HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 10THE WING i. AM TIMES, OCTQBEIt 2 , 1895, ' w meeting will be held to further con- ReteRDIAL V.A.IIUE OPPOO:Ct. I) et ill •! 11111 . seder this question at the town hail Y..-..... . on Tuesday the 29th inst., at 8 enclose atz::vr.Ts 1>•3SIa,Y ANI) 'rr31;;Q11 Olt DAY, OC'I'pisl:;Ii :;5, ISMw a'clac1 p. re. ' I I'tlkSik; TO 1`.1I3; Duns.. iS tort d'ourneyaon a Lome Road C'ULROSS. i Is the ohartetteristle title of a prototieiv' There will come a time, says t], re, • illustrated Hoak t:outulning over omen cent writer, wben no medicines will On the farm of lir. And. Scott, !hundred pages of eleirarfnely written be tldiui istel p desuriptionil of aplminer re'12artfi to silo s . ksed, except is acute and cosi, i, there is a spot where 411 oily : sudden attaacks. Dzs4stse will be fluid dozes from the ground. This ' ea ding' north and seat ap illustrations ions :7 reading' roaster as new, the illustratipna en[`ed by' ,foods• subet:ancee, has been testk•ci by an ex.. are new, and the information therein t The intelligent heusetnother is Bert rand pronounwed petroleum. A i ere be new to nittrast ever}omce, testing the value or this c, food oil well is ,just as valuable to ° A cagy. of Short Journeys alrong t assertion in find as <a gold. ratite, Wald will be sent free to anyone who. , her chill ol'derings of the meals of will enclose ten cents (to. pity postage) to her household, for her lately aet)uil'- NS.. I GEo. II, apAPRORD, General .Passel:1g/ ed knowledge of dietetics has u III,. i r+r+, Agent Chicago, ¥ilwtaukee & St. Paul her on the way to such enliglitm vitt A disastrous fire, threatening the ,' Rsehvay, Chicago, Ill, i A list of food remedies compiled r whole town, occurred in this lace on 'the Housekeeper er is co P by i' Potatoes far Stock. P Iieuttin and lreatd, txtatzllveis dt;liverinnta told Potatoes can hardly be ex eeted suggestive, and worth cutting out flax, and in some sva • upset the :comparativelyP and pasting in the back of the fancily ttor rise above a low recipe book; I;antere, which innttedfatelt, exploded, ? a e this winter, because of the Celery and set tire to the flax, Ina few i Very good crop in this :tad other thus is valuable as a food for Minutes kt!l was in a blaze, bltl'nith • countries This will lead to their o suffering from any form thof e two berets in Connection with the i use as stock food upon many Rums nerves tistz7,• for diseases of the mill and about 2,000 cords of wood, i where theyg nerves and net woos dyspepsia, are grown. h Willie they Lettuce is useful to those suffering all belonging to Geo. McEwen; : answer a ,good purpose when fed to from insomnia. Severely House and stables; also cattle from tIIOEtr US aseven homes, ollzO profite feed, Fater` cress is a remedy* for Stacey's stable. Loss very hoary, scurvy-. Athough there was no fire protection, I In this eonneetion it is a feet Wa1'tll . Peanuts for indigestion • the are the fire was under Control zit 10.30, P knnlving that they should in all cases especially recommended for corpulent I be boiled, which process renders diztbetes. Peanuts are made lento a ' their starch more easily digested, wholesome and nutritious soup, are which would otherwise be largely • browned and used as coffee, are Iost by escaping assimilation in the • HOWICK. On Wednesday afternoon of last 'week, about 150 invited g•nests lungs, dissolve and dislodge gravel and calculi, and bring the stomach and bowels to a healthy condition. J. lepiant