HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-14, Page 16• le—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 14, 1917 .1 , Stanley residentsdivid ed on reservation n, policies Residents of Stanley Townsip expressed divided opinions on the preservation of the natural environment and gravel pit policies at the fifth ' of six workshops to draft a secondary land use plan for Stanley Township in Varna ' Tuesday 'night. • Many of the 50 people present felt the township should preserve old Woodlots and create new ones as well, Farmer, Ivan MeClymont said other townships have faced severe wind erosion problems when woodlots have, been remover. A member of the audience suggested that five•pereent of all , farm land should be turned itito woodlots, but said he was unsure who would be responsible for 'planting the trees. Ausable-Bayfield, Conservation Authority;-and Warren Knight of the provincial natural resources ministry said both agenices subsidized farmers who wanted to plant trees. •. Farmer Bev Hill felt the Township would benefit from a reforestation ' program, but wondered whether. .such a bagpipe trophy Greg McPherson. entered Highlanders of Canada. Highland game competition in Competing in a group of 42, he, Toronto sponsored by 48th • was awarded 'a silver trophy. ' Ph,. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads Don Pearson, of the G. 11AacPherson wins program should be voluntary or forced. He said a limit should be placed on commercial' development in natural environment areas, and that any restrictions in the secondary plan should be include existing commercial uses. , Fred' Clift said houses should be allowed i4 wooded areas, especially on roads bordering gullies where no other use is possible. He felt the plan should make provision for the urban people who want to move back to the country. Bev Hill disagreed, saying • policy for severances should be drawn up 'before any other decisions are made. County Planner George Penfold told the audience-the Township now contains 12 gravel ,quarries, and asked if a. policy to insure reclamation of the land when included quarries nthe are exhausted plan, should be -He said the existing • Huron County Plan does not cotain such' regUlations, but said the Townships them. hipssecndary plan could establish Bev Hill said there should be a policy forcing recl amation-of new pits by their owners, but, said old Pits are the biggest problem at present. He said covering one up might cost as ,much as' the pit earned while it operated. Some of those present felt the pits should be used as landfill sites, and could then be reclaimed as arable land. 21 Tenders Wanted Township of _Tuckersmith Tender for Road Grader Tenders will be'received by the undersigned up till, 12:00_0'CLOCK NOON ON TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1977 ONE NEW MOTOR GRADER. No trade in. A • Township tender forms to bee used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened and considered on Tuesday.. April 19, at 8:30 ALLAN NICHQLSON Road Superintendent Egmondville, Ontario 21 ,92- Township of Hibbert TENDER FOR 34 TON , Pick up Truck Tenders will be received by" the undersigned until twelve noon, Monday May 2nd 1977 for the supply of a 3/4 fan pickup truck. Tender forms and specifica- tiong maybe obtained from the undersigned. The bid is subject to a tradein of a 1973 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup truck. The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. CHARLES FRIEND A.M.C.T. Clerk Township Hibbert 21-92.2 CoMplete Bookkeeping Services & ..Related Fields Income Tax Assistance — Preparation, INDIVIDUALS — SMALL BUSINESSES FARMING • •-,tt• WILFRED,L. ELLIOTT Telephone [5191527.0301 P.O.Box 729, 12 N. Main St. SeafortLOntario NOK IWO 23-91-tf Top names in mgans, pitmos. I' 1 systems, synthesizers, mils', Trade up to the hest. l•re, lessons. For evening appointment, phone Seaforth 527-0053. Closed Wed. 23-02.11 . . I want .to thank my neighbors, • fridrids and relatives for the cards sent to nicand those MI6 visited me while 1 was, in Stratford General Hospital. For the transportation to my wife, and all the phone calls, Thanks to Dr. Whitman, Everything was deeply', appreciated. — Edward Byers 24-92x1 I would like to express my thanks to our friends,. relatives and neighbours for remembering me in any way during my lengthy stay in St; Joseph's Hospital. Also a special thank you to, eyeryons:L who helped Out at home while 1 was away, We, deelpy .appreciate it all, — Anne Middegaal 24-92x1 1 would like to take this opportun-, ity to thank my'relatives, neigh- •bors and friends for their visits. • gifts and cards while I was .a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital and 'London University Hospital. The kindness of doctors and .nurses was also. much appreciated. — . Rena Fennell 24-92x1 TREASURER'S SALE.