HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-24, Page 8y ear the7 were married in the Egmondville manse and their trip - from Egmondville to their new home on the Mill Road„ in Tuckersmith was by horse and cutter over lots of pitch holes. When they were interviewed, by the Expositor _ nn, their' SSth anniversary in 1975, the Papples talked about how life in the area has changed over the years. 'When we were Taarried everything was done by manpower and horse power. There weren't any ears or tractors or telephones-or !WOO. But we had more sociability, than there, is now. People weren't mailing all .theilmevand-theY liked to-gather- tegether in __the evenings, something people today won't think et Pdoing. MATERNITY WEAR AT • the Separate Shoop. MAIH'CORNER, CLINTON 482-77/0. (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) /OPEN 1.6 OPEN 1-6 busload of people that attended the meeting. , the Quarterama Horse Show in Mb, Edith McMillan played = kl‘w Toronto ,-.)n -SundaY. for the hYrrins in the absence of = Court Constantine L1842 held Mrs. Stewart CC:Rich. Thirteen = • their March meeting on Thursday'' members answered' the roll pall. .E the 10th the -4tiew-- Mrs. Van Rooijeti --gave =- „.., MOS • member Nellie Wammes was treasurer's report. , incudcted in to the lodge. Members were reminded of the = District Deputy - Marjorie. Synodical in Stratford on April 12 :=„ Anderson and her High Marshall, and 13. Mrs, Molly Waddell took E. Olave Little installed the officers charge Of the study period. E for 1977. Mrs. Chas. McKay read the = Past President Marjorie scripture, Psalm 46. Following = Anderson, Preside& Mary McClure; Vice Pr es.' Jessie Tebbutt, Secretary Betty +I ulley, Treasurer Anna Dolmage; Chaplain, June Fothergill, Conductor Annie” - Vincent, . Mr. and'Mrs. Andy Thompson.of Community Centre with the .... -.Hunter 'of Colborne Township, held April 15th ' Seaforth = ' 001 • - : • 87 THE HURON. EXPOITOR,.MARCH 2 ;x$77 • 9-. 's ?do . . Cdnstance people-I --- ,= . .100 i Prod U.S.A. Can. No, I En 7; ,4011. Green — attend horse show I att. "c" ......... Id±: CELERY /STALKS 'au - 74 . — Ea — — E. asailaft Giant = .00" ..w -."; as, ........— Ogee MIN "NNW IMO IMO MrS. John Therapron, Sharon and Guard Tina • Bos. Business = • JO" = Bob were Mr. and Mrs. Terrence discussed was: Spring dance to be = white-pirik or-yellow Nit. VMS 2 Lb. 39 , -= 0 .s,,. Etobicoke and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Music Makers providing the = . Thompson. music. - Lisa Preszcater and Sandy,„.. „correction from last week - Woo Merner attended'a birthday party Foresters Family dance in spring = on Sunday afternoon for Barbie break is to be held the hall on 11,."' Roberts on the occasion of her 8th Friday, March 25th with a birthday. ' pancake supper to be.held from 7 = Mr-. and Mil, Jan Wammes till 8 p.m. followed by the dance. Sr, Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes Everyone is welcome. Jr., Mr. and Mr.s Marris Bos, ' Community Centre. The couple is residing at R.R.1, wedding anniversary party held for Mr. and Mrs. Case Van Raay in--• Dash.wood on Saturday evening, Mrs.-Jim Preszcator, Debbie The First. Church W.1VI.S. met = • AO' and Michael. Doug and Larry were among a "Kneeling in a Garden opened = Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wammes of First Church R.R.2, Seaforth attended the 25th Blyth. Father Joseph Hardy Officiated. The bride was = .attended by Maid of Honour Mary Heffron, and 'ANDERSON — HEFFRON — Marg. Heffron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heffron of Blyth, and Jim Anderson, son of Mr, and • Mrs. Eric ..... and Linda Hunn. Ken Anderson was best.man, and • bridesmaids Ly nda Horbanuik, Debbie McDougall, pi nnp = ...... guests were ushered by Art Heffron, ,Bob Douglas = .and Bill Turner. Mary- Efoyle was tthe organist, and ....