HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-24, Page 14i. CLAP YOUR HANDS A puppet show came to Kilbarchan Lodge last-Thursday to perform the story of Hansel,and Gretel. Here a puppet, worked by Cheryl Smith, urges the audience to clap along 'with music played by Richard. Keelan, on dulcimer. (Expositor Photo) Frye! Metric easy with cards Lunch Provided IF Everyone Welcome OttalMagtAlg.9•Palitaitaitati ;ftmoilwilroosommoo'irlsoftluilmow.fto."4 CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seat ortk March 25 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO ci()! — TWO DOOR PRIZES 1— 0 Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25-c Or- 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMIT110 —Proceeds for Welfare Work Auspices $aaforth Branch 156 "Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth . My John D. Baker, Publicity Chairman, Branch 1561 Legion Holds Zone-,Dance In Seaforth' Last Saturday, March 19, mamommamss.s. Open Reception 45th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. — Sat., March 26 " PINERIDGE CHALET HENSALL 9 1 Music By Mozart's Melody Makers Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided Best Wishes Only • ..AV . .• Easter DANCE VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Sat, April 9 9 — 1 A.M. Music by Lincoln Green Admission $10.00 per couple Lunch included Sponsored by Vouutatra Community Assoc. Tickets availabe from The Huron Expositor or phone 482.79Ig S COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, Friday, Saturday Country Cobras FRIDAY SPECIAL Stuffed . Peppers FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE Chicken Wings . FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINMENT A UNIVOSAL (qua 1:PG ItCHNICOLOR" „ Beginning Friday Evening, April 1 The same fine food yOu'iie- enloyed each. Sunday at Mrs. Watkiles Country Kitchen... will be available 7• NIGHTS A WEEK —5 - 10p.m. An our ' newly-redecorated restaurant we call "Sandpiper" Our special Prices foe children under 12 are in effect all-week long. **Us' Planning a Wedding, Hawk, Parti, or pethapl Business Meeting? Take advantage of the excellent fatilities, superb catering service and economic ntlitites that await you at THE VANAS1rRA SH.lILLAtiT cA LlElisAms0 1 CALLMRS. 0.-virAttaNt sr CLINTON 404841 '11.0CAN22i.4404,, 1100 YtitO on Sinicitjy" —t For R010404101# OhOh 404444 ..r Aircraft, radar and cruiser patrols will be used in an effort to reduce the number of accidents on provincial highways, Goderich OPP reported recently. A new program, called Selective Traffic Enforcement has been set up to watch for traffic violations. Tice OPP have determined that most accidents are the result of misjudgement; and often, involve offences against the Highway Traffic Act, The OPP believe that stringent enfOrcernent of the Act will reduce the number of accidents. The OPP ' report that each month, a team from each detachment studies '"-accident reports for that month accumulated over a three year period. The team notes statistics Ito t,,,%•,.* Sotar ponds energy idurce for donations • park *and in parades:- Mr. Van '25. ,Geffen said. ti tl 300.' An Expositor Classified will 10. pay you dividends. Have you tried 10. . one? Dial 527-0240. on the number of aceidents, where and when they occurred, and' if possible, the causes of these accidents. Each detachment then chooses an area for close patrol where accidents have occurred frequently in the past.- The OPP says the new program has already reduced the number of accidents in the 'past few months. Radar enforcement of the 50 m.p.h. speed limit will be stepped up to further reduce the number of mishaps Goderich OPP report. They say a new moping radar system, already operating in Perth and Grey Counties will soon • be .used in Huron County to supplement the present stationary, radar system. Branch 156 hosted' the Zone Cl Spritig Dance. Legion members representing their Branches were in 'attendance. Comrade Cleave • Coombs welcomed the large gathering and stated that he hoped that ,the spring and fall Zone dance would be a regular function in the future, as Zone Commander he invited bids from the other Branches to host the Fall Zone Dance, Comrade William Richt,' Deputy Zone Commander elect said that: BlYth Would be happy to host the Fall Dance.' Among the 'Many guests were Evelyn ' 'Carroll, Honorary Treasurer of the Ladies Auxiliary; Provineial Command, Howard ' Carroll, Zone Sports Officer, George Campbell„ Zone Commander elect and Peg Coombs Zone r binmander Ladies, Auxiliary, Zone .C1, Barbaro. Scott, 'resident of the Ladies Auxiliary Branch 156, Gordon Scott, Zone 'Secretary, Tom Wilbee, President Branch 156 and Mrs. Wilbee. Coming Events Sunday, April 3 - District Public Speaking at •Milverton Sat\urday, April 16 - District Cribbage Tournament.. Huron Expositor Ken Etas Insurance Dash wood Rev. U re SteWart Geo. Hildebrand ' Town Council Seaforth Creamery . 