HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-14, Page 12"The Store that Saves You Mote" MEN'S—BOYS-•-LADIES—GIRLS a BABY WEAR YARD, GOODS— FURNITURE—MATTRESSES— PAINT,--SEWING MACHINES—SMALL Aiil•MANCt5—LAMPS HOURS: Monday - Saturday' 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m, - Friday Mays 'III 9:00 p.m. THE BASE ORY OUTLET Highway 4 - South of 'Clinton ot v onasirta , - Don't Come Up Shod! The Sure, Safe Way To Have Money 'When You Need It. Is To Make Regular Deposits Every Pay-Day In A Savings Account 'With Us! We Help It Crow By Adding Liberal Interest. Start Now! • 111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Clinton community Credit Union PHONE, 482-3467 CLINTON', • THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET • "The Store That Saves You More" .... $ 3 • 97 PR $6.97 PR .• MANY COLOURS • TO CHOOSE • FROM • • o • • • • •• • • • • •• • . • • • • • • • •• • OVER 1,000 PAIRS OF MEN'S SLACKS FACTORY SECONDS . 4.97 -$6.97 -$8.97 -$10.97 Ladies' SLACKS Factory Seconds Large Assortment - Including Gauchos • Just Arrived! Our Spring Shipment of SQUALL JACKETS _BOYS AND GIRLS Our SewingMachine • • Expert • EARLIERSCHT : will be at our store FRIDAY, APRIL 15 6 - 9 p.iri. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 10 a.m. - $ p.m. For Repairs and Dernonstrations $ 5 • 9 7 U. We have an exceptional selection Of New & Used Sewing Machines.Trade-Ins Accepted. r.4 Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiley 'Sour. notes Don't expett the usual collection of , optimistic opinion, cheery chat, and happy household hints normally found, in this space. I'm feeling really mean this week. It St. Francis of Assisi himself showed up, I'd probably snarl, "Stop feeding those bloody birds! All they'll do is dump all over us.', My normally sunny nature is soured by a sore back. It started out as just a little pain, like a breadknife going into my kidneys. You know. The sort of thing that makes you emit . a startled "aarf!" when you straighten up after bashing your teeth and spitting in the sink. Lots of guys have that. It goes, with the territory. Then my two grandboys came for the weekend.They weigh about fifty pounds between them. There's a certain amount of jealousy: Nobody can play the same• tunes on their fat necks that Grandad can, by simultaneously sucking and blowing. As a result, no sooner do 'I get one kid grinning and giggling, and plunk him down, than the other is standing there, arms extended. As any grandfather knows (grannies are smarter and threaten to wash their faces 'and the kids run), it is literally impossible to ignor the upstretched arms of a tyke. Consequently I reckon, roughly , that I : lifted- -about ' a ton and a. "half of grandbabbies off the floor over the weekend. Another forty-odd times I leaned far aver and separated them when mayhem seemed imminent. As any old codger with*_slipped. disc or crumbling vertebrae can [ell you, this is known as the poor way, one of the worst, of curing a sore back. The other Door way, the absolutely worst, I won't tell you, as this is a family journal, To top it all, I have a' week's vacation coming up. I have a fairly grim certainty that I'm going to be spending it, and a couple after it,_ flat on my back. Put ydu to bed. That's what doctors d o when you go to them with a sore back. First they poke you hard a few times in the sore back and ask, "Does that hurt?" Of course it does. Then they feel your belly, which is not the greatest erotic experience in the world. They tell you take a deep breath. They tei you to cough. They seem fairly sure you have a hernia. In the back? "Can you move your legs?" they ask, ignoring the fact that •you walked from your ear into their outer waiting-room, and from there into the torture chamber. "Does it hurt to sit for long periods?" Damm right. You've just sat in'the waiting-room , for an` hour and a half after your appointment time, and' almost fainted when you stood up. _ Then, non-plesSed as usual, they take off th-eirglasses and nod solemnly. "Yes, it seems sore all right. we'd better get a picture of that, Translation: I haven't a clue, but maybe.it will go away by the time you get ft X-rayed and the prints get back to me. About 48 hours. They give you some painkillers "in case you have some pain". At this point tears as big as tea-bags are spurting out of your eyes from pain. You emit something between a groan and g squeal of pure pain as'you clamber down from that jeesly high bed in' their office. Pain? Migawd, my wife came up this morning to see why I hadn't come down for breakfast. I was lying on the bedrooth floor, weeping. I'd just tried to put my socks on. Twice today, a police car pulled up as I was trying to get out of my car. 'They'd seen the door open-and one leg emerge. Two minutes later another leg hove into view. After three more minutes, a crouched, swaying torso followed. They thought I was plastered.' I was merely trying to straighten up without screaming. 