HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-25, Page 1(c
-NO. 1241.
Is over and wasadmitted by
the ladies that it was ahead of
anything ever shown before in
Wingham. Ladies, when you
want anything in MILLINERY,
be sure and give us a call before
Selling here leave no room for
doubt as to qualities and values.
-You'll .SAVE if you buy your
Fall Dress Goods from us. •
't /%0
RE Y -_`'#ADE
We are showing the very latest
erman styles and prices away
n. See our special $4.505
and $6 Mantles.
SHOES for all kinds of weather,
SHOES for all kinds of people,.
' SHOES for all kinds of poc.:ots.
Felt Lined Buckle Boots,
• Felt Lined Long Boots,
Felt Lined Laced and
Gaiter$ for Ladies.
Rubbers and Overshoes,
Trunks and Valises.
Fall Stock Complete, Prices Right.
/Manitoba Flour at Kerr & Conery's.
a/ As rp;
...los, Gregor took a car load of
cattle to the Toronto arket, on Monday,
per G. T. R
—The Timis staff r+turn thanks to Mr,
John McEwen, of Metrris, for a supply of
good eating apples.
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them,
—An unusually hea y Drop of beeob.nuts
this year indicates, cording to an old
saying, a very cold w iter.
qt.—Seven new lire a .rm boxes have been
placed in convenient positions in town, by
Mr. Wm. Holmes, c irman of the Firo.
and Water Committee.\!
As I am giving up business in Wingham,
a settlement of all book accounts, at once,
will greatly oblige, Jolts Garasit ,x11.
—Messrs, Beattie . • roe, mare, Wanda,
won the 2.23 trot in xington, Kentucky
on Thursday of last ek, in throe straight
heats. Best time, 2,1 }. The purse was
We have been receiving Oysters d
since September 2nd,at the CityBesta
Served in any style, W. A. Jo
Winghn,, Tho Shoo Ilan,
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FnA11 PATERSON. No 23, Vic- Aylmer brand of
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses Beans and • Pumpkins,
remitted. at Griffin's.
—The by-law in r
passed by the Tow
appear to be receivin'
the owners of dogs.
seldom seen on the s
peat to dogs, re
Council, doe
much atte ion ron
A dog w a tag on is
eas, Corn, Tomatoes,
cans,for 25 cents,
Family Flour at Kerr as Canary's.
—Advertising is th sunshine that ripens
Fresh Oysters at. err it: Conery's,
—Mr, Thee. Walk r shipped a oar load
of lambs to the Bu alo market, on Tues-
Cash for butter
—The Mayor, Bee a and Clerk spent a
few hours last weal selecting jurors for
the different courts.
Black worsted suits from $15 up, at
Gino. H. InvIN's, City Tailor.
and eggs at Griffin's
—Division Court
day, Judge Doyle
only a few cases,. a
to hear them.
—The editor of t1
quarantined in his
account of diphtheri
family. He will ha
brothers of the Pres1fn his affliction.
vete moneys to loan onmortgages
nable rate of interest. Apply to
JOHN Nenx,ANns,
as. held on Wednes-
esiding. There were
it did not take long
Goderioh Star was
ome last week, on
breaking out in his
the sympathy of his
cardine is
ks front end
street. Onr
)y general to
meining two•thirda
"We excel ;" never was there
the assortment shown before in
town. See our FUR. CAPES in
Tasmania,` Sable, Grey Persian
Lamb, Opossum, • Greenland
Seal; . Astrachan and Baltic
Seal. Our Astrachan Coats
are thebest value. Full assort-
ixent • of Gauntlets, Muffs,
Stom Collars and Caps.
,fib 0to
C,f 73i'4
4'41 /42
•Maitland Lodgr
• have sold the fine lj
No. 119, I. O. O. F.,
Icing lot lying bo-
' tweeu the Brunswie t hotel and Mr. S.
Gracey's furniture
Shaw, for the, sum o
Canada's Greatest Commercial School. ,w6 understand, into
Earle faeoltt ', Superior courses; Students assisted block tbareou next sea.
\' r (*colors. •week.
Write � 40
to positions every
SHAW 4, sLLIcirI. t'rinelprils. , Heathiield's Heal
tore, to Mr. Geo.
