HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 2iJ?tAIYII'A',a 'W'AY.
<luiekly change to a -bright gleatn.!.tr•easures. of velvets and
Iy grandpa it the strangest luau! e tile turned and looked down upon their great cedar eltefts.
tOf tat "love him dearly, h '.
Iter really it does seem4me
moat `Clare,' he sapid, c y I`'lAank had conte, and Claire con -
tie c of ,
I t3 at things SR queerly,I catkinf,• r'er fessr:d to herself that Aunt Jane was
softly, 'don't year kuow what I am, right. No one w6gld hay
I e alw bye thinks that every day• going its say to you ,'' pieleed
la rid. o tie matter whether ! Clatra did not allusive r. Then spur- doves,nm bef iau"lredor a and itn of estecjuited
It rare • or snows, or shines or )ricins, ,'
Or vast the hind of weather, i petuoush` sweeping her little figureipiquant Tilly, who evidently ook.•
aVhen, outdoor fun is ruined. by 1 right oir her feet, he clasped her with favor upon her tall y ed
A heavy shower provoking, close to leis heart, as he exclaimed: Clatt'o knew that she ou
He pats my head and says, e ou iwe, `I knew you most have seen that pleased that i =
,clue dry' earth needs a waking." I laved your, my darling,, t t was ed
consciously she missed t
And when I think
With a eriznsun flush on her face glances that had once
Por any kind of pleasure, Clare forced herself tromp flim, her, and felt solnethin
Jae says, "fits caro has grown an Web— Many. Ainzesl you are inakinf,'• a wasn't jealously was something
1 tea wichout ..i measure•" I Mistake. I do not loco. you!' she would see his tall fo •
n,t alas, 1 fret because the wind The young roan's cheek blenched ing under the trees, with
.Fits •, ,y ahtugsan widdiug, its he lleard,
lie 1,,•,43 •,, .,E t and says,""Tut! Tut!, ant Tiny leaning,
Tin-, t . ,e .aur nerds a sti. rtug !" 'Not love me , Oh 1 Clare, can it arm.
as he that I have been deceived all this All this time Aunt Jan
He Atm
when drifts are piling high time ?—that what I saw In y our eyes idle, and as she talked with
Attu awe gats scarcely peeping;,
tliutt ,.,,r,r, beneath theirblaitketsWhite [ was only friendship? Oh ! my clad- Holland, and drew him ou
lit,. p,r tip /lowers are keeping!" ing, is there no hope for me?' that hor former judgment o
San•rrt, 4r( 1 think when on his face Clare's head dropped as she heard been cermet. The time
Hie sweet smile shines so clearly. the ring of sharp pain in his earnest aching*
It would be nice if everyone y tones. and were e, when the pland ease
Could a -e things Just so clearly, taking hishegieare hand boupth he Aunt Jane and eLula Aran
"e"""""" . own soft ones, she said :
Holland, were iu the hr•eakf
AUAT JANE'S HEW , I am very soti, • for this, I+rank;1 waiting for the rest to put
but indeed there is no hope for —1— I: penance, when the conversation
i;l C.1RL DRIONETT. lova another,' • 1
,e , turned upon ~wills,. led that wary no
J here was a deep silence for a one knew exactly , how, except per -
`Very well, Claire, if you wish m • is•itile, as Frank Aims' hopes of haps Aunt ,lane,
to leave all my money to some i happiness ebbed away. He seemed `Well,' said Lulu Grant,'I for one
asylum. you are going just the right to have taken leave of youth, and all shan't care if I aria neveriel for
Its street allusions, before he spoke no one will anal ret about rn
waxy to bring t about. When I again, s
first saw Frank's noble .face, I made I ` '` after I am gone.' ,
tip my mind that he was the buss 1, 'I never suspected this,' he Haltered,
I wouldn't have :spoken okI shall guard a„aittst th
band I should choose for you,'
, , p yen so if I had,Aunt Jane, *lb ••Citi my twill
As Aunt ,lane said these world she though 1 couldn Blunt, helped loving endow a worthy charity, w
laid down her knitting and looked you• , ! Morse has often spoken to m
over to her. k. The honest grief in his face
I brought tears to Dare's eyes. Lula looked upspoke,
into the et
Clare was curled imp in an arm I 'I am so sorry,' he said; and then woman's as lwit e sunderstood-theer
chair, with only the back of her
sunny head Nyle, and a soft sound I walked into the house together.i expression she saw there. q
Clare went up to her room and sat , however, Clarence Holland
of sobs told what she was doing.' down by the open window. The; was very
Suddenly they ceased, as she sprang 1 shadows grew darker and darker, I meal, anfter breakfast lw
to Iter feet. , and stili she was Motionless. Strange 1 bis room, complaining that th
'Aunt Jane, I don't want 3 -our I thoughts were surging through the !had
fortune, if Frank Aimes is to go with '• girl's mind. She wondered at her- , given theim sa headache.