'All right? We know where -we stand? Don't expect any sweetness and light in this column, New. Let's deal with that young rip, Margaret Trudeau. My wife is on her side. Newspaper columnists have beert generally kindi asked a young person the other day for an opinion on. Margaret's shenanigans, and got the predictable answer, "Sheez oney dooner own thing. Snuthin wrongth that." _• 1-h-eartily disagree. There's such a thing as responsibility, though the word makes people cringe these days. If you can't stand the heat, fine, get out of the kitchen. But don't run into the public square and whine that you're justlrying to find -yourself as- a person. That's juvenile. have never been a fan of her husband, but I admired his domestic , loyalty on this undoubtedly painful occasion. Speaking of the Trudeau's, I'd toVe to disinter a column I 'wrote ,a few months back, when the Liberals Were on the ropes, and the political vultures wereswarming to pick the bones of the P.M. But that would be saying "I told you so," one of the nastiest sentences in the English language. A prophet is indeed without honor in his own country. Sometimes in his. own kitchen. Good for Harry Boyle, head of CRTC. He' has made it clear that our national broadcasting company, whatever its faults, is not merely a tool for keeping the Liberal 'government , in office, contrary to the opinions of some Cabinet ministers. About sweetteeth. I've never heard such absolute crap as the banning of saccharine - because some mice got some cancer when they were stuffed with the stuff. Far better, I presume, to die of cigarettes or booie than to expire from drinking two ,or three hundred cans of saccharine-sweetened drinks a day. I guess diabetics and fatties don't swing much weight at the polls. . 'There, I've vented some of niy venom, and my back feels better already..•InStead of feeling li ke Prometheus, with that vultdre tearing out his liver, I merely hame the more moderate pain of a dog excreting razor blades. kr. 12 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL. 14, 1977 • Varna Many :61.100.: tharilsoffpring 4RU$SELS' MOTQRS —4 "TEE 1101VIE OF BETTER USED CARS" kt1ONE 01403 tigtiSStlAt ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENINO MO Milli NMI MIN Nil am. Mil ' 4 20 rnilk Hensall taxes Hensall Council Monday night moved to endorse a letter front the TOwn of Exeter to' the Heron-CountyBoard-of Education' requesting an explanation of the large increase in the Board's budget. Village Clerk Bob Heil told , Council the Board's assessment for .Hensall is 27 percent higher than last year. "Our assessment last year was $92,611. This year it's $107,617" Mr. Heil said. He said this would mean a tax increase of "14 or 15 mills just for schools." , Councillor Paul Neilands expressed indignation at the large increase in the Board's budget, "They've gone way out of sight again this year"ihe said,. "We've' got no control over what they spend. They just• spend the money then send us the bill for it." Reeve Harold Knight •said even a small increase in Council budget next year, when coupled with the education tax levy, could Vice Grand Mrs. M aggie Campbell presided at the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening in the absence of the Noble Grand, -Mrs-. Dorothy. Parker. Mrs. Aldeen Volland R.S.V,G. assisted Mrs.Campbell. Mrs. Mary Fisher District 'Deputy President of Huron District 1123 made her official visit to the Lodge. She was introduced by Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Jr. P,N.G. and presented with a gift by 'Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Margaret Consitt P.N.G. reported for the . C.P.T. committee and Mrs. Maggie Campbell reported for the visiting comniittee. Invitations were received to a •Past Grand's meeting at Pride-of Huron Lodge, Exeter on May 12th. CorreSpondent Mary Chessell An inspiring Easter worship service, led .by Margaret Hay ter, Joyce Dowson ,and Pat Norman,' with' Mildred McAsh...playing the organ, was held on Thursday evening in the church. It was the Easter thankoffering meeting of the Uuited Church • Women, who were joined by many women from neighbouring Aroups, although driving conditions that night were very bad. Worship centred around a skit, "The Meaning of the Cross", which included the singing of many of the joyful Easter hymnS Mrs. • Karl Schuessler of Brodhagen - spoke on the study book "Justice, not Charity". She pointed out that where there is justice, there-is also love. The flint- has come when developing countries will no longer wept our hand-outs, while at the same time we are removing their raw materials to our prosperous countries for manufacturing, and selling them back at high prices. They want loans, so they can set up industries in their countries to provide jobs for their own people. Ways we-.can help are li sted in the b9pk, ten, the ,mpst effective Sales and Service Parts and AccesSories Factory Trained Mechanics at 1?" G UL SPORTS A RECREATION LIMITED Varna 262.5809 ,c1,:15° Florence Elliott and Norman and Walter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chessell and family attended a • birthday party on Saturday evening • at the Shillelagh in Vanastra honouring_ Mary's mother, Mrs. John Jefferson, on' her' seventy-fifth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberts spent the - weekend with their families in Brantford, Milk Shakes and Soft Ice Cream mon Imo min mom nue mean an increase of up to -20 mills in taxes for village residents. ' In other business. AL_ the nieetitig, •approyed a budget of $29,511,93 for 'the Hensall Parks Board, Of this amount $10,757:96 is to be granted by the. municipality, Couticillor Neilands said the budget represented no increase over that of last yeara. Adrian Bayley, of Bayley BrotherS Limited* was present at the meeting to ask Council's approval for an office trailer to be placed on the west side of th e' Agripress building. Reeve Knight told Mr. Bayley the Village must conform to the regulation of the Huron County Plan, which says that mobile homes may only be placed in designated trailer parks. After lengthy discussion; Council approved a' motion allowing Mr. Bayley to place the trailer beside his building temporarily, approval being Edelweiss REbekah Lodge are celebrating their 65th anniversary on May 11th. Banquet tickets are available from the secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke. The Rebekah 'Assembly Sessions in Toronto will , be held at the Royal York Hotel, June 19th to 23rd. The. Dsitrict Deputy President Mrs. Fisher gave an address on the founding of Oddfellowship, the. Golden Rule, the origin of the "Praying Hands" and how they apply to the order.. Mrs. Maggie Campbell thanked Mrs. Fisher. • Mrs. .Bernice Ford, Exeter brought greetings front Pride of Huron Lodge. Mrs, Olga. Chipchase spoke on the "Brother's EVening" attended at Parkhill. • Following a Penny Sale refreshments were served granted until ;January 1, 1978. Council voted to send a letter to the Ministry of the Environment and to,the Ministry of Transpor- tation and communication, asking that the government look into the need for resurfacing both Highway 4 and 84 in the 'village. Council. felt' both roads had been neglected, and were badly in need of repair. Gary 'Robinson, of Aylmer, has been granted permission to clean storm sewer catch basins in the village using a vacuum truck, at a cost not to exceed $40 per hour, Council again raised the question of by-law enforcement for the village. Councillor H arry Klungel suggested that if a third man was necessary when the new arena is completed, he could be hired with the understanding that his duties would include by-law enforcement. No action was taken on the suggestion. Building permits were approved for the Hensel Medical Centre, Wayne Smith, Pat O'Brien, and Lorne Gackstetter. Jeff Carroll, of Bayley Brothers, is 'to send a letter advising council for his proposed 5 use of the stage area of the Town Hall. Arena fund raising committee member Harry Klungel told council al canvass of local businessmen is to begin this week. Accounts in the amount of $13,354.06 were approVed for payment at the Monday, meeting. The next regular meeting of council will be Monday, May 9. 'STANLEY TOWNSHIP Softball, Registration Name Present Age......Sex Date of Birth • Address ' ,Phorie ......... MAIL TO Ross Whittaker, Varna by April. 22, 1971 or register at 'the Township Hall, Varna; on Saturday, . April 23, 1977. 0:tt:rorv- i'2 noon, REGISTRATION FEE $3.60 pet ohild ot $6.00 per PAYABLIt TO • SiatileyietreatiOrt dtilittlitfeesi ' District deputy president visits Amber Lodge READ and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Action Ads PHONE DIRECT 527-0240 The F or ..e BANK RATE FINANCING on all models -new and used Come To Brussels_Mcitors See-Our '§election Try our PARTY PIZZAS 24" x 16"' STATION WAGONS 74 Ford Custom 500 73 Gran Torino TRUCKS' 76 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup 75 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pick-rup 75 G.M.C. Y. ton pick up 74 Ford Y. ton pick up ,. 74 Chevrolet C65 series either•van• or cab Chassis 74 Ford Louisville with 18' van or cab & chassis 73 Chevrolet 1 ton pick up 73 Choy C50 series either van or tab & • chassis • .. `. 73 Chev, C 65 series with stake body Number of 71 - 74 Chev &, Ford vans • • way they can be helped is,through parliamentary . legislation, and that is only accomplished after preSsure from 'the people. Personals - Mr. and Mrs.Bruce Elliott and Erin of Toronto visited their families in this area during the weekend. On Friday •they,were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliott of, Egmondvilie On Saturday there was a family dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Ross • Elliott's, and on Sunday there was, a family gathering in Varna with. Mrs. Y haffiKIMMUMMS:ZOMMW KAWASAKI 76 Pontiac Le M ans 4 door 75 Monte Carlo 2 door H.T. • 75 Ford Custom 500 4 door sedan 4.75 Chev Impala 4 door - 2 with air •• 2 without 75 Cutlass 4 door H.T. 75 Pontiac with AC 75 Astra ;!' 74 Catalina with A.C. 74 Pontiac Le Mans 4 door sedan 74 Gran Torino 4 door AC, 74 Ford dalaxie 500, 2 doer, H.T.A.C. 2-74 Ford Custom 500, 2 door H,T. 74 Chevrolet Impala, 4 door' H.T. 73 Pontiac 4 door H.T. 73 Chev.' hatpala, 4 drior H.T. 72 Pontiac Grand Prix 2 door H,T. i • 2-72 Pontiac Parisienne - 1,2 door-1,4 dPor 71 Pontiac VcIbor