The Wingham Times, 1895-10-18, Page 995. its on 'oy tp- aet nd iTy Dll OV be ng all tke )od. bat rter Illy put ad- ;ent >ety non aer, red) iety oral are the ling tuty arm not hese may that .nter at a bout iyost—Aing analuntS ll be sent to new subscribers from now --The and Torontp Weekly Globe wi MI the ist of January, 1320, for 25 cents. This year's building operations at Stratford amounted to85,425. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, elear your complexion,regulate your Bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25a, 500., and $1. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store._ A suburban resident is said to have built his house exactly alike in the front and on the back, His hope was, be explained, to fool the chickens into thinking, they were on the front lawn when they were really in the back yard, —The Timm and Toronto Weekly Globe Will be sent to new subscribers from MAY till the Hit of January, 1806, for 25 cents. —IS PUBLISHED EVERY Tai„MAy MORNING. —AT TUE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET W1NGHAM, ONTARIO. 4. Subscription price, $1 per yc nr, AU adVatiCe ADVERTISING 'RATES.: ...... , . . ...... . .. . __— Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 too. i 3 itio, 1 i knot One Column 800 00 840 00 1 820 00 • 8 00 414attlirto r ," 40 00 20 00 12 00 it 00 20 00 12 00 7 00 300 One Inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other Caella advertisements, Re. per line for first insertion, and So. per line foreach subsequent insertion, Measured by nonpareil smile. Local notices leo. per line for first insertion, and 50, per line for each subsequent imitates. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situatlons, and Business Chanes Wanted, not exceeding 8 linos nonpareil, SI for first month, and SOo. for each subsequent month, Houses and loartns for Sale, not .exceeding 8 line 81 for ilist month, 50o. per subsequent Meath Larger tidvertisomeitts 10 proportion. These terms willbo strictly adhered 20 Special rates for larger advertisements, or ler , longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without speoffin I directions, will he inserted till forbid and changed I accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance . Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Weduestlay noon, tit order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROMIRTOR am) Pinitiassa Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes. -- One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's C'atarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay 'Fever, Colds, Head- aoho, Sore Throat; Tonsilitis and Deaf- ness. 60 cents. At Chisholm's Drug Store. —The TIMES and Toronto Weekly Globe Will be sent to new subscribers from now till tho let of January, 1895, for 25 cents. Wins - ✓ fifty while 1 child, collo, sant to of tho mine le nslow's tmily and hard - just s its own tvilv, 1NINGHAM SAWMILLS r.Phe undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER WALES7 LATH, BARRELS WOOD &c • I on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.10 per Square. Wood Thcts. pr Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. MaLEAN SON. Wingham, June ith, MONEY TO LOAN .. On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in - ✓ the terest on terms of tive years or over. They Principal payable at end of term or it. annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, the Bluevale P. 0., Ont. read Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and "Oh, Savings Co., London. Ont. 'what that )ffsets JOB PRINTING aides. ;Bider; more hear d by :A or nilies. our arcely nifted But ;, and ao re - :mates ; own :eS or what up of 'INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil Heads, Circulars, lec,, dm., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT. Timis Office, Wingham. BOOKBINDING. DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET, WING11.93i, ONTARIO. AV B. TOWLES, M.D.C..51,, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Iluron— Office 'Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's otHce, Wing. ham, Ont. ernes Houns.-1) to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. 1m, ale Residence, Diagonal Street. Wo are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with tts for Binding, will hays uur prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be giveh on application to the Tutss Office. )ounds, poands nd the sidered uchere. ugh and Pocket inly 25c. isholm's itching ssing of emoved ,linders) glasses palse is purpose ,, every in the ored Up; f moral ling and ur blood ar blood Hood's j" 1'. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. (Successor to Dr, J. A, Meldrum.) Orli Medalist of Western University: Late House, Surgeon In London .0 eneral Hospital. Special atten. tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Corner. of Centre and Patrick streets. 