HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 44 THE WIN GUAM' 1' `I S, ouron..+R 25," 1895, CHEMIST —AND— DRUGGIST AND-- DRU ��I T AGT,O, N. W. � ELEGR.APH C Acii 'il. 1° McGaguou—In Wingham, on the 12th —Deer shooting coininences this year on i inbtunt, the w,j>*e of Mr. A. G. McGregor; November st. o ran way ai �I{livsatAa-=In Wingham, on the 23rd itickets good for thirty days. a non. 1 —The human race is divided into two 1 , 'Gxnnnrrs---In East Wawanosh, on the `classes, Those who go ahead and do 117th inst., the wife of ii1r. F. Gibbins; a son, i something and those who sit clown and ia• i WIIEEr.i+nc—In Turnberry, on the 23rd 'quire why it wasn't done the other way. I mat., the wife o4' Mi'. Arthur Wheeler; 0�9 ! --The asbestos pocket is a novelty for � a daughter' r' tA: men of Mmilieu.— n Howick, on the 12th inst., s e ,i .daughter. it .daughter.. b 1 Th i g g R singly faro rates to Muskoka, to hunters, last„ the wife et Mr. Sidney Kinsman ; fail trouserings, but the young , the wife of mi. Jas. Hansel; a sou. app. Brunswick NM.to-day need no such fire -proof arrange- ; Ilvrtr—(n Idowtek, on the 14th inst., meats, Mot of them find it hard to keep the wife of Mr. John E. Hunt; a daugh- I`•=`b'rzELL—In Turnberry, on the llth warm Ont money in their clothes long enough to get ter x%ta • inst., the wife of Mr. Noble Fizell; a 1gr. John Mitchell, who has been at daughter v:i r► • Yovuo—At Neepawa, Manitoba, on the J� f tojaflb�1� ,r 1 1o,5 his home in Scotland since June last, �ie- d� 3 remain until next spring, purchasing 11'i;.1DAST, OCTOBER 25, 1890. ' maple blooks for his firm in Glasgow, :Scotland. EDITORIAL NOTES. j —work on the Union furniture factory • has been progressing very well, considering SOLICITOR-GENER.L CuRRAN has the bad weather. The roof is being put on been appointed a Judge of Ilse the dry kiln, and brick work of the machine Superior Court of the Province of shop is boing rushed along rapidly, and Qluebee. a week more good weather will see it coo- THE Liberal Government of plated. Premier Blair, of New Brunswick 1 —On Monday evening, a serial was held was returned to power by a lame in the basement of St. Paul's church, by majority, at the general election last the young people of the congregation. Daring the evening, Rev. Mr, Wood was week. : turned to town on Friday last. He will 27th September, the wife of Mr. ho t. D. Young; a daughter, 4FYnE—TEEAOY—At the Manse. Wing - ham, on October 234 by the Rev. D. Perris, Mr. John Fyfe to Miss Maria L. Treaoy, all of Turnberry,• WEST--HANNA—At Milclmay, on the lst inst.. by Rev. J. Laycock, 01r, W. II. bleat, of Westbourne, Man., to Miss Mary Aan Hanna, daughter of Mr. John Hanna, of Morris. MoKnNZIE—Canons--c1~t tho residence of the bride's paronts. Brussels, ou the 16th inet., by liar. John Ross, B. A., assisted by Rev. H. W. Reid, Teeswater, Mr. Adam McKay McKenzie, Teeswater, to Miss Jessie Ellen, daughter of Mr. George Crooks. 1 presented with a kindly worded address and ; Live Stock anaritots. MR. W. l3. SCARTH, of Winnipeg, a gold -headed cane by his Bible class and I Toronto, Oct., 92—Receipts at the -.:has been appointed Deputy Minister the teachers of the Sabbath school. AveryToronto cattle market today were of Agriculture, vice Mr. John Lowe, pleasant evening woe spent by all present• lighter,.and buying was somewhat superannuated. Mr. Scarth was at ! —The November number of the Delinea-I better, but in most lines the feeling one time a resident of Huron county. tor is called the Thanksgiving Number, was only firm. There were 65 ear - IT is understood that the postal , and illustrates a bewildering wealth of : loads of stuff, -which included 1,342 Autumn and Winter fashions, the colter- sheep and lambs, 1,413 hogs and 26 "lab all Wallington Have risked tion of stylish and becoming garments' calves. Export cattle—The feeling the Dominion U'overiiiiieii forpei',l'halm particularly complete. • A hovel' Was iinpr'ovud in this line, on the mission to run United States mail departure in millin01 y is noted, and the ' strength of better cables from Britain cars with clerks on board through colors and the combinations in the season's and a slightly better quality of the Canadian territory, and they are dress goods and the glint and glitter of stuff offered. Prices ranged from sanguine that the permission will be their spangled and jewelled trimmings are 31e @ 4e per lb. Too many big granted. MARKET REPORTS, wisoneai. Wingham, Ont. 24, 1800. Correoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs.. ,...,.., 1 70 to 2 00 Fall wheat ...... .......... 0 00 to 0 00 Spring Wheat 0 01 to 0 00 Oats, 022to025 Bailey.... ... .. , 0 30 to 0 35 Peas Q 48 to 048 Butter,.. ..,,, , ,0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen , , , , ... , 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord ., , 1. 