The Wingham Times, 1895-10-18, Page 8THE WINGILDI TIMES, OCTOBER 18, 1895. • r p. Ete ardivab air or ;mapot! 1 Jacques' ela.im for damages and aatkgravel be left ni the halt& of Mr. iniaDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1. Sotheran to arrange -- Carried. Accounts passed; Wm. Finley, $5.50, for repairing culvert and eleaning out ditch opposite lot 7, con. ; TURNBERRY, John Granger, $25, for approacii to bridge, lot0 and 21, con. 0; R. Mr. John Burgess, township clerk, aid. J. Nestle, $8.10, for gravel ; recently showed us the first minute John Akins, $1.50, for repairing book of the first Turnherry council,. approach to bridge, lots 15 and 19, A few extracts from it may be inter- con 10 ; Thos. Nash, $3.38, for esting to your readers. The follow- publishing voters lists ; jno. Porter - lag are the miuutee of the proceed- field, jr., $12.30, for gravel ; Jas. ins of the first meeting of the Ritchie, $14.25, for ditching and Turaborry eouncil: culvert, lots 4 and 5, con. 17, Moved January 19th, 1857. by Messrs. Gregg and Doig that the The council met according to ap- council do now adjourn to meet lathe pointment. After being duly sworn. Albion Hotel, Fordwieb, on the and organized, it was moved by third Wednesday in October, when William Elliott, seconded by David the Colleetors will be appointed— Haugh, that Samuel Black be Reeve . Carried. —Carried. The Reeve having Mace. • LIZZIE DANE, Tp. Clerk, the oath of office, it was moved by John Fortune, seconded by David MORRIS. Haugla that Thomas Fortune be The Council met according to ad- Olerk—Carried. Moved- by David journment in the Town Hall, Morris, Haugh, seconded by Walter Sloan, on Sept. 23rd. Members all present, that the Clerk have ten Ninth the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of salary—Carried. Moved bY John last meeting read and passed. FOrturie, seconded by David Haugh, Moved by Thos. Code, seconded by that Andrew Mitchell be appointed Geo. Kirkby, that Wm. Isbister Assessor for 1857—Carried. Moved interview our Solicitor respecting by John Fortune, seconded by Walter bridge claims and instruct him to should be considered in a. relative varieties of Dwarf Cannas, winch are Sloan, that the Assessor have six settle with the County accord- sense, and not as being absolutely almost perpetual bloomers in the pounds salary—Carried. Moved by ing to the judgment given by perfeet. • When WC . compare it in winter. Carnations are charming William Elliott, seconded by David Justice Meredith—Carried. Moved every detail with the "pooling for the window garden ; their beauty Haugh, that Robert J. Duff be Col- bv Wm. Isbister, seconded by Thos. system there can be no question but and fragrance give anadded charm lector for 1857—Carried. Moved by Code, that Geo. Kirkby be instructed what the butter fat basis is the more wherever they aro. We must not • John Fortune, seconded by William to attend to repairing of culvert at nearly in accordance with justice, It forget the Chrysanthemums for these has. been carefully estimated that are a host in themselves. We may when milk is paid for by the percen- also find Geraniumsand Fuchsias that tage of butter fat there is a possibility will bloom freely during the winter of an injustice of 3 cents per cwt. months., so that we need not be at a of milk being done to the man who loss for variety, and that without supplies the -poor milk, while on the going to any great expense. other hand when the "pooling" system is in operation there is a i For over piny stea possibility of an injustice of 23 cents AN Q1.11 AND WeLl.-TR1111) REMEDY.-- Mee. WIDS- per cwt. being done to the man who isa, St.othlim Syrup has been used for. over fifty supplies the rich milk. If these ' vet% ,I111. i‘igillioinws rot of 01 tisolthe corlf.o rIthsroi ro Ahl el shitir: 24 figures 'be true, •does it not seem the 8n Tchns Stititulebf,s714:„4,0111r01illaall!ililweati.resIsupilielmaciolit; height of folly to coutend that the the taste. Sold by Druggiste in et ery part'of the `uy TESTS COMPARED VLF ungaran VAT 817i-VrEll PAYINTi VOR MILK AT MEESE PAVTORIES, (Uy J. W. Wheaton, Sect owl D. A. W. 0.) Dpring the past year there has not been very much agitation in Ontario in reference to the butter fat system, of paying for milk supplied to cheese factories. Many have inferred that the system is at fault, and that in a few years it will be a thing of the past. But such is not the ease. The advocates of this new plan have perhaps been wise in cliscontinu- ing the agitation for a time, and ia allowing. the system in a way to work out its own salvation. The agitation has, bowever, not been dis- continued because its chief promoters had changed their views in reference Window Plants. We _shall need a few Wee plants for our window garden in. addition to the bulbs we purpose having, by way of variety. 