„ OF LAND FOR TAXES -TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURQN To WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town - of Seaforth under her hand and the Seal of the Corporation, bearing date the 10th day of March, 1977, sale of lands in arrears of taxt's in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Town Hall. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 5th day of July, 1977, unless the taxes • and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby giyien that the list of lands for sale of arrears ' of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of April, 1977, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. • • . - Paled at the. Treasurer's --Office this l'Oth day of March, 1977. JaMes Crocker, Treasurer 22-91-13 . 21 Tenders Wanted.'' • 24. Cards ot Thank.s 23 Bus. Directory We would like to convey our appreciation to neighbors, friends and relatives for gifts. congratula- ' tion messages and flowers, al$o to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Miller and helpers ,t.for the delicious smorgasbord meal. To our family for arranging a delightful party pp the occasion of our 40th Wedding' Anniversary and to all who attended to Make it a memorable' evening. — ,Leonard and Mabel ' Strong • 24-92-1 1 'would like , to express my appreciation to our friends. rela- tives and neighbors for the cards, • flowers -and treats and to those who visited me while a patient in Seaforth Community and Univer- sity Hospitals.--Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and muses, also Rev. Reuber. — Evelyn Trewartha • 24-92)(1. 23 Bus. Directory CALL Gary Bannon _ for - • papering. strippieg, staining, refinishing arid dry wall taping. We sell Benjamin Moore paints and Sunworthy papers. 527-1582 R.R. 1, Seaforth,... 23-92-4 -Cards of Thanks We Would•lika to thank everyone Who came out and supported our euchre parties during the winter • Months. We enjoyed the old fashioned socializing and hope eVeryorib else did too. * aiiiily Paradise Snowmobile Club. 24.92x , • There are no words that can express, my gratitude to the people of this community and surrounding area for the great effort they have pin-forth on my behalf, -The sincere concern of everyone is first overwhelming. A special' thank you goes to my wont:ICH-Id neighbors for organiz- • ing the benefit fund, to Nelson Howe's Orchestra .for donating their time and talents, Brodhagen Chamber of-Gonmaree, business men and banks for receiving, donations, Cavan United Church and U.C.W...Egmondville United' Church• and U.C.VV., and the C.P.T. Committee of the 1.0.0.F, and Rebecca Lodges in Huron County for their generous Contri- butions, and last but not least, to Mrs. Gordon Muegge who is ,accompanying me to. Florida. This great encouragement gives me a positive feeling of success. from the treatment I will receive. Betty Koehler. 24-92-I M . 25 , In Memoriam' HODGERT — In the fondest memory of a dear father, Bruce Hodgert, who passed away three years ago 'April 19, 1974., • Today recalls sad Memories, Of' a dear father gone to rest, • • And the one who thinks of him today Is.the one.„who loved him best. — Lovingly remembered by 'son -Dennis and fainily. 25.924 ELLIGSEN — In loving memory of my father, Zack Elligsen, who passed away April -19, 1964, and . my mother who paSsed away oApri rimi151976 As-.unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near. Silent thoughts of times Hold together Memories that will last forever. Rdmenabranee caht ah hlDetries to break, but all in v ain, he to love, and then tot pa ttit - greatest- sorrow of one's Lovingly remembered by their son, Edgar and his wife and familV. 25.92-1, is a golden Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson. Coderich are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joanne Marie to Mr. James Robert Durst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durst of Renmiller. The wedding to take , plate at Londesboro United Church, Londestioro, Saturday, May 7th, 1977 at 30 p.m. 26-92-1 Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock, Mitchell are, pleased to announce the engagement of their younger daughter Karen Charlene, ' to Ronald Douglas Peters, son of Mrs. Nora Lasher of Napanee. The wedding to take place the end of April at United Church, 'Monkton. 26-92x 1 27 , Births MIDDEGAAL — John and Anne are pleased to announce the arrival of,their son, David Sohn, on March, 30 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 27-92x1 WARD — To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ward, Vanastra on April 1, at Seaforth Community Hos2p7it_a912.,x 7 son, WATSON —•To Patricia Watson, Seaforth on April 3, at Seaforth Community Hospital, a daughter. 