14 Moran - • ONT R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private mid Company funds to loan at lowest rata interest, No commission charged, dlortgagets, took.. and farm propert3 bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGHAM CUBES E301) Eri.LCDOD7 061\ISTENITION, TOUBLESp 14EADAGIlip 11110.1102WAESS. B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a donut= pimple to the Worst Scrofulous sore. BURDOGIC 1"/LLS act gently yet thornugh1y on the Stomach, Liver and Bowel& J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &m., Winghatn, On t, E. L. DICIONSON, BABRIaTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF HAMILTON. MONET 'TO. wart. Office—Meyer Block, Winghain. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEROME, L. D. S.,Wmottest. lseittitiinaufealcietunpringl f= lrst.olass sots of e they can be ado in the Lominion. Teeth extracted, absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE : In tho Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. A B,T111;11, J. IRWIN, D. D. 5„ L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani Dental College. rot Twenty-five 'Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND LARtleil" SAI.SN OANANA. OFFICE---MAODONALO BLOCK, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERALINSUBANCE AGENT WINCIIIAR, ONTARIO, FRANK SCELI, TONSORIAL ARTIST, opposite Korman's Hotel, WINGIIAM, - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry, ID DEANS, .10,, WI:cosmic, 1. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the CO, °bargee 'Moderate. JOHN CURRIN, Wisestuu, Oar., LICENSED Atter/ONEgit 2.0It TEE COUNTIES IIURON AND Mitten, All orders loft at the Thin office promptly attend ed to. 'Terms reasOhable. JA5IES HENDERSON, LiCassan AnOTIONMIIII FOR pentanes 1101014 Atitt Bence. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorted Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Gnikranteed• MI betessary arrangements 0811 be made Id int* Tants' office Wixonstt Oar Money to Loan on tiotee. Notes Discounted •A'r REASONABLE RATES money advanced On MOrtgages at Si pet 0691tielt PriVilege of paying tit the and of stay year, NOS and n0000ttta einiected. ROAT, Ibiltzt00. heaver IX** Martial" O*. TUE WINGI1AM TIMES, OCTOBER 18 L 1154. AN AMATEUR FORGER. Miss Jocelyn is looting out of the window. It is a drenching day, and there is nothing to bo seen but the garden, with his heavy -headed roses drooping under the downpour, and the village street beyond, now fast becoming a rapid watercourse. this the dullest place in existence,' says Miss Jocelyn, half aloud ---`the very dullest—' She does not finish her sentence, but turns to the massive pier glass to look at the reflection of herself—a handsome girl in a smart frock. After one glance she turns back to the window with a sigh. 'What's the use? One might as well wear sackcloth trimmed with -ashes in this place, for all the people there are to see one's gowns. It was much more fun at school, after all, sWhy'—suddenly craning forward —'if that isn't that frumpy . Miss Blake with Mr. Stanford, and he is holding his umbrella over her! •She has got his arm, too I wonder how he likes it? Poor man, 1 wonder if he ever notices whether a woman is old and plain or young and pretty? 'Now he's gone- 'splash into a puddle and she is actually looking up at him and laughing and blush- ing. Oh, what a joke ! Fancy her .blushing? Why, she must be forty if she's a day—quite forty! And 'those little earls bobbing about as .she goes 1 slowly, when suddenly she utters a low ery, her breath comes fast and the familiar world about her in a moment is strange and unreal. For it was a love letter. She is 33, and this is her very first. And from such a man—the man whore, she has looked up to and reverenced and followed so humbly and modestly ever since she first saw him ? She goes down to break- fast with a flushed face and quiver- ing lips and radiant eyes. f Ruth takes him into the dining room. He feels vaguely that his task is becoming moredMioult. In the bare, chill little drawing room he could have said his say Dotter. But she brought Villa straight lute the sanetuary of her home, and again he feels oddly that her lite lies open be- fore him. There is her work lying folded together. What a tiny' thimble I He glanees down at her small bare hands. She has taken off her ugly 'Miss Cornelia's just on the ramp gloves,. What a bit of a woman for this mornirer miss,' say the little a strong man to fight! What a gentle maid warningly, as she meets Ruth in the narrow passage that does duty for a hall. Miss Ruth nods and smiles as if this were the pleasantest intelligence possible. Cornelia's diatribes this morning fall upon headless ears. Ruth .answers at intervals, 'Yea, dear,' and `No, dear,' and