HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-04-14, Page 1• NO IT'S NOT A SNOWPLOW — For th-e-firgt time this year,: Seaforth residentS saw a street cleaning_ machine that wasn't a snowplow in this week's warm , weather. Goderich Street WeSt got a good brush off from this " machine On Monday.Photo by Dillon) . -.1r7.• 4. •s, 118th Year Whole No. 5692 FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 — 18 SEAFORTH, ONT410, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1977 — a PAGES $11.00 a Year in Advance Single copy 25 cents • eaforth to get 3 block rm sewer o n Huron St • when. 'the dollar.. bills ; stop tlowing,", he :aid. The mayor and Councillors Ken Roth and Gerald Groothuis -felt a meeting with the Ministry would be a good idea if things aren't fixed up sastisfactorily. Reeve Flaneery said he, engineer Peter Sawyer and a represesntative of • Vasto had tOured the town, making notes of the 'problems last week. Temporary repairs to sidewalks' in town will be made by town employees, council agreed. but they may; wait until n ext spring when settling is complete to -fix them, permanently,. The mayor suggested thee sidewalks that are - most' travelled, near downtown. churches, the hospital and the clinic, should be fixed first. IT'S SPRING! — A young ladies' fancy turns tdtike arid trike riding'on sidewalks that are finally not covered with snow. Tanya, on her trike, and. Tracy Taylor, on her bike were out for a ride in the warm Easter Monday weather that Seaforth enjoyed. (Photo by Dillon) McKillop taxes up 1 8 per cent the"eoristructiompf th, Leonhardt Residents' •0 , McKillop Drain, The work to be done •in Township face a tax increase of 18 June. It was the ,lowest of three per cent, this year. • ' tenders.. Thy total b"d-trrelif44:117--0-'1-6167- - Court Of -Revision Was acid on palls for all increase of 18.1 mills the Leeming Drain estimated to ;.,e. for public school supporters, and cost $I 7,170,..V,o appeals were 14.6 - for separate school h ear d a n d ten d ers w ill now h e supporters, farm and residential, called. • assessment of $5,000' the tax bill Walton, implement shed and will be $581.50 or an increase of barn repairs: .1,--Leomiug, $90 this y Par; and for, a separate R.R.4, Walton, implementshed. school •supporter with same assessment the tax bill will be Council accepted the weed tender of Murray Reid of l$:587 or increase of $73 00 spraying For municipal purposes the • The following requests for budget is 8108,157. building permits were -granted to: Clerk-treasurer Marion Frances ' Coleman. R.R.1, McClure explained this means for Seaforth, double garage and tool a public school supporter With an M Nichol,• R R 4 - shed; Ralph c . „ I • at 19.8 mills, same as last year to ;raise $76.118; for general municipal ptirposs the rate is 34,8 mills, up 9.9 mills over last year to raise 8108.157. •The elementary public school rate is 44.4 mills up 6,5 mills to raise $74.698; the secondary sahool rate is 28.3 mills up -1.7 mills to raise $89,198; and separate school rate is 34.6 mills, up 3.0 mills to raise $31,505. Other major expenditures. with last, year's in brackets. include:' roads, $240,076 ($193.079); fire protection, $11.500 ($10.783); general government. $24.596 ($24,540); parks and recreation, $11,800 (8'16,207). In other business' council accepted the . tender of R. Nicholson Construction Company Ltd. of Sebringville for S3,700 for .as requested by the government for -an cost of $3.100. , Easter Seal campaign starts With a 1977 Easter Seal objective of $2400 the Seaforth.• Lions Crippled Children needs uearly.another $1.000 to reach its objective according to committee •chairman Tern Young. • Gifts totalli ng t zt • little over '$1400 have been received as of Tuesday, Mr. Young-. said. The oampaign will continue for another week or ten days. Mr. Young said and added he was hopeful that during thaf time the .quota will be met'. Seaforth council is Riokingfor a developer to provide up to 30 units of low cost or mobile homes in the 12 acre site it owns in the -- Brantford St. area of town. Acting on a recommendation from the Seaforth planning hoard, council agreed, Monday to advertise for a developer for the area. An earlier council had the Huron County Planning Depart- ment draw up a plan_ for a mobile home park in the area. , Council has 'heard a''presenta- lien from one tie -eloper who was interested "in setting up a mobile home park there. An appraisal of, the area is. being done .So that council can ,set a price en the Construction of storm 'sewers from Main St to---Ord St.. along Huron St. should start this summer in Seaforth,- Town council Monday night appOinted Goderich Engineering