it ,► the great, awkward—'
self that Frank's ,embrace Ind not I note on day Clare sasbure 'uin
`No, no, Clare, don't call him made her more angry, and again she !reason. He had been called
naiues. He's one of the noblest men telt the clasp of his manly arms, and on important business, he said
God r -"-- 1)18`1C and if some day you I saw the tends look m his eyes, and' besides, he felt thatit was p•
do imt distoeer it for yourself, you j involuntarily the question arose in that her love for him. was on
are Iter want t think you. Never I her mind: "Am 1 snaking the mis• it was better
mind saying any more on the sub- I take, instead of Frank ?' he should go
jeet now; but beair in mind that I not seen Clarence for a long She had • her whenhe. It was ad 'incoherent aunt
• shall never give my consent for you l and unconsciously • her ideas of life but
understood it. it to Aunt
to become that snipper•snapper land
boginning to Change, and her' t it.
Clarence Iloiland's wife,' growing womanliness to r t t The inereenary wretch I read
satins from fazntastie shapes before her eyes,Clare
read that a sinal engagement had r, gems O Th'$t conversation
taken place, resulting in the victory :itis is soul of cairvei'saatian is
of our troops; and a little further pry'
down, under the list of the killed, to o forgiving spirit is wor
the name of Frank Mures, fortune to any one,
l?or two months Aunt Jane'
Every man is at volume if
sruotheed• her own sorrow, as she know haw to rend lint,
eavalier', leaned'over the bed where her niece Thought is the spirit of which
girt to be lay, and heard the anguished cry : words are the embodiment.
but all un- Truk! i?rank 1 it is I who have Time's current ala
he kindly killed yowl, ywear wrinkles
been all for; Then the crisis came, and the in the fuzee but not reach the heart,
which if it doctors said their patient would live, t It is another's fault if be be un -
in to it, asI rime passed, till one day Auntfgr•attof.tl, but it is mine If Ido not
disappear- Jane carne into the room where, I give,
tl;e hrilfl- bolstered up in +fin arm ehair, was a Who hath not known ill fortune
ntly on his • Clare, a rnere shadow of her former never knew himself
'self.. All her wealth of sunny hairinature• or his own
was not ryas gone, and the wan, child-like]Time patience Clarence face seemed almost too spiritual for the ; e c and tern of are
t, she satv'ttiis earth. She wear and leaning, e three grand masters the
f him bad' over, kissed her niece's forehead world.
was ap. 'What are you thinking about ! It is a proad triumph in a man's
at party little one?'
t h a s
A r nk the day too waren
morning, 1 life when
A rush of tears burst from the enemy•
Grant and ?Il, j girl's eyes, as sheexelaimed
est room 'Aunty 1 Aunty' 1 What then want it is not talent•—
in an a ; l Why did 1 get it is purpose; not the power to
p better p What itse is there Of
living' my achieve, but the will to labor.
