HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-31, Page 15Conarnittee, was the development of a case flow management' system in the Provincial Court (Criminal Division) in Halton County.lts objective was to re-, arrange the work of the criminal courts to make maximum use of judicial and other resources and increase the coovedience of the public. The proposal for a 'case Woo IMMO MN 011016 IMO IONS MEI ititris Been ..Hard on y6ur CAR • W eat Carl's Auto Body will *ready your car Our well-stocked porti department Acting on a recommendation of their DeVelopinent Committee, Huron County Council authorized a letter be fprwarded to. the MinistryofAgriculture and Food,, Drainage Section, suggesting that any money not required by municipalities in Huron County be, allocated to other municipali- ties in Huron which could use the funds. The recommendation was., the result of "a meeting between the committee and Don Pullen, Agriculture Representative for Huron, at which -Mr.:,. Pullen Pullen presented a report which set out the methods' used by the Province in allocating funds and amounts allocated to municipalities in Huron , and the surrounding counties,- McKillop Township Reeve Allan Campbell. asked just how the funds could be redistributed when each township did not know until November at least how much money they had used. Morris Township Reeve Bill Elston eiplained that it would in fact 'be 'funds from the previous year,which would be redistributed ' to cover: the cost, of projects in other areas. Council also approved a budget of $6,850 for-the County Exhibit at the 1978 International Plowing Match. Another council endorsement went to a recommendation for the • PARTS DER TRACTOR BLYTH 519.523-4144 flow management involved the complete re-schedul- ing stem of all the business of the criminal courts, the changing of the time• of commencement of various courts, the re-allocation of duties.between Provincial Judges, and justices of the Peace, a change in the procedure for setting trial dates, a change in the in-take procedure for scheduling first appearances of cases not previously dealt with, a change in adjournment procedures, a change in the number and location of various court sittings, the development of a new system for streaming a certain type of case into different courts, and the allocation of specific blocks of judicial time for the disposition of certain types of case. The Centrial West Project has, apparently, proved that case flow rnanagemeht is a key to effective court reform, and if effective management is to be attained, the onfipresentied. management must be The White Paper conchides that the Central West Project demolistrated that in our courts ;administration system judicial and administrative functions are so interwoven that any system which attempted to confer control on the basis of the distinction would fail to meet the goals of effective court reform. The only way to „ achieve any unified Managerial control over case flow is to place overall control in the hands of a central authority with the ability to develop and apply case flow management standards upon individual courts. Neither the constitution nor the public would permit this authority to be wielded by the Attorney General. Effective management controls over individual courts and upon the court system as a whole can• only be imposed where Ultimate authority is vested in a judicial office. It is proposed that ultimate authority and responsibility be conferred upon a Judicial Council composed of the senior judiciary. The United States and Great Britain have adopted different solutions to vest, unitied control over courts administration in a judicial office. Changes in the court, structure to meet public needs have taken place in the past and, no doubt, will continue to take place. While the proposed court structure should permit the implementation • of reforms necessaryto ensure the public the level of service, they presently require, further . and other arransemeatrs can be made to nleet future 'needs. •-• ,INIMM*11111., lanikart, 114 and co• Chartered Accountants Resident Partner ARTHUR W. READ 268 Main St., goiter Bus. 235-0120 Res. 238-8075 4M11, THE HURON EXPOSITOR MARCH 31, 1.077 16 (By Jack Riddell MPP). In October 1976 the Ministry Of . the Attorney General issued 'a White Paper on Courts Adrninfs- tration, based upon the premise that justice in Ontario nmy seriously undermined by the caseload crisis facing the courts of this province. This White Paper reports that it was clear by 1968 tat great discrepancies existed In facilities and services available 4v various parts of the province, and only a systematic approach would ensure adequate facilities and level of service for all Ontarians. A Major change in courts administration took place in 1968 when the province, and 'the- Ministry of the Attorney General assumed, for the firtst time ever, ' responsibility for courts administration. In 1970 the whole question of how traditional and ancient methods of courts administration could best be adapted to 20th Century needs was referred to the Ontario Law Reform Commission. The Commission's ' Report, 'completed in 1973, was endorsed -by the government, although some concern was . expressed about specific operational proposals. A regional developmental project to test- feasibility of various court -reform proposals was initiated, for which purpose the Central West Region, a group of ten counties and judicial