is wholesome .11.11c1 aperient, useful fast' purifying the blood. The CommonPeolae, As Abrahunr Lincoln cullers them, do not care to argue about their ailments. What they want is a medicine that will euro them. The simple, honest state- nlent, "I know that flood's Sarsapar- illa cured ane," is the best argument in favor of this medicine, and this is what many thousands voluntarily say. Hoop's PIIat-.s are tho best after- dinner pills, assist digestion, cure head ache, 25o, Tot. us Jealously ward Our Itsputation, New York dairymen are making a strenuous effort to rid the country vents, and really* wattled her n. of those troublesome produce -tilled- to live with tla anti :t line' cheese and oleomargarine. A short things whleli 1 hare forgotten. time ago a meeting of the Utica (N. if i fellow 11111st full in au Y.) Dairy board was ealled to take 'taking it is elleenrngtng to h eaten concerning the manufacture think that lie eau, very Ileal' of filled -cheese, which they blame as , ning," one great cause of the depression in cheese this season. After =skier - able discussion by prominent men, the following appeal to all interested in pure dairy products was deckled upon :- "Data Sire -The object of this t animal economy, Before boiling eaten tis ,a relish, amply baked, or application is to solicit your subserip- Assembled at the residence of Geo. a, are prepared and served as salted I tion towards a ConIUIOn and per. G-regg, Esq, Spring Bank, to witness I it will save fuel and time to have almonds. Inanent fund of $ 0,000, to be used the marriage of his daughter, lIfnnle, them pulped. It is also well to add , Salt to epee% bleeding at the lungs,1 for the protection and sale of 'pure to A r. Harkness. The ceremony i a quantity of peas or bailey to the and as a nervine and tonic for weak , e?eese and: butter throughout was performed by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of j 11888, which will not be lost and thin blooded invalids. Combined F zeited States,' and no stones will Betgrtave, I>t other -in- aw will add a very desirable Savor.• And I one has a supply fpumpkins, i u for Certain e o tin orcke fair a few cut up among the potatoes' dyspepsia, liver complaint, g In eke articles, svidie to the before u Ing wille utmost aver andqualityoftheneons are almost the bestr oflaw; andpubl%o eondellzna- they cook quickly, theyKnown. No medicine is so i n roue the press bei all le i- ec but sI. es ofnervous I 4 tel 1-, is nothing' ase that a ' dins alai esten- Jizst a Pow Objections,. "1 proposed taMiss Gladys Beauty. girl last night," "Ah! and site ac- cepted youl" "'Well, n•o•a, not exactly, but t;ho came so near doing so that a great shoal of the sting was taken out of iter refusal. She saki oho would have accepted Ino if fluid in(d plenty of money, and a perfect disposition, and lay ey08 W01'O brown instead blue, and UIY 11fa11' eterly, and 1 WAS tWt)11 1108 tailor, tt11(1 WWW 1 wltl- Iling fame in my protiessIon, and port, sessecl Personal magnetism and 081110 of an old bine-blooded family, anti W0111(1 always let her hnvel her own way, end n(WI`r tilitt)li'd, 1101' 11'nntokl GO stay out labs tat night and dill not below.); to any lodge, a11[1 would keep a. stylish turnout kind plenty of' see. Chi --iti Ful i1SIIED EV'I .RY P.1BIIiAY MOBNTNG -AT '41(1 - TIMES OFFICE, 4QSEPHINE STRECT WINGIUA:1:I, O M RIs, subsoriptlonrrfeq,$t• itc'ryear,inradvanpe, At)VJ1itxtStfrh.. RATES; 81100c 1 iyr, l 0w6, I Una 0uhtrntt 1 1.00 00 540 00 l 4:_:°..4:774,111:.L7 -1814100'a: hail ++ t,nnrtor ,t !I 20 04 2d 0 17 Unb 111Ch I G JO _ 2 .