,,, when I— wrotched 1 !—sent
hint 1 loved to his -death ? Oh,Aunty! We would willingly have o
It is more than I can bear !' u acquaintances perfect, yet we do n
The tears forced themselves; amend our own faults.
through the thin finger's as she' Life is too short to nurse one's
covered her face with her hands. misery. Burry aeross the lowlands,
jr money, Aunt Jane did not speak, There that you may
was a slight movement in the room, ' the mountain topsnd more time on
at,' said and Clare raised her head. Then a 1
I shall piercfn°•cry of unutterable aladne There are days when the rainbow
liiell Dr, rang out : " ss I of life seems broken upancl a shape-
s about.' `Frank !' less mass; then it is rounded and of
d lady's A manly figure knelt by her side • I full form, 'vliicll speaks to us in a
quick his arms were around her and lovely figure of hope.,
uizzieal Prank (for it was tie) spoke: ' I There is evil enough in elan, but
Not so, `Darling, I have beard it from it is not the mission of ever
, IEC your own lips. Xott do love Die it , and woman to detail and reportmit
o'h the But
a a e lrad fainted ; the joy Keep the atmosphere as
neure as
t up to was too much for her feeble frame, possible, and fragrant with p gentle -
e heat When she came, back to conscious- 'less and ebarity.
The noss, and saw Frank bending overs Almost everyone takes a pleasure
a short her, regardless of stunt Jane—who ,in requiting trifling obligations;
ld the, indeed, was too much overcome to many
away notice—she wound her soft arms . ate ne; but theople areele is scarcely ratefarfor any
and around his neck, apd as be felt the o I3 any
alpable l tremulous kiss upo'<•i his lips be knew tor one who does not show ingratitude
e, that at last the love bb had coveted sol
great ones.
and leave Ione. was his i
Then she got up and going to, tine worth of spell a characterasClare, put her arms around her and I blank Armes.
drew her to her kindly bears i But she hadyour Heavenly Father , ire •a given ClClaienee her that your eyes have been opened at
manner quite at variance with her t promise, and, yes, she loved bim as 11•t t'
harsh words. Clare was onI a Iittle i much•
woman, but nature had made up in
quality what she had withheld in
nm right. It was what I said about
my will that has caused this. Thank
F at er, my child
• What causes such a miscaleula-
It did not taIce•ong to tell or his 1 tion in the amottnt of gratitude
capture by the savage foe, and of his' which wren expect for the favors they
escape, and ,joyful greeting from his! have done is --that the pride of the
comrades 1
Capital, $1,250,000. , Host, lOOG0,00Q
President—Jour( MTIrAMT-
Yice• Preside nt—A. 0..RAMSAT.
JOON eaoOTo5, elan, ztaAcu,, WM CamaroSt P A. Z.
Woon, A. f3, Lan (Toronto), " "'
Cashlor—J, TiM5113u&T,.
Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 5 • Saturrieye, i0
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and Interest
Spacial Deposita also received at currens
rates of lr,neer.
Prat'ys an Groat nritain and the United states
bought and void
E, &,DICKINSON, Solicitor,
Josephine Street • - Wr ighalil, Ont,
J. A. ilAt$7•Rn, J. W. Seers,
Munn nt Forost. Tis o
' t ti'u
Deposits Received . and Xxnteres t
Monoy Advanced to lt'atrni,'ers and
Business men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation, Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges,
Special .A.ttention Given to Col
looting Accounts and. Notes,
Agents in Canada --retie merchants' Sunk
of Canada
Office hours—Front 0 a. m. to b p. m.
Beings N. E, part of Lot 33 and N. W.
part of Lot 3:E, Concession 0, East Wawa -
nosh, containing 73 acres; 45 acres clear-
ed. Party, in good sante of cultivation;,
good, barn and stables. Well fenced;
good bearing; orchard; good waotrere,ibthoethr
westock ordcrop "r Will bet sold reasonable.
iApply to
St. Helens P. O,, Ont.
who bad nloar ned him as giver -and that of the reeeivo • can I FOR SALE.