1)o not fall. into the error of sup- posing that the plants that you set out in the garden in the spring, and which have been blooming profusely ,all summer, are going to give you lots of bloom all winter, after you. have taken them agaio. They have bad their season of bloom and now want a rest, and you must be content to let them rest until spring comes round again. Cut back all straggling branches when you take them up, and get them into a good sbape. There aro numbers of plants tbat are eminently suited for winter to the aecuracy of the butter fat blooreing, and should be specially system in giving justice to all con- • kept for that purpose. cerited. Every one who bas con- First among them we would put. sidered the question carefully and the rose. Some varieties bloom ad - without prejudice must be convinced inirably in winter. Any intelligent. of the fact that of all the systems in florist will advise as to which variety use the butter fat system of pay- will suit you best. Begonia Vernon ing for milk supplied to cheese is also a splendid winter bloomer, factories is the more nearly in accor- and some of the Rex (or fancy -leaved) dance with justice. Begonias will give a pleasing variety This system of paying for milk to a collection, There are several --The Tams ana Toronto Weekly Globe will be seat to new subscribers from now till the ist of January, 1800, for 25 cents. This year's building operations at Stratford amounted to ;;.J18.5,425. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make ;your head clear as a bell. 25o., 50o., and $1, Sold at Obisholtn's Corner Drug Store. A suburban resident is said to have beilt his house exaetly alike in the front and on the back, His hope was, be explained, to fool the chickens into thinking they were on the front lawn when they were really in the back yard. —The TIMES and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the lst of January, 18011, for 25 cents. Elliott, that the Collector have seven pounds salary—Carried. Moved by David Haugh, seconded by Walter Sloan, that the council now adjourn —Carried. THOMAS FORTUNE, Township Clerk. The minutes are written in a large book, in a good, legible band, like the writing nowadays, excepting that lot 22, concession 9,• and report at next meeting—Carried. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by -Geo. Kirby, that Jas.Bownian be instruct- ed to have approaches built to culvert on sideline between lots 25 and 20, con. 3—Carried. Accounts were presented for payment as follows : D. Scott, gravel, $1.00 ; A. Forrest, digging dram,' $7.00 ; J. more capitals are used and also old I King, gravel, $1.40; A. Hunler, dig - fashioned s's. The members of the I ging. first Council were : Samuel Black, $1.50 ; W. Fraser, spikes and putting ditch and cleaning' out culvert, Reeve • William Elliott, Walter Sloan, David Haugh, John Fortune, Councillors, The above mentioned are all dead, excepting John For- tune, The officers appointed by the Council for 1857 consisted of : Thomas iu culvert opposite lot 12, on 2nd concession line, s. 3 . 3 0 ; Jas. Cloakey, timber for culvert and drain, $4.45; Jas. Bulger, spreading gravel ou Eat boundara$3 ; Ellis and Lind- say, digging ditch across road at lot Fortune, Township Clerk; James I 28, concession 5, $2 ; Jas. Hays, keep Anderson, Treasurer ; Andrew Mit- 1 of County ward, $15 ; Geo. Pierce, chejl, Assessor ; Robert J. Duff,j gravel, 50 cents; Jas. Scott, cleaning Colleetpr. All are dead excepting R. I out ditches on 7 and 8_ concession J. Duff. Soule amusing paragraphs , linos, ; R. Mothers, cleaning rod m maau ig the test. The patro.ns ••••••• 'NeiCf Oldnigij Cilia —IS PUBLISHED EVE.LIY vitIDa.X MORNING —AT TIM,— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGliaM, ONTARIO. Subscription price, $1 per year, Ari adVrtr106 ADVERTISING RATES: —.„ space [ I 0 mo. 8 mo. tno: OneOoluinn SOO 00 540 00 1 $20 00 $ 00 Half 4. 40 00 29 00 12 00 6 00 gnarter " 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 8 00 One inch 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 —Legal and other caeua advertisement's, 8e. per line ft (131; ell egoinohnn, raeldidb7.40'enrplai ifloHroe4alcoh subsequent Looal notices 10o. per line for first insertion, and 50, per lino for each eubsequent inserticr. Advertisements of Lost, VOund, Strayed, Situatielle. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linos nonpareil, $1. for first month, aisel 600. for each subscement month, Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.— Stensen and Farina for Sale, not asoceding 8 line ill for ilist month, 60c. por subsequent mouth One short puff of the breath through Larger iidvertienineuts i». proportion. the Blower, supplied with each bottle of mese terms will ho strictly adhered to Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses 1,)suPgeocr1011crifaoilte:. for larger advertisements, or •for this Powder over the surface of the nasal butter fat basis is not the one to '.irneerlise;iizanaiit e.,,, .00e.it nesiceCioLtrleicrsI.tswLailstiloewles adopt? Soothing. Syrup, and take no other kind, True, a large number of the factories which adopted the system Criticism in the Family. when first advocated have discon- The criticism of one's own family tinned its use. But when we come hTcLEAN ck SON. is not only the hardest to bear and . to examine carefully the reasons -why Vabigham, June ith, MK. the hardest to escape, but the hard - it has been discontinued we find that' est to refute. It is generally just. in the majority of cases it has been and true, and in its truth lies its because of the extra expense incur -1 sting. The members'of 'one's own MONEY , TO LOAN family come down upon one heavily, Advertisements and local notices without epeoific passages. Painless and delightful to 1.180, directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged it relieves instantly, and permanently accordingly. Trabsitery advertisements must he cures Catarrh, Hay llover Colds Head- Pi" in n'Ivnno . • ' nes% 00 cents. At Chisholm's Drug that week 15, ELLIOTT P" Store. Pitornisroa AND Puatuffina —Tile Thins and Toronto Weekly Globe — will be seat to new subscribers from now till tho 1st of January, 1800, for 25 cents. DE MAOD0NALP, ... , Changes for contract adrertieements must be in ache, Sore Throat, TonsilAis and Deaf- the office by Weduestimy noon, in order to ap INGHAM SAWMILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS IIVOOD 8Lo , • I on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to moot the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood 75ots. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. are contained in the first minute book. I ditch, $2 ; E. Bosman, cleaning ditch, at many factories have been willing and bit with unerring accuracy the For example, By -Law, No. 2, insists tbat hotel keepers must have the following accommodation : "Four good spare beds, well supplied with coverings, in two separate rooms and Thos. Code, that the foregoing a, comfortable sitting roomnot less accounts be paid—Carried. On -a, an. twelve feet square, besides bor- a- • thmotion of Wm. Isbister, seconded by room and kitchen. Also, stabliug Geo. Kirkby, the Council then ad - for four span of horses and four yoke journed, to meet again on Nov. llth, of cattle." At another meeting com- at ten o'cloek a.. m. plaint was made that certain parties were selling liquor without a license. By resolution of Council, they (the liquor sellers) were requested to take out a license. . $1.95 ; Misses Exford, charity, $) ;1 to continue the system it the cheese- wea,k place in the armour. They Wm. Ellis. digglig Engineer's drain maker or company would agree to know exactly where to find it, on N lot 30, concession 7, 872. do the work for nothing, and when . They Moved by Jas. Bowman, secondedby this could not be arranged, paying ' are seldom excited by the catalogue of one's perfections read by test was discontinued. There are by an enthusiastic friend. "Oh, some factories, however, which have 'yes," they answer, calmly, "what discontinued the system because of you say is true, but this and that the dissatisfaction it caused among and the other imperfection offsets their patrons. In most of these cases and spoils his good qualities. there was strong opposition to the Necessarily you judge as an outsider; test in the first place, which increased family , one's sees so much more till the test was voted out. clearly:" Trying it often is to hear Short journeys on a Long Road Is the characteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer resorts in the country north and west of Chicago. Tho reading matter is pew, the illustrations aro new. and the information therein will be new to almost everyone. A copy of "Short Journeys on. a Long Road" will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Gno. H. .11sArroan, General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee &I St. Paul Railway, Chicago, III, W. CLARK, Clerk. Another Hamilton Citizen Cured of' Rheumatism in. Three Days. Mr. I. McFarlane, 256 Wellington street, Hamilton: "For many weeks I suffered intense pain from rheu- matism—was so bad that I could not attend to business. I procured South American Rheumatic Cure on the recommendation of my druggist and was completely cured in three or four days by the use of this remedy only. It is the best remedy I ever saw. