HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-14, Page 19itor FIRST SECTION PAGESIA — 8A SEAFORTH ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, APRIL, 14,1977 Summer job: hunt tough SDHS students find Finding a summer job isn't easy if you haven't worked before, or don't have a car, or don't know anyone who can help you. That was the consensus-Among a number of grade 12 and 13 students. at Seaforth District High School who answered questions about their plans for the summer. Mary Lammerant has worked part time at a restaurant in Londesboro this year, and hopes to get a jab at the Old Mill in Blyth this summer. She worked there last summer and she says they have told her that if they do hire people, it will be those who have worked there before. She says she wants to work out of town "Because the money's better". ``,''Sandra Hulley works every second seekend at'Seaforth Manor, and hopes she will be taken on full time this summer. She has.. also applied at Canada Manpower and says she will take a 'job in Stratford, if one turns up. She says the pay is much' better in larger places likeStratforci„,and thinks the adventure of getting away from home for a while woeld be another benefit of a job in another place., John Primeau, a grade 13 student, has worked for R.S.Box Limited for the last two summers driving ambulance and delivering furniture, John says he wants' to take an electrical apprenticeship, and through relatives in Toronto and at Douglas Point may get help in finding a'job, He doesn't think there is much chance of a job in Seaforth. "It's a small town" he says. "You just can't find a job'•". "You have to go where it's bigger or where you have connections, " he says. Have Trouble Mike Regier is luckier than mast students, because his father owns a trucking business, and he can work there in the summer. Mike says a lot of his friends though, are having trouble finding full time jobs for the.. summer. Kathy Bruxer has worked at the Seaforth Lions Pool in past summers and hopes she can again this summer, She says her friends are trying for jobs' on farms, in. stores. hotels, and nursing homes. "That's basically all there is" she says. Cheryl Seymour ha's applied fora government grant under the ,Young Canada Works program to cut lawns and clean windows - for senior citizens. She says she has been told thegrant for about $9,000 will be approved. Five people, four girls and one boy, will work on the project' she says. John Nixon hopes to get a job driving a truck in the Atwood area. He has experience, having driven last summer for a building supply company in Gorrie, and hopes he won't have too much trouble getting a job.i ,Sean Etuffin, a grade 12 student, who. hopes to begin saving this summer to go to University, doesn't have a job yet, and doesn't know if he can get one. "Around here, anyWhere you work you have to have a care ', says S ean, ''Who lives in the country. He has gone to Toronto and applied to "at least 25 places", and.has talked to many more people, but so far no job has turned-up. He has put an application in at Manpower in this area as 'Well. "I've just got to keep looking I guess" he says. Pat Rose, a grade 13 sutdent, has always worked on her father's farm before, but wants to get a job in Stratford this summer. She tilinks, it will be hard to, find a job. "I'll take whatever 1 can.-get" she says. She says the will apply through Manpowe-r-and will also go around in person to places who might be hiring for the summer. She says she wants to go to university in the fall, and wants to be able to save some of the money she will need, Kathy O'Leary hopes to do something connected with recreation, but she isn't sure what sort of jobs there are. She hasn't started to look for a job yet, but says she will be starting soon. Manpower councillor says Here's how to loo k for . CI job , .5 Not many jibs in town Seafarth registered in a planning course at • a University under a'gbvernriterit' subsidized program. As vet, the, Town hasn't received any 'applications -from -aligibfe students, Mr Crocker said, spokesman for Topnotch Feeds timited said "we don't as a rule" ,hire students in the summer. He said at present the company has 'no plans" to hire a student, "but if circumstances dictated 'it. then we would'•. . Seaforth Community' Hospital administrator Gordon McKenzie Said the hospital -does not usually hire-any students in the summer. "We have a fair number of part time people who fill in 'when other t people are on ..holidays" Mr. McKenzie said.. Marten Vincent-, of Vincent's Farm Equipment Limit ed. was not available for comment, but a spokesman in the office said she didn't think the company hired summer help. Seaforth PUC manager Tom Phillips said-"were debating"- on .-wbether_or not...io hire a Student. He said• it would depend on 'the type of work the PUC schedules for the summer. "If we get . involved„with water work, there is , . Students who want ajob this summer shohld "get out and -7-knock on -dobrs" according to Susan Worsen, 'co-ordinator of the summer student job service of the Canada Manpower Centre in Goderich.. Ms Worsell stresses that "direct' • contact with the employer" is the key to finding work. She says students who wait for Manpower, or someone 'else to find 'work for them are, risking a jobless summer. DesPite economic . problems-- , and the tight money situation in . many-industries, Ms. Worsell thinks summer etnployment prospects are reasonably bright. "I don't think it should be any worse this year than last year for students who are willing to go out and look",'. she • said. Most employers she has 'contacted say they will hire students this summer,. bat many have saidthey prefer to rehire students who have worked for them before. "Some students nay have to lower their sighs if they want' a career oriented job" Ms.' Woisell. emphasized. She said ii.uch jobs are usually the 'hardest to find because they usually pay• the most and are'sought by students -Who want to find' out if they are suited to do a certain kind of 'work. . A number of gdvernment , funded employment ' programs 'will -be operating this summer Ms. Worsell said, and the Canada Manpower Centres in. Goderich and Stratford; • have information and applications on hand ..Ms'. Worsell says -,the deadline for application to some Or the programs has already pa s s od.,---b.ut that_dthers are _still open, She said. students who want work this summer should get applications Into . a M.anpower Centre as soon as possible.. A survey of some local industries and Organizations indicates that, students hoping to find ajob in Seaforth will not have an easy,. time. • . Recreatiori director Clive Buist says his department has applied for a government grant under what, is termed ' Program '-40. "Youth in Action". Mr. Buist -says the recreation' department has hired a number pf„students each summer using' this grant.' , "We're hoping to have another (Editor's Note( Lookirig for a jab can be a frustrating experience, 'but knowing.how to go about it Fan make the task a little easier.' Larry .Dillon of • Seaforth is a at • the Canada - -Manpower Centre in -St.M-arys-: and he provided the ,following suggestions about looking foi. work .) .