HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 8THE WI N G IAM TIMES OCTOBER 25 1895.
EAST WAWANOSH. GODERICH. I fune>. al expenses of Mrs. Wolf, $12.
Mr. Thomas ht stronghasbou On Saturday evening last fire was
H. McKay—P. Kuntz—That the
g finance report, just read, be adopted
'the Nixon hotel at Whitechurch and discovered in the top flat of the Carried.
has started to try his fortune there. Albion Hotel. A strong gale was Olt,ts, BuTTC1N, Tp, Clad..
—Mr. John Gillespie shipped a car blowing from the `northwest, and int StratYord as to kava a X30,000
load of cattle and hogs from White- a short time the whole block, extend- 1 tram; sewer.
,chureb, last week.—Mr. Jonathan ing from South street to Kingston'
Patterson threshed one thousand street, was one mass of flames. The: Rev. Peter J. Rowe, of Sault Ste.
bushels of oats off twenty acres, last fire brigade were promptly on hand,) Marie, Mich., was named Bishop of
473ek, Not bad for the dry season, but owing to the furious gale blow -1 Alaska in the Episcopalian HousHe
e of
Jonathan. -Mrs. Thomas Auld is ing were powerless. The stores Bishops orn lMinneapolis
in neapo is Friday.
visiting under the parental roof at adjoining the hotel were those of
present --Miss Ida Reid is visiting in Iy, C. Goode, druggist ; W. T. and is a graduate of Trinity.
Toronto at present. ---Mr- George Murney, butcher, and H. E. Snell, When a ham or a large piece of
Lintner went over to Jamestown on grocer. The loss is heavy, and comeI meat is boiled for slicing cold, use
a business trip, on Monday last• prises the following companies : The ! plenty of water and let the meat
Royal, about $500 ; Northern, stand in it until cold, for by so doing
TURNBERRY, $3,000; London Assurance, $3,000, the meat will reabsorb much of the
Following is a report of the Pro- and , nutriment which has been drawn
some loss in the Western As -
motion Examination held in S. S. surance. The Albion was one of the out during the boiling process.
best known hotels in the district of A meeting of the directors of the
Huron, and was rebuiltma sa few years Dominion Draught. Horse Breeders'
ago, and is now isa abouts of ruins.,00Society was held in the Rattenbury
The total loss x45,000.
Insurance on the building, $13,000. House, Clinton, lately. President
The stock of J.
W. Marsden, the McMillan and C. E. Mason, as dele-
proprietor of the Albion, was insured gates at the meeting of representa-
tives of the different stock registers,
for $5,100 ; H. E. Snell & Co., i
grocers, insured for $5,000 ; W. C. in Toronto, on Sept: 12th, reported
Goode, drug store, insured for $800. bringing arrangements
ngalnients there proposed
Dr. Whiteley's office was totally
super -
destroyed. The,rroperty of A. M. vision of a government manager and
Polly, liverymen, and of E. C. inspector.
othe s featun thewere
Belcher, belt i', had a narrow escape. proved,
The cause is supposed to have been ofehleldelegates,
sle gater ees, wf ho
illiagare and the
n meet
the esibding of a lamp. tnew inspector, to complete the ar-
rangements desired by the society.
The annual meeting of the society
will be held in Clinton on Dec. 18th,
when the third volume will be
closed, and the standard of registra-
tion. raised to four crosses. The
financial condition of the society
continues good.
No. 6: Senior II to Junior
Total, 480. 480. To pass, 240, Jas.
Kelly, 271. Junior II to Senior II,
455, to pass 227, Nettie Bryce,
288 ; Harry Goy, 261; Alice Little,
260 ; L. McKague, 243; M. Mc-
Kinnon, 223 ; Johnnie Mitchell, 203;
George Little, 180 ; Willie Kelly,
17.1; W. Foxton, 164; Sarah Crowe,
135, Pt. II to jr. II, total 280, to
pass 140; Frankie Johnston, 109 ;
Bertha McKague, 158 ; Joe Cowden,
151; Francis Foxton, 147 ; W.
Link -later, 147 ; M. Holmes, 125 ;
P. Stapleton, 108.
A. E. THOM ON, Teacher.
The Culross Council met at the
town hall, Tees`water, Oet. 7th, 1895.