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, HOWICK. The. Council met on September 18th, in the Township Hall, Gerrie, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present, but Mr. Cook. It Was j determined by the council that deptityneve $otheran take the I chair in the absence of the reeve.' Minutes of last meeting read and approved, By -Law number five, authorizing the levying of the rate, being read the third time, it was moved by Messrs. Doig and Gregg that the same be passed—Carried. A eommunication. front Mr. R, Edgar was mad regarding water on road opposite his farni. Moved by Messrs. Gregg and Doig that the Matter be Ieft over until next meeting of council— Carried. Mend by Messrs. Graham and Gregg that the sum of $2 be paid Mrs. Fallahay for board for Birtch boy and $1.40 for socks and inits, and that an order be drawn on treasurer for same—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Nig' and Gregg that Me- Luglin & Co. be paid MAI for clothing for Dirt& boy and that an order be drawn on Treasurer for the same—Carriecl. Moved by Messrs. ells and Doig that Mr. John The habit of self-eontrol is the repeated authority of the reason over the inclinations, of the sense of duty over the desires. He who can govern himself intelligently has within him the source of all real happiness. The moral energy which he puts forth clay by day increases by use, and becomes stronger and keener by exercise. Threatened With Pneumonia. From returns received from over j our talents, winch are prized by 100 factories in Western Ontario this discriminating friends, slighted or season we find that the average openly flouted by our own families. number of pounds of milk to make a It is quite as painful to hear our pound of cheese in 1894 at the trifling faults of disposition, scarcely factories where paying by test was • noticeable to outsiders, magnified in operation was 10.073, while the by those who see them nearest. But average at the factories where the the discipline is a healthy one, and old "pooling" system was in opera- I even helpful if we choose to so re - Sion was 10.817: The averages gard it. The genius that creates where the milk was paid for by test ' is its own reward and its own ranged from 10.43 to 1fa87, while ' sustenance, or it is worth nothing% those where the milk was "pooled" j The disposition which makes or ranged from 10.40 to 10.45. These i mars love in daily life is what figures furnish another very string , counts in the summing up of argument in favor of the butter fat I character,—Harper's Bazar. system of paying for milk, GENTLEMEN,—La0 spring I had a very heavy cold and wee threateae.l with pueumorda. Norway Pin I Used twa bottles Syrup and it completely cured me. It is the best preparation for a cough I have ever used. 3. X. MaoDoruiao Whycoccniagh, Cape Breton. The animal convention of the Lib- erals of West Bruce for eleetim of officers and general business will be held in the town hall, Xineardine, Friday, Oct. 25, at 1.30 p. im Neglects and the Result. Neglect cold in the head and you will have eatarrh. 'Neglect nasal catarrh and diseases or catarrh of the stomach with Ten thousand times over Regard's ita disgusting attendants, foul breath, Pectoral Balsam baa proaed itself a sure hawking, spitting. hlOwing, Jo. Stop it cure foe coughs, olds,. bronchitis, On Perm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of five years or over. Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan. and Savings Co., London. Ont. The numerous reports of patron- IIumanity is divided into pounds, of cheese factories being fined. • for shillings and pence. The pounds tampering with milk, published dur- rule, the shillings trade, and the ing the summer, would seem to pence labor. The unconsidered indicate that that kind of offense is trifles are the farthings. —Labouchere. increasing. The increase has been quite noticeable this year. In fat Shiloh's euro, the great Cough and some of the factories where patrons Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket have been fined this season were last ataelrieititailiosvtew4ntys-tiz daotsethoinsly0i2m5%. year paying by test. If the paying ua Corinerr Drug Store. for milk by the butter fat 'tends to discourage the tampering with milk Sylvia (aged three) was watching the sooner thesystem is reinstated the for the first dine the unharnessing of the horse. When all was removed except the bridle (with its blinders) she remarked, "Now take his glasses off." . • . JOB PHINTING TNCLVDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil I Reads, Circulars. &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Toms Office, Wingham. BOOKBINDING CENTRE STREET, WINOLTAM, • B. TOWLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Buren— Office Ilp.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. OrmosHouns.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. ro,, Residence, Diagonal Street. ONTARIO.; aim T P. KENNEDY. M. D., M. 0. P.S. 0. (Suocusfor, to Dr, J. A, Moldrum.) Odd Medalist of Western University: Late Rouse, Surgeon in London .G wend Special attem tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr, Moldrum,Cornor of Centre one Patrick streets. W INGHAM. - ONe R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private t.nd Company funds to man at lowest rate interest. No cominissum charged. mortgages, took. and farm proportl bought and sold OFFICE—Beavor Block WINGSAM J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Whighain‘ Ont. E. L. DICEJNSON', BARRISTER, BTC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF DAMILTON. MONEY "TO. LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. DENTISTRY.—.1. S. JEROME, L. D. S.,Witiothise. ,uafi.c)etuaring fIrst.class 'iota of. teelh I p as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted, absolutely without pain, by his now process, guaranteed perfe,tly safe, OFFICE : In tho Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. sk ARTI1l J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S., • Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani Wo aro pleased to announce that any Books or Dental College. Magazines left with us for Binding', will have. our • • prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style OFFicE—mAotioNALo BLOCK. will be given on application to the Totes Office, better. Besides, it furnishes another very potent reason why the system should be adopted. in every factory, and especially in those where skim- ming- and watering milk is likely to Every time a selfish impulse is be carried on. We w ill discuss some other features resisted, every time a good purpose Os formed and • carried out, every of the question another time. I time a diffieult duty is aceomplished, The barge Severn, wrecked on the power to do the same in the Loyal Island, Lake Miran, has gone future is strengthened, and stored up; to pieces. and this steady increase of moral force is what forms the sterling and trustworthy character. You cannot be well unless your blood is pare. Therefore purify your blood with the best blood puritier, lloodys Sarsaparilla., Ten Thmisand yott will as surely incluee ptiaiumary rill by using Dr. Chaeeaf Cure, 26 cents, a astbnia, sore throat, quinsy end a 1 boa tures. ' pulmonary complaint a DYSPEPSIcAulple Rpm EaLowl GONSIVATION, KIDNEY TBOUBLESp INEADACHE7 BILIOUSNESS. 13.13.0. unlocks all the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. BURDOCKPILLS act gently yet ihoroughiy on the StemaCh, Liver And Bowel For Twenty-five 'Years DUNN'S E3AKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGELY SALL IN CANADA6 JOHN RITCHIE, GENERALINSURANOE AGENT WINGUAK, ONTARIO, FRANK SCELI, TONSORIAL ARTIST, Opposite Norman's Betel, - - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry, pDEANS, Ja., wicenam, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. WO attended In any part of the 06. Charges Moderate, JOHN CURRIE, WrsonAtt, ONT., LICENSED AISOTIoNEER FOR TEE COUNTIES HURON AND IDIVCD, All orders loft at the TIMES office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JANIF.8 nEMPERsON, Licassan Aturnolosint volt novssins Roam ann All tales Attended to Zilirliounecip.tly *05 0» the Shorteel 14°Attile:eceseary arrangements COI bo Made at the. Charges Moderate and Satishotion thtetenteed. Tutus' office Wisonatt ONt Money to Loan on Note'''. Notes Discounted AT. UEASONA.Inalt ItATEEt money advanced on Mortgages at ai-pet eentivit privilege of paying it the end tit any year'. Nate and aecounte collected. ROA*, 11.1141)00. Deaver alsoic Whitlow, OA.