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton, , .... . „ 13 00 to14 00 Potatoes, per bushel,. 0 10 to 0 20 Tallow, per lb.......,, 0 00 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb 0 4i to 0 05 ' attractively described. Mrs. Roger A. rough cattle, not fat enough, are MAYOR KENNEDY, of Toronto, is Pryor furnishes a gossipy and circum stan- offering. tis a el I lately tli t there will • connected with the wholesale firm of • tial account of dinner giving in society, be some demand for exporters all Sampson, Kennedy & Co., and that and Juliet Corson writes interestingly on ' winter. In butchers' cattle although firm has stopped advertising in the domestic service as an employment. The ' prices were no better, still the feel - Globe because that journal has seen best kind of a Thanksgiving dinner' is ing was slightly firmer to -day. Lots fit to criticise the Mayor's .actions described, with recipes for all its dishes; of poor cattle continue to arrive. as a public servant. This one act and a timely article on carving tells just The range to -day was from 2:.14e C• shows Mayor Kennedy to be a man how to gracefully dismember the noble 31e per lb—the latter for extra of very small calibre. His mind is bird that occupies the plate of honor in the choice cattle. For these the market too narrow to preside at Toronto's menu given. Helen Marshall North de- ,' was slightly stronger. Some of the council board. 1 tails the varied industrial instruction to be ' poorer stuff sold as low as 1 is © 2e 1 had at Pratt Instituto, Brooklyn. Both per lb. Stockers and feeders—The imow dependent Canada has long children and adults will be delighted to demand continues fairly active for 'been and still is upon the two great learn just how the crepe paper Brownies good feeders, although light stockers bodies of Anglo-Saxon traders, says are made, and with the pictures of these are rather quiet. Those weighing the Loudon Canadian Gazette, is amrsiug little figures. Harriet Keith from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. sold for suggested by the fact that out of an Forbes shows how burnt work decorations from 2:c to 3c per lb. One or two average importation during the 27 may be applied to friezes, fortieres and extra choice went a fraction higher. years of confederation of $105,000,- l furniture, and Sarah 21iller Kirby describes Light stockers sold for 2e @ 210 per. 900 per annum, she has taken goods , and defends Froebel's Own Manual of ' ib. Bulls brought from 3c ® 312c iif the value of rather more than Kindergarten Wort . J. Bell Leodfear ' per lb. for shipping purposes., Stock $44,500,000 each from. the United • gives illustrated instruction for a beautiful ;bulls were dull at from lie • rt., 2e Kingdom and the United States only, Greek pantomime drill. There is the per lb. There was no further drop and about $16,000,000 a year from usual entertaining tea -table chat, as well to record in the prices of sheep. all the rest of the world. as papers on Oriental rugs, some artistic Best ewes and wethers, for export, screens, floral work for the month, a novel sold at frotn 3e C'3 3:1,c per ib., and TRUNKS VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Spacial Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD MRS. LESLIE Has returned to town and is prepared to de DRESS AND MANTLE CUTTING AND FITTING in the latest styles. HATS AND BONNHTS Remodelled and Trimmed, Patterns ot all kinds cut on the shortest notice. Residence.- Josephine street, over rnrn arson's grocery store, Wingham. NOTICE. Having retired frogi b si ass, all those indebted to me will call t d settle their accounts or notes befog the 1st day of December next, otherwi a they will be placed in Other hands for c¢ilectiou. MRS. R. HE DSMAN. Wingham, Oct. 24th, 1895, GORRIE. i entertainment and the latest ideas in bucks at from 2e ® '`lie per lb. The knitting, tatting, lace -making, etc. Ad- , latter are not in very active request. The members of L. 0. L. No. 767 dress all communication to the Delineator ' Choice lambs sokl well, and the feel - will hold their annual concert in the Publishing Co., of Toronto, Limited, 33 ing was steady. Several good ones town hall here, on Tuesday evening, Richmond st. West, Toronto, Ont. Sala- • sold for $2,60 per bead, and a few November 5th. The Hon. H. C. scription price of the Delineator 01 per extra choice as high as $2.75 each. Wallace, Sovereign Grand Master of year, or 15 cents per single copy. From about $:2 C $2.50 per head is British. North America, Robt. Bir- thegeneral run. Offerings in calves mingham, Grand Secretary, and , Personals. were heavier,but all sold easily. Rev. C. R. Gunne, M. A., of Gorrie, : Mr. R. Roche, driver of Saranac, is in Poor ones aro not wanted. Good will deliver addresses. Mr. Jas. town. and choice veals fetch from $4. ® $7. Pax, comic humorist ; J. H. Cameron,?,r Mise Lizzie Kennedy, of Bayfield, is 14iileh cows and Springers --Not SF. humorist and elocutionist; Miss Flora home on a visit .