To say Aunt Jane was pleased
would not be enough ; and when
never agree as to the value of the
awyer drew up her will I do not J There is always something whic
uch as ever—so she thought s think that charity asylum got all of'
Frank had gone; and the weekslas
A bright color bathed Clare's face, her fortune, although, of course, no
went by, she exclaimed : one knows yet, for she is still alive,
Every now and ten xlty, my ayes have been
I `An
aittity, for a prettier, daintier came letters fors some time. I knew I did not
sweeter little thing, with her sea -blue (from Clarence to CI r e• love Min, but I bad . given• him my
eyes and rings of yellow hair, it . Aunt Jane looked :on. Frank bad promise.'
would bare been bard to find told her of his rejection • b
had only been with her Aunt Janel a
chool she bad met the and it was maxi toat av boarding
she had given her girlish heart.
Clarence Holland was a 1ad•es'
mai. in the fullest sense of the word, r young I'
althougit why a perfumed exquisite fa soon again,
I gk ilea k rank Then canis a tette to Aunt Jane
of a lovas wa h , course it was from the far West;
rises above the latest styles, should the house with company for a few surprised n vl when nvou receive this be
be Called by that title, I for one weeks, and have a gay time ?'to
Oh, auntie, that would be fan ; fiksow h lath t 1 the it m'out on the plains,
could never see. However, that was
his descriltttotr, and to little Clare u but•
whom would you ask ?, i g t g Indians—that is, expect -
'not a The house seemed very lonely
word on the subject; did she say to I when they had all • gone ; but the
her niece. One dayj some months j loneliness was good for Clare. She
after, as they were Moth sewing in grew to miss the familiar form and
the sitting -room, Aunt Jane said ; voice she had used to notice so little
`Clare, I'm thinking that this old, and to wish
must be very stupid for f wish that Frank would coh
thing t e you. While
o can only boast
moustache, and whose soul nen
s ere, of"different;
but now, h •
ow would you like to fill
with her slight knowledge of the •Fell, I've been 'thinking that Iyet.
°' two have had no encounter as
world, he was a hero indeed, should not let an3 old prejudice and Miss Clare goowanted to come
bI sand bid you
• stand in the way of my dear niece's all3 ,friend,bat it was
Il'p in her room Cly e took a tiny + happiness. Suppose; we say first so sudden, omy adsMajor
:letter from her pocket rid opened it. Mr. Holland.' t ,Hugh Fielding,
`My ett adored Clare,' it began;, z~, commands the core
and. Xou dear, good old aunty!' ex- pang, and schen volunteers were
then the foolish child kissed it, while I claimed Clare, springing to her a
her blue eyes kindled • s she ex- side, and almost n y called far, I inure the first he asked,
and I was not sorry to go. You
claimed to herself: ysmothering with have known, int dear friend, of my
pa us!' Aunt Jane smiled a?ratirer peculiar that islove past as tuniece4 Of course, all
at to the J smile, as she disengaged herself and as if 1 am just
nk. Clare straightened her rumpled ca • p r but, all, the same, 1 feel
ri then re-
she went on : I as wall here, as any••
p Then whexe else. Nevertheless, wherever
`No one shalt ever
When She went d
library, there was Ir'
gave hire her band, ati
treated to her favorite ;easy chair,
and watched them furtively, with
td s'pokcn,
d. 'One of
the words her aunt 1
ringing through her nil,
the noblest hien Clod had
`There are your• school friends, may be, 1 shark always remember
Tiny Pateman, and Lulu Grant, and s oetu vith the same alfieetianate re-
send for Frank, ; Of course, by pPlease give my r•eRar-
this time, he's gotten over his sore niece.ds to your
aver made,' feelings.'
Ile was tali, (too tall. (Clare was She said this looking keenly into Fawns
thinking, though few Would have Clare's face which had fallen some -hours siitcerelr,
agi.'eed w le her,) but hi wales foired whatt at rho menticln of Iiia ' e Alums.'
to acknowledge that his face Stas a name. Aunt Jane burst into tears.
