HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 11j3 II) TO 'rim LITTLE ONES, There 10 tyranny so hard to bear as the tyranny of parents who, with - Out meaning to be eruel, do not understand their ehildren. How continually do we find a child punished simply because it is fretful. It does not seem to occur to some parents that in nine cases out of ten A child's fretfulness arises from ill - health or from some temporary ail- inent. But this is assuredly true, and, instead of punishing their children, parents will do well to take steps to keep them healthy and strong. They will not find this difficult if they take care to keep Holloway's Pills and Ointment Always by them These are reme- dies which never fail, --• Death by Freezing; Is Accident. The London Guarantee and Aceident Company has issued a cheek for the death claim under the policy of $L000, held by the late C. F. Church, who was frozen to death. The insurance company contended that they were not liable for pay- ment on the, ground that death by frost did not come under the head of accidents. The Northwest Travel- lers' Association, of which Church was a member, fought the matter out in the courtS and received a favorable verdict, The insurance -company had also to pay the costs of the litigation. ctsItttlt rdLFIAN THE MOOI1 TOOK SICK WHAT WOULD DO? Just spend his Four a • Quarters for a bottle of IN 16 Burdock Blood Bitters ib as all sensible people do; be- cause it cures Dyspepsia, Con- stiration, Biliousness, sick • vrene.:tele, Bod Blood, and all isses of the Stomach, Liver, 4, adneys, Bowels and Blood from 4 a common Pimpleto the worst • Scrofulous Sore. g:n7.5rP7.7s:Pk75'\tTo',-9.V**-A Consumption. Valuable treatise end to bottles of medicine sent Free to sty Sufferer. Give Express and Pont Mee address. T. A. SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. R.I.P.A.N.S The modern stand- ard Family, Medi- cine : Cures the 11011 common every -day ills of humanity. TRADE Like the Touch of Magic Desperate Itohings. of tho Skin Allayed by 0313,80'8 Ointment—The Recognized Skin Speeifie. it is only a. few months since Dr. Chase's Ointment was brought prominently before the P111/11c, prineipally by its cures of stubborn and long standing cases of Itching Piles that had shifted all other troatinents. To day it 18 recog- nized from ocean to ocean AS nu infallible cure for Itching Piles, Kozematio Eruptions and all itching of tho Sit n. Its cures have rendered its sales la; ger than those of HAI other prows - Mons for such ailments combined. Pc6plo net 3)r. Chase's Ointment with confidence, because Inevery ennuntinity someone has boon benc. iitted like Mr. Simpson, Berlin, Ont..Who, under dots of Feb, 8, '05, writes that for a number of /oars he was troubled with Robing Piles: they' canoed dittonse suffering, and although dozens sif advertised remediots were need, none of them did any gond although F01110 of them had long and thorough trials. Here aro his own words t di his I tt r "Last fall I got a box IsC Chase's Ointment from Mr. LandrethSt'dmig Mere), Harlin, I applied according to 'directions and,soon found it was what 1 wanted. Only lilted part of of e Ii tec when I WAS Well as over its sty life /Moo in A while since I have felt 'light yroptoms of 11 t Mtn, Mit onci appiica- Lton of tho Ointment and all is right again." Such expressiona as thia from these vrho Use Chase's aocOnrit for its popularity. PitICV CO CENtS. SS 11)4. 4,4)15. "c!oo '471 ed. kt.) woo, I 'Taught by a erandmotber. I Do not lot stale flowers remain in a sick.room. IWear a clean. apron when ironing or bed making. Waste neither time, money, talent, nor opportunity, Warm brea(1 or cake should be cut with a warm knife. Do not leave vegetables in water after they are cooked. Rub vinegar on the isinglass stove doors, and so have them clean. A bad headache is often the result of ill-fitting or improper spectacles. Soak black calico in salt and water before washing, and so pre- vent it fading, Don't put off the week's mending. Procrastination never lessens the work. A clean, well -aired and 'well- managed house results in good- natured imnates, When silk looks greasy, remove the grease by spreading magnesia on the wrong side.. Put a few drops of turpentine in the water when clothesare put to soak ; it whitens them. Understand. what is going on in the kitebee ; the true housewife is mistress of her entire house. The best sauce for .any meat is cheerfulness. Never grumble while eating; laughter aids digestion. Hay water sweetens tin, wooden andiron ware. This made by boil- ing a little sweet hay in water. Never ask a hungry person to do a favor ; first giv.e a good dinner and nine times out of ten success is assured. - The best remedy for odorous drainpipes. is copperas dissolved in water and poured slowly • through them. Mix turpentine in the water with which floors are serubbed; and . -thus escape buffalo moths .and carpet worms. TILE WINGLIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 2.5, 