100, United Trails 10. Everyone will receive a receipt for income tax purposes. These are still in the making in' Ottawa. On behalf of all the band members, secretary-treasurer John Van Geffen, expressed sincere thanks to everybody that has been so generous with-their understand and would be handy for quick• reference in'the ho me , br office. The metric hang up cards are available free at the Huron Expositor and the Brussels Post. 1 Coming Events at Pineridge Chalet R .R .2, Hensall *FM 1.0•01m. Sat., April 2' JOE OVERHOLT "APRIL 9'— CLOSED For Reservations Phone 262-2277 236-4610, 236-4213 R&M.. covered to prey,erd An* ice, leaves and othe.r doWil "min covering the water surface, For more infOrmation about solar ponds and their application write Aaron Lemon, cisr:The Energy Management Resource Centre, Ridgetown college' •'of .Agricultural Teebnology. Ridgetown, Local Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross have returned from several weeks vacation in Florida, . Mrs. Edith Campbell returned home after vacationing for a few weeks in Florida. O 14 —THE HURON EXPOSITOR MARCH 24, 1977 S9tettive enfortement. egins in Huron " A Canadian dime is about1mm thick and the widest part of your little fingernail is about 1 pm wide, the length card explains, Therhead.of a-pin has a -volume of a little less than a cubic 'millimeter and the top of each button on a touch tone phone measures about one quarter centimetre, other cards show. The cards are colourful, easy to Solar ponds could have a practical application in Ontario as an alternative energy source says • Aaron Lemon, energy management specialist for tbp„,, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food: Solar ponds are used to collect and store solar energy for low- temperature applications such as space-heating, water heating and crop drying. It is significantly so lar, expensive than most other solar, collectors. The ponds are constructed by laying a sheet of black plastic liner at the bottom of the pond. Beginning with a highly Concen- Armed solution of salt and. water, waters _ containing -decreasing amount "61•-•-salil4 layered in the pond, The densest salt-water solution remains at the bottom and, because of the natural insulation of the salt-gradient pond, is heated! by the sun. The salt solution prevents the natural convection currents which normally would, circulate the heat throughout the water. .Mr. Lemon says • solar ponds are now being used in the United States to warm soil in green- Mtgra= 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY for KEN & RUTH Harrison [nee Scott] of Brantford at Family Paradise Fri., Mar, 25 9 - 1 A.M. , Blender's Orchestra houses. It would not be difficigt to Convert a ,,hotwater heated home to the solar pond system. The solar pond can store --energy daring the summer for use during the autumn and winter months. To store mom energy it is necessary only to hicrease the depth of the pond. o Despite.the advatitigreS of solar pond, there are Still some problems. If th.e .top of the pond freezes, sunlight would not filter 'through to heat the water at the can be pumped,through heating pipes and returned to the pond. Water temperature at the base of the pond can reach boiling point. Ponds would have to be Are you bewildered ' by the metric system? Join the club.. The Canadian Metric Commission, in an effort to help thousands of Canadians learn and, --Use the Meirie system, , has printed a series of "hang me up" cards which give clear descrip- tions or metric measures of length, 'temperature, area, volume, liquid volume, snowfall, and mass. Sat. Mar. 26 • 45th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. W.J.P.Bell • Mozart Melody Makers Seaforth Dashwood Community • donations towards the band. "It Band members say donations are makes 'iis-feel that people are still coming - in, thanks to the • always giving for good causes. generous people they are We also hope' that they love the surrounded with. Donations pleasure .of hearing us play in the received from: and says than JOE OVERHOLT • -------SaCMar.19 • . 0.111•114 MM. allwrolo—immik.1•••• HURON HOTEL HWY. 8 DUBLIN oD ANCE° " Proceeds WINTHROP COMMUNITY PARK Music by,;- o Ian Wilbee's Orchestra April -- 9 -1 '6.00 per couple Hot Lunch, Tickets available at the door BENEFIT DANCE for Mrs. Elmer Koehler WED., MARCH 30 BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE To assist in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at Saunders Medical Reiearch Clinic in Florida Donations will be received at local banks. No help available from.OHIP Ladies Pleaie Bring Lunch .4SS %. Seaforth Thursday, Friday Saturday Brian Pawiii in .1•1 et34 1)0 ° Daily Lunch Hoar Spocialti .4. - SEAFORTH CEN I TENAIRES - liresent Sean Rigan sand the' ,Dublirr -Corporation Saturday, May 14,1977 . SEAFORTH ARENA Advance TicketS:- '5 .°° per person At Door:- '6" per person Dancing 9 p.m'. - , Admittance restricted id persons 10 years of age and voer , 'tickets avaliable from rnembiers of Gentenai re Executive or at: The Huron Eknositor Doe & Ektity's Variety BillOtSheti 'Den's Wear itie0reatiOn:Offloe v=71/&,'..7"41tt f6=7".es, WE NOW OFFER ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, Friday and-Saturday Afternoon & Evenings Sunrise Thurs. nite Fri. and Sat: afternoon.. The McNaughtons Friday & Saturday nite NOW PLAYING MAR. 23.26 WED. r SAT. , 'WED., THUR., ONE SHOWING ONLY S p.M. FRI. & SAT. 700 & 9:00 ,,OR ALL THE WORLD TO ENJOY uktetDough GNOMEM 'OBILE ATTENTION PARENTS SAT MATINEE 1:30 WES ONE SNOWING ONLY S P.M. THERE MUST FOREVER BE - A GUARDIAN AT THE GATE PROM HELL... Full-Course SMORGASBORD Now,Open 2:00_ p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Includes: Roast Beef and Gravy, Roast Turkey and Dressing, Sliced Ham, Meat Loaf and Gravy, B.B.Q. Spareribs, Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Boston Baked Bean, Bread and Butter, Coffee or. Tea, Dessert. Plus . ...Huron County's Largest Salad Bar r i ADDED FEATURE ,Starts WEDNESDAY! ,MAR. 34-APR. 2 PARK GODERICH Litid: BIG FUME .1jOUCII DrilitilaiNMENT inot.iicpso.,ticittototto 30 THE SQUARL. „ Orittram PHONE 524,7011 to "eh$ngny AlltcoNDITiOtiteir CUNT EAST OD THE EIGER SANCTION EIRWG TdE FAMILY TO OUR woe" SUNDAY, APRILIO--; Reserve Now! 482-36444- PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST: 8 A.M.-11 P.M.