\\, many came in, and the market was James, piano soloist, and Miss Annie' Miss Hornell, of Lucknow, is visiting steady in sympathy with other stuff. Perkins, will take part in the pro- Mrs. McKeohnio. Good milkers with large bags sell at gramme. T. Chisholm, M. D., of \ }Alex Ritchie has returned from his trip Wingham, will occupy the chair. to Saginaw, Mich Vr FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his fa in, boing lots 33 and 31, concession 1, Et t Wawa - nosh, for sale. The far • co. tains 200 acres, 175 of which aro ea. -d and in a good state ot cnitivatio e balance boing hardwood hush. ' h•.re are on the premises a first olass b r and a straw n under both; abed, with stone foundat also, a silo, end sheep and hog pens; a good frame house; good bearing orchard, good water. both well and spring. The purchaser will have the privilege of buy- ing the farm en bloek,or either 100 acres separately. GEO. ROBERTSON, Marnoch P. 0. Proprietor. IT PAYS TO 00 @ $40 per head, but poor cows Miss Annie Williams, of Kincardine, are hard to dispose of at even $20 I -RNBER] ?. I was in town on Tuesday. a head. One or two poor ones sold for even lower r to Wednesday last, Andrew, the 1 Misees Leo Stoddard and Lizzie Moore • t were visitingin Toronto this week. r„ forward springers are wanted. t air ear old son of Mr, Frank , There were nearly 1,500 hogs in to - and his left arm 'broken 1 Ripley Express t Mr. John Taylor spent ,Sunday with his father in Wingham. day. Market fairly steady, 41e per and was severely injured ine on the left Mr. Alex. Lucas, Mayor of Calgary, was itn, being the best price paid for good side of the head a thatab falling an I in town on Saturday calling on friends. bacon hogs. Thick fat sold for $3 00 to item, were appears he and ani i Mrs, E. H. Dever and son Clare, of per cwt.; light hogs at 31c per iii. ; uncle out hunting and they , 5arnfa, are visiting at Mr. Jessie Button's. sows at 3e a' 3ic per Th.; rough hogs drove a fox into a hollow tree which Idiss Annie Roes, of Brusseiq, was trio and stags at 2e is.2ie per lb. Stores 'was leaning against another tree. guest of Mrs. ,las. liicLauehlin, on Monday are not wanted. They ehopped the Hollow tree off last. �..„ and,w hen it fell a large dry limb . flew back tte�nd hit young Carruthers as .stated ^,9Medical aid was secured sand it was found that his arm WAS in Tesstvater brOken in two places between the Lncktww Sentinel: Messrs. J. C. Dalton elbow and shoulder.. On Thursday and Manley Morden, of Wingham, were he.was conscious, and itis nor, thought that his head is seriously injured. It was .a very narrow escape from instant death. . -'ren almest every district of Ontario climes news of drying up of wells, low level of lake and river water marks, and ty- phoid fever. Localities which have hitherto had ill thought of any ecarcityof water are ztow compelled to ooneider the question of improved supplies. Contemporaneous prices. Choice well - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dickinson and babe, of Toronto, have been spending a week or so with friends in town. 'ii/Mrs, Wm. Fessant and ildiss Minnie Peasant were spending a week with friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. Win. Mont'pdany, who has been visiting at Mr. It.. Herdsman's, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McIver and babe arrived home the other day front Detroit, where they have been spending a few weeks. cl Mrs. Duncan McKinlay was called to Fingal by telegram on Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother, who died very suddenly in that place.% Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Kincardine, was a 'vibitor at Itev. Dr. Gifford's, on Saturday last. He was on his way to Westfield, where he was to preach miniver - with this eearcity of water the typhoid Bary sermons on Sunday. fever onset &how a considerable increase en Messrs. S. B. McHelvio, of Wroxoter, and the namberr of the poet few years. The 'Ton iSteveu:tan, of town, ,pert lest week viartfn' the teirns and tillages in the north woH weather will, it is believed, help to part o Huron and Brace counties buying rad vr o the fever cave to e, minimum. product. They hada most sueceeafal ttip. 0 SMOKERS To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. 