HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-24, Page 21Kippen East. Women's Institute
entertained the Institutes of
Elimville, Grand Bend,,' Hensall
and Hurondale in the . Legion
Hall, Hensall, March, 16.
The President, Mrs.Al
Hoggarth welcomed the guests at
and the roll call was "What I
expect to be doing ten years from
now". The KippedMembers also
displayed treasures , in china..
glass and silver and gave the
history of each piece on display.
j • Mrsames DrummOnd gave
two humorous rea. dings and
conducted the card' games that
followed. _Olive Webb of Grand,;
Bend was winner of the g ames
and Elsie Earl, Hurondale, work
the low prize. Joan Lynn Elimville
was the winner in the draw.
The President of South Huron7
District W.I. Mrs. Roylance
----Westcott was_ present with her
secretary MrS. Lorne Ballantyne.
Mrs. Westcott spoke briefly
bringing greetings from. the
District and a summary of events
of interst to all W.I. members.
The meeting closed with "The
Brian McG'regor has 'returned
from HOSpital where ..he
underwent ,an appendetoniy. '
' Allan 'Bell- has. been hospital-
ized following an operation for the
removal of 'an appendix.
MiSs Janet Shanks, daughter of
The regular meeting of St.
A.C.W. was held at the
Rectory on Thursday afaternoon.-
President, Mrs. Frank Forrest.
oponed with' the Invocation and
the Members - Prayer was
_repeated. 'Mrs Annie Reid read
the scripture and Mrs.,
G.A.AndersanL--gave, • the
meditation from. "The Living
Minutes were approved and
correspondence was read.. Part of
the study book , "Faith Conquers
Conquest" was taken by, Mrs.
Helen Roberts. A bale will be
packed at the next meeting. Aft er
Mrs. Anderson closed ' the
meeting with prayer. the Rev.
Anderson showed slides on, a
recent trip to Bermuda.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Shanks,
had.. the .misfortUne to -fall and
break her ankle'and is at present
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,.
Mr: and Mrs, Ross Faber are
holidaying in Florida.
.Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard Shanks
are, visiting with Mrs. Shank's
'.parents in Shelbourne •
Miss Sherri ,...Lynn Pine is
visiting her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar McBride. •
ACW meets
st.s05 UNTIL) t
MItcheil 348.8433 , lent 11 6 •3S y
4-H-, begins
The Village of"Hensall may
be eligible, for additional road
subsidy due to the cost of snow
removal this winter according to
clerk Bob Heil. ,
Clerk Heil informed council the
cost of snow removal for the
entire year of 1976 was $4500.
Since January 1 of this year the
village has already spent $2900.
Guidelines outlined by the
Ministry of Transportation and
Communications say a munici-
pality will be eligible for
assistance if their costs for snow
removal for the first four months
of this year exceed the costs of the
highest pasts in. _the-pi:evict:us four
years plus twenty percent.
The pumping of basements by '
the fire department in the village _
was brought UP by councillor Bev.
Bonthron who wondered on what
basis this ... putn:ping was done.
Reeve Knight explained the fire
department 'as such pumps
basements at the deseretion of
the fire chief and o' my if the fire
chief feels the rising water Is a
hazard, For instance if the water
level ,was approdehing the, height"
of an electrical box or an oil tank
was in danget of floating and
' •
family up north.. -
- Mrs. Alice Ham is a patient in
Toronto. Hospital , having
undergone surgery:
Mr. Wesley Ham, spent the
weekend with his mother Mrs.. A,
Hornand Miss M ary Swan. .,
Bruceteld and community wish'
tetextetnIsympathy to Mrs., Helen".
Burdge inAheloss of her mother:,
Mrs. Alf Johnston, Seafinth.
• ,'Mil. and Mrs barrAind6tt and
Mrs. Mary ilatigh spent' the
weekend In Totorite.
W works on quilt
. . 1
delicious meal to the Kinsmen,
Allan Bell is a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital,, • London,
where he is receiving treatment
following surgery.
Th e first meeting of Hensall I.
4-H Club was held at the home of
Mrs. Hans Gerstenlcorn on
tuesday, March 15. The meeting
opened with the 41.H pledge and
the election of offkers. president,.
• REbeCea Jantzi, Vice President
Laurie Peper, Treasurer,' kisa
Hamather and Press reporafer
Vicky Mann, were, elected. '
Several 'names for the club.
were suggested and "The Sew.
arid Sews" was finally decided
upon. It was also decided. that
since the March br eak was
coming up the second meeting
would be held twerweeks* later
tin March 29.
The first meeting of the HenSall
2 4-H Club, the Bed-time
Beauties was held at Hensall
United church on Tuesday.
March IS. The club was named'
and the booki given out. Eight
members answered the Roll, Call.