Prank's 'Oh ! Clare; sec whirr you have
good one, as she marked i
Clare read the letter in silence,
and l event over. her face as
and strength, intelligence, and mts an-
liness, and the kind tender smile
Jinn off now and write the notes.
Ask three more ladies and gen
and watches with happy ey
wedded love of her niece Clare,
the husband she choke for her.
Not Merely ireiref But Euro,
It is said of many remedies that
relieve for a time hut the disease a
wards returns. Burdd'ak Blood Bit
being a radical cure, loot only reli
but permanently c res Dyspe
Constheta d Blood, etc esSick aHundred
healthy witnesses tell gladly the
B. cures to stay cured.
each of us can do better than other
I things and moral excellence de -
mends that we discover what it is,
that we foster and strengthen it,
es tyre and devote 11 to best purposes we
and can. v
Soros From Bad Blood
they Dana Szrzs,--For quite a long time
1ter•1 mY blood was very bad, large sores
tars, 1 would break out on me from a small
eves! serateh. X started to take your B. B. B.
psis, which completely cured tae. T racom-
Head- menus Burdock Blood Bitters to all
s of I suffering from bad blood•,
0t,tvsns Cote, Lynedoeh, Ont.
itiaTrlorixST WO\tE APi'$OPFiIA'rXt•
riLI:GTgD, Por este, shout OUA acres of land; 200
of it nearly all in pasture; with first class
buildings; Iurge part of it underdrained,
Toronto, Ont, Oct. 18,--'Z`he-landbaty 'e, ai large 00 aat.ts. mostly new
Women's Missionary Society of the still an it. About 15'0 acres alta rest aped
Methodist Church disposed of some f seeded for pasture Land Wili In l
important business this •
Hints to House-IKeepers.
A strip of oil Blot i will be found a
veiy useful thing 1n`ln.ing a belt. It
will keep in shape admirably and
preserve its stiffness to the end of
time of possible webring.
,. The next best think to do when
coffee is not freshlyrroasted for every
making is to put it !dry into a slow
oven for a while 'Before grinding,
eh will bring out the aromatic oil
of the berry.
Remember the injiportanee of care-
ful cleaning when cropper is used for
the preserving or pickling' kettle,
If the copper becomes very ntueh
tarnishdiluted mile coated
inntbe proportion e proportion
of a tablespoonful to a quart of water
will clean it more quickly than any,
thing else.
Housekeepers who have put up
jellies are almost invariably annoyed
by the mould which comes to the top
of'glasses after standing awhile, even
though great Care has been taken
in the refrulat'
A. complete brick cottage in the Town
of Wicg;hain, on I1'Iinnie street, one of
the most desirable streets for a residence.
Heated with harpy a s; andtsoft water pge in wood shed,
a good stable. Tho lot has 5x5 feet front-
age and runs W3 feat back to a land.
Terms easy. Apply to JOHN NEELANDS,
lot in Lowee rher Wi gh, mrsfar sallesou
reasonable terms. The lot contains;tialf
an acre, sin which there is it frame
aalsogo dwelling steble ahouse nd poultry houselive ; good
well, 1(i fruit trees,, 4 e, i?or particulars,
apply on the premises.
t FOR,.
before concluding their convention
The estimates for the home and
foreign mission fields were consider -
Japan, . .814,050 ; China, 87,500 ;1 --
Chinsese Reserve home, Victoria,
B. C., $1,500 ; Indian Girl's Home !
at Fort Simpson, $2,450; Port Simp-
son hospital, $G00 ; ChilIi:whack
Institute, $$2,73,8 ; Freneh work, I
Montreal, $1,220; French Institute,
82,762; interest an building, 8(;00;
Methodist Urphanage,Newfoundlancl, .