�_ aro! x _.11 Legal and other Casnaladvcrtisements, Se. perllne foe II( et insertion, oral fc, per line foreneh subeequept, Insertion. drnotices roc.r]pb` lnonpareil our tire ineorttoh, rind lir. par line for (tteltstMexynent inoerk[cr. AdvurtlHoaterfko bt net, k eu.nd, titrtryed, Situatloue, ttnd Jtt1' Iuentt Uham•o, %ranted, hat exceeding *11113f. nonpareil, $I for first ,nmttli, at 60c, lot cacl> 11(1212112. ( inlhttrgncnt month, titiit'3• r i1NC(v d�lltut amoutltl tp0o aper os lbscquontamonna. I1u ltf t atlrertls,ruu'r,ts in r'opornon, t4, lilltlk'.1'- 'Pilose (LIDO wrll baoLMciry adhered to Bpuclst ratr4 for latkor advortlsclrenis, o; fqt Illi ttt htttgor periods, \fill- dti ctlunut, Willlitu it: erbc lat,11 forLid p roju ohae;le�r nrcunlingla•, 1ra,,srterr advertisements Moet ba !1 paid in edt'aftae 1 thuiotik',' by Wedneract sday �y advertisementsnoonfordoe#bask chat week pp.r 111 very I E• EL1f.IOTT l 11• It li i'feOraiRYart, AND PU131411ip lea of rtt dl,ielUliNA4u, __--- Iilletoly ) on furl • . `!xr n. ToWLEa, or,D.c.m., Threatened With Pneumonia, elf•:N9'I,1,1i1•11�,-�+-L11sG sprin4. 1 had heavy elm anti wits ttfrtatttence pneumonia. 1• used two britt ;Norway fine Syrup and it c+Iktt cured are. It is the hest prolamin a cough I have "%for ngt'd. J. b. +11Ac,1)axat,u CI$NTitL� eTI(EET, 1�hyt�oltotnurtll, t'nite Breton. Wt18t1 1, - " ONTAaitte the INCHAM_SIN MILtS Member COUegoPhysicians rend Surgeons, ()Marie blorof[Cu1 of the Ad. with hat crater 3s usef 1 f 1 n leftt1ntlitzdfppy0 F , o1Ner. [lp•statry, [text to Dir ltiortonri, ofire, Wtng. tirade, assisted by ILev, 17 r, ftarveo,formsofdtzsdin titt f ham, oat. of CI ffold. Miss May Gregg, sister etc oile'nders be meted'. the Inost The undersigned in retelrniu [hunks . `eft•taoltortts.-0 to I2 a, m., I toy p, m•, ai; of the bride, filled the important boiling b 1 still improve the, O Residence, 1>iagonalstroac. nervine t rigor 1 for past tavor's,beg snare to say that they -^ --- - --� _- position of bridesmaid, and Mr. u food. As tiO through l have a very large stock of �' 1', hLNNI,.OY, I+l. D„ nt. o, I'.s 0. Knight, of Newbridge, assisted the ` g Y, y need not bei useful In • l e., id Atedaliet'of4tvast rtAU Ivor&iLteldrnm,) pulped, simply cut in chunks I there tit' 1 pzoatzatlazt, and ttzrz�tei eh'ailneis of pati 't >' LUMBER) SHINGLES, LATH, morn. Tlae bride eras the recipient Tilt} tppk'al `tl>a CEtnt , dor,rcooloreodaneotetteMespitata Special�Wen of mann valuable and nsefui 1'eSentS f t ee 3I1 sa e Linn paid to diseases of women and children. P ICidney Pacts, meld relieve and torte s e pre,anual Sits'aiec the of these WOOD (p1� oilier--korinorlS occupied byan,2 children. from her many friends. , y n up as weal : of the. annual lass because of tite5e BARRELS, Cl Cit<T, ca4 . i ofCentrenod patriot streets. w,0umer In Jan., 1SrJ:, my sop was taken With out Sy Stent. Onions are useful in l i Kidney disease. Though attended by ,all case` f h lune/eau tlzttt�,Ma, The attaek is tet be +111"altAd, On on hind lvtafch will be sold at very close] ----- 13LFTH. i; alt mate 1 I prices t !remeu s a the ' , grew worse sed by '93 had Fallen a in consumption, insomnia, , a strong s o trader hard bales vnivsTnrE, u deelded to urehase t lr r three phvslefuus, and t hon a of s o coughs, colds, and in- i , to sleet the re n h dttenz X ren nrle All board* l t i n t f l It has been P from 19a lbs to 9a lbs In 10 days from 1 dzo hoblti scurvy, hrvu�,haut