$850. Mr. Shaw,
ds to erect a brick
on. WY
ng Balsam • is a
sure euro for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
1•, -Municipal matte
talked, and the prob
i/v v v
�� / v • �_� Council for 1890 are
VVe- ivnnt the names of 10,000 young.: , tea 'early Y to make a
people. The latest edition of our College ; some of the present
Journal is reedy for distribution and we • the Council hoard
wtintyou to see it. Send in your name !minus, some of the
and the names of your friends; we will ;113'11C`0,
new men.
do the rest. It will interest you and cost
you nothing. You meat see it. 1 —A meeting of
held on Tuesday net
P. 1VfoINTO A; Principal. John Anderson, wh
of Secretary-Treasu
number of years,hashanded in his resigna-
is contemplated early
ear Orangeville.
Pure Clover Ho :y
—Rev. Robt.11 id
Will proach in the Pj
Sunday next.
W a.
tion, un account of 1
t Griffin's. lremdval to his farm
rson, of Manchester,: Ladies, clean yjur . kid gloves with
are beginning to be
hie candidates for the
being discussed. It is
y predictions, but if
of seats at
do not change their
yards will have to look
he Directors of the
ural Society will be
t, 20th instant. Mr.
has held the position
er of the Society for a
• I
esbyterian church, on 1 Josephine Glove Cleaner. For sale only
by G. E. King, headquarters for the Perrin
• Freres Kid Gloves, in all the most desirable
Fora good, cool smoking pipe, call on • shades for street or evening wear.
building granolithic
end, of the main
third' of the coat is
ation, while the re=
are raised by a front-
age tax.
—The Trues and Toronto Weekly Globe
will be sent to new subscribers from now
till the lot of January, 1896, for 25 cents.
—Mr. H. E. Snell'
vicinity were sorry tr
sufferer by the fire
Albion Block, at G
night last. We are
his .stock was pre
that his loss will no
—The ChesleyEn
tion of Holy Trinit
reception to their,
Cracken and his brig
at their residence.
very popular in tows
may. attend the offos
in their new field o
Patterson,, the leading jeweler, Wingham. ] —Mr. Geo. Pattel. n, District Deputy
Vingham Lodge, A.
isit on Friday even-
very good attend -
Deputy delivered a
. • The
is juriedietion this
extra assessments.
a.'" —M'Ir. R. Kin: .t.
frame dwelling on-
nown residence. •. t
we still lead: Never before
were we asbasy, aswe ate now,.
The people know where•they
get theh
for their
best value
money. -
bas erected a nice : for this county, paid
dward street, near his ' O. IJ. W., an official
ing last. There was,
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. , awe, and the District
Satisfaction guaranteed. - I very practical addres
s veneered one of his ; has been very high in
—Dr. Chisholm 1
frame dwellings on
brick. Mr, B. dent
You all know we carry the
largest and.best stock in town
g it
c`l. p
The only 1 ) o sect Importers,
Charles street, with; year, necessitating twi
ns has been doing the I --,The Oanadian Pa
bition car, in charge
Saunas, in oil, at 5 cents a tin, at the i rill, travelling passeng
City Restaurant, W. A, Jonas. I Wingham on October
—Some addition incandescent electric Belgrave 20th to 28
lights have been ' ` ut in at the G. T. R. i specimens of the crop
station. The bagg` ge room has been sup ; and the Northwest T
plied with lights, gc
of Mr. John Smith,
atly to the convenience • open from 9 a. m. till
baggagemati. I 1 till 6 p. m. It wi�
Oysters arriving wily at the old reliable ` station.
Star restaurant, and served in any style. You can got a stylish and well made suit
JDs' McKiuvli. or overcoat for the lowest possible price, a
perfect fit guaranteed, also they latest in
Gents' Furnishings at Gno.CA1in s, opposite
Chisholm's Drug Store.
fie Railway exhi-
f Mir. W. T, Dock-.
r agent, will be in
8th and 29th, and
,. It will contain
f 1895 of Manitoba
rritories, and will be
12 o'alook, and from
be at the G. T. R.
Cooked'meet at Kerr & Conery's,
=Only a couple of dozen dog tags have
been issued a0 far.
—An assembly was
slice Hall, on Thursd
.--A tramp fauns
Monday night.
—The annual in
field in the Temper- U. was held on Mo
y evening. of last year were re
business of import
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
.—Tho band boys t ere entertained at an
oyster supper at Mr. Jas. MoKelvie's, by
H. F. Gordon, one ni ht last week.
.—Anchor of Hope Lodge, I. 0. G. T., at
its meeting. on Trtesdray evening, decided to
meet in the future it Meyer's hall.. The
meetings will be heli' on Tuesday evenings,
as usual.