will see to it, sister,' as duty bound, but her heart ancl soul are filled, with one thought—that wonderful letter. After breakfast, Miss Cornelia goes out to visit her district. Then Miss Ruth takes up her pen and writes tremblingly out of the fullness of her heart: DEAR MR. STANFORD -- Your letter has surprised me very much. I scarcely know what to say, except that I am most grateful to you. It is so good of you to love me as you. say you clo, and love has always seemed such a beautiful thing to me, though I never thought that it was likly to come to either bay sister or me. But I am very, very glad to have had your letter, and shall al- ways be so, even if you change your mind for indedd, I am not worthy of all the kind things you say of me. Still, whatever happens, I shall al- ways feel happy to know that you once thought as you have written. And I beg you will think the matter over well. Though it seems imper- tinent for me to advise you, yet 1 wonder if her sister makes . her wear her hair like that? I.woncler if . she is in love with him ? Poor old soul!' Mr. Stanford is curate, but he is a man first and afterwards a cleric. 'Strong, manly gentle, he plays wicka with the village boys, is ready at gossip for a few moments with the old gaffers, is a member of the,debating society a well as the - rowing club. • But Miss Jocelyn is young, and think only of your good. And I am • is not yet able to grasp more than always your faithful friend, • the fact that she is better looking . and better dressed than most of tho• girls whom she knows. So to her Ruth Blake is a ridicu- lous sight and Mr. Stanford's quiet life to be marred and shattered by a EVERY I 3.‘ *Pit' bitter shame ! ' Captain Sweeney, U, 5. 4.... San Diego, , Still Mr, Stanford does no speak, Cal says, "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is but stands -before her„ looking very' the" ti .st ' medicine. 1 have ever found pale. His back is to the window, gn Sold r. ciht i, 1 tat wiould do me any gond." Price and sbe eannot see his face well, bus -S : .,,,,e. A. ......S.,0An's Corner' Drug the light shines full upon hers. tore. 'I did not 8110W my sister —Business never was in a candition to President—Joincyrnmer.. sident_A, 0. letter,' she begins besitatIngiyY. an,li suit everybody. Legislation can't help the Imam w1o won't work or the man who pre thought you might changey---' oin fors to growl at everyone else rather than numerous Joau rum:1,0R, 010,110A011, wm 0108011, AI P, A. T. Wools, A. 13. LRZ (Torotito). RUTH BLARE. She reads the letter over several times, and then shakes her head. 'How poorly I have said it !' she thinks. 'But he is so kind; he will courtesy, which he would extend . understand that I mean well. just as readily and as pleasantly to The curate when he received the BANK of HAMILTON WINGHANI. Capital, 01,250,000. Rest, 1050,000 YOU (ANT GOTO SLEEP IN CHURCH, IF MINE QOT A BAD COUGH. MKASt, his washerwoinan. is a 'good joke.' She watched them part at the Misses Blakes' little green gate, and thinks shecan see Miss Ruth's up- ward glance and smile at the fine face Above her before Mr. Stanford tarns and comes striding and splash- ing back through the puddles. Then having nothing else to do, gentle, humble epistle, is filled with dismay. He paced. .wildly up ancl down his little sitting room. 'Somebody has ' played a cruel, heartlees, trick upon the poor little Woman, and I have to face her and tell her so. I would rather be shot.' He drinks his scalding tea in great gulps, and is glad. of the pain it gives Miss Jocelyn plans a pretty little him. ly sets upon carrying out. She piece of mischief, which she prompt - 'But what am I to do? Go and tell woman—it kind, gentle, little lady • has one gift, this handsome 'Miss ,Tocelyn; she is very skilful with her —coarsely and brutally to her face, that she has been played with and pen. and after a little DTA etiee can insulted; that I never dreamed of imitate almost any handwriting. And now she remembers that there loving her ; that it is impossible for is Me to do so? Oh, cruel and cowardly! in the study a letter of Mr. Stan - How can 1 strike a gentlewoman, or ford's to her father, and her eyes sparkle with delight. indeed, any woman such it blow as that?' Whatfun to send poor old Miss Ile rests his head upon his bands . Blake a love letter ! Perhaps she has never had one. It will be a kind- and groans. ness, positively ! How she will blush After a while he reads the letter over again slowly. He reads be- tween the lines and seems to see a sotil laid before him. She loves him, and he realizes how much that means mincl, think differently about it all, make an honest,. industrious effort himself. and then it would. bo be that only .w -,,, egislation cannot prevent the daily de - we two should -know.' mand for bread ;and butter, and the first She does not say a word about duty of every Man is to earn that. The changing her own mind. She stands times always improve when all hands go to there before Mini a sweet, fair I work With a will and drop grumbling. woman, in spite of her oddly arrang- I ed hair. She looks at him with smiling, steadfast eyes and bids hint take or leave her as pleases him best, and his Courage to hurt, wound, perhaps kill her, fails him. In a moment Itis resolution is taken. He strides hastily forward.. 