HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 9• i 'TIE,.. WTNGI-TAM TIMES, OCTOBER 251 J$9. M 4: ' F + +." c are told this leads down from the Miners' shanties, which are seer. 2000 feet above, like little dots upon the jutting ledges of the mountain, MANTLE STOOK We wondered what dangers people would not face and hardships Affords you an opportunityforpro, they would not undergo for the "almighty dollar." Two hours ruts from the "Great Divide" brought ns to the valley of the Columbia river, Sweeping around the Columbia valley, we follow tho river for about twenty miles to the town of Donald. Here we cross the river and follow down the stream through a great curing a MANTLE, CLOAK, COAT, FUR CAPE, At a moderate figure, such as you will seemly see elsewhere, Heavy Mantles, $2,50; Fur Trimmed, $4; canon, and as the Columbia river Fancy Trimmed, extra quality, at takes a great detour to the north we B, will soon find owners at these leave it and enter the Beaver valley and commence the ascent of the prices. "Selkirks." For twenty miles we climb Along mountain sides, 'through dense and magnificent forests of IMINQ®Q'S DRESS GODS cedar and Douglas fir. Here at the summit of the "Selkirk" range, 4000 feet above the level of the sea, we behold many mountain peaks thousands of feet above us in the cold embrace of glacierswhich, be- gan ages ago and will hold sway for MC RD O a1 ages to come. A struggle is ever going on between the glacier and the warm summer sun and what "Old King Sol" dissolves in summer Is more than repaired by "Jack Frost" in the winter,ancl so the battle rages. We now descend the westerly slope of the "Selkirks" and reach the "Glacier House" in the immediate vicinity of the "Great Glacier" and rebas M. H. MC NEW0'S. an' areaainor oflinnerthirty-six squtire. This1er miles Are the most beautiful ever shown in Winghan,, aceording to the verdict pronouneed by the ladies. Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Lace Curtains, and Ready-made Clothing have such a fresh, clean, up-to-date snap about them that those desiring Style, Quality, and Value, can make no mistake:, at -- and is several hundred feet in thick - WESTWARD HO ! ness and is creviced and tunnelled im a thousand directions by frost and (coweexa tan,) melting snow and ice. The Illicille- waet river has its source in this We remained at Banff ono day. Glacier. Beside the "Great Glacier" Almost 'everybody stays here for a stands the grandest peak of the day or two and we thought we '"Selkirks"'--Sir Donald =- called might with profit follow the example., .after Sir Donald A. Smith. This Banff was constituted a few years; mountain rises in a baro pyramidal ago a National Park by the Federal peak 8000 foot above the radtway Government. An oblong piece of j track. Away to the west we see • territory, 10 miles wiide and 26 miles glistening among the trees the Illi - long, was surveyed and laid out for, ciliewaet river along whose precipi- tions banks the railway rents. To that purpose. Considerable improve - meats have been made by the get, down into its valley the railway government in the way of building has to take .a series of turns, which, roads to the various points of in- forms what is called the "'Loop." teres. We found iaaxurious quarters The exanrenation of this Loop was in a large and welt ,conducted hotel interesting :and instructive, as it perched upon a hill overlooking the presented to us a feat of engineering Bow and Rapid Spray rivers. From ability which is seldom surpassed. the balconies of the hotel a charm- This extraordinary pieeeofengineer- ing and delightful view is before urs. ing was reaidered necessary: to bring To the left the Bare river is seen the railway :track from a ether to a rushing along between its roast much lower level within a short. banks and when aianost beneath es distance. We plunge .gain for it overleaps three successive pew- hours through gh precipitous gorges and • cipices constituting the beautiful and rock-bound, canons and ;again cross picturesque falls of 'the Bow river. the Columbia river after its return A few yards below the falls the Bow from its detour to the north :at Revel- riverireceives the clear, swift, noisy stoke. We now come to the Gold watery of the Rapid Spray rivet. Range, another series of snow clad Tbose?nnited glide off in an