Members all present. The Reeve in
the chair. The minutes of last meet-
ing of Council were read. J. Johns-
ton—P. Kuntz—That the minutes of
last meeting of Connell, as read, be
adopted—Carried. H. McKay—
Wm. Ried—That as it is necessary
to extend the time for delivering the
Collector's roll, that a By -Law be
drawn up extending the time up to
the 15th of October—Carried. H.
McKay --Win. Ried—That for the
remainder of this year the Treasurer
shall be in attendance at Teeswater
town hall during Council days, from
11 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m., and that
the Collector shall be at the Tees -
water town hall from noon until four
o'clock on each Saturday from the
middle of November until the middle
of December—Carried. P. Kuntz—
Wm. Riecl—That the part of By=Law
No. 3, appointing D. A. Ireland, Col-
lector, be repealed and that Robt.
Marshall be appointed Collector for
the year 1805, and that a By -Law
be drawn up and passed confirming
pis appointment—Carried. Wm.
Ried—P. Kuntz—That as it is re-
ported, to this Council that the bridge
at Lot 12, Con. 4 and 5, is in much
need of repair, that H. McKay have
the sante repaired as he thinks best
Carried. J. Welwood—J. John -
5 lbs 3 ozs.—Jas. O'Leary lost a 1 ston—That By -Laws Nos. 8, 9, 10,
valuable three -month-old filly on 11 and 12 be now read a first,second
and third time, passed, signed and
Wednesday= morning of last week, asealed—Carried. J. Welwood—J.
colt of Florence G. sired by Slander. Johnston—That as there is a place
—Some seventy creditors of the Me- on the 10th side road, between Cons.
Having secured power Eton, thewin} ham Electric
the Electric Light power house, Leder Wingham,
Intosh & McTaggart firm met on 7 and 8, which is impassable and Light Company, I hay ° put in SboUp,ug stones a
and stn prepared to do chopping at all times. The
Tuesday afternoon of last week, in dangerous, that Mr. Johnston expend a Electric
onage of the public r solicited and satisfaction
the Foresters' Halt, to discuss the the amount of six dollars on it as he guaranteed.
ROBERT ndnssvrltlztt.
situation with Dr. McTaggart, who sees best—Carried. P. Kuntz—H. w Grantee July icth, lass. _
had come to town for the purpose. McKay—That the clerk notify Mr. ____----orSuitsthatsuit,
Lot Con. to have all
A further dividend. of 5 per cent. trees
16,A, ire comfort to the
was declared, making a total of 75 trees fallen across the Highway op- SUITS, give
and" satisfy
cents on the dollar, and Messrs, John posits his lots removed without delay OVERCOATS,
McCrae, J. P., Thos. Kelly, W. H. as they impede travel -Carried. youter try s,y Our
Kerr, Joseph Clegg and John Rod- P. Kuntz—H. McKay—That as it is garment maker s
o their
dick were appointed a committee (of reported to this Council that the-'RouS�s• work know hdonow ttd think
which Mr. McCrae is Chairman and culvert on 30th sideroad, Con. 7, is there are any better
111x. herr Secretary), to whom all in an unsafe state, that Wm. Ried and yet we charge no more than others
documents and securities were hand- have the same renewed; also have an for inferior worn Hundreds of new
ed. over, with. instructions to take the drift wood at the bridge, lots 25 fall and winter samples to choose from,
such legal proceedings as might be and 26, Con. 7, removed—Carried. at prices about half what you have ,to
necessary to collect the assets for the H. McKay—P. Kuntz—That as pay for l goods.
odr own Work
done for parties
benefit of the creditors, and it is ex- there are three stumps on Con, 14,
pected a farther dividend of 10 or 15 that require to be removed. for con -If you think that a Tweed Suit sennet
per cent. will be realized. -The venience of travel, that Wm. Stied be properly made for Si Spot Crash, call
commodious residence of George be authorized to have them removed, and see our work. Our terms are cash.
Crooks was a scene of activity last if he can do so for five dollars—
ollars—W ednesday evening, when his fourth Carried. The finance report was
daughter, Miss Jessie E., was united read, as follows : Henry MeAllister,
in matrimony to A. M. McKenzie, of 33 yards gravel, $2.31 ; Alfred Cas-
Teeswater, in the presence of 20 or lick, repairing bridge, Lot 23, Con.