'Ruth, do you love me ?' he asks, the No wave on the great ocean of holding. out his hands. And calm of her face breaks up ' as she time, when once. it bas floated past us, can be recalled. All we can do sinks into his arms. the new form and motion '011, so .inuch--k ,-so much,' she. ais to watch most sobs. 'But I ani not worthy of of the next, and launch upon it to try, in yon. You should marry someone merit manner our hest judg- ever, ever so much better and merit may suggest, our strength and skill. younger than I. Do • you know," When Baby was sick, we Cavo her Castoria. when silo was a Child, she cried for Castorle.„ When she became Miss,' :4ho clung to Castor:a, When. she had Children, she 4:1tvo khenteastoritt. • bending her ashamed face and con- fessing it as she would have confess- ed a sin, 'I am 33 ?' 11 am 34,' 'he answers. 'Dreadful, isn't it ?' When Miss Jocelyn hears the news, she goes away Suddenly on a visit to some friends. , - Three years have passed, and Laura Jocelyn is older, sadder, wiser. She bas loved and suffered, and learneg to sympathize with others. But she has never seen Afr, Stanford or his old maid wife again. When she returned home the marriage was over, and they were gone to his new living. 'This was the worst thing I ever did,' she says sadly to herself. 'I will go and confess, and tell him how sorry I•am. What a horible thing to have ruined two lives!' • She goes on her penitent errand to the small town forty miles away. On getting out of the train she asks the way to the vicarage, and walks and simper—silly old thing! Well, serve her right! When there are so few young men in the place, what business have old maids strolling' round With them under umbrellas .What a new of light oto her > vi. 'Miss Cornelia's a lying down,has been poured suddenly upon that Mlith, Miss RaShe has one of her bad sad, unselfish life. And there was no ether help for headahes, and she says as no one is either of them. He must do it! is to disturb ber. And your tea, waiting, Miss.' Well, then, let it be done at once. Buth Blake turns into the prim Mechanically he takes his bat down from its peg and goes outinto little dining rem, seats herself upon . ne of the straight backed chairs i the street, 'walking with his head and begins to draw off her brown ;bent down, seeing nothing, hearing cotton gloves. ,nothing, until he is close to the little She is an odd little figure, small green gate; then a child's clear high and dressed in a hideous antiquated voice reaches his ear. plaid, with shades of bine and greeml 'My g'annie made it,' she says. yet her hair Which the wind and 1 'Aidt 16 pitty ?' rain have ruffled and made to look 1 It's a beautiful doll,' a gentle like a halo about her meek, small 'glee answers. 'Is it a good baby?' face, the patient curve of her lips, i 'Welly dood,' the child said, tuck - and her slightly flashed cheeks ing the rag doll under one chubby rendered her appearance not al. arm: 'dive me a wose, please., together unpeasant. Miss Rath .plucked one of the re - She eats her simple tea quiehl,•: 1 . maining Jane roses, one of the glmleina' from time to time n t a book prettiest,and put it into the little which she has propped up against ontstretehed hand, the milk ,lut—a book Ur, Stanford] As she turns to look after the inmentional eklentally one day, and; child 'Alias Ruth sees him and pluses which sho had obtained from the shyly. Something has to be said so vilino.e library. . ] he comes forward. The next morning Miss Unth gets 1 'What a, lovely evening I' • he ex- aletter She knows the liandwrit, claims, thetigh he seemly knows Heart Disease Relieved in 30 IVImutes.—All cases of organic or ray m - pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's- Cure. Sold at Chisholna's Drug store, Wingham. 11:••••••••••00.W.........11111.11aelinMerrnallnaolnideale*Menniwn• loo:t Jt 'Taia Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings Bank—ilettre.10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of tfl. and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at mirror, rates of Is . Drafts at Great Britain and the United state bought and sold B. WILLSON, AoglYs E. L. DIOKINSON, Solicitor. — . ELLIOTT BROS.. of the W'inghain 'eltvard, have lots of BRICE. and IIN TiLlr, on hand. It IS Said thut r parties are selling at reduced s but we cannot be undersold, pr11, and our brick and, tile are no good as any made in tho province We can sell by the .car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can Ile pur- ehased anywhere. We have also a great quantity or all kinrls of lumber for solo. J. & E. ELLIOTT. Winghatn, May 16, 1895. 