HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-31, Page 18Kindergarten Registati r on will be taken in the following schools Hullett Central Public School, Londesboro Tuesday, April 26 - 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. 1:30 - 3:00 p.m'. Huron Centennial Public School, Brueefield Tuesday, April 5 - 9:00 a.m. 7 3:30 p.m. Seaforth Public School Wednesday, April 6. 1;00 - 4:00 p.m. Walton Public School Tuesday, MARCH 29 -1:00 - 4:00 p.m,. Children born in 1972 are eligible to begin kindergarten -next September. Please bring proof of birthdate and for Hullett and Huron Ceutennial Schools bring immunization records, and parents should phone the school before registration day to make appointments. I -88-3 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are.based on the number of words. Sets of. numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices c.auht as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as -separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00, 7c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 5c per word, rninimum.$1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY , FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS - $1-:54 per column inch. ' (Minimum size in this category 1 1/2 inches. Ac.oepted in inultiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS. TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per • insertion. , BIRTHS - 20 words, $2.00, 7c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c. • IN MEMORIAMS -$2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING -- EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c.:Three insertions for the prj, ce of 2.' - CARD-OE. THANKS - 30 Words $2.00i each additional word 3c. it_ 50c.biscoarrr'oR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellition of 'Multiple insertion ' advertisements attar Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone-627 0240 al • '4', 7', Y.' '7.77.- rr--kr.•-7-77777747 113-THE HURON EXPOSITOR! MARCH 31, 1977 Every Day is Bright and Sunny , .4k.e You, Money Ad to With an "Action I * ,JA 11 Articles For Sale . . 14 Pr9pert3, For Salve ' COPIES • Copies of your important papers documents while you wait. Letter size. 25t 04C11 . THE HURON EXPOSITOR I I.86xtf 8 Farm Stock For Sale REGISTERED Angtis serviceable age bulls, western blood line, quiet 482-9260. 8.90-3 4 Help Wanted 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events 11 Aitieles'For Sale KINDERGARTEN Registration, St. Patrick's School, Dublin, Ontario, Tuesday. April 5th. beginning at 9 a.m. Please bring proof of child's age. 1-90- I JOIN Us! at the Easter Sunrise Service, April 10th at Noiihside United Church at 7a.m. Guest speaker Rev. Robert Roberts of Egmondville. Breakfast,. served afterwards. Tickets available from-Unit 5 members, and Bob & Bettys. 1-90-2 AUTUMN FAIR - Northside Unit ed Church, U.C.W,, Saturday, October 15. 1-90.1 HARD MAPLE split, $50.00 per truck load. Call daytime 482-3162, evening 482-9921. 11-90-1 WORK SHOES 6" puncture proof soles, sizes 7, 71/2 , 11 1/2 , 12. egular and safety arch subjects, aces, shoe horns, clickers, etatarsal pads, toe rubbers. Some repairs. Apply 8 A. Main Street, Thompson Apartments 527-1073 -at- cost or- less. Also vacant apartment for rent.11-90x5 SEAFORTH Lions Bar-B-9 Dinner and Dance, Friday, June 17, 1917. Seaforth Community. Centre. Campbell and Cardiff caterers. Music by Walter Ostanek Band. Tickets available at Bob & Bettys, Huron Expositor. 1-90-1 ANNUAL Seaforth Lions Summer Carnival Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 22, 23, 24 - new, different, exciting. 1-90-1 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.00 restricted to sixteen years or over, 15 regular games of $15.00, $5 least Oil split, 3 door ,prizes, .