It was decided to hold the next
meeting at the United Church on.
. March 27/77.,
• Our Introductory Special--
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EN: NioncliV-Friclay is a m.-6p.M.i Sat. 8 uati..,4:30 p.m.
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mink dind all day Wacky. Opon irdibuiah haul.* $aturiltiy, April 3; • •
Agricuiture discussed
at planning meeting.airing.-
discussion at the- send of six
planning workshops to draw up a
secondary land use plan for
Stanley Township at a meeting in
Nriculture was the centre of that will be thereto haunt our
children and grandchildren?"
contain strict regulations .on the
meeting that the new planshould
It was the consensus of the
Varna Tuesday night. About 80 severence of farm dwellings.
people turned up at.the meeting. Also discussed at the meeting
George Penfold, a rural planner was the preservation of the
with the Huron County Planning Township's natural: beauty,
Department, told the meeting particularly, the area along the
that the intensely agricultural Bayfield River. Most people felt
nature of Stanley-Township made the plan should limit development
land use planning particularly in the area to ensure that the
important, He presented riverfront remains unspoiled..
statistics showing that in 1971
People also felt that the plan
there were 47,000 acres in should contain stiff .regulations
agricultural toe in the-ToJvnship: on the cutting of woodlots in the
He said there were 249 farms in Township.. A 'member of the
the Township, and that their audience `explained that by-laws
average sixe was 178 acres. oh wood cutting must conform to
The question of severances for provincial regulations, and said
farm dwellings was the main topicl pressure must be brought to bear
discussed at the meeting. Don on the province to toughen its
Pullen, . • Agricultural regulations.
representative for Huron County, The audience also felt that
told the meeting that land whatever decisions were
severances must be carefully incorporated in the plan, it should
considered in drafting the plan. still be flexible. enough to allow
He said that at present; there.a is changes in the fitture. Mr,
trend toward the consolidation of Penfold stressed that even after
Prices up at
sales barn
Supply at the Sales Barn
consisted mainly of heifers and
steers. Prices were 4 and
demand was active.' Steers;
-$40,00 $43.75 top to $44:00;
heifers $37.50 - $42.50, top to
$44.20. Pigs; weinlings $41.00 -
$51.00; feeders $55.00 - $59.50.
The 1.0.0.F. Bru iCefield held a
very successful euchre party on
Priday evening. Winners were:
Ladies' High . Mrs.. Della. Slavin;
Ladies' Lbw 4 Mrs. Watt
Webster; Men's Nigh Sandy
Pepper; Men's Lew - Sam
Thomson; Lucky draw. • Mrs. N.
Bell, Gordon RielnieiltOrt. Ladies'
Lone Hands - Mrs. Keys; Men's
-Lone 'Haifa - Pat, Vbiland,
Ref'. B. :S. Stevens. Mrs.
Stevens and faintly ate spending,
the Winter holliday, with their
Following a morning-of-quilting '
and a pot-fuck dinner the ladies of .
Chiselhurst United Church held ,
their March • meeting. The
President, • Mrs.' Harold Parker
presided and opened the meeting
with a poeM followed by the
theme song and prayer in
Mrs: Jack Brintncll was in
charge of the Worship "Good
Neighbours". The
roll Psalm answered by the 23rd" in
unison by' nine ladies. The
correspondence. was read. • A
letter was received regarding
parcels to Angola, also from
Westminster and alMa Colleges
and the LondOriCOnfereace at
Sarnia. The offering was received
and dedicated.
'Mrs. Thomas Brintnell gave a
pOeni "Nature's Secret and How
to Count Your Blessings". :The,
Treasurer gave a. report. Easter
lillies will be purchased for 'the
Church and . a donation was
moved tathe Bitnny Bundle'. Mrs.
Alvin Cole was in charge. of the
study introducing a chapter on
China. The meeting concluded
with the Lord's Prayer.
. Personals '
Mr,_ • and Mss. Harvey_ ttyl.k
have returned from a most
enjoyable trip to Florida.
traVellilng on both the Atlantic
Bertha MacGregor and Hilda Payne
and Gulf Coast sides and up into
the "Panhandle"... -While there.
they met acquaintances from ,
Mrs. William Waring has
moved front Exeter into' the newly
constructed Elizabeth Court .
apartments on Elizabeth Street.
We welcome her to Hensall, also
Mr. and Mrs. Grant St. John who
moved to Hensall recently and are
living in the preyious Bonthron
residence on King Street.
The annual Fiddler's Contest
will he held in the arena as usual
this year in the third week of
June: Plans Will be 'advertised
stmt.. •
.Visitorswith Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Payne last Tuesday were Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Berdan. of.. Union and
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Oakes of
. Clinton.