27-92x1 ETUE — Jim and Agnes are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Michelle Anne, at Clinton Public Hospital on April 4. A sister for Michael. 27-92-1 AMSLEY — To Mr. and Mrs. Seaforth Amsley of'. Myth in Seaforth Community Hospital. on April 5. a daughter. ' 27-92x1 . .„ KITCHING — Jim and Brenda are happy to announce the arrival:'. of their• daughter, Carla °Mary Elizabeth on April 6 in Stratford General Hospital, A sister . for Mark, Scott and Tim. Grand- ' daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Nesbitt and Mr. .and Mrs. Howard Kitehing, Woodstock, 27-92-1_ Happy Citizens , Club euchre winners named , Winners at. the Happy Citizens Club euchre on Thursday April 7' ..were: • LadieS7High MrS:- Jirn Murray; Lone 'Hands Ferne Pattd-r-S-On; Low - Niolet-Eigie.• Men'S High - Andy Crozier; Lone Hands, T John Simpson, Brussels; Low --Andrew Houston. The winner—df the draw for groceries was Mabel .Higgerson of Brodhagen. • Deadline for classified ads is 12 noon 'Tuesdays -EXPOSITOR ADS WORK FOR YOU Phone 527-0240 ;Oel..-541 020 1F-YeS4 001^2 02PS. Radio lhae A DIVISION Of TANDY ELECTAONICS LIMITED $eaforth a 'Lighted 2'/2x6Y2" Loading Compartment for Real Convenience CrOt Tape Bias. Selector for Best Results with Cr02 and Standard Tapes NOANIAL Pay Cash And o:P on your EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED AD 50 cents discount for cash payment received on or before Friday Noon of week of insertion. QUOTATIONS :REQUESTED 'HURON .CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH would be pleased to receive Quotations on Business equipment and/or furnishings for our new centre. For a detailed list of requirements please phone 482-3504 • or write Box 100 Clinton D. KEILLOR DIRECTOR 21.92-1 20 Auction Sales 20• Auction Sales AUCTION SALE • Of Buildings to be removed from site, tractors, irneks-, farm machinery, household effects, antiques, etc., to be held for LAURENCE TAYLOR at Lot 6, Concession 8, Hullett Township, 33/4 miles west and 5 miles north of Seaforth, SATURDAY, APRIL 16th at 10:00 A.M. Check last week's paper. for complete listing. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE LUNCH BOOTH ' RICHARD LOBB 'AUCTIONEERS R. G. GETHKE CLINTON BORNHOLM OWNER AND AUCTIONEERS NOT :RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE 20-92-4 IFtiTHIWELL'S ttltl AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, .39• head of 'livestock, fed(' and household effects held for JACK MERRILL, 4 rail north of Holmesville on • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY — Cockshutt 40 diesel, Allis Chalmers D17 gas with loader; 3 •furrow Int, trail plow; George White 11 ft. cultivator; Case 32 plate wheel disc; 4 section harrows; Mildmay 32-46 thresher c/w straw chopper, grain thrower on rubber; 120 ft. endless belt; Cage 7 ft. semi-mount.mower; Int. no. •15 - 5-bar (parallel bar).rake; -Allied portable 32 ft. bale elevator; New Idea 130 bu. spreader; New Idea wagon and 1641. flat rack; Paypec 10 ft. hammer mill; 6 ft. •V-type snow blower; Maxwell oat roller; Int, one furrow; plow; cultivator; one row scuftler (for cub' tractor); 2 - 4" augers - 14' and 16' with 10' extensions. J.D. NO. 56 RIDING MOWER (28" cut) like new; hydraflex pto. chain saw; portallfcalrenriropressor; 50 - ft, 'endless belt; hand tools; farm hardware. LIVESTOCK — 15 head of hereford cows and heifers 4 with calves balance due sale time; 17 yearlings hereford steers and heifers; .2 b.W.f. yearlings. - HERD SIRE — Registered hereford - Britisher cent born April 2, 1975. Cows pregnancy and brucellosis.- tested (free). FEED — 500•bales hay; 20 ton mix graint••3 ton Shelled corn; Approx. 1-00 ton insilage. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES — Six press back chairs; baking cabinet; Newcombe upright grand piano; wardrobe; beds; dressers; tables; chairs; chesterfield; kitchen cook stove; tent (sleeps four); and many more FARM SOLD TERIVIS'CA'S JACK MERRILL - Proprietor RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE. Auctioneers - Appraisers CLINTON — 482-3120 20-92-1 , 21 Tenders Wanted TENDER'S Tenders will be received for a used ' 1973 Ford Truck L.N. 760•k • with a 361 engine, 5 speed transMissions, Can be seen at CYANAMID FARM'SUPPLY• • • CENTRE , Closing Date • APRIL 26; 1977 • Highest tender not necessarily accepted. ,921.c)2 2 READ and USE ExPORToka. ASWIED SSIFIE 22 Legal Notices 24 -Curds of Thanks 26 Personal ,444i A Giant Ste forward for your system featuring Dolby regularly $279.95 Only $ 2 5 9 95 Sup.prb .2 0 'Oa Cassette . Deck_ Variety Extra-Large lighted RECORD RECORD oop rEv 60 Meters with iby' Color-Coded Scalei aRnedcoFrmd/Play System for Record or Listen &Betty's 11 •