts b
Auction sale of Tarin stock, on lot 41, the residence of Mr
awanosh, on Wednes• land, Clintnn, on 1
This will be a grand when Miss Carrie
iers and drovers to Harland, and Miss
stock consists of 19 . daughter of Mr. Ro
tther stock. John W..nanosh, wore unite
tor. J. Currie, sue- of matrimony to
Mathew F.I. Elliot
• Overcoats from $12 to $2a' ; cannot be brides were attired'
beaten in the Dominion, at Gro. H. Ieers's, becoming veils to s
City Tailor,
—A meeting of t
reittee decided to
John Galt, Begint
Wingham and m
posed sewer along
Galt is a gentlemn
his profession, a
system of water
and we hope our and;;R'rttained' the cans,,
it themselves in the aeget_1pDaiiy:ief'iiie 7tif" a
Lof the most profitable came to Wingham ill ,No
Ow, and the industry resided here continuptialy•
crops a farmer eau g
is a very desirable one for a town. Efeeletevos lue_witioweildi,
• 'Tilos. Stiles and Tr.
two children, Edwiri l'i'en
Willson, of Win;ltatn, pi
leaving families. He was
a gentleman, kind heart
and charitable. Helot no
know what his right hand
life-long Conservative in iso
u were busy putting supporter of tho Church of
n, and were using was a keen sportsman, par
, whieh was being tonian. He was of uniiinc
e. The pitch caught public and in private and
the fire was smother• as he was known, lived
done. Mr, Cornyn, 'Who had the opportunity.
day previous from in business or otherwise, a
looking on when died regretted is beyond
n, and be, without
Dirtcsselexlin--I wish to inform the ladies
of Wingham that I ate prepared to do iirst-
olaes work at my home, or to sew by the
day. I guarantee satisfaction in all work
in rusted to me. Ernst PAoic, Frances St.
•1Vir, Robert Corny 1, on Thursday of
last week, about 5.80 'clock p. til., was
badly burned at t Union furniture
factory. The works
the roof on the dry k
pitch for that purpo
melted in a large ket
fire several times, an
ed•out wed t10 damag
who had come up th
Toronto, was stendir
the pitch Melt fire ag+
thinking, grabbed a
int nese, ,
burning tar. In ail
with burning flnid, all
were frightfully burns
taken to the residence
and medical aid suns'
doing as well as can be
ccncessioa 11, East
day, November Oth. 1
opportunity for far
secure stock as the
steers,:5 heifers and
bhOOl Ottelnl, propri
Fe Public Works Com -
of Cli,
ccept the offer of Mr. was bridesmaid for
r, Toronto, to Dome to Mr. W. Elliott assi
ke a report on fhe pro -
Flows, of 011
Josephine street. Mr, was bridesmaid for
n of high standing ill Robertson, of Blueva
is the pate tee of a Tho morn was very
�oiks with two large weddi
leas to say everything
q5 REWD,Rn.—LOSt, a containing*, a ceremony was perfor
g Balis•
happy events which
t as one took place at
and Mrs. W. S. I-Iar-
ednesday, Oot. 30th,
impson, sister of Mrs.
mma Mason, second
Mason,f East We -
in the holy bonds
Messrs. James and
respectively. The
in cream, with very
t the occasion. Miss
on,. attired in bine,
iss`Simpson, while
ted the groom. Miss
ton, attired in pink,
les Mason, while Mr.
assisted the groom.
tastefully decoratsd
bells and it is need -
looked loire1y,. The
d by .Bell. J. W.
Irx ti; in the'
leer of retells/es t¶na
g partner, After
and the usual con-
hrough with, the
ing room, where a
breakfast awaited
resent seemed to
ly. The brides
'serous and costly
em in which they
riends. The two
ening train for
wishing diem a
s wedded
sum of money, between los' corner and Holmes and Rev.
Mrs. Cummings', Low . Ingham. Findsr
will receive above reward on leaving the presence of a large nun
purse et Mr. Benj. Wilison's• friends of the contract
al meeting of the the ceremony was over
s Association will be gratulationa had got
Ont., Jan. 7, 8 and 0, paety repaired to the die
one morning session ninely furnished weddin
iscussion of practical them, and every one
Gould, of Ohio, on enjoy themselves hear
Theo. Louis, of Wis- were the recipients of nu
cousin, on swine hes andry, will be among pr'esent's, showing the esti
the attractions of the convention. wore held by their many
—Icor first-class tailoring and cheap couples left on the o
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.' Wingham, ail joining in
and nos aro
Remember the place, one door nth of long, happy i? p
R. A. Graham's grocery store. i Our Furniture Ma
—At the meeting f the special corn- The Canadian Furnitu
reittee of the Lenden Methodist Conference Journal, published in T
in London, last week it was decided to re- follows concerning our
commend the confe once to reduce the fatiturieg establishments
number of districts f om 15 to 11. Aylmer, l Thos. Bell's long expo
St. Mary's, Kincardi and Listowel are ture manufacturer quttli
the districts which it s proposed to wipe the trade with the goods
ont. The following = b•committees were His fall line:contains so
appointed: On rearra gement of districts, desirable goods shown th
Revs. S. Bond, Georg: Buggin, •Win. Me- are all splendid examples
Donagh, G. F. Salton, Wm. Williams, .f. art, anct in construction a
Gaudy, and W. W. hepherd. Mission unequalled. The super).
nomrnittee, Rove. A.
—The next awn
Western Dairymen
held in Woodstock,
One afternoon and
will be devoted to a
cheese making. Jot
the dairy, and Uncle
and Upholstery
.onto, speaks 0,i'
urniture •mann-
nd their output
ence as a furni-
s hint to furnish '
fat they require,
e of the most
season. They,
of the designer's
d finish they aro
tpualty of the
Ritssell,J. Learoyd, goods produced by Mr. B 1, end the p'iiees
longhby, 0. Buggin, at which they are sold, arc excellent reasons
a running, fail
iii of water that Wes
into the
d it
he was V
It face and hands
Ile was at once
funeral, eti Satnralay ttfto
attended, our townsperapl
lit the last token
of paying y g
who was held in high e
load the nleaaute of his
Mr. Jaeob Kling interment took place
eed, and is now
xpected. cemetery.
why his factory is alwa
Button & Fessant, of th
factory, have all the bnsi
handle, although they ha
additions to their plan
S. D. i3arnes, Mark them to greatly inorea
ter, It. P. Wright, J, Their new lines of centre
etch, and >ii. 1I; shelves are fast becomi
ltnittee, Bows. A. L.
hby, J. W Holmes,
0, Parsons, W. W.
orth, George Bug.
R. Gundy, Jannca
dealers in medium goo
price they are excellent 1
finish. Their output.
sold as fast as it can
notwithstanding the in
m, W. Williams, J. their factory, they can
0.13. McIntyre, H. with their Orders.
rid John Kenner. in the production of 1
de to supply ltev, articles of furniture,
Windsor during
in liatn mina '1,d
'lv t
i the Wingliam
titles of meat for tl Zreshings, bees aloe l em'e of them in stock,
Call and see hint. ed of rl!}ny geed sellin
mecliuln goode should
Wingham chair
ss that they cue.:
made extensive
which enables
a their output.
tables and book
g popular with
. Although low
construction and
hairs is being
produced. and,
led capacity of
rdly •keep pace
w prioett avw'ryddy
eravigt i2 (1n
YCeI @d.
who lraiedle
till times have
Seer ire per•