1895.0. dust in the folds or pleats. Shake them Well, and rub with a piece of flannel or brush with a soft whisk broom. Use a soft brush for hats and bonnets and always put them away clean, Dust is never as .easily removed. WO first, Buy ten cents' worth of soap In bars and having dissolved it in hot water, wash in suds thus made any soiled. white summer shawls. All the spots will disappear, and, if carefully passed, they will be equal to new, Cashmere and other woolen materials may be treated in the same manner. • Do not take the risk of lightinga fire in a stove or furnace, not known to be safe, or one which is not under- stood, Sprinkle powdered rice upon lint and apply to the bleeding of fresh wounds, and the blood. will stop run-. ning. To have brooms last, put them for three minutes in suds twice a week. I Let them stand with the broom end up. When boiling tough meats or fowl, they will be made tender by putting a tablespoonful of • vinegar in the pot. When cleaning tin utensils, a small quantiy of soda thrown into hot suds will be found almost equal to scour- ing. To get clear of rats, besides using traps, eats or dogs, use chloride of lime. It is said they never come near where it is placed. The eyes should be bathed every night in cold water just before re- ' tiring, and they will do better work the following day.. - When very tired, lie on the back, allowing every muscle to relax, letting the handsgo any way they will and keep the eyes closed. If you have to sew all day, change your seat occasionally, and so obtain rest. Bathing the hands and face will also stimulate and refresh. Oil stains may be removed from wall paper by applying for foie hours pipe clay, powdered and mixed with water to the thickness of cream: Old feather beds, if left on a grass plot during a summer shower, and allowed to get thoroughly wet, will, when dry mid beaten, seem -fresh; and new again. In dusting, carefully take up the! dust on cloth and shake it out of the! Window. Do not flirt it from one piece of furniture to another and call' it us Kerosene Oil applied to flannel is an excellent thing with Which to rub old furniture, or clean paint, parti- milady the dirt finger marks around than lessened by geed housewifery traits. A housewife may or may not be a gentlewonian.' What 'her I grandmother was and what she wills to be ean cksiide the 'question. I Never put a silk dress away Vith To make old black silk look like new dip the pieces individually in cold 1 water, Don't wring them, but put them dripping wet ori a fiat, broad, wooden table; smooth. them out • carefully with a small cloth. Bel sure not to leave any wrinkles. 131; half an hour remove the silk from I the table and it will have the lustre of new silk. Black ribbons may be treated the same Colored silks and ribbons may also be renewed in like manner, provided the colors will not run, which may bo ascertained by! testing small pieces. BEST FpR , set vistamboasartwomawnia. tai occasion for some remembrance, et the token be etrer so slight. That the wonderfully bright say- ings of your three-year-old are not always sure to "set the table in a roar." That youhave no right to be slovenly in your attire because you are no longer in the matrimonial market. That when your shirt button holes are big enough to admit of the pas- sage of a walnut, it is time to buy a new shirt. That it is very bad taste to read mother -in -16:w jokes to your wife. Remember that your mother is her mother-in-law. That you should never shirk the trouble and expense of taking the family into the country whenevei you have a chance. door handles. True ladyhood is heightened rather Doctors Say it 13 tho Best. GEITYLEAI EN,— I lecomniend Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with pleasure. Last July I too x Congestion of the Lungs and was in bed for four weeks., I was very weak and could not speak above a whisper. Dr, LaW8013, of Hamiota, attended me and sent a bottle of Milburn's Emulsion. It is the very best made and soon restored my voice and brought me back to health again. Truly yours, Ar.p. SMITH, Wheatlands, Man, Husband's Guide to Happiness. The man who has taken a life partner for better or for worse, and wishes the former state of things should remember • That cloves deceive no one. That the little ones like sweets. • That few women care for politics. That an honest confession is good for the soul. That, therenre limits to a woman's credulity. That after all your wife dresses welt to please you. That no woman ever intentionally burned a beefSteak. That yon had better make tbe best of your situation. That it is a woman's' way always to have the last word. That yours was not the first baby ever born in this world. • I That you should set the example where there are ehildren. That your cigars cost more than, your wife's perfutnery does. That only a! brute remarks, "No one ever died of toothache." That you are not the possessor of the only palate in the household. That your wife may grow as tired of "the house" as