$50 consolation if Jackpot not won. Jackpot $210.00 in 55 calls-or less. ,, 1.99-1 FILM NITE - For- ladies of all ages, Wednesday, April 6, at 8 p.m. Clinton Legion Hall. Four short films plus a question and answer period. Sponsored ..by Canadian Cancer Society. Hope to _ see you there. Cancer Can Be Beaten. 1-90-1 HAM Supper, Winthrop Church,' Wednesday, Aprii13, 4:30 - 8:00. 1-90x2 LICENCED FARM 'EQUIPMENT Mechanic .. ,,,..0.4avo•woent* 10 Used Cars For Sale One of Huron County's oldest farm machinery dealerships requires a licenced farm equip- . mem mechanic. The successful applicant must be willing to accept responsibility and have a congenial -personality. Salary will be 'commensurate with experience. Apply in person to: 1968 4-door Chevelle, low mileage excellent dondition, 527-1324. • 10-90-1 1974 GMC 3/4 ton pick-up truck 26,000 original miles, automatic radio and safety. checked. Bob Rohinson, 345:2317. 19-90.2 • t, 1969 Buick Skylark, best offer„ . 527-1479. '10-90-1 USED school bus, K. L. McCarthy. 345-2006. 10-90-2 - 1974 "Chev. super sport van excellent-condition. Low mileage, 350 V8, carpeted, radio, radial ---tires, $3800 Would crins'der a. trade, 887-9047. 10-90-2 TRUCKS L4C--T-RAILERS - 1971 I.H. Tandem. truck, 75 x 4 transmission, power steering, 20' • platform; 1971 I.H. tractor, single axle, 671 GMC Diesel, 1.3 spd.r.r. power steering; 36 F Trailer Flat Bed; 1970 1H tandem truck, 5 & 4 transmission, power steering, new paint, 20 ft. stake rack, hoist; 1970 Mack Tandem, Diesel rebuilt, 18' x 6' aluminum . feed iack,-Blower., This is surplus equipment. '72 Chev. stake with hoist, new motor. Cpntact Gerald Ryan, R.R.1, Walton,' Ontario._ Phone 527-0527 or 887-9261. 10-90x I REAL ESTATE LTD. 182-9371 Clinton . TROPICADIASH • BUDGIES CANARIES , The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the A complete line of pet gbpplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street 5 acres near storey brick , home. 9 rooms, S bedrooms, large living rooni, oil heated.. Barn suitable. for cattle or hogs. ** * * * * 5 to 51.00 store, 1250 sq. ft,. 2 storey brick, apt, above, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, oil heated. Showing good returns. ** 2 store ex t talon, good low 100 acre grass farm in .Colborne . Twp, 15 acres wooded. * * • Oii e ael'T • rrear-artieefield„ " storey brick home, 5 rooms, 2 -bedrooms, oil 'heated. New apple trees, Expectant Parent Educcrion. Classes ROXBORO GARDEN: Potatoes for sale 527-0705. 11-90-2 McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-86-tt HERTA BARLEY grown from Foundation seed. Field inspected.o Also a -few-- bushels of Laurier Barley suitable for seed. Contact Robert Fotheringham, 482-9196. 11-90-2 THE CHANCELLORS in concert Saturday, April 16, 1977, 8 p.m., Wesley Willis' United Church. Clinton. Adults $2.00 Children $1.00. ' 1-90-3 SHAPE-up for Spring! -Join Non Nibblers every Monday, Seaforth District High School 8 p.m. Joining fee $1.00, weekly fee .25c. Everyone welcome. Come and .lose with ' us. 1-89-4 LEAD1N,G,„ sWimming pool wholesaler must di`,Posc of 1976 all aluminum pools stock. Sacrifice price for despet•ately , needed factor> >> arehousc space. Brand' 1101 sxx inuning pools include: fiber. 4> alk-around deck, tt, _ $1355.00 cash or terms. Call Pere collect days or evenings 1-519-433-1083, 11•864 WALTON, ONTARIO '527,024.5 887.6365 4.90-2 being held in the • CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL CLINTON -commencing THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1977 from 7:30 - 9;30 p.m. Would anyone who is interested please pre-register by ' calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit Office at 482-3416. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. - Bodyman ALLIS C.HALMERS W.D. gasoline' 'irretiii 39- - good working condition. Live power system, 3 point hitch adaption, new front wheelS, muffler and battery, Recently tuned ready for work, Snowblower included $650.00, 527-0108 after six. 11-904 CLASS B bodymati or 3rd year. Apprentice is requircl by one of Huron County's leading body shops. Apply in person to: Carl'i Auto Body BRUSSELS DANCE Saturday, May.,, 21st, Mitchell Community Centre." Music by Solid Silver.Dublin & District Athletic, Association. 1-90-1 * * * * Mobile 14une at Morgans trailer court, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, all carpeted, .0i1 heated. ****** Choice large building lot in- Brucefield. * * * * 5 acres in McKillop Twp., well. Hydro. 00 buildings. * * a- The next regular meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held in the - form of a dinner -meeting for directors, associate directors and their spouses,' April 6, 6:45 'p.m. Optimist Hall, Tickets available from directors, $5.00 per person. oft distinctive "Contemporar> fine china from Noritakc '01 „April 3rd. Open every. cla> 12 • 9 Pidgeon Hole 13'hutique, Brueelield, .482-9831. 11-88-3 6000 bales •of firtit cut 1111, excellent quality . no rain. Trefoil ..and'TiMothy. 523.9208, 11'-89•2 STRIP tickeis for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate, The Huron-Expositor. Seaforth. '1974 68 x'l 2 Bench x mobile home . 3 bedroom, carpet in 2 bedrooms and liv,ingroom. Curtains and sheers' incloxx s. oil furnace. Asking S9,500.00: 52 7 - (890 anytime. -El-8--4 HONEY , for pails. Apply Wilnikir Kell>. WI ,Tanics St.. Seaf orth. h 52 -.-1023. 11-88.8 ADDING machine rolls, type- writer ribbOns for most- machines, The .Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-86xtf "FLASH" Annual. Ham Supper, Londesboro United Church, May 18th, 1977. Watch for further notice. 1-90-2 • AVILABLE • to do any type of . sewing. - from- -draperies -to dressmaking in my own home, 527-0286. 11-90x1 4-90-2 1-90-3 Temporary Employment Fettes Tours and Travel "ONE STOP TRAVEL CENTRE" Fettes Tours have their new Spring/Summer Brochure out and it's yours for the asking. Features Grand Ole Opry-April 17 (limited space), May 21 and. Oct. 07; California 21 days April. 17, Holland Michigan Tulip Festival May 10 and 12, Ottawa Tulip Festival May 17, 21 and 24. WWVA Jamboree - May 27 and June 24. Frankenmuth June 11; East Coast, West Coast (Stampede) Agawa Canyon, Montreal and Quebec City and many more: Call us ,at once for reservations or brochures. FETTES TOURS MOUNT FOREST 323,1S45 or *MITCHELL 348-8492 1-89-2 2 M-50-14 tires with Shelby Aluminuin rims: 2 F-70-14 tires 440- Shelby aluminum rims. 527-0801. . • 11-90x2 1-89-2 1.ow tore Clint 3 exe . * * * * SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES present SEAN FAGAN and the DUBLIN CORPORATION SATURDAY MAY 14, 1977 Seaforth Arena' Dancing 9 -1' No minors admitted. Local farm equipment dealer requires a friendly... congenial person . , for , light. boo•keeping., reception and parts InVentory. Previous agricultural experience would be an asset. Apply in writing to: • ONE Singer electric sewing machine, collie pup, one new dog house, ironing board. Apply to Percy Adams, Box 744,. -Seaforth. or 527-0193. • 11-90x2 RALEIGH model twenty fold up bicycle in like new condition. 527-0064 after 6 p.m. 11-90x2 . • KRACO push button- 8 track tape player for car. Excellent condition and various tapes and head cleaner with rack. 527-0064 after 6 p.m. I I -90x2 ONE 7 x 9. ft. steel garage door and hardware. . $60.00; Tent Trailer, $200.00 or best offer; metal Gendron baby buggy $25.00 good condition, 527-1533. 11-90x2 11 Articles For Sale 2 storey brick •chool house near Brucefield, 81.00ms. 4 bedrooms. oil heated, baths. all carpeted. One acre nicely treed lot.. ******. HORSES -grade and' registered. Quiet and well . broken to ride. Also saddles for sale. apply Top Rail Ranch. Phone 887-6089, 11-88-3 MARLETTE Mobile Home dimensions 12 x 68 feet and 9 x 21 feet. Carpeting. drapes included. 