easterly mountains. They are broken aeross direction among the defiles of terse the centre and a way for the railway mountains, carrying. their elear crystal' waters to tlse sluggish anal muddy waters of the Little Sas- katchewan. Several inountadra peaks surround the hotel, each da.f fering Brom the other in beauty, forum-.' and altitude. This "Park" is now; famous ;for its hot se aphur springs,' which ''nave, as many say, great' curative:effeets upon'rseumatisni and, allied clieeases. We dist, not test the. efficacy of the baths, as eve were int,stretching mat among the nao intains.. no way ;affected with :the diseases A few minutes later we draw up at which they cure. We put in at Sicamous Ji action° where we intend Banff a daffy of rich enjoyment. 4 rt°leave therntainlineand visit afriend On the morning of ;i'Vednesday, at Vernon, forty six miles down Spell - On 22nd Aug►rst, we were arousedbe =sheen Vail y. Here we rant Si fore the cock crew, to he in readi- 3J>;cIKeaZie Bowell, Pretlier ness for the west bound train, which Oanada, Hots Thos. M. Daly was to arrive at Banff station at 7 Minister of the Interior, and Mrs. o'clock a, nt. Two hours run from Daly, with Adman we bad a pleasant Banff` we reach the summit of the chat. They ' were.returning • from RAockies, about - a mile above the the Coast• level of.the sea, but above this level k•° P. M,icvoNAW, the snow* capped mountains lift their (ro n G'•O,:TINUEn.) heads aloft from 5000 tb 7Q00 feet Iiiglier,so that their summits are from BELG RAVE. 4 two to two and a bait miles above Mr. R. J. Tufts has again taken sea level. Here we have reached up his abode. itt our village, -A the great "watershed" of the con• gentleman from England, was here anent, or, as it is called, the Great on Friday prospeeting for the par Divine. Here from a common chase of maple rollers.—Mr. E. source tWo streams start out in dif- Livingston shipped a couple of car ferent directions, the waters of One loads of hornier this week.• --.zanies finding then way eastward to the Stonehouse of Wyonling is visiting Atlantic and the waters of the other his parents here at present.-�--Dr. westward to the Pacific. We follow Agnew is slowly mending and is now the westbound stream—the Wopta on a fair way to recovery. --The or Kicking -Horse Pass river. About squirrel hunt between the married ton miles below the "Divide" wee pass and single nlinrods on Friday rev 'around the base of Mt., Stephen. suited in a victory for the benediet This stupendous mountain rises 8000 by 150 pehtts -R.. B. coupes of feet above the railway track and Leadbury was Visiting at his brother hold upon one of its shoulders as Moil's last welt,—J', H. Stevens in - glacier 500 feet thick and for a tends leaving for Auburn, his future moment we feel uneasy' lest it took home, slot the end of this weak. is opened cep between pins11el Line of vertical ~cliffs of enorn.ons heigh For about forty. miles alon,gthe sides of deep lakes and connecting:stream :c we make ear way, the light of da almost ext tided by the height of th surrounding mountains. At lengt the sun flashes out, which ryndicate that we have emerged Atom th "Pass" and we see out before us th ,great Shaswap lake, with its arm WROXETPR. Mr. Davidson, of Elora, who has been -Visiting hereat,Mr,. J. E. Black's, has returned home.—A party was held at IL Black's house, on Friday evening last.. A very pleasant time was spent by all, ---Mrs, F. V. Diek- son spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Toronto,—Mrs. Fox is visiting in Brusst.s at the home of her son.—Miss Libbie Playford has returned home from visiting friends in Shelburne and Grand Valley.-.- Mr. Thos. Miller loft for Goderic h to assist Mr. H, E. Snell, who has lately been burned out.—Mr. J. Laelkie bass Moved into. Mr. T. Hemphill's new house.—Messrs. Hamilton and San- derson shipped a ear of lambs on Saturday last.—Mr. John Hooey shipped a car of horses and a car of lambs to Glasgow. Mr. R. H.. Fortune shipped a fine driver with Mr. Hooey.—Ur. John Brethauer received a large consignment of flower pots for his greenbouse.•---Mrs. John Earner, who has been ill for some time, is now very low, and little hope is held out for her reeovery, —Mr. Wm. Wilson received two cars of pressed hay, which is being rapidly sold. --Messrs. Lane and Lane, of Belmore, shipped a large veneering machine to Montreal for repairs.