Overcoats from $12 to $25 ; cannot be
beaten in the Dominion, et Gxo. H, InvIN's,
City Tailor.
,'John Gilles;
off work for a few w
nicely again. He is
hunting. -He bagger
other day. 4 l
Mr. Alex. Forgi
house and lot on F.
Patrick treet, to Mr
figureThe sale wa1
Samuel Youhill's res
friends in town and
learn that he was a
hick destroyed t he
derich, on Saturday
Teased to learn that
ty well insure, d, and
e very heavy, -
erprise; The congrega-
crurc h tendered a
pastor, Rev. Mr, Mo-
e, on Tuesday evening,
ev. Mr. McCracken is
and wo hope suceess
to of himself and wife
The old reliable b itoher, Mr. J. G. Field,
has a full supply o Sausages,llead Cheese,
&c., aswell as meats of all kinds. Give
him a call.
—Rev. L. G. Woo
sermon, on Sunday
congregation. In„, t
address, he bade th
dren good-bye. Mr.
the young people, an
by them. He and
Toronto on Tuesday.
—The concert giv
Monday evening last
was a success in eve
H. Perry, impersonal
recitations, which we:
heartily applauded.
instrumental music b
greatly appreciated
There was a fair au
—Mr, Geo. H.
'in printers' ink
evidenced by his
nag ten of
facilities for
rvin is a strong believer
s a trade producer, as is
large advertisement on
He has special
ening out gentlemen'e
Gets free sample of Williams' Little
Dandelion Pills and be coniineed.
r ived- a
—The rd
proprietor theTyne
on Monday,
in Man
aloeinbfve dollais,ut nb name orPOst
office was given,
wrapped two pieces
Tltet'e is nothing liko them.I \which was the date
—A very Onjenjoys,a social was held int and the words, "Ye
the Presbyteria church, on Monday On the other wag tr
last. Th re was a good attend- amount of the aceo nt due was ten dollars,
evening d 1 here shortly.
five of
it an
dale owed
ante, and the pr gramme, wrier was a that the money e P rs i Council ill be
1 carried out. The ran that there was still balance of five dolls l
good one, was we i the whole sewer
ort of the protea Inge of the 1 rovitielal If the party who nt the letter will he ; ing of the drain
Christian Endes r convention, held 711 good' enough to for and lug name, we will , g
Brantford, a shot time , was g un
. x'a d given bit take .great pleasur in placing the mamma f have the authori
Gummin s, . It was a splendid report to his credit. In lis oonneotion, we may die sewer and as
14iiss �' nite a number in Mani. I to pay for same.
Dries that might follow t Interested ratepa
good friend who soot . f
the Council tali'
ey have had an sour.lint
11 not mien what they] getting a comp
Send it along, gentle- report on the
t ; spent.
e, who has been laid
Bks, is getting around
ow trying his luck
three partridges the
i bas disposed of a'
names street, north of
Tamlyn, at a fair
effected through Mr.
estate, agency. c
—A ,tramp pan
been arrested at 1?
of being one of th
the brutal assault
near Formosa, a fp
—The annual in
Sabbath School
Toronto, this wee
were in attendant
Methodist church
Last season's Mantles, $5 to $8,we sell
for $2.50; $8 to $12, we sell for $4 ; $12
and 15, we sell for $0. M. H. Molinoo.,
—Messrs. H. Day d J. W. Inglis are
purchasing a car load f geese for shipment
to Boston. - The'car 1 as arrived at the G.
they will ship them.
and will hold about
who sustained such
ple of months ago by
1 of Messrs. Button as
ry, was out for the
last. He is getting
xpecte to be able to
w weeks, His neck is
is gradually getting
preached his farewell
,vening last, to a large
e afternoon, in a neat
Sabbath school chil-.
Vood was popular with
will be greatly missed
Mrs. 'Wood left for
in the town hall, on
by Miss Houghton,
particular., - Albert
,r, gave a number of
well rendered and
'he solos, duets and
the local talent was
by those present.
—G. T. R. trains f
leave Wingham at
m., via W. G. & B.; 0.35 a• m. and 8.25
p. nl., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
n tions by all trains.
—On Thursday
driving, Mr. Robt. 141,
became frightened,
short in front of Al
T. R., station in whit
It 18 a seven deck car
fifteen Hundred live
—Mr.. Wm. Moore
seriousiujuries a c0
falling from the ror
Fessant's chair fact;
first time on Z'rida;
along nicely, and
resume work in a
quito stiff yet, be
r Toronto and east
.23 a. m. and 11.20 a.
lodgings in the cells on
ting of the W. C. T.