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, large living room, raised ktichen, must be Moved from present location in Monkton. Phone 347-2436 after 6 p.m. A 1- 88-3 • • LH. 1066 Tricter,_REd_Cab, axle duals, 1200 hrs. 25 ft. I.H. Vibre Shank Cultivator /Harrows; 2/20 John Deere, tractor, Hi Lo, 15.5 x 38 tires, 1200 His.; „2/30 John Deere tractor, ,'Hi Lo, Rack and pinion, 15.5 x 38 tires, 600 hrs. ; 5 Fiirrow 18"1` Konskilde Plow, rubber trip; 4 row John Deere bean scuffler, 'will fit 2120 or 2130 . tractor. Contact Gerald Ryan,_ R.R.1, Walton, 527-9527 or 887-9261. . 11-89-2 1-87-9 McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. Bingo 1 floor brick, bungalow Londesboro, 7 rooms. in 3 bedrooms, dining and living • room, oil heated, attached garage. * * * * • FOOD FOR THOUGHT The 'greatest thing, you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. . 14-90-1 Every Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200.00 must go. Door prizes and many other specials.' Admission restricted to 16 years- or over, P.O. BOX 29 , WALTON, 'ONTARIO 4-90-2 INSTRUCTORS are required for YOGA and GYMNASTICS for the spring session at Vanastra Centre. For further information Phone'482-3544. 4-90-1 12 Wanted To Bo, WANTED: • (;nod used Duro • shallo>4 ‘N ill pump .527-0938. .12-90x1 1-86-tf MOFFAT Double oven- range in excellent condition, 527-0064 after. ' 6- • p.m.. 11-90x2 DEPENDABLE PERSpN WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT -SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 per year. Contact customers', around Seal orth. We train. Write R.V.Dick, Pres., South- western Petroleum, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 236. 4-90-1 Iteechwood Pottery's regular, show and sale Sunday'afternoon . 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 21/2 m . north of St. Columban • 345-2184 1-86-tf DESK: Adult sit.t'5. 1A. 11 11 drawers, reasonable price, -345-2087. 12-90-1 BRUCEFIELD Completely, modernized I 1/2 storey home with new aluminum siding: Has a large kitchen with lots of cupbdards, new shag rug- in living room. large utility room, .new addition with cosy den. This house is IMMACULATE inside and . out with lovely decor. throughout. 'An excellent starter or retirement home on a good lot. CARL S. WALKER REAL 6• ESTATE LTD. 489 Main Street, Exeter Office 235.2533,or residence .Bayfield 565 .-5393. 14-90-1 Your Pioneer Seed Corn Dealer Bill Coleman Kippen 262-5031 4 ' A lay, n roller nd x, or 01(1 in good shape. Call alter 9.0.01. 527-1578, '12-90 x 1 "PASTOR(? for rattle, 345-2016. 4 12-89x3 ANTIQUE; Solid maple china cabinet $500.00; round oak table with 4 chairs $500.00 or nearest offer. Apply to Box 3264 The Huron Expositor. 11-90-2 800 big Bales of Hay, 90c per bale. Will sell any amount, Bert -Lu.bbers, 527-0319. 11-90x2 '13 Wanted WANTED- 'small' elcctrii hoist, 887-932 13-90-2 SERVICE-1 KIN189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 Vacation Time STATION ATTENDANT 14 Propert:s For 1 1,188-3 - Lot 1(1 con. 14 Gre Twp. 100 Reliable person needed by local service station to work liMidnikin to 8 A.M. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY The person must be able to work without supervision. Apply .in person to Les 9 A.M. - to 5 P,M. ARCHIES ****** MOTOR COACH TOURS U.S.A.& CANADA East & West North 4 South ****** EUROPE - THE BRITISH " ISLES Charter Flights Charter,classfares Escorted Tours *0**** CARIBBEAN & SOUTH AMERICA Package Tours & Cruises ****** AUSTRALIA & SOUTH -PACIFIC Escorted Tours ****** SEE SUNNY SPAIN Package Tours ****** ROGER 'WHITTAKER SHOW April 29th Centennial Hall, London By 'Motor Coach 8 p.T. Show $15 per person 1-89-tf ' COMPLETE walnut dining room suite- in gOod condition includes buffet, china cabinet, table' and -six 'Chairs, also a boy's size 16 brown leisure ?at 527-0768. 