14% 'Ilt DO YOU 1 Vi, I do. know a goild witch when ril Ili you see it? Of course yuu vg 'fa s) Is, si rrL.1 rri , *1‘ ,HAVE YOU vi Fj, seen our Special 'Movements rf). in Gold, Silver and (3-e1d VI V -Filled Cases? New Styles ..: ' le and Patterns. 1.? ;fl ri 4 ir al rt.it IVI 0 itirr YOU rfi I 1 airl• St :1: Of Well 'IA 11 IT WWI r•i_!: til you call and obtain our ill 1 [t.,4 tif rit ra EYESIGHT TESTED l'ree of E Charge and suitable lenses given la at right prices. ( -I MUNSHAW1 l • lir ir 1, F. The Optician. l re Wirigham,.Ont. la ,,,,,,,,, A Auea,icskor • ei'forCIjre C°obu5g4i lin.C%rled 1\\.:.:HoArsenos Bronocc)ifis 14:a EGO Mt Big Bottle 254 • CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and en honest ommon, write to MUNN & CO., who have had nearlytifty years* experienee Mule patent business. Communion*. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of 10. formation eOncerning Patents and how to ob.. taiu them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientitic books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of anv scientific work In the world. $3 a year. Semple copies sent free. Banding :Edition, monthly, 82.506 year. Single copies, %us cents. Every number contains beau-. tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of New houses. with plans, enabling buildera to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address 5,11.37171 to CO., NAW Yokels. 361 Baodinwt's • Caveats end TratioNarifi obtained, and alliaatent business conducted for AHD/BEAU HEIL My office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOffice., and my facilities for securi rig patents areunsurpasted 1 Send model. sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement as to advantages claimed. .No Margo is made for an opinion as to , patentability, and mv fee for prosecuting the application sett/ not io callafor until ale patent ds allowed. "Ianier.zoes' GuroR," con - Mining con information sent free. All COMIIIIIII1* 50001111. Considered as Striciiy Confidential* F ANKLAN H. HOUGH r r4.311'1l.. WSILTIVOTON. 22. c. EMU there slowly. • Valuable treatise and. taro bottles of nuelieine out I'm to A child's laugh startles her from' any _Sefferer. Give Express:yid Pe:.tocillee address, T. Ai SLOCUM. OGGAIRITernnt her bitter musings, and she looks up and across the sweet , briar hedge that is in bloom at her side, for it is July again. She sees but dimly an old fashion- ed garden, a quaint rambling house, for there is Mr. Stanford himself standing so close to her that she could almost touch him. And who is that lady, the pretty little woman in the dainty gray gown, her fair wavy hair knotted close to her head, and her eyes shin- ing with happiness? With a gasp Miss Jocelyn recog- nizes her. That is—no !—that was Ruth Blake! 'Now let him mine to me,' the little woman •cries gayly. 'Harry, you are spoiling.' the child. Let him come to his mother.' . Ruth stoops down and holds out her arms and .the tiny figure in white rushes wildly for a little dis- tance toward her, and then totters unsteadily; and finally sits down plump upon the grass, the perform - puce being hailed with a, shout of laughter from the father, eehoed more softly by Ruth, . Under eover of their mirth Miss Jocelyn steals away. She has re ceived forgiveness unakd, and she has the sense to see that to apologize to either of these two happy, blessed people would be an act of imper- tinence. Thc modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the sismosi. common every -day ills of humanity. Keraiters4-163* gAgikKE4PRO • 120 LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD Kat MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN Ke It tg KTHE RESULT otlginaulx0anne exrpoiolluirne yaoritho;onstemertwiernec?cf4eitelsdelsteanclyd itzliit ttfli .1...happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some filo and wither at an early age,tb,_ 5ntthe blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, frratiesa mut moltuicholy existence. Others reach matrimony but fiacl no solace or comfort there. The are f outnde professions. ii ial l e tti eti s 0 P life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the prdpit,Fi Ifgeottirmassand hde S RESTORED To MANHOOD BY DRS., K. da K. e War. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. AIRS. 011AS. yam, CHAS. FERRY. '41 tit '. nnrom TNEATMENT AFTEN TREATMENT Divorced bat nnited again ...N • 54;N0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, -ai -.' SYPHILIS Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street say:—"I have suffered untold agonies for my "gay life." 1 was indiscreet whet& young and ignorant. . As ''One of the Boys" 1 contracted STRICTURE Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in theK mouth and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples on... ifs EMISSIONS a CURED face, linger nails came off, emissions, becalms thm =dee despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury,t Potash, etc.. They helped me but could not core ree.titii Finally afriendinduced raetetry Drs.Koanedy &liergan.1% RTheir New Method Trgatment cured me m . h . triettreent is wonderfnLat 0i.t.taslIpel yourself gaming every dal. I have never hoard of their failing to cumin asing1e5 tZ'''C U RES GUARANTEED QR MONEY REFUNDED • • • tw s# Cat. mos. Perry saysi—"/ owe my lifo to Drs. ff. & It IMPOTENCY i ftsAt 141 learned a bad habit. At 21 3. had all tho _symptoms wit Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhcea, EIrtipiOne rawer(' draining and weakening, my vitality, 1 z.nstreied at VARICOCELE „24 under advice of My family doctor, but it was EMISSIONS In litestd. experionee. In eightetn months we were divorced. I itthen tanealted Des. 11. &K., who restored po to nianhood ai) nolreee. 'We were milted again and aro hap y. Tins was CURED het e r s T Nen/ 'felts new life thrill through nabs yeas ago. Drs. IL ds K. aro acientific opeciltilists and 1 heartily remunnaenci thorn." IR ass Vir We hvat and tura a Vricoele, Emissions, Nerveues Debility, Senzinalii IR al Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Vonatural Discharges, Self Abuse? Kidney and Blad,. Diseass. ___ Pi 17 YEARS IN DTROIT* 200,000 CURED, NO RISK or1. riage? Rag your ed? Have!ou. any weakness)) Ortilif IT— --..Lar bro0ena ciloisesto READER e Are yen a victim? hope? Are Art eontethplating mar fiblew. Idothortmeinont will cum von. What It hasdono foe otITiern it will do for ,Yon leeCONSULTATION FRE. No matter who lute treated 1011, write for an honest. opinion Errs= ot Charge. Charges reatsonable. BOOKS FREE"hs Golden Monitor" (illutratd), 0110 Diseases of Men. 'notes° postage. 2 cents. Sealed. bm t!? -NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSNT* OVI.-D INYATE. NO ntediolne sant C. 0. D. isto names an boXeS be Ittliot-ili ment4 PREEopen. 15Verything nOnfidentlat. Question het end oOst of Treat -S No. 148 SHELBY St AIRS KENN ; DETROIT, MCHS v tOY 86 KERGAN -- t.. Wools and Verveas nat:rans the condition of thouriands -of people as this season. They have no aliPetite, nannut sleep, and complait of the prostrating effeet of WUtfll ing upon the envelope before she whether it lams or e s n . . , A., . Weather. This Lonuttion may be roan - opens it, I 'Ys,' she answers. on IV 't y on — edied by IIood'a Sartiiipariliti'. Which Parish it's, of conrse,' she vvere yort;—will you come it ?' creates an appetite and tones up all the taitys to herself. 'Perhaps it's about Ite follows ha into the house with /organs, It gives good health by making • the school trena t! ' n intense longing for something, the hiooLl pae. • She opens tin% onvelope, ' unfelds however dreadfal, to happen to hini, Rood's 13ins arethe best atter-dinner the noto within and is reading it and save him. from what is to follow, pill, asaitit digestion, eureheadaehe. • BABY'S BURNING SKIN. tkin Peeling Off, Skin Litenlly kfiro, Cooled and Soothed by Chases. IfloS great feature or Cimee's 011atinent—Ab moat Wu:Mir it tocchcs ifeking, burn. cezmiudte. shin. relieving the pain— ts a boon 10 mothers Whose ebildren are aircrew; — There is nothing unCertain about it or th1 Yrayof speaking about it s "My aix..year - old daughter, 13olla, was omitted. with eczema for 24 months, the urine!. pot seat of eruption being behind the ears. I tried almost every remedy 1 saw advertised, bought Ittimmerable medicines and :raps snot tOoktho child to medical specialists in nklil thq- 204011, 'boy Without result. Finally, a week ago, I par:hived a. box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, and the Hest application showed the curative effect of the remedy. Wo have used only tine.sixth of the box but tint r bongo is very mrked, the eruption litta all disappeared and 1 ean confi- acidly say my child Is ottred. (Signed) MAXWELL -JOANSTON, 112 lien Stroct,torente, A Nee *hat 'Was a scab front toretitad to dab' eared 10 days. On behalf of the Feed Victor 1Viimdon 1111)10 Class 1 Wish to express our gratitude to you for the beat Chiele's OintMont 'Which /oil sup. plied in aid of one charitable work Usti's!. infant child Of 'Airs. Browneig,162 River street. Ten days ego the child was awfully afflicted. with saki bend, the faro bring Morally One scab front forehead to hist, 04131 18 that brief time a tealtplel mire llitn bron affected. Sorely your gift Wan worth more than ita weight in gold, EDMUND EIG11, elorboutin) Strnek Tocinfo.