t11t l ntteci estates, and.: _ ll ' P gravel, sad four acres of the Blyth :lgricltltural starting to use Ur. Chase's Kidney -Liver kindred liver complaints. E iters i other i the cheese organizations connected with `r SI 7 grounds for a sate for the public I Pills we were able to move hrru home.yy l Meese business, are lir,* First � [,1 � school; 'Fite et > 7n 4 nlnntna he gained u0 lbs. and warn and .whiteningy effectsoon have �� cletlttznes l take up them atter at once, and crtaise i nctr . f price, is 1, 00. -Thu l C- P. R. exhibition car will he here i this medicine, t3nouSiHalth stiniaa, UseS�f piexion, e n silk Cont-:Stltl:erii>Lit.Ils tee the ±[ ,€i of size' 7- es rt to -day FridaS The following Paul St., e talar , They s:t s - tt is ;,eseattrk (Wood , Cord,delivered. hlontranl. Spinach is useful to those sulfttl officers, were elected on Tuesday l for their ow; we' and Iotectiort t , lite with gravel. p , evenlltg,to look after the interests of i Canadian Lumber. the Epworth th League of the Metho• j The nations in which food, fuel, sp1I itiolllgus is used to induce Per- they , ,£ty sold fol, other-! , as we Will not f ns t ftlre tltl� an dist clilrrclt : Ilea, President, Rev, t metal and timber may be produced Carrots for sufferers from asthma. wise T ltrle is ctaanger o* losing titer undersold. George L'ugg•in; President, Mr. R. at the highest relative rate of Witgey - Turnips for nervous diseases ttIItI folk I;,1i trade itlta„oretelelr • Somers; let Vice President, bliss E. y S rely 4 aluldiatrts have a right' 'Mag o�EA�T ,c SON. and the lowest money cast per unit for scar v•. 1 to• 'Magellan, 7th,1898. G. Young` ; 2nd Vice President, lir, i of product win be thereby enabled Raw beef proves of great benefit , feel Iw ftheir own condition. ass! _ James Austin; Cor. Secretatryr, Mr, ! to apply 'labor saving rriaehines to to persons of frail constitution and ter ,the t their neighbors' over+ r ;AN I+'red. Drnsted 1; Nee. Secretary, ;e1 r. t ether branches of productive i dustryr those suffering from eansutnptlon. It I MONEY TO �, ` t lute, who have run their heads ; W. W. Taman; Treaserer, illy, S, i in the most effective manner is one is chopped fine, seasoned with stilt, ?lata Buell a snarl ars they now feels Ierrin„ton ; Tannin. Miss Moody. of the dogmas of political eCon011lyr. and heated by placing it in a dish themselves caught in. Is is a rtlnd! O'� 'Arrl� iitortnrage at low rtitos of er --- i Canada has these conditions. It is in hot water: It .assimilates rapidly boldlyserest an harms of tiro years or over. ! thins to have been able to stand n Principal IBARRISTON, e i rich in food products ; in mettle it and affords the best of nourishment. l thf and honestly deny the art- annuullv if de payable :it earl of term or The Iiarriston Carling Club has 1 e- ' possesses an aggregate of riches that Eggset truthful charge . made against us i dbHl`' ov 1. i people know little of': and fuel nutriment compact, nt of'sante time a o in the British rens organized with the following cfficet'- ! 1 p quickly p F3luevnle 1'. 0., Ont, Patron and Ptltraness, lir. and 111 c. , whether wood or Boal is found in the available form. Eggs, especially the ,Agent for Huron and Erie. Loan and t Dominion. or ail tiles,. products yolks of eggs, are useful in -atilt i but critters the authors have since Sawin;s Ca, London, Ont. Jas, lleetnrchie; President, Jolin , "g'' p had the manliness to retract, ex- lumber is at yl esent tilt! S[tundrls ; Pica President, ,., E l king, and Beaten up raw with sugar are used' Maiming that • the word "Canadian" " --`-" StroStrong: Secretary -Treasurer, y`-TreaEnr , Jteo. ' Canadian lumber exports have made 'to clear and strengthen the voice. 