districts clustering around Hamilton; was selected, providing as it does a microcosm of the entire province. The objective of the project was to provide a setting for developing and testing administrative methods and services for the courts. The Project Manageinent Team . concentrated on the following , areas: (a) development of office standards for Provincial Courts (Criminal and. Family Divisions); general management of the court offices, by the management team; (c) development of more effective techniqUes for allocating the work of court reporters and the prepara- tion of transcriptS; development of statistical analysis methods ' and techniques; developnient ,of evaluative criteria and standards related to court priitlitetivityr (f) case flow management. According to the White Paper, in all but one crucial area, the Project ' Team .. achieved considerable success. The, p 'development' of administrative support services . permitted the protect team to: (a) monitor the effectiveness of individual offices; (b) allocate adininistrataive re- sources more effectively and efficiently; - (c) develop a uniform response, throughout the area, to administrative _ changes in court operations However, the present divided administrataive structure of the courts prevented any real, progress in the key area of case 1b) Exchanging items you 'no longer ,,use for ,spendable cash is Wore practical than A storing those items. If you're looking for ' a practice' Way to find. a cash buyer,: look to Classified! Call uthOday ' to place your lowcost ad. rove., courts , MPP so A RARE EVENT — Identical triplet calves were born two weeks ago on the farm of Francis Hicknell, R.R.5, Seaforth. The calves are Holstein Hereford cross. M r. Hicknell said two were born within a few minutes of each other, and that neither the vet in attendance nor he were aware that the cow carried a third calf, which was porn about three hours later. It is. the first time 1-n 50 years of family farming that triplet calves (Expositor Photo) have been born, Mr. Hicknell said. 1 H u rort-tb-share drainage $? I _ for all those up and coming iummqr mi es. OIL ,.... CHANGE t,, EXPERT rA. . r F..): --___T____.-----___-.--,„„ el , BRAKE Let us check it safe this A "fail safe" when it DRUMS TVRNED SERVICE system completely car must. your summer. and $A. —r braking "brakes" . __,, '47is'ik4111\ ‘ — .......-* play .1:5,.-"N.410 ip \ ? 'Itto.. i IA i711. •st:1 --.fi* 00 --. - - P . ' 2a:M$17!Li- ----:-f t LUBRICATION 1 kti 1 .,,,,...6...„. -:,.:filmir.,* ii. IP Will change that dirty winter nil and* filter and replace it, with BP / --- Virt, ...--= " 't or4 multigrade le filter. vels, lubricate linkage 16,'„2,,iN.9Ly oil and a frame Will check all fluid belt tension and the doors, locks, and brake cables.. Tax included --- ROTORS S8.00 , . TURNED 1V/0 -- .. . Off all Brake Parts Installation Extra FRONT ALIGNMENT END TUNE FOR MILEAGE . UP ,-;‘ -t,-- e.e _ ‘ ilitiO' '''' r .. ife 1 t, VI m ____ '--,, ANI.,._ I Ilur -- „ f. _ -Your kitten high and plugs, Waive condenser, polution car will purr like a after we check the tension wires, check replace the, spark points'and fuel, filter, control filter, PCV, & air filter. ' ' Keep your and narrow. Scientific alignment our shop ' right, up-to-date - - ---------„...... t path straight ,I ... rial ,, 4ii . itmili ,., le wheel is a specialty at 9 ,, / ... and we do it -‘,..1,,A. . with all modern _ equipment. i . • Nor . Parts and Thatallation extra_ -,.r.,. ,h , " v.... _ -- - --...,; I ;VII - 1 Aill" ONLY :-.,---',..---, , Parts-Extra- --- vinee trying to im NW' management. One of the most important initiatives taken by the Project Management Team, with the approval of the Advisory Parts PARTS SERVICE . . . QUICK AS A F.L.A.S H. When you need parts, you need them in a7 hurry. That's Why Huron- Tractor_ ,,, • carries a large and varied stock . . so you can call us and arrange to have items you need ready for speedy pickup. HURON EWER 5 9435-1115 THE EQUIPMENT PEOPLE MRS. DIANE FINKBEINER operates the F.L.A,S.H. coMmonicationi System If ourpartsmon Should be unable to fill/ your order immediately, he can always count on F.L,A.S.H.—John Deere's computerized system for Rio Locating and Special Handling of emerg'ency, parts. Through .F.L.A,S.H., the palt•you need is rushed from a John Deere depot, by the fastest means available, ukrsally by air. Defiand-OrTFlu-ron Tractor for genuine replacements. We woriclharcLto answer your parts need quickly,' continuation of the ' ARDA program, on the same basis as in the past, arid that the Ministers responsible for a neuragreemenf, and • Federal, and Provincial Members of Parliament' be advised. That endorsement arose from a letter from the Rural Develop- ment Officer, ARDA Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, advising that the IIRDA program in Ontario, which began in 1963, was coming to. the end of its. present Federal-ProVincial agreement.. Both Ottawa and Queen's Park share in the financing of the program, 31114.41 /4" ,.!.,OHN DEERE) 1 'Brussels '887-9269. SOW AMIN OPINI GR70x14 ' . 1 JO Radial- 0 I "-- n Prides include, Installation and Balancing Coll Coiled for an Appointment 887-9269 The Service Shop at CARL'S AUT 1181/1:.. REASONABIE Allia REPARS G7 8x15 $Q7.65 Belted ‘11 VREDISTEIN Armstrong Shock Absorbers ULTRA Inn 95 HEAVY DUTY .4%e SUPER DUTY $14'95 INSTALLATION FREE LIFETIME GUARANTEE DY 24 HOUR TOWING- - 10.11,10 INN NOS IMO NUN WO MO