8500; Literature and Publishing
Committee, $G?5 ; extras a
first-class pasture. Farm situated two
miles from Winrbain,. On the premises
is a good sats mill in running order. All
will be- sold on reasonable ,
Ja, and apportioned as follows : . I nghnIn?Ont ly to Bost Office loos 125,
tion, 15200 total ppr apia-
> p35,111,35.
Surplus over Inst year, CG00.
Glc- cover them The election of officers resulted as
men, tiviroever ou a pa IoI ct ton follows:— President, Mrs. Gooden-
pan• his Runs lips. y choose, and 111 she awoke to know what manner. A housekeeper of expert.. hani Toronto; e p ,
Tay and by they strolled out into 1 selves.' ncI mak" there eni, ureal- suspected fora yon lir t site had i CaCC says this can be avoided by Carman, leville i est Roc Mrs.
the iriooltlitand that the love she bade on true,' use of paraffin °. 'then the jelly has' n, 13etlavrlle;; Recording
garden, and walked After Glare had gone the old fussed was the Secretary, ,;Sirs. I{stir Toronto
three abreast down the broad paths, r lady's face still kept its oro re- become cold, pour upon it enough of Corresponding
with their Sweet stented border Of smile, as she thaw Itept 'Itthing in the world the t oro ed paraffins to make an air. Strachan o' Secretary,; :lips,
old•fashioned flowers o , r •peculiar that she now longed for.air Hamilton
either side, foolish of 110 g may be `If he dies,I shall never far ive but must It need not be thick, Toronto;
tfatitil Aunt Jane suddenly member- his way, llllt,n0 tong holt hright n "Myself aunty sho 'd 1 Thompson, 1~oronto • Editor of Out-
_ st be ent'tt o, This cover look, hips. Gordon vWright,frLondon.
ed something'to be done, nd went and I guess T run no risk,' stock, choked votes sand th can be staved and used year after Invitations for the e
ed and titers were only trrao saunter• The gay company came. h Then tears together year,
as it clean. ogres from the jelly per- meeting were received from 13r q
ing irr the IIIf+Oflli ltt. ' Such lively en 1 a e y t . The arafTi tonHalifax, and the amp
at the zh' Mformer was
I 25 eta.,
Soots and
t $1.00 Bottle.
On cent a dost,.
l 2t cures rnoinr ati ooante iyp l drugging.
, beat dough lad Oroup Oura,p and 13 th6
Sold at Chishnhn's Carnnr Drug Store,
sal , at ast, in a
t e , ey mingled
rea .
y times s they hard 1 scanned The Iridiatil8 wcrpo causzneral bought 1 p nee can be el and
Then Clare be an to tremble, for ,well glorious Moon!! "tttsails o, t g ugbisl! at a trifling setectcd,
a11e instinctively a
a cGale, and
Y knew t' lint n►as lake' Su 1r plc Dies n the woods ! f •otnttimg toftime ofskiirrnews same east.
corning, as she saw the absent Such magnificent fa'bleatlxl for : , and cad's Sarsaparilla,
dreamy look in her r±omp,anorz's eyes of officers kit skirmishesp lisp taken nt this
y which Aunt Jane brought out all la1 °r wouixdan and season, will make you feat a
her one duty, with the latter dancing in iagkAorons. and keepstrong and
You Nos sicitne+iti
It crime Incipient nuie tuCorsumpt on r `Iteis
the beet Cough Cure Only one eism a
dosa.Geta,, 50ats., and $1. Sold at Chia.
i holm's Corner Drug Store
1-14.5,,BAC OCHE
reelg e50te aches
wfit tnu ouiarMrJtl
ha&ju6tpot 011.lila
Baniljhsr of Gtdu"hae,; ,t
J, RCrLAcutAN. paint nu Cheng, writes: orb.ai'hotter foe Al `; kau,1. i utobn50 than u,e
from Windsor! utile 11
lieutbot l'larter it ruriu Pore Sarkr na,r
Th.•m nett ,u pt n ttrent r.atr. in this vie':"q,
t'..t• en• b hr .,'r•tignt. tin ilex,