$ .... ...... Stephen Cook was soloist for the ceremony. - A , = - - reception' followed at the Blyth and District =1 ”; Mary Merner Weekend visitors with Mr. and with standin Nona- Pipe; Inner = M MOON N Anderson, R.R.1, Lond'esboro, were married = January21 in St. M ichael's Roman Catholic Church, = OMNI NMI 4•4411 honoured at showers given by Joanne McDonald and = Prices effective ' tin Tues. March 29 /77 1.1011 a. PICK.OF•THE•CROP \ a , a — IMO Doris Laidlaw, Lynda Horbaniuk and Jo Cronin. visited on Sunday with Mr. and = Mrs. Ella Jewitt of • Seaforth meeting = ANL = TIDE' Usborne Hibbert MUtual Fire Insurance company (Established in 1876) Provides E011 Insurance coverage. for 'Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties. AGENTS . Ross Ho gert . Woodham `Hugh SUUninger Dublin- John Moore Dublin i Clayton Harris Mitchell Joseph Uniac _-'--Mitchell NW Elaine Skinner Wally Biiirrn )Reciro Hack 14articien Robert Oardinee Matrillan 1.416)0 Ray Mc uirdy+ Correspondent Warden Mary Merner. _ BATHROC)M _ Area Exeter 236-1553 Eicetter 236,0360' RS •& ADJUSTORS - )By Mabel Turnbull) flitting about. Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Londesboro, About a year ago a flock of termer staff Member, Mrs. Ab. strange birds carne there. I Was Harrison, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, unable to ideritify them but ,when A.W,Mooney pee Ninnle I described them to our neighbour ,$avauge, Massey. Mrs. Mpontr.,, Mrs.; Wm. Ball she said they were is a former teacher of ARt at evening grosbeaks and • they S.P.S. She is retired now from travelled in flocks. They have a • Espanola School where she had YelioWish breast with black and charge of the Library. She has white markings on the wings and organized a school of Hand- smaller than a robin. I hope they Weaving in the old school near - come again soon.The crab-tree their home for July. Mrs. Mooney attracts squirrels and birds with bears the title of 'Master their tiny red apples which hang Weaver'. She will specialize in on the- tree all winter. I' was design. She studied design in curious, so one day 1 asked one' of- Sweden, and was also on the staff the girls to bring one in and cut it of the Banff School of Fine A its in • half. I found the inside ' for, some tittle where she taught resembled any, apple complete weaving, with seeds. I can see a squirrel signs are before us. Some people surface but rather difficult for• a Spring is upon us and several being able to crack the outer hard have reported seeing and hearing bird:litit they can try. robins which so far have escaped During my teaching days in the my notice. Recently our pet -old school, on Church Street, flowering erab-tree just outside.' there were many tame black the window served as a chosen• squirrels around, I was told that spot ter a flock, of evening the Misses Brine who lived on •grosbeaks. I counted five of them Goderich Street ion the comer rgwiminumilmmilliummispinniummimmommimmiummmomniummimmummimmimmmimpiiiiiii immummummimummisig Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure, presided and with a poem, = March 17. Miss Jean Scott v„, 5 Lb. .Exeter. A snack was served at the = 'aft 'Duncan Hines prayer by Molly. Waddell, she E read some interesting material .= from "Operation Friendship" = _4%T written by. Mrs. Whilkmith of = close of the Meeting. E Outer guard is Elma Jewitt •••• ms hold — s rok Detergent - -immingimmorsimmr = 42%, -..mommomer Arit00 terstag, StiAttititsis: -• . Mitchell' 229-6643 345-2001 3454512 348-905) 348-9012 ‘‘. - 44111 I 01 • Maxwell %Ogre ROuset r "4412111"GROUND Ava a. C-O. FFEE = 1 Lb, Rog M Golden Yellow Chiquita •Onlr MI. 1 BANANAS — — INNINN tNIBLETS or 4 Roll Pkg. 4 9 %. ' ‘.4 Ont. Grown No. 'I —- Florida Florida Juice IN.... I CARROTS L ---Ea . , Bogs 0 "" =Um Mom %vim IiNIM Nan = MIMI $111°. 0 * 1 2 114. 39 f ' . E : 11 /4 ..s. MINI 44m atikk‘' - iiiiiititok —:4- iiiiiiimplimmilimilmo- ,.• qiiimmiiiiiimmiiimmums OW • minimmiiiimmimmimimmisimilimiiimmummus, E Highliner 32 Oz. ' S , 4 ' OMB *4%1St 000.010 E . 1 NMI 11.11.I Laundry ' 1 0111.0011r 1-40.010- RTHRIFT PAK oFristFli:cikns = batterl ' 89 , . Dare ...... .... MVO 411111116 Maple Leaf -mummummipmer 1"..