'Puckett ds Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of SMOKING TORAttO This supplies a long felt want, giving the consinnet one 20 cent plug, Ot a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the &Mous "T & n" brand of pure Virginia Here is what Mr. W. D, Karn, Plano and Organ Manufacturer, of Woodstock, says of CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Woodstock, Ont., March 13, LSO. D. Nict.Acfn, Esq„ Chatham, Ont., OUR. Sia.—I can recommend any young 15811 desirous .of training In bnsiness college, with the utmost confidence to yonr institution. I do so the more readily from my experience with one of your former gradnates, Mr. E. 0. Thornton. who hus been engaged in my oilieefor the past few years. Wishing you every success in the continued trainingof young men and women for the native duties of life, I am, Since the above was writterwwe horn supplied Mr. Karn with an assistant bonk.lceeper tor his ()Mee in the person of Mr, Albert Wallace, another graduate. IT PAYS. -!1'0 ATTEND, THE BEST. For Catalognes ot either department, addres3, Chatham, Ont. and read what is taking place at the China House. Marital reductions in a number Of lines of beautiful CHINA AND GLASSWARE to make room for NEW GOODS expected to arrive in the near future. In fact, some lines already passed into Stoek. FRESH GROCERIES arriving, daily, the quality and prices of which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Try some of our dried Aprieots, Peaches and Pitted Silver Plums, We are sole agents for and have It in Ilia& and Black and Green mixed. Try one package and. Well rest assured of the result. Able, fall lines of Japan and ilyson Teas, which eannot fail to please. All orders left to our eare will re. ceive our most careful and prompt attention. Ohba Rouse, Winghani, Mateo Good Goods at ROMA Priem remead.ous ant JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, —THE NEW_ PALACE CL TNNNC HOUSE9 In the Macdonald Block, have the finest'sock of FRENCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, FRENCH, SCOTCH, HOLISM, IRISH, and CANADIAN TWEEI3S and OVERHA T llOS All the very best goods ever imported into Wingham. We are determined to do a first-class Tailoring Trade only. All we ask is to give us a trial, and if a first-class fit and a garment made up in artistic style will please you, we guarantee that we will give you entire satisfaction. Most Tailors can make a suit, but to build a garment suitable to the build of the wearer, is an aft that few make a study, and fewer still a practice, but John Ruettel & Sons will prove to you that Wingham shall be noted for its First -Class Tailoring Establishment, as well as Toronto or any other city in the Dominion. Our motto is : Cheap for Cash, the - Best Goods at the lowest pos- sible price. READY-MADE CLOTHING In our Ready -Made Clothing Department we excel anyone in the Trade. We get our Garments made to our own order, and as every garment is inspected as it comes in, you may rely on getting the best value for your money: 1. , Havo you seen our $G HEAVY ULSTER OVERCOATS, 'the best value to -day in the Dominion ? Our READY-MADE SUITS for $.5. They were never sold for such a price before. We do not soll shoddy, but first-class goods, and you will always save money by buying your Clothing from JoxN RUETTEL & SoSs. E. TS' FU NI HI OS We select with the greatest care and keep nothing but the nobbiest and best goods. Gentlemen can always rely on getting the best goods from us and just what will suit them. Como and see our BATS, FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS, FUZZ OVERCOATS,. WATERPROOF COATS in MELISSA and TWEED. No goods will leave our establishment unless you are perfectly satisfied. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. JOIO *TETT.EL ;Sr, SONS, Macdonald Block, Wingham. "WafttA,”41N/ZY/4eWlfi'7.4./.4eVVIW, '4 MUG UP EITSINESS 1,14 OUR TARGE, STOCK OF DRY GOODS, -CLOTAING, Will be SOLD AT COST. This will be a grand opportunity. to get good, seasonable goods at wholesale prides. SALE TO START ON FRIDAY, OCT. I I TH. CASH OR TRADE ONLY. Wingham. As CLEAR AS A BELL. If a pupil of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Does not grasp a subject readily we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We drill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. We teach Bookkeeping and Bust, ness paper by a ne* method. Enquire about it. Your money back if not eatisfied. Catalogue free, Mr. E.A.,Cooti has accepted a position in the office of E. D. Smith, Winona, Ont. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. LEADING JE Has just ordered a full stock of .0110.01CS, BURY We buy for CASH a.nd can sell as cheap,as the cheapest, 15r A FULL STO.Ck TO CHOOSE PROM. RE AIRINUG For Fmt WATCH REPAIit$1, I defy competition. 1/1., V:i4L,11‘sxmltsOist al III 11 Fl 431 glass! WAS9 • also