Hcnsal Kinsmen attended the
'ZOne B conference of District, I
held in Listowel on . Sunday,
March 20. This is a large zone
extending . from -Mount Forest in
the north to Exeter in the south an
and comprises twelve. Clubs. It
was' decided to form a new zone
(K) consisting of Goderich.
Qinton, Hensa11....Exeter. St.
Marys and' Stratford clubs Only.
After some amusing contests, the
Kinnettes served a
- • spilling oil.
Clerk Heil also informed the
village he had been informed by
Ontario Housin,gthe munici-
pality can now pursue rent-
geared-to-income housing for
seniors if they feel the need
In the past this need was
decided through surveys by the
provincial governinent, not the
municipality, Hensall had one
such survey done by the, province
but ' out of 600 applications
distributed in the area only 16
were completed and returned. As'
a result the province decided
there vizas not_a_ neecL,for such,
Reeve Knight said in light of
the previous survey results and
due to the fact council has several
large projects underway at the
present time, the rent-geared-to-
income housing possibilities
should not be pursued, at the
present time.
Council rejected a resolution
from Nanitcoke requesting the
province be asked to use' funds
frOm the 'Provincial lottery to set
up a continuing 'fund for snow
removal costs.
All Stock Wallpaper Patterns
(Offer expires Thursday, March 31)
1 •
large farm Operations, but that the plan has come into effect,
some levelling. Off in the trend people will have the right to
clauses be.expected in the future. appeal any of its claus with the
--"If---you take-the tack (on land- Ontario Municipal Board.
"reverences) that other Townships
have taken, its not too likely that
you'll see a rapid repopulation of
the Township" hei said.
In response to a question from
the audience, Stanley Township
deputy reeve Paul Steckley said
"In most cases, severed
dwellings do not pay for the
services these reverences
Mr. Penfold said severed lands Church on Sunday speaking on
couldresult in problems for some' the fourth . Lenten message
farm operations, particularly
livestock operations, because the
government's Agricultural Code
of Practice regulated how close
livestock could come to private.: Cross and the Switch Blade" is
He'also sa id th at being shown- at Brucefield
people living in severed dwellings
near farms often, complained
about smells, and 'that the Code
gave them the right to do so. He
said this had caused problems in
other areas in the past.
Former, OFA president Gordon
Hill said that severed lands "could
result in increased traffic in the
Township and pressure-to -build
second dwellings small
severed holdings; He . said the
question the people must ask is
"Do we want to set up problems
entitled "Jesus Our Brother in
Suffering". Mrs, Dorothy . Taylor
• presided at the piano during the
- service of song. The movie "The
. Centennial School Saturday 2nd
at 8:00 P.M.
Mrs.Glenn Bell and Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor were recent
visitors with Mr. and-Mrs. Robert
Ulch and family at Russeldale.
Mrs. Mary Funk of London war
a recent visitor with Mrs. Leona
Parke. .
Mrs. William Smale returnee
to her home on Saturday aftet
treatment• receiving ttreatmentat South
Huron Hospital, Exeter_
• Rev. Don Beck conducted the
•,service at Hensall •United Church
on Sunday morning. taking as his
,.topic., "That Jou. May Believe" .
The choir. with IY,frs. John
Turkheim at the organ. sang the
anthem. "1-- saw the Cross of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan,
David. Tom and Ann. of Waterloo
visited. on Sunday, with _Mrs..
MacMillan's mot-her, Mrs-. Laird -
Mickle and enjoyed a hot turkey
A meeting to discuss
Recreational land use, will be
held in Varna 'next Tuesday
evening at 8 p.m.
Hensall personals
Mr. Len Perdy has been a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Rev. W.DJ aryls conducted
service' in Carmel Presbyterian
ensall ma be
r more road subsidy
I would hate to put my future
needs in the hands of something
as Chancy as a lottery"
commented Reeve Knight. "I
would sooner see the taxes paid."
A grant of VS, was authorized
to he paid to the Huron
Plowmans Association to aid
them in their preparations for the
International Plowini.Match-,7-- -
The clerk of the village was
authorized by council to request
information from the Humane
Society in London concerning
their ...rates to gatrol the village
and also their availability.-
Council 'decided to \continue
withiheir_OntarinHome Renewal
(ORP). The village has been
activedly involved. with the
program for two years now and .
the Clerk was authorized to apply
for another $29,000 for the
program this year. The ORP
guide for h ome standards was
also adopted once again by
A special meeting was called
for -March at 7:30 p.m. to
enable council to put together a
budget for their fire agreement
with . and. Tuckersinith
townships, _
R.R. 4, Seaforth 527-0608
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11.11. HURON EXPOSItoR MARCH-24, 1979, 4-,21