1 was inserted les ougtt error. :ic;j: S creta y -Tr asur Munroe" the land known the world over. With sneer and Iemon `it' t Intim titers is 8 lesson for us dust Isere • �f PRINTING Committee, John McKenzie, G Strong o much is this the ease that Canada beaten white of an a 18 usedhe F eyhlCh !;fain dealers would d0 wen La 'Niles!!Ut} fioakn, Pamphlets« enston 13 Ind It m. 1''. I3risbin; Repre. cant- was known -to use rite language relieve hoarseness. b to a ds, Circulars, Ate., �o., executed to tits b 1• observe, , viz not "doctored," t0 'ills Smutty notice, f the !y ors tmoderate pricex, and on sh rive Members to O. C. A., J. T,{ ,ray t of :a certain class of Englishmen- ' ' Hone is wholesome a wheat, screened or doctored " withApply d Ilar'ristan and Geo. T''' I•' ars a blaivsted wooden , seen„then_ e either It. 1ILLIOTT Senior Skips. ,- resit r' e fruits •• that ti eele sent atbroad should he! Everythin else equally law, Csane 'anal 'east 4Lliai ('t t" a SEe ba be BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Private and Company (ands to loon It lowest tats interest. No commission charred, Mortgages, took and farne property boueht and sold OFFICE-Beaysr Brock WtxonAu J. A. MORTON, Ii�1Ik1UISTt•:S, So„ Wiughu.n', Ont, E • L. AIDE INSON, BAnlitseTilt, ETC. sOLICiToit TO DOXX 0r' IlAitILTOS. MONEY TO, LOAN'. Of leo--)letor Block, 15'ingham. 1t 0. CAMERON, ttAttlirsxEn, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, So. Office -Corner IIamtltonand St. Andrew streets,. opposite Cothorue Hotel. GODEttferl, ONTARIO. nET�`TISTD,Y.-..J.S.JE.R0)1E, L. 0, S,,WiNottatl, • Is tuauufacturtng arot.tllass sets of teeth as cheap cls they can be made in the dominion. Teeth extracteri est'roc absolutely violent poll., by hisnoW process, guarantee( pert,[• try sore. art OPNiCS: in the hearer Block, opposite the. ! Brunswick Rous,,. i s t sins, Toronto. + r country. In Cleansing healing and nourish -1 ,Ct A0, 1, 2 or fl grades, but let! Trartss iifeo, wh,ghanl 7 ' There is invested in the 1,im1,crin in �" g + EaCa t,i -- Jahn I rails, li'alter g „ g 'ria be solei upon its own � f >� `-A.I.TIICR J. 1111tIN, D. D. a., L. D. s., McKenzie, J. lfie�fi , h' t industry a capital of about `�1Q0 I±' primers, openly . • Doctor Dental Surgery of • tits llentul College. 1'ennsylvani. Moore, .7. ,ale lC P are excellent for k pen v and above board) Ir t of (ie'a]trc Moore, ,7, ,gleiklajohn G. 10 0,000 s1'Ith an a1Uilutil clone list of purifying the blood and tonin 1=t:nd what !about our fruit packers waare teasrd to tt,,' a over $30.000,000 fled an output. the system. AS SpCCitTC remediesthan p p arca that obs hwt,. or P. ,. Gra y,t Tllc \'. tGa, heed t0 exercise 1n01'e 3luyazfues tuft with ua for rtirrA:n c, ecltl hays t A. 1 I'tintie • , valued .to almost 8110,000,000. prompt attention, Priv::s for binfl ni; in 80)' 'i , • . I.. , or.annea area , Oi•e snarl care '1 on hut give, au applteaf lou to the Ttifrca °ince. W. t are r 00 saw 1IIII1� and - ° send i i 7 CU 1(I Strong, John Lrvipotone 7 1e' Junior �ilti E 7 11I10at a - pectens, Sour oranges i ih�n 1 21 1t lids they Moore, .7. Ireland. J. MC\ lb i A. ; There • t',Q a wooer are highly recommended for rheu- esoulcit abroad. -• An tipple the who !;lenity. J.1'. Filson, It. yli ells t working. ' r put little apples in the centre