Firm ,-B,M.Ross and Associateg to draw u-p a design for the work. Eventually Reeve 'John Flannery, chairman of the public works committee, told council the town will also install storm sewers along Ord from Huron to Market, Sts.. along Market from' Ord to Louisa and along Louisa from ,Market to John Sts. The Ross firm's estimate" of the cost of' $77,300 but ReeYe Flannery pointed out that the Because of an over stock of shoes. the Genesco of Canada plant in Seaforth will close for the, week of April 25 plant manager Bob Walters told- the Expositor Tuesday. He' said there 'was nothing unusual •in the closure. "There is always a slowdown in whole site. A subdivision agreement would. he -signed with - the successful developer and .standards could be set on the quality of the develop- ment, Mayor Betty, Cardno said.. engineering • estimates "don't mean a whole lot until the job' is put to tender." The specs for the sewer installation are to be completed by June 15 so that tenders can be let and the work finished before-Winter. - James F. McLaren Ltd. also submitted an estimate for the job. Several councillors cornmented that the work had been proposed ,for 12 years. "It's the last' major ,part nf town needing storm sewers and this may help some of our sanitary sewer problems." Mayor Betty Cardin) said. "It should open up lots in that corner of town for new housing", Councillor Jim Sills said. April and October" Mr. Walters said. *1-c said-the weather has an effect 06 footw,ear sales, and the late spring has cut into consumer. purchases. Mr. Walters said the company, hirticipates 'these yearly slew- downs, and the plant closure-ds a Sewers • would have to he extended into the site., she said, Council decided to adverliSe for `development proposals London, Stratford. Seaforth and ..K.itaiener Waterloo newspapers. A letter from Janis' F, McLaren Ltd. , the engineers on last summer's .sanitary sewer construction. to,Vasto Construction, the sewer centraetors, listing three and a half pages of problem areas left after construction was tabled. Fixing up the deficiencies is the responsibility of the contractor: the engineer and the Ministry of the environment. Mayor Cardno said, but the town will ha-Ve to do emergency work -and put in a claim for what it costs. Reeve Flannery suggested that the town could stop .paying the Ministry's bills for sewer treatment until all the' streets 'are back in good condition, ."You only get result's A Move to increase the price or dog •tags in Seaforth .was sent back lei committee at• -Seaforth council Monday so that a special rate _ceeld•_. he 'set' for kennel licences in the town. but not without sonic discussion on how old a dog had to be to he 'required to wear a licence. Councillors' answer, to that question ranged from-"when he can 'bark," "sixmonths.'' "when he's had his first drink" to "'when he's old enough to - roam. the streets."' C'ouncil's police committee recommetyledupping the licence, fee to $S for,,spayed female and neutered male dogs and $10 for • pr, Ratepayers. who h ad sewage. backups in March have been told about what is being done to help . them. clerk .1-i.rn Crocker assured councillor' Roth. The McLaren letter to Vasto said that "the prevention of . basement' flooding was not possible. because the emergency overflow was blocked. Accordingly, claims for damages arising from .the backup In the sewer system will be. sent to you for settlement." Claims are still coming in, clerk Crocker said, andk.six have been sent to Vasto. He said he's waiting for an adjuster's report on • the claims. The adjuster is seeing everyone involved to verify damaged and itemized claim's are needed. • unneutered male and female dogs. There was no-suggestion- to charge a higher licence fee for the second or mote 'deg iff -one houkehold as sonic municipalities do. Mayor Betty Cardno suggested that the bylaw should require dog owners: to present a rabies.-' certificate for their pet when buying the licence. The' recom- mendation waS sent back to the police committee io have a provision fur registered kennels added. • . Council still hasn't heard'Troni the London Humane Society about setting tip dog control in town. clerk Jim Crocker said. standards provincial estimated Reeve Allan Campbell said the Londesboto for $535. hefty increase in taxes this year B.M.ROss atrd :Associates of -• was dire mainly to the heavy snow Goderich Will apiiralr the 23 removal costs of this past,,/inter, bridges in McKieop -ler safety of The county levy ha bee sc t THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE Longtime- Secretary Treasurer .of the Seaforth AricUltural Society, Mrs. KathleenCuthill was -honoured on her retirement frorri•the position at a gathering in the Optimist. 