HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-14, Page 20prisitor The April meeting of the Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church was in charge of the Reid-Habkirk Group. During the business meeting it was decided to buy new ties for the junior choir gowns in a blue shade to match the senior members' gowns. 21 sick calls were made during the month. Miss Ethel McKay read 'ale scriptufe from St. Luke .23. and an Easter presentation was given by Mrs. M ae Habkirk. Mrs. John Thompson introduced A.R.Yielding, pastor of the Bethel. Bible Church, Egmondville for the past two years. Pastor Yielding has been preaching the gospel for 50 years and operated a commercial art business in Toronto while donating his time and talent to open small churches in surrounding areas. When these churches became self supporting, he would move on to another area. Pastor • Yielding • gave an inspiring message "Be right with God". In his opening remarks he demonstrated two magic tricks to the delight of his audience, He then became serious pointing out ' how one can be fooled by bits of rope and string but the one really true fact is the Almighty God who called the n whole universe into being. Miss Alice Reid thanks Mr., Yielding for his message and a social hour was enjoyed. Visiting London? Planning, a trip to London in th-e .near future? Why not drop into City Centre Mall and see :be wide range of stores and services. You'll enjoy shopping in our comfortable fully carpeted Mall. You'll, find two floors of Something a little different. EnloreAhe fine' merchandise from - all over the world, have dinner in the beautifully decorated Terrace Cafe dining room or one of the restaurants in the adjacent Holiday Inn, City Centre Tower. City Centre Man :has a live theatre called Centre Stage. Enjoy' one of their productions. If you have children, don't let them miss Canada's only Children's Museum. 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BULBS ,sr Ole' 15,25,40,-60 or'Ititf aatt "ft- 1 N14:. r Pitil,OF . / , 2 pkg 1411111,i %`k‘ 4111/ - .4.0011111e 41S, Sylvania ..1011211.,..isailliirri Ariz 801111/?_„, L FOOD STORES Alibbk Prices 'effective till Tues.' April 19, VW. gi CELERY 'STALK S. "Cello SPINAcH . Sunkist .1 ORANGES rmiiimnimiimmumminiiiiimmunimmitmounTA isimimummummiiiiiimmumnimmtimmumoul 3- TOOTHPASTE -11„T.ri.1.09 • Mciple Leaf • CANNED PICNICS,Lb.1 89 -E ▪ Colagate - S S • DOZ. NNW 40414 Clover Leaf ".."."1111111111111P"..mir.........r.".11111111111.1 —= 40.44.14 Solid White = Ann --anuor-r ali 444 OZ., 5 / 9 et liar 01 IN dogote 741111 itittk‘k 110•1•C %:!1‘. MON 1.11.111B W•14"""I 11W111 ; MMI• MOS 411111W 1 Lb. 990 S S SWIM owls Pkg. 2A—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 14, 1977 EgmondvilleUCW 'has " skit at Easter meeting Heath leaving Huron Children's Aid for Ministery When •Egrnoridville United chuich Women pet April 5, programme convener was Mrs. Alice Boyes and Mrs. Agnes Eyre read the scripture. Mrs. Mae Smith read ,an Easter poem. The Easter meditation was ably given by Mrs. Ruth Smith who said "Next to the celebration of Christmas, no other celebration is so inspiring as that of Eakter. Easter is a challenge of the faith of us all. Everything during the springtime is an expmple 'of renewal as the bare i trees—of winter will bp •transformed into 1 the springtime with beautiful foliage so the message of Easter is one of immortality." "There is a purpose to everything, she said. Scattered over this earth are flowers of every discription, perfect in design, each exemplifying a Resurrection. Jesus said "Lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world." A skit "Criming. Here comes the Preacher" was well presented by the following actors . The pr eacher - Mrs. Karen Roberts - U.C.W. members Mrs. Alice Boyes, Mrs. MabelStrong. The Mother, M rs. Jean Lunn; FAther - Mrs. Hazel McGonigle. The active boy, Mrs. Lois Moore. The moral of the skit was presented in a very humorous but real way. The Vice President Mrs. 11 azel Harrison chaired the business of the meeting in the absence of Mrs. Helen Chesney and, opened the meeting with a poem "What have I to give away ?" Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Helen Chesney and Mrs. Jean Forrest. An invitation was accepted from W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth to attend their one hundredth anniversary on Thursday, April 21 at 2 p.rit. with Mrs. Hugh Jack as speaker. Mrs. Jean Lunn, ` social convener, outlined the upcoming banquets and the U.C.W. offered to share in the fellowship of the church's confirmation banquet in June by serving the dinner. 'Lunch and social time followed • the meeting. • The resignation of., Bruce R. Heath, Local Director of the Childrenls Aid Society, has been accepted with regret by the Board of Directors of the County Society effective May 27, 1977. Mr. Heath has been appointed to the Children's Services Branch of the Ministry of Community and Social Services. The appointment to the staff of the provincial director of Child Welfare will entail supervision and consultation with Children's Aid Societies and residential care facilities for children, and Youth in assigned areas of the 'province, and related assignments within the Ministry Mr. Heath was appointed local director of the HuroirChildr en's Aid Society in 1970 following supervisory positions with ' the Catholic Children's Aid Societies in Hamilton-Wentworth and 'Metropolitan Toronto. A graduate ' of St. Michael's College, , University of Toronto, Mr. Heath subsequently completed his Bachelor and Master of Social Work in Toronto, and further studies at the • University of Chicago. Active in local and provincial social welfare affairs. M r. H eath is a member and past-president of the Goderich Rotary Club, and a parishioner of St. peter's Church, Goderich, where he has served on the Parish Council and as a lector. Mr. Heath, hiS wife, Elsie, and children Latina. and Marc, will take up residence in the Toronto area. ARNOLD J.STINNISSEN LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Auttulties. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible , Premium R.R.S.P. REPRESENTING — Tel. Sun Life Assurance GODER1CH ST. EAST $1217;0410 c ompany Of Canada SEAFORTH for 17 years. Ph. 527-021141 Expositor Action Ads Dave Robb- PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings - Anniversaries Portraits - Industrial Team & Group Pictures 527-0064 • First Church ladies make 21 sick calls ig11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111D1 SAFETY with precast concrete steps grit it Mr. -Unit Step can provide you with a safer entrance UNIT STEP fElAKEHO -ligic>10NrED Set forth 5 27:1 320 Your Precast 41OCiOfiet8 WOMB OEM NNW MIN 10•1111 -woo ttiow two*, :61_110‘ Salado iwoolow 4101101.11.11.......1111 .411111te ' 111141111.11.11110111111rir allt16 Orange Pekoe ...,,em-gmlreirmrys.„, AIL 4.r IT EA SAGS* 's 4rP • "Yr %Ph t1/4. 701111t0A -k Ore 16 oz eek, Bag rfi'-‘0411-itt-04” 41/110 14# . voljegore• `1"111111111M111111P' vA4MAY4.1,WAWAahviefiviehva4.:.y.v.rii4*Wo.,N,Pvi,www.,,- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES „JMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111E-1, PICK•OF-THE•CIICIP = Indian River Pink or White IMO I Prod. 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