n cst:1l,Ilshinents, employing matism, i Canvassing Committee, Bi•isbin' i 1`'000 men during the season. Watermelon for epilepsy and fol* i of the barrel had Metter Ieave apple IIarnilton and Ireland. ' i Of elle piovin+:es, Ontarictii, known yellow fever, 1hRCktu;s to an honest and man, as hise !as the "grellt white pine'' district of Cranberries • for erysipelas; are 1'u511Ie,35 cannot last, all that he the Dominion, and J. P. Booth, of used externally as well as internalldoes damages Canadian reputation 1 Ottawa, hoe gained fame as the Lemons for feverish thirat or sick.. ill ourfinPortant sakigree+int foreign A public meeting zeas held in the 'umber king of the world. The ness, for biliousness, low fevers, town hall last Thursday. evening, at pine cut of Ontario is estimated to be rheumatism, coins, cou;lis, liver! fl1teiietain nix iinflly,--..,iistresstn •u'hieli a number of representative ' 700,000,000 feet.. Of this 400,000,- complaint, ete. iter tsn,! ltiniider diseases relieved in feitixettt� 1verC present. .Judet T , g std' Judge Doyle 000 feet were exported last year Blackberries as a tonic, Used in 2 hotu•a 4v 11ur tie rdist South eli a ee n Kea took the chair, and in a few wards I. from the shores of Georgian 133ay itI all forms of diarrhea, 1 great reined is a great introduced lr. Kelso to the meeting'. log rafts to ili[clli an. i ;v Lute„ This Int*. Kelso gave. an exhaustive andg1 VIE SPRUCE ,' orr iZtgEEC. fo Tomato Cue .a powerful at erioll t count of its exceeding to physicians on ev. p p , not interesting statement of the ( In (, aebCc the Ctlil;f 1ulnber rie,le8 for asap liver,. a and indigestion. r r , every tart of L11s [tri promptness dneys,ib r Ana , a sovereign 1`elnedy p� a in the bladder, kidneys, back telt? objects and practical working of !consist of spruce, and the shipments matoes are invaluable „estion. o- p itcry pu,asnges sit male the Children',s Md Societies in On- t are ehieflsr to Great Bl'ifitill• There tions theafin all Candi- to i reintiri passingg it almostintl of wetter t ria< He sllasved that in the :old are also pine and birth baiter. Th af.eulo system in wltielt the use I If yon tvc 1 t. Sod ed. o seth selis days the only theory of the treat- ! prodder of spruce and pine logs Wass Pigs is indicated, 1`ofte trinletYy, bold at Cl,i3bolm's drug anent o£ mime was punishment, but Ei,170,000 feet, equaling E I3 ,000,000 They $ are aperient s d to be vtrizolesolne, stare, that a c,trefttl study of the question I feet board tneusure. valuable as a t 'I'sva Irishman were once dlsCus� bad shown that the host fruitful Ne1v • Brunssvt o rodtle • food for those suffering with a caneer;'siltt'' the respective merits of the sun soursource of crime wits due to cars spruce and ane logs produced fie they are useful externally as -well as 1 and moon. "Sure," said i , , k, ces, and that we c y I -. P 87,000,000 ft,; itltel•nally. , a d I atthari most effective IBM ' of hernlacls Iogs 7,Q00,000 ft, r Bananas are 'useful "the sun gives a Ti'uo»er light than 'rorty` to �it eristtkr was to faire B M ; of cedar 1•l esti 0 it as a food Mr the [noon." "True" said WAS' r out o 14.000, 000 ft. 13 At those suffering � ,• Brian f evil environment. l 13rttlsh Celuinbia'is noted for' its; rhaea, from' ellrothic dtar- Some people have objected on prinei- t gigantic fir, the Douglas fir 'laving' Apples 1es i Ie to the separation of children from j boon known to reach the height k , PP are usful in actions, their parents, but such a course is ; 800 feet