"day last, The otfioers
elected, and some other
ce transacted.
Frank Murphy, has
terbora, on the ,charge
parties who committed
on the Jewish pedlar,
weeks ago,
eting of the Provincial
lsociation was held in
Dr. and Mrs. Towler
as delegates from the
abbath school.
The TmEs and Weekly Globe till the 1st
of January, 1896, for 25 cents,is verycbeap
reading matter. Send in your names.
—Mr, David D.
has been studying
V, S., for some tit
Tuesday. to reser
Ontario Veterinar;
—Mr• M. Patter
Toronto market, o
stock of Christmas
at the station here
of Kincardine,. wh
—At the close
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
opening in Wing
g establishment, and
oil will see their way
the gentleman who
town. It is an Indus -
be an important one
an establishment of
the one carried on by
a & Son, of Mitchell,
1 to tw y hands the
—TheIe is a len
ham for a pork paoki
wo trust that the Col
to rueet the wishes o
proposes to locate in
try that is destined
in this country, an
the dimensions of '
Messrs. John. Why
employs from fifte
year round.
orenoon, while out
Indoo's Slander colt
nd in turning very
. Peter Deans' flour
aid, of Teeswater, who
ith Mr, John Wilson,
e, went to Toronto, on
a his studies at the
n, jeweler, left for the
Tuesday, to - lay in a. -
goods. He was joined
by his brother Robert, '•
was on similar busi-
f' a business meeting
held in the leoturelroom of the Congrega-
londay evening, refresh -
by the ladies of the
n hour or so was spent
viands and social con- -
tional church, on i
ments were served
congregation and c
to dieenssing th
J. G. Field, butcher, Wingham, gi'.ves,
special rates to farmers buying large
gear titles of meat for threshings,bees, etc.
Call and see him.
—Service in the
on Sabbathnext,
usual hours, - 11 a m.. and 7 p. m. The
pastor, the Rev. H .nry W. Mote, D. T)., - for bis morning subject:
de,” and for his evening
at Jordan." All are
and nine inches of snow
ay and Sunday last, and
xi ger of sleighs
ere o
DBNSSIrAunie—I wish
of Wingham that I
class work at rey
day. I guarantee
intrusted to me.
o inform the ladies
reparecl to do first-
te, or to sew by the
tisfaction in all work
•'111131, Frances St.
—The concert give
on Friday evening la
band, was well at
fantasia, with singin
was well rendered, a: also was the chorus,
ueeustou ' by about two hun-
dred publio school s• iolars. The children
were encored, and . they responded with
"Tho Ikteple Leaf •rever." Miss Sperl-
ing is a favorite wit , a Wingham audience, flax mill for Win
and her violin solos 'ere well received, and now., Last sprin
she received a renal to whi0h she grace- subscribed by ou
fully responded. 'r ie songs of Messrs. W. object in view, b
Mc$tveyn, W. R. W • llace and J. McMahon, with whom the
were received with eident; marks of ap- m
onadaccounte,not beinof t
predation. The c ub swinging by Miss the matter was
and feed store, one o ;the front wheels of Sutherland's class
the buggy turned in rieout. Mr. Molndoo drill by Miss lteyn'
jumped out end h• • ed the cola for the the hits of the even
Queen's hotel, and • • pped it after it had rapturously encore
Bono around a tel lx post. The colt "When Pansies Dr
Was none the wo . e, the duet by Itis
tweruct—JuamtbowehiP "Life's Dream is
hart dice =i't.. heartily appreciat&
—The Public trombone solo was
whom the sew q S. Gracey's reading
wail rendere•
n dare have be
e g
selections by the
Club and the Towrt
the pleasures of the
by Messrs. Defile
and Boll, and the to
Old Camp Ground
'Band and others, b
to a close. Miss
the•piano. Duriit •
pgeially the latter
urate was an indent;
back part of the lta
to Bear the perfo
'younger element i
do at they pleas
sit s,
If sue
r a
_ t ottiz
wr11 not pa r
Chief of Pollee she:
before the Mayor a
pnnishnrulit their o
in the Town Hall
t, in aid of the town,
tided. The concert
chorus, by the band,
longrogational church
27th instant, at the
will preach, taking
"Cbristian Gratit
subject: "Naamatj
' Between eight,
fell here on Saturq
Monday there
on e
and cutters to be laeen on the streets. It
has all.disappe zred now. There are
but very few farm ars prepare for winter,
their root crops sing almost all in the
ground yet.