—Snow fell here. on Sunday last and a few sleighs and• cutters were seen on the streets. --.A grand entertainment will be given by the Sons of Scotland, on the evening of November 6th. Jas. Fax and other first-class talent will take part. Full particulars later. LONDESBORO. The Methodist Sunday School- had a sermon'preached thele on Sunday morning last, by Rev.. W. Neal, a former Sunday School scholar of this school. Mr, Neal also preached. a sermon for the Epworth League, in the evening, On the Monday there was a Literary and social entertain- ment. The proceeds amounted to .„w 20, which is to be divided between the school and League.—Mr. T. Cole and .Miss 111. Me ittie were, on Thursday evening, nnited in the bonds of matrimony, the Rev. H. J. Fair officiating in the presence of a largos number ofaegnsiintances.—Wc are sorry to have to announce the illness of Mr. MutMutBell, of this place. We.lhope soon to bear of his recovery --- 4r. R. Adams is improving. being able to be out again.—The quarterly sere -Ikea of the Methodist church will be Meld in this place one week front the :coming Sundayy ;morning. The lose feast will ' commence at 10 o'clock and the regslar service at 1. o'clock.—.Mr.. A. McGregor attended the district meetiug•of the I. 0. G. T., held at Lucknow, last week. BAST WAWANOSH. lir. Wm. Rath's caew barn is coon- s pieted.—Mi P. W. Scott has had a t. substantial wind -,nit. of the Bract- , ford manufacr+e, :erected for tate s, puelpose of pum} i:ug water.—lir. Y John Campbell b s snovecl into kis :r e new house and MD. Dunbar's h. house is approaching. completion— s .,lir- Chas. Wilkinson :has removed to e the Farm which he leased from err: e Haden', at Bodhnin.—Messrs. l�f. H. s Rafelson and IL Corley, of the Go6011and 7th concessions respectfully, were very successful +exhibitors a� the Wingham, Brussels, Belgra,ve, and BIyth shows, thian year. --Mr. John Anderson left on Tuesday for ✓ Orangeville, on business in connec- t' tion with the farm which he pur- chased in that locality.—A series of revival meeting are being held in the Westfield church. They were conducted last week by Mr. H: Hopper .and this week by the pastor, Mr. Baugh. LOSS OF FLESH is -weakening. , Iron cannot af- ford to full below your healthy - Weight, If you will take Scott's .1 Lnwtilsion of Cod-liver Oil with }Iypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda when ie your ur Erie ds n first tc:l you you are getting thin, you will quickly restore your healthy wveight and may thereby s prevent serious illness. Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce a day of Scott's Emul• " saes,. ,his seems extraordinary; but it is absolutely trite, Pohl lsa ria eueded to coca, a litthitkOt SOU & iiswrr. 6rlirrtlllr, 304'4 k• a notion at that instant to slip down upon our devoted heads, Oti the : The, Timm AXia'Toronto Weekly Globe broad side of this mountain could be will bo tont to/IOW subscribers from flew triteed a kind of tza,inway, and a ,,till the 1st of Titulary, 1,898, teir.s6,twatr. MYTH. A few inches of snow fell on Saturday and Sunday, butit has all disappeared. — The Powers Bros, Comedy Co. gave entertainments in Industry hall, on .Friday and Satur- day evenings last, to small audiences, —The root crop has not been housed yet, and the snow made some of the farmers feel uneasy.—On ilfon• day the regular meeting of the 12th Division Court was to have been held in Industry hall, hut His Honor Judge Doyle was not present to pre- side, HARRISTON. 1►1r. John Freed), a prominent Minto farmer, had hie steam thresh- ing outfit and gang of men 'working on the farm of Mr. Hastings, Minto, and boarded the C. P., R. afternoon train here Friday last to go out to them. Formerly the train used to stop at Page's flag station, but this has- been discontinued, much to the inconvenience of the farmers, and Mr. French thought he would drop off' the train when it slowed up at the diamond erossing the G. T. R. In his attempt to debark he was thrown violently to the ground, and haci his leg broken and sustained some severe bruises. Crossing - Tender Sheppard hurried to his assistance. Finding bow serious the case was he despatched a messenger to the section men, who wero work- ing along the treat: about half a mile away, and had them convey the injured farmer to Harriston .on the jigger. where he received medical attendance. BLUEVALE.. Mr. Joseph Schwartz, of Buffalo, iutnber inspector for the firm of G. Elias and Bros., was in the village this week on tnasiness.