you do of "the office." • That no woman ever grows too old not to enjoy the gift of cut ' flowers. That it is well to pretend an in- terest in the contents of "the letter from inamtna." • ' That women have many things to make them "Cranky" and you. are • ono of them. That there are just as good pies Wiled Out to -day as those your Mother used to make, That it is a tine thing to have a wife who cares for anything else but buying clothes. That it is well to keep your pro- mise to the childron, even though it be a premised walloping. • That a reasonable allowance of pocket money does not necessarily make a boy a spendthrift. That if your boys read trashy novels it is because you do not supply - them with better pabulum. That dozing Sunday afternoon away on a sofa lounge is not "spend. ing the day" With your wife. That it is itood idea to drop irt I upon the - Ore once m a vp school that your little ones attend. That vein, wife will think note the less o you if yen ratsyour hat When meeting or leaving her. That you should be prepared to titter your visitors the class of re. freements they most desire. That the wedding anniversary is • ----- Worthy Your Confidence, The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it ri you see it ? Of course you may manifest tSelf is vouched for by thousands who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, but who now re- joice over a permanent cure by Hood's 'arsapari a. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck,or break out in dreadful running sores on the body or limbs. Attacking the mucous membrane, it, inay develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to conSumption. Come as it, may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome 11, for working upon the foundation, of all diseases, im- pure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to the body. Decidedly Appropriate, ‘1/216S. boy's fishing pole was fastened to the root of a. tree on the river bank, and be was sitting in the sun playing with his dog, idling the time away, as he had been fishing all day and caught nothing. "Fishing?" enquired a man passing. "Yes." answered the boy. "Nice dog you have there; what's his name?" "Fish!" "Fish? That's a queer name for a dog. What do you call him that for?" "Cause he won't bite." Then the man proceeded on his way. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 (its., 50 cts., Si. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. ragg L.A.= M LP Do you Nrjr cA know a good . 3.2vatch when Id VEATURADEMARKs coPYPdG-HTS. t do. prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a MUNN CO.,wInit have zioarigotitty yore tezegraegeticiynolifisitYvalitagbil,320s. H AV E you tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan. I r fa teal and scientific books sent free. r, Patents taken through Munn. & CO. receive. In the system, strains the lungs and prepares a way for pneumonia, often. times consumption. PYINY-PECTORAL positively cures coughs and colds in a, surprisingly short tune. Itlx a faith. er tido certainty, tried and true, sooth. ing and healing in its effects. LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENTS. Mr. Donald McIntyre, of Paisley, is removing his electric light plant to Mildmay. Heart Disease nelleved in 30 Minutes. -All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, Will glaain. Rev. Mr. Grant, of Walkerton, has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist Tabernacle, Ingersoll. Catarrh relieved in 10 to 00 minutes.— Ono short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied w'th each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal' Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless ancl delightful to use, it relieves instantly. and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds. Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonailitis and Deaf- ness. 60 cents. kt Chisholm's Drug Store. The Berlin. Publishing Co. have concluded the purchase of the "Weekly Telegraph" from its proprietor, Mr. A. Macpherson. 'Rheumatism Cured in a day.—Soutb American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and'Neuralght radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its motion on the system is remarkable and itlysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranteed ChishOm'sdrug store. Wm. Woods, I iverma n ,of Listo wel , met with a painful accident one day recently in front of W. II. Jolly's farm, 6 eh con. Elmo, While driving along the king -bolt of his ,buggy dropped out. letting. the front part of the rig fall down, eausimr the horse to run away. In the general 'upset, Mr, Woods sustained severe injuries about the nose and face. The horse was soon recaptured, none the worse of its escapade. When Baby was sick, wepre her Castoria. Whoa Rho was a Child, she cried for Canals.. When she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla. When silo had children, she ga.ve them Castoria. Mr. Simmons, G. T. R. agent at Dublin, is the inventor of the