- - ^numeration week in the Wingham
Poet Office was f 'om September 29th till
October 5th, and he result was as follows r
Number of lett-rs handled, 2547 ; dost
cards, 937; paper ,142 ; third class matter
(photos, de.), 108 fifth class matter,, 37;
registered letter ,. 49; total receipts for
above, 890.50,
-Fern Lodg Lady True Blues, will.
give an eutertai rent in the Town Hall,
f November 5th {Guy
on the evening
Fawkes' clay). • 13ro. Banks, of Toronto,
and Bev. J. 0.11 adill, of Sonia, will deliver
appropriate ad reases, and. Copt, Robson,
vocalist, will as st. Full particulars- will.
be 'given on pro • ammes.
—For first -c ass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
—It would be w 11 if the agitation fora
ham were commenced
.upwards of $500 were
business men with that,
f girls and the hoop not be well to 0
the Messrs. Livingston,
egotiations were being
ble to go on with the mill
lateness of the season,
lowed to drop. Would it
u negotiations with these -
lds' class of girls, were gentlemen at on • e, so that the timber, etc.,
ng. They were both . for the mill ma be got out and all prepay, -
ng. fort e presecntion of'the grist
Miss Ilomuth's song, Hess next year; - A good supply of seed
pwould be requi -d and the farmers given
and die,"as well. as
math and M. Wallad°, an opportunity: o make arrangements for
o'er, Farewell,"' were growingroforsomehrs is Iback,as bandeen while ether
P y down iu price, fax has.
round the bill were Sanitary engine
of I terms to come l
the proposed se.
written to hap
reasonable lige
mittee will ace
of paper, on one
an which it was written
re truly, Anonymous."
statement that the
Works Committee, to
question wasreferred,
reeding with a oouple of
rs in Termite, to get their
re and make a report on
err Oub of the gentlemen
ffered to came at it very
, and no doubt the Coro-
t his offer, and he will be
Iter getting his report, the
otter prepared to deal with
o question. Vrom a read.
e act, it seems the Conner
y to go on rand put down
ess those benefitted by it,
Quite a number of the
ors are protesting against
g action is the matter,
that the 11
spent nt in
tent engineer to ntalto n
er Will be money well
and was will given and heartily received. say that there are
toba and the Terris
of ou
sere: t
n or as P
itailwa a8 Y
A %"
reply to your question do my children; the 9ve dollars. J
object to taldng Scott's Elnnloion, I say I dant harvest and
No 1 on the contrary', they are fond of it ewe for the Time
and it keeps thein pictures of health," i men.
Mr. J. Carruth's . grains have go
ell rendered, and 'Mr. held its own.
as is always the case, re the Laster of the
and received. The v1,+u Sxn,—Aa
Winghaxn Orchestral are calling do m
Band contributed to Stationery Stor
hotel, for the
vening. A quartette accounts, kin• y
, Sebastian, Morden ofe the extensiv
•lean, "Tenting on the enjoys to stat
by motnbers of the may have re
ouglxt the ro ramme 'J' A' Morton,
p g aro not in x:ay
rrio fisher presided at whatever to p
the evouitlg, but .s• Evirvedototili:e.oeset.
art of the programme,
nt whispering* in the with the colli•
1, audit ryas inipossfble stili in '\Vingu
mets, At timed the ery bnsinesen,
the audience seemed to old customers
goads, bought
without let er Ciro• largest w10
' fitted
is tem
tet ,
;rr people
hi bring the offenders
d let theta receive the
'owe deserved,
Winch= Timm.
t mets
1 naso
any of y
at our New Drug and.
, Opposithe the •Queen's
ttrpose of sett ing their
allow me to ail myself
circulation th • your paper
to my old c stomata, 'who
rived: otio. 0 pay from Mr.
hat e okit of said firm
and I had
yvi . the disposal of thele,
d any moneys eolleeted and
Way. interested in their
I iiienWn any donit
iont.off said accounts. 1 ant
min the Drug and Statron-
A. am prepared to give toj�
he benefit of pure •and fresh
or cash from one of the
t 1:: ale houses its Anterfoa, It
will bq onr m to make all •amiantus
r slew.
wh .ttte old or
sia r
my old etas tris for 'their � µ �+►,
I remtlan, dear it, your obey