's last,WednesdaY-Shown at the gathering are, from L, Ken Campbell,- president of the Agricultural Society, Mrs. Ruth Beane, who takes over as-Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. 'Cuthill, receiving a gift presented to her, and Gordan Papple of the Agricultural Society. • (Expositor Photo) low cost homes Town wants developer enesco: to layoff 140 people for a week normal procedure. "We planned for h in our one year plan" he said; • Though the pliim's'140 workers will not be _able to CeRect unemployment for the week .because the government requires at wo week waiting period before benefits being, Mr. Walters said a representative from the London • office-of WC' would -cerne to the . plant April 20 ,to .rester all• employees, This means that -the. one week layoff can he aPplied.to the required waiting period for • benefits. Mr. Walters ,aid. and int. ,ease of further 'shutdowns, Employees Will -already have . .served halt' of the time required 'for UIC benefits. •f elf the week long- Shutdown would be' the only one this year. "It doesn't look like there will -be any problems after this." he said:. Seaforth asks for expignation. Seaforth council MoeclaY night joined -a number:of Huron muni7, cipalities' in asking the ..'Huron County Board of Education to outline the reasons, for this year's increased education budget. ,• Agreeing with a letter from the Town of Exeter which said, an "explanation is in order' for an "unreasonable increase in-school „levy," in Scaforth's case up 22',•2 per -cent or about 13 mills from, last year. council decided to write the board; area send a copy of their letter to Ontario education tninister,. Thomas:Wells. While most councillors felt a letter to the hoard wouldn't • get them much information. and that the board doesn't have to justify its higher levy to municipalities, 'councillor ---,Wayne Ellis got support for motion 10 'send the letter-. "If's not a bad idea io -raise a fuss about it." he said. ivlay'or•-•Betty Cardno pointed out that last year-municipal reps were invited to an infOrmqtan -meeting to explain the reasons for the increase by the board and '"this year they didn't blither:" "This year, nobody seems to know, not even boartrmemhers. if you read the paper, why there's such a big increase," Mayor Cardno said, og tag price increase stalls •••• •••••••• KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION — It was Kindergarten registration 'day at Seaforth Public School, and the first perSoh to turn up after the photographer arrived was Karsten Carroll, son of the school's new principal, Paul Carroll. He is shown here with Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Ribey arid hip-nother Mrs. Mary Carroll, who signs him up. • (Expositor Photo); Council awards police car tender Put out fire with buckets sumo MORE FOR ti-IE ARENA Seaforth Optimists preseded a cheque for $1000 to Seaferth'elrerla fund last, week at their sports night banquet. Optimist president Martin Murray, left, preSented the chequeltrrecreatkon director Clive Bulst, with sqttrelielp from• winter carnival co-chairman Ken Coleman and Carrillo. The money was raised at this year's •winter carnival. , (Expositor photo) A grass fire at the home of No' and Mrs. Jim Thompson. R.R .2. Sea fort It, n as out vt hen Sea faortl". Fiiretnen arrived at the scene Monday'' at' ternoon, Neighbour Darlene Eekcl -said Sheila Th ompson 'was burning garbage at the rear of the house when it' got Out of control..Mrs , . cl1k • It Firemen then helped Mrs, Thompson battle the • Tire with , buckets of is atcr and a broom. ,The fire was checked before it reached a nearby barn.' Seaforth firernee used a hand sprayer ensure that the ,fire was completei roof behire leaving the env After some 'discussion on tender procedures, Seaforth Council awarded a tender for a new police cruiser to Roweliffe Motors on-Monday night.. The new car will cost $5719.05. Four tenders were received, in, hiding one from Bill McLaughlin Motors at $5569,12, but council's police. committee chairman Wayne Ellis said the McLaughlin tender had 'listed some of the ea(.u.iPment-recivired in the car as optional, The police committee assumed the $5569.12 price did not include • these options mid that if they were added:the- total price Wotild-be hi gagi`Alglieet cidk thilritelhi?pRso:ltkii:se'eSiletf)ofnen tt itdtielecetIll 16 other police • business, 'councillor Ellis' said the signs marking school crossings would (COntitltled 011 Page 3) Inside This wee Council Briefs P. 6 Quilting Course 6t Library > P. 18, Students find job hunt hard P.1 A Farmers change ta -Metric , P. BA • 'it