30 invited guests. Rev. Jno. Ross, 10, $25 ; James Seott, cedar, for
Si. A., of Brussels, assisted by Rev. bridge, $2; Alex. Bannerman, re -
Me. Reid, of Teeswater, performed pairing culvert, lot 21, Con. 14 and
the ceremony. The bride was 15, $5.50; John G. Scott, repairing should net only bbe e agreeable
t 1 tie.i'r taste and he"0°v'e:
attended by Miss Mary Richardson, bridge, lot 1, Con. 4, $3 ; W • Roane, Mbuty it
will be found all that is desired in these
both ladies 'wearing becoming tweed repairing culvert, $2.83, surveying, respects, footnotes. Jno. McKenzie supported. $1, total, $.8.83 ; D. McKiggan, llreWeds, r� K and_ 11Yv roi1T
h is brother. Valuable, useful and 12 yards gravel, 84ets; John Me— alir.�s en nand,
▪ unierous were the wedding presents. Kenzie, repairing 80th sideroad, -
'The company sat down to an $1;Chas. Uhricll, 181 yards gravel, aSA:VSA:MS nd everything in the butchering
line, elegantly prepared Supper and after $i.80; John Kuntz, repairing res 1 supply no hotcin, ail customers have a chanes
an enjoyable evening the bride and culvert (timber and tile) Lot 2, of setting the nest eels.
M set out for their new home at 14, $5; Peter Kuntz, for Mr. K.eiffer par •{+riots atm bo found 3rfst right and
Waater, followed by many hearti- and others, for rebuilding eulver`t, meal; n,ul he den, erea to any part el th° towns
ly fid wishes for a sueeeesfa1 $8.44; Joseph Lowry, drain on Cons. , .11`. a. "IELD.
i bow fq e, 14 land 15, $280.12 ; Geo. } rnewehn, iffimeham, Aw . sath,1SQ5.
A new town bell has been pur-
chased at a cost of $364.50.—Thos.
Kelly dug up on Monday an Empire
State potato that turned the scale at
Live Stools 111arltets.
Montreal, Oct. 21.—The receipts
at the eastern abbatoir . market in -
eluded 500 cattle 600 sheep and
lambs, and about 100 calves. There
was a fairly active inquiry. Prices?
—Cattle, 2e « 3 c ; sheep, $2.50 ® ' get
$3 ; lambs, $1:50 C', $3 ; calves, $2 C 5 J
$12. G [
East Buffalo, Oct. 21.—Cattle-
cars ; active at last week's it'
prices ; few extra on sale ; choice up
steers, $4.75 ra $5 ; good to choice, I r,
$4.10 @ $4.35 ; coarse rough, 53.25171J121
6 $420 ; fat butchers' steers, $4 «'
,54.10 ; westerns, $3.25 @ 53-75 ;
mixed lots, $2.50 @ $3 ; feeding
steers, $3.50 ® $4 ; light thin, 52.25
a�" $2.50; expert oxen, $3.75 @ °va4.25;
common, 52.25 @ 52.65. Hogs -85
cars ; active ; hogs, $4.10 «� 54.15 ;
mediums, and heavy, 54.05 C 4.15 ;
pigs, 54 « 4.10 ; roughs, 53.25 «'
$3.75 ; stags, $3 @ 53.25. Sheep
and lambs --115 cars ; steady to
trifle firmer ; export sheep, $3.50 @
$3.75; best, 80 pounds to 100 pounds,
$2.75 ��. 53; fair to.good, $2, r° $2.25;
culls and common, $1 ® $1.75 ;
prime lambs, $3.75 a $4; fair to
good, $3.25 « $4.50 ; culls and com-
mon, $2.25 @ 3.
r tr
Having a thorough knowledge
and vicinity, I have selected my st
to offer the best lines of Stoves
we handle the superior line
ed STEEL OVEN, manufact
will use one-quarter less
great heaters and perfe
what is required by the people of Wingham
rith a great deal of care, and am prepared
;lufa'.tured in the Dominion.
Zanufactured b I). Moore & Co. Also, the celebrat-
red by Burrows, 'tewart & Milne, which they claim
el than cast iron toves, and will never crack, being
we have the Lyn s n Double Heater, by the new process,
Doherty Manufa' turing Company, called the Ferris Steel.
by the
The well-known Radiant Home and Imperial
All y stock will be sold at greatly reduced prices to suit the times.