with a base circumference !medicinal,.ia and •are >Zt theyeioud defended by tlic argument: that the i of v0 feet. The average he' :digestion, ' a d thevatoiee, said t r+ height is l di estion, clean the voice, CorreCE the interests of the child are of the first 1150 feet clear of limbs and the &Ctdity of the stoniach, are • v�ali Coneetluenee. Criminate too, are a I average diameter i to Ei feet. The ; in i•heumnntisin, insomnia and lives' Constant menace. to society, the opera- • red cedar of British Columbia runs! trouble% An apple Cotltairts as tions of the Society act as a strong { up to 200 feet with a diameter of 20 • unreal nutriment rte a potato deterrent to mettle in the Barents - feet.. The eat of the province last pleasanter and mere in a e • Mr. Heaton, Mr, Bene, lllr'a. honey 1 year amounted to 1;0,000,000 Lind fortn, •w1luIesoino j aeod ffw Davit were appointed tt was exported to Great Britain, (,irn es albite 7t r iit{tGOe r fa P[ ni lu , 7.atti Ir chi on P cit ►�' t t o ba Amin- hblood, r IItI UsfltiC IJ .rsend silo, `�outfir , Africa, f _ wee imitable ° ere, .A publit1 a America and California, flauth tit©eil•cllttatioll to the surface, 1'e• move ob,trtletl- sir OFFICE•••MACDONALD LLCCK. TCIiIE, GOD1 Rie .; hut the moon's the "How more sinsiblc." How do you prove that?" says flat. "sy," responds I3rian, "foe .the Innen shines in the noight when we Wade it, and the sun coin out in broad daylight, when a one eyed matt can see without it," per Over tette Vest* '. , 1 ) _ L+ ti 1 ANO r. tL i a . sew'„ t3,,nrhh,lr tlyrnp has been used for bover�illty vfunt by mahout-ofmotherr�toe thelreh[ldren while tt•etld„c, With perfect rucne-,, It,inothes the (-Mid, %Il ens thn••tuN tt alfa !!RI S t ,alts and 1 { • 'g. Y wind Celt o x rho haat rru,rdy for Diarrhea. Itr pleasant to wtinat rwe t v I1t-» Druggist* nettslaty e r Its aa'ne Is 8 f1'01tl liver And 1r thl ayrnpt «nd teak' o atria khNi, Witrelarb 4 v va 'kt .'ie most prompt plcas.rit An:1 per - feet euro for Co./ahs, C,,,lds, ..:.,Irma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, %Vtiueprng Gou 1t Palet its tho Chest and alt fhroa , nteu5lttai unci Luper D;seescs, '1`1te Dealing anti -consumptive virtues od in L medthe icine way ith .1.1 Cherrine ore y and s-tclte.a pectoral Herbs c ho Tor all f rt n+ of dIoeat,o erlglntlttng front co111,1. Price zoo. and Noe, For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S KINC OWDER THE000K' BES cFRIEND 1 elENERA;, INb1112A,NI A01;NT Onrstale FRANK SCELI, TONSORIAL ARTIST, Opposite Korman's berei, WINGHAM, - bNIARTO.. Agency for Parisian Stettin Laundry, p BEANS, Jt., 1CrxotrAat, .L . LICENSED AUCTIONEER kOla TDB COUNTY OP BUBO'S, I, Sales attended in an41 part of the 0o. Charge/Moderate, oner Ct1it1tle, liesuriAu, Gran, LICENS20 AttOTIONEIth FOtt Tili; cobleTblin IrrtaoN AND Ifitt'OL. Ail orders left Rt the T12o18 °trice promptly attend, ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES iIENDlihi5iSaF, LllOttsnoos Atomism *on Cottt*Tfoe rttiaolf ,uy), Alt eals attended to promptly and on tho Shortest Notice. -Chartres rgeetebA ecayn unmo on e mad,it hter Toots' orrice Wmou.tu at,c IVIoney to Loan on Notes,. Notes Discounted Air ��yyt��:.. nn. Y} �,yy, ••�� ry �,yy,y,�yyy� �tV �.P.1.l.W ,[i,A iy,I4 'Abney advanced an Mortgages at aente ts penises of paying at the end d( any year, Bo%. and accounts collected. 140110 3114$ lova Moak Wintherat Ont. T1C#01 A.e •cite • •poi Th the me fro ac 2er wa out fa cot tit 0 e to It its ti diY ' 7i tit Alt45 2