tele- graph key, whteh is sure to come into general use before Tong, It has an automatic. Cut off, whteh will guard against the Many aeeidents which now occur through neglect or accident in the ent off being left 0110H. has been patented in Canada and United Stateq, and Mr. "A'immenci iq plvtw* to have it patented in lIngiand as welL 1-1 in Gold, Silver and Gold I seen our Special Movements ,,,,05 IL:lti . Filled Cases? New Styles - [V, • and Patterns. pli DON'T YOU . rci r RI n [Vim , -1-1 , IY. 1.1 think of purchasing until ti -1 ig Tp,1, pyio.iucesc.all and obtain our Ifi R. -- lc 1 41 EYESIGHT TESTED Free of r; fo11 Charge and suitable lenses given 1 ..I at right prices. Tr' MUNSHAWI fi 1 L if The Optician. IT Jill Wingh am, Ont. 11 r, • --aFro.,.!--743FF-74...e.17-13 •-7-1- ‘TiFi --7-1-97-1.-0-7-01 tEgasivrttgentlathiliceVreirtligeaggPriatit out 'cost tame inventor. This splendid paper, issued vreekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest oirculaticm of any scientific work in the world. 63 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Ddition,monthly, 82.50 a year. Sinai tozples,italcells.co.rvery number contains bet: - house wit% pi ans , oeriiliblrtligtialtEggilhOfwntehN: latestdesigns andsecure con rests. Address MANN & CO., NEW YORE, 361 BROADWAY. .0anklti, t's ,b Caveats and Trade -Marla obta'ned. and 111 patent business conducted for MODE'RA Tr, FESS. M office is in thimmeclio te vicinity of the Patent Officer, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed ,1-• Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statementea toad vantages claimed. Alr..Wo charge is made for an. opinion tut to. pafentabilitgi and mv fee for prosecuting the g, application tritl rag; bo called for unfit the patent is allowed. "Itivir,roits' Glizna,"'con- 3 caiLas co.suggrasslgraiy tai 'n full infer r FRANKLIN H. HOUGH 0215 roots tivii.szszistuToiv. Cl. ,s• EAK EN MEM STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICT WS. ri!YCURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I A or vn 11 Nervous mid despondent; weak or debilitaecl; tired mornings; no am - mu: bamu-afeliss; memorypoor: easily fatigued; excitable and irritab co es sunken, rod and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and might losses; rot-tless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; hair loose; ulcers; sore throat; vericoco.c; deposit in mina and drains nt stool; distrustful; want of conlidence; luck c: crArg., and strength-. WE CAN CURE YOU/ RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN ' . ;STAN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS, Pl1WE1SS. 1311Fv..,, J..teaTtakt‘T. Ak TRU '1141,ATAIZ.ST. IMF Oltli trukaTtnkNT. AFT..tt ..itta.v.t.....T. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manliti says: -"I was one of the count'ess vic- tims Of early ignortinee commenced at 15 leers te ago. 1 tried se-renm& edical MS and apent$tJ0O without avail. 1 gave up in despair. The drains on my syst m ivero weakening my intellect as W011 as my sexual tin' physical life. My brother advised/1m as a last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy th Kaman. 1 commenced their New AI eth od rreatunint and in a low weeks was a now man, with new life and. ambition. Tan his was four years ago, d now 1 am married and happy. 1 recontniond these reliable 34 specialicta to all my afflicted fellowmen." s' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.—CONFIDENTAL VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AN b POTENCY CURED "The vireo of early boyhood laid the foundation of rly rn'n. letter nit n ''`guy life" tied exposits° to blood di- saases completed the 'wreck. / had all the symptoms of Syphilis Emissions ) N„,„(niv, 1)01)Ilitv—ptinkeixtves,eniimions, drain in utine, • i s• earvonsnoss, weak back, etc. Syphilis tensed my hair to Varmoceie Cured. fall ont, bone pains, ulcers in month mid on tongue, W 9 otelles on body, etc. I thank God 1 triad Drs. Kennedy ,St Haman. They restored no to health, vigor and happiness." CMS. POWERS. ro- We treat and ciihr Varicocele, ExissiOns, Nervous Debility, Sininal Weakness, G feet, Stricture, ..cyfihilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Afniney and Madder .Diseases. %7 YEARS IN bwrsorr. 200,000 CORM:). NO RISK. R D t 1 Ivie ? Iinve$on hist Iloilo?. Ate yen emiteilanlating mar. ul,atiyfog. Blood broil diasimed? novo you oar wardinst 5t Out New ItTothml Troatnient will euro Ion. What it has done for others it wilt/161'ot !ott, COaSULTATION118 FREE. No matter who has treated yeti, write for A3%1101014 opinion Prto ,tch,wqo chttrgesrmAnnablo. BOOKS PRE,E —"Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on • IllwrgAtaltiklitlIgg° traigiVWITt-1 idellPie'd \WRITTEN eowsetrr. pttt V.1.1 C. NOP di, MO 9tit C. O. o 13_ NO names Cr boxoern r te„twele. okyt.g, titsrythirikr confidenQ tial. uestion Litt and 'I cost of resit.. 1, !Ps" te, 0?0.-fi.rrly tipot m No. 148 si-t,14-y, t loi4:0 • Vi 1111171101T, MICH. 4M s&' `'`..0,t'..tr ' . a A