= = CREAM- PIES CLehmocc.), Ba 0 na 0 na u , = rut Royal Mix '....imerr "n*. MINN MI. nCent IMMO a POT PIES MOB eChicken,f, Turkey, 8 0z. 90 2 tOOKIE ...... "'Mr IINIM = York *IMO MIL Party. Pac . AIM = mos 001. a g VEGETABLE OIL .... l 40 Oz. 1.99E: , l', lkoz. 49 * Its...-N16. =, = Crisco II: a Viva e .. ,s,,, . 11,41r, it I glitt,kkk .......a i PAPER .TOWELS 2 0 l' Roll Pkg. ....i. ...i. 7 4 *I - tala"" NMI IMMO = Sunny Frozen lg. 0,11:000110" '4 .... E ORANGE JUICE 2 /8 10E. . ..., .... Hon Schneiders _ _...,0 s hneiders ...00e,....." . E..- • .... . ......... .............. miimmomminimmimmilimimminummilimmilla ,,,o--,-;arieties 2 amm ..... Es... Schneiders 1 29 ig - t's SIDE BACON Pkg. ' ..... .... ..... 111101...iii. = 111P- CUTS ,. = •11111111"' illow-miso --- a Schneiders farmers Market 1.19 MOM II: 101:6 VE s. . ,. .... ,,,.. . BMW ' = : MEN • = EMI . NOM UM. MEN = = ialA4OW MIPPIM SIMI NOM . F. Jos. CAKE MI = all flavours E rsde a • .r 4 4.1 5: "Ma." . "12 .. .._ . . tttOIR kOURS Mon';::1440 Wed,. - Sio. .. -- ' - ftfiii0‘.,ttnd Pet . NOIIIII00010fill110010110111011000ilitlii0iiiii000110iiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiinnilliliiiiMilliinffillitililiiinilliiiniiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiillillifiiiiiiiiitifiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinTi - - 1.-- ._. FOOD STORES .4%! 10911146 4tity Utt" rations visit Kilbarchan TISSUE "millOrr iwymeolle &. IIIIIK a vivio, NOM == Schneiders Sweet Pickled , . :.::±: . 114 Ily* ==.1.5a."4"1" ' 41 1 1 it °k" WI= 1 3-2 Oz. , 89, ...... F:CORN BEEF- .........., 4 rim a COTTAGE ROLLS. 11.b. • -g_ A mos #46% paw : : Budget lig 04 .„---... MIS .......+111 Glad :MS" : —.1".."--- . ..., !DOG or CAT FOOD 6/1 a rzi,.. MINN 0 40" Iffill •Eme 01•10 - !A Robin Hood Frozen n 0.' i =GARBAGE z: ‘EBREAp.DOU li Ltlipkg. 80 i a • 41111 n , 4,.... Ismitimiiiiiiiiiiiimimmithinommilimimmiumw 70, • . ,_.. %,0°N4‘41 roop.sToREs 11.1116. Seaforth Ontario SAUS/7kGEI 1S4 NMI MEM Schneiders' .10.11 NUS Londesboro. .Prior to the wedding the' bride was = 111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIM11111111110111111111111 = Farm House 24 Oz. Tir 411111‘ ""41111111111111111111/mn •••• = next to First Presbyterian Church made pets.of the black squirrels. One day when I was at the open window, one of them hopped onto ' pulp and ate the-seeds. There was my arm and ran up to my shoulder where It perched. -4 moved over to my desk where he spied a rosy apple, It left me and hopped onto the desk, sat there in squirrel fashion, took the apple ,between his paws chewed off the an ideal nature studYlesson for the pupils to write about, A teacher is wise to mak „ e use of such a concrete example for a lesson. Personals Mr. and Mrs,. David Longstaff have returned from an enjoyable week's holiday in Florida,- . We had a rar e occasion lair week when the Bennewies family with Mrs. Lena Benne:vacs of . Brodhagen, a resident here, and members of the family assembled . for, a photograph of five generations. Miss Alice Archibald, Barrie, , called and visited us- recently. E. MIN Wedding anniversaries 'are not all that unusual, but 67th wedding anniversaries are. That's the milestone that a well known Seaforth couple,, David and Belle Papple celebrated on Match 9, when their family, neighbourS and friends gathered for & small party. - - Mr. Papple; -vat° is 91 and Mrs. Papple who is 85 agrees that 67 years of married life- is quite remarkable. "We don't feel old, We're both really well", Mrs. Papple told the Expositor. -„,,,,The couple have had 67 good years, Mrs. Papple says. "It's been a really nice life. Lots sit has ha that." The , but then everybody The Papples have a family of ten children• and one son, Robert, was killed action in 1944. There was all kinds of snow the 67 years Poppies celebrate anniversary 1 Lb. MOM """ 161. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 11114.1. AMMO Nib. IMO VIA bob. mos ...11%. BIM "Vaft, hump ' 8.10 MOO ism 411. IONS MOS INNIS One AMU IMMO MOS IMO I . Inn 4 ,.444 *4114.PooMk.r..