--Mr. R. N. Duff was in Bayfield last Saturday as a witness in the ease tried there that day between Mr. Simons, plain- tiff, and Messrs. Milne and Jamieson, defendants.—Mr. C. W. Andrus, of London,. is shipping lamber from 13luevale this week.—,Hiss J. Ballan- tyne and Mr- McEwen have been re- engaged as teachers in the public sehooI foe 1896.—lir. Louis B. Duff, of Clinton Model School, spent Sunday at home.—Rev, J. W. ,and Arra. Prime, of Nile, Were visiting here last week,—Mr. J. J. Denman had a sale of farm stook and imple- ments, on Tuesday. The stock sold at very low figures, the scarcity of feed, no don bt, having considerable to do with the low price. The August snake of cheese has been sold :to Mr. Cook, Ingersoll, for 7i- cents per pound. At a meeting of the Directors the present cheese - maker, Mr. Geo. McDonald, who has given such ,good satisfaction, was re- engaged Tor next year at the same salary. The factory will close on November lst, except making for the patreais for two weeks. Eighteen cheese a day are turned out yet. Purified. ,B .00d Saved an operation in the following case. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when. all others fail. It makes pure blood. "A tae ago my father, Wiliiam Thong,. son, was taken suddenly ill ;nth Whim• mations of the bladder. He suffered is great flatland wee very law tar -roma time. At hart thi deckle rail!s u1 h wo d not get well unless an operation Was perforithed. At this tikee we read liboat geocl'M Sersapa• rills and decided to try it. RRetbre he need` bait a bottle his appetite bid tome beak to hint„ whereas before he Could est but little. When he had taken three bottles of the m.dicine he was as welt as .ver.'" Paaxa1s J. TuOlswsoir, P.ainrnla.x ake, admin.itemember Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only ''rare Brood Purifier teimited* in the public rrie tetiele • 0* ow,`bot re ', p>r11' 7 D. M. GORDON. OUR SF'ECIA]L DRIVES�...� This week will be in boots and • hoes PERFECT -FITTING M N T At prices that defy competition, and Beautiful in Materials and Faultless in Design and Workmanship. Please note that everything in stock will be sold at cut prices. We can afford to do this, and we are doing it. We will be pleased to show you our goods and quote prices, whether you buy or not, D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, • Wingham. ZWelialteileWaVateeselleftvitellell c 1 N Is still in the field and stronger than ever (not in blowing, like some) but in special values in Fall and Winter Goods. He has the name of being the cheapest and he isbound to keep it up. Working on the Cash System tells the story j every time. The customers know the secret of cheap goods, and when they want a dress 'or a coat or a cape they go DRESS to the Cash Store, where they can save from 25 to 3) per cent. Dresses, Suits, Coats, Capes, and all kinds of children's wear he is making up in the very latest styles, having secured a MAKING competent cutter and fitter. Nothing but the very best and latest styles that the art can produce will be turned out. Those favoring as with their work are sure to come again. All Mantle AGAIN, and heavy goods bought here cut free of charge. CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. MACDONALD BLOCK. G. MCINTYRE, WINGH.iJr . found to be Aheact Now that summer is over, I have lately returned front the Market, where 1 have purchased a heavy stock of goods suitable for the all and. Winter Trade. 1. I am prepared to offer you bargains that have never be- fore been offered in the town of Wingham. Ladies' Mantles, $4.5o, $5,5o, $6,75 and $8, all color. Dress Goods a full line. �" BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTY. See our all wool Flannel at io cents per yard. Men's Pine Suits and Overcoats made t order and fit guaranteed.o A full line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Carpets, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Reayd ..Mad ' e e Clothtil�. CMITAIN*S—Chenille, Swiss and Lace, hi every design. A FULL LINE OF FRESH CROCERIES• ALWAYS IN STOCK. A discount of ro pet cent off all foods for cash. T. A. MIL