• If you would like to work during you'r summer vacation, now is the time to start looking for 'a job. Before :y,ou go' to employers, . prepare yourself for a job 'search, Objectively evaluate your skills, experienee, ability and .your physical condition. You arc offering to sell these assets to an employer in return ,tor ' wages. Select a job that you..ean • reasonably expect to find in your area and that' you are „qualified -• play school program" Mr. Buist said. :He said . five studetn.s. worked on the program last yearTiii=e-e— other students' also worked last y ear supervising the Town's playground fatilities. Mr. Buist was unable to say if the Recreation Department could hire at least as many Students again ' this„ year. all _depends' on whether we get the grant" he said. .A spokesman for Robert Bell .Industries Limited said "There is --,' a possibility" the company .Will hire a student this summer. He • said one young person. was employed to do general' cleanup work 'last summer.' ' . ,The spokesman stressed that if someone is needed the company would have to consider unemployed people with families to . support before students. Whether Or not. someone is hired- Vdepends • en business • ot course" the spokesman said. Seaforth Town Clerk Jim Crocker said a student may be hired to work fora short_periodin_ the Office. If someone is hirell "it would only be for a month or so." he said. Mr .Crocker said in the past the Town has hired a student companies who are interested in students and who are likely to have openings_ in the future, He may also be able to give you application forms and information on- various summer -programs "sponsored by the federal or provincial Government. • ' Let your friends and relatives help yoy.Tell them that you arc' looking for work. They may know of a job opening. Many people find employment with this type of help. Some companies even have a policy of offering summer jobs to 'relatives- of employees before advertising `Read the newspaper! Start with th.e-help wanted adds. They are a valuable source of information.' Read all the local news.A new construction project or renovations to a building means construction jabs are being' created. An expansion or increase 'in business by a local store indicates that they need a larger staff. A letter to the editor about unsightly buildings or grounds may stimulate the owner to hire someone for . clean-up work. Follow up on these valuable leads. Make a list, of all the employers you think may possibly have an opening -for y • on. Use the yellow pages and the newspaper to get ,company names and addresses, Write to these employers or apply in person. If you do not find work in a reasonable time, go. hack and let them know you are still available. Most Important The interview with a pdtential there may be some jobs available in a-. dricultive and food- The' EXperience '77 prograin is designed, to create 3,300 jobs; for young _people. some the province. and some -of theie jobs will bdavailable in this. area. The deadline for application to these prOgrams • is April 29,. 1977 for secondary School students. Information and applications for these programs is ayailable. through the' Canada Manpower Centres Goderich and Stratford. . . employer is the h ardest and most itiwortant part of a job search. Be prepared for it and be ready to state the kind of job you are applying for:-Most-employers are interested in students. They want to hire people with a good appearance and attitude, Be clean, polite and dress for the job you are applying for. Wearing blue jeans and heavy boots will - Stories by Len Pizzey help you get a construction job but it would stop a 'merchant from hiring you as a sales clerk. Looking Idea job is hard work. There are many possibili ties that . must be followed up and o nly- a few will lead to worthwhile jobs. If you try conscientiously you may find yourself in the pleasant " simatian -of having to decide between two, or more job offers. ,do for. Obtaining that job should be your main goal. Sonic openings that' frequently occur and that do not' require special skills are waiter, waitress, short orde' cook. _construction,_farm. labour and- babysitter. • Finding a job 'There are several methods of actually,findin.g a job. Rather than selecting one, you should u se all of them, A good start would bg to register with Canada Manpower.:, They • have special student placement offices located in both Goderich and Stratford. They may, have openings listed, that you can apply for immediately. If they do not a Counsellor will keep your registration on file so that you can- be notified of future job openings.. Wh ile you are there, ask the counsellor about local employers. -H', may . be able to suggest You Are 'Still" Making the Difference CANCER CAN BE BEATEN a 'possibility" that -one or two students may, be.- ,hireeL--, Mr: Phillips said.. The Seaf orth Lions Park h ires students to. run their pool- and - booth every sun-Mier and may need 8 or 10 this. year. Len McGregor of 'the Ontario agriculture and food ',Office in Clinton, said the Ministry 'has 'a junior' agriculture program for urban young people. 'who want to - %wage farms for the summer. As well, Mr McGregor said. employers say •••••:•,:;.•:•••'••••"-:-:•••••••••••••••••:•:•:•:;•:" We, know how to make your maAleri, brochures, letterheads look like you. SEAFORTH AREA CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY SHORTLY - Please Oivo G6rierouify CANAbIAN CANCER SOCIETY SEAFORTH DISTRICT BRANCH ...... MIRO/ Phorve:: 527.0240