1.1-8x2 • acres clear, remaining acreage. good hush. Ideal tor pasture and hay. Phone 887-6559. r 14-89-2 In the south end of the village of , 13russels. Property includes l '`: sforey house and lot, small barn. For further information , call 887-'6703 after 6 P.m.. 14-89-.3 An Expositor Classified Will pay you di \ idcmis.•Ha c you tried' one? Dial' 527-020. . BOYS brown- sports--jacket ,•-• -size 12, pants and shirt. 527-0314 after 11-90x1 Additional- Classified 2000 bales of mixed hay. Clarece Maloney, 527-1480. 11-90x1 PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Citation, Boler, Bellevue, 'and Lionel trailers. Truck caps, campers and 5th wheels, Johnson outboards, boats. Camp-Out - Trailer Rentals and S ales. Hwy. 8W,. Stratford, 393:5238. Closed Sundays. • -- 11-89-12 GOT something to. sell? 9000 „. people read the EXPOSITOR claSsified ads every week. Place Your !Ow._ „priced Expositor classified at 527-0240. 11-784f, MOBILE Homes for sale, 2 & 3 bedrooms, all sizes arid- makes, free deli very. • Ontario Hydro approved, • Merli . 689-4823. 11.89-4 on GAS HEATERS, 33 BTU. Ideal for- workshop or' garage. Phone 527-1152. 11-90x1 SUNOCO' Seaforth Bicycle Parts & Repair VAWABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE ' 4-90-2 Experienced WELDERS and metal FABRICATORS Apply ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD. Seaforth ° 4.90-2 New and used bicycles, sulky wheels and parts, Egmondville WleF'S BIKE SHOP - -.527-0803 11-90-8 Pioneer Seed Corn Order your seed grain and seed corn at Dublin Feed Mill 345.2330 HIGH YIELDING HYBRIDS 3990 3W Cross 80 day' 82 day • 85 day 85 day $S day 4 Help Wanted PERSON• with car to drive me on rural mail •route. Apply Lulu Watson, 527-1682. 4.90x2- .MORE THAN Consisting of modern house with beautifi.11 landscaped grounds, sifoate on Highway 4, approximately one (1) mile south of Hensall. Frontage: 99 feet Depth: 327 feet This property is offered for sale by sealed tender, mailed to the undersigned to be received on or before April 16th, next accompanied by a deposit of $500.00 payable to Raymond & McLean In Trust which will be returned if the tender is not accepted. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Successful tenderer will be asked to enter into a written con- t act of purchase and sale with the vendors with a closing dote of May 30, 1977 with possession given the same dote, Any person wi'shing to view the ,Said residence, .please contact Raymond & McLean, Barristers & Solicitors, Exeter., Ontario. , . Messis. Raymond & McLean Barristerc& Seiicitbrs 6tefer, Ontario 7, Situations Wanted Y OUNG PERSON is interested in a typing or salespe on iob. Call 527-0965. rri 7-90-2 3977 3 W. Cross 3981 3W Cross 3968 3 W Cross 3975 single-cross 39653 W Cross 87 day 3955 3• W Cross 94 day 3784 single cross 100 day Sorghum, Sudan grass and grass seed available WM. S. STOREY 527.1448 Order early before the varieties you want are gone. Agent for„Stewart Se,eds Dublin - Feed Mill 8, Farm Stock For Sale 2 0 0 () • • Will be paid to our regular.part time school-bus drivers this school ' year. • ' Why don't y ou supplement your income? ' Regular & part-time , male or female drivers are required. We will assist in 011taining licence. 1. UNITEIARAILS INC. Phone 527.1.22 4.86-tf YOUNG-soWs due shortly also 1 hog' 11/2 years old; 23 Hereford Yearling. Glenn Pepper, Lot .31, Con, 1, Logan, 345-2464, 8-90-1 BLACK white. face and 1/2 -Charolais calves 527-0938. 8-90x1 HAMPSHIRE lcOarst registered R.O.P. tested, serviceable age, back fat down to A0, days down to MO. Paul McNally 35/-3724. 8.88-4 11.87-4 SWIMMING Poet- Sacrifice - Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributer has aluminum pools left over from 1076 season, % prieei guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings I1519-433-2611. 11.m..fr 11-90-5 NEW IDEA manure spreader, 130 bu., eicellent condition, few bageof potatoes, 345.2616 11.89iti