Call and see that my prices correspond with my advertisement.
r-ir—ir—�r•—rF-�r.r.—i�r ��a
�tit• ti, � �r titi�tir ,r , _ 7r �r •,r r r ti� ,��r •, �—�r 7.S tit r7"r1.M.�,r.-L'""�4,�r.-.� �.._
r—ir—irL �r -i = i r=i� �f i C '
r�r a��r�7r�: errr,,,�'r, sir iC._7c�r 7c_7r,r rr-,C.a�rG 5rc_�rt7c_ar�c .
WEBSTER & 00.,
Opposite the Macdonald Block,
Wiegham, Ont.
-EfTi3gT S
r years the public have cal - d f
And at las' the wis
A Printing Paper has bee
York, which gives all that
as 'been gratified.
invented by the Aristo Co., of New
be desired.
At the ate Exhibit' • n at ' oronto, out of thirteen Diplomas
awarded fo general ex ellence, elve were on
Our work has b = en examined by
nounced equal to Ana y of the exhibits.
We are now full ., prepared to do
t delay, but sit now and se
Photos taken °on dark days as well as in fel
Allen, of Toronto, and pro-
m class of work for our
ure your PHOTO ON
11:21rCall and see samples of work,
W. R. 1 EL EN,
Win AM.
4a3 -
Affords you an opportunity fo
curing a
At a moderate figure, such a
will scarcely see elsewhere..
Mantles, 52,50; Far Trimm
Fancy Trimmed, extra quali
$0, will soon find owners at
Are the most beautiful ever
in Wingham, according t
verdict pronounced by the lad
Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings,
. and Shoes, Carpets, Lace Cu
and Ready-made Clothing hav
a fresh, clean, up-to-date snap
then that those desiring
Quality, and Value, can mal
mistake, at
We remained at Banff one
Almost -everybody stays here
day or two and we thoug
might with profit follow the ex
Banff' was constituted a few
ago a National Park by the F
Government. An oblong pi
• territory, 10 miles wide and 2(
long, was surveyed and laid o
that purpose. Considerable in
ments have been made b
government in the way of bi
roads to the various points
Wrest, We found kexurious ql
in a large and well 'conducted
perched upon a hill'.overlookir.
Bow and Rapid Spray rivers.
the balconies of the 'hotel a
ing and delightful view is bef
To the left the Bow river 1
rushing along between its
banks and when almost bene:
it overleaps three successiv
cipicss constituting the. beautif
pictaresgne falls of the Bow
A few yards below the falls ti
river 'receives the clear, swift,
waters of the Rapid Spray
Those:nnited glide off in an e.
direcon among the, defiles
mountains, carrying their
crystal waters to the sluggis
muddy waters of the Littl
katcbewan. Several mc
peaks surround the hotel, eac
fering dirom the other lin beaus
and al&ivtude. This "Park" i
famous :for its hot ste phur s
which 6nave, • as mealy say,
curative 'effects upon r eamatii
allied diseases. We dta. not to
efficacy of the baths, as ewe w
no way affected with the ci
which they cure. We put
Banff a day of rich enjoyment
On the morning of Wed'
22nd August, we were axons
fore the cock crew, to he in
ness for the west bound train,
was to arrive; at Banff statiol
o'clock a. m. Two hours rut
Banff we reach the summit
Rockies, about a mile abo
level of.the sea, but above thir
the snow-capped mountains di
heads aloft from 5000 to 70(
higher,so that their summits at
4 two to two and a half miles
sea level. Here we have r
the great "watershed" of th!
tinent, or, as it is tailed, the
Divide.' Here from a c,
source two streams start out
ferent directions, the waters
finding their way eastward
Atlantic and the waters of the
westward to the Pacific. We
westbound stream—the
the oun s e
or Kicking -Horse Pass river,
ten miles below the "Divide"
-tiround the base of Mt. St
This stupendous mountain rise
feet above the railway tract
hold upon one of its shoal,
glacier 500 feet thick and
moment we feel uneasy lest 1'
a notion at that instant to slip
upon our devoted heads. C
broad side of this mountain ec
treed a kind of traittway, a